CarWars / Maneuvers


The maneuvers are:

Any change of direction is called a maneuver. Each maneuver has a difficulty class. The more difficult a maneuver, the more likely the vehicle will skid, flip, etc. Maneuvers at low speed are easy. As speed goes up, danger increases.

When maneuvers are made in rapid succession, the danger increases. The increasing danger is indicated by the Handling Track on a vehicle record sheet. At the beginning of the game, each "handling" counter starts at that vehicle's handling class, as modified by the driver's reflexes. Each maneuver or hazard causes the marker to move down. And each time the marker moves, the player must roll on the Control Table to see if he loses control. If he loses control, he will have to roll on one of the Crash Tables.

Control Table
Cross-index the handling status of your vehicle (from the Handling Track) with its speed, and roll one die. If you roll the number shown or higher you keep control of the car. If you roll lower, you lose control.

If you lose control, go to the appropriate Crash Table (No. 1 for maneuvers, No. 2 for hazards). "-" means you cannot crash. "XX" means you lose control automatically - go to the Crash Table. When you go to the Crash Table for any reason, add or subtract the number in the modifier column from your speed - i.e., at 20mph, you would subtract 2 from your roll on either Crash Table.

The row used on the Control Table depends on the vehicle's spee. The column depends on its current handling status. A handling status of 4 or better is always safe. Handling status cannot get worse than -6, but a vehicle at -6 must still roll on the Control Table for each new maneuver.

Example: During one turn, a car traveling 60 mph attempts three maneuvers. Its handling class is 2, so the marker starts at 2. The first maneuver is a "drift" (Difficulty 1, or D1). Subtract 1 from handling status, moving the marker to 1. No roll is required for control. The second maneuver is a "steep drift", which is D3. Subtracting 3 from handling class moves it to -2, requiring a control roll on the -2 column. The third maneuver is another drift, D1 again. Subtract one more from handling class and roll again, this time on the -3 column of the Control Table. At the end of the turn, each vehicle will regain some points on its handling track.

The Handling Track is adjusted upward at the end of each turn - that is, once per second. This simulates the driver's ability to regain control of a vehicle over time. The amount the track is adjusted upward is the basic Handling Class of the vehicle plus the driver's skill bonus (if any). The amount the track is adjusted can never be lower than 1 - you will always recover at least one point on the handling track at the beginning of each turn. A vehicle's Handling Track can never be adjusted above its starting handling class.