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Chat Log - 2022 03 25 - Cosmological Quandaries - Cloak Check - Formatted - Chat

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You are in the hallway moving forward

Craigh: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 17]

Craigh: stops to look and listen before moving on.

The chamber is filled with scattered tools for digging and stone masonry. There are shovels, pickaxes, hammers, drills, chisels, baskets, and so forth, many sized for giants, others for smaller creatures. The door to the north is locked with a huge padlock.

Craigh: Looks safe

Bixi Fizzlebang: trying to follow

Craigh: I'll go try the lock

Branwyn: Good

Branwyn: Perhaps listen at the door too? We've heard strange noises at some of these doors

Craigh: will do

Craigh: [SKILL] Detect Noise [PERCENT:Detect Noise] (vs. Target 5) [FAILURE by 94] [d100 = 99]

Craigh: puts his fingers in his ears

Craigh: [TOWER] [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 15]

Craigh does not hear anything

Craigh: tries the lock

Craigh: [TOWER] [SKILL] Open Locks [PERCENT:Open Locks] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 30] [d100 = 45]

the lock is still locked

Craigh: Nope, sorry.

Branwyn: Youtargim! Come up here and open this lock please

Indigo: whispers

Indigo: Why don't you just do it?

Branwyn: Shhh.. they need to practice

Craigh: steps out of the way.

Looks at Rae; Lets see if I can open this one

Youtargim: [SKILL] Open Locks [PERCENT:Open Locks] (vs. Target 10) [FAILURE by 6] [d100 = 16]

Youtargim: Grrffff

Youtargim: I thought it might work

Looks over at Craigh

Youtargim: How often do you practice with these?

Branwyn: All right. It must be a terrible lock

Craigh: Not often.

Youtargim: Does anyone else practice with these?

Branwyn: [CAST] Knock

Youtargim: HEY!

Youtargim: Maybe it was on delay?

Youtargim: Never heard of that before

Youtargim: But let's go see what is in here

Branwyn: smiles

Branwyn: After you

Youtargim: Indigo? do you think there is anything down there?

Indigo: A fork in the passage!

Indigo: Down where? Left or right?

Indigo: Craigh which way should we go?

Youtargim: there is a door let me see if the lock works the same way

Youtargim: [SKILL] Open Locks [PERCENT:Open Locks] (vs. Target 10) [FAILURE by 7] [d100 = 17]

The door to this room is padlocked.

Youtargim: Youtargim opens the lock

In addition to several large casks, 11 big barrels, and some various kegs, there are 13 tuns (5 gallons) of exceptional wine stored here. Each has a bung seal with a blob of black wax impressed with a death's head.

Youtargim: Huh, I do not remember being this lucky with them

Craigh: Good job.

Indigo: So what's in there?

Craigh: Looks like wine caskets

Youtargim: I do not think we can take this but looks like high quality wine

Youtargim: and some mead and perhaps ..... corn lichour?

Youtargim: but the rest fits in

Youtargim: Not sure what giants would want with that last

Indigo: Why can't we take it?

Craigh: You'd fit inside one of those barrels instead of carry it.

Youtargim: It will weigh a lot, plus hard to carry unless you have a winch and wagon

Indigo: Yeah I guess ...

Indigo: smiles

Youtargim: I would normally be interested in taking this, loot like this is what we would take from a ship we raid.... encounter, or visit

Youtargim: Goods we would trade for

Craigh: I forgot to bring a ship with me.

Youtargim: Or a cart

Indigo: Guess we have to go the other way then

Indigo: laughs at Craigh's comment

Youtargim: Grins

Bixi Fizzlebang: By ;going the other way; do you mean drinking it all?

Craigh: North East next?

The date is Mid____se, 25th Fey (Winter), 351 SKR

The time is 11:55 AM

Youtargim: Locks the door to the wine cellar again

The hallway where Craigh is ends after thirty or forty feet

similar to the other hallways that were under construction

this one is cleaner

nothing down that hall

Youtargim: Locks the door behind him again

The group goes back to the main hall.

N'laea: goes to listen to the other door with elf ears

Craigh: [TOWER] [SKILL] Detect Noise [PERCENT:Detect Noise] (vs. Target 5) [FAILURE by 36] [d100 = 41]

N'laea: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 10]

Craigh does not hear anything at that door

Craigh: [TOWER] [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 4]

and N'laea here murmuring in a not human language

She does not know it

N'laea: Yout. You listened here? What did you hear?

Youtargim: I heard some one that sounded like giving orders

N'laea: What language?

N'laea: And what orders?

Youtargim: Not sure of the language, some humanoid thing, maybe along the lines of ogre? or bugbear? my guess is bugbear from the intonation, not giant for sure, but then bugbears can have a bit of a hiss when they speak and I did not quite detect that this time, but it is a thick door

Youtargim: and of course you have dialects that I have no idea if they exist here on this Plane

Youtargim: but if I had to guess I would say they are ordering someone else around

Youtargim: not sure what they are saying without the hand gestures that they typically use

Indigo: So there are possibly a lot of things behind that door and now Craigh doesn't hear anything behind his door?

N'laea: So we are left with a potential bugbear, a probably giant, and the hallway to the south.

N'laea: Unless the giant is asleep?

Indigo: Maybe

Youtargim: It has been a while? a half hour or more that we were here, so maybe they left? or went to sleep?

Indigo: Don't know what time it is down here.

N'laea: This is why I hate underground...

Indigo: probably lunch time

Youtargim: I could go for lunch

Indigo: Me too!

Youtargim: did we bring anything?

N'laea: Ah. We don't all have a stomach with the ability to tell us the time.

Indigo: I have some scones. I didn't feed the manticores

N'laea: I do not need much food. I had plenty to share.

Indigo: digs a scone out of his pouch and splits it with Youtargim

Youtargim: Thank you Indigo

Indigo: Which way do you want to go?

N'laea: I'd prefer a bugbear over a giant for now. Or to check the south hallway.

Youtargim: I always like making sure that no one can come out of a door at me when we are raiding... exploring a new ship

Youtargim: But we do not have any braces to block the doors to stop them from opening

N'laea moves aside and gestures towards the door for Yout to open

Youtargim: Look it was unlocked

Youtargim: OH

This smokily lit room has occupied cells on the south side of the room and a gong with a mallet by the door to the north. Approaching you after you enter are 2 bugbears armed with morning stars.

Youtargim : [Translation] Why are you still here, you were supposed to be upstairs!

[understood by: ]

Indigo: shoves the rest of the scone in his mouth, moves down closer to the door and looks

Youtargim moves aside keeping the door open for others to enter

Bugbear 36: Runs up to Youtargim and SLAMS him with his mace, making him heavily wounded

and then the follow through with his sword BONGS off the gong hanging on the wall, ringing loudly through the room

N'laea attacks Bugbear 36 with her magical Longsword, killing him.

Bixi Fizzlebang attacks Bugbear 37 with her Sling, hitting him with a stone and wounding him.

The Keeper is a ghastly hill giant, hunchbacked, twisted, and with but one good eye. He is thoroughly wicked and evil, strong

The Keeper hits Tiberius with a battle axe causing him to be heavily wounded.

Raelynn tries to blind The Keeper with a bullet from her sling but misses.

Bugbear 37 tries to hit N’laea with his Broadsword but misses.

Tiberius hits The Keeper with his Rapier, wounding him.

Branwyn: [CAST] Many Jaws [at The Keeper]

Save [4] [Target 10] -> [for The Keeper] [vs Branwyn] [TARGET-FAILED]

The many jaws rip into The Keeper’s flesh, heavily wounding him.


Youtargim tries to attack Bugbear 37 with his Scimitar but misses.

Indigo attacks The Keeper with his Shortswords and kills him.

Craigh uses his Lasso to tie up Bugbear 37’s legs. The rope wraps around them but Bugbear 37 does not trip.

Nightshade, Cat, Elven : [Translation] HSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

[understood by: Licornah, N'laea, Raelynn]

Stalks forward with back arched

N'laea attacks Bugbear 37 with her magical Longsword, killing him.

Bixi Fizzlebang: [CAST] Animal Friendship [at Ape 2]

Save [5] [Target 14] -> [for Ape 2] [FAILURE]

Bixi Fizzlebang: Hello ape! None of us wants to hurt you! Please get yourself to safety for now and when it's safe to come out we would love to talk to you and help you either escape or stay here, or possibly some other goals!

Bixi Fizzlebang: Everyone leave the ape alone! We are going to be friends!

Licornah has the ape in front of her,

and Bixi shouting behind her

Licornah: Hello - how are you? Why are you here?

Ape 2 [Ignan]: [Translation] GRUNTS

[understood by: ]

The ape is not attacking, but apparently cannot speak anything you can understand either

BUT Licornah does see the second ape come out of the room

behind the charmed one

Licornah: :: shrug :: they don't understand me...

Slightly larger than the first, maybe male?

It is 30~ feet away behind the other ape and dead giant

the front Ape is watching Bixi and cautious with Licornah

Raelynn: We don't mean harm to either of you! Just... don't attack, okay?

Raelynn: [SKILL] Persuasion [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 19]

Tiberius: Going to let this one go? What do you think Indigo?

Indigo: Not if it attacks us first!

The charmed Ape shuffles back and forth

Not attacking, not retreating

Branwyn: Going to look for something to kill, love. Be back soon

Branwyn: waves for the jaws to follow her


Youtargim: Looks at N'laea

Youtargim: Open this door? Or?

N'laea: Might as well. They already heard us.

So Youtargim opens one door then moves and opens a second door

the first has nothing visible in it (it is dark in the cells) and then the next one has a skeleton that reaches and attacks as soon as the door opens

Skeleton 2 tries to attack Youtargim but misses.

Indigo: looks at Branadarus and sighs

Indigo: What is she doing?

Dishelved Human: Coughs

Dishelved Human: A drink please?

N'laea: You can wait.

Indigo: Indigo follows Branwyn

Nightshade, Cat, Elven : [Translation] HSSSSSSSSSS

[understood by: Licornah, N'laea, Raelynn]

N'laea attacks Skeleton 2 with her Longsword and kills it.

Bixi Fizzlebang: gives Disheveled Human her water

Bixi Fizzlebang: There's more water down the hall... once we are not being attacked, we can take you there.

Lorie (Licornah): Assuming I still can't understand the Ape, I wave and head towards the group

Raelynn: Okay well... be good!

Raelynn: [SKILL] Persuasion [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 14]

Raelynn goes to see what the ruckus is

Tiberius: glances back at where Branwyn and Indigo are going, then looks back at the two Apes and stands his ground to guard against them

Ape 2: Shuffles back and forth, pawing at the dead giant, and whining

Branwyn: moves down the hall with her jaws looking for the 5th giant

Branwyn sees that cross hallway there openings it seems going either way and a door in front of her

all out on the edge of her light


Youtargim moves down to the other doors but does not open them

Indigo: continues to follow Branwyn

Craigh: goes to look in the first door Youts didn't open

Skeleton 3 tries to attack Craigh but misses.

Craigh: [CHECK] Strength [-2] (vs. Target 5) [FAILURE by 8] [d20+2 = 13]

Craigh tries to close the door again but fails.

Nightshade, Cat, Elven Backs up slowly, still angry, watching the apes carefully

Ape 1 bites and claws at Tiberius, wounding him.

N'laea attacks Skeleton 3 with her Longsword and kills it.

N'laea: I am betting there are more.

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Just going to go see what's going on

Licornah: [HEAL] Cure Serious Wounds [2d8+1 = 7]

Heal [7] -> [to Tiberius]

Raelynn: TIBERIUS!

Raelynn: No! Bad ape! BAD!!

Raelynn: GO AWAY!

Raelynn: [SKILL] Persuasion [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 15]

Tiberius hits Ape 1 with his Rapier, killing him.

Ape 2 runs away.

Branwyn has a door in front of her, that is on a T intersection, hallway going right and left

Branwyn is standing there at the door and looking down the hallway, her light does NOT extend all the way down, but she can see a chamber down there with a pulsing red glowing light of a forge fire

and a bugbear pacing back and forth like they are waiting for something/someone

Branwyn: goes to the door and opens it about a foot, not swinging it wide open

and so now Branwyn is looking inside that door

Branwyn: sees a couple dozen unarmed orc slaves and then quickly closes the door as quietly as she can


Youtargim: Looks like nothing in here

Indigo: tries to catch up with his insane friend Branwyn

Craigh: I'm not going to open the next door.

Bugbear 6 attacks Branwyn with his Broadsword, wounding her.

N'laea goes to open door because why not at this point

Skeleton 1 attacks N’laea and wounds her.

N'laea attacks Skeleton 1 with her Longsword and kills it.

N'laea: Should have let the door shut...

Bixi Fizzlebang: Um... should we go after Branwyn and Indigo?

Licornah: [HEAL] Cure Serious Wounds [2d8+1 = 15]

Heal [15] -> [to Tiberius] [STATUS: Wounded]

Raelynn runs to try to catch up

Tiberius: Thank you Licornah, I feel much better now.

Tiberius: We should make sure the others are safe now

Branwyn attacks Bugbear 6 with her Dagger, wounding him.


Indigo attacks Bugbear 6 with his Shortswords, killing him.

Raelynn: Are you okay?