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Chat Log - 2022 08 12 - Searching for Alexandria - Formatted - Chat

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The story heads back to Raelynn, Licornah and Youtargim who are visiting the elven temple.

Youtargim: Licornah, can you tell me more about this Elven tradition?

Licornah: :: blinks :: with Acolytes to greet you?

Licornah: Sure, when you arrive at an Elven temple, most have a greeter. My deity doesn't have a temple, so no Acolytes

Youtargim: What do you do for Spring?

Youtargim: Back home lots of people celebrate .... prolifically

Licornah: Oh, well since my family are farmers, we celebrate by planting crops?

Licornah: Silvermoon does have large festivals, but probably not like here

Youtargim: Planting is nice, that is a good fertile thought

Licornah: Raelynn might know what they do here better since she's visited, this is my first time to this town

Raelynn: We'll just stop in for a bit to visit, see if maybe they can watch the horses and wagon while we're gone.

Raelynn: Maybe get some good gossip... I miss good gossip.

Youtargim: Back in my lands the Elves seem to celebrate Spring over the entire night

Youtargim: So I understand that I may be here over night with you two

Raelynn: Is... Spring actually noticeable in a... desert?

Youtargim: I just want to be here to support you

Youtargim: Of course!

Youtargim: Spring brings fresh rains

Raelynn: I didn't think you had seasons there. Isn't it just dry and slightly less dry?

Youtargim: and there are plants that bloom

Youtargim: I am not sure I know the names of the flowers,

Licornah: :: looks around for an Acolyte or someone helpful ::

Youtargim: I am sorry

Youtargim: but yes you are right that it takes good eye to understand the differences

Elven Priest: Welcome strangers

Raelynn: Oh, that's fine. Bixi knows botany. I wouldn't necessarily recognize the names.

Elven Priest: How are you?

Elven Priest: Come enjoy our enclave

Licornah: I am Licornah, daughter of Lurue ... thank you for your welcome.

Raelynn: Your enclave?

Elven Priest: Lurue? I have not heard of... her?

Licornah: :: nod:: She hails from Silvermoon, far to the north of here.

Raelynn: Raelynn, Priestess of Hanali. And you, sir?

Elven Priest: I am an acolyte of Corellon Larethian

Raelynn: nods, “It is wonderful to meet you.”

Raelynn: We were on our way to Hanali's Temple, although if my friends wanted to see others, you could perhaps help them?

Elven Priest: We do not celebrate differently here

Elven Priest: the Lords of Loosend have influenced us into having a single temple to celebrate all of our potential

Raelynn: For how long? I don't remember that back when I was here...

Elven Priest: Warm smile it has been this way for decades

Raelynn: Oh. Um, maybe it was... our own celebration... ANYWAYS.

Elven Priest: You are thinking of just visiting your small enclave

Raelynn: Yes, sir. To see what friends remain, what gossip is to be had, and who can help us find someone to watch our horses when we go up river.

Raelynn: Celebrations will be for tomorrow

Raelynn: smiles

Elven Priest: I did not see any horses with you,

Elven Priest: but it is good you did not bring them

Raelynn: Oh no, they're back at the inn with my friends. We know better than take them with us here.

Elven Priest: there is a farm just north of the river who raises Hippogriffs, and they are often hungry

Raelynn: Do the Hippogriffs often come into the city...?

Elven Priest: Never

Elven Priest: But on the north bank of the river? it is not always advisable to let horses run free

Raelynn: That is very good to know. Thank you.

Raelynn: Um, unless you needed something from him, Licornah, we can head on our way to Hanali. Or if you want to see their preparations, you all can wait here.

Licornah: :: turns :: Thank you for your time... I wish you well in your celebration

Licornah: May the light of the elves be on you :: bows ::

Youtargim: Should I stay here? or go with you into the temple?

Raelynn: Still up to you. You're welcome either way.

Youtargim: Looks at the Elven Priest, Do you have a place for me to sleep

Elven Priest: You can stay here, your companions will go forward

So Rae and Licornah go to the Temple

Youtargim stays at the entrance to the island and stays the night as the two stay with the Elven Temple


Everyone is back at the Inn, the two elves plus Youtargim come back from the Elven temple in the morning having spent the night there

Indigo: Good morning!

Indigo: Hope there is breakfast

Bixi is exhausted from spending the night in the brothel

Lanek: grumbles

Lanek and Craigh have news in the morning from the slave market

and Talwin is ready to go to the Arena District and compete in the day's events

Indigo: I almost won a ship last night

Craigh: What kind of ship?

Indigo: It was really sad. I was winning all the way until we played for a ship

Lanek: almost only counts for horseshoes

Indigo: Don't know. Now I lost it, I'm not sure I want to know

Bixi Fizzlebang: The fates are cruel

Indigo: How was your nights?

Lanek: didn't whats-his-farts say if we can't get a ship we can use his?

Youtargim: I have to say the Elven temple has nice beds, but I did not get to see any of the celebrations inside

Indigo: That was the one I almost won

Indigo: You slept in the elven temple?

Youtargim: NO

Youtargim: I did NOT sleep with Rae

Craigh: We've got a meet sometime this morning for a possible source of a boat, but I'm guessing it'll be very expensive.

Youtargim: I mean I did not sleep in the Elven Temple

Indigo: I didn't say that!

Raelynn: rolls eyes

Lanek: squints at the translator

Lanek: that's emphatic. that's too emphatic

Bixi Fizzlebang: I bet he wishes he did though

Bixi Fizzlebang: Akilah and I also got a lead on a boat. They told us to come back to the brothel today

Licornah: They were nice enough temples... a bit off, but folks were friendly and helpful.

Youtargim: It is the .... enjoyable emphatically enjoyable festival.... and I stayed outside, waiting and waiting while Rae and Licornah were inside

Raelynn: I was asking around to see if we could find a place for the horses.

Youtargim: Chuckles

Youtargim: Oh sorry you mean stables for horses,

Youtargim: Not

Raelynn: There is a hippogriff rancher to the north.

Youtargim: sorry

Youtargim: Ahh Craigh, any leads?

Youtargim: Talwin why are you so ..... buff? practicing? what are you planning on doing?

Thistle: Craigh got him into the boxing match. For his anger issues.

Thistle: 'Cause, you know, he's angry a lot.

Youtargim: Nods in agreement with Thistle

Thistle: Little kids usually punch pillows. Talwin is... an older kid.

Youtargim: Oh, Talwin, do you think your sword can help you if you are not using it?

Talwin: No?

Talwin: I mean, I'm sure it will critique me at every opportunity, but not exactly supersize me or anything

Thistle: You don't think it'll cheer you on? Wow.

Thistle: I thought y'all were, like, lovers or something.

Talwin: Looks baffled

Talwin: What?

Talwin: I didn't say that?

Thistle: shrugs

Thistle: You mumble things, though.

Thistle: Sometimes it sounds like, “OHHH sword, I love you SOOO much.”

Youtargim: I mutter things to people I am interested in

Thistle: grins

Youtargim: casts a glance at Rae

Talwin: Blank faced

Thistle: starts making kissy faces

Youtargim: But I think that you can do well Talwin

Talwin: So when is the boxing match?

Youtargim: you need to just take a strong stand and face your fears

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: What an idiot.

Thistle: What would I do without you? Oh, swordie, let's run off and marry.

Thistle: laughs to herself

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: Do not let the snarky one get to you. She is jealous.

Lanek: snickers

Youtargim: Is anyone else going to participate with you Talwin?

Youtargim: Craigh or Lanek?

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: Also if you ever try to call me Swordie, I will try to kill you in your sleep.

Thistle: Um, can Craigh with... you know?

Youtargim: They both seem to be good at fisticuffs

Lanek: cackles

Talwin: I have no idea. This is the first I'm really hearing about this. I just know I need to beat someone up

Thistle: moves one arm up and down

Craigh: Right. Sir Talwin, your first match is after lunch, open competitive trials match. You have to win to move on. Later this evening you'll have another set for your weight category.

Lanek: cackles

Talwin: Okay

Lanek: can you see me prancin around a ring. no thank you

Lanek: plus it's hard to do it sneaky

Thistle: Like ya wouldn't cheat, Lanek?

Youtargim: I am not sure it is sneaky, just punching right?

Thistle: I wanna see what you'd do.

Lanek: aint no such thing as cheatin cuz aint no such thing as fair

Youtargim: OH

Craigh: they do the trial matches earlier, so weaker fighters are weeded out and the really good fights start happening later, to catch larger crowds.

Youtargim: Looks over at Howard

Youtargim: Is there a way you can help out Craigh?

Youtargim: Talwin does not need it

Youtargim: but Craigh might want a bit of assistance in his match

Bixi Fizzlebang: Do they allow for an audience?

Thistle: Oh! What if Bixi made Craigh look like he has two arms and Howard gives the magic to make it punch?

Craigh: it may be a surprise to some, but I'm not much of a boxer.

Thistle looks shocked

Youtargim: There was a pretty big arena that I say when we went north through the city

Bixi Fizzlebang: Maybe we should go early... get good seats

Bixi Fizzlebang: We should check out that brothel maybe... but I don't especially want to go back. It was very uncomfortable

Youtargim: Bixi do you think we should bet on Talwin winning?

Youtargim: You were in a brothel Bixi?

Bixi Fizzlebang: I don't know... I think he COULD win, but I think he might be too distracted talking to his sword

Bixi Fizzlebang: No, I waited outside

Youtargim: Did you .... encourage any interest?

Thistle makes kissy faces again at the mention of the sword

Bixi Fizzlebang: NO

Bixi Fizzlebang: Quit being so creepy

Youtargim: Waiting outside trying to bring customers inside is a big job

Indigo: You could hand out circus flyers

Craigh: about as important as recruiting fighters for the arenas.

Bixi Fizzlebang: You know what Yout... I've learned quite a few spells that I haven't really had a chance to perfect. Maybe you would like to try getting your feet sunken into a stone floor and trapped there?

Youtargim: It is ok if you did not do that well on your first time, lots of people have a hard time their first time, it is nothing to be embarrassed about

Raelynn: Yout... what did I say about putting your foot in your mouth?

Youtargim: I am trying to be helpful and supportive

Raelynn: Now, I don't judge those who work those places, but has Bixi ever given you the impression that's what she's into?

Youtargim: Bixi is very into helping people, and encouraging people to do their best

Bixi Fizzlebang: Everyone else might want to step away from Yout for a minute.

Indigo: Why?

Raelynn: Yes, she is. I don't know about your home, though, but you just... don't assume that a woman works somewhere like that.

Bixi Fizzlebang: [CAST] Allergy Field in Youtargim’s direction, but he manages to resist the effects of the spell.

Thistle: I'm thinking Bixi might want to enter the arena...

Bixi Fizzlebang: If it wasn't bare knuckle, I'd give it a shot

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm too small to go against those fighters that way, though

Youtargim: What is wrong with working in a place like that? Women and Men can make good money and take control of their own lives

Raelynn: raises brow

Raelynn: If you think it's that fair everywhere and that easy, you sir, are a little bit naive.

Youtargim: That is a very nice idea Bixi, you will surprise them with how tough you are

Youtargim: I would bet on you winning

Bixi Fizzlebang: You would be stupid

Raelynn: Oh, but betting on you is a much better way of being supportive of you.

Youtargim: I have faith in your skills Bixi

Youtargim: I have seen you

Indigo: Actually it sometimes help to be smaller. Harder to hit

Bixi Fizzlebang: Why don't you enter, Yout and Indigo?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Especially Yout.

Craigh: I can make the arrangements. I hadn't because no one had shown interest.

Indigo: Craigh didn't set it up for us

Bixi Fizzlebang: points to Craigh

Youtargim: I cannot do as well at Talwin or Indigo

Craigh: So what?

Bixi Fizzlebang: but he can!

Youtargim: and maybe not as well as Bixi too

Bixi Fizzlebang: Yeah, that's fine, I just won't bet on you. But you should definitely try

Youtargim: Do they allow spells?

Youtargim: Bixi! I would bet on you!

Bixi Fizzlebang: Maybe some other time

Youtargim: I believe you can win

Craigh: Only in the extreme bouts

Indigo: If I have to I will, but I'm not that interested in fighting random people for fun

Craigh: Very popular, very dangerous.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Yout... no means no.

Youtargim: I do not think they will let Indigo participate will they?

Youtargim: Bixi, I respect that

Youtargim: Knowing you are not fairly matched is a good thing to admit

Indigo: Slip! Can I inspect your ship please?

Lisa (Indigo): trying to change subject

Bixi Fizzlebang: mumbles quietly “Your mom wasn't fairly matched”

Thistle: snickers

Indigo: Youtargim, come with me. You're making everyone mad at you

Bixi Fizzlebang: Yout, since you are such a fan of brothels, why don't you go check in on that lead for a ship?

Raelynn: Yes, good plan! We'll go watch, you guys go do.. ship things.

Indigo goes off to inspect ships

Youtargim goes with Indigo

So Talwin, Craigh, Rae, Bixi, Licornah, Thistle, and Lanek go off to the Arena. Thistle is handling the betting on the matches.

Lanek: you want encouragement from the sidelines or should I go find me a seat?

Talwin: I mean, dealers choice Lanek?

Talwin: You can always Heckle

Talwin: I find that fun

Lanek: oh I can heckle from anywhere

Craigh: will just go stand off to the sides where he can watch and advise Talwin, without being in the way.

Craigh: You got this!

Raelynn: cheering on appropriately

Bixi Fizzlebang: Let's find a seat, Lanek. I might need to stand on one to see good

Talwin sees his first opponent, a half orc boxer, practicing in the corner

Lanek: heavy sigh

Lanek: okay, sure

Bixi Fizzlebang: Let's find one up close if we can

Bixi Fizzlebang: I look forward to your heckling

Talwin: Bored expression, ready to win gloriously, or probably have his face bashed in....

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: I BELIEVE IN YOU, BUDDY

The first match

Talwin versus THOG the Masterful

Craigh: Okay, my advice --- hit him, don't get hit back.

Talwin: Gives respectful bow

Talwin: Raises fists with swordsman’s grace

Talwin: Balanced

Talwin: light on the balls of his feet

Thog the Masterful [Orc]: [Translation] YOU WILL COLLAPSE INTO A PILE OF SHEEP DUNG

Lanek: Tal-WIN!!!

Thog the Masterful [Orc]: [Translation] YES

Lanek: don't be a great big BABY!!!

Thog the Masterful [Orc]: [Translation] TAKE HIM DOWN

Craigh: He's probably just insulting your mother in Orcish.

Lanek: that other guy is a WIMP!!! you got this Tal-WIN!!! don't chicken out!!!

Bixi Fizzlebang: Wooo, go Lanek!

Raelynn: Oooh I hope he doesn't get beat by... by THAT.

Lanek: don't even think about all the times you ever ran away!!! kick THIS guy in the NARDS!

Bixi Fizzlebang: Or if he's really tall, just punch!

Talwin tries to punch Thog the Masterful but misses.

Lanek: this guy is a FLUFFY MUFFIN!!! you got this!

Raelynn: A fluffy muffin...?

Lanek: this guy was raised by DUNG BEETLES!!! you can't get beat by him!!! that would be HUMILIATING!!!

Lanek: this guy chases DONKEY BUTTHOLES!!!

Thog the Masterful punches Talwin in the shin.

Orc: Vengeance!

Lanek: this guy looks like he was run over by the SLOP WAGON!

Talwin: Surprised at the switch to the common tongue?

Talwin: Vengeance for what?

Lanek: shake it off BABY FACE!!! you can do it!!!

Talwin punches Thog the Masterful twice in the arm.

Thistle: Punch him in the FACE!!!

Lanek: punch him in the KIDNEY you TWAT WAGON



Talwin: Yells to Thistle “It's unsporting!”

Thistle: WHO CARES????

Thistle: JUST WIN!!

Lanek: SPORTING?!?!?! does this look like a country club to you?!?!?! get to SCRAPPIN!!!

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: The snarky one speaks the truth


Talwin: Looks affronted, but prepares to get down and dirty

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: No one will remember you for being sporting. They will remember you for winning. Or for being beaten to a pulp.

Thistle: mutters aside, “He knows he might get punched in the balls in return, right?”

Craigh: leans back against the wall and just watches the entertainment

Lanek: mutters aside, I’m not sure he's got much balls anyway

Thistle: snickers

Lanek: he's a SLUG TRUFFLE!!! get him in the KIDNEY!!!

Thog the Masterful punches Talwin in the arm and shoulder.

Thistle: COME ON, YA PANSY!!

Lanek: SHAKE IT OFF!!! SHAKE IT OFF!!! it ain't nothin but a thing!! YOU GOT THIS, pIXIE bLOOMERS!!!

SLAM SLAM SLAM into Talwin into his body, but he survives that and is not knocked out

Talwin punches Thog the Masterful in the shoulder and in the thigh.


Thog the Masterful coughs, looks at Craigh


Talwin takes three hard body blows and the arena cheers, then Talwin goes with a right cross and an upper cut and KNOCKS OUT the half orc onto the sand in a fierce blow

Talwin stands there heaving with breath

Thistle: YEAHH!!!

The crowd cheers

Lanek: WOOOOO HOOOOOO! you DID IT, Pansy ASS!!!!!

Talwin: Raises arm into air. Thumbs up or down???

Thistle: The pansy can PUNCH!!

Thistle: Uh what?

and attendants take the limp body away

Talwin: Bows

Talwin: Retreats

Bixi Fizzlebang: Good job Talwin!

Licornah: :: takes her hands away from her face :: congratulations

Lanek: looks on Talwin with new respect

Talwin: Thank you Bixi

Lanek: that little fart actually had it in him!

Craigh: you let him hit you too much. Try for less.

Bixi Fizzlebang: [CAST] Cure Light Wounds [at Talwin]

Lanek: I was so sure we were gonna be commiseratin

Talwin: Sigh. Thank you again Bixi

Thistle: Now punch the next one HARDER.

Lanek: and more kidneys next time

Thistle: Yeah!

Lanek: that hurts like a MF let me tell you from personal experience

The second match

Talwin versus Grolp the Bugbear

Ding Ding Ding

Thistle: Remember: throat, kidneys, balls/.

Thistle: You got this!!

Thistle: smacks his back

Grolp the Bugbear: Facing Talwin


You both bounce into the center of the Arena



Grolp the Bugbear punches Talwin in the shoulder and arm repeatedly.

Lanek: THIS guy is even STUPIDER LOOKING than the LAST GUY!!!

Grolp the Bugbear: Arggggggh!

Grolp the Bugbear: Vengeance!

Lanek: SHAKE IT OFF!!! that was a BABY SLAP!!! YOU GOT THIS!!!

Thistle: PUNCH HIM HARDER!!!!!


Lanek: shit, I know what I said about fair, but damn

Talwin takes several punches from the bugbear who is using his bare fist, which are also covered in hair and claws and so SLASHES Talwin also doing more damage

Thistle: If he ain't smart enough to turn the tables, that's on him.

Lanek: BREAK his NOSE!!!

Lanek: GO for the EYES!!!!

But Talwin shakes it all off and then returns to punch


Talwin: Glances at the ragged slashes in his body. Points menacingly at Bugbear

Thistle: DON'T BE A COWARD!!


Lanek: maybe if he can trick that guy into punching himself with that glove, that could work

Lanek: or break the arm and take the glove

Thistle: I thought that was his normal hand?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Ooooh, that's a good plan

Lanek: nah that leather glove has somethin sharp in it

Talwin punches Grolp the Bugbear repeatedly in the shin and on top of the head.




Thistle: WOOOOOO!!!!!

Lanek: wow that really pissed him off, dinnit?

Thistle: He's a very angry man.

Thistle: VERY angry.

Talwin SMASHES his face, then grabs an arm and twists it behind his back, almost breaking it before the bugbear passes out

and collapses

Lanek: AWRIGHT!!!!!

Thistle: He's out, man! You can stop now!

Lanek: stands and whoops

Talwin: Fuming at claws

Talwin: Contemplating stomping on them

Talwin: Walks off

Lanek: nice work

It is afternoon and the next bout is coming soon

Talwin: Nods appreciatively. Gulps water

Bixi Fizzlebang: [CAST] Cure Moderate Wounds [at Talwin]

Thistle: Still angry?

Talwin: Yes. Anyone want to magic talons onto my hands

Talwin: Grumps bitterly

Thistle: Polymorph? I dunno. Can you do that, Howard?

Craigh: Nah, we'll just give you massively huge muscles and years of intense training instead.

Craigh: grins.

Talwin: Shakes head

Talwin: I was kidding. I didn't realize that was in the rules and that was my mistake

Talwin: Frankly I didn’t realize fighting with fists was quite viable against a freaking bugbear

Talwin: Humans, yes

Talwin: Bugbears? No

Craigh: So it's a learning experience too.

Talwin: I swear to go if I fight a minotaur next, I'm bringing a red cape with me

Talwin: to even the odds

Craigh: I'll see if I can find you one.

Talwin: Lanek, would you mind seeing if you can suss out any information on my next challenger?

Talwin: Murmurs softly

Talwin: Its time to fight dirty

Bixi Fizzlebang: Does anyone happen to have any stew with them?

Thistle: Stew?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Or berries?

Bixi Fizzlebang: I can magic some food for Talwin to help him out

For your next fight

Bixi Fizzlebang: But I didn't think to bring stew. Or berries.

Raelynn: [HEAL] Cure Light Wounds at Talwin

Bixi Fizzlebang: [CAST] Cure Moderate Wounds [at Talwin]

The third match

Talwin versus Dolip, fighter

an older man walks into the Arena

Dolip, fighter: Hello there young fighter

Thistle: Lanek, is that your twin??

Dolip, fighter: You are here to test your skills?

Talwin: Bows to Dolip. “I will try”

Dolip, fighter: You will fail

Talwin: Shrugs

Talwin: Won't be the first time

Dolip, fighter: I hope you learn a lesson

Dolip, fighter punches Talwin in the shoulder and neck.

Dolip, fighter: Vengeance!

Talwin: Raises fists, balanced and focused, a look of peace on his face

Dolip, fighter punches Talwin in the lower abdomen.

Lanek: why do they all want vengeance?

Thistle: Ain't that the owlbear guy?

Craigh: apparently you have to yell Vengeance here.

Lanek: what did Talwin do to all these people?

Dolip, fighter: Arggggggh!

Lanek: well hell

Thistle: whistles lowly

Lanek: MEDIC!!! I mean CLERIC!!!

Dolip, fighter: SMASHES Talwin in the chin

Dolip, fighter: WHAM WHAM WHAM

Licornah: I think you should try diplomacy. Lean into your honor

Lanek: okay crunch nuggets, you are gonna have to MOVE FAST!!!

Thistle: A good old one-two punch!

Lanek: stay out of his reach until you are HITTING HIM!!!



Talwin punches Dolip, fighter in the thigh and shoulder.

Thistle: Not the thigh! THE HEAD!!

Lanek: I dunno he nearly killed that guy hittin him in the thigh

Bixi Fizzlebang: He knocked out that clawy bugbear too

Lanek: THERE YA GO!!!

Thistle: Yeah well this one ain't a bugbear. Not sure it'll work on him.

Bixi Fizzlebang: I believe in him

Thistle: Maybe if he's got brittle bones...

So Talwin did hit him hard, but did not knock him out



Bixi Fizzlebang: He DOES seem a little older... brittle bones doesn't seem unreasonable

Dolip, fighter punches Talwin in the shin and lower side.

Lanek: crap! that looked like a kidney

Thistle: Man. Where's an old man learn somethin' like that?

Thistle: Ooofff.

Lanek: you can't beat experience

Lanek: well you CAN

Lanek: but you gotta work hard to do it

Thistle: Yeah but this guy just.. grow up punching kidneys or somethin'??

Lanek: hell I did

Thistle: Huh. Then why you not out there??

Lanek: because I can't qualify


Lanek: these fights got rules and I don't

Talwin takes several hard blows and staggers then steps back up into the match

Thistle: Ahhh right right.

Lanek: KIDNEY!!!

The crowd cheers for a good fight

Talwin: Stop saying Kidney

Lanek: YOU GOT THIS!!!!

Thistle: I DID say I would prefer watching you fight dirty.

Talwin tries to punch Dolip, fighter but misses and then punches again hitting him in the thigh.



Thistle: What is with him an thigh punches??



Lanek: some kind of weird trainin I guess


Lanek: okay okay get out of his reach now!!!

Thistle: I mean I guess stabbing his thigh makes sense, but punching... weird, yeah.


Thistle: YEAH!!!!!!!

and Dolip DROPS to the ground



Lanek: his new nickname is THE THIGHMASTER!!!

Thistle: Come on, come on. Get better healed before the next round!


Licornah: [HEAL] Cure Serious Wounds [2d8+1 = 14]

Licornah: [HEAL] Cure Serious Wounds [2d8+1 = 8]

Licornah: [HEAL] Cure Light Wounds [d8 = 3]

Raelynn: [HEAL] Cure Light Wounds [d8 = 8]

Raelynn: [HEAL] Cure Light Wounds [d8 = 5]

it is the last four in the arena

Lanek: feller you are KICKIN ASS and TAKIN NAMES!

Lanek: or maybe not the names. do you know any of the names?

Thistle: Okay, okay, but you DO know the kidneys are on the side, right? Like, near the stomach but side?

Thistle: Just something to keep in mind for the next match.

Lanek: hey, don't mess with what works

Licornah: [CAST] Bless [at Talwin]

Lanek: he might hit a kidney and do f-all of damage

Lanek: if the thigh is workin, keep on hittin thighs

Thistle: shrugs

Thistle: Just curious if he knows what a kidney is, you know?

Lanek: the kidney is the thing that if you hit it really hard, it hurts like a MF and you pee blood for a day or two

Bron the Terrible: So you are the new guy huh?

Talwin: Nods at Bron

Talwin: I am indeed

Talwin: Short bow

Bron the Terrible: Good to see some fresh meat

Talwin: A pleasure to meet you

Bron the Terrible: No hard feelings

Talwin: I'll take that as a compliment

Bron the Terrible: You have someone to heal you right?

Thistle: Man, this guy looks TERRIBLE.

Craigh: Remember, hit more, get hit less!

Talwin: Well, your the first person who was actually not an asshole, so I won't take it too personally

Bron the Terrible: I just want to break your legs

Talwin: And yes. Thank you for even checking

Talwin: Sigh

Thistle: And hit HARD!!

Talwin: Of course you do

Bron the Terrible: It is easier to win when they cannot walk

Lanek: hey Bron, why does everybody want vengeance?

Thistle: Huh, this guy knows thighs, too.

Lanek: oh too late

Thistle: Wonder if that'll be a problem.


Lanek: KILL HIM in the THIGH!!!

Thistle: KNOCK HIM OUT!!

Thistle: No offense, dude.

Lanek: THIS GUY is actually a nice guy but CLEAN HIS CLOCK, THIGHMASTER!!!

Thistle: YEAH!!!

Thistle: Again, no offense, dude.

The fourth match

Talwin versus Bron the Terrible

Talwin punches Bron the Terrible in some part of his body.

Thistle: YEAH! PUNCH HIM IN THE.... wait what did he hit?

Lanek: HOLY CRAP!!!

Lanek: that was DEVASTATING!

Lanek: I am so glad I didn't go look for a ship

Thistle: But what did he punch?? I didn't see!

Thistle: Because THIS IDIOT in front of us stood up!!

Bron the Terrible punched Talwin in the side of the face and top of the head.

Bron the Terrible: Arggggggh!


Thistle: Oof. Wait. Wrong face.

Talwin: Who's side are you on! Calls out to Thistle





and Talwin takes two hard blows but is still standing

and takes his next shots

Talwin punches Bron the Terrible in some part of his body.


Craigh: Hit!

Thistle: I can't see what he's punching!!

Craigh: Dodge!

Bron the Terrible punched Talwin in the chest and top of the head.

Lanek: I can't either, but that other guy is lookin kinda limp

Lanek: OOF!! YEAH!

Bron the Terrible: Arggggggh!

Thistle: Not limp enough apparently. Man, that's gotta hurt.

Lanek: oh no!

Thistle: Good thing Talwin ain't got a lot up there 'cause he'd probably lost a few cells in that fight.

Lanek: he looks kinda loopy

Thistle: I thought that was his normal look...

Talwin staggers but is still up

Lanek: okay loopiER

Lanek: GET HIM!!!!!

Thistle: FINISH HIM!


Talwin punches Bron the Terrible in some part of his body.

Bron the Terrible tried to punch Talwin but missed and then punched him in the top of the head.

Bron the Terrible: Vengeance!

Bron the Terrible: Vengeance!

Thistle: Damn, he just keeps pounding away at his face!

Lanek: oh this is not good

Bron the Terrible: SCREAMS as he continues to miss with his knockout blow

Craigh: His face is his least vulnerable spot!

Talwin is up and staggering but still in the fight

Bron is still strong but not connecting

Bixi Fizzlebang: Why do they keep yelling vengeance? Did Talwin do something bad to ALL these people?

Thistle: 'Cause there ain't nothing there, like I said!


Thistle: PUNCH HIS THIGH!!!!

Lanek: THIS IS IT!!!

Thistle: Or stop punching his thigh??


Talwin tries to punch Bron the Terrible but misses.

Thistle: Was that his thigh??

Lanek: DAMMIT!

Thistle: Guessing he can't see straight.

Bron the Terrible punched Talwin in top of the head and thigh.

Thistle: Oh COME ON MAN!

Lanek: nah, he got his bell rung too many times

Thistle: And then some!


Bron the Terrible: Arggggggh!

Thistle: His head AND his thigh?? STOP STEALING HIS MOVES!!

Still standing

wobbling but still there

Thistle: COME ON!



Talwin tries to punch Bron the Terrible but misses.


Bron the Terrible punched Talwin multiple times in the shoulder.

Thistle: Wish he'd punch WHOEVER KEEPS BLOCKING MY VIEW.

Thistle: Oh, he gave his head a break! How nice!


Lanek: oh man

Talwin takes a punch to his face,

wobbles, Looks Bron in the eye, sneers,

Bron the Terrible: Taps Talwin on the chest and he falls over in a heap

Lanek: CLERIC!!!

Bron goes on to the final pairing for the championship

Thistle: I am OFFENDED!

Talwin wins 200 Gold for his part in the matches plus 1,100 in gold that was bet on him by the group

FAR past what the bookies thought he would

Lanek: man, he hung in there well past reasonable endurance

Thistle: That was ridiculous.

Thistle: SO CLOSE!

Lanek: I really thought we were going home after one match

Lanek: I don't mind bein wrong. this time

Thistle: Really? I figured he'd get at least two.

Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) to Talwin: Not bad.

Youtargim: Indigo is that what you mean about looking handsome?

Craigh: Congrats, Talwin. You made a name for yourself here today.

Talwin to Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): Moans in delirium and dead braincells

Thistle: Yeah, Thighmaster No-Face!

Craigh: You get tired of Dragon's Fen you've got a career option here.

Indigo and Youtargim arrive at the arena as the matches were completed and the whole group heads to speak with Jorlaine

on the south end of the island

towards the docks

Human, mage: WHO the in the NINE HELLS are you to tell me I cannot sail on your ship?

Human, Jorlaine: Because I do not like your smell

Human, mage: I will burn your ship to the ground!

Indigo: Unless it's your ship you don't really get to decide

Human, Jorlaine: I will watch you drown with an iron collar on your neck

Human, Jorlaine: Points to the halfling

Human, Jorlaine: You see my point

Thistle: mutters to Lanek, “If she doesn't like smells, ya might wanna stay in back.”

Indigo: Your ship, your rules

Human, Jorlaine: Now go scamper off and find your own ship

Indigo: Sorry didn't mean to interrupt

Human, mage: I will be back

Human, mage: This ship will be mine

Human, Jorlaine: Looks at Indigo

Human, Jorlaine: Hello there

Human, Jorlaine: Oh

Human, Jorlaine: Hello there Admiral

Indigo: You recognize me?

Indigo: Didn't think anyone did any more

Lanek: you know there's gotta be a statue or a portrait or somethin

Human, Jorlaine: Admiral Indigo, savior of the Drillian Fleet during the last civil war, and the only halfling to serve her majesty the Queen of Drillian

Indigo: smiles

Human, Jorlaine: You are a legend on the river

Indigo: You must be Captain Jorlaine that Bixi was talking about

Human, Jorlaine: You captured two? bugbear pirate ships? I know the legends say a dozen, but exaggerations, so I am guessing two?

Indigo: Just one

Human, Jorlaine: Nods no doubts in that

Indigo: We did get a couple barges from regular pirates too

Human, Jorlaine: Who is this Bixi?

Indigo: points

Indigo: She told us about you

Human, Jorlaine: Huh, I had not heard the Queen had a gnome in her court

Bixi Fizzlebang: That would be me. Someone told us to come see you when we were searching for a ship

Human, Jorlaine: Oh gotcha now

Human, Jorlaine: The queen is a bit older for me

Bixi Fizzlebang: I love your name. It's very musical

Human, Jorlaine: Not thinking she wants that sort of thing anymore

Human, Jorlaine: Thank you Bixi

Human, Jorlaine: You seem young and spry

Raelynn: A botanist? What queen wouldn't want a beautiful garden?

Human, Jorlaine: Hmmm, yes, (looking at Rae),... a very beautiful garden, a secret garden needing to be tended

Bixi Fizzlebang: Aww, thanks Rae. I've never met the queen but I do love plants

Youtargim: Stands closer

Raelynn: Not that kind. She doesn't take kindly to those implications.

Raelynn: She can grow some very beautiful roses, though! And tulips!

Human, Jorlaine: So why are you here on this holiday Admiral?

Bixi Fizzlebang: And I know all about deadly sentient yellow mold!

Human, Jorlaine: No mold on my ships

Indigo: That was an accident. We're on our way to Dryads Lair and we need to rent a knarr. Ours is in repairs

Human, Jorlaine: Well

Human, Jorlaine: When are you sailing?

Indigo: As soon as we can

Human, Jorlaine: To Dryads Lair?

Indigo: Yeah

Human, Jorlaine: Are you going to return?

Indigo: Sure we will

Indigo: No one's the ambassador this time

Indigo: laughs

Human, Jorlaine: Not sure I can rent a ship for that long of a trip

Human, Jorlaine: You will be returning here to Loosend?

Indigo: Oh that's not good. Know anyone else who might have one?

Indigo: Of course. We have to return it

Human, Jorlaine: Thinking

Human, Jorlaine: I do have a knarr that I could part with for a month or two

Human, Jorlaine: we have not heard anything about shipments heading down river until summer

Indigo: How much would you charge?

Human, Jorlaine: How about I sell you a knarr, and guarantee that I buy it back from you when you return it?

Indigo: I didn't bring enough gold to buy a ship

Human, Jorlaine: 5,000 gold

Human, Jorlaine: a discount for a hero

Indigo: If I buy a knarr even at that price we'd have no gold for supplies

Indigo: You are very generous but I didn't plan on buying

Bixi Fizzlebang: Indigo is a very impressive hero with a really reputable memory. Any chance we could just leave a deposit and a promise to either pay the rest later or return the ship?

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Persuasion [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 11) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 16]

Craigh: [SKILL] Persuasion [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 11) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 12]

Raelynn: [SKILL] Persuasion [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 17]

Bixi, Craigh, and Raelynn all tried to persuade Jorlaine to make a better offer, but with no luck.

Lanek: Talwin here just did three whole rounds in the arena

Lanek: he kicked ass all over the place

Thistle: Didn't y'all say we could maybe find a ship elsewhere? How 'about we think about it and come back?

Lanek: whats-his-nuggets said we might be able to use his knarr

Lanek: the guy who didn't lose it gambling

Human, Jorlaine: Chuckles with Lanek

Human, Jorlaine: There are lots of people out there that want to get into my ship, winks, but I am selective

Lanek: that's ... fair

Human, Jorlaine: If you need a knarr, I am the only person to see

Indigo: The only person?

Human, Jorlaine: Well now Admiral

Human, Jorlaine: Now that I know you need a knarr, I can make sure that the other two are not available to you

Human, Jorlaine: and you will have to work with me to secure a chance

Lanek: just cuz the guy offered a knarr doesn't mean that's exactly what we need

Indigo: That's not very nice

Lanek: it was a poker game

Bixi Fizzlebang: very quietly to Indigo “Try flirting with her”

Human, Jorlaine: I am sorry Admiral, I do want to be nice, you are a legend after all

Human, Jorlaine: But I do need to make a living

Human, Jorlaine: and with the spring floods coming

Human, Jorlaine: someone will want this ship

Lanek: can we buy it on a payment plan and return it before the next installment?

Human, Jorlaine: Will that be you taking it from them? or someone taking it from you?

Indigo: laughs

Bixi Fizzlebang: Well then why do you need to keep us from getting one from someone else? You will have many people willing to pay you, it sounds like

Lanek: points at Bixi

Human, Jorlaine: Smiles with Bixi, yes I can make a profit on all of them

Lanek: shorty got a point

Thistle: How ya know who the others are?

Human, Jorlaine: Looks at Lanek, the payment plans only work if you are willing to chase after the person who did not make a payment

Indigo: Do you need us to bring anything back when we stop at Riversbend or Dryads Lair? We can bring back cargo for you if you need

Human, Jorlaine: I like to stay here in the central part of the river

Bixi Fizzlebang: Or we can leave something as collateral....

Bixi Fizzlebang: looks at Yout

Lanek: how about we leave you a wagon and a team of horses as collateral

Human, Jorlaine: That is generous of you Admiral, but you are free to bring anything you need back, you can sell it and make a profit on your trip

Indigo: Does the knarr come with ship repair supplies?

Human, Jorlaine: I will make sure you are fit for the trip to Dryads Lair Admiral,

Indigo: All right

Indigo: Maybe your deal will turn us into pirates

Human, Jorlaine: I am also willing to swear an oath with your priests here to purchase her back at the same price if you return her in good condition

Human, Jorlaine: LAUGHS

Human, Jorlaine: As long as you pirates who turn a profit

Indigo: We'll return it in good shape. No one's ever take a ship away from me.

Human, Jorlaine: Looks at Rae, Do you want to lay your hands on me?

Raelynn: With what you're charging?

Raelynn: Oh. You mean for an oath?

Human, Jorlaine: I can submit to you.... for a bit

Human, Jorlaine: It might cost you a bit more, or maybe I will owe you?

Indigo: Ummm ... maybe Licornah should do the swear thing

Raelynn: Oh, I don't mind. I just had hoped we'd not have to spend so much.

Indigo: Okay

Human, Jorlaine: I give you my oath that if you return this knarr to me here in Loosend after your adventure that I will give you the full price you pay me as long as it is in good repair and ready for the next trip

Raelynn: Does that work for you, Indigo?

Indigo: Yup

Raelynn: whispers, “I don't really know ship stuff.”

Raelynn: Your oath is accepted.

Human, Jorlaine: Thank you

Human, Jorlaine: I take it you will sail at first light?

Indigo: I'll give you the gold when we are ready to leave

Indigo: That's the plan

Human, Jorlaine: I will have her ready

Indigo: Thank you

Human, Jorlaine: You can have any supplies sent here

Indigo: Know where we can sell a wagon and some horses?

Human, Jorlaine: Or you can pay me for them

Human, Jorlaine: I can handle that for you if you like

Raelynn: Handle

Indigo: But I need the gold for them

Human, Jorlaine: How good are the horses?

Indigo: Not to the payment

Human, Jorlaine: I can get you supplies for the horses, does that work for you?

Indigo: They are fine. They're for riding and not working

Raelynn: and NOT for feeding hippogriffs.

Indigo: Food and water to get us to Riverbend for a dozen people?

Human, Jorlaine: Why does that matter?

Raelynn: Because some of us made friends with them, and you don't feed your friends to hippogriffs.

Indigo: laughs

Indigo: See! You like Youtargim now

Indigo: Couple weeks ago you would have fed him to a hippogriff

Raelynn: I mean we can't completely rule that out.

Raelynn: winks

Human, Jorlaine: four horses for the supplies for two weeks for 12 people

Human, Jorlaine: You have a deal

Indigo: Good!

Indigo: Thanks Captain Jorlaine

Indigo: We'll see you in the morning

Raelynn: Don't celebrate too hard today!

Human, Jorlaine: Pleasure doing business with you

Indigo: 3 weeks to Riversbend so Zayden will be doing some fishing

Indigo: Good day!

Bixi Fizzlebang: He will be happy

Indigo: Well that's done

Lanek: this is the part where we get drunk

Indigo: Sounds good Lanek