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Chat Log - 2022 02 25 - Cosmological Quandaries - Cloak Check - Formatted - Story]]

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The date is Mid____se, 25th Fey (Winter), 351 SKR

Young Moon's phase is New Moon

Old Moon's phase is Morning Crescent

The time is 9:15 AM

N'laea looking at Bixi like she's crazy

Bixi Fizzlebang: turns back to face her friends

Bixi Fizzlebang: Um... this sword used to be a... person? Who was a slave to giants? And it wants to be released to kill all the giants together. Um. Yeah.

Craigh: Sounds fun. Who's it's owner?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Umm... I think me now

N'laea: Released?

Licornah : Does the imprisoned soul have a name?

Bixi Fizzlebang: It was someone named Skara but it sounds like they are dead now

Craigh: I .. see. I think the sword might be missing a bit of critical information about its new owner.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Not sure about the name... I've asked twice with no answer, but I'll try again?

Branwyn: As in it wants someone to wield it in the sword's name

Bixi Fizzlebang: turns back to the sword

Bixi Fizzlebang: What is your name, and what do you mean by released?

Lanek: humph. imprisoned soul

Raelynn: quietly, That sword is HUGE compared to her. Does she plan to just... push it along?

Branwyn: That could get quite loud on the stone floors

Craigh: Attention all giants. Please lay down on the floor and remain still as I slowly shove this blade through each of you in turn.

Lanek: all of you with your fancy spells, nobody can shrink the thing?

Raelynn: Well if they didn't KNOW it was a sword, that could work. We didn't know it was sword.

Talwin: Well, it's an imprisoned sword. Who knows what magic might do to that thing

Raelynn: Just tell them... it's a wand to make them stronger. And make it look like a wand, and then, um, just poke them a little extra.

Talwin: Bran, you've dealt with weird daggers and weapons

Craigh: I suppose it's possible it's one of those swords that are magically light and maneuverable in the hands of its owner.

Talwin: She's lucky it isn't trying to possess her

Branwyn: Bixi succeeded in taking control but yes there is what seems to be a very angry soul in there

Talwin: Calls Out: Sorry Bixi, just worried about you

Bixi Fizzlebang: turns back around for a second and says excitedly, It tried to possess me I think but it said my will was strong!

Talwin: Slaps Hand to Face

Talwin: Turns to Bran

Talwin: Told you

N'laea: Small body, strong will.

Talwin: The spirit is strong, but the flesh is weak

Branwyn: smiles

Bixi Fizzlebang: So... um... what should we do about it?

Branwyn: Very strong spirit

Craigh: Can you lift it?

Talwin: I can tie a series of grips so you can sling it over your shoulders?

Bixi Fizzlebang: looks at Craigh like he's crazy

Talwin: It will make at least carrying it easier for you

Branwyn: Talwin, it is 3 times Bixi's size

Craigh: Might be magically light in your grip.

Talwin: Sigh

Talwin: Trying to help

Craigh: Probably isn't, but could be

Talwin: Mutters

Bixi Fizzlebang: Is it safe to touch it?

Craigh: shrugs.

Talwin: If you cover it up tight so it doesn't make contact with me, I'll carry it for you.

Branwyn: It should be perfectly safe for you to touch it

Lipthink (giant sword): (to Bixi only) What would you like me to be? I was Lipthink when I was the village hunter now I have called myself Reven

Talwin: Oh

Talwin: In that Case, I can just carry it for you then until you decide when you need it

Talwin: Shrugs

Talwin: Up to you though

Lanek: feller, I still think you are gonna need a helper to carry it

Lanek: that is just sooooo looooooong

Bixi Fizzlebang: to the sword ; Reven has a nice ring to it. The other one seems hard to say.

Talwin: Too bad it's not a lot thinner, you could use it as a spear...

Bixi Fizzlebang: Well Revan... what does it mean to release you?

Bixi Fizzlebang: turns back to the group

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): (to Bixi only) I feel free when the blood of giants is flowing because of my might

Bixi Fizzlebang: It's name is Revan, it doesn't know about any chain, and it just wants to murder giants

Talwin: I mean...that's all it wants? To murder giants?

Branwyn: Lovely

Lanek: grummph, can't disagree with it

Bixi Fizzlebang: That's what it sounds like

Bixi Fizzlebang: shrugs

Talwin: ....Spell for Sense Evil Intent anyone?

Lanek: murder is kinda strong word idnit?

Talwin: Hm... Don't know about that gov

Bixi Fizzlebang: Um... it maybe wants to genocide giants, actually

Talwin: Lovely

Branwyn: Have you asked Reven whether someone can help you carry it?

N'laea: Based on those ears... it could possibly be mutual.

Bixi Fizzlebang: I have, but he... it? he? hasn't answered yet

Bixi Fizzlebang: turns back to Revan

Bixi Fizzlebang: Revan, it's very possible that we will need you to um... take care of some giants here. But I can not carry you... would it be ok if one of my friends carried you?

Craigh: looks around

Talwin: Stretches

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): (To Bixi only) If you will release me, I will do my best to bend them to my will so that we can go defeat the giants

Lanek: scratches his mostly bald and scarred head

Bixi Fizzlebang: Um... he will let someone carry him, but he will also try to bend them to his will... which I assume means giant genocide.

Bixi Fizzlebang: turns back to her friends

Bixi Fizzlebang: who wants to try!?!?

N'laea: It means control. I do not know if there is a way to... prevent that?

Talwin: Er. Yeah, I don't like the sound of that, despite the enthusiasm of the sword

Talwin: Unless he's a better swords master than I am, I'll keep my wits about me in a battle thanks

Bixi Fizzlebang: I mean, he IS a sword so the chances of that are probably pretty good

Bixi Fizzlebang: shrugs

Talwin: Rolls eyes

Bixi Fizzlebang: So... do we just... leave him?

Talwin: OK. Well, I’d prefer to judge a situation before committing genocide without hesitation. Better?

Talwin: Shrugs

Craigh: Sounds to me like we leave it here, for the time being at least?

Branwyn: We should probably keep moving so someone should try to take it if we are going to

Talwin: Up to you

N'laea: (although I am assuming Licornah also has Orison to do that)

Bixi Fizzlebang: Well I definitely can't carry it, so I would say it's up to you, if you can carry it. I don't want to be the reason a genocidal sword takes you over

Talwin: Sighs

Talwin: Just be ready to knock me out if I go insane yeah?

Talwin: Anyone want to pop an orison on me?

N'laea: Before or after the giants are dead?

Bixi Fizzlebang: looks at Tiberius

Bixi Fizzlebang: Are you ready to knock Talwin out?

Craigh: steps away from Talwin.

Talwin: Shrugs; Might help if they need to be dead

Tiberius: I can take the sword if you really need but I am not experienced with those types

Craigh: Someone want to guard the door, make sure he can't get out?

Indigo: I will

Bixi Fizzlebang: Revan, one of my friends is going to carry you. He also wants to kill giants, so I think you might be able to be friends!

Talwin: I would imagine that my friends no how I would act better then a sword. Just ask me something only Talwin would know or...something. Shit I don't care, but I have to step away in two minutes so cast the Fortify and I'll roll the olde 20 sided

Bixi Fizzlebang: Revan wants to go ghost hunting with me too and kill all the giant ghosts!

Talwin: [d20 = 17]

Branwyn: Talwin, how do you feel?

Talwin: Er. I'm not sure?

Craigh: Any sudden homicidal urges?

Talwin: Was I supposed to hear a voice in my head or something?

Branwyn: Then you are in control. Good

Talwin: Apart from normal?

Talwin: Not really

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): (To Talwin only) Ahhh I see why she wanted me to have you, we are going to be an amazing pair

Talwin: Are we back at the governor’s estate? I still wish I could kill some annoying miners...


Talwin: Jumps Back Sword in Hand

Talwin: OK

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): (to Talwin only) We are going to make these floors wash in blood

Bixi Fizzlebang: ducks

Craigh: Miners are the opposite of giants

Talwin: Did not see that coming

Talwin: Rolls eyes at Craigh

Talwin: Sorry all

Talwin: Everything is fine for now

Talwin: Just didn't expect that

Branwyn: Ignore it if it gets too carried away

Talwin: (To Sword only) Yes we shall. Just maybe a bit more carefully then your used to eh? We'll make the red flow in due time

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): There can never be too much blood (to Talwin only)

Branwyn: But we should probably get moving and keep searching. I was thinking perhaps we do not cover our tracks so that the giants will discover the stolen sword. Maybe that will cause some infighting and buy us some more time

The date is Mid____se, 25th Fey (Winter), 351 SKR

The time is 9:25 AM

Talwin: (To Sword only) Oh, you should have been with me in the free cities. Rivers and soaked mud with nothing but blood. It get's inconvenient at the very least

Bixi Fizzlebang: Well, I'm ready to move out any time

N'laea: Yes. Let's go.

Craigh: Up the hallway is where we go next

N'laea nods

Craigh: Anybody lurking outside the door?

Lanek: mutters to himself that they ought to want someone checkin for traps

Indigo: opens door and walks inside

Lanek: facepalm

Raelynn gestures for the muttering man to go in front of her

BOB Ok, so Indigo moved forward, got up to a door, Craigh and Youtargim are catching up

Lanek: whispers to Raelynn, let's hang back a minute

This is a typical giant kitchen with counters along the walls, several tables, benches, a stool or two, and various items for cooking and baking (pots, kettles, bowls, knives, forks, spoons, ladles, spits, and so forth). There are 29 orc about the place. There are 5 giantess serving maids and 11 young ogre servants.

Raelynn nods and recloaks herself

Indigo: looks around and then goes back to the hallway and shuts the door again

Lanek: smirks

Indigo: That's the kitchen. Its got dozens of orcs and giants and ogres

N'laea: Did they see you?

Indigo: Don't think so

Craigh: listens at the door.

Indigo: They aren't coming out here so probably not

BOB that was less than a round for Indigo to open the door see all that and then come back

Indigo: I don't think they would keep a magical chain in the kitchen anyway

BOB Right now you have a closed door and Indigo and Youtargim standing in front of it

Indigo: Maybe we should go back to the other long hall?

Bixi Fizzlebang: But maybe they would keep a door to a basement?

Indigo: Unless we want to fight the cooks

Bixi Fizzlebang: No thank you

Craigh: It leads this direction too, but might go to a different place.

Lanek: we better go the other way round

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm starting to think we should have chosen the other door at the beginning

Indigo: There's like 40 people to fight in there if we go in

Indigo: Well not people but you know

Craigh: I'd rather not

Bixi Fizzlebang: I definitely don't think we should go in unless we have to

N'laea: I do not think servants are fighters, but best not to find out. But if they raise the alarm...

Indigo: So let's go someplace else then

Lanek: did we do this door all the way to the right?

Lanek: [SKILL] Find/Remove Traps [PERCENT:Find/Remove Traps] (vs. Target 70) [SUCCESS by 25] [d100 = 45]

Lanek: okay y'all I have a hallway and a door, what do you think? no traps over here

Lanek: mebbe I’ll open the door a crack and peek in

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 12]

Craigh: trails behind the rest of the group now.

Lanek: awright i'mma peek in this door

There are 30 helmets, 26 shields, 22 spears, 9 clubs, and 3 great axes around the place. None of these are of use to the party.

Lanek: armory. useless. it's all too big

Bixi Fizzlebang: Maybe try the other hallway?

Lanek: and sweaty

N'laea: Unless we hide it from them. If we end up fighting, do we want them to have access to that?

Lanek: good point

Spring (Lanek): closed the door

Lanek: [SKILL] Open Locks [PERCENT: Open Locks] (vs. Target 20) [FAILURE by 78] [d100 = 98]

Lanek: crap

Raelynn: Maybe an illusion?

Lanek: be my guest

Raelynn: Unless someone knows an easy way to make all that gear useless.

Lanek: maybe you can illusion is like it don't exist

Raelynn looks at Bixi, The Ghost Hunting Gnome Illusionist

Lanek: the door or the gear, either

Bixi Fizzlebang: Um... I'm not sure I could do anything that would last after we walk away from here?

N'laea: Are you checking the whole room?

Lanek: know what, I didn't get a good look at if there's another door

The date is Mid____se, 25th Fey (Winter), 351 SKR

The time is 9:35 AM

Lanek: better look again

N'laea: starts going then gestures for him to go ahead

Lanek: damn. there is

BOB There is a door in the lower right

N'laea: Where does that door lead?

Spring (Lanek): opening the door just enough for a peek

Spears, shields, clubs, and axes are abundant here - no fewer than 12 of each, all sized for giants, of course. There are 4 great swords (two-handed with respect to man-sized creatures), 2 huge iron maces, and a sheaf of 6' long spears the giants use for javelins. All shields are against the walls.

Lanek: depending on what's on the other side of this door, we might wanna take one of these weapons and put it through the door handle to jam the door, if we can

N'laea: That would be simple and effective.

Youtargim: Thinking I might want to be close to you (to Raelyn)

Raelynn: I have my cloak on. You might just more easily give me away.

Youtargim: I do not think you give anything away

N'laea: There is another door into that room, too?

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 6] [d20 = 20]

Lanek: [SKILL] Find/Remove Traps [PERCENT:Find/Remove Traps] (vs. Target 70) [SUCCESS by 67] [d100 = 3]

Spring (Lanek): opens the door enough for only a peek

Spears, shields, clubs, and axes are abundant here - no fewer than 12 of each, all sized for giants, of course. There are 4 great swords (two-handed with respect to man-sized creatures), 2 huge iron maces, and a sheaf of 6' long spears the giants use for javelins. All shields are against the walls.

Bixi Fizzlebang: How close are we to the feast? Does anyone hear anything?

Raelynn: shrugs

Craigh: I don't hear anything but you.

Lanek: [SKILL] Detect Noise [PERCENT: Detect Noise] (vs. Target 55) [SUCCESS by 3] [d100 = 52]

Craigh: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 11]

Raelynn: I can't hear anything....

Raelynn glances at the Elven cat with giant ears

BOB Lanek hears the sounds of the party through the wall to the east of his icon

N'laea: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 10]

Nightshade, Cat, Elven : [Translation] You seem to be worried?

[understood by: Licornah , Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]

Lanek: stage whispers Bixi, I hear the fest through this wall

Raelynn : [Translation] Um, yes? Giants are... giant, you know? And I am not giant.

[understood by: Licornah , Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]

Raelynn : [Translation] Aren't you?

[understood by: Licornah , Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]

Nightshade, Cat, Elven : [Translation] I know I can slip between their legs and claw an eye if need be

[understood by: Licornah , Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]

N'laea: Then we need to block the door from the feast to these weapons.

Raelynn : [Translation] Well that's useful, but not all of us can do that.

[understood by: Licornah , Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]

Raelynn : [Translation] You don't have any...extra cat senses to find us an easier way to the chain, do you?

[understood by: Licornah , Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]

Nightshade, Cat, Elven : [Translation] Perhaps you can learn

[understood by: Licornah , Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]

Raelynn : [Translation] Learn...?

[understood by: Licornah , Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]

Nightshade, Cat, Elven : [Translation] You can learn to take out an eye

[understood by: Licornah , Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]

Raelynn : [Translation] Oh, well yes, that might be helpful one day, but right now I'd prefer we just find that chain for the goddess and leave.

[understood by: Licornah , Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]

The date is Mid____se, 25th Fey (Winter), 351 SKR

The time is 9:45 AM

N'laea: moves a bit back

N'laea: Bixi, can you take care of these doors?

Lanek: okay I can't do anything about these doors

Lanek: hey craig. see if anybody else can do something about makin doors not open

Craigh: I can try. Locks aren't my specialty, but I'll give it a shot.

Craigh: The door N'laea's at?

N'laea: No, further in, but the lock is not on our side.

N'laea: I had thought Bixi might have a spell to help.

Lanek: one of them magic people can maybe put some mojo or somethin

Lanek: mess it up or jinx it or somethin

Craigh: [SKILL] Open Locks [PERCENT: Open Locks] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 46] [d100 = 61]

Craigh: [SKILL] Rope Use [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 13]

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oooh, I might be able to do something here! I can squish the doors together so they don't open any more! But do we have time?

Craigh: I'm out of ideas.

Lanek: not these doors, Bixi

Lanek: see that door over by N’laea? Craigh went through there and he's standin next to the doors we are talkin bout

Craigh: looks around the room real quick while he's here.

Craigh: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 10]

Spears, shields, clubs, and axes are abundant here - no fewer than 12 of each, all sized for giants, of course. There are 4 great swords (two-handed with respect to man-sized creatures), 2 huge iron maces, and a sheaf of 6' long spears the giants use for javelins. All shields are against the walls.

Lanek: I mean you can do this door too, but not before that one

Lanek: we still gotta get out

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh! of course.

Bixi Fizzlebang: giggles nervously

BOB One other hammer is out of sight in a corner, and it is seen by close inspection.

Craigh: will try to lug it out of hiding.

Craigh: silently

<font color="##000000">GM : [Translation] Here's a kiss for you, RUNT!

[understood by: ]

BOB The hammer says something out loud

BOB and then goes silent

Craigh: Welp, time to go.

Craigh: Hope that wasn't loud enough to alert anyone.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Who was saying that? What language was it?

Craigh: Not a clue. Another hunk of talking metal.

Bixi Fizzlebang: is speechless

Craigh: Um, answered not in the same order you asked.

Craigh: Do you have something you wanted to try, or shall we move along?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Um... I think maybe we should just keep going. If that was loud enough to alert someone, I don't really want a giant walking in while I'm trying to mess up their doors?

Craigh: Sounds good. Shift feet.

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm too little, they will squish me

Craigh: Me too

Bixi Fizzlebang: Ok but I will be extra squished on account of being so small

Craigh: I'll shield you with my ribcage.

Craigh: ushers Bixi toward the exit

Bixi Fizzlebang: Um... Craigh just found a talking hammer and it was pretty loud, we probably shouldn't hang around here...

Craigh: holds the hammer up.

Craigh: Did someone say something about spiking their food?

Raelynn: Oh! Me! Why?

Craigh: Is it something you can give me to do for you?

The date is Mid____se, 25th Fey (Winter), 351 SKR

The time is 9:55 AM

Indigo: Are we going to wait for the giants to come attack us?

Branwyn: Seems so. You and Tiberius shall like that though

Bixi Fizzlebang: No! But I don't want to be in the front! I'm too little and squishy!

Tiberius: It would be fun

Raelynn: Well it has to be casts on the food as it's being prepared so unless you have food you want to be tossed in to be prepared, I don't know.

Branwyn: We could wait in their beds for them to arrive

Branwyn: Surprise!

Branwyn: No sleep for you!

Branwyn: grins

Craigh: Well, unless I'm mistaken, you're wearing a cloak of invisibility.

Craigh: and I could be mistaken.

Raelynn: A Cloak of Elven kind, and it's only *mostly* invisible, but in a brightly lit room not as much.

Craigh: Okay, 3 choices: spike the food, explore further, or leave. Thoughts?

Raelynn: Spiking the food means making them... angry and chaotic and they might turn on each other, but that's fun of chaos, right? You don't know.

Craigh: None of that sounds like a bad thing to me.

Raelynn: The fun thing is you only need to spike *one* thing to spoil the whole feast! It infects all of it!

Craigh: So the question is, does she think she can manage it? If not, then we won't try.

Raelynn: Me manage it? Oh no, I'm not sneaky.

Craigh: Well, since you're the only one who can cast it, that answers the question.

Bixi Fizzlebang: lets out a quiet yelp

Raelynn: If you have a piece of cheese, I can cast on that then we.... toss it in and hope they use it on pizza?

Bixi Fizzlebang: (quietly) something is coming

BOB So N'laea is moving down the hall

BOB Bixi spots a very large creature advancing with a platter of food

BOB and N'laea sees an Ogre about to run into her

N'laea: Hello. I was invited here, but I believe I lost my way?

Bixi Fizzlebang: internally facepalms

Bixi Fizzlebang: steps back a little to let those who can fight better get by if they want to

Ogre : [Translation] What are you doing here

[understood by: ]

N'laea: Sorry? I don't understand what you're saying?

N'laea: glancing behind her looking for Yogurt

<font color="##1D97CC">Ogre: Attack [1] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at N'laea] [Hit-AC: 16 vs. 5 ] [AC: 16 ] [MISS]

BOB He tried to slam the tray onto her head

N'laea: <font color="##CC1D1D">Attack [12] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Ogre] [Hit-AC: 1 vs. 5 ] [AC: 1 ] [HIT]

N'laea: [DAMAGE (M)] Longsword +2, Flaming [TYPE: slashing, magic, fire, large (1d12+2=10)] [d12+2 = 10]

Indigo: I'm bored

<font color="##1D97CC">Ogre: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(17)] [d20+1 = 6]

<font color="##1D97CC">Attack [6] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at N'laea] [Hit-AC: 11 vs. 5 ] [AC: 11 ] [MISS]

Bixi Fizzlebang: Um, there is an ogre attacking N'laea

N'laea: [ATTACK (M)] Longsword +2, Flaming [THACO(13)] [d20+3 = 23]

<font color="##CC1D1D">Attack [23] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Ogre] [Hit-AC: -10 vs. 5 ] [AC: -10 ] [CRITICAL HIT]

<font color="##CC1D1D">N'laea: [ATTACK (M)] Longsword +2, Flaming [THACO(13)] [d20+3 = 22]

<font color="##CC1D1D">Attack [22] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Ogre] [Hit-AC: -9 vs. 5 ] [AC: -9 ] [HIT]

N'laea: [DAMAGE (M)] Longsword +2, Flaming [TYPE: slashing, magic, fire, large (1d12+2=10)] [d12+2 = 10]

N'laea: [DAMAGE (M)] Longsword +2, Flaming [TYPE: slashing, magic, fire, large (1d12+2=4)] [d12+2 = 4]

N'laea: [ATTACK (M)] Longsword +2, Flaming [THACO(13)] [AC: 4 ] [d20+3 = 9]

<font color="##CC1D1D">Attack [9] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Ogre] [Hit-AC: 4 vs. 5 ] [AC: 4 ] [HIT]

N'laea: [DAMAGE (M)] Longsword +2, Flaming [TYPE: slashing, magic, fire, large (1d12+2=3)] [d12+2 = 3]

Damage [3] -> [to Bixi Fizzlebang] [STATUS: Wounded]

<font color="##CC1D1D">N'laea: [ATTACK (M)] Longsword [THACO(13)] [d20+1 = 12]

<font color="##CC1D1D">Attack [12] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Ogre] [Hit-AC: 1 vs. 5 ] [AC: 1 ] [HIT]

N'laea: [DAMAGE (M)] Longsword [TYPE: slashing, large (1d12=11)] [d12 = 11]

Damage [11] -> [to Ogre] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 16] [STATUS: Dying (0)]

Lanek: looks impressed

N'laea: Someone want to help move this?

Lanek: sure

Craigh: Perfect! Raelynn! Spike this food tray. Bixi, help me cantrip up the blood stains while they move the body

N'laea: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 4]

N'laea checking for anything else on ogre

Lanek: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 11) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 2]

Craigh: [SKILL] Cantrip [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 11]

BOB Lanek can drag the Ogre back down the hall

Raelynn: Oh!

Craigh: is cantriping away the bloodstains

Raelynn: You should stick one of the weapons in him! Then it looks like a murder mystery!

Lanek: let's drop a shield over the body at least

Lanek: make it hard to see

Raelynn: Oh, or that....

Lanek: but I like the idea

Raelynn walks over to help Craigh

Craigh: Spike the food please.

Raelynn: So I think for this to work, you'll need to go back into the kitchen, and have the food item... added to some food? Or prepared?

The date is Mid____se, 25th Fey (Winter), 351 SKR

The time is 10:05 AM

Raelynn: Um, well, if you toss this apple into the stew..., that would then count as preparing a piece of food for the stew.

Raelynn: Or... this piece of cheese.

Craigh: I think it'd have to be Raelynn. Can you make her look like an orc?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Are they making stew?

Raelynn: Me???? Like an ogre???

Raelynn super insulted by the idea of being UGLY

Craigh: Okay, if it's just putting food in the pot, I can do it if someone can make me look like an orc.

Lanek: hm for me it'd be a step up

Lanek: maybe

Raelynn: I won't say I agree but....

Raelynn: Um, well... I mean.... I suppose I can try to sneak in.... but... will someone watch my back? I'm not really a fighter. Or maybe make it darker inside? I don't know if this cloak will work? Was it brightly lit in the kitchen, Indigo?

Bixi Fizzlebang: I can cast invisibility? If it won't take too long, it should last long enough

Indigo: It was lit enough. Like a kitchen

Craigh: just do NOT attack

Raelynn: Okay, and none of you eat any food!

Bixi Fizzlebang: looks around to see if Indigo heard that

Raelynn: Okay. Who's coming with me?

Craigh: I can go if you want me.

Craigh: To. Want me to.

Bixi Fizzlebang: No thank you

Lanek: I can go

Youtargim: Well we know she wants me

Raelynn: You're sneaky. You can help me sneak out if I need.

Raelynn: Do I?

Youtargim: Who else here can tell you what they are saying?

Craigh: Invisisquad up with Raelynn.

Youtargim: Smiles at Rae

Craigh: C'mon Lanek.

Indigo: You can't talk in there Youtargim or they will know you are there!

Lanek: yup

Raelynn: Hmm, I suppose.... but only if you're also sneaky!

Indigo: rolls eyes

Raelynn: We don't want too many or someone might bump into us.

Raelynn: I'm ready when you are, Bixi.

Craigh: I have a spell to distract one of them away if needed

N'laea: I will keep an eye and sword out nearby.

Craigh: but it won't make them forget about us, just leave for a bit

Lanek: [SKILL] Move Silently [PERCENT: Move Silently] (vs. Target 85) [SUCCESS by 39] [d100 = 46]

Bixi Fizzlebang: [CAST] Invisibility 10' Radius

Craigh: stands there waiting to become vanishy

Lanek: I think you stick your die right on them

Craigh: keeps looking at his hand to see if he can see through himself yet

Branwyn: I don't think this will do anything other than cause a battle in the kitchen

Raelynn: Oh, um, maybe, but won't we maybe have to fight them later, anyways?

Branwyn: You know Bixi and Raelynn that invisibility does not cover sounds or smells? That your spell most likely has a verbal component and the more people go the louder you will be?

N'laea: We smell...chunky, wasn't it?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh I am absolutely NOT going in with them

Branwyn: Indigo said there were 40 in the kitchen and N'laea said about 30 in the hall just across the way. If the kitchen battle is loud then we will fight 70 creatures?

N'laea: More chance of being discovered now.

Branwyn: Is this a risk you all want to take and the best course of action here?

Bixi Fizzlebang: I think if nothing else, we should at least move ahead or give up for now and go back... if they start wanting to have a nap soon, we will be right in the way

Branwyn: I agree

Craigh: I think it's a good opportunity, but we don't have to take it.

Lanek: that is a compellin argument

Raelynn: Um, okay. I'm not a fighter so I probably can't say anything that might induce fighting....

Branwyn: If Raelynn goes by herself I think she has a much better chance of success

Bixi Fizzlebang: is visibly relieved that Branwyn approves

Lanek: but if you are not willin to go by yerself, I understand that. we should call it off

Craigh: Entirely possible. But it's up to her.

Youtargim: Perhaps I can go to protect? and listen to what they are saying?

Raelynn: I, um, I'm not comfortable with that right now. I can think about it.

Lanek: nods

Branwyn: So we either try the other outside door or move ahead and see if we can pass the kitchen and go to the other areas

Raelynn: Maybe if we decide later we can do it?

Bixi Fizzlebang: rolls eyes in response to Yogurt

Craigh: Honest answer, if you cast it on some of this food and one of us invisibly puts it in the pot, will your spell still work?

Raelynn: I would think so.

Lanek: oh well then

Lanek: let the master have at it

Lanek: holds out his hand for the food

Bixi Fizzlebang: Is... splitting up right now a good idea?

Lanek: we're not splitting up. just one of me, there and back, no problem

Branwyn: Then go ahead and do it. We've been out here an hour now

Raelynn: It takes about five minutes before it'll affect them.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Let's see if we can find somewhere safer to be while we decide what to do next?

Lanek: okay somebody gonna invisible me?

Raelynn: I can cast it now, and you can hold onto the food until you think you can safely deposit it?

Bixi Fizzlebang: looks at Branwyn for approval before casting

Lanek: let's do it. my nerves is itchin

Branwyn: It's dangerous. But if you want to ...

Lanek: my move silently is over by now isn't it?

N'laea: Perhaps we should wait? If they are loud, arguing, and fighting, it may spill over into our wandering.

Branwyn: It was 5 giants I'd be all in. All it takes is one slip and then one runs to the hall and we have us against 70 - so I am not thrilled with those odds

Bixi Fizzlebang: Well let's go then! The longer we stay here, the more likely we are to be discovered

N'laea: [SKILL] Ranger: Move Silently [PERCENT:Ranger: Move Silently] (vs. Target 67) [SUCCESS by 22] [d100 = 45]

BOB N'laea elects to move forward

N'laea: [SKILL] Ranger: Hide in Shadows [PERCENT:Ranger: Hide in Shadows] (vs. Target 59) [SUCCESS by 53] [d100 = 6]

BOB quietly slipping along the hallway

N'laea: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 6] [d20 = 18]

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 10]

Lanek: [SKILL] Move Silently [PERCENT: Move Silently] (vs. Target 85) [SUCCESS by 38] [d100 = 47]

Lanek: cast on the food, then cast invisible on Lanek, then Lanek carries the food in

Branwyn: we could try to cause a major silent distraction - like cast continual light on a cauldron over the fire - see how many of the staff go to stare at what just happened while we walk by - would need line of sight on the object but that's all

Nightshade, Cat, Elven : [Translation] I could visit the kitchens looking for a handout

[understood by: Licornah (W, Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]

N'laea: Nightshade has offered to be a distraction.

N'laea : [Translation] Go, distract them. We only need a minute. Be careful.

[understood by: Licornah (W, Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]

Nightshade, Cat, Elven : [Translation] Did you say catnip?

[understood by: Licornah (W, Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]

N'laea: Branwyn, the cat has offered to be a distraction. Could you add a second with magic?

Branwyn: peeks in the kitchen if she can

Branwyn: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 19) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 11]

N'laea : [Translation] Er, no. Cantrip, but we will search for some catnip after this.

[understood by: Licornah (W, Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]

This is a typical giant kitchen with counters along the walls, several tables, benches, a stool or two, and various items for cooking and baking (pots, kettles, bowls, knives, forks, spoons, ladles, spits, and so forth). There are 29 orc about the place. There are 5 giantess serving maids and 11 young ogre servants.

BOB For Branwyn she can see that it looks like there is an opening to the right of the fireplace

BOB that leads to another part of the kitchen

BOB and that everyone is crowded and busy in this space

Branwyn: whispers

Branwyn: They look so busy

N'laea: Then let us go.

Branwyn: runs by the door

Nightshade, Cat, Elven : [Translation] MEOWS

[understood by: Licornah (W, Carissa, Raelynn, N'laea]

Nightshade, Cat: Tries to steal a piece off of a skewer by the fire

Branwyn: nods for N'laea o keep moving

BOB N'laea has a door just behind her on the right

BOB Craigh has a door to his left

N'laea: Check yours first?

N'laea: to Craigh

Craigh: nods

Bixi Fizzlebang: (whispering) does anyone hear anything behind these doors?

N'laea: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 1]

Branwyn: whispers

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 8]

Lanek: [SKILL] Detect Noise [PERCENT: Detect Noise] (vs. Target 55) [SUCCESS by 47] [d100 = 8]

Branwyn: there was a room off the kitchen

Craigh: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 13]

BOB N'laea can here sounds like dice rattling

N'laea: Some kitchens have cellars.

N'laea: But I think some are gambling behind this door.

N'laea: nods to the one by her

BOB Craigh and Lanek do not hear anything behind that door

Craigh: tries the door

Craigh: quietly

Bixi Fizzlebang: Yes, cellars, and also they use a lot of water. Could be how the blight is getting out? (still whispering)

Tiberius: We should be moving

N'laea: You hear something?

Indigo: gives the cat a pat

Indigo: Good kitty!

BOB Door opens for Craigh

Craigh: peeks in

There are 3 tables, a long counter, stools, benches, and kitchen gear about. There are numerous sacks, boxes, and barrels. Various cheeses, smoked meats, and sausages hang from the rafters. There are several casks and tuns. Loaves of bread are stacked on one table.

BOB and Craigh spots a door to his left as well

Craigh: whispers back out the door, Food storage, no people.

Craigh: checks the next door quietly too

There are numerous sacks, boxes, and barrels. Various cheeses, smoked meats, and sausages hang from the rafters. There are several casks and tuns. Loaves of bread are stacked on one table. In this room is a set of stairs going down.

Craigh: Stairs, going down, probably to a cellar.

Craigh: Think we should all come in here and check it out?

N'laea: Yes.

N'laea: It is either down, the dice players, or that end door.

Craigh: leads the way if others want to follow

N'laea: following

Lanek: following

The date is Mid____se, 25th Fey (Winter), 351 SKR

The time is 10:15 AM

Lanek: moving on down

Indigo: follows Lanek

There are a few smokey torches burning along the walls. The benches and tables are pushed out of the way against the walls, revealing a floor of blackish stone, much worn by the tread of countless feet.

Craigh: This is not just a food cellar....

BOB no sign of any creatures in this room

N'laea: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 5]

N'laea: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 17) [SUCCESS by 15] [d20 = 2]

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 16]

Indigo: It's quiet down here. Let's go Lanek!

Lanek: okay

Craigh: stays near the walls