Main / Zeus

Zeus - Greek - Priests - Gods

The son of the Titans Cronus and Rhea, Zeus is the god who led his siblings in revolt against their despotic father and established the Olympians as the supreme rulers of the heavens. He is the king of the gods, though his command over them is far from absolute and his decisions are often challenged. Zeus is the god of the sky, the ruler of all high things, including the clouds, rain, wind, thunder, and mountain summits. He is the protector of laws, friend of the weak, and dispenser of justice. Although he can take any form he wishes, and often assumes that of a powerful, bearded man with regal bearing, in his true form he is a ball of fiery light so intense that no mortal can look upon him without bursting into flames.

Role-playing Notes:

Zeus is an efficient leader, but he is something of a despot. He is moved by anger more often than mercy, and makes his decisions on the basis of politics rather than justice. A confirmed lecher, he will go to any length to woo a beautiful woman (even a mortal) — despite the jealous anger of his wife, Hera. Zeus is not above toying with men's lives just to entertain himself and the other gods. Omens from Zeus take many forms, including thunder, animals acting in peculiar ways, and unusual celestial events.

Gods Information

Alignment: N
Worshiper's Alignment: Any
Area of Control: The Heavens and Law
Symbol: fist filled with lightning bolts

Avatar Information

Zeus' avatar usually appears as a robust man with a full white beard and a regal bearing. However, the avatar has also been known to appear as a swan, a bull, a cloud, and in many other forms. (Fighter 20)

Str 22 Dex 18 Con 18
Int 18 Wis 18 Cha 18
MV 18 SZ 7' MR 30%
AC -2 HD 20 HP 160
#AT 2 THAC0 1 Dmg 1d9 +9 (spear) +10

Special Att/Def: The avatar of Zeus can only be hit by magical weapons. When his blood spills on the ground, it forms a 6 HD monster of the DM's choice, that is under the avatar's control. Once per round, he can throw a lightning bolt spell that does 4d10 damage.

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: Standard plus Str 14+
Alignment: any
Turning: Nil
Armor: Any
Weapons: Spear

Major: All, Animal, Combat, Divination, Elemental, Healing, Protection, Weather
Minor: none

1st - Lightning Bolt (1d4 damage per level) 15th - Polymorph Self

Duties of the Priesthood

Priests devoted to Zeus must maintain a temple of suitable grandeur, and are responsible for organizing the Olympic games held every four years to honor Zeus. At least once during his life, every priest must visit the sacred oak tree at Dodona in Epirus, where Zeus speaks to his oracles in the rustling leaves.