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Chat Log - 2022 07 22 - Searching for Alexandria - Formatted - Chat

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The time is 6:00 PM

With the rust monsters gone and night falling, the group decides to spend the night at the farmhouse and sets up watches. Bixi and Howard will take the first watch.

Youtargim: So do you want me on your watch Bixi? or would you like me to be with Rae?

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm going to let Rae make her own decision on that one

Youtargim: I am happy to be with either of you

Raelynn: Oh, I don't mind. I just want sleep.

Bixi Fizzlebang: grimaces slightly

Raelynn: Have you spent time with Howard, Bixi? Maybe you should get to know him!

Youtargim: Howard is an interesting person

Indigo: No he isn't

Youtargim: Did you know he likes butterflies

Indigo: laughing

Bixi Fizzlebang: That might be nice, maybe Howard has some good mage stories!

Bixi Fizzlebang: Tips

Bixi Fizzlebang: Whatever

Youtargim: I have noticed that every time one flutters by he looks at them for a bit longer

Youtargim: as long as Bixi and Rae do

Raelynn: Ooh, you can get some gossip from him, Bixi!

Raelynn: Have fun! Goodnight!

Bixi Fizzlebang: Howard, do you think I have time to cook something while we're on watch? I wonder if there are any decent crops left I could make some food with

Bixi Fizzlebang: Maybe some roots

Bixi Fizzlebang: Maybe something stored in the house somewhere

Howard Plum: Probably. I think we have killed the danger here

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 11]

Howard Plum: There looked like there were plants by the scarecrow

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Botany [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 12]

Bixi can tell nothing is actually growing outside

Howard Plum: Do you think the next time you summon insects, you could try for some killer ladybugs?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Um, it's kind of random what bugs come, but I'll try for you

Bixi Fizzlebang: Do you like ladybugs?

Howard Plum: Thank you. I think that would be nice

Bixi Fizzlebang: starts searching farmhouse

Bixi Fizzlebang: Do you really like butterflies or was Yout making stuff up?

Howard Plum: goes to stand at the front door to watch

Bixi Fizzlebang: Ooooh, ham and beets!

and a few wilted apples

Howard Plum: Who doesn't like butterflies?

Bixi Fizzlebang: I mean they're fine, I just never felt especially drawn to them

Howard Plum: Branwyn can cantrip them. I cannot master it myself.

Bixi Fizzlebang: What kinds of things can you do?

Howard Plum: I can kill rust monsters apparently

Howard Plum: smiles

Bixi Fizzlebang: Yes, that was really impressive!

Howard Plum: I can whistle for messages but no one I know can do it too so I just whistle to myself

Howard Plum: [SKILL] Whistling/Humming [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 16]

Howard Plum: tries to do a whistle call

Howard Plum: sighs

Howard Plum: Maybe not tonight

Bixi Fizzlebang: Um... no, that was... um... good

Howard Plum: So are you excited to be going on a ship Bixi? Do you know how to swim?

Bixi Fizzlebang: I don't. I'm a little worried about how Knotty will do on the ship, honestly. I don't really want to abandon him. Have you been on ships much? Do you swim?

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Cooking [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 20]

Bixi Fizzlebang: Food's done, want to give it a try Howard?

Howard Plum: Certainly. I would like that very much

Bixi Fizzlebang: hands a dish/container/whatever of food to Howard

Howard Plum: Yes, I can swim. The longest I've been on a ship was from Dryads Lair to here and so this promises to be an even longer voyage

Howard Plum: Takes the plate and a fork and takes a bite

Bixi Fizzlebang: How long do you think this will take?

Howard Plum: tries to keep from making a face and swallows the piece without chewing it

Bixi Fizzlebang: Where's Dryads Lair?

Howard Plum: Ummm ... that was ... interesting

Howard Plum: That is far down the river from Rivers Bend in Terraguard. I lived there

Bixi Fizzlebang: Thanks! I'm not a big fan of beets myself, but glad you liked it!

Howard Plum: It is where Talwin will look for his sword master

Bixi Fizzlebang: Ohhh, what's it like?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Do you still know people there?

Howard Plum: It's the biggest city you will probably ever see

Howard Plum: I think so. I belonged to the mage guild there

Howard Plum: I hope we can stay in the Drillian Ambassador's palace if they still live there

Howard Plum: You will be amazed at it all I think

Bixi Fizzlebang: Ooooh, I bet there are really good shops there!

Bixi Fizzlebang: What's your favorite thing to do there?

Howard Plum: I liked going to parties in mansions and the Royal Library and a proper guild.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Ooooh, you went to fancy parties!? What were they like?

Bixi Fizzlebang: What did you wear?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Who did you dance with?

Howard Plum: Ohhh I didn't dance.

Howard Plum: I just liked seeing all the people

Bixi Fizzlebang: Were they ostentatious?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Or were they just regular people?

Howard Plum: Very fancy. There were princes and lords and council members

Bixi Fizzlebang: What were the parties for?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Did they have good food?

Howard Plum: Wonderful food!

Bixi Fizzlebang: Why did you leave?

Zayden: Hi gang! we talking about parties?

Howard Plum: The parties were for everything. Did you know that there is a Kayugan religious holiday almost every day? And one of the princes lives there

Howard Plum: Zayden! You are awake

Bixi Fizzlebang: How do they ever get work done if there's a holiday every day?

Zayden sleep talks

Zayden dreams of parties

Howard Plum: Well most people have to work and so forth. Not everyone celebrates every holiday

Howard Plum: Branwyn used to complain there were too many

Bixi Fizzlebang: Why? That seems like so much fun! A party any time you're feeling like going to a party!

Howard Plum: She was ambassador so she had to host many

Bixi Fizzlebang: Ohhh, so the parties WERE work for her

Bixi Fizzlebang: That's unfortunate

Howard Plum: Yes everyone wanted something from her. I think she found it tiresome

Bixi Fizzlebang: There must be a better way to host parties... maybe summoning something to host them for you...

Bixi Fizzlebang: Hmm...

Howard Plum: But I think we shall have a good time as tourists in the city

Bixi Fizzlebang: Or a bubble of silence around you so if people get too close and start bothering you, they can't talk anymore. I wonder if that's possible...

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm looking forward to it now!

Howard Plum: Good!

Howard Plum: Talwin will busy sword fighting and we won't have anything to do other than sightsee

Bixi Fizzlebang: Are there any animals?

Howard Plum: unaware that there will likely be a quest involved

Bixi Fizzlebang: Anything I wouldn't have encountered back at home?

Howard Plum: Horses and dogs and so forth

Howard Plum: The city is not a place for a lot of wild animals but if we get out of the city we will see some

Bixi Fizzlebang: You'd think with so many princes there might be something more exotic

Bixi Fizzlebang: I just assume rich people keep weird pets

Bixi Fizzlebang: I mean, Branwyn decided to keep those weird cats

Howard Plum: Hmmm ... I suppose

Howard Plum: I didn't think of it that way

Howard and Bixi have successfully (or not) made dinner and gotten through the first part of the night

Zayden yawns and stretches audibly

Zayden: Hey it's still night time

Indigo: Gets up and says goodnight to Howard and Bixi

Bixi Fizzlebang: goes to sleep

Zayden: This is gonna throw off my inner clock

Indigo: Yup. It's watch time

Bixi Fizzlebang: sleepily mumbles “Have a nice watch”

Indigo: You have an inner clock?

Zayden: Night Bixi

Indigo: looks

Zayden: Sure, we all do really, just means the usual time we like to do stuff

Indigo: I like to do stuff all the time

Zayden: What kind of stuff?

Indigo: I dunno. I like eating when it's eating time and sleeping when it's time and fighting when it's that time

Zayden: Well see, that's your inner clock

Zayden smiles

Zayden: The more you know...

Indigo: Speaking of food, looks like Bixi was cooking

Zayden: Mmm anything good?

Indigo: goes over to Howard's almost full plate

Indigo: takes a bite

Indigo: gags

Indigo: YUCK!

Zayden: No good?

Indigo: What is this??

Indigo: It's awful

Zayden: Let me try some can't be that bad

Zayden takes a bite

Indigo: I'm gonna starve if Bixi's our ship cook

Zayden: Good Lord!

Zayden: I don't think that is meant for the living

Indigo: Where's Knotty? We should give it to him and then Bixi will think we ate it all

Zayden: Honestly people have been charged with war crimes for lesser offenses

Zayden: Knotty would just tell her though

Indigo: I don't think he talks to anyone other than Licornah

Zayden: Plus what if Knotty got sick from it? Bixi wouldn't be too happy with us

Indigo: If we're not sick, the boar won't be

Zayden: I mean is she expecting us to finish it?

Indigo: You can wake Thistle and see if she wants it

Indigo: I dunno

Zayden: Would Knotty even eat it? Even a boar must have standards?

Indigo: Let's try

Zayden: Sure could be funny

Zayden giggles

Indigo: takes the plate and goes to find Knotty

Indigo: Here Knotty have a midnight snack

Mammal, Boar, Wild : [Translation] Ahymmmm

Zayden: Isn't it funny the boar is named about behaving badly?

Indigo: puts the plate down in front of him

Mammal, Boar, Wild : [Translation] CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP

Zayden: Is he eating it?

Mammal, Boar, Wild : [Translation] SNORTS

Indigo: Maybe that's why the circus named him that

and the food quickly disappears

Zayden: Hey nice job Knotty

Indigo: looks closely at the boar

Zayden: he seem ok?

Indigo: Think so

Indigo: laughs

Zayden: tough lil guy eh

Indigo: takes the plate back to the table

Indigo: So last time we were on watch you asked if I had a secret crush on anyone but then the watch ended before you could answer. Do you have one?

Zayden: Was that last time?

Indigo: Last time we had a watch together. With Youtargim

Zayden: Ah yes

Indigo: So?

Zayden: Well hmmm, I'm not sure to be honest, I find myself oddly compelled by Bixi though, she is strange

Indigo: smiles

Indigo: She is very nice

Zayden: even to strange boars

Indigo: laughs

Zayden: I think there's something about music and nature

Zayden: When they intertwine, I think the sunset and sunrise are my favorite times to play

Indigo: Well you'll have lots of time on the ship to see. Can't get away from anyone on a ship

Indigo: We'd like that

Zayden: Yes, there’s an implication...

Zayden: Will we be getting to the city by tomorrow?

Indigo: I hope so!

Zayden: me as well

Zayden: There any coffee?

Youtargim [A Comm]: [Translation] ZZZZZ I will come back for you

Zayden: I used to like it with milk and sugar, but now I just kinda like it black

Youtargim [A Comm]: [Translation] STOP

Zayden: what's this guy goin on about?

Indigo: I don't think so. I hope next watch wakes soon though. I'm tired

Indigo: I dunno.

Zayden: probably for the best, wouldn't be able to go back to sleep after

Youtargim [A Comm]: [Translation] Seize that ship

Indigo: goes over and shakes Youtargim awake

Youtargim [A Comm]: [Translation] What what

Indigo: Wake up!

Zayden: I was dreaming about a party

Youtargim: Oh sorry

Zayden: he sleep talking?

Indigo: Time for your watch

Indigo: shrugs at Zayden

Youtargim: Ahh

Youtargim: Good

Youtargim: Yeah


Youtargim: I mean sure I am here

Youtargim: Uhh

Indigo: You were talking in your sleep

Youtargim: Really?

Youtargim: what did I say?

Indigo: I dunno. Zayden did you understand any of that?

Zayden: I think it was something about how he loves riding horses naked or something along those lines

Zayden: Just kidding, no idea

Indigo: Ugh ...

Youtargim: ouch

Indigo: Maybe you should wake Raelynn

Youtargim: that would not be comfortable

Indigo: I'm going to sleep

Youtargim: I can wake her

Indigo: Goodnight!

Youtargim: steps over and gently shakes Rae

Zayden: Good night Indy!

Zayden: Nice watching with ya

Zayden smiles

Raelynn: yawns and stretches

Raelynn: Oh I needed that sleep.

Indigo: smiles

Youtargim: Huh, Indy,

Youtargim: Rae have you ever heard anyone call Indigo Indy?

Youtargim: Sorry you are just waking up that must not make a lot of sense

Raelynn: Hmm?

Zayden gets back in bed, gently closes his eyes

Youtargim: It is our time to watch Rae

Raelynn: Yes, I'm awake.

Raelynn yawns

Youtargim: waits, waits waits to see if she noticed that line

Raelynn: Did they say anything about the other watches?

Raelynn: clearly still sleepy

Youtargim: I think that someone cooked something but most of it is gone

Youtargim: they did not leave us anything

Youtargim: You can have what is left

Raelynn: Hmm, well that's okay. Breakfast won't be too much longer. I hope Bixi cooks something good.

Youtargim: I can wait for breakfast

Raelynn: Did you sleep well?

Youtargim: I was sleeping well, then I had a dream

Youtargim: and woke up

Youtargim: not sure

Raelynn: What was the dream?

Youtargim: You know how you wake up and sometimes you think you dreamed what someone was saying to you when they woke you

Youtargim: so maybe Indigo or Zayden was telling me to grab the girl

Raelynn: Grab the girl? Did you dream someone was falling off a cliff?

Youtargim: I woke up suddenly

Youtargim: It was a ship?

Youtargim: maybe someone was falling off of it?

Raelynn: shudders

Youtargim: Do you know how to swim?

Raelynn: I told you earlier I cannot.

Raelynn: frowns

Youtargim: Ahh yes, sorry so many were comparing notes

Youtargim: I can teach you

Youtargim: Here let me show you something

Raelynn: Umm, well I told you when we talked at the boarding house....

Youtargim: moves up behind Rae

Youtargim: Now hold your breathe and lean back

Raelynn: Why?

Youtargim: So you can learn

Youtargim: I will not let you fall

Raelynn: Is this a trust exercise?

Youtargim: No a swimming lesson

Raelynn: Hmm....

Youtargim: Keep your eyes open

Youtargim: Just hold your breath

Raelynn: pauses for a minute then holds her breath

Youtargim: Although when you swim most people close their eyes

Youtargim: Hand on Rae's back as she leans back

Youtargim: Then sudden JAB into her stomach with his fingers

Raelynn: EEK!

Youtargim: NO

Raelynn: pulls away

Youtargim: no no no

Youtargim: that is what you need to learn

Youtargim: you have to hold your breath

Youtargim: When you fall into the water it will be a shock

Raelynn: You didn't say I had to keep holding it!

Youtargim: you have to hold your breath

Youtargim: can you breathe under water?

Raelynn: If I ask Bixi nicely, I can!

Youtargim: OH

Raelynn: I think...

Raelynn: mutters

Youtargim: well that will be nice if you know ahead of time

Youtargim: but you have to hold it and hold it when things shock you

Youtargim: Or you will breathe in water and that is NOT good

Raelynn: Well I plan to say right in the middle of the ship. Far away from the sides.

Youtargim: I am not sure what kind of ship we will be on

Youtargim: but not many have a space that far away from water

Youtargim: except far up in the crows nest

Youtargim: That is the top of the mast

Raelynn: Ugh, why am I going on this trip?

Youtargim: the large center .... pole that holds the sails up

Raelynn: That doesn't sound good, either.

Youtargim: I thought you were here to be in charge

Raelynn: Hmm? Me, in charge?

Youtargim: You and Bixi seem to be in charge lately

Raelynn: Oh no. I just like to make sure things are orderly.

Youtargim: See,

Youtargim: It is a good thing

Raelynn: But I didn't want to come to make things orderly.

Youtargim: What did you want to make things?

Raelynn: Oh, I'm not making anything. I'm visiting family.

Zayden Dreams of Bardapaloozaa...

Raelynn: Which better be worth it...

Youtargim: Where is your family?

Youtargim: I thought you had not talked to them in a while?

Raelynn: Exactly! I can't just send my mom a letter after six years. If I can visit her, she'll be much happier.

Raelynn: As for my relatives? Eh, we'll see.

Youtargim: I would like to visit your mom with you

Youtargim: Tell her how brave you have been

Raelynn: Well first you need to learn to listen better like you promised you would.

Youtargim: I am listening

Raelynn: And before that you need to tell me what your actual intentions are because you're very much confusing me.

Youtargim: You did not listen when I said to hold your breath

Youtargim: My intentions? what do you mean?

Raelynn: And you didn't remember when I told you I can't swim. I'm guessing you were distracted.

Youtargim: You are distracting, I will admit

Raelynn: Well you said your intentions with the group, but what are you intentions with me? Because you made it sound like you didn't think you'd be with us long nor that I wanted to be courted so what's left? Hoping you'd get laid?

Raelynn: I don't know what courting or anything with your culture is like so it's very confusing.

Youtargim: I would be glad to have sex with you if you want, you seem to be very... fun to try things with... but I am not saying that is what I was looking for

Youtargim: But if you want to try that

Youtargim: It has been a while

Raelynn: sighs

Raelynn: NO

Youtargim: we will have to find a time not on watch

Raelynn: Back in my youth, maybe, but that's not what I want anymore. I want to find love. Actual, soulmate kind of love.

Raelynn: But I don't want to find that with someone who's just looking to score a night with me. Speaking from experience, they're usually jerks.

Youtargim: Soft smile, for an Elven Lady a soulmate must be very hard to find

Raelynn: Hanali will bless us with love so it's out there, but we still have to find it on our own. She won't tell us.

Raelynn: I think sometimes some leave the church because they get tired of waiting, but I KNOW it's out there. Somewhere.

Youtargim: I have been with those that I thought were deep connections

Youtargim: I am not sure that counts as a soulmate

Raelynn: Deep connections are a good start, though!

Youtargim: Adventures and surviving dangers can bring about an intimacy that misleads what someone really is about

Raelynn: Hmm, I suppose that's true. But I haven't really been on many adventures to discover that.

Youtargim: I have been on a few trips that seems to almost end in doom but we survived

Youtargim: I was smitten by the Princess

Youtargim: but it has been years that I have been home apparently

Youtargim: but it does not feel like that with you

Raelynn: But she has Namsut?

Youtargim: because we have been together this time

Youtargim: Who can compete with a Marid?

Raelynn: What's it feel like?

Youtargim: How does what feel like?

Raelynn: You said it does not feel like that with me, but you certainly seem smitten.

Youtargim: I meant that it does not feel like we have spent years together,

Raelynn: Well that's because we haven't, silly.

Youtargim: I am ... pleased.... happy, to be with you

Youtargim: It is enjoyable to banter back and forth

Youtargim: You are interesting and smart,

Youtargim: I am not worried about you taking care of your self

Youtargim: glances over at Bixi

Raelynn: As long as we're on the same page.

Youtargim: like others

Raelynn: I'm not against flirting or courtship, but I certainly am against someone just hoping to sleep with me as their end game.

Youtargim: We have slept together for weeks

Raelynn: Er, no not that...

Youtargim: I am not certain how courtship works for elves

Raelynn: Just... it's very different here than in the city.

Youtargim: This we both agree on

Raelynn: Um, well I was raised by my human mother so... it's like... human courtship?

Youtargim: At home this would not be a question, you would be able to just TAKE if you wanted

Youtargim: and everyone would be understanding

Raelynn: That's how you get stabbed in the eye.

Youtargim: that it was what you wanted

Youtargim: I would not stab you in the eye

Youtargim: I would stand up and say no,... well I would say yes... but someone would say no if they did not want

Raelynn: If someone just tried to TAKE me because they wanted me, they'd absolutely get stabbed in the eye.

Youtargim: Most definitely

Youtargim: I am glad we talked and straightened that out

Raelynn: Hmm, so I think you need to get better at listen and I need to realize things were... different where you grew up.

Raelynn: And just... please don't let me fall in the water. It'll ruin my hair at minimum.

Youtargim: I will try very hard to not let you fall into the water

Raelynn: Thank you.

Raelynn: smiles

Youtargim: and if you do I will try my best to bring you back up out of it

Raelynn: shudders at the thought of drowning

Youtargim: Did you want to try your hand at breakfast?

Raelynn: I'm actually curious to see what you'll cook up.

Raelynn: It's going to be much more interesting than anything I make.

Youtargim: Warm chuckles, that sounds like a challenge to see what you can do for me tomorrow

Youtargim: Go wake the others and I will find out what we have here

Raelynn: Oh I have a plan.

Raelynn: goes to wake everyone up

Youtargim goes off through the house

Comes back shortly with several thick steaks

Lights a fire outside of the door,

and grills up the steaks

Zayden: Whooo! I slept great, thank you Rae, you know how to bring a man out of sleep

Raelynn: has second thoughts about not doing breakfast

Raelynn: Was it me or the smell of steaks?

Zayden: Something smells delicious

Zayden: Is that steaks?

Raelynn: Apparently so...

Zayden: Boy I hope we remembered to pack salt

Raelynn: Bixi, were there any fresh crops?

Zayden: Do you eat meat Bixi?

Zayden strolls over to Yout and the grill

Zayden peeks at the steaks

Bixi Fizzlebang: Of course I do

Zayden: Nice, me too

Zayden: whispers to Yout: Hey Yout, they lookin good

Youtargim: Indigo! Howard!

Youtargim: Come on and get breakfast

Youtargim: a bit rough but the best we could do

Youtargim: hope to find an inn for tomorrow

Zayden: Don't mind if I do

Bixi Fizzlebang: What did you make, Yout?

Zayden grabs a plate and a steak and some salt

Youtargim: Just steaks

Zayden: Any potatoes?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Did everyone enjoy the Ham a la' beets I made last night?

Bixi Fizzlebang: What kind of steaks?

Zayden: Knotty did

Youtargim: Sliced a bit of those beasts we killed yesterday

Zayden: well he ate it at least, not sure if he enjoyed it

Youtargim: What are potatoes?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Rust monster steak?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh, thanks for feeding Knotty!

Zayden: I'll take that as a no

Zayden: No worries

Zayden smiles

Zayden slices into his steak and inspects the meat, satisfied, places it in his mouth

Thistle: Will it rust us from the inside out?

Youtargim: Only if you have metal inside of you

Bixi Fizzlebang: I think I'll sit this meal out

Youtargim: Hmmmm I did have a sailor or two with a hook, I wonder how they would have dealt with this

Zayden: mmm it's pretty good Bixi

Bixi Fizzlebang: It's not impossible that I've swallowed some metal before...

Zayden: just needs some salt, hot sauce wouldn't been nice

Zayden: but we make due when we're on the road

Thistle: Of course you did. You wouldn't be a pirate without knowing at least ONE with a hook.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Wash your hands before you touch anything after you're done eating...

Youtargim: The spices from up in your area Zayden are something

Youtargim: You get the best from the Spice Road don't you

Zayden: I do like spices Yout

Youtargim: Bixi you should eat

Zayden: They allow one to express character through food

Youtargim: if you do have metal inside then this might melt it away

Zayden: Yea Bixi we got a long day ahead

Thistle: It'll clean ya out!

Youtargim: I cannot imagine it being good to have metal in you

Raelynn: You don't think the rust monsters were the family and priest do you...?

Youtargim: Oh no

Youtargim: These are pests in some places

Zayden: I think we all have some metal inside us actually, but like a tiny amount

Youtargim: I do wonder where they disappeared to

Raelynn: If only we weren't in the Mist. We could see if any spirits here knew.

Zayden: as metal is part of the earth, and we are part of the earth, there is some metal in us, and us in some metal

Youtargim: I hope you are not swallowing daggers or swords Zayden

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm good... I'll stick with the ham and beets, thanks

Zayden: well not the kind you're talking about

Bixi Fizzlebang: collects the rest of the ham and beets?

Zayden: smiles

Raelynn: What ham and beets?

Bixi Fizzlebang: I found some stored in the house

Zayden cleans his plate

Zayden: Fine breakfast Yout, compliments to the chef!

Raelynn: There wasn't any when I woke up...

Zayden: I love beets, those are the red one correct?

Youtargim: Bixi who did you leave it with? they might have eaten all of them

Howard Plum: Yes, very good breakfast

Bixi Fizzlebang: Whoever was on second watch... Indigo and Zayden?

Youtargim: Ahhh

Indigo: looks down at his plate

Zayden Grabs his ukulele and starts playing some morning sunshine

Youtargim: I can imagine Indigo and Zayden eating all of them

Zayden: what's this?

Raelynn: Oh, good point. Indigo does like his second helpings.

Zayden: Yes I was on 2nd watch I believe

Bixi Fizzlebang: I don't think I put ALL of it in the dish...

Zayden: Me and Indy

Raelynn: Indy?

Zayden: oh we didn't have any beets or ham, just a bite of that unearthly dinner

Bixi Fizzlebang: beams

Bixi Fizzlebang: What a nice compliment!

Zayden: I call him Indy, I think he likes it

Zayden: Hey we all have to start somewhere Bixi, it's all downhill from here

Raelynn: Indigo, do you want to be called Indy? I can't say I've heard that one before...

the group packs up their things and travels along as they talk

Zayden: So we have to call a committee meeting for me to give Indigo a nickname?

Indigo: No one has every given me a nickname. It's strange but I don't think I don't like it

Indigo: laughs

Indigo: No

Zayden: well that's how nicknames work Indy

Zayden: People give it to you and for better or worse, you're stuck with it

The time is 6:00 AM

The date is Trall____, 1st Man (Early Spring), 357 SKR

Young Moon's phase is Full Moon

Old Moon's phase is Full Moon

Raelynn: Well it's always nice to ask them first.

Indigo: It's okay Raelynn

Zayden: I mean I could ask, but I feel like the formality of it takes some of the fun away

Zayden: But I appreciate your trying to be respectful of others Rae

Zayden: And please know Indy, that I call you Indy with positive affection and energy

Raelynn: Thank you.

Zayden: Bixi have you ever had a nickname? Or do you have a nickname?

Raelynn: Hmm, I suppose she could be Bix but her name is already so short.

Zayden: Bixi kind of sounds like a nickname actually

Youtargim: whispers to Raelynn Softly, “Do you have a favorite nickname?”

Raelynn: True

Zayden: I think Rae is the obvious choice

Zayden: Hey Rae and Zay, I like the sound of that

Raelynn: Well, my dad gave me an Elvish nickname I always liked.

Zayden: Oh wonderful, and what was that?

Bixi Fizzlebang: shrugs

Bixi Fizzlebang: Bix would be fine, it's basically the same thing. What's in a name anyway

Raelynn: Arasha.

Raelynn: It means “my happiness.”

Zayden: Oh that's super sweet Rae!

Raelynn: smiles

Zayden: Your dad sounds like a cool guy

Raelynn: Oh, he is. I just wish he was better at keeping track of time so I'd see him more often.

Youtargim: whispers to Raelynn: How about Gamil

Zayden: Yes, fathers aren't know for being good with time

Bixi Fizzlebang: I mean... it's not his fault we disappeared for six years

Indigo: Your dad is the elf right?

Bixi Fizzlebang: You can't expect anyone to keep up with that

Raelynn: Mhmm!

Zayden: I dunno Bixi, there's that whole father-daughter bond thing going

Raelynn: My mom is human, my dad is an elf.

Zayden: Or the Mother-Son bond as well

Indigo: So that explains why your dad doesn’t feel time

Zayden: Cool, I imagine that must be tough, an elf and a human

Zayden: outliving your loved one and all I mean

Raelynn: No and he has his secret... but that's a different story

Zayden: Have we exited the Mists yet?

So the group heads north along the Dry Road

Raelynn: to Yout, “What's that mean?”

Zayden: Boy this road sure is dry huh?

about half way through the day

Zayden: Boy that sun is right at the halfway point huh?

Howard Plum: [SKILL] Whistling/Humming [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 17]

Youtargim: Quietly to Rae, it means the sun sparkling on the sea

Howard Plum: coughs

Raelynn: Oh, that's lovely!

Zayden: Feeling alright there Howard?

The group is traveling along the road and then get to a church

The Temple of Healing

Zayden: Hey look a church

Howard Plum: Yes. Something caught in my throat

Indigo has seen it before but not stopped

Zayden: It happens Howard, doesn't make you any less of a man

Howard Plum: It ... well ... I don't understand that leap ...

Zayden: Anybody need some healing done?

Howard Plum: [SKILL] Religion [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 8) [FAILURE by 11] [d20 = 19]

Raelynn: [SKILL] Religion, Elven [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 9]

Human, Priest: Welcome travelers

Zayden chuckles

Zayden: Hi Human Priest!

Zayden: We were just admiring your lovely church that you got going on over here

Indigo: Want a flyer for the circus?

Human, Priest: Thank you, we are always willing to help those in need

Indigo: hands over a flyer

Bixi Fizzlebang: You kept some flyers?

Human, Priest: Who are you and what do you search for?

Indigo: We're supposed to keep handing them out

Zayden: Well we appreciate that thank you, and what should we call you? I'm Zayden by the way

Indigo: I gave some to the farmer too

Zayden: This is my good friend Indigo, you can call him Indy if you want to sound cool

Human, Priest: I am Sister Uthe

Indigo: The circus master said he'd do something for us if we kept handing out flyers

Zayden: Nice to meet you Sister Uthe

Bixi Fizzlebang: And you believe that con man?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Hello Sister Uthe. Nice to meet you

Indigo: Do you wish your church was in Loosend?

Sister Uthe: It is nice to meet you Indigo, and....

Zayden: I am Zayden

Sister Uthe: Zayden, you have a foreign accent

Sister Uthe: Where are you from?

Sister Uthe: Oh Sir Indigo we are here because our founder built it to prepare those who were to enter The Mist

Bixi Fizzlebang: Bixi. Oh, sorry, maybe you meant Zayden. Didn't mean to interrupt

Indigo: scratches his head

Sister Uthe: and over the decades The Mist has crept north over our lands and we are now inside tending to those who are affected by it

Raelynn: How long has it been here?

Indigo: That's a good idea

Sister Uthe: We were founded over 230 years ago

Sister Uthe: I ask Zayden because we have a strange elf here, that does not sound like an elf, she sounds more like you in a way

Zayden: Well I'd be to try to speak with this elf

Raelynn : [Translation] How would you know?

Sister Uthe: Please do

Sister Uthe: Looks at Raelynn, What was that Daughter?

Raelynn: Sorry just a cough.

Raelynn: I think Howard's cold is contagious.

Sister Uthe: You are an elven lady though? you can speak to her?

Zayden: And what is this Elf's name?

Bixi Fizzlebang [Gnomish]: [Translation] I can speak a second language too!

Raelynn: If she speaks Elvish.

Sister Uthe: We do not know

Zayden: Right of course, where is she?

Sister Uthe: Looks at Bixi, that is not something I have heard before

Zayden: or he?

Zayden: or they?

Sister Uthe: Let me take you inside

Zayden: Thanks Sister!

The Sister leads you into a vaulted church,

Bixi Fizzlebang: Maybe she speaks gnomish!

Zayden: So are you a nun? Like technically?

the altar up front, then there are two wings coming off

she leads you to the one on the left

Indigo: Shhhh ... she's a priestess

Zayden: oh sorry, but that's why I was asking sheesh

Indigo: She could zap you if she wanted to, but I think she's too nice

Zayden: Wasn't trying to be rude

Sister Uthe: My name does confuse people,

Indigo: Just sayin'

Sister Uthe: My mother named me after the Goddess

Sister Uthe: which set me upon this path

Zayden: Nice

Indigo: We have a priestess that worships Uthe

Indigo: She helped everyone home with babies

Sister Uthe: I am pleased to have risen to the rank of Sister

Bixi Fizzlebang: Zayden's not from around here! Indigo, maybe you can give him some cultural tips on the road. On the waterway. On the whatever.

Sister Uthe: Oh? who might that be?

Indigo: Aunt Kenna

Sister Uthe: Kenna!

Indigo: in Dragon Fen

Sister Uthe: OH Indigo!

Sister Uthe: You are THAT Indigo?

Indigo: grins

Indigo: That's me

Sister Uthe: That is quite the honor

Zayden: cultural tips?

Sister Uthe: How is Aunt Kenna?

Zayden: I don't know Bixi I feel like I been crushin it to be honest

Sister Uthe: What is her hospital like?

Sister Uthe: You must be very proud to be able to work with her

Indigo: She's good. The hospital is busy with babies and all the townsfolk

Indigo: She seems really happy

Leading you to a wing with several beds, most of them have people sitting up eating, reading, or praying

then there are three at the end who are look much worse

Zayden: what are they eating?

a halfling, an elf, and a human in a red cloak

Bixi Fizzlebang: glances over at Zay

Raelynn: glances over at Indigo

Sister Uthe: We are very pleased to have you here

Bixi Fizzlebang: Yeah... sure... definitely “crushing it”

Zayden glances over to Bixi

Sister Uthe: We provide what we can to our guests

Sister Uthe: with the donations that our guests and visitors provide

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: ::thrashes and rants::

Sister Uthe: Sir Indigo how many patients do you see in the hospital?

Indigo: I don't see any.

Sister Uthe: Oh? are there not any in need?

Indigo: Kenna has a big building. people come from all around to go to a hospital but I don't know how many

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal [A Comm]: [Translation] Blast this accursed foggy land. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest it's genital hair!

The group is in the church of Kalandra, where Sister Uthe ministers to those with Mist Sickness

Indigo: looks at elf girl

Thistle: Er, that is certainly not Elvish.

Raelynn: Er, that is certainly not Elvish.

Youtargim [A Comm]: [Translation] WHAT

Indigo: Is she going to die?

Youtargim [A Comm]: [Translation] That is from my home

Youtargim: I am sorry that is my mother tongue from home

Youtargim [A Comm]: [Translation] Who are you?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal [A Comm]: [Translation] Finally, someone who speaks the enlightened tongue. These priests are useless. I have spent the last of my gold seeking a cure from them, but they offer me none but bland gruel.

Youtargim [A Comm]: [Translation] What are you doing here?

Youtargim [A Comm]: [Translation] Who are you?

Zayden: Should I try to talk to this Elf person?

Youtargim [A Comm]: [Translation] How did you get here?

Bixi Fizzlebang: I think Yout's got it

Youtargim: Raelynn, perhaps you can reach her with your native language?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal [A Comm]: [Translation] I am Akilah, daughter of Fahkr of the city of Hiyal. I got here by foot as no camel would dare set foot in this cursed land

Indigo: Do you understand any of that?

Bixi Fizzlebang: mumbles “Finally doing something useful”

Youtargim: She is an elf, she knows the language of my home

Indigo: What language is that?

Bixi Fizzlebang: You come from elflands, Yout?

Youtargim: This is the language of my lands, the land of Zakaraha

Youtargim: Where my princess resides

Youtargim: in Hiyal

Raelynn: There's elves in your homeland?

Youtargim: It is most strange to hear she is from there perhaps?

Youtargim: Oh yes, we have elves, dwarves, gnomes, giants,

Raelynn : [Translation] Do you speak Elvish?

Youtargim: She said her name is Akilah Bint

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal [A Comm]: [Translation] It is strange that this lands people separate themselves based on height and ear shape.

Youtargim: Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal is the formal name

Raelynn : [Translation] Is that a no...?

Youtargim: al Hiyal means from Hiyal

Raelynn: Does she speak Common?

Raelynn: Hello!!

Youtargim [A Comm]: [Translation] Do you understand what this beautiful elf is saying to you?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal [A Comm]: [Translation] I am speaking common. It is you that are speaking the INCORRECT common.

Bixi Fizzlebang: If she speaks your language, why do you want to talk to her in elvish?

Youtargim: I am hoping more than only I can speak with her

Youtargim [A Comm]: [Translation] Do you speak any other languages?

Youtargim: Does anyone have any magical language arts?

Youtargim: Bixi?

Zayden: I do

Zayden: not

Raelynn: I'm hoping so, too...

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal [A Comm]: [Translation] I speak their tongue, it is just challenging at the best of times, and I am not in the best of times. I can try, but I promise no fluency. This blasted disease makes thought difficult.

Youtargim [A Comm]: [Translation] Yes this Sickness from The Mist is quite horrible, I have seen several elves laid low for weeks by it

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: clears her throat.

Youtargim [A Comm]: [Translation] If you can speak another language then it might help free you from here

Youtargim [A Comm]: [Translation] We are going north, out of The Mist

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal [W Comm]: I ah... speak the tongue of this people. Not well, and the pain makes hard it.

Youtargim: That is good

Raelynn: Well you won't be the first.

Youtargim: We understand that

Youtargim: How long have you been here in this sanctuary?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: scratches her temple in thought.

Sister Uthe: She arrived two weeks ago

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Two... three weeks?

Sister Uthe: She was struggling when she arrived, a friendly traveler found her on the side of the road and brought her to us

Raelynn: What's your destination?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: In home they say guest is like fish. After few days, both begin to smell bad. I must smell very bad now.

Sister Uthe: This is the first I have heard her speak

Sister Uthe: In a sensible sentence

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I come to study mist. Mist try to kill me. Is not fair trade, I think.

Sister Uthe: We are here to heal those we can

Indigo: If it's been two weeks she should get better soon

Youtargim: Why would you study The Mist?

Youtargim: The elves seem to handle this worse Indigo

Zayden: what have you learned about The Mist?

Youtargim: Remember how long Licornah was in bed?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I study many things. Learn many things. Write words about these many things.

Youtargim: Bixi is a writer

Youtargim: Points to the gnome

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Mist is evil thing. Makes good people sick. Makes bad undead thrive.

Youtargim: She writes about ghosts

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I write... erm... song words?

Youtargim: I have not been here that long

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I do not know word in your speak.

Raelynn: Oh, like Zayden!

Youtargim: Howard or Indigo could help you with that

Howard Plum: Poetry?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Maybe? What is po-e-try?

Zayden: huh?

Howard Plum: Ummm words that are lyrical. Sometimes rhyme

Bixi Fizzlebang: Singing? Lyrics?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I not know what is ly-ri-cal. Rhyme, I know this word. Maybe is po-e-try.

Zayden: Yea so?

Youtargim: Like

Youtargim: Oh, “Once upon a midnight dreary; I woke with something in my head; I couldn't escape the memory”

Zayden: Should we sing a song together?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I study many things. I study to write. I study sickness so I can cure. I am like doctor in home city.

Raelynn: Oh! You know poetry, Yout?

Youtargim: Looking at Rae, smiles

Youtargim: But I want more than a touch I want you to reach me; And show me all the things no one else can see; So what you feel becomes mine as well; And soon if we're lucky we'd be unable to tell; What's yours and mine, the fishing's fine; And it doesn't have to rhyme, so don't you feed me a line

Bixi Fizzlebang: Or is it more like “hey, I just met you, and this might sound crazy, but here's my location, so write to me maybe”

Raelynn: Oooh that's beautiful. I'd love to hear more again sometime.

Youtargim: That is fun Bixi!

Youtargim: smiles with Rae, I will write something for you

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: nods.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Yes is maybe this thing.

Raelynn: I would love that. THAT is an easy way to win me over.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I say pretty words, cut hair and heal sick. I travel to learn new ways to heal sick.

Youtargim: Akilah we are going north on a mission for Bixi, Thistle and Talwin

Youtargim: We will come back to The Mist after that

Youtargim: It will not be long, do you want to come with us and then you can learn about The Mist from those that live there?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: thinks a moment.

Youtargim: Howard, Bixi, Indigo, have all lived in The Mist for their lives

Youtargim: I have only been there a short time

Howard Plum: But we're leaving the Mist

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Yes. I will do this. You come here. Sit on blanket.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: unrolls a blanket from her things and places it on the floor.

Youtargim: walks over and sits on the end of the bed

Thistle: Hey, I'm still here.

Thistle: And I lived in the deeper Mist. It was gross.

Youtargim: Thistle I did not think you lived here all your life

Youtargim: you have traveled so much

Thistle: I grew up in Ghostwood.

Youtargim: What is Ghostwood?

Thistle: Um, and then with Shi.

Thistle: Ehh, details. Don't worry about it.

Youtargim: that sounds like Bixi would tell stories

Thistle: I mean if she likes vampires, sure.

Youtargim: Do you like Vampires Bixi?

Thistle: Or weddings and dream magic. That was fun.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: though she is clearly weakened from her disease, she removes a razor from a pouch with expert skill, patting on the blanket.

Youtargim: Sitting on the end of the blanket

Youtargim: BLINKS

Youtargim: You are a Barber... I mean a barber barber

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Yes, I give you shave and cut hairs as payment. Your hairs need cutting.

Raelynn: Ummm, are your hands steady when you're sick?

Youtargim: I think we can wait for that

Bixi Fizzlebang: Yeah, I don't really want to talk about home

Youtargim: Let us get you out of The Mist

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Is okay, am doctor. Can fix you if I cut you.

Youtargim: I do not need to look as handsome as Indigo

Youtargim: Swallows at that one by Akilah

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Sew you up with little string like nothing happen.

Youtargim: Can you sail?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Sail? I am from desert, why you think I sail?

Bixi Fizzlebang: snorts

Bixi Fizzlebang: I like this elf

Youtargim: I am a captain of a fleet

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Congratulations, captain. Now I shave you.

Youtargim: I think we should start to move, we need to make time today

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: pulls out a hair and drops it on her razor blade, cutting it down the center.

Youtargim: Do you wish to join us Akilah bint-Fahkr

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Is better than stay sick in bed with healers that do not heal.

Youtargim: You can quiz these on The Mist

Youtargim: We have a wagon you can ride in

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: That sound better than feet.

Raelynn: Once you're out of it, you'll feel better.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Isn't there anything we can do for her now?

Bixi Fizzlebang: I haven't left the mist much, I'm not really sure what helps when you get back in

Raelynn: There's always a chance you'll get sick again when you reenter, but it's usually better than the first time.

bundling up your semi invalid into the wagon

Howard Plum: If she really wants to study the Mist wouldn't be better to send her to Dragon Fen rather than take her out of the Mist and all the way to Terraguard?

Indigo: As the group is leaving he pokes the person in the red cloak to see if he recognizes them

Human, Wizard: groans

Human, Wizard: Who

Indigo: Can you look up?

Human, Wizard: YOU

Human, Wizard: It cannot be

Indigo: YOU!

Human, Wizard: Seriously

Indigo: Funny seeing you all sick in bed

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: gathers her things. She seems to be carrying a surprising amount despite her apparent weakness.

Red Cloak: What are you doing here? of all days

Red Cloak: How are you here

Indigo: I'm going on an adventure. Why this day?

Red Cloak: I thought you and Branwyn went off and died somewhere

Indigo: Bah! Like that was going to happen

Red Cloak: I came back because I did not believe Jennivive when she told me

Indigo: We got stuck in the elf after life for a couple days and then it turned into years here

Indigo: Well we're back so you lose

Red Cloak: I was planning on getting my church back

Red Cloak: groans and coughs

Indigo: Good luck with that.

Red Cloak: not been this bad for a long time,

Indigo: Branwyn offered it to you and you said no so now you never get it

Indigo: We killed Black Cloak without you so it was a good thing

Red Cloak: Good for you, he deserved it

Indigo: I'll send Branwyn a message when we get to Loosend that you're here

Indigo: Here's a circus flyer

Red Cloak: I better be gone by then

Indigo: You'd probably like it

Red Cloak: what? a circus? you are juggling now?

Red Cloak: You cannot be a clown, you are not funny

Indigo: Not me but you can watch it

Indigo: Okay I'm leaving.

Red Cloak: Where are you going?

Indigo: Loosend right now

Bixi Fizzlebang: looks around at everyone

Bixi Fizzlebang: What's with those two?

Indigo: You can ask Branwyn about the rest

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: He is loose end.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: nods sagely

Red Cloak: Sighs and falls back into bed

Indigo: turns and leaves

Red Cloak: Sister, I would like more broth please,

Red Cloak: The Queen will build you a new chapel house

and the group heads back up the road

Thistle: You okay, Indigo?

Indigo: Yeah. That was a very bad man

Thistle: Jennieve's husband, right? I've heard the stories.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: so what's the deal with mist sickness? How long am I sick? How sick am I?

Youtargim: Who is Jennieve?

Thistle: A crazy lady.

Indigo: That he sold me as a slave to goblins?

Indigo: That he is a necromancer

Youtargim to Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: you will be better this evening when you leave the mist

Thistle: Yeah, I heard that, too. That's why I asked if you were okay.

Thistle: I mean you didn't shank him....

Bixi Fizzlebang: Yikes

Indigo: That he can't kill me but he can kill everyone else I know if he wants to try

Indigo: I'm not going to murder him

Youtargim: Why can't he kill you?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Can't he be arrested or something?

Youtargim: Do you have some special bond?

Indigo: I need to send Branwyn a message as soon as we get to Loosend

Thistle: Nah, he's the Queen's Husband's Brother. Pretty sure you go to jail for murder. Even if Indigo has good reason for it.

Indigo: His twin brother is the Queen's consort and my friend

Indigo: Toybin made him swear never to try to kill me

Thistle: Ooooh I forgot you were friends with him. Hmm, okay I guess murder would be messy.

Youtargim: Blinks

Youtargim: You are friends with the Queen's consort? Husband? what do they call that here?

Indigo: It's consort

Indigo: But he is her husband

Youtargim: And that person there is his brother

Indigo: I'm friends with a lot of people

Youtargim: You are very friendly

Indigo: Yes that's his brother

Youtargim: So do we want to get away really fast before the Queen sends someone after us?

Indigo: But let's not think about him

Indigo: The Queen isn't going to send anyone after us!

Youtargim: Good!

Youtargim: SO

Youtargim: Turning to Akilah

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Not if you tie up loose ends.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: nods sagely.

Youtargim: There is no way you just arrived here, what made you look for this place in particular?

Youtargim: Did the princess send you?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: This mosque? I did not look for this mosque. People find me and bring me to this mosque.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: If I was friends with princess, I would not be sick in this place, that is sure thing.

Youtargim: These lands, you are very very far from home

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Yes, it was very long walk. I see many nice things and write about them.

Youtargim: frowns

Youtargim: Heads to the front of the group to walk along the road

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: gradually looks better and better the further out of the mist you get.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: while riding on the wagon, Akilah spends some time writing in a journal. In particular she seems interested in taking down everyone's name and learning a little about them.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: You tell me your name and what you do, yes? I want to know who I travel with.

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm Bixi! I'm a ghosthunter!

Thistle: Thistle! I dunno. I read fortune and hang out in the forest.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Also I like plants and animals. This is my friend Knotty!

Zayden: I'm Zayden, I just kinda hang out

Bixi Fizzlebang: We rescued him from a circus!

Raelynn: I'm Raelynn, Priestess of Hanali, the Goddess of Love. I heal and support others.

Zayden: Shall we refer to you as Akilah?

Raelynn: And maybe one day help them find true love... hmm, but I still don't know where to build a teahouse....

Zayden: Can I call you Aki for shorty?

Zayden: for short I mean

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Yes Akilah is fine. Rest of name is honorific.

Zayden: That's cool thanks Aki, nice to meet you and welcome to the gang

Indigo: I'm Indigo and I'm an admiral and knight of Drillian

Zayden: I didn't really follow along any of what happened back there, but glad to have a new member and happy to meet you

Howard Plum: I am Howard Plum and am an apprentice mage to Countess Branwyn the Mysterious Branadarus of Dragon Fen

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: quickly scribbles down names and notes.

Zayden: Ok everybody sounds so fancy I want to give this a second try hold on Aki

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I am also healer. This land is thick with magic. Not many know healing. Real healing.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Um, I can also heal a little bit and make illusions sometimes, and cook, and I'm taking notes to write ghost stories.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I do not know what tea has to do with love though...

Bixi Fizzlebang: We met a time-traveling ghost at an inn but we killed him. He was a mean ghost.

Zayden: Welcome! I am Zayden! I am a bard, and I'm a long way from home, but I just kinda abide you know

Zayden: tea is very intimate

Zayden: like your mom

Zayden smirks

Raelynn: Well that's why it'll be a teahouse and matchmaking service! It'll go well together.

Zayden: that's actually a great idea Rae

Zayden: if you're doing a start up count me in as an investor

Raelynn: Tea is dignity and poise. It'll be perfect.

Indigo: Maybe you can be her first customer

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I think dignity and this bard do not mix maybe.

Raelynn: Hmm, maybe not, but who doesn't like a challenge?

Zayden: I think dignity and your mom do not mix maybe

Zayden smirks

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: You make my point, effendi.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Maybe we can grow the tea together! I bet we could find some really nice plants, and I don't want to brag but I AM pretty good with plants

Zayden: haha I play Akilah, thank you for being patient with me

Zayden: To be fair Bixi is good with plants

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I know of herbs, especially healing ones.

Zayden: although she hasn't gotten me the sort of plants I really want yet

Indigo: You're a priestess of what kind of god?

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I think the plants you want are the kinds that are enjoyed smoked.

Raelynn: What herbs and plants are in a desert? It sounds... empty there.

Zayden: Aki you are observant!

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Me? I am no priestess. I am barber. In my land, barbers are also healers.

Zayden: I think we're gonna get along just fine

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: You learn to cut hair, you can cut anything else.

Zayden: Hey Aki, maybe you could cut my hair and I could sing you a song in exchange maybe perhaps?

Indigo: Oh I think of magic and healing

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: This, I can do.

Zayden: This, I can accept

Zayden smiles

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I do not use magic for my healing. This is lazy healing for land fattened by god magic.

Raelynn: If someone is sick or dying, they certainly don't care how they're healed as long as they are healed.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: reaches into a pouch and pulls out a razor and motions for Zayden to come closer.

Zayden: what you got going on with that razor?

Zayden approaches

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Yes, but when you rely on magic, there is no incentive to learn to be better. Everything is given to you by gods.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: And what the gods give, they can take away.

Raelynn: No, it gives you time to focus on other skills because you do not have to worry about it.

Raelynn: There is no wrong way but neither is one better than the other.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: This razor is for cutting hair, how else do you cut hair?

Zayden: Oh alright

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I am not saying magic is wrong, it is just lazy.

Zayden: I'm slightly disappointed but cool

Zayden: let's do this

Raelynn: According to you.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: nods and begins trimming Zayden's hair and beard with the practiced hands of a surgeon.

Zayden: feels good

Howard Plum: It's all right Miss Raelynn. I know how important your healing magic is.

Raelynn: smiles

Raelynn: Thank you, Howard.

Raelynn: The opinion of someone I barely know means nothing, anyways. She can believe whatever she wants. I know how many I've helped.

Howard Plum: smiles

Howard Plum: Yes you have

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: doesn't style his hair particularly, but makes it neater and cleaner.

Howard Plum: [SKILL] Whistling/Humming [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 7]

Howard Plum: whistles happily

Raelynn: Ohh! That sounds lovely, Howard!

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I do not doubt you have healed many people with your magic. I do not believe that it is wrong to use. I just want not be a slave to the gods for my gifts.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Some think life of service to a god is fair trade for magic, I do not.

Raelynn: Oh sure, some gods it'd be horrible, but not Hanali. She lets us come and go as we want. She just wants us to be happy and find love.

Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I think that if you turn your back on this Hanali, she will no longer provide this magic.

Raelynn: You can think what you want and live what life you want. I just think you misunderstand.

So the group has made it out of the Mist, and is looking for an Inn to stay at