Traveller / JumpPointDragonslayers


Jump Point Dragonslayers

Jump into the Campaign

{full listing}

move most of the subcategories to the sidebar

Recent developments in the campaign

The group is beginning...

Anticipated Next Scene: The travellers are...

Next Live Session 2023 ?? ??

Dates Players will be unavailable :

What are we doing here?

This Dragonslayers Space campaign is a combination of several different points of entry, all combining to form a full and complicated campaign.

Like a traditional RPG game we meet live every so often to interact and roleplay the story. We use Fantasy Grounds to do this, continuing my tradition of a chat based game. We also use this site for a Play by Post type of RPG between sessions. The chat logs from the live sessions will be integrated with the In Character and Out of Character posts into one timeline. Out of Character posts are for players to compare notes on what they want to talk about to advance the stories, and share comments on things outside of the game.

We add two more things to this grouping. There is a Ships Log that functions as a summary of in character entries to create summaries from that character's point of view. This will also be the Library Entries area for details the players want to record on the places they have traveled, and who they have interacted with. Because of the nature of this type of game we have an additional type of Out of Character place to post called Referee Questions. This is a place to discuss, debate, and learn about the ruleset we are using. It is the FAQ for our game.

Source Material

This is a link to all the source materials available in Fantasy Grounds that we use in the campaign.

Links to other sites

Here are some common links to outside sources that will help players participating in this campaign.

We don't stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.