Chat Log - 2022 08 26 - Searching for Alexandria - Formatted - Story
Chat log with automatic formatting applied
'Spring' connected
BOB Hello Spring
Spring: oh hi!
Spring: i was goofing around in Wordament
BOB no worries at all
BOB we have a while to start. Lorie, Lisa, Carissa are all going to be late, Lemon likely also
Spring: whee :-)
BOB Marco just said he will be late also
BOB wry grin
Spring: hahahaha
Spring: i am, of course, at work
BOB Zero problem with that
Spring: and i think all our testing with character sheets has to do with classes that i'm not one of
Spring: no spells over here
Spring: i guess i could goof around with weapons
BOB Go for it
Lanek: [INIT][Reaction Adj: -2] [d10+8 = 14]
Lanek: Backstab Multiplier (Lvl 1-4)
Lanek: Backstab Multiplier (Lvl 1-4)
BOB Those Backstab Multipliers should be dragged to the icon to place the effect before doing the attack
Lanek: okay
'Shislif' connected
BOB Hello Sharif
Spring (Lanek): i saw in the character sheet if you break out a weapon, it has a Powers tab
BOB yes
BOB there are LOTS of options
Spring (Lanek): i was trying to see how to get my powers from the Actions tab to stick to the short sword
Spring (Lanek): it says drag and drop but i don't see what to drag and drop where
BOB You drag to the Target
BOB Apply an Effect to Targets
Lanek: i drag the power to the target, not the sword
BOB yes
Spring (Lanek): need lots of nouns in this environment :-)
Spring (Lanek): and hi Sharif!
Lanek: Lanek tried to delay when it wasn't their turn.
GM: Lanek will now act on the next segment (previous init 14 ).
Lanek: Lanek tried to end their turn when it wasn't their turn.
Sharif: hi everybody
Lanek: [CHECK] [DEX+2] (vs. Target 3) [NOT-SURPRISED by 6] [d10+2 = 9]
Spring (Lanek): how is it going?
BOB Nice
BOB One of the oldest players and the newest player together here
BOB Not that Spring is ever old
Spring (Lanek): hahahaha
Spring (Lanek): tenured?
Sharif: lol nice :)
BOB chuckles, everyone who is a Dragonslayer is tenured
Sharif: woohoo we can't be fired!
Lanek: hahaha
Sharif: Time to reveal our true agenda :)
BOB Weeeellllll
Lanek: we usually have rage quits instead of firings
BOB This is true
Sharif: makes sense
Lanek: i think i've rage quit a time or two
BOB I am glad you come back
Spring: shoot, if i'm gonna keep forgetting the Alt, i better be a lobster alien
Spring: i am glad too.
BOB Sharif what questions do you have about the campaign and or game mechanics, etc
BOB we have a bit before several players log in
Sharif: Hmmm
BOB Lisa, Carissa, Lorie, Marco are all going to be late
Sharif: Not too much at this point really, just learning as I go, I see the appeal of having a fighter character though
BOB We get to make sure that things are good, that people understand
Sharif: considering the fights
Sharif: No worries, and I got my break in an hour
Sharif: 55 mins
BOB Violence is the last refuge of the incompenent - name that quote
Sharif: Charlie Chaplin?
BOB guesses Spring?
Spring: No idea. I know it's not Dr. King. He said something about it being the last resort for those with no voice. Or something like that.
Sharif: maybe Robert Downey Jr playing Charlie Chaplin...
Spring: hahaha
BOB Azimov from Foundation
Sharif: Oh nice
Spring: oh yeah that makes sense
Sharif: I actually read that one, but ages ago
Sharif: remember enjoying it though
Spring: i didn't make it through the whole series
Spring: i lost the plot somewhere in Foundation and Empire
BOB also ties into why we run 2nd edition, no way a group survives unless the group has multiple people in various roles, no one can do everything and no one solution solves every encounter
Sharif: Yea I only did the first one
BOB so for example the Owlbear encounter could be solved by fighters, by thieves, by priests or by mages, but only if you have one or two of the others to work together to accomplish
Sharif: Oh that seems like a good thing!
BOB Here on the river you need fighters for scrags, you need priests to help with keeping everyone healthy, you need thieves to help detect dangers
BOB and mages are/can be versitile
Sharif: what are bards? bait?
Spring: i like a good mix
Sharif: :)
Spring: morale!
Spring: and also diplomacy
BOB Bards are theives who also dabble in magic and fighting
Spring: and other sneaky shenanigans
BOB and so can lend a hand in almost any situation
Sharif: True true, a lil bit of everything is nice :)
Spring: but don't they have like high CHR?
BOB Yes for Spring and Sharif, the advantage of a Bard is that the high Charisma gives a bonus to the non-combat encounters
BOB which can be almost everything
Sharif: ah cool
Spring: ugh, duty calls
User has gone AFK. (Spring)
BOB We will be here Spring
Sharif: ever think of doing something sci fi? or have you in the past?
BOB 100% for doing Sci Fi at some point in the future
Sharif: Cool cool sign me up :)
BOB I had thought about the idea for the change over from Klooge to Fantasy Grounds..... the first day of Fantasy Grounds have everyone in character like we are now then have an intercom go off, "Everyone report to duty stations, the holodecks will be turned off in 30 minutes" and everyone has to go back to their jobs rather than play a fantasy game on the holodeck
BOB But we have a LOT of stories to tell here still
BOB If I do find myself with enough time to run a second game it will be here in Fantasy Grounds and doing Traveller for classic sci-fi
Sharif: Oh that would've been fun, but this is a lot of fun as well so undertandable
Sharif: plus it is FANTASY Grounds so makes sense
BOB grins
User is back. (Spring)
Spring: i would be interested in a sci-fi game
Spring: and the holodeck thing would be funny. we'd have to find out who we really were
Spring: like is mage=engineer or cleric=medic or fighter=security etc
Sharif: lol yea
Sharif: Ever watch that Life on Mars show? Similar idea
Spring: i do not think so
Sharif: Similar idea
Lanek: [ATTACK (M)] Hand Axe [THACO(18)] [d20-3 = 12]
Attack [12] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Youtargim] [AC: 6 ]
BOB I will be creating something in the future eventually
Lanek: Backstab Multiplier (Lvl 1-4)
'LordBiBo' connected
Lanek: [ATTACK (M)] Shortsword [THACO(18)] [d20-3 = 3]
Attack [3] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Youtargim] [AC: 15 ]
Lanek: [DAMAGE (M)] Shortsword [TYPE: piercing (1d6=3)] [d6 = 3]
[3] -> [to Youtargim] [STATUS: Light]
BOB Hello Marco
Sharif: Hey Marco!
Spring (Springity Thingity): okay so i don't drag the backstab to the target. i just click on it
Spring (Springity Thingity): and then i drag the weapon die
BOB nice
Spring (Springity Thingity): but i don't think the multiplier actually engaged
Spring (Springity Thingity): it didn't say if i even hit, but it said damage so i guess i did?
Spring (Springity Thingity): maybe because i'm attacking an ally, since that's all we have?
Spring: and hi Bibo!
Lanek: Backstab Multiplier (Lvl 5-8)
Lanek: [ATTACK (M)] Shortsword [THACO(18)] [d20-3 = 9]
Attack [9] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Youtargim] [AC: 9 ]
BOB It should not matter SPring
BOB and that is weird that it is not showing if you hit
Lanek: [DAMAGE (M)] Shortsword [TYPE: piercing (1d6=3)] [d6 = 3]
[3] -> [to Youtargim]
Spring: maybe because NPC
BOB and it is not giving the multiplier
BOB I wonder if it is one of the extensions interfeering
'Lemon' connected
LordBiBo (Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal): heya
BOB and Hello Lemon
Spring (Springity Thingity): hi Lemon!
LordBiBo (Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal): we in a fight already?
BOB not at all, just testing
Spring (Springity Thingity): what he said
LordBiBo (Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal): problems with backstab?
BOB maybe
Spring: the perennial problem of is it malfunctioning or am I the one malfunctioning
Lemon: Hello everyone!
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: suppose you could just roll damage x times equal to your multiplier
BOB I am pretty sure it is not you Spring
'TMO' connected
BOB and Hello TMO
BOB so only Akilah is owned by a player right now
BOB so that anyone can look at a sheet to see how spells are sorted, etc
BOB I can clear those after someone looks
Sharif: should i click my guy then?
BOB not really
Craigh: my char sheet in Actions/Powers:Preparation|Actions view, has them grouped by level
Lemon: That's what I want
Craigh: wel, it said Level 1 at first, now it just says Spells
Craigh: granted, I only have 1st level spells
Lemon: See, that's what mine did too. But I want it back sorted by levels
Lemon: And nothing I have clicked so far has switched it back
BOB there are new changes to the 2nd edtion rule set, and and and
BOB so we need to know what TO expect, how that has changed and what to do about it
Lemon: I mean, in a perfect world it would also be sorted by mage/priest, but I can work around that easily enough. But I need it sorted by levels
Sharif: back :)
BOB Did you look at Craigh Lemon?
BOB I cleared TMO from there so you can see
TMO: in fact, when I first opened the charsheet, it had clickable arrows on either side of the number of spells, but I can't get those back either now
BOB do you mean first time tonight? or previously?
TMO: tonight
BOB Hmmm
BOB If we can document that so we can post it to the developer
Lemon: Yeah, his is same problem as I experienced last week. Mine was fine, I think, and then the potion got added and it was like, oh, ok, well then you only get two categories, potion or spells.
BOB Hmmm
Lemon: But don't quote me on that. It might have been that way from the start and I didn't notice. But it DEFINITELY was sorted by levels during the brawl at the arena
BOB When you go to Display which are you using? I go to Actions and it shows differently
N'laea: I can't get it to end now using N'laea
BOB cleared N'laea
BOB and Craigh
Lemon: I have clicked through all the display and grouping button options, and still couldn't find the old grouping
BOB Mode has Combat, Standard, and Preperation for Display it has Actions, Group, Summary
Lemon: yes
Lemon: all those
Lemon: All different things, but none the things I want
BOB Does changing those into various combinations help?
Lanek: [TOWER] [SKILL] Bribe [PERCENT:Bribe] (vs. Target 20) [FAILURE by 27] [d100 = 47]
BOB yeap that worked Spring
Spring (Springity Thingity): cool
Lanek: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] (vs. Target 11) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 10]
Sharif: Hello!
Craigh: hey howdy!
Lanek: [CHECK] [DEX+2] (vs. Target 3) [SURPRISED! by 0] [d10+2 = 3]
Lanek: Backstab Multiplier (Lvl 5-8)
Lanek: [ATTACK (M)] Shortsword [THACO(18)] [d20-3 = 4]
Attack [4] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Youtargim] [AC: 14 ]
Lanek: [DAMAGE (M)] Shortsword [TYPE: piercing (1d6=4)] [d6 = 4]
[4] -> [to Youtargim] [STATUS: Moderate]
Spring: :-/
BOB Lemon what about spells
Lemon: what about them
BOB want to take this time to make sure that everyone gets a chance to work on how they are using things
BOB and what we might be able to change
Sharif: gotta check out for a bit brb
Lemon: I don't know what that means
BOB Lemon, what is happening with spells, is there something on another character sheet different than Bixi you see to use
BOB and I will test things over the weekend to add/remove extensions if there are options for that
User has gone AFK. (TMO)
Lemon: Nope. It's just exactly like TMO posted. Things switched from categorized by level to categorized alphabetically, and there seems to be no way to switch it back that we know of.
Lemon: I just want to be able to group them by level again
BOB I am looking through the Options menu now to make sure that is not something I can change
BOB I do not see anything that looks like it affects it Lemon, sorry
Lemon: test
Lemon: Oh, we're just all quiet lol
BOB I am here listening
BOB This is the time to experiment
BOB and we will go into Encounters when you want
Lanek: could my inability to hit have something to do with it not being my turn on the combat tracker?
Lemon: I just literally can't function like this with this many spells. If we don't find a way to fix it, I will probably just want to roll a new character, tbh
BOB you have to decide how to spend the night, on the middle of the river or on the shore, or ????
BOB We will figure something out Lemon
Craigh: may I look at Bixi's sheet Lemon? Doubt I'll come up with any brainwaves, but I'm curious
BOB I do want you to have fun
BOB Bixi is not owned go for it TMO
Lemon: Yeah, please
Bixi Fizzlebang: ok, solution. bit of manual work, but solution... I hope
Lemon: I did previously put in my own categories manually, but they didn't save
TMO: released the character Bob
BOB grins that was from TMO
BOB and free
TMO: ah, dangit, that was my solution
Lemon: Lol, I read your mind
TMO: if it didn't save, then it's probably not going to work for me either. I edited 2 groups, see if they're there for you now still
Lemon: It took me a whole evening of game-time, which was fine... but then the next week it was all gone
TMO: yeah, that bites
Lemon: I mean, I might have just not done the thing I needed to do to make sure it stuck, I'm not sure. I'd definitely put in the work again if I knew it would stick
TMO: hmm....
Bixi Fizzlebang: Yes, the thing you did seems to have stuck
BOB nice
BOB now to see it sticks for next week
Craigh: but I bet only for tonight
BOB But it works for tonight for you Lemon?
Craigh: ok, possible *other* solution
Craigh: but would involve re-adding the spells to the character
Bixi Fizzlebang: I mean, it's three spells that are separated from the giant list lol, not functional long term, but I can suffer through it tonight, but I might take longer to figure out my turns if we have combat
Craigh: I only did 2 spells Bob, not enough to change anything
BOB no worries TMO
Craigh: Lemon, if I share my screen, can you watch?
BOB The other thing to talk about is building modules TMO,
Bixi Fizzlebang: I caaaaan
BOB grins
BOB want me to release which characters
Craigh: yeah... I haven't done anything on the Devil module in a while, sorry
BOB ZERO sorry on that TMO
BOB just mentioning because is there any way other players can contribute to building a module
'Lisa' connected
BOB Hello Lisa
Craigh: converting the PDFs to text blocks so I don't have to re-type it all
Lisa: Hello :)
BOB Smiles with Lisa
BOB and Yes to TMO
Lisa: Craigh knows about pdfs!
Craigh: haven't been bothering with OOCly stuffs yet tonight, it's all been FGU interface talk
Lanek: hi Lisa!
Craigh: and HELLO!
Lisa: Hi Lanek :)
Lanek: hahaha i forgot to lobster myself
Craigh: thx for reminding me about this thing called "manners" Lanek
Spring: that's super funny
Lisa: Lanek is Mr. Manners
Spring: Lanek is the last person to teach manners
Lisa: lol
BOB Quote
Craigh: because you'll never need another teacher after him?
Lisa: Is there something I should be doing?
Lanek: when you eat stew with a knife, be sure yer holdin yer elbow just so
Bixi Fizzlebang: lol!
BOB Lisa TMO and Lemon are working on spell organization
Craigh: forming a union, demanding representation
'Carissa' connected
Spring: ahem
Lisa: lol
Bixi Fizzlebang: STRIKE, STRIKE
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: In motherland, magic spells cast YOU
Spring: hahaha!
BOB hah
BOB Hello Carissa
Carissa: hi all
Lisa: Hi Carissa :)
Spring: hi Carissa!
Carissa: long day but I am here, mostly :P
Howard Plum: me too
Carissa: lol
BOB Lisa has been locked away in a secret government location all week
BOB no cell phone etc
Spring: eeks
Lisa: Was fun. Got a lot done :)
BOB good
Craigh: how many lights do you see?
Carissa: They let you out so that's a good sign
Lisa: Was at National Archives. Asked archivist - how does it feel now that everyone suddenly knows you exist? :)
TMO (Craigh): lol
Spring: hahaha
Carissa: lol
BOB How did they respond?
Lisa: He laughed
BOB good
Lisa: He didn't want to talk about he wwho shall not be named, but then neither did I
TMO (Craigh): no blame from here
Spring: i do not say the name either. that person loves it when you say their name
Lisa: yes I try to avoid
Spring: i don't care whether they can hear me or not, it's an energy thing
Lisa: agree
TMO (Craigh): He Who Shall Not Be Named, But For Totally Different Reasons
Lisa: but a couple years ago, so many people would have no clue what Natl Archives is and now it's all over the place. Tis strange
BOB very true
Lisa: other than the guy from Clinton admin who was stealing docs in his socks - that made news :)
BOB chuckles,
BOB that is also a sign of how old you are
Spring: i don't remember that one
Spring: i don't remember that one
Bixi Fizzlebang: lol oops, sorry, clicked and dragged
BOB Is ok
BOB so Lemon and TMO do you think you have a better idea on spells?
BOB 10 minutes and we move to deciding the night encounters
TMO (Craigh): oh, sorry, yes we finished that. forgot to let you know. You're supposed to be omniscient
BOB smiles
Bixi Fizzlebang: Yeah, if it sticks next week, I will put some more work into it
TMO (Craigh): I did a bit on my spells too, just to try
BOB You can test that tomorrow Lemon
BOB I close at the end of the night and reopen
BOB so tomorrow morning you will be able to test
Bixi Fizzlebang: Ok, great
BOB So Lisa, Marco, TMO, Carissa, Lemon, Spring are all here, Sharif is AFK for another few moments
BOB you can decide what do about night encounters
BOB and then we start with those
Lisa: not have any
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: now?
Carissa: yeah that
Spring: so we have to decide where to spend the night yes?
BOB Yes to Spring
Spring: anchor in the river or go ashore
TMO (Craigh): not have them is good. I like this
BOB river channel, bank and beached, or other as you come up with it
Lisa: even if we pull to shore someone has to stay with the ship
Lisa: not like we can all walk away and leave it there alone
Lisa: but yes we can pull over for walks on land
TMO (Craigh): Walkies!?
BOB chuckles
Spring: hehehe
Spring: while there's still light out. not in the dark
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: just toss anchor
Spring: but i do prefer to stay on the knarr
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: easier to defend from ship surrounded by water than from land if attacked
TMO (Craigh): agreed
Sharif: hey i'm back, sorry went a lil long
Spring: from the encounters standpoint, i think it's the same amount of dangerous. but i don't want to add "get back to ship" to my to do list in combat
Lisa: lol
Lisa: so that decided
BOB grins
BOB so now that everyone is back
BOB Priests can help heal anyone before the sunsets
Sharif: we still on the ship?
BOB yes
Sharif: Nice
BOB just the same as a road encounter but on the river
Lisa: Hi Sharif :)
Sharif: Hey there :)
Thistle: same warning as before with added auto zip of the logs?
Lisa: Youtargim could use an orison
Spring (Lanek): hahahaha
BOB Umm. what Thistle/Carissa?
Carissa (Raelynn): (same warning I posted last week or week before whenever that was)
Carissa (Raelynn): (but this time it also gave me a zip file of the log?)
BOB Sorry not understanding
Carissa (Raelynn): no worries not important right now I do'nt think
BOB ok
Raelynn: [CAST] Orison
Raelynn: [SAVE VS] Orison
Raelynn: x3 for You, Indigo, and Talwin
Raelynn: 7 hp
BOB thank you
Raelynn: I can't see numbers so... split accordingly
Raelynn: Talwin needs 6, Indigo 7, that gives Yout 8
Indigo's health adjusted by +7
Carissa (Raelynn): overnight healing it 2?
Indigo: Thanks Raelynn
'Lorie' connected
Youtargim's health adjusted by +8
Raelynn: Anytime! You look more handsome this wa y.
Talwin: Advanced Effect ['Giant-kin, 2-handed sword;DMGX:2'] -> [to Talwin] [by Giant-kin, 2-handed sword]
Talwin: Advanced Effect ['Punching;BSTR: 0;'] -> [to Talwin] [by Punching]
Talwin: Advanced Effect [''] -> [to Talwin]
Talwin's health adjusted by +6
Carissa (Raelynn): nope FG didn't like that either
BOB I did 6 to Talwin, 7 to Indigo, 8 to Youtargim
Spring (Lanek): Yout shouldn't be healed by a spell, since he got damaged during testing
Spring (Lanek): that's kind of unfair to Rae
Carissa (Raelynn): (he did? pfft give him his full HP then if true)
BOB OH sorry healing more than
Lisa (Indigo): oh I thought a scrag nipped him last week
Youtargim's health adjusted by +0
Spring (Lanek): maybe, but Lanek has been beating him up for hours
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal's health adjusted by +2
Spring (Lanek): trying to make the multiplier multiply
Lisa (Indigo): LOL
Carissa (Raelynn): (how much? Akilah is down 2 as well, but if overnight is 2 HP not too horribly worried)
Youtargim's health adjusted by +2
Carissa (Raelynn): (and/or give the extra Yout healing to her)
Lanek's health adjusted by +1
BOB So Everyone is fully healed by that one Orison from Rae
BOB That includes any healing through Morning
Lorie (Licornah): (Evening all)
BOB Hello Lorie
Carissa (Raelynn): Hi Lorie
Spring (Lanek): hi Lorie
TMO (Craigh): Hi!
Indigo: Hi Lorie :)
BOB SO night encounters
BOB tell me who is on which watch
BOB and it seems you are staying in the river channel
Spring (Lanek): Lanek square in the middle
Carissa (Raelynn): it's dark and water everywhere, keep the non-swimmers awa y from the edge
Lisa: Howard can go 1st and Indigo 2nd
TMO (Craigh): Craigh is avail for 1 or 3, probably from up a mast
Carissa (Raelynn): Rae and Thistle where needed.
Raelynn: Whoever wants to talk to whoever. Does Howard want Rae all up in his business? Because she's ready for that.
BOB I vote for that
Carissa (Raelynn): lmao
TMO (Craigh): lol
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Bixi just doesn't want to be stuck with Yout
Carissa (Raelynn): Stuck in the middle with Yout
Lisa (Howard Plum): lol
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol
Raelynn: (LINK)
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
BOB Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right stuck in the middle with Yout
Carissa (Raelynn): Bixi can be third as spellcaster who needs sleep
Carissa (Raelynn): Craigh and Bixi for third?
BOB So Howard and Rae 1st, Indigo and ?? second and Bixi and ?? third
Lisa (Howard Plum): Lanek is 2nd
BOB good for third
Carissa (Raelynn): Howard/Rae, Indigo/Lanek, Bixi/Craigh
Spring (Lanek): Lanek is on 2nd
Shislif (Zayden): i can go :)
Carissa (Raelynn): Others can jump in where they want if we have at least those basics
BOB and Lacornah and Kiliah are on?
Carissa (Raelynn): Choose who you want to talk to
BOB Thistle?
Lisa (Howard Plum): yikes for bad spellin
BOB Youtargim?
Carissa (Raelynn): lmao
Lorie (Licornah): (I rowed at least two shifts... can I get sleep?)
Carissa (Raelynn): Apparently Yout has to be first or second, and Rae can't be all nosy with him there so he's second
BOB yes to Lorie, sleeping for two shift
Lorie (Licornah): (I can take third then)
Shislif (Zayden): Zayden 3rd shift then?
BOB yes for spell recovery
BOB Zayden is 1st
Shislif (Zayden): oh ok
BOB Howard, Rae and Zayden
Shislif (Zayden): we on?
BOB and GO
LordBiBo (Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal): middle shift's fine by me
Zayden: Howard and Rae how goes you all this fine day?
BOB Indigo, Lanek, and Akilah on 2nd
Carissa (Raelynn): (Thistle is lazy and lseeping again?)
Howard Plum: I'm glad to be taking this first watch
Howard Plum: I hope nothing will happen this early
Carissa (Raelynn): OH!
Zayden: I like to take the first watch as well
BOB grins with Carissa
Raelynn: [CAST] Wyvern Watch
Raelynn: [SAVE VS] Wyvern Watch
Zayden: Best to get it over with I always say
Carissa (Raelynn): (let's do that this time, I've wanted to try it)
Wyvern Watch
Howard Plum: I agree
Zayden: Back when we used to audition in Bard school, I always wanted to go first
Raelynn: after casting spells scoots closer to Howard
Zayden: The anxiety of waiting in anticipation was so strong!
Raelynn: SOOOOO Howard.... is it true??
Howard Plum: You went to Bard School?
Zayden: Notes Rae and Howard sitting awfully close together
Howard Plum: blushes
Howard Plum: What is true?
Raelynn: What Indigo said!
Zayden: Yes the Boarding School for Bards, or Barding School for short, or The School for Bards works and the Boarding is just implied
Raelynn: About if we had to sacrific someone to a toll dragon....
Raelynn: And how you might suffice because, you know.
Zayden: sacrifiece someone?
Howard Plum: I would not let anyone sacrifice you
Raelynn: No no, I mean...
Raelynn: Have you REALLY never been with someone before??
Zayden: Whoa, now that's sacrifice
Howard Plum: Well ... I mean ... that was Indigo joking
Raelynn: Mmmhmm, go on.....
Raelynn: There's no shame. I'm just very curious!
Howard Plum: You are?
Howard Plum: Maybe I'm just waiting for the right person
Zayden: I'm kind of curious too now
Lisa (Howard Plum): lol
Raelynn: Of course I am! I want to know everyone about everyone's love life, but yours is very interesting!
Zayden: Tell us Howard, what does the right person look like in your mind?
Carissa (Raelynn): (poor Howard, lol)
Howard Plum: I don't think it's very interesting
Shislif (Zayden): lol
Raelynn: nods
Raelynn: And that's why you're a mage and not a priest of love.
Raelynn: But I AM a priestess of love so.....
Howard Plum: Well the right person would want to be with me. I don't see a lot of that
Zayden: Well would this right person be a male or female? Or could it be either?
Howard Plum: But I'm not really looking. So much work to do
Raelynn: sighs
Raelynn: Typical mage.
Raelynn: Do you WANT to be with someone? I could hook you up.
Raelynn: WAIT
Raelynn: Have you even been kissed before??
Zayden: Never Been Kissed, great fable
Howard Plum: YES!
Raelynn: Oooh dish!
Howard Plum: Everone's been kissed I think
Spring (Lanek): some of us pay fer it
Lisa (Howard Plum): LOL
Carissa (Raelynn): lmao
Spring (Lanek): cuz yanno, caint be encumbered
Raelynn: Sure, sure, but I need more details than that. Who was it? Where? When??
Howard Plum: I kissed the gardener's daughter when I still lived at home.
Howard Plum: But my father found out and threw the gardener and his family out
Zayden: Hey nice Howard!
Zayden: Oh that's a bummer
Raelynn: Wow your father's a jerk.
Howard Plum: I wasn't supposed to be doing that
Zayden: your dad sounds like a dick, with respect
Raelynn: And that had to have been years ago! Or did you go home those six years we were gone?
Zayden: That must have been quite traumatic Howard?
Howard Plum: No not so much. It was very like my father.
Howard Plum: It was a long time ago. Soon after he sent me to try to become a priest
Zayden: So you're saying your father was consistently a dick?
Howard Plum: laughs
Raelynn: Oh, a priest? Of who?
Howard Plum: You could say that
Zayden: Well that's tough Howard, nothing wrong with recognizing that, it's how we move on
Howard Plum: I didn't get that far
Howard Plum: He sent me to the Grand Celestry in Dryads Lair so I could study and decide but nothing really too
Howard Plum: took
Howard Plum: That was after my fighting training
Raelynn: Er, fighter? I can't really imagine you in an areana....
Raelynn: *arema
Howard Plum: Then I got sent to the Mage Guild there
Raelynn: ....
Raelynn: Wow, you've done a lot.
Raelynn: ....but not a lot of ladies, apparently.
Howard Plum: Yes, I have failed at many things
Zayden: That does sounds like a lot, didn't any of it appeal to you?
Carissa (Raelynn): LOL
Raelynn: Or anyone?
Zayden: There's no such thing as failure Howard, we only learn what not to do
Howard Plum: Not until Branwyn found me and taught me that I could try and learn spells
Howard Plum: Thank you Zayden. That is very kind
Howard Plum: You were successful at Bard School
Howard Plum: Was that the first school you went to?
Raelynn: ...and likely more successful with the ladies. And men? I'm not even sure.
Raelynn: Oh no, did he fall asleep??
Howard Plum: Maybe ...
Zayden: I suppose it's wasn't the first school I went to, we did have a form of preschool and elementary school, but it was the first school I took seriously
Raelynn: Oh just deep in thought, good.
Zayden: Not asleep, I just had to form my thoughts
Zayden smiles
Raelynn: Just making sure!
Raelynn: smiles back
Howard Plum: And now you perform to applause wherever you go!
Raelynn: Well since Howard isn't going to dish, what about your love life, Zayden?
Howard Plum: That is good to be talented
Zayden: Well thank you Howard!
Zayden: It's always nice to be appreciated, it is the great strength and weakness of any bard
Zayden: And Rae, with all my time away and in captivity, I seek to reignite the fire of my love life
Zayden: If you have any proposals, I'm all ears
Raelynn: Hmmm.... well, I am thinking of doing a matchmaking service once we return.
Zayden: I'm sure such a service would do quite well
Raelynn: And who knows who we'll meet on this trip! We'll be hitting many towns.
Zayden: Such is one of the pros of being single, the possiblities are endless
Raelynn: And if Howard would like Indigo's joke to be wrong, I have ideas for that. You just let meknow...
Howard Plum: blushes again
Zayden: Howard your cheeks are cherries!
Raelynn: Mmhmm! You can be my first official client!
Howard Plum: Perhaps I will
Raelynn: beams
Zayden: Oh Rae oh Rae, the turn has come your way
Raelynn: laughs
Zayden: What does your love life have to say?
Raelynn: Mine? Oh, I'm still figuring it out.
Raelynn: I trust in Hanali, though.
Zayden: Shouldn't the head of a matchmaking service have this figured out?
Raelynn: Well, Hanali gives us all these lovely spells to find love for others, but she doesn't let them work on her followers.
Raelynn: Love for us is suppose to be a surprise.
Raelynn: And a reward.
Raelynn: But we're allowed to instigate that for others, you know?
Zayden: Is it unfair, then, to take away the surprise for others with magic?
Howard Plum: I think love would be a reward for everyone
Youtargim : [Translation] snores lightly
<font color="#000000">snores lightly
[understood by: Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal]
Howard Plum: What was that?
Raelynn: Well that's why people can choose it or not! Me helping them find love, I mean.
Howard Plum: looks around
Zayden: That sounds fair, the use of magic should be consensual
Raelynn: I like playing matchmaker but being surprised.
Zayden: consentual?
Raelynn: Yes! See? You get it, Zayden!
Zayden: Thanks
Zayden smiles
BOB and moving to the Second watch
BOB quiet and peaceful on the river
Raelynn: Let's go wake the others, including the sleep talkers.
Zayden: The River's been quite nice everyone
Raelynn: Come on, Yout. You're mumbling again.
Raelynn: gently shakes him awake
Howard Plum: wakes Indigo
Youtargim : [Translation] Yes Love
<font color="#000000">Yes Love
[understood by: Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal]
Zayden Sings his wake up song
Raelynn: Hopefully that spell keeps it quiet.
Youtargim: Ahhhmmmm
Youtargim: What
Raelynn: Come on, sleepyhead. Your turn.
Youtargim: What, oh morning,
Youtargim: I mean thank you Rae
TMO (Craigh): TMO's WakeUp Song: "GET UP LAZYBONES!"
Raelynn: Mmhmm! You have a good watch!
Indigo: goes and wakes Lanek
Indigo: Watch time!
Lanek: groans
Lanek: k i'm up i'm up
Raelynn: goes to sleep middle of the ship/below ship wherever is away from water
Youtargim: Tucks Rae in safely on his way around checking on things
Indigo: then goes and wakes Akilah
Zayden Sleeps under the stars
Indigo: Watch time!
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: yawns and wakes up. She had to go to the bathroom anyway.
Youtargim: Indigo, thank you for being on watch with us
Lanek: ugh
Lanek: groans more
Indigo: Sure
User has gone AFK. (Shislif)
Youtargim: Lanek have you ever been on this river?
Indigo: There's a lot of people on this watch.
Lanek: Cahus on a cracker, I hardly slept.
Indigo: Maybe something exciting will happen
Youtargim: We need them, middle of the night is when the danger lies
Lanek: I don't remeber yet, kid. I'll tell you in a minute
Lanek: I dreamed Raelynn was tryin to fix me up with Josie Lee at the Salty Snail back in whatchacallit. You know, over yonder.
Lanek: An I dint wanna settle down, but you know, she might be a good, you know, special friend.
The date is Trall____de, 2nd Man (Early Spring), 358 SKR
Young Moon's phase is Full Moon
Old Moon's phase is Waning Gibbous
Carissa (Raelynn): (lmao)
Carissa (Raelynn): (adds Lanek to her list...)
Lanek: An then her ex, who is also a scrag, was lookin at me from around the corner.
Lanek: And then y'all woke me up.
Youtargim: Lanek I think you would be good to settle down with one woman rather than trying to juggle several of them
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: returns from the head gazes out into the twilight.
Indigo: You should take us there when we get back
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Anything interesting out there?
Indigo: Your girl is in love with a scrag?
Indigo: Not yet.
Lanek: it's a rough place. some of the younger among us might not be safe there
Youtargim: It is nice to have two almost full moons out to help light the night
Lanek: naw, not for real, in the dream!
Indigo: Is it a theives guild place?
Lanek: she aint my girl, just kinda meany-nice with a heavy pour
Youtargim: Lanek it is ok to have those desires, Scrags are virile creatures, everyone wants to
Lanek: not official, no
Lanek: casts a look at this punk like he wants his ass kicked
Indigo: I don't want to do anything except kill scrags
Shislif (Zayden): lol
Indigo: anything with a scrag
Youtargim: The toughest one in the group is always attractive
Lanek: turns back to indigo
'Michael' connected
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I imagine there must be many special diseases one can catch from these scrag creatures.
Lanek: anyways, i like meany-nice wimmin
BOB Hello Michael
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: They do not seem the most... sanitary of creatures.
Youtargim: I prefer women myself
Indigo: She must like you too if she make you good drinks
Carissa (Raelynn): Hi Michael
Lisa (Indigo): Hi Michael! Congrats!!
Lanek: hm. maybe she does. those drinks are so good
Youtargim: But I have heard of those who get taken away performing different acts than normal to secure their freedom
Spring (Lanek): hi Michael!
Michael: Hi! And Thanks! I"m so happy!
Lorie (Licornah): (Evening Michael)
BOB It is very much worth celebrating Michael
TMO (Craigh): hi
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Congrats!
Lanek: turns to Yout
TMO (Craigh): want to buy a house in Texas? ;)
Michael: Oops. Still loading. I'll chat as soon as it' sdone :)
Lanek: you know, we got enough people on watch. why don't you bed back down again? nobody will mind
Carissa (Raelynn): grats!
Lanek: we got too many. too many people on watch
Shislif (Zayden): congrats :)
Youtargim: I was here to make sure we are set for the evening
Youtargim: I will take your offer Lanek, thank you
Youtargim: I will take your watch later on for you
Youtargim: night
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol, need to keep Lanek's tactic in mind next time I'm stuck with Yout
Lanek: sighs under his breath "FFS"
Indigo: Goodnight Youtargim
Heads down to sleep near Rae
Michael (Talwin): (no, giving it one year and then I'm fully remote in Utah)
Michael (Talwin): :)
Michael (Talwin): SOrry about house in Texas
BOB So Lanek, Indigo and Akilah
Spring (Lanek): what's going on with a house in Texas?
Indigo: I like Yotargim but sometimes he says strange things
Lanek: nods
Indigo: How are you liking the group Akilah?
Lanek: look, i would just go ahead and teach him a lesson, but i think Branwyn might take my hide
Indigo: Nah! Branwyn wouldn't.
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: It is quite large, so I am still having trouble getting to know everyone
Michael (Talwin): (He wanted to know if I would buy a house in Texas. Out of cards for me :) )
User has gone AFK. (Lemon)
Indigo: Watches are good for that.
Spring (Lanek): i caught that part. i was wondering if i missed a natural disaster or something
Indigo: I'm sorry you came all this way to study the Mist and now you are sailing far away from it
Michael (Talwin): (Oh, hadn't considered that. Everything ok TMO?)
Indigo: I'm glad you aren't sick any more though
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Yes well, one can only study it so much when they are unwell.
TMO (Craigh): (ah, nope. tryiing to move to other side of Texas, have to sell this house to do so)
TMO (Craigh): (but as soon as we put it on the market the housing bubble popped)
Michael (Talwin): Oof
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Barely had the strength to lift a razor, much less take notes on it.
Michael (Talwin): Sorry bud
Indigo: It's hard but you'll get used to it when we get back
Spring (Lanek): the bubble popped already?!?!
TMO (Craigh): property has a history of messing with me. *shrug*
Spring (Lanek): craaaaaaaaaaaap
TMO (Craigh): oh yes, quite a while ago
Lisa (Indigo): high interest rates are slowing things.
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I do hope so. It shall be hard to study an illness while suffering from it
Lanek: grunts and nods
Michael (Talwin): (And brutal inflation)
Indigo: Or the best time?
Indigo: Maybe when we get back, we can convince Branwyn to go save the elves and kill the vampires who cause the Mist
Lanek: vampires? vampires cause the Mist? you got to be kiddin me
Indigo: But that would not be good for your studies if we get rid of what you're supposed to be studying
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Curious that the mist only affects elves.
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Well, if the mist ceases to be, I shall find other studies.
Indigo: Oh no. It affects everyone. I think it's just elves more
Talwin: Uh, I beg to differe Akliah
Lanek: naw, i don't think it only affect elves
Talwin: Kills certain magics altogether too
Talwin: Personally, I think it's one of the reasons the lands within it are so well resistant to outside invasion
Michael (Talwin): (Sorry, Talwin interjected. Assuming we are together?)
BOB yes
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: As you can see, I have collected very little information on the matter as my condition prevented me from doing so. Perhaps I would do better to simply speak to you all.
User is back. (Lemon)
Talwin: Glances at everyone before back to Akilah
Indigo: Lanek, you don't know the stories that the vampires cause the Mist to give them cover to walk in daylight and they harvest the Mist with dwarves
Lanek: at least to start
Lanek: yeah, no, i wasnt in on whatever that was
Indigo: Hope not!
Indigo: grins
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Why would dwarves work with vampires?
Lanek: and how the heck you harvest mist?
Indigo: No no. Dwarves are the victims
Indigo: They use dwarves. Blood I think to use in the spells that make the Mist
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Of the mist or the vampires?
Talwin: Probably why you don't see many of them in our lands
BOB dwarves ar a myth
Michael (Talwin): But we've seen dwarves bob?
Lanek: but, um, aint dwarves a myth?
BOB Only two in the last 100 years or more
Lisa (Indigo): ignore the man behind the curtain
Michael (Talwin): :)
BOB both adventurers with your group
Spring (Lanek): to the locals they are a myth
Spring (Lanek): oh wait, derp. Lanek has faught alongside a Dragonslayer dwarf
Talwin: If they are a myth, we've seen them in the flesh. Once they were captive in a castle
Spring (Lanek): *fought
Talwin: Very rare
Talwin: At least in my experience with dwarves outside of our company
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I have met many dwarves in my homeland.
Talwin: I've met a few in the free cities
Talwin: Almost none in our lands
Indigo: We met a whole tribe of them in the hills when we were looking to save Tiberius
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: And humans, giants, gnomes... all sorts of races. They do not segregate there as they do in these lands.
Indigo: Tell us about where you are from
Indigo: Sounds like you are sad to have left it
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Sad? I suppose one always misses what they no longer have. But I am sure I would miss this land once I am gone from it as well.
Lanek: snorts, amused
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: My home town is known as Hiyal. It is a port city with a great many factories. So many that soot coats the walls of every building there.
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: It is called the City of Intrigue as there also is a great amount of smuggling and other underground dealings there.
Lanek: snorts, nods in approval
User has gone AFK. (Shislif)
Indigo: I've never seen a factory before. What do they make?
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: The people, those who are not criminals that is, are very business minded. Many merchants and the like.
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Metalwork of all kind. Weapons, armor, mundane goods.
Lanek: nodding
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Some of the greatest weapons in all the world come from Hiyal's foundries.
Lanek: i like the sound of the place
Lanek: what's the food like?
Indigo: We should go there some time.
clutches his sword in his sleep
Lisa (Indigo): who?
BOB Youtargim
Lisa (Indigo): he's such a light sleeper
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: The food is spicy. Lot of flatbreads too. We drink a lot of coffee as well.
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Also fish, of course.
BOB coffee is unknown here
Lanek: a lot of what?
Talwin: Shakes head.
Talwin: It's a rare luxury, we don't really see it Lanek
Zayden tsk
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: It is a dark bitter drink that gives one much energy. It is an acquired taste, but my people love it.
Lanek: sounds like somethin to make you cough
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Most in my land would not begin their day without a cup.
Talwin: Imagine a disgusting potion that makes you feel hyper alert for a few hours that you can make any time if you have the right ingredients
Lanek: yeah i don't need that, but the spicy fish sounds good
Talwin: smiles
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: They say that the hotter the lands, the hotter the foods, and it is very hot in Hiyal.
Indigo: That's good because we'll be eating a lot of fish as soon as Zayden catches any
Zayden ears burn
Indigo: You would think you would like cold food in a hot place
BOB and moving into the third watch, Licornah, Bixi, Craigh, and Thistle if you can wake her
Zayden dreams of cold fruit in the hot sandy desert
Licornah: :: grabs her loom and takes a spot on deck for watch ::
Lisa (Indigo): nice
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: The thing is, food tends to go bad quickly in hot places, so you need spices to preserve them. Unlike cold places where food is naturally preserved by the weather.
Lanek: nodding
Indigo: Ohh I didn't know that
Lanek: that stands to reason
Lanek: that stands to reason
Zayden good point
Indigo: goes to wake Craigh
Indigo: Watch time!
BOB Akilah has another elf to pass the watch to
Zayden: keep it down, some of us are dreaming of watermelong!
Indigo: wakes Bixi too
Bixi Fizzlebang: (LINK)
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
Craigh: yawns
Indigo: Time to wake up
LordBiBo (Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal): (do 2e elves sleep 8 hours?
Bixi Fizzlebang: bounces up
Indigo: Time for me to go back to sleep
Lanek: shuffles off to the bedroll
BOB YEs to Marco
Bixi Fizzlebang: nudges Thistle very NOT gently
Bixi Fizzlebang: Thistle get up!
Bixi Fizzlebang: You got to sleep last time!
Zayden: Oy! Watermelons!
LordBiBo (Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal): ah, other editions they only meditate for like 4, and that's their sleep for the night
Spring (Lanek): sheez
BOB Thistle is snoring away
Thistle: Go AWAY....
Thistle: turns over
Bixi Fizzlebang -> Thistle: No, get up! We need to get the dirt on Craigh and Licornah!
Thistle -> Bixi Fizzlebang: What?
TMO (Craigh): drags himself up to the central part of the floaty thing, boat, ship, whatever.
Craigh: drags himself up to the central part of the floaty thing, boat, ship, whatever.
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: goes to find a cozy place to sleep.
Zayden tucks himself back to sleep
Bixi Fizzlebang -> Thistle: Wake up! I need your... bluntness. They're both too quiet
Zayden watermelons
Thistle: UGH FINE.
Lisa: lol
Bixi Fizzlebang: What are you making, Licornah?
BOB Quote for Carissa on watermellons
Bixi Fizzlebang -> Thistle: You get the dish on Craigh, I'll try Licornah. How'd he lose his arm? Etc.
Licornah: :: shrug :: Not sure yet... I am hoping a blanket, but we might have enough time for a scarf.
Bixi Fizzlebang: Not enough time for a blanket? Or does a scarf take longer? I'm confused
Thistle: CRAIGH! How'd you get up there with one arm? How ya gonna get down? 'Cause I ain't catching you, and you'll kill Bixi if she tries to catch you!
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol, please tell me Craigh is th eone missing an arm?
Licornah: Oh, well I don't know how much time I'll get to work on it given our adventures. So I hope for a blanket, but anticipate it will be a scarf
Bixi Fizzlebang: Too bad we weren't on the ship sooner. A scarf would have been nice when we were out camping in the cold
Bixi Fizzlebang: Is it cold where you come from?
Zayden dreams of watermelons
User has gone AFK. (Shislif)
Licornah: As it's farther north, it does tend to be colder, yes. But only a bit I think. I haven't been here long enough to be sure
Licornah: What about you? Are you from here?
Thistle: squinting her eyes
Thistle: Did he fall asleep up there???
Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO, KEEP THE RUSTY FIEND AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thistle: calls behind her, "It's barely spring! You'll be cold again soon!"
Craigh: Practice!
Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm from a village not too far from Branwyn's estate. A good enough distance that I can live my own life, though
BOB Do magic swords dream of steel wool sheep?
Thistle: And you're getting down.... how??
Talwin -> Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): Tries to hold back a smirk
Craigh: We'll have to see.
Licornah: Oh, I didn't realize you were that close, that's a good thing I think
Bixi Fizzlebang: Do you miss home?
Bixi Fizzlebang: Why did you leave?
Bixi Fizzlebang: Did you have a lover there? Family?
Bixi Fizzlebang: Pets?
Thistle: Maybe you can use one of the sleepers as a pillow?
Bixi Fizzlebang: calls to Thistle, "Yes! Yout looks squishy enough!"
Licornah: I miss my family. My family grew crops and we had a dog. I miss people who know my geography :: laughs ::
Bixi Fizzlebang: What kind of crops?
Licornah: I always feel like I'm talking about things no one gets.
Bixi Fizzlebang: What was your dog's name?
Bixi Fizzlebang: What kind of geography are you talking about?
Licornah: Oh, corn, wheat, and green beans. Tomatoes too
Thistle: Maybe you can tell your apprentice to solve this problem. Isn't that what they're for? To do things for you when you don't want people to know you didn't think anything through?
Licornah: My dog's name is Reezle
Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh, probably no one does get it. Some of us haven't been away much and some of us.... aren't.... the smartest. You could try explaining things more!
Licornah: Well my central point is always Silvermoon... no one has even heard of it. No one knows my faith. :: shrugs :: Just a bit of fish out of water
Licornah: My faith led me to leave home
Licornah: so here I am.
Bixi Fizzlebang: Ooooh, tell me about your faith
Licornah: :: nods :: more patience is always required as you learn a new location
Licornah: Lurue is the Unicorn goddess. She supports helping animals and those in need. At home we offer healing to those who most ask for it
Bixi Fizzlebang: Mine is pretty much just about taking care of nature and having fun and being silly, when you boil it down. Elf stuff seems more fancy
Licornah: She doesn't have a formal church, just a statue or two
Bixi Fizzlebang: Do they have to ask? Or do you heal anyone who seems like they need it?
Licornah: Nature and fun can go hand in hand
Licornah: I was raised to do both... offer help to those in need and those who ask
Bixi Fizzlebang: What's your favorite memory of using your skills?
Licornah: I wouldn't say Lurue is more fancy... she's in tune with animals. The ultimate honor for one of my faith is to see a unicorn
Bixi Fizzlebang: Mine is when I sent a phantom arm chasing after Craigh
Bixi Fizzlebang: Ooooh, I love unicorns almost as much as ghosts.
Bixi Fizzlebang: Haven't seen either yet, but maybe one day!
Licornah: :: smiles as she thinks :: Working with a group to heal a group of folks in Silvermoon who needed it. Then we celebrtated near the River with the local animals
Bixi Fizzlebang: Have you seen one?
Bixi Fizzlebang: Ooooh, how did you celebrate? Food? Dancing? I want all the details
Licornah: :: shakes head sadly :: No, no unicorn for me.
Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh no! How do you find one? Maybe we can find one together after this trip is done
Licornah: We had a large feast and there were musicians - but other than honoring Lurue, not a lot of dancing.
Bixi Fizzlebang: Do you eat meat?
Licornah: My mother says they find you. My brother has seen one but he won't tell me the story. He says I haven't earned the story :: laughs :: So like him
Bixi Fizzlebang: Did you get along with your brother?
Licornah: Not a lot of meat, no
Craigh: Who's eating unicorn???
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Bixi Fizzlebag: Professional Questioner Extrordinaire!
BOB hands Bixi a second notebook for her investigation
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol
Licornah: and yes, I love my brother. He's a Knight of Lurue. He patrols the forest to keep it safe from Thay
Bixi Fizzlebang: Ew, no one better be eating Unicorns
Bixi Fizzlebang: What's Thay?
Licornah: Do you eat meat?
Bixi Fizzlebang: I do, but not if I've talked to it first
Licornah: What about you, how do you honor your deity?
Thistle: You in your sleep, Craigh!
Bixi Fizzlebang: Look, I'm going to be honest with you, I left home for a lot of reasons, one being that I'm not really the greatest at following traditions. My god is the god of tricksters, and I've really only been able to do that one really good prank and honestly I'm not even sure Craigh noticed so it might not have even been successful. I'm working on it
Thistle: turns back around
Thistle: Oh hey, I remember that one! I thought it was hilarious!
Thistle: Craigh was just... disarmed by it.
Bixi Fizzlebang: snorts
BOB rim shot
Craigh: Good thing I don't have any tomatoes up here.
Thistle: grins
Bixi Fizzlebang: Thistle, I like you more and more every day
Thistle: yells back up, "Only your whole body when you're ready to come down!"
Thistle: gives a dramatic bow
Thistle: I try my best.
Bixi Fizzlebang: yells up "I could try and cantrip some if you want me to toss them up at you!"
Licornah: Oh... that's okay. Many deities are patience and understanding of those who have to stray
Licornah: Especially as an adventurer, you're often away from the shrine / church and not able to follow strict customs
Thistle: Like how Craigh has strayed like a cat up that mast?
Bixi Fizzlebang: Thanks, that reassurance is nice. So far no squirrels have come to pelt me with acorns so so far so good!
Thistle: No, but your god made you the apprentice to Craigh so....
Licornah: :: squints :: Craig why would you through perfectly good tomatoes in the river? We could make stew
BOB makes a note on squirrels
Bixi Fizzlebang: I can't wait to watch him try to get down
Thistle: That's why I haven't moved from watching him.
Licornah: Squirrels are tricksters for sure. Chipmunks are usually friendlier
Thistle: Now if only I had something to snack on while we wait.
Licornah: And rabbits, oh the jokes they want to play
Bixi Fizzlebang: Did everyone eat all the stew I made earlier?
Thistle: The thing with the weeds in it?
Bixi Fizzlebang: That's the one
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I passed that cooking roll!
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): It was good!
Carissa (Thistle): (but Zayden fished up weeds so...)
Licornah: :: continues her weaving ::
Thistle: It was good! Not that I'm picky.
Thistle: Glad to see those weeds weren't something poisonous.
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Nothing wrong with seaweed
Craigh: Tasted alright to me.
Licornah: How did he get up there anyhow?
Thistle: OH! I have an idea!
Thistle: Craigh! Make shadow puppets!
Thistle: I mean, they won't be as great with one hand, but at that angle, they'll still be good!
Craigh: You do realize it's *night* time, right?
Thistle: points up at the two nearly full moons
Thistle: You're lacking an arm, not eyes.
Thistle: Wait, you're not lacking eyes, too, right??
Craigh: Fine, whatever. This one is 'a hand'
Craigh: holds up one hand
Thistle: Well now I need tomatoes to toss at you.
Lisa: lol
Craigh: this one is what I call, 'The Finger'
Thistle: I gotta hand it to you - you stink at this.
Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Cantrip [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 11]
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Can I cantrip tomatoes?
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I don't know how cantrip works
BOB Yes a tomatoe
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Great, done
Thistle: You got five fingers, too! Or can you not count as well?
Bixi Fizzlebang: hands tomato to Thistle
Thistle: Oh, thanks! Let's see....
Craigh: holds up his hand with only one finger showing
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol
Carissa (Thistle): .....
Thistle: Why can't I hit him???
BOB Did you drag a sling attack to Criagh?
Carissa (Thistle): Yes. To throw a tomato at him.
Craigh: is protected by the Gods
Carissa (Thistle): well throw dart technically
Craigh: Advanced Effect ['Punching;BSTR: 0;'] -> [to Craigh] [by Punching]
Bixi Fizzlebang: I'd try but I'm definitely too short
BOB There you go, Craigh was not on the CT
Thistle: [ATTACK (R)] Dart [THACO(17)] [d20 = 20]
Attack [20] ->[ATTACK (R)] [at Craigh] [Hit-AC: -3 vs. 10 ] [AC: -3 ] [Location: Shin] [CRITICAL HIT]
Carissa (Thistle): (LOL)
Carissa (Thistle): (did she have two tomatos so she can roll again??)
BOB and so SPLAT
Craigh: Rude!
BOB Smashes Craigh with a conjoured tomato
Thistle: You wanted to throw tomatos, I'm showing you how to throw them!
Thistle: 'Cause you ain't good at anything else right now!
Thistle: That puppet show was HORRIBLE.
Craigh: nods. "Okay then."
Thistle: I expect better next time!
Craigh: Well, let's see if I can figure this out here....
Craigh: [SKILL] Cantrip [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 5]
Thistle: gets ready to dodge
Craigh: flicks a rotten egg back down in their direction.
LordBiBo (Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal): lol they don't know about coffee, but they know about tomatoes? :P
TMO (Craigh): not really trying to hit anyone, but a near landing is fine
Thistle: [ATTACK (R)] Dagger, Coated [THACO(17)] [WvA: piercing v Studded Leather (-1)] [d20-1 = 19]
Attack [19] ->[ATTACK (R)] [at Thistle] [Hit-AC: -2 vs. 10 ] [AC: -2 ] [Location: Forearm, back] [CRITICAL HIT]
Carissa (Thistle): (she's ready to dodge, that's like parry, right?)
BOB SPLAT into Thistle, with a critical hit, she cannot dodge
Bixi Fizzlebang: Licornah, you want to play food fight with us?
Thistle: Wow. With one arm??
TMO (Craigh): (that was Thistle rolling to parry, not Craigh attacking, I thought)
Thistle: Okay, I admit I'm impressed.
Licornah: :: head shake:: no thanks, I'm going to keep working on this. Have fun
Lisa: so when do these guys wake the entire group with their shenanigans?
BOB Soon
Carissa (Thistle): (oh yeah, it looks like Thistle tossed at... Thistle???)
BOB That is how good she is
Carissa (Thistle): LOL
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol
Thistle: And I'm impressed because I had to show you how it's done.
TMO (Craigh): talent runs deep in her bones
Thistle: And I am clearly impressive.
BOB But as morning starts
Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 3]
The time is 2:00 PM
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Morning is 2pm?
Carissa (Thistle): (wow they slept in late)
The time is 6:00 AM
Spring (Lanek): hahahaha
The time is 6:00 AM
Thistle: walks away from the mass and the egg remains to clearly frame Craigh
The date is Lad____de, 3rd Man (Early Spring), 358 SKR
Young Moon's phase is Last Quarter
Old Moon's phase is Waning Gibbous
Thistle: *mast
BOB Everyone is awake and moving
Youtargim: Good Morning Rae
Youtargim: Good Morning Indigo
Raelynn: Ooh that was a lovely.... UGH, what is that smell???
Thistle: Craigh did it.
Zayden: Good Morning all!
Youtargim: I am afraid that Bixi was trying to cook again
Bixi Fizzlebang: It's Craigh's fault
Indigo: Yuck!
Zayden: Boy I slept great
Bixi Fizzlebang: Hey!
Thistle: Nah, her stew was great. Now if she makes more stew from THAT, then maybe.
Craigh: Yeah, yeah, blame it all on me, as usual...
Bixi Fizzlebang: I know better than to use rotten food
Youtargim: I will let Indigo judge what is good or not
Thistle: Hey, wait, how did you get back down??
Indigo: What happened?
Indigo: That smell isn't good
Youtargim: Talwin and Zayden go lift the anchor please
Thistle: Just like his puppet show.
Indigo: We have to row here
Craigh: The opposite way of how I got up.
Talwin: Nods
Talwin: Nods
Youtargim: I will get us situated and we can start our day
Talwin: Walks to anrchor station
Thistle: snerks
Talwin: Begins cranking the winch
Thistle: Smartass. Your show sucked, but you're alright.
Bixi Fizzlebang: Do I need to row right now, or should I go cook us some breakfast?
Youtargim: [SKILL] Seamanship [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 11]
Talwin: Anchor Aboard!
Craigh: Thanks. Since I only put on a show because you demanded it, I'll just lay the blame on the director.
Thistle: I'll row if you want to cook, Bixi.
Youtargim: Cooking is more important Bixi
Thistle: nods
Indigo: You did this? You weren't attacked?
Zayden: I could fish shall I fish?
Thistle: I should have know to get better actors. But budget cuts, ya know?
Thistle: Well he was attack by me.
Youtargim: Yes Zayden go trawl a line to see what you catch during the day
Thistle: And then I was attacked... by me because he wasn't good at attacking.
Craigh: Please, I'm at least a decent actor.
Bixi Fizzlebang: What do we even have that's appropriate for breakfast?
Indigo: Clean it up then
Youtargim: just be careful not to latch onto another one of those seal things
Thistle: grabs a mop and hands it to Craigh
Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Cooking [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 10]
Craigh: stabs the egg with the mop repeatedly.
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Whatever it is, it's edible!
Youtargim: [SKILL] Whistling/Humming [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 15]
Thistle: gives him a thumbs up
Craigh: hooks the mop handle under his one arm and just walks forward, pushing the egg to the edge of the ship and over.
Thistle: gives him two thumbs up
Bixi Fizzlebang: Are you mocking him with your second thumb?
Lanek: grumphs
Thistle: wiggles her thumbs and grins
Craigh: gives Thistle an encore of his puppet show 'The Finger'
Craigh: gives Thistle an encore of his puppet show 'The Finger'
Talwin: LOL
Youtargim: a cheerful tune as he steers the knarr out into the channel and gets things underway
Thistle: laughs
Thistle: Don't wear it out, man. You gotta keep the audience wanting more!
Indigo: goes to the oars and starts to row
Lanek: starts rowing
Lanek: you know, if you row hard enough you get to hear the blood in yer ears and you don't have to listen to fools
BOB So a quick tally of the 8 who are rowing today? two shifts of 4 hours each, you can swap someone out as you want
Indigo: grins
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Bixi will swap in after the first shift
Thistle: Good thing your heads empty so you don't gotta listen to yourself, then, Lanek.
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: watches with the very expensive spyglass.
Lanek: nobody wuz talkin to you, short-arse
Zayden: I can row first shift
Carissa (Thistle): (Rae and Thistle can row whenever)
Thistle: grins
Indigo: What is wrong with you today Thistle? You're being mean today
Thistle: shrugs
Michael (Talwin): Same with Talwin
Indigo: Go sit in the hold
Thistle: I had to actually do watch. Shi says I'm nicer when I sleep longer.
Indigo: No one wants to hear you
Bixi Fizzlebang: Thistle isn't mean, she's fiesty. A quality I admire, due to my religion or something.
Thistle: OR something.... actually, I think she just curses me under her breath a lot.
Indigo: points at the hold
Thistle: salutes Indigo and goes
Indigo: She's never going to grow up
Talwin: How come when she's mean to me everyone's fine with it?
Youtargim: Indigo, do you know her friend we are going to rescue?
Indigo: Jilly did but Thistle's always going to be a baby
Indigo: No clue
Raelynn: Um, she didn't seem nice to Craigh or Lanek. Maybe she just has something against some people?
Indigo: Not sure what we're gonna do when we find her since there's no room on the knarr
Talwin: I'm sure we'll figure someting out
Michael (Talwin): grunts
Talwin: grunts
Indigo: Maybe we'll put them on a ship home
Raelynn: You think she's stay behind?
Bixi Fizzlebang: Maybe we can tug a rowboat behind us
Indigo: Hah!
Indigo: Yeah put Thistle and her friend in a dinghy in the back
Lanek: snorts approval
Raelynn: Ooof, I doubt you'd hear the end of that.
Indigo: Not if I'm in the front rowing
Indigo: grins
Youtargim: Indigo did I hear you say you lived somewhere on this river too?
Talwin: grumbling grumpily
Craigh: But he wouldn't have to hear anything about it right now
Bixi Fizzlebang: I mean, or maybe Talwin wants some alone time with his sword
Talwin: Hey Bixi, I think Thistle want's you to join her
Indigo: Not on the river. Inland further
Carissa (Raelynn): (man, no Thistle to make kissy faces)
Raelynn: Bixi at least is cooking for us.
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: gazes across the horizon to see if we are there yet.
Talwin: I feast on my pride
Talwin: chuckles to himself
Youtargim: I am interested in anything you know about the river coming up
Bixi Fizzlebang: Remember that next time there's not quite enough food to go around and I don't offer you any
Talwin: Snorts
BOB and both Akilah and Zayden can make checks
BOB Alertness, Obersvation, Fishing, etc
Indigo: you'd think Jennivive was on board causing disharmony amongst the crew
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: [TOWER] [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 5]
Fish, Eel, Electric: Advanced Effect ['IMMUNE:lightning'] -> [to Fish, Eel, Electric]
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: [TOWER] [SKILL] Find/Remove Traps [PERCENT:Find/Remove Traps] (vs. Target 90) [SUCCESS by 11] [d100 = 79]
BOB Zayden?
Lorie (Licornah): (FYI BOB, my character sheet is throwing errors with every click)
Licornah: [SKILL] Observation (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 13] [d20 = 2]
BOB Thank you Lorie
BOB I am not seeing them
Shislif (Zayden): ok sorry back
Michael (Talwin): (just those two?)
Spring (Lanek): i am getting assaulted by errors
BOB Zayden needs a fishing check
Zayden: [SKILL] Fishing [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 9]
Spring (Lanek): and i'm not doing anything
BOB OK so keeping this to the CT
BOB grab a screen shot if you can Lorie or Spring
BOB and I will check which extension afterwards
Lorie (Licornah): (mine appear similar to what Carissa posted)
Spring (Lanek): i already dismissed them, sorry
Spring (Lanek): couldn't see what was going on
BOB Akilah is watching and sees that Zayden's line grows taught
Lisa (Indigo): taut
BOB and then a very large fish starts to emerge
Michael (Talwin): lol
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: It seems you have caught one.
BOB yes to Lisa the line is taut and now Zayden is about to be taught
BOB grins
Zayden: yea large fish right here
Lisa (Indigo): lol
Zayden: I can feel it
Zayden: so taught
Michael (Talwin): I try not to correct anyone because I type like a heroin addicted badger
Fish, Eel, Electric: [DAMAGE] Discharge [TYPE: lightning (3d8=14)] [3d8 = 14]
[14] -> [to Zayden] [STATUS: Heavy]
Lisa (Indigo): Shocking!
Shislif (Zayden): damage?
Michael (Talwin): Nice lisa
Indigo: Cut the line!!
Michael (Talwin): lol
Raelynn: ZAYDEN!!
BOB Suddenly Zayden is ZAPPPED by an electric charge shooting up the line from the eel that he caught
Zayden: This fish isn't better than me
Michael (Talwin): What on earth is he using as a conductor???
Carissa (Raelynn): (not sure that's how eels work... but sorry, sorry science)
Zayden: Ouch!
Raelynn: Zayden, if you die before I hook you up with someone, so help me! DROP THE LINE!
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Let it go, let it gooooooo
Michael (Talwin): Or drop A line!
Michael (Talwin): LOL
Zayden begrudgingly drops the rod
Michael (Talwin): Some good ones tongith
Raelynn: Thank you.
BOB and so Zayden suffers only a bit of electrical damage from the first ZAP
Zayden: Of course
Talwin: Calls out worried
TMO (Craigh): zapden?
Zayden: Just fishing
Talwin: You okay?
BOB 1 quick reaction what do you do for the line that Zayden dropped
Carissa (Raelynn): (anyone got rubber gloves?)
Carissa (Raelynn): (telekineses? something? you know what they say about downed power lines - fire hazard, ect)
Zayden: Can I pick it up again?
Fish, Eel, Electric: [DAMAGE #2] Discharge [TYPE: lightning (2d8=8)] [2d8 = 8]
[8] -> [to Fish, Carp, Giant] [STATUS: Light]
Michael (Talwin): (someone tell him not to use a metal rod)
Michael (Talwin): :)
Raelynn: No! We need it off the ship, though!
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I mean, we got two sets of fishing gear, right? Just let that one go
Fish, Eel, Electric: [DAMAGE #3] Discharge [TYPE: lightning (1d8=8)] [d8 = 8]
[8] -> [to Fish, Carp, Giant] [STATUS: Moderate]
LordBiBo (Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal): using copper wire for fishing line
Zayden: just kick it off then, any rubber boot should be fine
Raelynn: Oh wait... are you... fishing by fishing?
Michael (Talwin): what's going on?
Raelynn: We should still get rid of it. Or cut it free.
Michael (Talwin): damage-wise?
Raelynn: Or it'll keep shocking everything since it's trapped.
Bixi Fizzlebang: OR it could be delicious stew?
Zayden: I mean it can't shock the entire ocean
Indigo: Cut the line!
Zayden: it's got to runout of electricity eventually
Zayden: and then we can eat it
Indigo: River
BOB Akilah can see that the line is tangled because Zayden actually hooked onto a giant carp, but an electric eel attacked the carp at the same time
Bixi Fizzlebang: I don't think that's how eels work
Raelynn: ZAYDEN. It's one fish. Let it go!
Talwin: Just cut the damn line!
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): oh god, not carp
Carissa (Raelynn): (Oh wait)
Zayden: carp?
Carissa (Raelynn): (Or Akilah points out the eel isn't the one)
Talwin: We know you can fish, you don't need to prove anything!
Carissa (Raelynn): (So we need to... reel it in?)
Zayden: I'm not trying to prove anything, I just like to fish
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: it is in fact 2 fish, not one.
Zayden: like some people like to fish, and some peoplpe don't like to fish, and I'm the type of people that likes to fish
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: We should save the carp from the eel.
Raelynn: You are hurt, Mister. You need to be careful.
Raelynn: How?
Zayden: Rae is so nice, she cares about people
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Can no one magic missile the eel?
Zayden: pee on it
Zayden: eels don't like pee, that's science
Raelynn: If we grab the crap, then the eel will swim off, won't it? So someone needs to get that line in.
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): If I cast hold animal, would that stop it from shocking everything if it worked?
Talwin: Talwin stops and stares at the Tabluau unfolding before his eyes
BOB you can feel free to ......
Talwin: You just said to pee on a fish
Carissa (Raelynn): (...find out if fish are animals)
Talwin: What the gods man
Zayden: Don't act like it's not a great idea Tal
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Everyone is getting one free-for-all action or do I need to wait my turn or?
Craigh: I'm going to go over to the other side of the boat. Let me know when sanity returns to this side...
Howard Plum: I could cast on it if I could see it
BOB everyone gets 1 action
Talwin: I'll pee on YOU if you don't cut the damn line
Zayden: My action is to pee on it
BOB Bixi first
Lanek: is too GD tired for whatever that-all is and stays out of it
BOB Zayden has his
Zayden smirks
BOB Craigh and Lanek are committed
Raelynn: The eel isn't on the line. The carp is, but the line is tangled and the eel is trying to steal the carp from us. I think.
BOB Yes to Rae
Zayden: And to clarify
Zayden: I only want to pee on the eel
Carissa (Raelynn): (she's conjuring which is why she added I think)
Zayden: or as i call it
Lisa (Howard Plum): called shot
Raelynn: No. Zayden. Just no.
Zayden: peel
Michael (Talwin): I hope to god you get the shit shocked out of you
Craigh: Wow... look how normal this side of the boat is... very nice.
Zayden: let me peel
BOB LOL Zayden peeing, Howard, Called shot
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I can't figure out how to cast the way my list is now
TMO (Craigh): you're welcome!
Bixi Fizzlebang: Bixi Fizzlebang cast a spell NOT memorized.
Talwin: I'm not eating that
Bixi Fizzlebang: [CAST] Hold Animal [at Fish, Eel, Electric]
Fish, Eel, Electric: [SAVE] vs. Spell [d20 = 9]
Save [9] [Target 17] -> [for Fish, Eel, Electric] [vs Bixi Fizzlebang] [TARGET-FAILED]
Lisa (Howard Plum): not Howard! If Zayden only wants to pee on the eel it is a called shot
Zayden: Bixi to the rescue!
Zayden: We wash it first Tal sheesh
Zayden: very clen kitchen
Zayden: clean
BOB and the Eel failed its save and is held by Bixi's spell
Bixi Fizzlebang: Lol, I don't know if it worked yet Zayden
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): - the lol
Raelynn: Oh, nice job, Bixi!
Raelynn: Now can someone good with ropes get that carp up here so the eel has nothing to attack?
Michael (Talwin): gags
Talwin: gags
Raelynn: Or do we need to ask Thistle to come back up here?
Zayden: if Thistle can help go for it
Howard Plum: Craigh is good with ropes isn't he?
Raelynn: nods
BOB second fishing check and or rope use will be able to haul it up onto the deck
Raelynn: Well, if none of you volunteer....
Shislif (Zayden): oh I could fish check
Lanek: (LINK)
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
Raelynn: Craigh! Lanek! Yout! Come help or you might not get dinner!
Craigh: Depends on your thoughts about my acting abilities.
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: [TOWER] [SKILL] Rope Use [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 20) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 9]
Michael (Talwin): (Honestly, i'm just kind of staring at the screen. I don't know how to handle this)
Zayden: [SKILL] Fishing [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 10) [FAILURE by 7] [d20 = 17]
Lisa (Howard Plum): lol
Carissa (Raelynn): (it's just to untangle the rope)
Shislif (Zayden): dang
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: lassos the carp and pulls it up with her rope
BOB I am wiping my eyes and glasses Michael
Carissa (Raelynn): (at this point, Talwin might be able to say, screw his fishing rod, and cut it free, lol)
Craigh: Have you tried pulling on the loose end?
Michael (Talwin): He's going to lose both rods at this point
Spring (Lanek): i don't got any rope help
Craigh: [SKILL] Rope Use [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 7]
Raelynn: (guess I was thinking escape bones or something for thieves, but that works)
Raelynn: Thank you, Craigh.
Youtargim: Akilah manages to save the fishing gear and loops a rope around, Craigh comes over and helps pull the carp and eel both up onto the deck, the eel is magically held still
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): A food fight AND an attack by a fish. This has been a good night.
Craigh: Please don't pee on me.
Raelynn: And thank you, Akilah.
Michael (Talwin): and the electricity has fried the urine, making a delightful smell for all aboard
Zayden: fine
Raelynn: Now, someone either kill the eel before the spell wears off or toss it overboard before someone else gets hurt, please?
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: It is no trouble, now slay the eel before it begins causing trouble again
Youtargim: Youtargim is still steering the ship
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: [INIT] [MOD:Shortsword][Reaction Adj: -3] [d10 = 2]
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: [ATTACK (M)] Shortsword [THACO(17)] [AC: -5 ] [d20+3 = 22]
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: [DAMAGE (M)] Shortsword [TYPE: piercing (1d6+6=12)] [d6+6 = 12]
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: [ATTACK (M)] Shortsword [THACO(17)] [d20+3 = 12]
Attack [12] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Fish, Eel, Electric] [Hit-AC: 5 vs. 9 ] [AC: 5 ] [Location: Shoulder, top] [HIT]
Raelynn: And thank you again, Akilah. You deserve seconds if Bixi makes enough.
Zayden: Thanks Akilah!
BOB Marco did you drag that onto the Eel on the CT?
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: ct?
BOB It worked for me
BOB Combat Tracker
Bixi Fizzlebang: With a fish that big, there should definitely be enough for everyone
Michael (Talwin): Talwin stares for a moment, before standing abruptly and hurling his guts out overboard
Talwin: Talwin stares for a moment, before standing abruptly and hurling his guts out overboard
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: there's a combat tracker?
Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: What is WRONG with you
BOB Menu -> Combat Tracker
Talwin -> Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): He PEED on dinner!
Lorie (Licornah): (Angulas - the favored snack of SPaniards everywhere :) )
BOB all the Tokens involved in a combat
Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: I thought you had a stronger constitution than this.
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: [DAMAGE (M)] Shortsword [TYPE: piercing (1d6+6=11)] [d6+6 = 11]
[11] -> [to Fish, Eel, Electric] [STATUS: Critical]
Lorie: Damage [11] -> [to Fish, Eel, Electric] [STATUS: Critical]
Talwin -> Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): I thought I did too. We need to fix this soon
Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: I would be lying if I said I was not disappointed
BOB and the Eel is dead
BOB and the Carp is also
Talwin -> Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): Whatever will do with your dissapointment. The heavens weep
Carissa (Raelynn): (rounds or out of rounds now?)
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: pats the carp.
BOB Out of rounds
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: poor thing
Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: Don't get sassy with me, I will murder you in your sleep.
Raelynn: [CAST] Orison
Raelynn: [SAVE VS] Orison
Carissa (Raelynn): (7 for Zayden)
Michael (Talwin): Well, I can't say it was pleasant, but I will never forget this encounter
Talwin -> Reven / Lipthink (giant sword): I could pee on you if you want?
Zayden's health adjusted by +7
Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: I am a sword, I doubt I would care.
BOB did that for you Rae
Lanek: (LINK)
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
Carissa (Raelynn): (ty)
Raelynn: We'll see how the rest of the day goes, but that should hold you for now, Zayden. Please don't get hurt again.
Talwin: Hey Zayden!
Talwin: Reven wants to know if you'll pee on him?
Reven / Lipthink (giant sword) -> Talwin: Again, I would be disappointed. But having no human squishy bits, that would most likely be the extent of my discomfort
Raelynn: gives Talwin a very concerned look
Zayden: hey
Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): lol!
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): That ws NOT what Reven said
Zayden: Think I'm alright though, just comes with fishing sometimes you know
Michael (Talwin): LOL
Michael (Talwin): I know
Michael (Talwin): haha
Zayden: Sure I'll pe on him haha
Michael (Talwin): now I'm fucking dying over here bob
Zayden: I try not to kink shame anybody
Indigo: Yuck
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: A shame we could not save the carp. They are very special fish.
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I know YOU know, I'm just letting everyone ELSE know
Raelynn: They are?
Raelynn: clearly happy for a subject change
Michael (Talwin): (Sorry, forgot people can't see all the whispering we do)
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Have you not heard tales of carps?
Michael (Talwin): (If you go back and read chat, you'll be entertained)
Carissa (Raelynn): (not until they read chat tomorrow!)
Raelynn: No? They're just basic fish here.
Michael (Talwin): Sorry sorry, now I can't stop laughing, my sides hurt
Spring (Lanek): hehehehe
Raelynn: Some aren't even tasty.
Lorie (Licornah): (this is the weirdest river if we're catching angulas and carp)
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: There are many tales of humble carps with magical powers
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I just don't want everyone thinking that my character requested that Michael request that my character be peed on.
Lisa (Indigo): sure ...
Michael (Talwin): LOL
Shislif (Zayden): lol
BOB Lisa is that for Lemon or for Akilah?
Carissa (Raelynn): we definitely believe you
BOB grins
Raelynn: Have you met one?
Raelynn: A magical one, I mean?
Lisa (Indigo): lemon
Michael (Talwin): Sorry lemon. I'll take care in the future. It really is my fault because I forgot whispers aren't in chat
Michael (Talwin): It's my bad
Lisa (Indigo): totally believe Akilah :)
Carissa (Raelynn): (no it's hilarious)
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: If this one was magical, it would be my first.
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol, it's fine
TMO (Craigh): the whispers will show up in the logs, don't worry
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Gotta give them bait to get them to read the chat lol
Raelynn: Well, if it rises from the dead, we'll know. And if not... I'd hope a magic carp could protect itself from an eel? So maybe it's just a basic carp?
Michael (Talwin): LOL
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: Oh no, they are peaceful creatures. In fact, in almost every story about them, the carp must be saved by someone and in return they grant some gift or wish to their savior
Bixi Fizzlebang: A magic carp isn't much use if it can't save itself from an eel
Raelynn: Oh, well that would be cool if we found one! Although I don't know that we could convince Zayden to not eat it...
Raelynn: He seems to really like his fish.
Bixi Fizzlebang: I think he just likes catching them more
Michael (Talwin): OR, it evolves into a Gyrados and makes it's worthless existence worthwhile for the aspiring Pokemon Master
Bixi Fizzlebang: Sporting or whatever
Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal: I am sure the eel would make for fine eating.
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol, nice Michael
Michael (Talwin): :)
Carissa (Raelynn): lol
Raelynn: With Bixi's cooking, it will be!
The time is 10:00 AM
LordBiBo (Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal): you know what's the weirdest thing about gyrados? It's water and air type, but has no air type moves. It therefore is doubly weak to lightning for no good reason
Michael (Talwin): Dragon type right?
BOB I think this is a fun way to wrap up for the night
Michael (Talwin): Yeah, my sides ache
BOB Thank you everyone
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Can't you teach it one with a TM or whatever they're called?
Michael (Talwin): More sessions like this :)
LordBiBo (Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal): nope, only when it megaevolves. it's normally water and air type
TMO (Craigh): I'm fading pretty hard, so I agree
BOB I will be working on things over the weekend
LordBiBo (Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal): it can't learn any air moves from tms or hms
Carissa (Raelynn): early morning so also agree
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): weird
Talwin: Well, this was a session I'll never forget. Thanks everyone! :)
BOB Thank you all
Michael (Talwin): Now i need to wiki Gyrados
Carissa (Raelynn): Night!
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, this was a good one
Michael (Talwin): Night all! :D
Lisa: Goodnight!
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Goodnight friends!
'Carissa' disconnected
'Michael' disconnected
'Lisa' disconnected
Lorie: Night
'Lorie' disconnected
LordBiBo (Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal): there is exactly 1 air move it can learn and you have to breed it into it. that's Jump, which is a lame move
'Lemon' disconnected
LordBiBo (Akilah bint-Fahkr al Hiyal): night all
'LordBiBo' disconnected
Shislif (Zayden): Night everybody :)
TMO (Craigh): g'nite
BOB Going to close this
Lanek: goodnight!
'Spring' disconnected
'TMO' disconnected
'Shislif' disconnected
BOB and disable an extension before restarting