Main / WillowGrove

Willow Grove

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History: The small town of Willow Grove, located in northern Drillian on the Chandler Cowles River, was founded many centuries ago by fortuitous accident. A group of adventurers, wishing to follow in the footsteps of Chandler Cowles, ran into trouble when some of the members fell ill. Whether by divine intervention or simple luck, in searching for a place to camp to take care of their sickly members, a storm tossed them on the riverbank near a grove of willows. It was exactly the cure they sought, and though they originally planned to move on, the land was welcoming. They decided to name their new settlement by the very feature that saved them.

Willow Grove sits between a small embankment and narrow floodplain. Seasonal flooding is a short affair and relatively easy to predict, but anticipated for the renewed fertility to the farm lands and filling of the two town wells. Early in its founding, a windmill was erected to allow drainage of flood waters. Better cultivars of oats and wheat, the main crops grown, and a better understanding and ability to predict the flooding, have rendered the windmill mostly useless except during unusual flooding events; however, many believe the windmill to have gained a better purpose: to keep away The Mist.

Although none of the inhabitants of Willow Grove remembers when The Mist appeared, all do believe the windmill to be key to keeping it away from their town. While it may no longer be used to empty the fields of floodwaters, it is still functional for the sake of superstition. Some residents even keep small homemade fans or replicates in their home hoping for the same protection.

Details: In addition to their crops, there is some fishing and ranching in Willow Grove, but not on any scale of major importance. As part of the Drake Estates, the few exported goods are kept within the domain. While the Drakes have paid little heed to the small town of Willow Grove, rumors say a descendant once resided in their town. No one can say who or when, but half the town swears by the truth of this rumor. The other half believes it to be hogwash, perhaps wanting as little to do with the family as possible. As long as they keep their fealty, and keep their heads down, they believe their small town will continue to prosper, and that is all that matters to them.

The buildings near the river are all wooden houses, often with wattle-and-daub walls, and noticeably built on stilts to accommodate the seasonal floods. Those built on the embankment are more often made with some stone and may have a basement, but lack the protection of stilts as they rarely need them. The small Suomi temple and an assembly hall are the only buildings made fully of stone and can be found on the embankment and closer to the forest than the river.

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