Traveller / SourceMaterials

Jump Point Dragonslayers - Links to Outside Sources

Source Materials

The program we use as our Virtual Tabletop (VTT) for our game is Fantasy Grounds Unity. For anyone to play with us they only need to download the free demo version to be able to log into a session. We run on an FGU Ultimate version using the Traveller 2nd Edition ruleset.

Note that the user name you use on the smiteworks site will be the name that appears when you log into Fantasy Grounds. This can also be your Steam user name if you choose to use that venue to download and update Fantasy Grounds Unity.

Fantasy Grounds Accessible

Note if there is a resource that is not Fantasy Grounds compatible yet consider creating that module for the game and community

Rule sets & Modules:

Drinax Source Material

Campaign Source Books

Adventure Modules
Not shared with the players, included here for completeness

PDFs not in FG