Main / Venery

Venery - Kayugan - Priests - Gods

Venery was a human girl who loved the wilderness. She became an expert tracker and huntress by becoming close to the creatures of the world. It was said she could not lose the track of any creature once she was on the trail. Uthe noticed this girl's skill and tested her by changing the wolf she was following into a stag. When Venery was able to solve this puzzle and still find the stag Uthe was convinced that she was the finest huntress to be found.

Role-playing Notes:

Notes on the God's interactions with their followers.

Gods Information

Alignment: The God's alignment does not need to match that of his followers, or priests.
Worshiper's Alignment: the alignment any Worshiper of the god must meet, often different than the Alignment requirements for Priests
Area of Control: what aspects of life the God controls
Symbol: common symbols used by the followers and priests of the Goddess

Avatar Information

Notes and descriptions of how the God's Avatar appears.

Str Dex Con
Int Wis Cha

Special Att/Def: description of the special attacks, defenses, and abilities of the Avatar

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: Wisdom of 11
Alignment: any
Turning: nil
Armor: any
Weapons: any missile weapon, net (preferred), any
Level Limit: none
Hit Die: D8

Major: all, astral, chaos, guardian, numbers, protection, time, travelers
Minor: combat, healing, summoning, weather

Venery Spell List

1st - Tracking Non-weapon proficiency at no cost
3rd - Preferred Quarry
5th - Endurance Non-weapon proficiency at no cost

Duties of the Priesthood

Priestess of Venery are always hunters and trackers. Upon attaining the status of Companion they choose a particular quarry that they are attuned with. In a rural setting this might be the knack for finding lost cattle or for hunting wolves. In the wilderness this could skill might be used towards tracking a particular humanoid race. The priestess can chose any one type of quarry to pursue. When on the trail of their preferred quarry the Priestess receives a +1/3 levels to their tracking proficiency check. This does not negate the non-ranger penalty for tracking.

Priestess of Venery are often split on what to do when they do find their quarry. Some liken it to sport, find the quarry and then move on to the next. Those that track for hunting purposes have a different purpose in mind. Every priestess decides in her own way what do do with the gifts that Venery has given her.

Known Worshipers

descriptions and or links to characters