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Chat Log - 2022 02 25 - Cosmological Quandaries - Cloak Check - Formatted - Story

Chat log with only line breaks added

<font color="##000000">GM: &&&&&</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: A new beginning</font>

<font color="##660066">'springdew' connected</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Hello Spring</font>

<font color="##660066">'MadamePsychosis' connected</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Hello Lisa</font>

<font color="##660066">'LorieD' connected</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Hello Lorie</font>

<font color="##261A12">MadamePsychosis: Hello all! :)</font>

<font color="##261A12">LorieD: Evening all</font>

<font color="##660066">'seyfert' connected</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Hey Carissa</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: So does everyone see the time up above?</font>

<font color="##261A12">MadamePsychosis: no</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and if you to Menu -> Menu you can bring up the calendar</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: i'm looking, i don't see one</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Menu -> calendar</font>

<font color="##261A12">The date is Mid____se, 25th Fey (Winter), 351 SKR</font>

<font color="##261A12">Young Moon's phase is New Moon</font>

<font color="##261A12">Old Moon's phase is Morning Crescent</font>

<font color="##261A12">The time is 9:15 AM</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: found it</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: this many windows is going to get old quick, though...</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Moon Phases are out of sync</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: you should not need them all open, if I have it open then it should work for you</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: (also Hi all)</font>

<font color="##261A12">LorieD: I see time within the Calendar (9:15am) </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes to Lorie also</font>

<font color="##261A12">LorieD: Mid_se, 25th Fey (Winter) SKR</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: Yes but if I want to know what time it is I'll have to keep reopening it :)</font>

<font color="##261A12">MadamePsychosis: It looks very nice</font>

<font color="##261A12">LorieD: It looks great -- but if not open, I don't see it</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: This is just the first pass, it will get better</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: agree, the format is nice, makes it easier to tell the date</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: if i close the calendar, i don't see the time</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I can put the time/date into chat when it changes</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: and hi Lisa, hi Lorie, hi BOB</font>

<font color="##261A12">LorieD: :: waves :: </font>

<font color="##261A12">MadamePsychosis: Hi Spring! :)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: i had a burp of massive latency about five minutes ago. i hope that's not gonna be the pattern. my internet ground to a halt last night</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: and i'm supposed to be on the fanciest plan</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: It might be syncing Spring, I did add three new extensions and two new books</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: maybe. the latency was with a web page, but if FG was hogging all the b/w then i believe it</font>

<font color="##000000">GM [Deep Speech]: [Translation] Also I added this as a type of language</font>

<font color="##000000">Also I added this as a type of language</font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: ]</font>

<font color="##660066">'mharmon1' connected</font>

<font color="##000000">GM [Undercommon]: [Translation] And this one too</font>

<font color="##000000">And this one too</font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: ]</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and Hello Michael</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: i can't get my chat pulldown to pull down</font>

<font color="##261A12">MadamePsychosis: Hi Michael! :)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: oh it popped up. and it's empty</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: Hi Michael!</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: hi Michael</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: How is that now Spring?</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: Hey Everyone! Like I said, going to be popping in and out a lot. I'll do my best to keep communication lines open</font>

<font color="##261A12">LorieD: Evening Michael</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: Helping another round of movement for parents to Utah</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: busy busy busy</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: sorry for that Michael</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: refilling wine</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: brb</font>

<font color="##261A12">MadamePsychosis: Are they moving there permanently now Michael?</font>

<font color="##660066">'springdew' disconnected</font>

<font color="##261A12">LorieD: How far is that from them now? Multiple states or just a few hours?</font>

<font color="##660066">'springdew' connected</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: too bad the chat doesn't persist when you go out and come back in</font>

<font color="##261A12">MadamePsychosis: They are all in AZ now</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: Techincally, there are permanenetly there, but they have rented out an apartment for the company running</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: the chat is my biggest complaint about FG, lol</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: We're moving up more of their furniture</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: Barb is essentially full time there now</font>

<font color="##261A12">MadamePsychosis: I know Spring. It's strange</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: back</font>

<font color="##261A12">LorieD: :: nods :: Sorry, I'm in PA, so wasn't sure what kind of move that was... good luck to them</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: much luck to them</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: Ah. My bad. Yeah, it's about a 9 hour drive :)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes to Spring </font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: Pff, I'm the one hauling all this crap up...</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: LOL</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: HAH for Michael</font>

<font color="##261A12">LorieD: Oh... so like North - South Florida move</font>

<font color="##261A12">LorieD: Got it</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: also for players check your FGU folder to see if you have an HTML file for the chat log</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: are they going back to Koosharum?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: it saves to that file continusly for me</font>

<font color="##261A12">MadamePsychosis: where is it again?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: what ever folder you put FGU in</font>

<font color="##261A12">MadamePsychosis: okay - I don't want to look at the unformatted chat anyway :P</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: lol</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: chuckles</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: so Michael while you are there</font>

<font color="##261A12">LorieD: esta pesando... </font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: no, haven't found a chat log</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: same no chat log</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: OK</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Michael? are you caught up on the story what happened last week?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: heckin heck, hungry again</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: Frrankly no</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: I've had some nasty curballs this week.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: tl;dr Bixi found an intelligence giant killing sword that is *probably* evil. But as a literal giant sword, only Talwin or Tiberius can wield it.</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: nice Carissa</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: I understand everything</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: Perfect</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: So bob. Typcial....</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: lol</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: there was some IC if you want to judge yourself if evil and/or how evil, but that's probably all you need for now :)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: i know you meant curveballs but yours is funnier</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: dog testicles are just funny</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: LOL I didn't notice that typo</font>

<font color="##261A12">MadamePsychosis: lol</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: lol</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: and those are mangy dog testicles</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: You aint seen nothing yet. I'm already insane </font>

<font color="##261A12">The date is Mid____se, 25th Fey (Winter), 351 SKR</font>

<font color="##261A12">Young Moon's phase is New Moon</font>

<font color="##261A12">Old Moon's phase is Morning Crescent</font>

<font color="##261A12">The time is 9:15 AM</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: That is what it looks like when I update both options</font>

<font color="##261A12">LorieD: Neat</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I can update only one or the other</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: or both</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: Which do you prefer bob? We can deal</font>

<font color="##660066">'Master TMO' connected</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I have both for a reason, grins</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and hello TMO</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Welcome to the calendar savior</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: hi TMO!</font>

<font color="##261A12">LorieD: Hey TMO</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: Hey TMO!!!</font>

<font color="##261A12">MadamePsychosis: Hi TMO! :)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: i gotta stop buying sailor jerry. it's wildly inconsistent</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: michael, are your folks moving t koosherem?</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: I have so many questions after reading that statement Spring. As for folks, they *technically* already live there.</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: Dad is renting here until the company finally sells</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: hi TMO!</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: Then I'm collectign my proceeds of the partnership and holding out hope that one day I can afford a home in this godawful economy that makes no fucking sense</font>

<font color="##261A12">Master TMO: howdy</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: ...</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: Sorry</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: ah okay got it. i knew that was the part where you have property but so many older folks head straight for St George</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: You can tell I have strong feelings LOL</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: Nope. They bought 80 acres so they could literally never see another human again if they wanted to</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: (I'm so jealous lol)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: oh that's nice! maybe they can sell you a slice</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: I have a hundred year lease on a few acres</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: but we are only missing Lemon</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: so you can move forward as you desire</font>

<font color="##660066">'LemonyLemon' connected</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: just without the sword without her</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: i hope to inherit the slice my granny sold my dad once upon a time</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: SEE</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Ghosts in the Machine... Lemon in the Machine</font>

<font color="##261A12">LorieD: I like that Album</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: I hope to inherit my leased acres, but I don't mix busniess with family LOL</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: oh i see your lease comment, Michael. cool!</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: ah damn, too many errors for kLoOge in the background now? I'm still so bad at seeing my spells in FG</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I have Klooge up and it is working for me</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: did you update Java</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: If you want to see Klooge completel die Carissa, upgrade to windows 11</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: hi Carissa!</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: this computer won't let me update to Windows 11 so no problem there, lol</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): let me update Java, it said connection issue</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): but I haven't been good about updating Java anymore :)</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: Ah</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): lol hi Spring</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: Hello friends!</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: Hi Lemon!</font>

<font color="##261A12">LorieD: Evening</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: so Lemon has been exploring the new sword and Bixi might want to take a quick moment here IC to explain what she knows and what she things</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: thinks</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: hi Lemon!</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: Yeah, fair warning to folks. I only have one computer that I have Windows 11 on (for security reasons) and I get a notice that "This program is incompattible with Windows". So you might have to adjust settings if you try and open on Win 11</font>

<font color="##261A12">LorieD: Evening Lemon</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: Is everyone here already?</font>

<font color="##880000">N'laea looking at Bixi like she's crazy</font>

<font color="##261A12">MadamePsychosis: klooge is saying connection refused</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): okay so not just me for that error</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Off to check KLooge</font>

<font color="##261A12">MadamePsychosis: it's quick - like the IP address changed or something</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): checking to make sure I switched correctly</font>

<font color="##261A12">MadamePsychosis: no worries</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: (Bob's Klooge computr croaked)</font>

<font color="##261A12">mharmon1: :)</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): thinking so, that's usually when I see that error</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: turns back to face her friends</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: sorry will have to do that later</font>

<font color="##261A12">MadamePsychosis: ok no problem</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Um... this sword used to be a... person? Who was a slave to giants? And it wants to be released to kill all the giants together. Um. Yeah.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Sounds fun. Who's it's owner?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Umm... I think me now</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (no worries, I'll have to get used to checking spells in FG, see if I can figure it out)</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Released?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: IF you have any questions I can copy and past over from Klooge to here onto your character sheet</font>

<font color="##261A12">Licornah : Does the imprisoned soul have a name? </font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: It was someone named Skara but it sounds like they are dead now</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: I .. see. I think the sword might be missing a bit of critical information about its new owner.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Not sure about the name... I've asked twice with no answer, but I'll try again?</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (nah just easier to see them is all; fully admit I haven't gone over to make sure all my spells made it, but I have a general idea of which ones to see. I just like klooge format better)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: As in it wants someone to wield it in the sword's name</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: turns back to the sword</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: What is your name, and what do you mean by "released?"</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: humph. imprisoned soul</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): was talking about Frost Giants - was thinking it used to belong to the Frost Giant in the great hall</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): In the IC chat</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: quietly, "That sword is HUGE compared to her. Does she plan to just... push it along?"</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): ugh, hate frost giants</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (cloud giant)</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Stiffles a chuckle</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: That could get quite loud on the stone floors</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol, I already asked it if it would let someone else carry it, nerds. I didn't get an answer but...</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (Bob used a big word to describe a specific type of cloud in his IC, lol)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Attention all giants. Please lay down on the floor and remain still as I slowly shove this blade through each of you in turn.</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (oh used to.... maybe I should have napped longer, lol, sorry)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: all of you with your fancy spells, nobody can shrink the thing?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: Well if they didn't KNOW it was a sword, that could work. We didn't know it was sword.</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Before answering for Bixi, Branwyn, does know that intelligent weapons as far as she knows always contain the soul of a person</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Well, it's an imprisoned sword. Who knows what magic might do to that thing</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): cumuloniumbus giant?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: Just tell them... it's a wand to make them stronger. And make it look like a wand, and then, um, just poke them a little extra.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Bran, you've dealt with weird daggers and weapons</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol spring, I had the same thought</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: I suppose it's possible it's one of those swords that are magically light and maneuverable in the hands of its owner.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: She's lucky it isn't trying to possess her</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Can I hear them talking about me?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes to Bixi hearing the group talking about her</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (noctilucent "fool)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: Bixi suceeded in taking control but yes there is what seems to be a very angry soul in there</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and can respond to Talwin's comment specifically</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Calls Out: "Sorry Bixi, just worried about you"</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): oops brb</font>

<font color="##660066">User has gone AFK. (springdew)</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: turns back around for a second and says excitedly, "It tried to possess me I think but it said my will was strong!"</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Slaps Hand to Face</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Turns to Bran</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: "Told you"</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Small body, strong will.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: "The spirit is strong, but the flesh is weak"</font>

<font color="##880000">Branwyn: smiles</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: So... um... what should we do about it?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: Very strong spirit</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Can you lift it?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: I can tie a series of grips so you can sling it over your shoulders?</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: looks at Craigh like he's crazy</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: It will make at least carrying it easier for you</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: Talwin, it is 3 times Bixi's size</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Might be magically light in your grip.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Sigh</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Trying to help</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Probably isn't, but could be</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Mutters</font>

<font color="##660066">User is back. (springdew)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Is it safe to touch it?</font>

<font color="##880000">Craigh: shrugs.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: If you cover it up tight so it doesn't make contact with me, I'll carry it for you.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: It should be perfectly safe for you to touch it</font>

<font color="##000066">Lipthink (giant sword): (to Bixi only) What would you like me to be? I was Lipthink when I was the village hunter now I have called myself Reven</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Oh</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: In that Case, I can just carry it for you then until you decide when you need it</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: <Shrugs></font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Up to you though</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: fller i still think you are gonna need a helper to carry it</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: that is just sooooo looooooong</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: to the sword "Hmm, Reven has a nice ring to it. The other one seems hard to say."</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Too bad it's not a lot thinner, you could use it as a spear...</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): I meant Bixi - I thought anyone who grabs an intelligent weapon has to make an ego check</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: *feller</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Did I touch it already when I investigated the torch?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (oh sorry. I missed that part. Then yeah, we want it covered before I help with it)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (Talwin magic resist SUCKS)</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (careful, Revan was a Sith Lord and Reven is only one letter away)</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): I think you had to have</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (Found the Knights of the Old Republic Fan....)</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (it's an ego roll which is... WIS I believe)</font>

<font color="##000066">Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): (to Bixi only) Then Reven I am</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (heck yes best game!)_</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I think it's appropriate for this sword to be a sith lord and I full welcome in our new overlords</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (I will debate you any time any where...)</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): sorry</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (lol okay maybe not best, but definitely good)</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Forgot Alt</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Well Revan... what does it mean to release you?</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: turns back to the group</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): (And just giving you a hard time :) I love the KOTOR)</font>

<font color="##000066">Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): (to Bixi only) I feel free when the blood of giants is flowing because of my might</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: It's name is Revan, it doesn't know about any chain, and it just wants to murder giants</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: I mean...that's all it wants? To murder giants?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: Lovely</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: grummph, can't disagree with it</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: That's what it sounds like</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: shrugs</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: ....Spell for Sense Evil Intent anyone?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: murder is kinda strgon word innit?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: *strong, sheesh</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Hm... Don't know about that fov</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (we can do a know alignment check later if we want)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: gov</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Um... it maybe wants to genocide giants, actually</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (if only Brer had left his eye with us)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Lovely</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): i shoulda said idnit</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: Have you asked Reven whether someone can help you carry it?</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Based on those ears... it could possibly be mutual.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: I have, but he... it? he? hasn't answered yet</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: turns back to Revan</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (How are you doing the Red action hotkey. I cannot fo rthe life of me find it)</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): ALT </font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): sorry Lisa</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Revan, it's very possible that we will need you to um... take care of some giants here. But I can not carry you... would it be ok if one of my friends carried you?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I am typing /action before it, because I also can not remember the hotkey</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): thank you</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): for me, ACTION is Ctrl Key. OOC is Alt</font>

<font color="##880000">Craigh: looks around</font>

<font color="##880000">Talwin: Stretches</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): TY</font>

<font color="##000066">Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): If you will release me, I will do my best to bend them to my will so that we can go defeat the giants</font>

<font color="##880000">Lanek: scratches his mostly bald and scarred head</font>

<font color="##000066">Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): (To Bixi only)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Um... he will let someone carry him, but he will also try to bend them to his will... which I assume means giant genocide.</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): OOC Lovely Sword you found for yourself </font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: turns back to her friends</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: who wants to try!?!?</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: It means control. I do not know if there is a way to... prevent that?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Er. Yeah, I don't like the sound of that, despite the enthusiasm of the sword</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Unless he's a better swordsmaster than I am, I'll keep my wits about me in a battle thanks</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: I mean, he IS a sword so the chances of that are probably pretty good</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: shrugs</font>

<font color="##880000">Talwin: Rolls eyes</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: So... do we just... leave him?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: OK. Well, i'd prefer to judge a situation before committing genocide without hesitation. Better?</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (two orison casts or points can add +2 WIS to anyone who wants to try)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: <Shrugs></font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Sounds to me like we leave it here, for the time being at least?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: We should probably keep moving so someone should try to take it if we are going to </font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (although I am assuming Licornah also has Orison to do that)</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): I'll try but it's totally her sword. I'll feel like shit</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I think it was only... Tiberius and Talwin? who could carry it?</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): She earned it and everything</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Up to you </font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Lol, I do not want it, I promise</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: (although I am assuming Licornah also has Orison to do that)</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (ugh not what I typed)</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): You have to roll a d20 but not sure what you have to make to succeed</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (*lol no, if you fail you'll feel possessed, which may also feel like shit ;) )</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): priests could bless and chant to help</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): (Bob can you tell me what those odds would be with the orison wisdom)</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (depends what the roll is)</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): What I could have to make? I'll go for it if she's cool</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (and some math help if bless/chant is better chances over temporarily adding WIS or other stat)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Well I definitely can't carry it, so I would say it's up to you, if you can carry it. I don't want to be the reason a genocidal sword takes you over</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Sighs</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Just be ready to knock me out if I go insane yeah?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Anyone want to pop an orison on me?</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Before or after the giants are dead?</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: looks at Tiberius</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Are you ready to knock Talwin out?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): If someone grabs it from him if he loses, what happens?</font>

<font color="##880000">Craigh: steps away from Talwin.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: <Shrugs> Might help if they need to be dead</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): FGU is a bit laggy for me... but sure </font>

<font color="##000066">Tiberius: I can take the sword if you really need but I am not experienced with those types</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): Can Tinerius wrestle Talwin for the sword if Talwin loses the roll?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): Tiberius</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Lol, yeah, we just need Tiberius to be backup</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Someone want to guard the door, make sure he can't get out?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Indigo: I will</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: IF Talwin is taken over</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: How will you know?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Revan, one of my friends is going to carry you. He also wants to kill giants, so I think you might be able to be friends!</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): I assume I'll be trigger happy for giants</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ever the optimist</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: to put a finer point on it how do you know Bixi has not?</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (I assume he'll start talking funny, but assumption)</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): She's willing to give up the sword is a good indication</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): It's not a MY PRECIOUS</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Smiles at Michael</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Act and all</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (Ah ha! Yes, my fellow friends! Let us go over there and stab, er, talk to some giants! Friends!)</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): hahaha</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): she's not acting like a homicidal sword</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: I would imagine that my friends no how I would act better then a sword. Just ask me something only Talwin would know or...something. Shit I don't care, but I have to step away in two minutes so cast the Fortify and I'll roll the olde 20 sided</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Revan wants to go ghost hunting with me too and kill all the giant ghosts! </font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ever the optimist.</font>

<font color="##660066">Talwin: </font> [d20 = 17]

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Add seomthing to that. BRB in 10</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): looks good</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: And Bixi is handing over the sword?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Absolutely</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (can she? is she physically able to just hand it over? :P)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): sorry if I just got us all killed by Talwin</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: False Alarm. I'm back</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Suicide by Talwin</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (and were we adding stats to his roll or too late?)</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): It was implied</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): To save time</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and so yes Talwin has the sword and is in control </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Lemon can play the sword next week I will for this week</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: Talwin, how do you feel?</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (Talwin has Lemon in his head, poor thing)</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): (KK. And it's still Bixi's sword for whenever she wants it back)</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): lol</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Er. I'm not sure?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): What are the chances that it will soak up some of my personality and be forever an optimist about giant genocide for Talwin?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Any sudden homicidal urges?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Was I supposed ot hear a voice in my head or seomthign?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: Then you are in control. Good</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Apart from normal?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Not really</font>

<font color="##000066">Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): (To Talwin only) Ahhh I see why she wanted me to have you, we are going to be an amazing pair</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Are we back at the governers estate? I still wish I could kill some annoying miners...</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: HOLY SHIT</font>

<font color="##880000">Talwin: Jumps Back Sword in Hand</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: OK</font>

<font color="##000066">Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): (to Talwin only) We are going to make these floors wash in blood</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: ducks</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Minors are the opposite of giants</font>

<font color="##880000">Talwin: Did not see that coming</font>

<font color="##880000">Talwin: Rolls eyes at Craigh</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Sorry all</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Everything is fine for now</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: (LINK)</font>

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: Just didn't expect that</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: Ignore it if it gets too carried away</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: There you go Michael for using the sword</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: two hands, etc</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (To Sword only) Yes we shall. Just maybe a bit more carefully then your used to eh? We'll make the red flow in due time</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): And Thank you for Link Bob</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Fantastic! I don't even have to worry about persuading it to belong to someone else now!</font>

<font color="##000066">Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): There can never be too much blood (to Talwin only)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: But we should probably get moving and keep searching. I was thinking perhaps we do not cover our tracks so that the giants will discover the stolen sword. Maybe that will cause some infighting and buy us some more time</font>

<font color="##261A12">The date is Mid____se, 25th Fey (Winter), 351 SKR</font>

<font color="##261A12">Young Moon's phase is New Moon</font>

<font color="##261A12">Old Moon's phase is Morning Crescent</font>

<font color="##261A12">The time is 9:25 AM</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and there you go for advancing time now</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: OR this option</font>

<font color="##261A12">The time is 9:25 AM</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I am guessing the second is what people would like to have</font>

<font color="##261A12">Talwin: (To Sword only) Oh, you should have been with me in the free cities. Rivers and soaked mud with nothing but blood. It get's inconvenient at the very least</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): I mean, the second one is easy for me to understand quickly</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (the are the same?)</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Pick which one you want more</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Well, I'm ready to move out any time</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (unless you mean ALL the info versus just the time)</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Yes. Let's go.</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (I don't actually know where we've been or how we got here)</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (N'laea can be up front with Indigo/Craigh since you guys did some of that last week until I have a better idea so we don't search same places?)</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): we id all the rooms around here so we need to go down one of these long hallways</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Up the hallway is where we go next</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Lol, we are in the room next to the hallway that connects to the room with the sleeping giants. We have not gone very far, and we have checked many pockets and chests and found only ears and moldy cheese. Oh, and a giant sword.</font>

<font color="##880000">N'laea nods</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (yeah, reading where you went isn't easy to visualize, lol)</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): there?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Anybody lurking outside the door?</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): Yes</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): We have been to one other room.</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (now that's easier to understand, lol)</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): This really works out well for Talwin since all his points are in Two Handed....</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Indigo is at a door</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): someone can move ahead if they want to be careful - Indigo will just go around opening doors</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Peeked in the other nearby ones I think, but I'm pretty sure this is only the second one we actually went inside of</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): 3rd</font>

<font color="##880000">Lanek: mutters to himself that they ought to want someone checkin for traps</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (don't jinx yourself, Michael. You haven't dealt with Lemon in your head yet)</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): LOLOLOLOLOL</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ah, 3rd then. We have not gotten very far, at any rate</font>

<font color="##880000">Indigo: opens door and walks inside</font>

<font color="##880000">Lanek: facepalm</font>

<font color="##880000">Raelynn gestures for the muttering man to go in front of her</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Did you notice that Carissa that you tried to move through a wall and it stopped you?</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (nope)</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): happened to Craigh</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): We figure its our spazziness that causes us to not notice little things like that bob</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): ((I remember something like that last week, but didn't see it. It still let me drag but I can't... undrag? So I just left it)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Lol, I am imagining her character walking face first into the wall and then just stopping for a minute.</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (Rae? Yeah, could happen, lol)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Ok, so Indigo moved forward, got up to a door, Craigh and Youtargim are catching up</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): so i guess nothing happened to indigo then?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): you rejected Indigo's move?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I want to make sure everyone knows waht is happening</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (N'laea was supposed to be up there, did she get rejected, too?)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: about to accept Indigo's move</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and you have 2/3 of the group down in the other room</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Bixi is staying a safe distance back until she knows no giants are murdering Indigo.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: whispers to Raelynn, let's hang back a minute</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): hallway has no room unless others move up too</font>

<font color="##261A12">This is a typical giant kitchen with counters along the walls, several tables, benches, a stool or two, and various items for cooking and baking (pots, kettles, bowls, knives, forks, spoons, ladles, spits, and so forth). There are 29 orc about the place. There are 5 giantess serving maids and 11 young ogre servants.</font>

<font color="##660066">Picture</font>

<font color="##880000">Raelynn nods and recloaks herself</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): For movement of the walls and the game (LINK)</font>

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (Oooooh can we make the feast angry?? All Rae needs is where they make the food...)</font>

<font color="##880000">Indigo: looks around and then goes back to the hallway and shuts the door again</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): (Responding to Lemon)</font>

<font color="##880000">Lanek: smirks</font>

<font color="##261A12">Indigo: That's the kitchen. Its got dozens of orcs and giants and ogres</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Did they see you?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Indigo: Don't think so</font>

<font color="##880000">Craigh: listens at the door.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Indigo: They aren't coming out here so probably not</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: So they might</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): They might be giants?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: that was less than a round for Indigo to open the door see all that and then come back</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol at this link Michael</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Bingo Lisa</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): ha!</font>

<font color="##261A12">Indigo: I don't think they would keep a magical chain in the kitchen anyway</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Right now you have a closed door and Indigo and Youtargim standing in front of it</font>

<font color="##261A12">Indigo: Maybe we should go back to the other long hall?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: But maybe they would keep a door to a basement?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Indigo: Unless we want to fight the cooks</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: No thank you</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: It leads this direction too, but might go to a different place.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: we better go the other way round</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm starting to think we should have chosen the other door at the beginning</font>

<font color="##261A12">Indigo: There's like 40 people to fight in there if we go in</font>

<font color="##261A12">Indigo: Well not people but you know</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: I'd rather not</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): oh we already looked down the other long hall?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: I definitely don't think we should go in unless we have to</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Hey, Giants are people too!</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: I do not think servants are fighters, but best not to find out. But if they raise the alarm...</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): or 40 to fight in the kitchen?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): tell your sword that</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: QUTOE for lisa</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): He thinks they are people....just people worth killing....</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): lol</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Also LOL</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): lol</font>

<font color="##261A12">Indigo: So let's go someplace else then</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: So Indigo is up at the end of that hallway Licornah is at the crossways</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: you did all three of those doors plus the one up top</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): he's at the back now so someone else can pick a path</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): apparently Nlaea never moved so right out of here?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: That is why Licornah was there </font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): we didn't do that, did we?</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): oh did we go too far back?</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): we've done all three of these rooms.</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: you came in that way but it seems the only way to go yes Carissa</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): These hallways are big enough for giants, surely people can move around Bixi</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes to Lemon</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: did we do this door all the way to the right?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: That is how you came in Spring </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and it seems the only way out other than the kitchen that Indigo found</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): if we were to go out the door we came in and then take a left, did we already do that, i mean</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: no </font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): i thought we came from further down</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: you did </font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): okay is this an FG problem or are you not approving Nlaea moving?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: you can click on the door to open it</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): I don't know if the error is the program or you</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Both Carissa</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): ok</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: you keep trying to move THROUGH walls</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: so FGU stops you</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and so I reset you</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): I can't see a wall in front of her so I didn't know I was doing that</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): because it's fun and I have it shrunk because we are so spread out</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: If you cannot see the map</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): does that work?</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): No, it's that her icon is overlapping what I'm assuming is a wall</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): is the door open?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes the door is open </font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): Apologies, I must step away</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and yes to Carissa</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): so she was catching her belt loop on the wall preventing her moving</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and for Lanek, a door there</font>

<font color="##418C12">Lanek: [SKILL] Find/Remove Traps [PERCENT:Find/Remove Traps] (vs. Target 70) [SUCCESS by 25]</font> [d100 = 45]

<font color="##000000">GM: No traps for Lanek</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: okay y'all i have a hallway and a door, what do you think? no traps over here</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: mebbe i'll open the door a crack and peek in</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: to refresh Spring's memory to the left (up) is a hallway you have not gone down, to the upper left is an unknown door</font>

<font color="##418C12">Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 2]</font> [d20 = 12]

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): upper left or upper right?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: to the lower hall is the door you came in </font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): I think everyone would understand that the room to the right would be the great hall and the kitchen to the left from walking around</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): i see an extra door right by my elbow</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (oooh... we're still on the first floor? for some reason I thought we were up a floor)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: as Lanek is facing North, there is a hallway, on his right hand side is an unknown door that does NOT match up with the great hall that you went into earlier</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and the door behind Lanek down that short hallway is how you came into this area</font>

<font color="##880000">Craigh: trails behind the rest of the group now.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: awright i'mma peek in this door</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: you can open the door</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): opens just enough to keep through</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): i did open</font>

<font color="##261A12">There are 30 helmets, 26 shields, 22 spears, 9 clubs, and 3 great axes around the place. None of these are of use to the party.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: armory. useless. it's all too big</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Maybe try the other hallway?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: and sweaty</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): of no use? says who??</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): says the DM :-P</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): lol</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Unless we hide it from them. If we end up fighting, do we want them to have access to that?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: good point</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Sring I negated that movement because you went through a wall</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): can i reverse open locks to mess up the lock?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and yes to Spring on reverse open locks</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): closed the door</font>

<font color="##6106D1">Lanek: [SKILL] Open Locks [PERCENT:Open Locks] (vs. Target 20) [FAILURE by 78]</font> [d100 = 98]

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: crap</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (make sure there isn't another way in)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: that does not work</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): Is there a lock on the door?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: Maybe an illusion? </font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): they probably have a key anyway</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: be my guest</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: Unless someone knows an easy way to make all that gear useless.</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): fireball</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): LOL</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: maybe you can illusion is like it don't exist</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: LOL</font>

<font color="##880000">Raelynn looks at Bixi, The Ghost Hunting Gnome Illusionist</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: the door or the gear, either</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Um... I'm not sure I could do anything that would last after we walk away from here?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: (make sure there isn't another way in)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: via Cariisa</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Are you checking the whole room?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: no</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (that was to Lanke)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: know what, i didn't get a good look at if there's another door</font>

<font color="##261A12">The date is Mid____se, 25th Fey (Winter), 351 SKR</font>

<font color="##261A12">Young Moon's phase is New Moon</font>

<font color="##261A12">Old Moon's phase is Morning Crescent</font>

<font color="##261A12">The time is 9:35 AM</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: better look again</font>

<font color="##880000">N'laea: starts going then gestures for him to go ahead</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: damn. there is</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: There is a door in the lower left</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: right</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Where does that door lead?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: you do not know</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): lol still to Lanek</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): Can the rest of the group catch up?</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): opening the door just enough for a peek</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes I am waiting to approve moves</font>

<font color="##261A12">Spears, shields, clubs, and axes are abundant here - no fewer than 12 of each, all sized for giants, of course. There are 4 great swords (two-handed with respect to man-sized creatures), 2 huge iron maces, and a sheaf of 6' long spears the giants use for javelins. All shields are against the walls.</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): holding for a minute to let y'all do that </font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): Licornah, you're next</font>

<font color="##660066">'mharmon1' disconnected</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (I think BOB wants me here, I'll hold for the moment and let anyone around) </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Anyone can move as you wish</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: depending on what's on the other side of this door, we might wanna take one of these weapons and put it through the door handle to jam the door, if we can</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: That would be simple and effective.</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: That would be simple and effective.</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: for Craigh that needed to go around a corner</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): that's roughly where I was going, visibility down multiple halls.</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (so the smaller room south had the extra stuff? can we more easily figure out that big door from there goes to the great hall?</font>

<font color="##000066">Youtargim: Thinking I might want to be close to you (to Raelyn)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): We should be able to hear the noise from here?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: I have my cloak on. You might just more easily give me away.</font>

<font color="##000066">Youtargim: I do not think you give anything away</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Is he hitting on her?</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (yup, lol)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: any other movement before Lanek opens that new door?</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (can eye rolling be seen when she's 90+% invisible? lol)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Talwin Branwyn Tiberius in the guest room</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Licornah and Indigo in the hallway</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: etc</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): the hallways may be giant size but so are our icons</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): peeky peek</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): so quick clarification: all that gear you mentioned in two different descriptions are in this room that Nlaea and Lanek are in, yes?)</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): hard to manuever around </font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): lol Lisa</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes to Carissa</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): okay no peek yet</font>

<font color="##261A12">There are 30 helmets, 26 shields, 22 spears, 9 clubs, and 3 great axes around the place. None of these are of use to the party.</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Room that N'alea and Lanek are in </font>

<font color="##261A12">Spears, shields, clubs, and axes are abundant here - no fewer than 12 of each, all sized for giants, of course. There are 4 great swords (two-handed with respect to man-sized creatures), 2 huge iron maces, and a sheaf of 6' long spears the giants use for javelins. All shields are against the walls.</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): wait i didn't open the door and i didn't check for traps</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Room that Lanek just peeked into </font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (okay that's what I was wondering)</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): there's still a requested move, so no peek yet. or are we done moving?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: There is another door into that room, too?</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: There is another door into that room, too?</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (one of these days I'll get it)</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): the arms room has the door we went in and there's another door besides</font>

<font color="##6106D1">Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 6]</font> [d20 = 20]

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): wow</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (on the map that door looks similar to the one Talwin and Nlaea opened to great feast... can we reasonable guess that?)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I feel like we should be able to hear the party from here?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: and there's a reason i wanna be twice as cautious with this door</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): ooc</font>

<font color="##660066">'mharmon1' connected</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Bixi is not in the room</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: but she can say that to others</font>

<font color="##418C12">Lanek: [SKILL] Find/Remove Traps [PERCENT:Find/Remove Traps] (vs. Target 70) [SUCCESS by 67]</font> [d100 = 3]

<font color="##000000">GM: Lanek says there are not any traps on this door</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: (....yet)</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): opens the door enough for only a peek</font>

<font color="##261A12">Spears, shields, clubs, and axes are abundant here - no fewer than 12 of each, all sized for giants, of course. There are 4 great swords (two-handed with respect to man-sized creatures), 2 huge iron maces, and a sheaf of 6' long spears the giants use for javelins. All shields are against the walls.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: How close are we to the feast? Does anyone hear naything?</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (the one you peaked into has all the weapons)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Craigh and Rae are close enough to hear Bixi say that</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): so that's two adjoining rooms full of weapons?</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (so we should be okay going in there, it's the double door we can both glimpse that is likely the great feast)</font>

<font color="##880000">N'laea: shrugs</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: shrugs</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (GAH)</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): Craigh/Rae?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Bixi asked a question</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: I don't hear anything but you.</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ouch</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (Raelynn attempted to shrug, she has no obs)</font>

<font color="##418C12">Lanek: [SKILL] Detect Noise [PERCENT:Detect Noise] (vs. Target 55) [SUCCESS by 3]</font> [d100 = 52]

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: I can't hear anything....</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): DEAR LORD</font>

<font color="##418C12">Craigh: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 4]</font> [d20 = 11]

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: I can't hear anything....</font>

<font color="##880000">Raelynn glances at the Elven cat with giant ears</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Lanek hears the sounds of the party through the wall to the east of his icon </font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I... we brought the cat into the giant fortress?</font>

<font color="##418C12">N'laea: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 2]</font> [d20 = 10]

<font color="##000066">Nightshade, Cat, Elven [Elvish]: [Translation] You seem to be worried?</font>

<font color="##000000">You seem to be worried?</font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: Licornah , Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (cat goes where the cat wants to go)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: stage whispers Bixi, i hear the fest through this wall</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn [Elvish]: [Translation] Um, yes? Giants are... giant, you know? And I am not giant.</font>

<font color="##000000">Um, yes? Giants are... giant, you know? And I am not giant.</font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: Licornah , Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn [Elvish]: [Translation] Aren't you?</font>

<font color="##000000">Aren't you?</font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: Licornah , Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I think I'm too far away from Lanek to hear that, but I appreciate it nonetheless</font>

<font color="##000066">Nightshade, Cat, Elven [Elvish]: [Translation] I know I can slip between their legs and claw an eye if need be</font>

<font color="##000000">I know I can slip between their legs and claw an eye if need be</font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: Licornah , Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea [Elvish]: [Translation] Then we need to block that door into the feast.</font>

<font color="##000000">Then we need to block that door into the feast.</font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: Licornah , Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: (cat goes where the cat wants to go)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Wait... can we just send the cat exploring?</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): ....I just.,... I give up</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Then we need to block the door from the feast to these weapons.</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (third time is a charm, so many apologies to Lisa for these edits, lol)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn [Elvish]: [Translation] Well that's useful, but not all of us can do that.</font>

<font color="##000000">Well that's useful, but not all of us can do that.</font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: Licornah , Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ok, so it's either up the hallway Bixi is standing by, or back to the front and try the other door?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn [Elvish]: [Translation] You don't have any...extra cat senses to find us an easier way to the chain, do you?</font>

<font color="##000000">You don't have any...extra cat senses to find us an easier way to the chain, do you?</font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: Licornah , Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: i'm confused still. is the room i'm looking into a SECOND room of armaments? or did some SECOMD person look into the FIRST room?</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): damn, OOC</font>

<font color="##000066">Nightshade, Cat, Elven [Elvish]: [Translation] Perhaps you can learn</font>

<font color="##000000">Perhaps you can learn</font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: Licornah , Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (there are weapons in BOTH these rooms, the one we're in AND the one you are looking into)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): You are just A SUPER PRO at looking into armament rooms</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes for Carissa </font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): thanks</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and yes to Lemon as well</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn [Elvish]: [Translation] Learn...? </font>

<font color="##000000">Learn...? </font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: Licornah , Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): afk a minute to get more coffee.</font>

<font color="##660066">User has gone AFK. (LemonyLemon)</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): I need to go afk for a bit.</font>

<font color="##660066">User has gone AFK. (Master TMO)</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): so THAT is the big door that would be best to block or make hard to get through if we want to take away weapons or you know, make access more difficult</font>

<font color="##000066">Nightshade, Cat, Elven [Elvish]: [Translation] You can learn to take out an eye </font>

<font color="##000000">You can learn to take out an eye </font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: Licornah , Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): concur</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn [Elvish]: [Translation] Oh, well yes, that might be helpful one day, but right now I'd prefer we just find that chain for the goddess and leave.</font>

<font color="##000000">Oh, well yes, that might be helpful one day, but right now I'd prefer we just find that chain for the goddess and leave.</font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: Licornah , Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]</font>

<font color="##880000">Lanek: glares irritably at the cat</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Cat and Rae are back in the hall not visible or audible to Lanek</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): oh good</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Lanek is in the new room, N'alea is in the first weapons room</font>

<font color="##261A12">Spears, shields, clubs, and axes are abundant here - no fewer than 12 of each, all sized for giants, of course. There are 4 great swords (two-handed with respect to man-sized creatures), 2 huge iron maces, and a sheaf of 6' long spears the giants use for javelins. All shields are against the walls.</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Second room where Lanek is now</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): apparently these walls and doors are well insulated and don't echo</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (so three ideas: Bixi illusion so they think weapons are gone, your door locking idea, or we lean a shield against it, and Rae casts her make things super heavy spell which works if the doors only open in. Although if they cover the door it blocks the way, too...)</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): i like that in a giant's lair</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Do you want to pause and go OOC for a moment to catch everyone up?</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (yes)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: 45</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: okie</font>

<font color="##261A12">The date is Mid____se, 25th Fey (Winter), 351 SKR</font>

<font color="##261A12">Young Moon's phase is New Moon</font>

<font color="##261A12">Old Moon's phase is Morning Crescent</font>

<font color="##261A12">The time is 9:45 AM</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: i mean okie</font>

<font color="##660066">User is back. (LemonyLemon)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: Lemon is afk so don't know if illusion is an option yet. Nor if it's easily broken. </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: So you have spent 30 minutes so far exploring the hallway, found the kitchen, came back found a weapons room, found another weapons room</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: she seemed to indicate it wouldn't last after she's left the artifact</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: checked for traps a couple of times, </font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: i thought for sure this room would be the armorer's quarters</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: with the armorer there or not</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: The group is spread out through one room, then an empty room then a halle, and then another room</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: Rae's spell (which I can't copy and paste) makes an object 2-5 times heavier than the weight of the person(s) touching it. It lasts a day</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Carissa): (ugh I give up on this)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: +</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: What spell Carissa?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: Weighty Chest</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: I actually just don't know if my spells last after I walk away or not?</font>

<font color="##261A12">MadamePsychosis: I would just keep moving myself. Not much difference if a giant hits you with a club or his big ol' giant fist</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: okay so a lousy door stop, since you don't touch those</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: Part of me hopes they're too drunk to even both with weapons.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: i still think it's worth trying to wedge something in the door handle</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: But would you have to cast it on every object?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: For days, an item is enchanted so as to grow {1d4+1} times the weight of someone trying to lift it.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: No, just a single tall shield blocking the door depending on how big that shield is to be an effective block</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: ahhhhh</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: But if we do move fast enough, I suppose you're right this might be more a time waster. We could just go Lanek trapping or breaking the locket as we walk by. Should be quicker.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: i was thinking of apartment doors. there are things you can brace them with to make them hard to kick in</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: it is 1d10 rounds to do a check for traps, the same for an open locks or the reverse</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: so a single spell is much faster</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: BUT weigh that against how many spells you have</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: I have soften earth and stone in here but it has no description... is it priest or mage?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: Shoot can we just thread a sword through the door handles? How long does that take :P</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: the checking traps, unlocking/locking is why it has taken 30 minutes to move from room to room</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: priest</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: Can I just make the stone in the room all squishy so if they come in, they can't get out again?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: that's good to know and maybe not... always needed?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: dirt, whatever</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: The double doors open out from this room into where ever, the ones next to Lanek</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: does it have handles?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: the door in opens into the room</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: not on the inside</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: it is a push open</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: the lock is on the other side of these doors</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: all right then, open to a vote: worry about access ro weapons or not?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: oooh, I have warp wood! Are the doors wooden? Can I meld them together so they don't open anymore after we leave?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: thought of that, but that'll definitely alert them to us</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes to Lemon and Yes</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: oh</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: or so I'm guessing</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: but I could be wrong</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and for Carissa yes when someone tries the doors they will see something is wrong</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: until they try them?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: continual darkness?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: oh, well, there you go</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: i like it</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: OK so Lanek and N'alea can call back for assistance</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and the rest of the group can start moving </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and GO</font>

<font color="##880000">N'laea: moves a bit back</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Bixi, can you take care of these doors?</font>

<font color="##660066">User is back. (Master TMO)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: continual darkness or the warp wood thing?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: okay i can't do anything about these doors</font>

<font color="##005500">mharmon1 (Talwin): I'm sorry my friends. I think I need to call it for tonight. Thank you so much for the company this evening :)</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (do we need to pass off the sword?)</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): gnite michael!</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (although not sure to who)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: oh wait, I don't know if I can do the doors</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: can't pass the sword</font>

<font color="##660066">'mharmon1' disconnected</font>

<font color="##660066">Spell: Warp Wood</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: it is with Talwin now</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (oh well)</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): night michael</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: just a moment Lemon</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (er not that door)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Bixi is back in the hallway</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (Good night) </font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: 15 inch x 1 inch diabeter per level</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: No one has moved yet out of the hallway</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): just warp near where the door doors meet)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: Then I guess someone needs to send a messenger out to get me? lol</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): (do you need Craigh for anything now that I'm back?)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I just want to be clear on movement you have found two doors already that go into the great hall where the giants are feasting, so if someone stumbles into your area your icons are where they are</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: hey craig. see if anybody else can do something about makin doorrs not open</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (well if that isn't a hint)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: I can try. Locks aren't my specialty, but I'll give it a shot.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: The door N'laea's at?</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: No, further in, but the lock is not on our side.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: I'm guessing those kitchen people are about to come at us.</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: I had thought Bixi might have a spell to help.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: one of them magic people can mabe put some mojo or somethin</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: mess it up or jinx it or somethin</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: Wait. The giants are having a drunken feast at 9am?</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): Bixi is right there at the door open to the room so I'm hoping she'd hear us tralking about her</font>

<font color="##6106D1">Craigh: [SKILL] Open Locks [PERCENT:Open Locks] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 46]</font> [d100 = 61]

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes to Lemon, good for someone to notice</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: i'm sure it's five o clock somewhere</font>

<font color="##418C12">Craigh: [SKILL] Rope Use [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 2]</font> [d20 = 13]

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah but not here lol</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Can Bixi hear them talking about her?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: so Craigh cannot figure out how to lock the doors on this side of the lock</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): Maybe they've been at it since the night before - that is what I thought</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah ): (They have been partying since before we got here) </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes to Bixi hearing them talk</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): are giants nocturnal? maybe it's suppertime for them</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: good for Lisa and Lorie</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): So they're going to want to sleep soon? And we are in where their beds are?</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): didn't see any beds</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): oh wrong room</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): We should keep moving </font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): The first two rooms we looked in, weren't they beds?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): yes barracks and a guest room</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Oooh, I might be able to do something here! I can squish the doors together so they don't open any more! But do we have time?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and yes Lisa sees the potential urgency</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): Was Craigh able to do anything with the door using Rope Use?</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): yea if this is the morning after, we should definitely be away from beds</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: no to rope use</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: kk</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: I'm out of ideas.</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): then let's go</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: not these doors, Bixi</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): we talked spells for long enough, nothing happened, agree, let's go</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): seriously - they are giants, they can break doors down and slam us with their fists - they don't need their weapons</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: see that door over by N'leas? Craigh went through there and he's standin next to the doors we are talkin bout</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): even their own doors? I would assume they build their own doors stronger.</font>

<font color="##880000">Craigh: looks around the room real quick while he's here.</font>

<font color="##418C12">Craigh: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 5]</font> [d20 = 10]

<font color="##261A12">Spears, shields, clubs, and axes are abundant here - no fewer than 12 of each, all sized for giants, of course. There are 4 great swords (two-handed with respect to man-sized creatures), 2 huge iron maces, and a sheaf of 6' long spears the giants use for javelins. All shields are against the walls.</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): Tiberus could likely kick a human door down if he wanted to</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: i mean you can do this door too, but not before that one</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: we still gotta get out</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh! of course. </font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: giggles nervously</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): lol - and bixi accidentally locks Craigh in the storeroom</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: One other hammer is out of sight in a corner, and it is seen by close inspection.</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): So... is Branwyn going to come rally the troops, or do I move into the next room and start casting lol</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): does it appear to be deliberately hidden, or just casually chucked out of sight?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Hidden</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): It's the next talking weapon!</font>

<font color="##880000">Craigh: will try to lug it out of hiding.</font>

<font color="##880000">Craigh: silently</font>

<font color="##000000">GM [Dwarvish]: [Translation] Here's a kiss for you, RUNT!</font>

<font color="##000000">Here's a kiss for you, RUNT!</font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: ]</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): mother pus bucket</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: The hammer says something outloud</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and then goes silent</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): LOL</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): hahahahahha</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Welp, time to go.</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): how many freaking talking weapons are we going to have?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Is Craigh keepign the hammer?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): unless it is an alarm hammer</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): i think he just demonstrated a hard pass</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): we'll give it a shot, if he can even lift it.</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and is Bixi in the room to cast on the doors?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): bob wants to test combat remember - do we want to test it with him?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I'm still in the first room</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: LOL with Lisa</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Just want to be sure about who is in which room</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): My guys are wayyyyyy back taking a nap</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): praying the hammer only woke up the sleeping guards and not rallied the entire feast</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Did the cat say anything important?</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (no)</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): do we need to implement some sort of turn order? I think a lot of this is folks waiting for other folks to do something, and ends up with no one doing anything.</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (I'm just waiting to see if you want to cast that spell, if not we'll keep moving)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Well Craigh came running back in, so now I'm just kind of waiting to see if he's going to say anything</font>

<font color="##660066">User has gone AFK. (springdew)</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): OK. So, Bob - is Craigh carrying the offending hammer?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes he can be</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: it is not making any noise</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): Thx.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Hope that wasn't loud enough to alert anyone.</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Did we hear it?</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): does he hear any lauder raucousness in the next room?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): The hammer, I mean. Did anyone in this room with me hear the hammer?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: No to louder in the room, yes to Bixi hearing it when Craigh picked it up</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Who was saying that? What language was it?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Not a clue. Another hunk of talking metal.</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: is speechless</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Um, answered not in the same order you asked.</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Mark that down Craigh</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): hahahahahahahha</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Bixi is speechless on 25-10-325</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: 351</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): lol</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Look, Bixi barely talked in the beginning before she got to know people, I don't know why no one remembers that</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Do you have something you wanted to try, or shall we move along?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: It is a great roleplay Lemon, We all appreciate it</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Um... I think maybe we should just keep going. If that was loud enough to alert someone, I don't really want a giant walking in while I'm trying to mess up their doors?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Sounds good. Shift feet.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm too little, they will squish me</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Me too</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Ok but I will be extra squished on account of being so small</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: I'll shield you with my ribcage.</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): stupid doors!</font>

<font color="##880000">Craigh: ushers Bixi toward the exit</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): h, that's N'laea next to me</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Did anyone in the hallway hear the hammer?</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): I'm zoomed too far out</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: no to Lemon</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Um... Craigh just found a talking hammer and it was pretty loud, we probably shouldn't hang around here...</font>

<font color="##880000">Craigh: holds the hammer up.</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): so the question is up the hallway, or out to the front?</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: (sorry work stuff, thank you for moving me)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Did someone say something about spiking their food?</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Oh! Me! Why?</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): ......</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: Oh! Me! Why?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Is it something you can give me to do for you?</font>

<font color="##261A12">The date is Mid____se, 25th Fey (Winter), 351 SKR</font>

<font color="##261A12">Young Moon's phase is New Moon</font>

<font color="##261A12">Old Moon's phase is Morning Crescent</font>

<font color="##261A12">The time is 9:55 AM</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): It took us half an hour to find a hammer?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Crud, I didn't memorize the right spell.</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: 10 minutes</font>

<font color="##261A12">Indigo: Are we going to wait for the giants to come attack us?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): oh, I thought it said 9:25 last time</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: Seems so. You and Tiberius shall like that though</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: No! But I don't want to be in the front! I'm too little and squishy!</font>

<font color="##000066">Tiberius: It would be fun</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: Well it has to be casts on the food as it's being prepared so unless you have food you want to be tossed in to be prepared, I don't know.</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Bixi suddenly embracing her smallness lol</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: We could wait in their beds for them to arrive</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: Surprise!</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: No sleep for you!</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: brb as you organize</font>

<font color="##880000">Branwyn: grins</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and LOL Lisa</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Hello. Our names are Branwyn and Tiberius. You have our black chain. Prepare to die.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Well, unless I'm mistaken, you're wearing a cloak of invisibility.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: and I could be mistaken.</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): seriously though - if we lag long enough he will bring out the giants</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I'm just waiting for someone to follow</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): hence the call out on the time every 15 minutes of game time</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I already told everyone we need to not stand around here</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: A Cloak of Elvenkind, and it's only *mostly* invisible, but in a brightly lit room not as much.</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Bixi has done everything she can!</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: back</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): my guys are behind a dozen people </font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): there was definite confusion and waiting for people to do things that dragged it out</font>

<font color="##660066">User is back. (springdew)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): The hallway must be big enough for two people to walk. I think you can go around them?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): Indigo is happ to keep moving and just opening doors</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Okay, 3 choices: spike the food, explore further, or leave. Thoughts?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): They're lined up except teh cat</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: SO you have two hallways, the one to the kitchen that Indigo is guarding and the unknown one that N'laea is adventuring down</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): explore further down that long hall</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Or the way out where Lanek is</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: Spiking the food means making them... angry and chaotic and they might turn on each other, but that's fun of chaos, right? You don't know.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: None of that sounds like a bad thing to me.</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ok but there's like 30 people in there?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: The fun thing is you only need to spike *one* thing to spoil the whole feast! It infects all of it!</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Wait, can yogurt talk to these people? Do we think these servants might hate the giants too?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: So the question is, does she think she can manage it? If not, then we won't try.</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (O is for Orc, his blood is good enough for me)</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): some of the servants are giants</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): aaaand we took too long</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: Me manage it? Oh no, I'm not sneaky.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Well, since you're the only one who can cast it, that answers the question.</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: lets out a quiet yelp</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): If you don't want to do it then it isn't an option</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): next</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: If you have a piece of cheese, I can cast on that then we.... toss it in and hope they use it on pizza?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: (quietly) something is coming</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: So N'laea is moving down the hall</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (lol I do but I have to think of how)</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): pausing for N'laea's event</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (I think her cloak only gives her 50% invisibility so not sure she could actually sneak in to do it)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Bixi spots a very large creature advancing with a platter of food</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (oh well... that may work...)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and N'laea sees an Ogre about to run into her</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Wait! Maybe I can illusion someone into being this ogre and they can deliver the poisioned food!</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (does the ogre see her?)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and that is where we are</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes N'laea sees the ogre and it sees her</font>

<font color="##261A12">Ogre</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): pull an Indigo and wave and say hello</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): :)</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Hello. I was invited here, but I believe I lost my way?</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (makes sure her pointy ears are super visible and pretty looking)</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: internally facepalms</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (eh, who knows, maybe elf is on the menu)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Not sure why I cannot bring up the character sheet for it tryin</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: steps back a little to let those who can fight better get by if they want to</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): completely not moving at all</font>

<font color="##000066">Ogre [Giant]: [Translation] What are you doing here</font>

<font color="##000000">What are you doing here</font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: ]</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): We need yogurt up here</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Looks like the hammer speaks ogre</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Sorry? I don't understand what you're saying?</font>

<font color="##880000">N'laea: glancing behind her looking for Yogurt</font>

<font color="##660066">Ogre: [INIT] [MOD:Fist]</font> [d10+1 = 9]

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): is Lanek close enough to the door to stick his head through and ask for Targim?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I rolled Init</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: takes a deep breath and walks around the corner toward N'laea.</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: only N'laea gets to </font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): I don't think it told us that</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): ignore Craigh's action then</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): LOL I like how it just says "Healthy" for him</font>

<font color="##660066">N'laea: N'laea forced re-roll of initiative.</font>

<font color="##1D97CC">Ogre: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(17)] </font> [d20+1 = 1]

<font color="##1D97CC">Attack [1] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at N'laea] [Hit-AC: 16 vs. 5 ] [AC: 16 ] [MISS]</font>

<font color="##660066">N'laea: [INIT]</font> [d10+8 = 12]

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): did he try to hit her with the platter of food?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: OK so I cannot see what that says in the chat at all</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): was a MISS</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): CRITICAL MISS???? ;)</font>

<font color="##660066">Ogre: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(17)] </font> [1 = 1]

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon: Attack [1] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at N'laea] [Hit-AC: 16 vs. 5 ] [AC: 16 ] [MISS]</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: What I tried to do was the Ogre rolled Init, got a 9, N'laea rolled a 4</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: He tried to slam the tray onto her head</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (we did not see you roll init)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and apparently he missed</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I saw a shadow dice but it didn't show the results</font>

<font color="##660066">N'laea: [INIT]</font> [12 = 12]

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes I know you did not</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis: Attack [1] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at N'laea] [Hit-AC: 16 vs. 5 ] [AC: 16 ] [MISS]</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (ok also ow, Lisa, lol)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: It is on the Combat Tracker, not sure if you see it there</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (it is buried in my windows, on sec)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and now N'laea gets to go</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): sorry accidentally was on my clipboard or something</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Is anyone else going up there? Because if not, poor little Bixi is going to try and rush in and save her lol</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (show yes it does, but I never saw you initiate init; only knew because you said you did)</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): we don't have actions yet</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: excellent thank you Carissa for that, it helps to see it from that side</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): Craigh was about to, but Init interfered</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I know, I'm just asking so I know what to do on my turn</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: First N'laea has to do something</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: then the rest of the group can react</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (such as remember HOW to do something, one sec)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: we are all taking our time to be careful</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (actions tab, sorry I never think about it)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: walk through step by step</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): Lanek IS going to try to help,, now that the bluff didn't work</font>

<font color="##660066">N'laea: N'laea tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)</font>

<font color="##660066">N'laea: [DAMAGE (M)] Longsword +2, Flaming [TYPE: slashing, magic, fire (1d8+2=5)]</font> [d8+2 = 5]

<font color="##660066">Damage [5] -> [to Ogre] [STATUS: Wounded]</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (oooh that did a thing!)</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (.... wait that did damage)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: you never rolled a to hit you only rolled damage</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (I need to try to hit him fit)</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): shhh</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol</font>

<font color="##660066">N'laea: [ATTACK (M)] Longsword +2, Flaming [THACO(13)] [AC: -1 ]</font> [d20+3 = 14]

<font color="##CC1D1D">N'laea: [ATTACK (M)] Longsword +2, Flaming [THACO(13)] </font> [d20+3 = 12]

<font color="##CC1D1D">Attack [12] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Ogre] [Hit-AC: 1 vs. 5 ] [AC: 1 ] [HIT]</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (THERE we go)</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (I have to drag to his icon)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Ok so that is a hit for 5 points of damage</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (M right?)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Now everyone can roll Init</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: L</font>

<font color="##660066">Craigh: Craigh forced re-roll of initiative.</font>

<font color="##660066">N'laea: [DAMAGE (M)] Longsword +2, Flaming [TYPE: slashing, magic, fire, large (1d12+2=10)]</font> [d12+2 = 10]

<font color="##660066">Bixi Fizzlebang: Bixi Fizzlebang tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)</font>

<font color="##660066">Craigh: [INIT]</font> [d10+10 = 13]

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (then this is the right damage)</font>

<font color="##660066">Springity Thingity: [INIT]</font> [d10 = 3]

<font color="##660066">Bixi Fizzlebang: Bixi Fizzlebang tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: oops</font>

<font color="##660066">Branwyn: Branwyn tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)</font>

<font color="##660066">Licornah : Licornah tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)</font>

<font color="##660066">Branwyn: Branwyn tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)</font>

<font color="##660066">Licornah : Licornah tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)</font>

<font color="##660066">Bixi Fizzlebang: Bixi Fizzlebang forced re-roll of initiative.</font>

<font color="##660066">Licornah : Licornah tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (5 was S/M, 10 is for L)</font>

<font color="##660066">Bixi Fizzlebang: [INIT]</font> [d10 = 7]

<font color="##660066">Lanek: [INIT]</font> [d10+10 = 16]

<font color="##660066">Licornah : Licornah tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)</font>

<font color="##660066">Branwyn: Branwyn forced re-roll of initiative.</font>

<font color="##660066">Licornah : Licornah tried to roll initiative again. (hold alt-key while rolling to force re-roll)</font>

<font color="##660066">Branwyn: [INIT]</font> [d10+8 = 18]

<font color="##660066">Raelynn: Raelynn forced re-roll of initiative.</font>

<font color="##660066">Raelynn: [INIT]</font> [d10+10 = 14]

<font color="##660066">Indigo: Indigo forced re-roll of initiative.</font>

<font color="##660066">Licornah : Licornah forced re-roll of initiative.</font>

<font color="##660066">Indigo: [INIT]</font> [d10-2 = -1]

<font color="##660066">Licornah : [INIT]</font> [d10+10 = 14]

<font color="##005500">GM: </font>

<font color="##005500">GM: </font>

<font color="##261A12">[TURN] Tiberius</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): you ok BOB?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Tiberius</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Not letting me roll Tiberius</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: not sure what is happening</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): He is un-muggable</font>

<font color="##261A12">[TURN] Nightshade, Cat, Elven</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and it skipped Indigo because he was up when I clicked next actor </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: so Indigo is up now</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: (you got the right damage, yes? :) )</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): does he even know anything is happening?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes to damage</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: No to Indigo knowing yet</font>

<font color="##261A12">Indigo: I'm bored</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (lmao)</font>

<font color="##261A12">[TURN] Bixi Fizzlebang</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): where's the done button?</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (Bixi can let everyone know since she sees it)</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): I was just looking for that</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I clicked it for you Lisa because I had advanced it past Indigo</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): bottom left of Combat Tracker</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Bixi is up now</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): ahhh thanks TMO</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): yw</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Um, I guess hold until I see if more people are going to try and get in front of me?</font>

<font color="##261A12">[TURN] Ogre</font>

<font color="##261A12">[TURN] Ogre</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Did I do it right?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes to Lemon</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (Bixi can alert everyone)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and does anyone see that it is the Ogre's turn?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): We probably don't know there is a reason to move past you</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): yes</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): yes, I see</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (the giant target on Nlaea suddenly made me guess it's going now)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: and I can see it's targeting N'laea</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): yes and our friend has a target on her face!</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): dangit 1</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): done so well tonight</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oh, yeah, but I mean, I did say something was coming? I guess if it's not to late I will also say that she's being attacked?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): red laser pointer thing on N'laea</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): and the cat attacks!!</font>

<font color="##1D97CC">Ogre: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(17)] </font> [d20+1 = 6]

<font color="##1D97CC">Attack [6] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at N'laea] [Hit-AC: 11 vs. 5 ] [AC: 11 ] [MISS]</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (we missed that if you did say that)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and I cannot read that at all</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: sorry</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): miss</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Attack [6] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at N'laea] [Hit-AC: 11 vs. 5 ] [AC: 11 ] [MISS]</font>

<font color="##261A12">Attack [6] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at N'laea] [Hit-AC: 11 vs. 5 ] [AC: 11 ] [MISS]</font>

<font color="##660066">Ogre: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(17)] </font> [6 = 6]

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah (W): (we can barely see it too BOB) </font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Um, there is an ogre attacking N'laea</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: OK, I can drag the result and it re-states it</font>

<font color="##261A12">[TURN] N'laea</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): hope he serves food better with that platter than attacks with it</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (uhhh my computer just made an angry sound at me? not sure if it was FG or not)</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): are the canapes all over the floor?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): (said whenever I had a chance to say it, my last turn, my next turn, in between, whatever.)</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (oh me sorry)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I can click and drag when it's blue if that helps. It shows up green and purple or whatever when I do that</font>

<font color="##660066">Ogre: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(17)] </font> [6 = 6]

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon: Attack [6] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at N'laea] [Hit-AC: 11 vs. 5 ] [AC: 11 ] [MISS]</font>

<font color="##660066">N'laea: [ATTACK (M)] Longsword +2, Flaming [THACO(13)] </font> [d20+3 = 23]

<font color="##CC1D1D">Attack [23] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Ogre] [Hit-AC: -10 vs. 5 ] [AC: -10 ] [CRITICAL HIT]</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I will say that N'laea goes, then Bixi can speak up as she did not do anything</font>

<font color="##CC1D1D">N'laea: [ATTACK (M)] Longsword +2, Flaming [THACO(13)] </font> [d20+3 = 22]

<font color="##CC1D1D">Attack [22] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Ogre] [Hit-AC: -9 vs. 5 ] [AC: -9 ] [HIT]</font>

<font color="##660066">N'laea: [DAMAGE (M)] Longsword +2, Flaming [TYPE: slashing, magic, fire, large (1d12+2=10)]</font> [d12+2 = 10]

<font color="##660066">N'laea: [DAMAGE (M)] Longsword +2, Flaming [TYPE: slashing, magic, fire, large (1d12+2=4)]</font> [d12+2 = 4]

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): nice!</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (OH DUH! she gets multi hits before crit)</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (this is what two or three swings this turn?)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: 2</font>

<font color="##660066">N'laea: [ATTACK (M)] Longsword +2, Flaming [THACO(13)] [AC: 4 ]</font> [d20+3 = 9]

<font color="##CC1D1D">N'laea: [ATTACK (M)] Longsword +2, Flaming [THACO(13)] </font> [d20+3 = 9]

<font color="##CC1D1D">Attack [9] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Ogre] [Hit-AC: 4 vs. 5 ] [AC: 4 ] [HIT]</font>

<font color="##660066">N'laea: [DAMAGE (M)] Longsword +2, Flaming [TYPE: slashing, magic, fire, large (1d12+2=3)]</font> [d12+2 = 3]

<font color="##660066">Damage [3] -> [to Bixi Fizzlebang] [STATUS: Wounded]</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Wait</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ouch</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): what is going on out there????</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (oop, yep one sound be normal longsword)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: you need to drag the dice to the icon</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (sorry I'm reremembering combat)</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (so she made one hit flaming sword which was also a crit hit, both hit)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: so a total of 17 points of damage to the Ogre</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and none to Bixi</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): nice</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): that's a good distribution</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (and now she gets one more hit with normal long sword as double wielding)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): dang, N'laea is OP</font>

<font color="##CC1D1D">N'laea: [ATTACK (M)] Longsword [THACO(13)] </font> [d20+1 = 12]

<font color="##CC1D1D">Attack [12] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Ogre] [Hit-AC: 1 vs. 5 ] [AC: 1 ] [HIT]</font>

<font color="##660066">N'laea: [DAMAGE (M)] Longsword [TYPE: slashing, large (1d12=11)]</font> [d12 = 11]

<font color="##660066">Damage [11] -> [to Ogre] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 16] [STATUS: Dying (0)]</font>

<font color="##880000">Lanek: looks impressed</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (she can handle herself when I remember how to use her, lol)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Well, I guess my alert was unecessary</font>

<font color="##660066">Ogre's health adjusted by -27</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): maybe drag ogre into arms closet if it isn't locked now?</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): my turn?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): so he isn't blocking the hallway</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Someone want to help move this?</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): good idea</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Yeah, and then I want to suggest illusioning someone into an ogre so they can deliver poision food!</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): dangit</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: What do you see for the Orgre icon?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: sure</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Perfect! Raelynn! Spike this food tray. Bixi, help me cantrip up the blood stains while they move the body</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (an O)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): should have been ooc obvs</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: free to move up to N'Laea?</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): OOC</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes to Spring</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I have no idea what cantrip does, if I'm being honest</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Or orison</font>

<font color="##418C12">N'laea: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 8]</font> [d20 = 4]

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): minor effects</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): do you have it as a nwp?</font>

<font color="##880000">N'laea checking for anything else on ogre</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I am not sure why it is not showing you that the Ogre is dead</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): yes?</font>

<font color="##880000">N'laea (and or anyone alerted to the noise)</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): combattracker says dead</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (it shows on the tracker at least)</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): icon is just an O</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (he's uh, he's very dead)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): yes to cantrip being one of my proficiencies</font>

<font color="##660066">Lanek: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 11) [SUCCESS by 9]</font> [d20 = 2]

<font color="##418C12">Craigh: [SKILL] Cantrip [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 2]</font> [d20 = 11]

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): yay Lanek</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Will they be able to drag the ogre past me or do I need to move?</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (sorry for weird movement, thought she was about to run into a wall)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Lanek can drag the Ogre back down the hall</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): run into a wall again?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: if I'd done Change Self as one I could've been an orc.</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Where are you trying to take him?</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): into the arms room</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: Oh!</font>

<font color="##880000">Craigh: is cantriping away the bloodstains</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: You should stick one of the weapons in him! Then it looks like a murder mystery!</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: let's drop a shield over the body at least</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: make it hard to see</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: Oh, or that....</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): LOL Carissa!!</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): hahahaha, CLUE</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: bu i like the idea</font>

<font color="##880000">Raelynn walks over to help Craigh</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Spike the food please.</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): is this death poison?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: So I think for this to work, you'll need to go back into the kitchen, and have the food item... added to some food? Or prepared?</font>

<font color="##261A12">The date is Mid____se, 25th Fey (Winter), 351 SKR</font>

<font color="##261A12">Young Moon's phase is New Moon</font>

<font color="##261A12">Old Moon's phase is Morning Crescent</font>

<font color="##261A12">The time is 10:05 AM</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (Dissent's Feast, let me see if i can copy description)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Drat, so not on finished food?</font>

<font color="##880000">Licornah (W: AFK</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Damn, thought it was such a good idea.</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Can I illusion someone else into an ogre? I'm not even sure</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): My stupid spell categories didn't save and now I don't know anything</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: Um, well, if you toss this apple into the stew..., that would then count as preparing a piece of food for the stew.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: Or... this piece of cheewe.</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: So Carissa you can drag that icon in the upper left to the chat room and it should just past the spell into chat</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: I think it'd have to be Raelynn. Can you make her look like an orc?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Are they making stew?</font>

<font color="##660066">Detect Charm</font>

<font color="##660066">Dissension's Feast</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (oh there we go)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: Me???? Like an ogre???</font>

<font color="##880000">Raelynn super insulted by the idea of being UGLY</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I never memorized that one</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Okay, if it's just putting food in the pot, I can do it if someone can make me look like an orc.</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (if anyone wants to read the description and thinks that would work?)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: hm for me it'd be a step up</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: maybe</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): I think it might work. Better than nothing</font>

<font color="##880000">Licornah (W: back</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: I won't say I agree but....</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, I don't think I can. My mage spells I memorized are change self, phantasmal force, spook, blindness, blur, deafness, invisitbility 10' radius, and wraithform</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): invisibility on me?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): says spell is cast on the food. I think it has to be Raelynn</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): does it move? or stationary? or can you wraithform me?</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (thinking the loophole is the food on the floor the ogre dropped)</font>

<font color="##660066">Spell: Invisibility 10' Radius</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO: Spell: Invisibility 10' Radius</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (hmm that one isn't opening for me)</font>

<font color="##261A12">[ROUND 1]</font>

<font color="##660066">User has gone AFK. (springdew)</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): me either</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): It's going to turn anyone you get close to invisible as well</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): oh i lied</font>

<font color="##261A12">Indigo: you will be invisible and it will move with you but you will make sounds and smell, etc.</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): yes, I think it might work</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: Um, well... I mean.... I suppose I can try to sneak in.... but... will someone watch my back? I'm not really a fighter. Or maybe make it darker inside? I don't know if this cloak will work? Was it brightly lit in the kitchen, Indigo?</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): wraithform is on the caster</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: I can cast invisibilty? If it won't take too long, it should last long enough</font>

<font color="##261A12">Indigo: It was lit enough. Like a kitchen</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: The invisibility is opening for me</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): we're going to fight 40 creatures soon so get ready</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (it separates it into: building and "brightly lit room" but I wouldn't tihnk torches are brightly lit necessarily?)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): But if I invisible you it won't matter?</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): creatures moving into the area of effect after it's cast do not become invisible. So cast it on Raelynn, and she can go in and no one there will turn invisible</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): I'd rather them fight each other, lol</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (Rae will take invisibility on top her normal cloaking if you want to use that spell)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah let them fight each other and we'll worry about the like, 2 that survive</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): it's a verbal spell so be very quiet when you cast </font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (which actually might be a good idea if someone storms out of the room and sees us all)</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): and if more than one of us are in the effect area, we can go with you, but I wouldn't take many</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): invisible doesn't make you sound proof</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: just do NOT attack</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Absolutely I will use it, why not</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): dangit 2</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: Okay, and noen of you eat any food! </font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): once this food thing is done we should keep moving</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: looks around to see if Indigo heard that</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (yes, think we can reach the kitchens again going this way anyways)</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): he's not close to the food and we're NOT going into the great hall with 30 giants are we???</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (lol but it's also if he swipes an apple from the kitchen or something)</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): he's not going back in the kitchen with 40 creatures</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): unless that's what y'all wanna do</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): as I understand the plan: Bixi Invisibles Raelynn and whoever she wants to go with her. InvisiSquad sneaks into the kitchens where Rae casts her spell. They sneak out again and we all hightail it</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): um, how do I cast?</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (lol)</font>

<font color="##660066">User is back. (springdew)</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (yes: who's on InvisiSquad?)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: Okay. Who's coming with me?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: I can go if you want me.</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): I'm not going in with the spell. the more people the louder it will be</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: To. Want me to.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: No thank you</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol craigh</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: i can go</font>

<font color="##000066">Youtargim: Well we know she wants me</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: You're sneaky. You can help me sneak out if I need.</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): gross</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: Do I?</font>

<font color="##000066">Youtargim: Who else here can tell you what they are saying?</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): who was hte sneaky comment for?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Invisisquad up with Raelynn.</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (Craigh and Lanek, originally Craigh but you also replied in time, lol)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Smiles at Rae</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: C'mon Lanek.</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I definitely feel like the less people the better, right? More means they're more likely to bump into someone or something</font>

<font color="##261A12">Indigo: You can't talk in there Youtargim or they will know you are there!</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: yup</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: Hmm, I suppose.... but only if you're also sneaky!</font>

<font color="##880000">Indigo: rolls eyes</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: We don't want too many or someone might bump into us.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: I'm ready when you are, Bixi.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: I have a spell to distract one of them away if needed</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I'm in favor of the poisioning thing though, because we can at least get a glimpse at the kitchen and see if there's anything worthwhile in there</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: I will keep an eye and sword out nearby.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: but it won't make them forget about us, just leave for a bit</font>

<font color="##660066">Spell: Invisibility 10' Radius</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (actually wait sorry, this way or back the Indigo way to kitchen?)</font>

<font color="##660066">Bixi Fizzlebang: Bixi Fizzlebang cast a spell NOT memorized.</font>

<font color="##418C12">Lanek: [SKILL] Move Silently [PERCENT:Move Silently] (vs. Target 85) [SUCCESS by 39]</font> [d100 = 46]

<font color="##660066">Bixi Fizzlebang: [CAST] Invisibility 10' Radius</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (don't approve that movement yet, lol)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): what am i dooooing</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: How do I target someone?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): dangit</font>

<font color="##880000">Craigh: stands there waiting to become vanishy</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (it's an area spell, but you can drag to a person from combat tracker)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: i think you stick your die right on them</font>

<font color="##880000">Craigh: keeps looking at his hand to see if he can see through hiimself yet</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ohhhh, ok</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: pause for a moment</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ok, let me know when we're ready</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Branwyn and Licornah are going back into the guest room?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis: I wanted my guys as far away from the 40 creature battle as possible</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis: run away</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah (W): (I have to be honest, I was trying to stay with the group, but not following the map or adventure well at all) </font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (okay to that point, we should go to the kitchens throuhg the door Indigo opened)</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): they'd probably see the door open.</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): maybe?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis: yes they will</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): perhaps not</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): oh that's a good point. </font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): let's just keep moving then?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Right where Licornah, Branwyn Indigo is the intersection of the hallway</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I wonder if we're overthinking this lol</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): it's just like Oceans 11</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): just trying to have a bit of fun</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis: they don't want any part of this kitchen deal</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: to the left of them is the hall back to the hall north where Indigo opened the door</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): but flaws need to be pointed out</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: North along this hallway that N'laea Craigh etc are in is where the Ogre came down with a platter of food</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): you can always stop us Bran. She has the authority if she thinks it's a bad idea</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: back around the corner where Bran is is the way you all came in</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: now does everyone understand where you are?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I kind of want to keep checking out what's at the end of this hallway, because I feel like stairs to the basement will be in the back</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): i do</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis: I think it is a horrible idea for 3-4 people to try to be invisible in a kitchen with 40 creatures in it</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): or possibly in a different building</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I understand that thinking Lemon, BUT do you understand where you are right now?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): yes</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Ok</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis: If 1 person wants to try to invisible in and look for the cooking pot, cast quietly and get the hell out, the odds are much better for success - IMO</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): Then tell us that Bran</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): That is a good point about the door opening though. That seems like if there's 30 ogres in there, one of them is bound to notice</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Lacking anyone saying they do not understand where they are I am going with the idea you all understand and know where you are in relation to which hallways go where, etc.</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol, yes we need our fearless leader to pull our heads out of the clouds</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): so we are in the wrong hallway if we want to go to the kitchen, right?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I know we're right next to the great hall, is that the point you are trying to make? I was thinking we could maybe sneak quickly past so we won't be in the way when they start stumbling to bed</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): do we know who has the better Move Silent between craigh & lanek?</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): but the ogre came from this way so another way to the kitchen must be this way</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): no they both go together - the ogre came out this hall</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): I think it's Lanek</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: For Spring the hallway you are in you do not know where it leads, only that an Ogre came down it with a tray of food</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (what percent?)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: I don't think this will do anything other than cause a battle in the kitchen</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): 85</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): 50 here. But Craigh also has the distraction spell</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (distraction spell?)</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): Engagement - causes one creature to remember an urgent appointment *somewhere else*</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: Oh, um, maybe, but won't we maybe have to fight them later, anyways?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: You know Bixi and Raelynn that invisibility does not cover sounds or smells? That your spell most likely has a verbal component and the more people go the louder you will be?</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: We smell...chunky, wasn't it?</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): are we all three going into the kitchen or could Craigh and Lanek bodyguard from just outside the door? be close at hand?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Invisiblity 10 foot radius</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh I am absolutely NOT going in with them</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: so no more than ten feet away</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: Indigo said there were 40 in the kitchen and N'laea said about 30 in the hall just across the way. If the kitchen battle is loud then we will fight 70 creatures?</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: More chance of being discovered now.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: Is this a risk you all want to take and the best course of action here?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: I think if nothing else, we should at least move ahead or give up for now and go back... if they start wanting to have a nap soon, we will be right in the way</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: I agree</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: I think it's a good opportunity, but we don't have to take it.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: that is a compellin argument</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: Um, okay. I'm not a fighter so I probably can't say anything that might induce fighting....</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: If Raelynn goes by herself I think she has a much better chance of success</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: is visibly relieved that Branwyn approves</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: but if you are not willin to go by yerself, i understand that. we should call it off</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Entirely possible. But it's up to her.</font>

<font color="##000066">Youtargim: Perhaps I can go to protect? and listen to what they are saying?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: I, um, I'm not comfortable with that right now. I can think about it.</font>

<font color="##880000">Lanek: nods</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: So we either try the other outside door or move ahead and see if we can pass the kitchen and go to the other areas</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: Maybe if we decide later we can do it?</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: rolls eyes in response to Yogurt</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Honest answer, if you cast it on some of this food and one of us invisibly puts it in the pot, will your spell still work?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: I would think so.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: oh well then</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: let the master have at it</font>

<font color="##880000">Lanek: holds out his hand for the food</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Is... splitting up right now a good idea?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: we're not splitting up. just one of me, there and back, no problem</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (Raelynn): (how long is a round?)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Bixi is getting anxious now</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: 1 minute equals 1 round 10 rounds equals 1 turn</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: Then go ahead and do it. We've been out here an hour now</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: It takes about five minutes before it'll affect them.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Let's see if we can find somewhere safer to be while we decide what to do next?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: okay somebody gonna invisible me?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Raelynn: I can cast it now, and you can hold onto the food until you think you can safely deposit it?</font>

<font color="##880000">Bixi Fizzlebang: looks at Branwyn for approval before casting</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: let's do it. my nerves is itchin</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: It's dangerous. But if you want to ...</font>

<font color="##880000">Lanek: my move silently is over by now isn't it?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I guess Raelynn would need to cast on the food before I invisible everything?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Will the food be invisible?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): If lanek is holding it when you cast on him</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Perhaps we should wait? If they are loud, arguing, and fighting, it may spill over into our wandering.</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: If Lanek is holding it when you cast yes it is invisible</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): At this point, my vote is to move forward and see if one of the room up ahead is safe, and if not, to skedaddle out of the fortress and regroup</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (yeah doubt has been sowed in me, I'd rather just keep moving forward)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol at least one of us is being reasonable. I needed that hahaha. So desperate for a heist</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): Craigh is still for the plan, but can be overruled, especially since he isn't either of the active participants.</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): i just kind of want to have an adventure and do some things. it's gonna be a month before i can play again. but i get it</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: It was 5 giants I'd be all in. All it takes is one slip and then one runs to the hall and we have us against 70 - so I am not thrilled with those odds</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (when Lisa does math, then it's serious)</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): lol</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): heheheh</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: LOL</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: So options are move forward or go back out and around to the side door</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Forward? or Side?</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): yeah i didn't want Lanek to lead them back out into the hall. just fight and if necessary die, if detected</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (the spells does break alliances so there is a chance they'd ignore us to fight each other, but that's a chance as well)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Well let's go then! The longer we stay here, the more likely we are to be discovered</font>

<font color="##418C12">N'laea: [SKILL] Ranger: Move Silently [PERCENT:Ranger: Move Silently] (vs. Target 67) [SUCCESS by 22]</font> [d100 = 45]

<font color="##000000">GM: N'laea elects to move forward</font>

<font color="##418C12">N'laea: [SKILL] Ranger: Hide in Shadows [PERCENT:Ranger: Hide in Shadows] (vs. Target 59) [SUCCESS by 53]</font> [d100 = 6]

<font color="##000000">GM: quietly slipping along the hallway</font>

<font color="##6106D1">N'laea: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 6]</font> [d20 = 18]

<font color="##418C12">Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 4]</font> [d20 = 10]

<font color="##418C12">Lanek: [SKILL] Move Silently [PERCENT:Move Silently] (vs. Target 85) [SUCCESS by 38]</font> [d100 = 47]

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (won't notice another ogre trying to smack her in the face, though)</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (so closed door on right and open door to left?)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Maybe she's too busy inspecting some... art on the walls?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): dangit!</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: ooc!</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes to Carissa and you hear sounds from the left of a kitchen</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): So, the whole group is heading into the kitchens instead of just 1 invisible person? *confused*</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (well she can at least probably sneak up past it with those rolls but the others...)</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): I missed something</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (no skipping kitchen plan for now and going north)</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): we didn't know if the doors were open or not </font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): ok</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Can she just peek around the corner and see if anyone is looking this way?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): open doors means no pass - to me anyway</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: There are no doors, just an open archway</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): and I apologize if I'm being short or snarky at all. I'm trying not to, and I *think* I'm succeeding, mostly, but I'm still feeling the aftereffects of keeping calm at work this afternoon. ;)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: You are good TMO</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): sounds like Lanek wants to be sneaky so if he wants to do the plan he should but yes all of us going by the open doors would probably not be good</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (ugh so we either risk that or go back down and around.... was there another way to right and up from the start?)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): You're fine tmo</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): yes you are fine! </font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (you're fine TMO)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I think everyone is a bit confused and I am trying to keep everyone moving but slowly enough that people understand what is happening</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): There was another door in that first room</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): I feel like I am being a wet blanket</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): You are being the voice of reason</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): it's fine</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: no one is causing problems, everyone is trying to express their thoughts and navigate the map and learn the interface, etc.</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (lol it's fine, just let me call dibs on ruining a feast when it's only five giants ;) )</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): you got it!</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): is there a torch or something lighting this hallway?</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): and Craigh is very much a 'seize the opportunity' kind of guy. It's what he was trained for.</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Lorie said it earlier about being confused about both the map and the overall direction of the adventure</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ok, if everyone is at a feast, the outside is unlikely to be funn of too many giants? Should we go back out and try the side door?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: so right now you have options</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): funn = full</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: 1 there are double doors on your right, sounds of the party in there</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (haha no)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: 2 there is the open arch way into the kitchen, you could try to sneak past that</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): anybody thirsty?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: 3 you can enter the kitchen and see what happens</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: 4 you can go back and look for another door</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: 5 you can go all the way outside and go to the side entrance</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I'm going to channel Michael and say let's run in and see what happens</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah (W): (I think it's just me... I feel like I'm just watching things for the moment - no useful skills to contribute) </font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): i guess 4 or 5</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (where does the side entrance lead relative to this map? was it on the north south east...?)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: to the far East of this map</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): there's no way this crowd can sneak past an arch oorway</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): Scooby Doo tiptoe sneak?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): but my real vote is 5. </font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (can you cantrip some... smoke or haze to sneak past it?)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: refilling water as you decide</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): not effectively enough to conceal us. Concealment would be at least 1st level.</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I really think there will be less grouped together literally anywhere else, so we can probably handle fighting a few out and around the grounds or whatever?</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): if not higher. Cantrip only does minor, ineffective things</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (I'm stuck on time; it's more time to go back and a different route if we can find a way to sneak past that archway)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: back</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (but I don't know if there is a way to do that)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oh, to Carissa, I'm pretty sure the side entrace was at the north east corner of this building, but behind it, not part of the building</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: also remember you are 6 foot tall max in a 20 foot tall hallway</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: the map is deceiving with the scale</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (very)</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): I will let wiser heads determine what to do, because Craigh still wants to raid the kitchen. ;)</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): so if we all stoop low they won't notice us?</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (Northeast may get us closer to where we were going depending what greets us there)</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): snerk</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (so we could probably sneak.... all except Bixi, Bran, Tib, and Lic across)</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (OR we use the time and hightail it back probably to the side entrance? or there was some other door we didn't open?)</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): oh, i had a terrible idea</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): There's gotta be another way in, so if we try the side door, we might find another secreter entrance, or possibly another building worth checking out? Maybe some animals in some stables? </font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (terrible idea: go)</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): one of us streaks through the kitchen, creating a horrible distraction, and then the rest go past the archway</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol!</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): in fact, this could be combined with the previous idea</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I nominate Lanek</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (what kind of distraction?)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ....</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: cast on the food, then cast invisible on Lanek, then Lanek carries the food in</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): and toss Raelynn's spiked food into the pot as they dog? *hopeful grin*</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): The streaking IS the distraction</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (without giving us away? that was part of the problem with the feast was giving us away)</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): the others see levitating foold and follow it</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: we could try to cause a major silent distraction - like cast continual light on a cauldron over the fire - see how many of the staff go to stare at what just happened while we walk by - would need line of sight on the object but that's all</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): Lanek dumps the food in and skedaddles</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): You're talking full nude streaking, no?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Not sneaking?</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Or make them think food is on fire to put out?</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): for a second i did think nude streaking, but then i thought how is he getting out again</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: You are in a hallway discussing this where an Ogre was delivering food ten minutes ago</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): needs to be invisible to leave by the far door</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: hint hint</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: No, we are OOC now!</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (we need to move and soon?)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): dangit</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): You can not hold this discussion time against us!</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I am not holding OOC time against you</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): My vote is still skedaddle out and try the side door</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): i accidentally didn't hold Alt a moment ago</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): But I will do whatever majority votes, of course</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): Craigh is holding his Engagement spell ready, just in case someone comes around a corner suddenly</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (Lisa, Lemon, and Lorie are the ones with non-sneaking characters so if you all rather not risk that, we'll go other route)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): There's just a LOT of EVERYTHING on either side of where we're standing now, and we can't all go forward</font>

<font color="##000066">Nightshade, Cat, Elven [Elvish]: [Translation] I could visit the kitchens looking for a handout </font>

<font color="##000000">I could visit the kitchens looking for a handout </font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: Licornah (W, Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): okay, lets go back</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Can we convince the cat to scout for us?</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Nightshade has offered to be a distraction.</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): oh</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (Lisa? Lorie?)</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): that is now three methods of distraction offered</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Lol, my brain is struggling. I'm going to get some ice cream. I'm on board with whatever is decided</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): the argument is that there are too many opponents, so let's just turn around now</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): all y'all take 5 seconds to try and imagine what Ilero would have done in this situation... 'cuz I'm getting a huge chuckle out of thinking of it.</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah (W): (I'm not sure what you want me to say... I'm fine with whatever at this point) </font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): We were so close to a decision and then BOB throws in a curveball. I'm guessing that means either we are headed in the right direction, or he really really really wants us to do more combat tonight</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): lol TMO</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Grins at TMO and Lemon</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): so let's distract and move up</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (I want to push forward, but that puts your three characters at risk)</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): and a question to ask: can we get back out again?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Shrugs</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (so perhaps between cantip and cat we can successfully sneak by)</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah (W): (:: shrug :: ) I just feel like this is the longest hallway I've ever walked </font>

<font color="##000000">GM: LOL</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (just imagine how much worse it'd be if it were to scale!)</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): lol</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): should we vote? I think we've discussed all the angles.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: i miscounted. four methods, counting Craigh's spell</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): dammit</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): Craigh's spell only works on *one* target.</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): it will not distract a whole room</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah (W): (I feel like I'm an NPC watching things unfurl ... I'd offer suggestions, but BOB wants us to go to either the great room or Kitchen...)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: okay so three poiint zero one seven methods</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Just as a reminder, I will do the Auto correct tonight and post, ANYONE can go edit that to make it look better</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (no thanks)</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Lisa has taken on the Story format version</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: but anyone can do the cleaned up version and clean it more</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): are we doing this?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I am not trying to push in any direction, it seemed to me that the group was either go forward past the kitchen or go out and around to the side door outside of the steading </font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I'm willing to put myself in danger. If BOB is offering to create a distraction, I feel like forward is the way we're supposed to be going, whether it means sucess or combat</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea [Elvish]: [Translation] Go, distract them. We only need a minute. Be careful.</font>

<font color="##000000">Go, distract them. We only need a minute. Be careful.</font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: Licornah (W, Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I am fine with either plan; distraction OR exit</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): bob will create the distraction? </font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (the cat will; feel free to add an extra with cantrip_</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Branwyn): thought you said catnip</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): This was not a module with a single path of success in it, btw. It was great for the time, it was pretty open pathed.</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (both)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol</font>

<font color="##000066">Nightshade, Cat, Elven [Elvish]: [Translation] Did you say catnip?</font>

<font color="##000000">Did you say catnip?</font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: Licornah (W, Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Branwyn, the cat has offered to be a distraction. Could you add a second with magic?</font>

<font color="##880000">Branwyn: peeks in the kitchen if she can</font>

<font color="##418C12">Branwyn: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 19) [SUCCESS by 8]</font> [d20 = 11]

<font color="##261A12">N'laea [Elvish]: [Translation] Er, no. Cantrip, but we will search for some catnip after this.</font>

<font color="##000000">Er, no. Cantrip, but we will search for some catnip after this.</font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: Licornah (W, Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]</font>

<font color="##261A12">This is a typical giant kitchen with counters along the walls, several tables, benches, a stool or two, and various items for cooking and baking (pots, kettles, bowls, knives, forks, spoons, ladles, spits, and so forth). There are 29 orc about the place. There are 5 giantess serving maids and 11 young ogre servants.</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: For Branwyn she can see that it lookslike there is an opening to the right of the fireplace</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: that leads to another part of the kitchen</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): fireball?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and that everyone is crowded and busy in this space</font>

<font color="##880000">Branwyn: whispers</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (so maybe not even looking our way...?)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: They look so busy</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Then let us go.</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (man if Nlaea made her obs, we could have saved ourselves 20 minutes, lmao)</font>

<font color="##880000">Branwyn: runs by the door</font>

<font color="##000066">Nightshade, Cat, Elven [Elvish]: [Translation] MEOWS</font>

<font color="##000000">MEOWS</font>

<font color="##660066">[understood by: Licornah (W, Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (that is what meowing sounds like in Elvish)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Tries to steal a piece off of a skewer by the fire</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Springity Thingity): i assume that's the very loud Feed Me song</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): following as soon as he can</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): oooh, double wide hallway</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Sticking with yogurt for now</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): The cat is coming back out this way? Someone will surely chase it?</font>

<font color="##880000">Branwyn: nods for N'laea o keep moving</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: N'laea has a door just behind her on the right</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Craigh has a door to his left</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): ah, hidden by shadow</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and there is a hallway going straight to another door</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Check yours first?</font>

<font color="##880000">N'laea: to Craigh</font>

<font color="##880000">Craigh: nods</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: (whispering) does anyone hear anything behind these doors?</font>

<font color="##418C12">N'laea: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 11]</font> [d20 = 1]

<font color="##880000">Branwyn: whispers</font>

<font color="##418C12">Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 6]</font> [d20 = 8]

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (listening behind hers)</font>

<font color="##418C12">Lanek: [SKILL] Detect Noise [PERCENT:Detect Noise] (vs. Target 55) [SUCCESS by 47]</font> [d100 = 8]

<font color="##261A12">Branwyn: there was a room off the kitchen</font>

<font color="##418C12">Craigh: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 2]</font> [d20 = 13]

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): I don't seem to be able to open that door</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: N'laea can here sounds like dice rattlling </font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Some kitchens have cellars.</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes to TMO not sure what happened there</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: But I think some are gambling behind this door.</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): go ahead and cancel the move</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): nods to the one by her</font>

<font color="##880000">N'laea: nods to the one by her</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Craigh and Lanek do not hear anything behind that door</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ok, no thank you to the gambling one</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): I was just seeing if proximity was the problem</font>

<font color="##880000">Craigh: tries the door</font>

<font color="##880000">Craigh: quietly</font>

<font color="##261A12">Bixi Fizzlebang: Yes, cellars, and also they use a lot of water. Could be how the blight is getting out? (still whispering)</font>

<font color="##000066">Tiberius: We should be moving </font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: You hear something?</font>

<font color="##880000">Indigo: gives the cat a pat</font>

<font color="##261A12">Indigo: Good kitty!</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Door opens for Craigh</font>

<font color="##880000">Craigh: peeks in</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): LOL</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): whoa</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): going the LONG way</font>

<font color="##261A12">There are 3 tables, a long counter, stools, benches, and kitchen gear about. There are numerous sacks, boxes, and barrels. Various cheeses, smoked meats, and sausages hang from the rafters. There are several casks and tuns. Loaves of bread are stacked on one table.</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): very impressive Craigh</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): yes, I am, aren't I?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and Craigh spots a door to his left as well</font>

<font color="##880000">Craigh: whispers back out the door, "Food storage, no people."</font>

<font color="##880000">Craigh: checks the next door quietly too</font>

<font color="##261A12">There are numerous sacks, boxes, and barrels. Various cheeses, smoked meats, and sausages hang from the rafters. There are several casks and tuns. Loaves of bread are stacked on one table. In this room is a set of stairs going down.</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): I wonder how I'm going to get through that door?</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Stairs, going down, probably to a cellar.</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (food to cast on AND stairs to go down! woo!)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): we did it!</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): No matter whether or not we all die after this, I consider it a success.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: Think we should all come in here and check it out?</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: (food to cast on AND stairs to go down! woo!)</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): .....ugh I hate doing that</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: Yes.</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): gasp! the door opened?</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: It is either down, the dice players, or that end door.</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): it's a christmas miracle!</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): We do know that we need to find a downstairs. Whether or not there are more than one downstairs.... /shrug</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): i suggest end door</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): I'm regretting my life of greed and sin!</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): oh i didn't realize we needed downstairs, then i suggest downstairs</font>

<font color="##880000">Craigh: leads the way if others want to follow</font>

<font color="##880000">N'laea: following</font>

<font color="##880000">Lanek: following</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I can't remember the specifics, but we're looking for the source of the water pollution, and someone rolled something that made BOB strongly hint that we needed to be downstairs to find that water that was leaking into the river water? yes?</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (yes)</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): Scooby, Shaggy, you go check upstairs. N'laea and I will go check the cellar</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): movement is hard when there are actual walls, isn't it?</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): (so much more time consuming, lol)</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Did I get stopped by the wall again?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes I keep trying to move people</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): there's something funky about that door</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I need to watch where I'm going. I tell the preschoolers this all the time lol, need to take my own advice</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): i think it doesn;t quite line up</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): just teleport the whole group in?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Ok so the group has snuck past the kitchens, down the hall, into a storage room and is at the top of the stairs leading down to the lower leves</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): Lanek lead the way down?</font>

<font color="##261A12">The date is Mid____se, 25th Fey (Winter), 351 SKR</font>

<font color="##261A12">Young Moon's phase is New Moon</font>

<font color="##261A12">Old Moon's phase is Morning Crescent</font>

<font color="##261A12">The time is 10:15 AM</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): yes</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): happy to lead. not checking for traps, though, it takes too long</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): doubt there are traps on the food cellar</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): good</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): not likely traps this deep in anyway</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): they think they are safe. no guards or anything so likely no traps</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): well they could have a snack theif</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): we will follow you</font>

<font color="##880000">Lanek: moving on down</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): Honey, why is there a bear trap on the floor of the pantry?</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): lol</font>

<font color="##880000">Indigo: follows Lanek</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): all together now!</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah (W): (If it's mostly Ogres and Giants, wouldn't the traps be.... larger? Their fingers would be clumsy otherwise, right?)</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): Honey, why is there a boulder trap in the pantry?</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): okay how do i see the new map?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): was just about to ask that</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): with the power of imaginationnnn</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): oooo.... cinnamon rolls!</font>

<font color="##261A12">There are a few smokey torches burning along the walls. The benches and tables are pushed out of the way against the walls, revealing a floor of blackish stone, much worn by the tread of countless feet.</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): 45 giants sit there looking back at you</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and this is where we pause for a moment</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and we look at light sources on each token</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: as you are now underground</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Pause for a moment to allow BOB to import 45 giant icons</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: upper level I had it all pegged to Indigo</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): well we see nothing as there is no map so... we're all blinddd!!!</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and bright light from him</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): some was on lanek</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: now we will do the continual light etc</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): oh nevermind, that was just my field of view</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: does anyone see anything right now?</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): nope</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): no map to look at</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Indigo?</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah (W): The prior map with Talwin? </font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): none</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I still see the map we just left</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): looking at upper level map still</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): and of images to choose, no new one</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): I don't know where I am</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: How about now?</font>

<font color="##660066">Image: G1-3_M6Pl</font>

<font color="##005500">LorieD (Licornah (W): New map</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): double clicking the ? symbol brings it up</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): okay yeah</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and now?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): yayyyy, existance!</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: This is not just a food cellar....</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): got it</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: what do you see?</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): I see things!</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: brown lit area with dark grey darker area</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): but also all icons on a stair, Lanek light out</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: ok</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): let me resize then I can snip</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): same as craigh</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: no I know now</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Just checking </font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): yeah it's dark but we are there</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): streaming my view</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): k</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): you're view has more view in it</font>

<font color="##261A12">N'laea: ...*yore</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): so if all the tables are pushed to the walls, are they dancing?</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): maybe they're just for storage?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: no sign of any creatures in this room</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): she asked hopefully?</font>

<font color="##418C12">N'laea: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 7]</font> [d20 = 5]

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): hopefully that helped Bob</font>

<font color="##418C12">N'laea: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 17) [SUCCESS by 15]</font> [d20 = 2]

<font color="##6106D1">Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 2]</font> [d20 = 16]

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): other than listening to my dog eat in the background</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Thank you TMO it did confirm that I am doing what I thought I was</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and no sound here but still Laughs</font>

<font color="##261A12">Indigo: It's quiet down here. Let's go Lanek!</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): I can tell you what it sounds like: *crunch* *crunch* *bits dropping on the floor* *crucnh*</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lanek: okay</font>

<font color="##880000">Craigh: stays near the walls</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): whoops, color went out of my view</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Yes to TMO </font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): why? what did I do?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: you moved away from the people with infravision</font>

<font color="##261A12">Craigh: I did not know the brown was infravision. You said Continual Light earlier</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: and Craigh does not have a torch lit, continual rock, etc. </font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): dangit 3</font>

<font color="##005500">springdew (Lanek): well that's interesting</font>

<font color="##005500">MadamePsychosis (Indigo): but it says there ar torches on the walls and we all have continual light objects if we need them</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I am trying to get to those yes Lisa</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): wow that just got bigger</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): no worries, just confused and making assumptions</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): go ahead an put Craigh back in line</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: So what I need is for Carissa to roll a d12 twice</font>

<font color="##660066">N'laea: </font> [d12 = 7]

<font color="##660066">N'laea: </font> [d12 = 4]

<font color="##000000">GM: and we pause here for the night</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: apparently this map needs work</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: BUT</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: you are in the large room</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: there are three doors leading out of it</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): and those rolls??</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: one single wide cooridoor leading north</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): CLIFFHANGER!</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: one double wide coridoor leading south</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): normal cliffhangers are bad enough, but dice roll cliffhangers??</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): We don't need a cliffhanger, we're already committed</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): ceiling still 20' tall?</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: AND where N'laea is a secret door that leads to ??????</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): oh</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO (Craigh): I've always wanted to go to ??????</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): oh hey she can do her conceealed door checks too although apparently she found a secret door already so....</font>

<font color="##005500">seyfert (N'laea): Okay I'll accept that wording of a cliffhanger</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: So when we pick up next week you will have appropriate lighting in this room with torches, Indigo etc will have their lights and the walls will be fixed</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: Walls are our enemies. Do we want them fixed??</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: They just get in the way.</font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, I don't really need anymore walls in my face</font>

<font color="##005500">Master TMO: ever need to get in the mood for D&D - this is the song for it: (LINK)</font>

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="##000000">GM: But you did manage to sneak past 70+ giants to get downstairs</font>

<font color="##261A12">Master TMO: and we'll have to do it again to get out. :)</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: And killed an ogre! Progress!</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: They'll get to have a murder mystery party, too. Fun for them.</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: maybe. there might be another way out </font>

<font color="##005500">LemonyLemon (Lemon): And we found another talking weapon</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: The chain should command them so that may not be a problem anymore...maybe.</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: Have a great night everyone</font>

<font color="##261A12">Carissa: Night all!</font>

<font color="##261A12">LorieD: Good night</font>

<font color="##261A12">MadamePsychosis: Goodnight all!</font>

<font color="##660066">'LorieD' disconnected</font>

<font color="##261A12">Lemon: goodnight friends!</font>

<font color="##660066">'seyfert' disconnected</font>

<font color="##261A12">Springity Thingity: gnite!!</font>

<font color="##660066">'MadamePsychosis' disconnected</font>

<font color="##261A12">Master TMO: g'nite. Bob, feel free to ping me if you need a player to test</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: I will</font>

<font color="##660066">'springdew' disconnected</font>

<font color="##660066">'LemonyLemon' disconnected</font>

<font color="##660066">'Master TMO' disconnected</font>

<font color="##000000">GM: &&&&&&&</font>