Chat Log - 2023 01 20 - Searching for Alexandria - Formatted - Story
Chat log with automatic formatting applied
<a name="2023-01-20" /><b>Session started at 2023-01-20 / 16:47</b>
'Thistle' is at 'Normal' encumbrance. Movebase now 12.
No extension updates detected
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition (c) Wizards of the Coast
2E v2023.01.08 For Fantasy Grounds --by Celestian 2017-2023
Core RPG ruleset (2022-11-15) for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2022 Smiteworks USA, LLC
Weather Generator v1.3
Babyl Support Channel (LINK)
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<font color="#000000">Extension (Bayne's Fantasy Eats) loaded.
<font color="#000000">Extension (Carouse! OSR Edition) loaded.
Conversion Checker v1.6.0 for FG V.3.x Copyright 2017 Smiteworks USA, LLC. \rAuthor: James (Lokiare) Holloway (Inspired by Aki Heikkinen's Savage Worlds Enhanced Library extension). Look in module Developer Tools for instructions.
Debugger v0.2
Debugger Support Channel (LINK)
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<font color="#000000">Dice Jail (Version: Magnanimous Ambition [1/24/2022]) Loaded Successfully!
(LINK)\rClock Adjuster v3.9:\rProvides an interface for easy time tracking and management.\nThis extension is a combined effort of PR6I6E6ST (Troy Monteith), bmos, PokeyCA, MeAndUnique, Corun-Kail, and JustinFreitas.
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
(LINK)\rCoins Weight v2.1:\rCalculates coin weight by leveraging the existing inventory weight process.
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
(LINK)\rExtraplanar Containers v1.12-hotfix.6:\rThis extension provides support for extraplanar containers by ignoring the weight of carried (but not equipped) items in supported contaners.
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
(LINK)\nMoon Tracker v2.4-hotfix.2\r--created by DMFirmy and updated by Andraax and bmos.
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
(LINK)\rParty Item Weight v1.6\nFor Fantasy Grounds v4.2+\nBy bmos
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
<font color="#000000">Extension (Fonts - Extended Languages) loaded.
Sign Language Fonts
Halt! Player Safety / X Card \r\nThis fan made extension created by DIE Hard Gaming. (LINK)
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
<font color="#000000">Extension (Martial Arts) loaded.
MNM Bigger Drop Downs v3
<font color="#000000">MNM Module UI v3
<font color="#000000">Extension (Name Maker) loaded.
Natural Selection v1.5.2 by Saagael.
Optical Referendum v1.1.1
Toll the Dead v1.1.0
Trigger Me Timbers v0.1.8 by MeAndUnique.
Universal Module extension. This will allow you to open (with varying degrees of success) modules from other rulesets. \r\nExtension Created by DIE Hard Gaming. More great resources at (LINK)
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
<font color="#000000">URL Links Extension Created by GM Frostbyte. Thank you for your support.\rBuilt using RulesetWizard & templateTemplate v1.1 \r*************************************** \rWarning! \r**************************************\rThis campain has URL Links Extension turned on. If you are not confortable with the GM sending you links to external sources, please ask the GM to turn off this extension. \rOtherwise, if you get Rick Rolled, please do not blame us.
Requested Rolls version 2.10 by mccartysr, 2022\rFor slash commands type /RR
(LINK)\rPower Up v1.5 by Ryan Hagelstrom\rContribution: bmos 2022\rtype: /powerup /powerupman
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
SmiteWorks Wizard's Desk Theme for Fantasy Grounds\rCopyright 2019 Smiteworks USA, LLC.
<font color="#000000">FoWEnhanced v1.1.0d
Party Weight\rCriado por BRUNO SALVADIO
RefManual Resize by JHarp
Allows smaller resize of RefManuals
(LINK) \nTooltips - v1.3 by Zarestia
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
Player Agency Version 1.23 20220221\r\nThis fan made extension created by DIE Hard Gaming. (LINK)
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
World Builder Basic User Manual. (LINK)
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
Investigator Basic User Manual. (LINK)
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
Dear Diary Basic User Manual. (LINK)
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<font color="#000000">Extension (Bayne's Bag of Holding) loaded.
Merriweather Font Extension v1.0
Has Initiative Indicator v1.7 - CoreRPG+ version.\rBy Celestian, 2018-2021
Unshare Image v6
<font color="#000000">Calendar Plus v1.8 for FGII v4.1.12. Copyright 2021 Smiteworks. By darrenan.
Field Filters for All Libraries (extension)\n-- version 0.4.7, released Aug 01, 2022
<font color="#000000">NPC flavors v1.11 (Pleasantly slouched)\n- by Tideturner
MNM Player Journal 2 v13
Effective Initiative v1.1\rby Ryan Hagelstrom 2021-2022
(LINK) \n2E/3.5E/PFRPG/5E/SFRPG Spell Action Info - v4.3 \rby Zarestia, contributions by MeAndUnique, Rhagelstrom
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
Misc Annotations 1.0.0 by MostTornBrain.
<font color="#000000">Dice Jail - Smelter Upgrade Loaded Successfully!
Theme Add-On: \rSir Motte's GM Icon Replacer\rVersion: 1.0\rAnstett Edition
Zuilin's Whisper Windows v1.10\r\nfor FGU
Link: Searching for Alexandria
'Michael' connected
BOB Hello Sir
Michael: Just so everyone is aware, I have been keeping up this week in Chat.
Michael: LOL
Michael: just saying it straight up
BOB Excellent!
Michael: Now getting ice. BRB lol
Michael: As I was saying. Have a general plan of attack. Lisa had some good points about spellcasters I forgot about. I'm glad she reminded
Michael: Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's because the attack "distracts" them right?
Michael: And I do want to check about Stone Shape. I was almost certain we had a character that could do that spell. If not, I laid out exactly how we would do a container. But first, we need to find the stone first
Michael: What I want to ask the group is while the blindness is we wait until the group has sight again, then if we aren't under immediate threat, I'll tell the group from there. I don't want to type out paragraphs ahead of time
BOB Yes to the distract/hit a spell caster to stop casters
Michael: ok
Michael: I was pretty srue taht was what lisa meant
'Spring' connected
'Shislif' connected
BOB Hello Spring
BOB Hello Sharif
Michael: Hi Spring and Sharif!
Michael: Ready to rumble!???
'TMO' connected
Sharif: Hi everyone!
Sharif: Always!
Michael: lol :)
Spring: hi hi!
Spring: Lanek is always ready to grumble
BOB Awesome Spring
Michael: I am too lol. Depends on the outcome
BOB Sharif Michael can fill you in on what you missed
Michael: resetting discord. one sec
BOB Spring has some ideas too
Spring: i probably do. i'm undercaffeinated so they might come slow
Sharif: wait let me remember...
Sharif: Zayden got blinded
Sharif: his beautiful eyes
'Lisa' connected
Sharif: Wait wasn't I here last week?
Spring: i was too
BOB grins with Sharif yes you have it
BOB and Hello Lisa
Sharif: lol
TMO: hey howdy
TMO: y'all ready for Craigh to Save The Day?
BOB wink
Spring: i missed whatever happened on the wiki
Sharif: Zay is ready!
Spring: hi TMO and Lisa
Michael: Okay back. Sorry about that. Discord is back up. Anyway, do you need a complete recap?
Michael: Also Hi Lisa and TMO!
TMO: speaking of TMI, apparently my gums have sealed over the hole in my jaw, so Progress?
Sharif: a previously on sounds nice
Michael: I"m sorry, what? Also are you okay?
TMO: do you need more TMI? I can come up with some if you want
Sharif: nice just like Wolverine!
TMO: Bob called me TMI, so I'm trying to come up with some for you
TMO: there's this mole on my back....
Sharif: Lol
Michael: Previously on: Bob's world. Planning is an art that must be appreciated by two parties. The DM, and everyone else. So, we have a few characters that are blinded, technically in combat, and Talwin has resist heat and is about to begin looking for FireGems. Indigo had to drop his swords for 7 rounds
Michael: And that is the absolute quick summary
Michael: No one is on the verge of death as far as we can tell
Michael: You were here for th e rest of the session weren't you?
Sharif: Zay just ran in and got blinded, didn't even get a hit in lol
Spring: oh i just remembered something happened at work and distracted me for about 20-30 minutes and when i came back we were all logged out
Michael: Oh you were here for all of it. LOL you don't need a summary!
Spring: so i guess i did miss something
TMO: if Craigh sees Talwin heading for the firepits, he will change targets to the bodies of the priests and search them. if he goes before Talwin, he will look into a pit for evidence of gem/eggs
Lisa: Some of us have been posting OOC this week to try to plan
Lisa: Hello all. Super long load time to get in
Michael: Yes you did great Lisa/Carissa
Michael: I'm actually going to ask about that first
Michael: Are most of us in?
Michael: And thank you for reminding me about spellcasters LIsa. I totally forgot. We probably could have inturrupted them :(
Lisa: Every time you see a caster in combat it could be someone like Branwyn - or at least that is Branwyn's thought on it
Michael: Nah, theres only one Branwyn lol
Lisa: so they must be put out of combat asap
Michael: I know who i'm running from
Michael: But agreed
'Lorie' connected
'Carissa' connected
Sharif: Hey there!
Michael: So here's the deal
Lisa: Hi :)
Michael: I have a rough order of ops from reading this week and my own thoughts. I'll post them in order. Give me a sec while I'm typing them out
BOB and now Lorie, Carissa, and Lisa are all fully in
Lorie (Licornah): (Hey all...)
Spring: hi Lorie and Carissa.
Spring: re-hi Lisa, TMO, Sharif
Spring: hi Michael and BOB
TMO: hello lovely lasses and lads
Sharif: Hello hello!
Spring: is there a way to see all the users?
Carissa: Hi all!
Spring: i'm a ladsses
Lisa: Hello all :)
Spring: or an ass, depending
BOB No to Spring, you cannot see Players only Characters
Lorie (Licornah): Technically, I'm LAD every day :)
Spring: shoot. that would be handy for greeting
BOB smiles with Lorie
Spring: haha
Michael: As in the online post, Talwin has a limited time for this spell. He needs to make the most of it to search the nearby fires for potential gems. We have several members who are blinded. We need to allow them time to regain their sight. TMO had a good idea to search the bodies. We need to all roll OBS and whatever will stack the deck in our favor. We currenlty are still in combat FROM MY UNDERTNADING. I could be wrong. If no gems are found, we will either "stone shape" whici I could have SWORN one of us had, or build the small drag along that I perfectly described beginning of last session. Thank god that was already established. If combat resumes with actual combat, this will all go out the window of course, but the general goal is the same. Questions before we implement this. Everyone NEEDS to speak up. I have a pad of paper and am keeping track because no one is going to "plan shame" me tonight
Michael: Also Hi Carissa. Thank you for your posts this week.
Carissa: lol hi Michael and happy to help
TMO: sorry Spring! no offense intended.
Lisa: no plan shaming anyone
BOB No plan shaming, and also that is why there is the Slow and Stop up top there to use
BOB and testing something
Michael: If anyone needs to, USE THEM :)
Lisa: from what I looked back on in last week's chat, Craigh should be up next in round 2
BOB Who saw that vote?
Michael: I do like pizza bob, but no "yes or no" just an image with a check
Lisa: I saw Lorie likes pizza
Licornah: :: raises hand ::
TMO: that's all I have too
Carissa: guess it only works for who has a character selected
BOB So that only goes to Characters
BOB now /vote pizza
Michael: OH!
Carissa: but I wanna make it go away and I can't
Licornah: (POLL) pizza
Sharif: I like pizza!
TMO (Craigh): yeah, I was wondering if maybe that was it
Michael: Hm. I'm having some trouble with it
Carissa: my inability to close (yet another) window is frustrating
Michael (Talwin): Okay. fixed it lol
Lorie (Licornah): (I can't make it go away... but nice to see other smurfs voting)
BOB Ok so if I use Vote it puts the radio buttons here in chat, if I use OR then it pops up a separate window for the characters to use
Lisa: agreed carissa
Carissa: it's gone yay
Licornah: glad it's gone
BOB I have to close it
Carissa: chat is better because less clutter and that window overlayed all of them
Lisa: in chat though I don't know which button I'm supposed to be using
Carissa: and for earlier, Lemon had earth shape, Michael is the only one I know
Carissa: true
Lanek: so if i keep clicking in the chat it cycles between check, x and empty
BOB Even now?
Lanek: so i guess thats yes, no and unvoted
Lanek: let me scroll up and see
Michael (Talwin): Mine seemed to lag a bit. But when I used the interface popup overlay, it was instant
Lisa: but if there are 5 circles in a row how do you know which circle is yours?
Michael (Talwin): INstead of Chat, which just kind of took forever
BOB Yes I saw that Spring
Lanek: you don't know
Lanek: you just click the whole bubble
Lisa: ok
Lanek: and one of the circles will change for you
Lisa: magic!
Lanek: for me it was the last one
BOB smiles
Lanek: but the bubble looked like it was posted by Licornal
Lanek: Licornah
Lanek: rather than by the GM
Carissa: so chat is anonymous voting and the pop-out calls you ouy
Carissa: *out
Lorie (Licornah): (I did the slash vote)
Lorie (Licornah): (Maybe whom ever does it first?)
BOB Yes to Carissa
BOB Chat just gives vote totals, where the pop out lets me know who actually voted, I do not know if you can see HOW people voted
BOB trying that one again /or does Zay have enough pee left for this adventure?
Michael (Talwin): If you ahve enough to put out the fires, let me know
Lorie (Licornah): ewww this is TMI
Craigh: you're welcome!
BOB But do you see how peopel are voting?
BOB Or only your own vote?
Michael (Talwin): Yes
Craigh: see everyone
BOB If we do not like that I can put in a request to make that anonomous
BOB or which ever spelling of that makes the programer work
Lorie (Licornah): Yes, we see the results
Carissa: (I abstained because I got distracted)
Craigh: maybe an anonymous vote option to it
BOB you do not have a character Carissa, so could you actually vote?
BOB in the pop up one?
Carissa: oh no, didn't know it was pop-up one again
Carissa: so I doubly abstained?
BOB also for TMO there is a character sheet notes section now, does not seem to work for everyone to share though,
BOB There is the LINK to the story arc for people to get to the wiki and update notes there during the game as needed
TMO (Craigh): yes, the personal notes didn't seem to be shareable when I tried it
BOB and one final thing to update everyone on.... the blind effects that characters are suffering from, are from inate powers, NOT from the priestly spells that the firenewt priests can cast
BOB Just to be clear for everyone on what you are facing
Carissa: wut?
BOB Yes to Carissa and Lisa's point though on hit them and they cannot use inate power OR spells later on in that round
Michael (Talwin): Please explain
Sharif: if they're from inate powers do they wear off more quickly?
BOB a Priest can Turn Undead as an inate power... OR can cast spells in a round
Lorie (Licornah): (They don't have to cast necessarily or have V,S,M components - like how I can cast teleport without error once a day)
Michael (Talwin): No, I meant I had no idea aboug the difference. How quickly will it wear off?
BOB Either can be blocked
Lisa: speaking of teleport - talwin has that teleport dart in case of emergency
BOB and same with Licornah, if someone hits her earlier in the round she cannot use that power
BOB Nice catch Lisa
Talwin: Honeslty, I've forgotten what that thing does and how I got it. How did you remember that?
Lisa: I remember everything
Lisa: lol
Carissa: lol
BOB and for the difference in the Effect from an ability or a spell is variable from character/person
Lisa: because I gave it to you?
Michael (Talwin): adding it to my journal right now
BOB Quote for Lisa
Lisa: lanek has boots of comfort
Lisa: bixi has rod of strength but if she is never going to use it maybe someone else could use it
Spring (Lanek): okay i scrolled up. Lanek has observation. oh wow he has special boots too?
Sharif: rod of strength?
Michael (Talwin): Well, I don't want to distract, but I will look it up later. Do I just stab myself with it and am teleported somewhere?
Lisa: branwyn gave him boots of comfort- like wearing slippers but tough and good for kicking things
BOB See Zayden is all about the rods
'Lemon' connected
Lisa: NO!
Sharif: lol
BOB and Welcome Lemon
Lisa: teleport dart will send someone teleporting randomly
Carissa: I have a feeling Bixi forgot
Sharif: brb
Lisa: you don't want to do that to yourself!
Michael (Talwin): Ah, so stab them with it. LOL
Lisa: lol
Michael (Talwin): Gotcha
Lorie (Licornah): (Evening Lemon - pizza is pad, pee is worse, voting is crazy and we're chatting)
BOB I love this group
Carissa: I dunno, maybe he wants his own different adventure
Lisa: lol
BOB Points to Carissa,
Michael (Talwin): Well thank you for that reminder Lisa! Will bob give me XP if I teleport the danger away rather then killing?
Lanek: hi Lemon!
Lorie (Licornah): (He could stab himself with the dart)
Lisa: Hi Lemon :)
BOB I can see a case of "I am OUT OF HERE" and STAB
Michael (Talwin): Don't tempt me. Although I could teleport into Hell the fast way
Carissa: If they teleport to Hell, we can kill them there.
Michael (Talwin): Don't laugh bob. I could see it too
Carissa: exactly!
Lisa: it would be on this plane
Lisa: but anywhere
BOB and random
Carissa: "In case of emergency, stab self."
Michael (Talwin): Ah, the bottom of the ocean then
Michael (Talwin): IN case of death and want a slim chance at survival, stab self
BOB Narcan for travellers
Michael (Talwin): Sure, let's go with that
Michael (Talwin): this got weird faster then normal. lol
BOB grins
Lisa: lol
BOB Quote
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Hello everyone!
Michael (Talwin): Hi Lemon!
BOB So now that everyone is in
Michael (Talwin): Can you see the entire chat? If so, I posted a block of text. It shows the general plan
BOB I will roll what the three of them have
Michael (Talwin): OK
BOB She cannot see that Michael
Carissa: Hi Lemon!
BOB You only get what happened after you log in
Michael (Talwin): Crap. Okay. Well, you roll yours first. then I'll give a quick heads up
Michael (Talwin): to Lemon :)
BOB but you can clicck and drag it down to post it again
GM: [TABLE] Table 84: Treasure Type F [d1 = 1]
GM: [TABLE] Table 84: Treasure Type F, Silver [d100 = 35]
GM: [TABLE] Table 84: Treasure Type F, Gold [d100 = 23]
Michael (Talwin): Oh. Okay
GM: [TABLE] Table 84: Treasure Type F, Platinum [d100 = 94]
GM: [TABLE] Table 84: Treasure Type F, Gems [d100 = 23]
GM: [TABLE] Table 84: Treasure Type F, Art Objects [d100 = 52]
GM: [TABLE] Table 84: Treasure Type F, Magical Items [d100 = 48]
Talwin: As in the online post, Talwin has a limited time for this spell. He needs to make the most of it to search the nearby fires for potential gems. We have several members who are blinded. We need to allow them time to regain their sight. TMO had a good idea to search the bodies. We need to all roll OBS and whatever will stack the deck in our favor. We currenlty are still in combat FROM MY UNDERTNADING. I could be wrong. If no gems are found, we will either "stone shape" whici I could have SWORN one of us had, or build the small drag along that I perfectly described beginning of last session. Thank god that was already established. If combat resumes with actual combat, this will all go out the window of course, but the general goal is the same. Questions before we implement this. Everyone NEEDS to speak up. I have a pad of paper and am keeping track because no one is going to "plan shame" me tonight
Michael (Talwin): Talwin spell time is in regard to his resist heat
Parcel: [RESULT] Table 84: Treasure Type F
Michael (Talwin): Wait what? How are we getting treasure? We haven't done anything yet?
Michael (Talwin): Oh, the three priesty people
Lisa: and are the 3 of us at the dead priests getting it since we don't have to move? Yout, Talwin and Indigo?
Carissa: So if they have something... is that mean no gems? Is this from Craigh searching?
BOB So the results of that roll for the group as you look around at the three dead priests.... apparently they were guarding a pile of gold that was assembled for worshipers to take up into the temple as offerings, over 6,000 GP worth of stuff, no magic items or gems, etc. but they were guarding that pile,
Michael (Talwin): Er, and Talwin wants to search the fires before his spell runs out?
Lisa: oh ok
Lisa: so we see it on the ground but no one has taken anything
Michael (Talwin): I mean, cool. I like that money. But not exactly what we are looking for.
Michael (Talwin): But now we know :)
BOB Then your group appears and suddenly they need to protect the offerings
Lisa: so they were glowing because of holy symbols?
BOB Yes to Lisa, and it is NOT in any container so hard to gather and transport
BOB yes to magic glow was holy symbols
Lisa: ok
BOB That is all you get from the quick PAUSE, Breathe, what next
Michael (Talwin): We can figure that out later unless someone wants to call a woodland servant to start piling up gold
BOB as we go through the rounds
Lisa: I'm not taking a round to loot church offerings unless we absolutely have nothing else to do :)
Michael (Talwin): Right LOL
Licornah: :: guides Bixi to a area off the path but inches up :: Bixi, let's go this way a bit okay?
Michael (Talwin): Thank you :)
BOB I can give you things to do
BOB and NO to Licornah
BOB still in rounds
Lisa: no thank you Bob
Carissa: Nah, I'm good. I'd rather get Indigo his swords and he can help the other search
Lorie (Licornah): (Okies... belaying assistance )
Michael (Talwin): Per post, we gotta wait 7 rounds for Indigo swords. Right lisa? Or did I get that wrong
BOB now that everyone has the most up to date lay of the land
BOB take this moment to plan and organize
BOB I will get drinks and be right back
BOB then we go
Spring: work stuff brb
Indigo: can you say Bob whether it is 1 or 2 sword affected?
BOB with the sounds and noise and such that attracts .....
User has gone AFK. (Spring)
BOB 2 swords heated up
Lisa (Indigo): sigh - thanks
Lisa (Indigo): he has his pick if we need to leave them we leave them
Lisa (Indigo): gems and getting out are bigger priority
Michael (Talwin): We'll do whatever we can to grab them Lisa. I promise :)
TMO (Craigh): I have rope. :)
Michael (Talwin): Okay. Now a very high priority ask. Everyone who knows your spells. If you have a way to shape earth to hold a magical burning gem. NOW is the time to know if you can or not. Otherwise, we are putting together a rough sled per design of last game
Daphene: I don't have stone shape, as far as I can tell, unless it didn't transfer from klooge... I don't know where those notes are atm. But I DO have soften earth and stone, and I can turn some rocks into clay which we can mold around the gems, assuming they are a reasonable size. I might have gotten a hint from a certain person who's name is all captialized that this was a good idea, so I'm voting for trying that
Lemon (Daphene): ooc
Michael (Talwin): Talwin is making most of resist fire to look for fire gems in the flames
Lemon (Daphene): And that's Bixi
Carissa (Raelynn): Rae can still cast on him so he can keep searching so not a waste
Carissa (Raelynn): Just don't know if it's a whole round to grab the swords
Michael (Talwin): Those who are blind might just want to huddle in place until sight comes back if bob won't let us guide them
Lemon (Daphene): But also Bixi is blind so someone will have to make sure she found rocks or something? I don't know
Lemon (Daphene): Maybe the ground is all stone and I can just sit down and start transforming
Lorie (Licornah): (I don't have any earth spells, I can help Bixi with finding stones)
Lisa (Indigo): fire box is best best we think for gems before insemination, then fire amoeba and last fire river for odds of getting what we want
Carissa (Raelynn): looked it up - stone shape is a lvl 3 earth spell for priest so if you have access to lvl 3 spells, you should have it
Talwin: Okay. So Lemon has a soften earth around the gems. Good. We can at least transport them to rock., Lisa, that plan is perfect for searching. Talwin will follow that order of ops as best as he can.
Licornah: (I do not have it)
Michael (Talwin): If enemies show up, he will divert to quickly try and kill them bvefore they can cast spells
Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): oh fudge, it sure is right there in my list
Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): Sorry I'm incompetent
Raelynn: nah remember spells on here are annoying AF
TMO (Craigh): Craigh will move to keep an eye out for reinforcements, if his tasks of fire and treasure searching are taken care of.
Michael (Talwin): Then great! Lemon has the solution. Make sure to save one spell fo rthat if possible Lemon
User is back. (Spring)
Carissa (Raelynn): just gotta find those gems
Michael (Talwin): If we are not in a hurry to escape, we'll take time to gather up some riches, but that is last priority at the moment
Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): I can only cast one level 3 spell though, so once I do that, that's it for that one
Spring (Lanek): scrolling up to see what to do
Carissa (Raelynn): Bob implies we'll be in a hurry...
Michael (Talwin): Bob can bite me LOL
Michael (Talwin): :)
Carissa (Raelynn): keep an eye out, guide the blind, and or search for gems in non-fire locations for Lanek?
Carissa (Raelynn): says the guy who can teleport anytime he wants ;)
Michael (Talwin): You should have seen me this week, actually plotting and reading, and trying to make this plan work
Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): Soften earth and stone is level 1 so I can do that four times if necessary, if stone shape doesn't work out, or isn't enough, or whatever. Backup plan
Carissa (Raelynn): awesome!
Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): Unless have I already cast something today? I don't even know.
Carissa (Raelynn): I don't think so that I remember
Michael (Talwin): You are good I think Lemon
Michael (Talwin): Just make sure you save that spell
Michael (Talwin): Unless of course, you are in danger. I trust you to know your limits.
Michael (Talwin): :)
Lisa (Indigo): anything you may have cast for healing or in the fire salamander combat is all the chances of casting today
Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): Just for the record, I DO have a real, physical to-do list, which I have had since... October? And "D&D notebook" is on it. Because I bought a special notebook for D&D notes in June. It's still in the plastic.
Shislif (Zayden): Would it be inappropriate for Zay to sing some Ray?
Spring (Lanek): okay i need to specifically figure out who blind to guide and who/where to search for gems
Carissa (Raelynn): Howard, Zayden, Bixi are blind
Carissa (Raelynn): For gem search, we're focused on fire unless you have a good idea of elsewhere to look, lol
Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): Ok, I am pretty sure I did not cast anything at those priests so I should be good
Carissa (Raelynn): Maybe a good obs roll or something
Lorie (Licornah): I'm sticking with Bixi, so if someone can help Howard and Zayden?
Carissa (Raelynn): Zayden is next to Daffodilla
Indigo: lol
Shislif (Zayden): hint hinto
BOB Love that Lemon and awesome Daff
Spring (Lanek): okay so Lanek, being close by, should go over to Zayden and help loot Daffodilla?
Carissa (Raelynn): Howard is near Lanek and/or he can wait until Rae runs back to help
Carissa (Raelynn): Lanek can help guide Howard
Spring (Lanek): nvm
Spring (Lanek): i thought that was a priest
Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): I love that Daph's nickname got longer
BOB to be clear you are moving in Init order, round by round, there is a village just over that ridge, you do not know how fast they could get here,
Carissa (Raelynn): Zayden and Daffony (Lemon's other PC) and help each other
Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): Isn't Zayden invisible?
Carissa (Raelynn): True but he's also singing...
Lisa (Indigo): no he kept failing his hiding checks
Zayden: Daffony?
Spring (Lanek): okay i see where howard is
Carissa (Raelynn): Actually I don't know if he made his hide roll successfully so he could be standing in the open singing
Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): Lol, ok, great
Carissa (Raelynn): Of course Lisa know :)
Spring (Lanek): am i guiding howard to anywhere, or just being eyes for him?
Carissa (Raelynn): Daffodilonia has many names
Lisa (Indigo): Carissa misses all the name chaning we did on Sundown ...
Lisa (Indigo): changing
Carissa (Raelynn): Sunadone-a-done
BOB smiles
BOB Once everyone is set
BOB I do have one minor disagreement with Lisa's timeline
Michael (Talwin): We all good. Sounds like we have a plan and Lemon is good to go for spells.
Lisa (Indigo): yes?
BOB good
Spring (Lanek): am i guiding howard TO anywhere, or just being eyes for him?
BOB I show on my side that it is round 3 with Youtargim up after Indigo and Zayden and two Firenewt Priests, then Daphene
BOB so Youtargim should be up now
Lisa (Indigo): maybe just move to him so you can drag him somewhere if needed
Spring (Lanek): okie
Carissa (Raelynn): Yout stabbed the last priest throuhg the stomach
BOB the Combat Traker should show everyone in order
Lisa (Indigo): I show in the chat that Daphenine and then Yout killed the last priest and then BOB said stop and we went OOC
BOB then Rae is up on round three
Carissa (Raelynn): So you had Yout stab the priest and THEN you advanced to Round 3 and skipped everyone else
Lisa (Indigo): Daphene: [DAMAGE (R)] Sling (Bullet) [TYPE: bludgeoning (1d4+1=4)] [d4+1 = 4] [4] -> [to Firenewt, Priest (Withered left shoulder)] [STATUS: Moderate] BOB There you go [TURN] Youtargim Effect ['DMGX: 3'] -> [to Firenewt, Priest (Withered left shoulder)] [by Youtargim] Youtargim: [DAMAGE (M)] Dagger [TYPE: piercing (1d4=1)] [d4 = 1] [1] -> [to Firenewt, Priest (Withered left shoulder)] Firenewt, Priest (Withered left shoulder)'s health adjusted by -12 BOB and Youtargim STABS his dagger into the Firenewt's belly and kills it BOB end of round two
Lisa (Indigo): Craig is next on the Tracker
Lisa (Indigo): sorry - didn't know that would space out so much
Carissa (Raelynn): Yes but you didn't give the rest of us a chance to act on Round 2
BOB Ok so then to bring us all into sync we did skip Howard, Bixi and Licornah
Carissa (Raelynn): And if it's going to be a potential time crunch as you imply, then that matters
Lisa (Indigo): Craigh first
Carissa (Raelynn): We start at Craigh
Shislif (Zayden): because of the implication...
Carissa (Raelynn): And go down the list
[TURN] Craigh - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
BOB Back in sync
Lisa (Indigo): thx
Carissa (Raelynn): Thank you
BOB Round two Craigh is up
Craigh: Craigh is going to sneak while under Disawareness, so he can watch the village and temple for reinforcements
Carissa (Raelynn): (confirm that the priest don't need searching)
Shislif (Zayden): quck pee break brb, don't let Zay die
User has gone AFK. (Shislif)
Carissa (Raelynn): (Sharif becomes one with his character)
Michael (Talwin): LOL
BOB That puts Craigh on the ridge to see the village and the temple at the same time
Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): lol
Lisa (Indigo): he's not supposed to be doing that away from the keyboard is he?
Craigh: [TOWER] [SKILL] Hide In Shadows [PERCENT:Hide In Shadows] (vs. Target 55) [SUCCESS by 15] [d100 = 40]
Craigh: [TOWER] [SKILL] Move Silently [PERCENT:Move Silently] (vs. Target 50) [FAILURE by 36] [d100 = 86]
Carissa (Raelynn): lol
[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Fluffed burnsides) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Michael (Talwin): lol
BOB and so many early quotes tonight
Michael (Talwin): TMO thank you for thinking about Lookout. Thank you
Michael (Talwin): I actually, uh, didn't htinkn about that.
Michael (Talwin): At all actually
Carissa (Raelynn): summary will just be quotes this week
[TURN] Raelynn - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
Raelynn: Hold on, Indigo! I'm coming! Did you hurt yourself?
[TURN] Howard Plum - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Blinded; [D: 2]]
Shislif (Zayden): lol
Howard Plum: [SKILL] Whistling/Humming [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 14]
[TURN] Talwin - [Giant-kin, 2-handed sword; DMGX:2 | Punching; BSTR: 0]
Raelynn: You tossed your swords so fast...
Howard Plum: whistles nervously
Michael (Talwin): Bob, will need your guidance on what is constituting actions. Talwin is quickly moving between and searching flames for the gems.
Talwin: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 7] [d20 = 20]
Shislif (Zayden): ouch
Michael (Talwin): I know
Talwin: Quickyl searches
Craigh: [TOWER] [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 19]
Talwin: Trying to view the flames for Gems
Carissa (Raelynn): ...indigo can research that one? lol
Michael (Talwin): Thank you bob. Not sure how much I can do in one round with this
BOB Wisdom and Intelligence checks for Talwin
Michael (Talwin): TY. Standby
BOB Let us see how both of those do
Talwin: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 5) [FAILURE by 8] [d20 = 13]
Talwin: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 18]
Michael (Talwin): Apprantly I sohouldl stab myself with the Teleport Dart now
Carissa (Raelynn): ...maybe we should have given him a mega blessing....
Michael (Talwin): and put myself out of my misery
Lisa (Howard Plum): lol
Carissa (Raelynn): lol
BOB Does he have observation?
Michael (Talwin): failed that one too
Carissa (Raelynn): shhh don't tell him and roll again
Michael (Talwin): I'm not cheating
[TURN] Bixi Fizzlebang - [IFT: TYPE(kobold,goblin); ATK: 1 | IFT:TYPE(gnoll,bugbear,ogre,troll,giant,titan); AC: 4 | Punching; BSTR: 0 | Blinded; [D: 3]]
Carissa (Raelynn): lol I know
Shislif (Zayden): lol
BOB Ok so Talwin quickly scours the trough of flames and does not find anything,
Lisa (Howard Plum): there is the fire box to check. don't worry about failing the fire river
Shislif (Zayden): why so dark?
Lisa (Howard Plum): Bixi blind vision
Michael (Talwin): (Not sure)
Carissa (Raelynn): because you're blind
BOB and grins with Sharif, because Bixi is blind
Michael (Talwin): oh yea
Carissa (Raelynn): oh and Bixi
Michael (Talwin): forgot the map itself changed based on that
Michael (Talwin): lol
Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): Um... so Bixi I guess isn't doing anything yet?
Michael (Talwin): Shelter in place
Lemon (Reven / Lipthink (giant sword)): Or...
BOB She can hold action
BOB and do things as Licornah comes up to her
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Can I talk and ALSO delay action?
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Let everyone know I can make the stone
BOB I will allow it
Michael (Talwin): LOL
Shislif (Zayden): oh ok
Bixi Fizzlebang: If someone wants to take me to some stone when we find the gems, I can shape it and we can carry them in there. If they aren't too big
Bixi Fizzlebang has delayed their turn until the end of round.
[TURN] Lanek - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
Zayden: Did someone say big stones?!
Lanek: hey, howard, didn't that flash blind ya? i'm not gonna touch ya until yer ready for me to, but i can be yer eyes
Lanek: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 12]
[TURN] Licornah - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
Howard Plum: Thank you Lanek!
BOB Yes Lanek can see that Howard is blinded
Spring (Lanek): didn't know it was obvious
Spring (Lanek): the observation was for fire gems
Licornah: Bixi, let's move over this way, I think I see a few stones over here - okay?
Licornah: :: scoops up several stones for Bixi and places them in her hand ::
Spring (Lanek): per the plan that we just discussed
[TURN] Bixi Fizzlebang - [IFT: TYPE(kobold,goblin); ATK: 1 | IFT:TYPE(gnoll,bugbear,ogre,troll,giant,titan); AC: 4 | Punching; BSTR: 0 | Blinded; [D: 3]]
Carissa (Raelynn): ooh Bixi isn't blind, just color-blind
Carissa (Raelynn): wait no she moved she's blind
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): So I'm just going to go whereever Licornah just dragged me lol
Bixi Fizzlebang: Thanks... when I figure out how big the container needs to be, I'll be able to make these useful
BOB checking on the soften Stone spell now
Lorie (Licornah): (Sorry, trying to make sure we're not in the firing line so you can cast in peace)
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): No, stone shape!
Zayden: Find the big stones Bixi!
BOB Ok so Stone Shape requires you to move the stone into the shape you want/see
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I mean if I can cast it now and have it make sense, I'll do it, but I'm guessing I need to know how big to make the container first
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ohhhh
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): So like sculpting
BOB Soften Stone you shape the stone around your touch
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I can do that blind
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Lionel Richie did it. Or his girlfriend or whatever
Carissa (Raelynn): the ghost guy?
Michael (Talwin): We still would need to know what size we are dealing with first. You could probably hold off for now
Bixi Fizzlebang: [TURNUNDEAD] [as Level 7] 1 [NO TARGETS] [NOTHING TURNED!] [d20 = 1]
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol whoops
BOB so I am saying that yes to both you can do by touch.... (HAH Ghost pottery class) .... but you cannot affect anyone or anything outside of your own reach
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): well duh to the second part
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): What is that button. I thought it was the end turn button but it was NOT
BOB Just a second for Bixi to be clear
BOB When casting either Stone Shape or Soften Stone both only are usable for 1 round and because she is blind she can only affect the ammount of stone/earth that she can touch so NOT the full Range and Area of Effect for the spell
BOB Stone Shape effects 9 cubic feet + 1 cubic feet per level and lasts one round
BOB so she cannot reach that ammount of space in one round, and she is going last this round so does not want to cast that this round either
BOB at the end of the round the stone hardens again
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Someone translate that from "numbers" to "stupid" for me please?
TMO (Craigh): brb - to run and get a drink. Craigh will remain on watch and alert folks if he sees anyone
User has gone AFK. (TMO)
Lisa (Indigo): casting time is 1 rd; duration is permanent
Raelynn: (and if we need the full range, we can cure her blindness early with spells)'
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ok
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): So I'm still useless right at this moment, correct?
BOB yes to Carissa, and to Lisa's point, the same round that Bixi casts, is the ONLY round you can use the stone shape to mold things after that it is solid again
Licornah: (I can cure blindeness on Bixi next round)
BOB You have your looks, your pretty face, and don't underestimate the importance of BODY LANGUAGE
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): But the soften stone stays and can be molded later?
BOB No to lemon
Carissa (Raelynn): I feel like you're quoting something I've never seen
BOB you mold it all in one round
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): That's stone shape
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Soften stone is the same?
BOB The men up there don't like a lot of blabber, true gentlement avoid it when they can,
BOB Yes to Lemon on same one round but you have 4 of them instead of 1
BOB and for carissa, Come on you poor unfortuanate soul, go ahead sign the scroll, I;m a very busy woman and I haven't got all day, it won't cost much, just your voice
Michael (Talwin): Oh bob. It's the Little Mermaid Lemon
Lisa (Indigo): are you drunk? just spouting random stuff?
Shislif (Zayden): lol
Carissa (Raelynn): Okay, yes I've seen it but not my memory doesn't usually extend to movie quotes
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ok, I don't trust you on that, but I'm going with it for now
Michael (Talwin): He opened up an extra bottle in preparation for tonight
Carissa (Raelynn): He did some pre-dirnking
BOB Lemon said she was useless, I was quoting Ursulla on being useless and "you have your looks, your pretty face...."
Michael (Talwin): Also Lemon, if you think something is wrong, you can post the spell description
Zayden: No worries Lemon, there's always lemonade!
BOB But for Bixi's spells, they are one round
Shislif (Zayden): OOC
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): It says permanent duration. Why would it not permanently be clay then?
BOB Yes it is permant, but you only have 1 round to soften, sculpt, then harden
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): It does not say that
Shislif (Zayden): oh my
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): That makes sense for stone shape
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): It does not make sense for soften stone
Shislif (Zayden): Sense are overrated anyway
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): And I don't need to harden it, the fire gems will harden the clay
Shislif (Zayden): i bet they will
BOB Yes to Lemon on it permanetly being clay if you soften the stone
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ok
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I don't know if you know this or not, but clay can be molded until it dries out. Which is longer than one round.
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): :P
BOB In this particular use case you are taking STONE and cast soften stone (or Stone Shape) on it and in one round it softens, becomes pliable, Bixi can sculpt it into almost any shape she wants, then at the end of the round it solidifies (for stone shape) or stays soft for Soften Stone...
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yes, that is exactly what I always thought I was doing until you confused me
BOB to harden the clay it will take some other spell..... OR if you happen to have something with a lot of heat... a fire gem perhaps... it might dry out and harden the clay
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Exactly
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Thank you for confirming
BOB my point to Bixi is the end of Round Three, if she casts that spell right now.... then the round ends and the spell is over
BOB and NEXT round Indigo go
Carissa (Raelynn): (end of Round 2...)
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ok, well I did not cast that spell so
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): We should be fine
Shislif (Zayden): lot of clay talk atm
BOB Says the person who has a lot of pee talk
Michael (Talwin): So basically, when you are standing next to us, and have the time you need to mold the shape. THEN cast it
Shislif (Zayden): everybody pees Bob! It's called being human :)
BOB and now that we are all back on track, grins
BOB the start of round 3
BOB everyone ready?
[TURN] Indigo - [Grabbing; BSTR: 0 | Heat Metal; [D: 7]]
Carissa (Raelynn): I dunno I might need a pee break now with all this talk abnout it
Michael (Talwin): Sigh
Shislif (Zayden): See :)
BOB Wait Lisa
Indigo: Raelynn, one of the priests cast something on my swords. They are getting all hot and I can't hold them any more!
BOB sorry
Lisa (Indigo): sigh
Shislif (Zayden): so Zay is just gonna run n hide you guys
BOB Bixi and Licornah can redo their Init if they want to go earlier in the round
Shislif (Zayden): might you... drop it like it's hot?
BOB and then Indigo says that
Lisa (Indigo): Zayden running while blind should be interesting ...
Shislif (Zayden): lol
Shislif (Zayden): ok sit and hide :)
Raelynn: (LINK)
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
Shislif (Zayden): gonna sing some "hit the road Jack"
Michael (Talwin): Don't forget he's also apparantly singing too Lisa
Licornah: [INIT] [d10+10 = 14]
BOB Lemon if Bixi wants to go earlier in the round you can roll now
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I'm not sure that I do. I think I'm ok where I am
BOB ok
BOB so Indigo says that to Rae
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Everyone needs to find the gems and stuff before I can be useful so
BOB and can do things
Michael (Talwin): (BTW, anone can look for gems if able :) )
Raelynn: Oh, hold on I might have something for that.
Carissa (Raelynn): (pausing until her turn, lol)
BOB Also for ease there are three levels of heat/fire here
BOB the fire pit, the ameba and then the trench
Indigo: Thanks Raelynn
[TURN] Zayden - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Blinded; [D: 2]]
Michael (Talwin): Talwin failed a "search" of the Trench part right bob? But basically tried to search it.
Michael (Talwin): Correct?
Michael (Talwin): That was the rectangle fire thing?
BOB Yes to Michael
Michael (Talwin): OK
Zayden sits with gusto!
Lisa (Indigo): LOL
Carissa (Raelynn): lol
Daphene: Zayden, come with me, we'll go... away from the fire
Shislif (Zayden): ignore those
Zayden: what right now?
Zayden: I'm blind!
Daphene: I'm going to lead you semewhere safe, nitwit
Zayden: Well I don't think name calling is necessary, we're still establishing rapport here Daphne
Daphene: Unless you WANT to stand here blind
User is back. (TMO)
Zayden: But fine, will you hold my hand please?
Lemon (Daphene): I will when it's my turn! lol
Zayden: I could reach out for your hand?
BOB click next Sharif, and then Daphene can lead you
Shislif (Zayden): Well then let me sing first
Zayden: (LINK)
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
Zayden: [SKILL] Singing [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 7]
BOB That better be Hootie
[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Withered left shoulder) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold) | DMGX: 3; [ACTION]]
Shislif (Zayden): I said it's Ray lol
Lemon (Daphene): That also would have been good though
Zayden: also based on Bixi just fyi
Lemon (Daphene): Or Alanis Morisette
Shislif (Zayden): True I'd go for some Hootie :)
Shislif (Zayden): ohhh good idea Lemon!
BOB so Zayden reaches out and Daphene takes his hand and leads him to the promised land
Shislif (Zayden): I ended turn right?
Lemon (Daphene): I've got one hand in my pocket, and the other is picking up, some fire gems!
[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Supple chaps) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Daphene - [(ATK:3,ranged) | (ROD:3; STAFF:3; WAND:3; POISON:3; SPELL:3)]
Zayden: Hey Daphene not sure we've formally met
Daphene: grabs Zaydens hand. Not particularly gently.
Zayden: Hey that wasn't very gentle
Zayden: is this what our relationship is going to be like?
Lemon (Daphene): The numbers are gone fudge
Zayden: I require a soft touch, also fyi
Michael (Talwin): I won't say anything if you dump him in the fire trench
BOB 1 square equals 5 feet for ease of movement
Lemon (Daphene): lol Michael
Shislif (Zayden): lol offensive!
[TURN] Youtargim
Talwin: :)
Shislif (Zayden): it always starts with the artists :)
Lemon (Daphene): As I tell my preschoolers, Zayden, "You get what you get, and you don't throw a fit!"
Shislif (Zayden): what if I just toss the fit gently?
Shislif (Zayden): :)
Lemon (Daphene): lol, if one of them ever says that to me, I'll let them choose what color scissors they want
Youtargim: [SKILL] Find/Remove Traps [PERCENT:Find/Remove Traps] (vs. Target 5) [FAILURE by 24] [d100 = 29]
Shislif (Zayden): nice! Wit should be rewarded :)
Youtargim: NOTHING OVER HERE he yells loudly from the fire pit
[TURN] Craigh - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
Michael (Talwin): Subtle like a Trainwreck bob
TMO (Craigh): (Has Craigh observed anything?)
Lisa (Indigo): so one thief is singing and the other is yelling ...
Carissa (Raelynn): Great thieves here
Lisa (Indigo): what happened to sneaky thieves :)
Michael (Talwin): Now I know why bob is hinting we'll have trouble.
Lemon (Daphene): Did they ever claim to be GOOD theives?
Michael (Talwin): His cahracters are LOUD
TMO (Craigh): should I start sending messages by clog-dancing?
BOB Craigh can see movement by the huts, nothing clear yet on advancing to your location but there are "people" moving around and getting moving
Lisa (Indigo): lol TMO
Shislif (Zayden): ugh...people!
Carissa (Raelynn): clap it out in morese code
Lisa (Indigo): newt people
BOB Short people got no reason, Short people got no....
Craigh: motions with his arms for everyone to QUIET DOWN, but actually does it from behind the ridge where only friendly people can see him and not EVERYONE IN THE VILLAGE
Lemon (Daphene): I thought that said "morose code" and I was like... you're not wrong about the vibe
[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Fluffed burnsides) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Lisa (Indigo): lol
[TURN] Raelynn - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
Carissa (Raelynn): lol
Raelynn: Hmm, okay maybe this'll help?
Raelynn: [CAST] Resist Fire/Resist Cold [at Indigo]
Effect ['RESIST: fire'] -> [to Indigo] [by Raelynn]
Raelynn: That should take care of the worse of it, and maybe you can help Talwin search? He seems... lost.
[TURN] Licornah - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
Lisa (Indigo): can he pick up his swords this round since all he did is say a sentence?
BOB yes
Zayden: My hearing is incredible!
Indigo: feels the magic
Licornah: Bixi, hold still going to try and remove blindness /uses daily ability to remove blindness
BOB But his swords are still hot
[TURN] Howard Plum - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Blinded; [D: 1]]
Indigo: Thank you!
Raelynn: That should last a bit, but toss them again if they get too hot! Maybe we can toss them in water or something to cool them later... and don't burn your scabbards!
Howard Plum: Lanek, is everything all right? I should get better soon. I hope.
[TURN] Talwin - [Giant-kin, 2-handed sword; DMGX:2 | Punching; BSTR: 0]
Michael (Talwin): The hottest is the Amoeba looking one right?
Michael (Talwin): I want to use this spell for the most extreme things first
Zayden: Hey bixi... are you close? I can't see...
Lisa (Howard Plum): no hottest was the trench
Michael (Talwin): Darn
Bixi Fizzlebang: Yes
BOB No the hottest is where Talwin is, then the amoeba is next coolest, then the fire pit square is the "coldest"
Zayden: Hey nice how are you doing?
Michael (Talwin): Okay, well one search at Trench, now search teh Amoeba
Talwin: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 17]
BOB Talwin does not spot anything here in this fire area
Talwin: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 14]
Talwin: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 5) [FAILURE by 11] [d20 = 16]
Indigo: picks up his swords now that he has resist fire spell on him
Michael (Talwin): That's....7 in a row now
BOB with no insights into why
Spring (Lanek): is Lanek close enough to peek over into the square pit by him on his turn?
Michael (Talwin): Not one?
BOB Lanek can move and peek yes
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): SMELT! SMELT! SMELT!
Michael (Talwin): Is there a way to check?
BOB it is only ten feet away
BOB not for Talwin
Carissa (Raelynn): ouch Talwin
Lisa (Indigo): Howard will be fine if lanek wants to check
Michael (Talwin): No I mean, I don't recall ever missing seven rolls in a row.
Michael (Talwin): One second
Spring (Lanek): he cannot leave howard, whhich is why i'm asking if he can peek. since howard didn't move, can we move together on lanek's move?
Shislif (Zayden): brb
User has gone AFK. (Shislif)
BOB Yes to Spring
Lisa (Indigo): or drag howard with him!
Talwin: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 1]
Carissa (Raelynn): Lanek can swithc places with Rae if he wants
Carissa (Raelynn): after this round - she doesn't have obs to help
Michael (Talwin): Okay, beats me. But that's this round for Talwin
[TURN] Lanek - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
BOB So Lanek can drag Howard a bit and look into that fire pit
Lanek: yeah, everything's okay, but let's skooch over a little bit so i can look in here
Michael (Talwin): Since Talwin is an imbelice, I would recommend everyone start looking if you can.
Lanek: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 20]
Howard Plum: Ohhh, it's warm!
[TURN] Bixi Fizzlebang - [IFT: TYPE(kobold,goblin); ATK: 1 | IFT:TYPE(gnoll,bugbear,ogre,troll,giant,titan); AC: 4 | Punching; BSTR: 0 | Blinded; [D: 2]]
Lisa (Howard Plum): wis and Int for Lanek?
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Is Bixi cured?
Lanek: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 8]
Lisa (Howard Plum): doesn't look like it :)
Lanek: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 19]
Lanek: is that what we need?
Spring (Lanek): is that what we need?
Lisa (Howard Plum): that's what Talwin was rolling
-> Talwin: I will give Talwin this from that observation roll. there seems to be a path from the fire pit to the ameba to the fire trench, coolest to warmer to hottest....
Spring (Lanek): does talwain have obs? oh well i rolled one of each. whatever doesn't fit can be disallowed
Talwin: Is taht because of our absoultely god awful rolls? I missed that last obs roll bob because I was just testing if it was broken. It doesn't count
Lisa (Howard Plum): yes he does - he was rolling all 3
Spring (Lanek): cool, thanks
Lisa (Howard Plum): Bob disappeared
Carissa (Raelynn): he needed more wine
Michael (Talwin): bob was messaging me.
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): don't we all
Lisa (Howard Plum): yes!
-> Lanek: I will say to Lanek that he has a hunch that the hotter things are they more they are likely to hatch so cooler might be where to check
Michael (Talwin): but I don't think I can say anyting because it was based on him thinking my last obs roll was a sucess when I was just testing my rolls
-> Talwin: No worries just giving inspirations
Talwin: So I am okay to share this "Inspriation?"
BOB I gave out ideas in whispers
-> Talwin: of course
Carissa (Raelynn): I prefer song but okay
Talwin: I think
BOB laughs with Carissa
Lanek: i dunno, maybe it's just me. but i'm thinkin that the hotter areas are the hatchin' areas, so prolly we wanna check the cooler areas like this one for gems we can carry
Talwin: That we need to check the firebox next. It seems to flow from coldest to hottest flame
Talwin: Nods at Lanek
Talwin: Good idea
Lanek: the hot ones, it's gonner be too late
Michael (Talwin): (when it's my turn, but others are welcome to check)
Michael (Talwin): (The sooner we grab them, the sooner we can leave)
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Did Licornah successfully cure Bixi?
Lorie (Licornah): (it takes the round, per the spell)
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ah, so I'm still useless right now?
Michael (Talwin): BRB. Door
Carissa (Raelynn): Your blindness is cured at least. You can move closer to the fire?
BOB Yes to Lemon to not being fully cured NOW but at the end of the round Yes
Lorie (Licornah): (the round is almost over)
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): That was my plan
Lorie (Licornah): (doing my best here...)_
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): But not sure if I'm unblind now or on the next round
Carissa (Raelynn): not fully cured?
Lorie (Licornah): (no it takes a round, it's a given ability, but based on the 3rd level priest spell)
BOB grins it is good Lorie is hard to cure in the middle of everything
Carissa (Raelynn): oh I see what I missed in chat got it
BOB So when Bixi hits next
BOB She can also re-rool Init
BOB and then we are moving along
Firenewt, Normal: Advanced Effect ['DDR: 1 fire;DDR: -1 cold'] -> [to Firenewt, Normal]
Firenewt, Normal 2: Advanced Effect ['DDR: 1 fire;DDR: -1 cold'] -> [to Firenewt, Normal 2]
Firenewt, Normal: Advanced Effect ['DDR: 1 fire;DDR: -1 cold'] -> [to Firenewt, Normal]
Firenewt, Normal 2: Advanced Effect ['DDR: 1 fire;DDR: -1 cold'] -> [to Firenewt, Normal 2]
Firenewt, Normal 2: Advanced Effect ['DDR: 1 fire;DDR: -1 cold'] -> [to Firenewt, Normal 2]
Firenewt, Normal 3: Advanced Effect ['DDR: 1 fire;DDR: -1 cold'] -> [to Firenewt, Normal 3]
Firenewt, Normal 3: Advanced Effect ['DDR: 1 fire;DDR: -1 cold'] -> [to Firenewt, Normal 3]
Firenewt, Normal 3: Advanced Effect ['DDR: 1 fire;DDR: -1 cold'] -> [to Firenewt, Normal 3]
Firenewt, Normal 3: Advanced Effect ['DDR: 1 fire;DDR: -1 cold'] -> [to Firenewt, Normal 3]
Firenewt, Normal 3: Advanced Effect ['DDR: 1 fire;DDR: -1 cold'] -> [to Firenewt, Normal 3]
Firenewt, Normal 4: Advanced Effect ['DDR: 1 fire;DDR: -1 cold'] -> [to Firenewt, Normal 4]
Firenewt, Normal 4: Advanced Effect ['DDR: 1 fire;DDR: -1 cold'] -> [to Firenewt, Normal 4]
Firenewt, Priest: Advanced Effect ['DDR: 1 fire;DDR: -1 cold'] -> [to Firenewt, Priest]
Firenewt, Elite Warrior: Advanced Effect ['DDR: 1 fire;DDR: -1 cold'] -> [to Firenewt, Elite Warrior]
Firenewt, Elite Warrior 2: Advanced Effect ['DDR: 1 fire;DDR: -1 cold'] -> [to Firenewt, Elite Warrior 2]
Firenewt, Elite Warrior 3: Advanced Effect ['DDR: 1 fire;DDR: -1 cold'] -> [to Firenewt, Elite Warrior 3]
Firenewt, Elite Warrior 3: Advanced Effect ['DDR: 1 fire;DDR: -1 cold'] -> [to Firenewt, Elite Warrior 3]
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I'm still fine. If they find the gems early then I'll have time to do the stone thing
[TURN] Indigo - [Grabbing; BSTR: 0 | Heat Metal; [D: 7] | RESIST: fire; [D: 6]]
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): test
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ah, there it goes. lag
Shislif (Zayden): test
Lisa (Indigo): if Indigo holds do you want me to send him to the end of init?
Carissa (Raelynn): (I thought it was a choice to do that)
BOB You can Lisa up to you
Lisa (Indigo): he's going to hold and see what happens
BOB You can hold and then go when you want, just remember
Lisa (Indigo): if needed he can reach in a fire box instead of looking or attack if we are
Indigo: waits to see what is happening
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Withered left knee) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Carissa (Raelynn): one
Carissa (Raelynn): do they keep withering because they got too0 close to the fire?
BOB Craigh spots movement of a Firenewt advancing from the village over towards the temple
[TURN] Zayden - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Blinded; [D: 1]]
Zayden: Daphene are you there?
Carissa (Raelynn): *Daffolini
Daphene: rolls eyes
Zayden: Daffolini are you there?
Daphene: I'm holding your hand still
Craigh: holds up one hand to get attention, then holds up a single finger.
Zayden: Ok I wasn't sure we never talk
Zayden: you may want to work on your communication skills in the future, just as a note
Daphene: Shhh, Craigh is signaling to be quiet
Zayden: fine
Zayden stays quiet
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Insulting frown) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Michael (Talwin): (If needed, maybe we could hide behind the ridge and ambush the poor dude
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Fluttering beard) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Daphene: hisses very quietly "It's not my fault you've been so busy oiling your rods and peeing that we haven't had a chance to talk"
[TURN] Firenewt, Elite Warrior 2 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Lisa (Indigo): I'm thinking wait until he gets here by himself so he can't alert the village if we can
[TURN] Firenewt, Elite Warrior (Everyday top hat) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Zayden whispers back: It's not about faults, just an observation
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Rotten head) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Michael (Talwin): Right
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Noticeable peewee) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Lisa (Indigo): but then they all may come :)
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Infected left leg) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Michael (Talwin): That being said, do any of these look like they are spellcasters Lisa?
Zayden whispers back: And I won't apologize for self care
Michael (Talwin): I don't see any priests
Effect ['Blinded'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Howard Plum]
[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Withered left shoulder) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold) | DMGX: 3; [ACTION]]
[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Supple chaps) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Vengeful frown) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Puckering codpiece) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Carissa (Raelynn): .....I don't like how many Bob is adding to the tracker
[TURN] Daphene - [(ATK:3,ranged) | (ROD:3; STAFF:3; WAND:3; POISON:3; SPELL:3)]
Carissa (Raelynn): "Elite Warrior??"
Michael (Talwin): With an everyday top hat no less
BOB and Lisa did you notice the Effect on Howard expired?
Zayden: Don't let go of my hand!
Lisa (Indigo): yes - makes me happy
Carissa (Raelynn): Insulting frown? Is he related tro Vengeful frown?
Lemon (Daphene): puckering codpiece
Michael (Talwin): Puckering codpiece is a prists!
Michael (Talwin): Kll that one first!!!
Carissa (Raelynn): Rotten head, infected left leg... they ain't a healthy village set are they
Carissa (Raelynn): LOL
Craigh: holds up both hands with all 10 fingers spread and waves them to get attention
BOB Bows, glad to be of amusement
TMO (Craigh): jazz hands
Michael (Talwin): Nods grimly.
Talwin: Nods grimly.
Talwin: Nods grimly.
Lemon (Daphene): But one wears a top hat. Just an every day top hat. At least we know they're classy
Michael (Talwin): jeeze
BOB Daphodillio is up
Carissa (Raelynn): lol maybe it's to hide the rotten head
Carissa (Raelynn): HA! It's catching on!
Michael (Talwin): We do not want blindness. Kill the priest!
Lemon (Daphene): I'm trying to figure out the rest of "noticable peew"
Carissa (Raelynn): Yeah I can't tell if that means he's short or he's flashing us
Spring (Lanek): peewee
Spring (Lanek): i widened my tracker
Daphene: Zayden, stay with me. We're going to go look in this box, because I have a feeling we need to get out of here fast
Michael (Talwin): in all seriosness. They wont be able to see us until they go up the switchbacks in the ridge and happen upon the fire pits right bob? or am I seeing the map from an incorrect perspective
Zayden: whoa did she leave us?
Zayden: Bixi?
Lemon (Daphene): Still holding your hand, settle down
BOB See you and hear you are two separate things
Lemon (Daphene): Um.. wisdom? What should I roll?
Zayden: oh phew ok
Shislif (Zayden): Ohhhh Hootie I get it now :)
BOB grins with Sharif
BOB and for Lemon Observation,
Michael (Talwin): Anyone who isn't providing a spell for FireGems, maybe prepare a cure blindness or a weapon that will be able to distract the priest.
Lemon (Daphene): Daph does not have that
BOB or Wisdom and Inteligence
Michael (Talwin): All it needs is to distract them
Lemon (Daphene): All she can do is whittle and understand languages
Michael (Talwin): Can bad singing distract a spellcaster?
Daphene: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 11) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 7]
Daphene: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 9) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 14]
Carissa (Raelynn): So can only do so... whittle
Shislif (Zayden): perhaps a song would distract the priest?
BOB Make those Wis adn Int checks then
Carissa (Raelynn): might draw them closer to us...
Michael (Talwin): So see us and hear us. We should probably be quiet. Glad Lanek told us to shut up
BOB Lemon?
Lisa (Howard Plum): she did above
Lemon (Daphene): I did!
BOB DOH sorry
Lemon (Daphene): I'm nearly competent tonight
BOB So Daphene spots a fire gem in the fire pit, but reaches in and attempts to pull it out in her exicitment.... without the correct protections
Lemon (Daphene): What
Lemon (Daphene): She would never
TMO (Craigh): the Wisdom fail
Spring (Lanek): why?
Michael (Talwin): Er, yeah, don't remember that
Lemon (Daphene): god modding
Spring (Lanek): yeah no i am not here for that kind of thing
Michael (Talwin): I mean, I'm excited, but not stick my hand in the fire without protection stupid
'Spring' disconnected
TMO (Craigh): INT saw the gem, WIS didn't think before acting
BOB wow
Michael (Talwin): Does Biological adversity to FLAME override Wisdom? Where is our Scientist
BOB so Dex check for Daph
Michael (Talwin): Carissa I demand an opinion! :)
Daphene: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 11) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 5]
BOB and she avoids taking any damage but does not get any gem either
Lemon (Daphene): Ok, but I can call out in a not super loud voice yes?
BOB and that is her round
Daphene: Talwin, they're here!
BOB yes to alerting others
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal 1 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Lisa (Howard Plum): yeah not sure why talwin is looking in these things when he gets to the box can he just root around in there without observing?
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Delicate suspenders) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Michael (Talwin): (He is doing that this round)
TMO (Craigh): where or where is Thistle at? Oh where oh where can she be???
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal 3 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Michael (Talwin): (Because rolling for looking is overrated anyways :) )
[TURN] Youtargim
TMO (Craigh): we need that ring of hers
Youtargim: Here they come!
Carissa (Raelynn): seriously, it's like Bob planned for her ot disappearbefore she'd be super useful, lol
Lisa (Howard Plum): Indigo now has resist fire so could help but wanted to let you get them first
Lisa (Howard Plum): can they see us or just us see them?
Michael (Talwin): (Honestly, it looks like we are going to have to fight before gems)
Michael (Talwin): (I'd rather prepare our defenses now)
Michael (Talwin): (Especially since we know a priest can blind the group)
Youtargim: Youtargim moves back to the bottom of the ridge to protect the front of the party with Talwin
[TURN] Craigh - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
Lisa (Howard Plum): ehh we can do both
Michael (Talwin): Well, with Indigo sword issue, you want me to be the bruiser this round?
Lisa (Howard Plum): Bob spread them out or something - a bunch disappeared from my view
Lisa (Howard Plum): Indigo got the resist fire spell - he is good
Craigh: finds a place of concealment where he can keep an eye on the path. Maybe as they pass he can try to backstab the last one in line.
Lemon (Daphene): One of the fire resisters should get the gems?
TMO (Craigh): do you need a new Hide roll, or is the last one sufficient?
Michael (Talwin): Okay. Then Talwin will get ready for combat and will prepare a mental mind map in case he is blinded
BOB Craigh is good
[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Fluffed burnsides) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal 4 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Lisa (Howard Plum): I think someone should be grabbing gems
[TURN] Firenewt, Elite Warrior (Crestfallen reverent stride) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Michael (Talwin): Then we can both do that
Lisa (Howard Plum): oh they're back
Carissa (Raelynn): (yes - the sooner we grab the sooner we can leave)
[TURN] Firenewt, Elite Warrior (Clean right knee) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Raelynn - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
Raelynn: Umm, if you're good Indigo, I'm just gonna go... away from the potential fight.
Lisa (Howard Plum): howard can cast glitter at a range of 80 yds in a 20 ft sq - he can try to blind a group when he can
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal 2 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Shislif (Zayden): brb
Michael (Talwin): So, I'm hearing grab and run. If yes, then Talwin will search and grab
User has gone AFK. (Shislif)
[TURN] Licornah - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
Lisa (Howard Plum): as I say that Bob separates them but just tryng to tell you I have some stuff to try
Carissa (Raelynn): my vote is yes
Carissa (Raelynn): we only need three
Carissa (Raelynn): and Indigo can search this round I think
Michael (Talwin): Hey, if there are a couple in one place, I'm fine grabbing more. I wanted four. One is for Branwyn if possible
Lisa (Howard Plum): if Talwin can't get them this round Indigo will try too
Michael (Talwin): But I won't jeapordize the mission either
Michael (Talwin): Gotcha lisa
BOB Licornah is up
Lorie (Licornah): (I know they are coming but can't see them?)
BOB correct
Licornah has delayed their turn until the end of round.
[TURN] Howard Plum - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
Lisa (Howard Plum): we can't see them? I thought we could :(
BOB Not the group back by the pit yet
Michael (Talwin): I think the only reasonw e "see" them, is because Lanek is on the ridge
BOB Criagh can on the ridge
Lisa (Howard Plum): Howard is holding then
[TURN] Talwin - [Giant-kin, 2-handed sword; DMGX:2 | Punching; BSTR: 0]
Michael (Talwin): Jumps into the fire, frantically looking for gems. Where Daph?
Talwin: Jumps into the fire, frantically looking for gems. Where Daph?
Lisa (Howard Plum): looked like Talwin jumped in the fire box :)
Talwin: He did
Lisa (Howard Plum): oh he did!
BOB smiles
Michael (Talwin): lol. We are in snatch and grab mode. Subtly forgotten :)
BOB I will say for going in full like that you can find up to 1d8 plus 3
GM: [+3] [d8+3 = 5]
Lisa (Howard Plum): sweet!
Carissa (Raelynn): lol he's on it!
Michael (Talwin): Done. We'll stone shape or whateber and get the fuck out of here
BOB So Talwin scoops and tosses 5 fire gems up and out
Lisa (Howard Plum): how big are they?
[TURN] Lanek - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
Carissa (Raelynn): you and Indigo cna carry them probably without stone shape atm unless Bixi does it now
Carissa (Raelynn): although then you cna't fight if needed
Talwin: Then let's get the fuck out of here
Lisa (Howard Plum): true
BOB Each one is oblong, about 2 foot long, more of a smooth opal type of gem rather than a facett cut gem,
BOB a dark red
Lisa (Howard Plum): each gem is 2 ft long????
BOB yes
Michael (Talwin): Can Indigo and I get them if we grab them?
Lemon (Daphene): There's no way creatures this small lay eggs that big.
Lisa (Howard Plum): so we can carry them until spell wears off so we better book it
Lemon (Daphene): How big are these newts?
Talwin: Nods thanks at Indigo
Lorie (Licornah): (Newts are human-size)
Lisa (Howard Plum): elf size I thought
Talwin: Time to go?
BOB man sized Firenewts
Carissa (Raelynn): lol Lemon
Lemon (Daphene): And they lay two foot eggs.
Lemon (Daphene): Ok, sure.
Carissa (Raelynn): Eggs don't work like that...
Lisa (Howard Plum): LOL
BOB I did not say they lay them
Carissa (Raelynn): C-section???
BOB I said they take Fire Gems and then inseminate them, then they hatch them
Michael (Talwin): Potato PoFireNew, lets GO
Lemon (Daphene): Well then where do these fire gems come from? We could have just gone mining???
Raelynn: And where do fire gems come from, Bob?? My parents didn't cover this part of *the talk*
BOB Grins,
Indigo: grabs a couple fire gems that Talwin tossed out
TMO (Craigh): the fire gem fairy
Lorie (Licornah): (The Fire Stork)
BOB That is another adventure
Talwin: Stuffs the rest into his own arms
Carissa (Raelynn): I'll pass on that adventure
Talwin: Lanek! We are Leaving!
Lisa (Indigo): is Zayden still blind?
BOB Spring logged out
[TURN] Bixi Fizzlebang - [IFT: TYPE(kobold,goblin); ATK: 1 | IFT:TYPE(gnoll,bugbear,ogre,troll,giant,titan); AC: 4 | Punching; BSTR: 0]
Michael (Talwin): She did? Oh. I'm sorry.
BOB as of right now
BOB Bixi is up
Lemon (Daphene): Going back the way we came?
Carissa (Raelynn): Dapheneyney can drag him along roughly
Michael (Talwin): If anyone besides lemon can cure blindness, now would be good.
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Lemon could never cure blindness
BOB right now Indigo and Talwin has the protection on and have the gems
Carissa (Raelynn): I'd have to look but I bet it's a touch spell
[TURN] Licornah - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
Talwin: Sorry, don't know your spells. Just don't want to make you use up the Stone spell
Carissa (Raelynn): We can make some distance and then worry about the rest
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oh, I see
TMO (Craigh): if we've got the gems, book it?
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, as far as I know, I can't
Carissa (Raelynn): You do because ytou aren't blind anymore! Yay!
Michael (Talwin): (Wait, why is no one running?)
Michael (Talwin): (Both Lanek and Bixi had a full turn)
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I am!
BOB Licornah is up
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I don't want to get too far away in case there are more in the other direction
Lorie (Licornah): (I am not in range of anyone to really do anything, so getting in defensive stance I guess... Teleport almost at the ready)
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Bixi is too squishy to be alone
BOB So start of a new round, Talwin has three and Indigo has two gems?
Michael (Talwin): If I stab myself with that handy teleport dart, do the firegems go with me?????
Lisa (Indigo): yes
Carissa (Raelynn): (Cure blindness is touch spell so if Zayden gets near she can cure if it doesn't wear off)
Shislif (Zayden): ohhh nice
BOB No to Carissa, is a one creature thing
Shislif (Zayden): dang it
Lisa (Indigo): probably can't run much with 2 2-foot gems in his halfling arms
Carissa (Raelynn): (Huh? Think you misunderstood. I meant Rae)
Michael (Talwin): So we are moving slow. Now is a good time to decide. Run, or Fight
Michael (Talwin): I need to know
Carissa (Raelynn): run
Carissa (Raelynn): where's the handy voting thing again
BOB It is the start of the round
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Bix already started running so...
Carissa (Raelynn): and Rae half started running
Indigo: arrow is not on Indigo yet
Michael (Talwin): Run is Check, Fight is X
Carissa (Raelynn): Run is checkmark
Carissa (Raelynn): Ya
Lisa (Indigo): can you get that out of my face pls
Michael (Talwin): This is thirty seconds, then Majority speaks
Lisa (Indigo): sorry was trying to measure his movement
Michael (Talwin): Okay, we need to stow the gems, and prepare to fight
Michael (Talwin): Blind people out of the way
Michael (Talwin): Fighters in front
Michael (Talwin): Spellcasters, ranged to distract the priest
Carissa (Raelynn): only Zayden is blind now
Lisa (Indigo): don't know what is what - we only have so long with the heat resistance so if we fight we will probably lose that until we kill the village
Michael (Talwin): Right, but we won't outrun them with blind people and half movement
Carissa (Raelynn): I thought check meant run and most of us say run?
Michael (Talwin): If you think we can, I'm all for running
Michael (Talwin): FUCK
Carissa (Raelynn): Ehh, depends if they get distracted
Michael (Talwin): Jesus crist
Michael (Talwin): Run Got it
Carissa (Raelynn): Maybe Bixi can illusion a distraction
Michael (Talwin): I am running
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I should have... done that before I started leaving
Carissa (Raelynn): After one round we can see if we can keep far enough ahead I'd say
Lisa (Indigo): howard can take zayden so half movement is 60 ft instead of daphene's 30 ft half movement
Carissa (Raelynn): Nah it's fine I didn't consider it until now
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Thanks Lisa
Lisa (Indigo): and short people can sprint to get extra movement - no need to just walk at normal
TMO (Craigh): casual stroll
BOB So starting the round
Michael (Talwin): Cool beans. We are running where possible
[TURN] Indigo - [Grabbing; BSTR: 0 | Heat Metal; [D: 7] | RESIST: fire; [D: 6]]
Michael (Talwin): Got it
Lisa (Indigo): sprint gets double movmt
BOB running is double sprint is triple
BOB but needs a con check also
Carissa (Raelynn): so we sprinting?
Carissa (Raelynn): oh
Michael (Talwin): We are doing whatever it takes to get the fuck out of here
BOB and if you fail you are walking until you res
BOB rest
Michael (Talwin): so yes
Lisa (Indigo): ok - figured Indigo can't since he has his hands full?
Carissa (Raelynn): run might be better
Michael (Talwin): Run is better lol
BOB Encumbrance counts
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, running seems good
Lisa (Indigo): Indigo will take his regular movement so he doesn't drop the gems
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Withered left knee) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Michael (Talwin): I will repeat Indigo's Process. I don't want to drop them
BOB That needs a meme, sprinting? oh running is good, yes running, yes running is better, yes running seems good
[TURN] Zayden - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Blinded; [D: 1]]
Zayden: Feels like a pass!
Carissa (Raelynn): (hold?)
Zayden: Still blind guys
Howard Plum: Zayden I will lead you in a moment!
Raelynn: Just hold on!
Michael (Talwin): You are holding your turn until your leader comes
Zayden: I like it when Daphene leads me
Michael (Talwin): sorry, seeing eye Daphene
BOB Hold on for one more day, things are gonna change
Howard Plum: I go farther than she does.
Raelynn: You can makeup at watch. You need someone with longer legs
Raelynn: !
Zayden: Ok I hold!
Zayden holds
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Insulting frown) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Daphene: No offense Zayden, but you need to go with Howard right now
Zayden: Fine Howard
Daphene: Or we're probably both going to die
Zayden: at least it's not Lanek
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Fluttering beard) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Elite Warrior 2 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Daphene: How dare you speak like that about our wise man?
[TURN] Firenewt, Elite Warrior (Everyday top hat) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Lisa (Howard Plum): blind guy shouldn't be so picky! :D
Raelynn: silently agrees with Zayden
Michael (Talwin): (Throw him in the fire!)
Michael (Talwin): (lol)
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Rotten head) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Zayden: His hands feel all waxy!
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Noticeable peewee) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Infected left leg) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Zayden: Not my fault, wisdom is great and all, but beauty is nice too
[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Withered left shoulder) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold) | DMGX: 3; [ACTION]]
Raelynn: Well if he'd just use the lotion I got him instead of it calling it "too girly"...
Raelynn: I agree with that, Zayden!
[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Supple chaps) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Vengeful frown) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Zayden: Hey Tell, tell him if he doesn't use the lotion then he'll get the hose again
[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Puckering codpiece) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Carissa (Raelynn): (huh she might be too far for let's imagine she's saying this all to herself so she isn't yelling)
[TURN] Daphene - [(ATK:3,ranged) | (ROD:3; STAFF:3; WAND:3; POISON:3; SPELL:3)]
Lemon (Daphene): I can run how far?
Shislif (Zayden): good point
Michael (Talwin): If bob says WAIT, you've run to far
Lisa (Howard Plum): 120 ft is double
Lemon (Daphene): ugh counting
Zayden: So Howard, what's this about "going futher"?
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal 1 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Carissa (Raelynn): there you go for arrow
Carissa (Raelynn): 120 ft from the group is the end of the arrow
BOB Haflings/Gnomes 30 is move and attack, 60 is full move, 120 is running, 180 is sprinting
Lisa (Howard Plum): lol you keep moving the line down
BOB double all of those for the Humans and Elves
Carissa (Raelynn): (you should put that as a FG shortcut or whatever it is)
Michael (Talwin): Wait, so theoretically, if Talwin sprinted (he's not) he could go 360?
Link: What can I do in a round?
Link: Movement
Lisa (Howard Plum): yes
Michael (Talwin): LOL. I was looking fo rthe link bob!!!! :)
BOB Like that Carissa?
Carissa (Raelynn): yeah that!
BOB grins
Michael (Talwin): Thanks! LOL
Lisa (Howard Plum): were you there when we did that to outrun the stone giants in the macbeth story?
BOB Records -> Links
Michael (Talwin): I think I was, but I don't rmeember sprinting being such a big number. WOW
Carissa (Raelynn): ....except neither lists the movements length clearly on the page
TMO (Craigh): the map may have been in a smaller scale vs the giants, I don't remember
BOB I see what you mean Carissa
BOB We can adjust that to be more clear without needing the character sheet
Michael (Talwin): yeah, not seeing it.
Michael (Talwin): I'll take your word I can probably move to the bottom of the arrow....
BOB Those pages help you understand what your normal movement is, then double for running and triple for sprinting but
Lisa (Howard Plum): so we can keep going?
BOB and yes to everyone being able to make it to the bottom of that arrow
Michael (Talwin): The arrow is your guidestone. Flee!
Michael (Talwin): (But no sprinting)
Michael (Talwin): :)
BOB some might need a con check if sprinting
Michael (Talwin): See above LOL :)
Lisa (Howard Plum): ok
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Delicate suspenders) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal 3 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Lemon (Daphene): Sprinting/running is the new boat/ship
[TURN] Youtargim
Michael (Talwin): LOL
TMO (Craigh): don't forget to yell loudly as you run, yout
Youtargim: Rae are you coming?
[TURN] Craigh - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
Michael (Talwin): NO TMO!
Lemon (Daphene): Yeah, do that thing where you trigger the entire area
Michael (Talwin): LOL Don't give bob ideas
Lemon (Daphene): That's your THING
Lisa (Howard Plum): LOL
Carissa (Raelynn): (botton of arrow is 120 so it was for the shorties)
Carissa (Raelynn): (sorry cat distraction)
Craigh: runs, not sprints, following the group
Raelynn: Yes, go go! I'll catch up!
TMO (Craigh): I have no idea how far that is
Youtargim: Youtargim waits to protect Rae and run with her
TMO (Craigh): but behind Indigo is a good place to be. Did he get his swords?
BOB nods
[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Fluffed burnsides) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
User has gone AFK. (Shislif)
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal 4 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Lisa (Howard Plum): yes but he has his hands full at the moment :)
Raelynn: Come on! I know you can all run farther than that!
Michael (Talwin): (They can) :)
TMO (Craigh): that's fine, that was just an informational query
[TURN] Firenewt, Elite Warrior (Crestfallen reverent stride) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Elite Warrior (Clean right knee) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Raelynn - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
Lemon (Daphene): afk for a minute brb
User has gone AFK. (Lemon)
Carissa (Raelynn): Looks like she can make it to the map edge so, yeah around there works
BOB Where she is the path splits
Carissa (Raelynn): perfect
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal 2 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
BOB Also where Rae is she can see that there is a drop off to the west there, and the path you took to get in here is off to the east
Carissa (Raelynn): so our destination is the circle?
Firenewt, Normal 2 [Yuan-ti]: [Translation] LOOK THERE THEY ARE!!!!! GET THEM
<font color="#000000">LOOK THERE THEY ARE!!!!! GET THEM
[understood by: ]
Lisa (Howard Plum): maybe those 2 will fail their dex checks and fall into the sucking stream pit
Carissa (Raelynn): one can hope
<font color="#000000">GM [Yuan-ti]: [Translation] Yes to Carissa
<font color="#000000">Yes to Carissa
[understood by: ]
BOB Yes to Carissa
Michael (Talwin): Break for the Circle then
Lisa (Howard Plum): howard can only go half movement with zayden?
[TURN] Howard Plum - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
BOB Yes to Lisa
Carissa (Raelynn): oooh I can move the circle! good to know
Michael (Talwin): How many rounds is Blindness?
Michael (Talwin): even when Innate
BOB It will go away at the right time
Carissa (Raelynn): oops did I remove them all or was that you, Bob?
Howard Plum: takes Zayden's hand and leads him away from the fire camp
BOB I did that
Carissa (Raelynn): ok
BOB I removed all of them
Shislif (Zayden): whoa firenewts speak arabic!?
Lisa (Howard Plum): grrr
BOB so you can recallibrate
Lisa (Howard Plum): ok will redraw
BOB and smiles at Sharif
Carissa (Raelynn): that's fine on my side, I was deleting one but leaving the other for Howard
BOB Does that actually say something in arabic?
Shislif (Zayden): well no they're just disconnected letters
Shislif (Zayden): but also I'm not fluent enough to tell lol
BOB fun
Lisa (Howard Plum): Zayden can move his icon down to Howard's
[TURN] Talwin - [Giant-kin, 2-handed sword; DMGX:2 | Punching; BSTR: 0]
Shislif (Zayden): oh ok thx
User is back. (Lemon)
Carissa (Raelynn): (for Talwin that's 120 ft and you cna go father)
Carissa (Raelynn): to where Rae is I think even with the gems...?
Talwin: If not normal, then chance I might rop them?
Michael (Talwin): drop?
Carissa (Raelynn): 120 ft was running for halfing/gnomes but don't know if your movement was slowed due to gems
BOB No to Michael
BOB Human is normally 120 running is 240
Michael (Talwin): Then hell yes, I'll keep going
Michael (Talwin): This is an estimate, but think it's not outright sprinting
Shislif (Zayden): Also to be fair Farsi also uses the arabic letters but it's a different language, so could be farsi too!
[TURN] Bixi Fizzlebang - [IFT: TYPE(kobold,goblin); ATK: 1 | IFT:TYPE(gnoll,bugbear,ogre,troll,giant,titan); AC: 4 | Punching; BSTR: 0]
Lisa (Howard Plum): Indigo won't go faster than normal since Zayden and Howard will be lagging
Carissa (Raelynn): hmmmm.... so he could make it to the entrance if he can cut through that path?
Michael (Talwin): (Hope the others don't think I'm being a cowardly asshole)
Carissa (Raelynn): hold on
[TURN] Licornah - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
Raelynn: Hold on please
BOB Stopped
Lisa (Howard Plum): k
Michael (Talwin): holding
Shislif (Zayden): stopped!
Carissa (Raelynn): Is where the square is at a path?
Carissa (Raelynn): Because Talwin could get to the circle BUT I don't know that part of the map if it's a path and/or not an impedes movement
Michael (Talwin): Talwin can get to circle next round, not this one
Michael (Talwin): And it would epend on if we are attacked
Carissa (Raelynn): And that's fine if that's what he decides, but I'm trying ot understand the map
BOB The path where you entered this area is where the circle is
BOB the square is ehere the path goes to the west and how you eventually made your way up after several other optons ealier today (last session)
Lemon (Daphene): so yes it's path
Carissa (Raelynn): Okay so that is a path
Shislif (Zayden): STOP - Stop, take a breath, oberve, proceed
Carissa (Raelynn): Looked ambiguous on the map so wanted ot check that AND if Michael wanted to go farther
Carissa (Raelynn): So if he's good where he's at, and that is indeed a path, then I'm good
Carissa (Raelynn): Thanks.Proceed.
BOB Yes it is ambiguous you "created" a path there
Carissa (Raelynn): Perfect
Howard Plum: we took the road less travelled. no big thing
BOB Talwin is at the end of his movement
Carissa (Raelynn): lol
BOB and Laughs with Lisa
Carissa (Raelynn): No he was at...
BOB And that has made all the difference
Carissa (Raelynn): 120+50+30 movement which is NOT 240 ft
Lisa (Howard Plum): yes it did!
Carissa (Raelynn): He had 40 ft left!
Carissa (Raelynn): I can math!
BOB smiles yes to Carissa
Lisa (Howard Plum): just because you are running doesn't mean you need to run it all
Raelynn: but again, if he's happy where he's at but knows he could go farther if he wanted, that's fine
BOB However if Talwin does go crashing through that brush then no one can see him
Carissa (Raelynn): just wanted to make sure he knew
Carissa (Raelynn): lol hence me second question on if that was brush
Carissa (Raelynn): *my
BOB yes to path yes to brush
Michael (Talwin): I"m screaming into my pillow
Lemon (Daphene): Nah, ask it like a pirate
Carissa (Raelynn): Again, all good now. Y'all continue on
Carissa (Raelynn): I refuse
BOB and now with Lorie for the last bit of this round
Lisa (Howard Plum): she can go much farther if she wants
Shislif (Zayden): 2023 baby
BOB So Lircornah, Talwin, Bixi and Rae down past the stream can see the Firenewts up there
Lemon (Daphene): lol
Michael (Talwin): HOLD
Michael (Talwin): Question
Carissa (Raelynn): That's about 130 ft movement now mapped on
Carissa (Raelynn): Holding
BOB Youtargim, Daphene, Indigo and Criagh can see them and are on the same path as them, with the one bridge in between then
BOB go for it Michael
BOB Howard and Zay cannot see them yet
BOB rim shot
Zayden: because we're blind!
Michael (Talwin): If Talwin had crashed into bush, he wouldn't have been seen. How talla re these bushes. I only ask, because if the bush directly in front of Talwin is the same tileset as northeast of Talwin, theoretically, neither party should be able to see each other if the bushes were that high. End query
Shislif (Zayden): wait Howard is blind?
Lisa (Howard Plum): hoping zayden becomes unblind this round
Carissa (Raelynn): blind leading the blind....
Carissa (Raelynn): (but not really, he's not blind)
Shislif (Zayden): Oh ok lol, I was gonna start complaining :)
Lisa (Howard Plum): ok we see newts can we go now?
BOB for Talwin the brush around that space is not so tall to hide a human sized creature
Shislif (Zayden): you know, it's almost as if bards shouldn't go charging into battle or something...
BOB PLUS you already crushed your way through it just ten minutes ago as you went north
Lisa (Howard Plum): too late to do anything now since round is over
Michael (Talwin): Okay, just making sure sightlines were very clearly defined here
BOB and now we start the new round
[TURN] Indigo - [Grabbing; BSTR: 0 | Heat Metal; [D: 7] | RESIST: fire; [D: 6]]
Michael (Talwin): No, it was a matter of seeing each other, vs doign anything
Shislif (Zayden): yay!
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Withered left knee) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Zayden - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Blinded; [D: 1]]
Shislif (Zayden): what are those pink arrows?
Lemon (Daphene): measurements
Shislif (Zayden): very impressive
Lemon (Daphene): nothing more, nothing less
Carissa (Raelynn): (total of about 130 ft of movement)
Lisa (Howard Plum): still no recovery? so sad zayden got seriously blasted!
Carissa (Raelynn): (so you can run farther than that if human)
Zayden: I'm still blind you guys!
Zayden: can you hear me!
Raelynn: Shhhh!
Michael (Talwin): Bob says it will be lifted "when the time is right"
Zayden: I need verbal reassurance!
Howard Plum: I'll keep guiding you
Zayden: squeeze my hand please
Michael (Talwin): So, if anyone wants to cure him.
Michael (Talwin): Or cast Silence on hnim
Howard Plum: squeezes Zayden's hand
Carissa (Raelynn): lol
BOB lol
Lemon (Daphene): I don't know, I kind of enjoy needy Zayden
Zayden: ah that's nice, thank you Howard, you have lovely hands
Carissa (Raelynn): (I think next round he'll be okay if tracker reads right)
Howard Plum: Thank you!
Zayden: want me to sing a song?
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Insulting frown) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Fluttering beard) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Elite Warrior 2 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Zayden: of course you do
[TURN] Firenewt, Elite Warrior (Everyday top hat) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Howard Plum: Ummm ... maybe after we have escaped the newt village?
Zayden: [SKILL] Singing [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 15]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Rotten head) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Michael (Talwin): Not when people are following you
Michael (Talwin): Do not sing
Zayden: (LINK)
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Noticeable peewee) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Infected left leg) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Zayden: oh seriously?
Raelynn: Zayden! Be QUIET!
[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Withered left shoulder) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold) | DMGX: 3; [ACTION]]
Zayden: ugh fine
Zayden hushes up
[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Supple chaps) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Vengeful frown) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Howard Plum: It won't be long now
[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Puckering codpiece) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Daphene - [(ATK:3,ranged) | (ROD:3; STAFF:3; WAND:3; POISON:3; SPELL:3)]
TMO (Craigh): every class has it's drawback. Bards never know when to shut up. ;)
Michael (Talwin): You can sing the entire way back!....(because bob says w'll 'click' and be back :) )
Carissa (Raelynn): lol
BOB lol
Lemon (Daphene): Can I take a short cut on the river bank?
Shislif (Zayden): lol, perfect class for me :)
Carissa (Raelynn): didn't Lemon post a video about a bard singing when trying to hide from a cult already...?
Michael (Talwin): Trust me, we'll have a perfect time for you to sing. There always is
Talwin: Wiat what? Really?xxxxx
Michael (Talwin): Lemon? Did you seriously?
Shislif (Zayden): Yea Lemon posted a bunch of awesome bards videos lol
Shislif (Zayden): give me something to aspire to :)
Michael (Talwin): Shoot. Need to go back through the links lol
Lemon (Daphene): I did. Tiktok is the devil but it also knows exactly what to show me
Michael (Talwin): Hence the devil
Michael (Talwin): lol
Carissa (Raelynn): lol
Lemon (Daphene): Ok, well, I'm just assuming I can, and if I can't, Bob can move me back
BOB Too Far
Michael (Talwin): He has spoken :)
Lemon (Daphene): I ASKED
Lemon (Daphene): I'm running, to be clear
Talwin: For the sake of my heart, could you move like five feet away from the river?x
Michael (Talwin): For the sake of my heart, could you move like five feet away from the river?x
Lemon (Daphene): I did not put myself there
Michael (Talwin): to avoid a dex check?
BOB You did, you took a short cut along the river bank, you are running through the brush, you can make it that far
BOB Or you can be on the path and make it to where Rae is
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal 1 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Lemon (Daphene): Fine
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Delicate suspenders) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal 3 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Youtargim
Michael (Talwin): Bob, is what is Yout doing? We have experience with those logs...
Youtargim: [SKILL] Find/Remove Traps [PERCENT:Find/Remove Traps] (vs. Target 5) [FAILURE by 90] [d100 = 95]
BOB Sigh, He was trying (unsucessfully) to break/trap them so the firenewts could not come over them
[TURN] Craigh - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
Lemon (Daphene): Yout is literally ALWAYS doing whatever the most annoying option is
Craigh: running
Lisa (Howard Plum): good try
Lisa (Howard Plum): he only failed by 90
Michael (Talwin): I mean, don't get me wrong, I appreciate the effort, but you know I'd drop these in a heartbeat to save him
TMO (Craigh): squares 5' or 10'?
Shislif (Zayden): brb
User has gone AFK. (Shislif)
BOB 10
[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Fluffed burnsides) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Lisa (Howard Plum): you're going to have to drop them to fight these newts soon
Lemon (Daphene): I heard 5 before
Michael (Talwin): Probably.
Michael (Talwin): But id rather not do a river resuce, fight, and gem juggle at all once ;)
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal 4 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Elite Warrior (Crestfallen reverent stride) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Elite Warrior (Clean right knee) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Raelynn - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
Lisa (Howard Plum): thr pointer is measuring 5 per square
Carissa (Raelynn): ah dangit closed the wrong thing once sec
Lemon (Daphene): I can't reach the stop button but you definitely said they were 5'
BOB Then that is right 5 foot squares, and Criagh can adjust
Michael (Talwin): Honestly, maybe we can distract and escape at the same time. Bixi might be aable to cast flitter over the log they are on and maybe they will fall in
Carissa (Raelynn): can you please resend me the map, Bob?
Image: Firenewt Hatching temple
Raelynn: oh found it but thanks!
Lisa (Howard Plum): flitter?
Michael (Talwin): Glitter, sorry
Michael (Talwin): Or another spell taht would distract them and cause them to fall in
Michael (Talwin): Anything
Michael (Talwin): Wyvern watch, IDK. sorry
Carissa (Raelynn): how far are these guys moving per round?
Michael (Talwin): If we get them before they are across (this round) then we stop them
Lisa (Howard Plum): it's only 3 newts
Carissa (Raelynn): four
Carissa (Raelynn): one is hiding by the pit of doom
Carissa (Raelynn): and one is infected and clearly contagious
Michael (Talwin): More worried about them holindg us up until the others arrive
Lisa (Howard Plum): what's another newt? who's turn is it?
Carissa (Raelynn): Yes yes I know
Carissa (Raelynn): BUT GOOD NEWS
Raelynn: I did my math wrong!
Carissa (Raelynn): Annnd yup this'll work
BOB TMO's fault
Carissa (Raelynn): she can see that yes?
Carissa (Raelynn): Always is.
BOB and yes
Raelynn: [CAST] Warp Wood
Raelynn: [SAVE VS] Warp Wood
Carissa (Raelynn): break it
BOB I thought that was a touch spell?
Michael (Talwin): LOL. Its ALWAYS? TMO's fault??? Can I save that factoid?
Carissa (Raelynn): Distance of 10 yd/lvl
Carissa (Raelynn): Which is where i got my math confused
BOB Nice
Carissa (Raelynn): Because that is actually 240 ft for her
Lemon (Daphene): nice
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal 2 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Michael (Talwin): Pff, I'm converting to Meters
BOB and yes that makes the bridge shake and crack and fall into the river
Michael (Talwin): :)
Carissa (Raelynn): lol right?
Carissa (Raelynn): I fully support that
Carissa (Raelynn): The meters and the breaking bridge
Michael (Talwin): lol
Lemon (Daphene): That's what I was saying last week about the inconsistent measurements. MATH
Lemon (Daphene): It's not ok
Carissa (Raelynn): lol
Michael (Talwin): We somehow carry on :)
Michael (Talwin): THIS is the grumble point! I found it!
[TURN] Howard Plum - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
Howard Plum: Okay Zayden, let's go
Lemon (Daphene): I don't knwo what that means, but I will never not grumble about math
[TURN] Talwin - [Giant-kin, 2-handed sword; DMGX:2 | Punching; BSTR: 0]
Michael (Talwin): Oh sorry Lemon. We were talking about the points that make us grumble. This is it for tonights session :)
Michael (Talwin): Math
Michael (Talwin): lol
Lisa (Howard Plum): every time it's my character's turn the map resets itself - annoying
Lemon (Daphene): Oh, it'll be math every night for me
Michael (Talwin): So, bob, here's teh deal. You'll have to be DM here. (obviously). Talwin sees the Newts, but is just focused on bugging out to seperate them from the main party. YOu let me know what my rolls need to be. H'es going to the circle, and then going past it
Carissa (Raelynn): dang that took too long to find
Raelynn: (LINK)
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
Carissa (Raelynn): (the cult bard video michael)
Michael (Talwin): Thanks!
[TURN] Bixi Fizzlebang - [IFT: TYPE(kobold,goblin); ATK: 1 | IFT:TYPE(gnoll,bugbear,ogre,troll,giant,titan); AC: 4 | Punching; BSTR: 0]
BOB Michael if you want Talwin to move there then we say he it out of combat and cannot help the others with the rest of the Firenewts
Michael (Talwin): Keep running. Talwin is hoping they chase him instead of waiting for you all
TMO (Craigh): I can accept the blames
[TURN] Licornah - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
BOB But he is safe and out
Michael (Talwin): (LIsa. Before I give the final word, what is your thoughts.)
Michael (Talwin): (Do you think the group can handle these newts if they choose to focus on you instead of chasing after me, who has their sacred relics?)
Carissa (Raelynn): Indigo has relicts, too
TMO (Craigh): they'll probably hit whoever they can.
Carissa (Raelynn): agree
Carissa (Raelynn): might be worth waiting a round to see? so we can kill them faster with more people if needed
Talwin: Sigh. Then yes. I did that somewhat without thought. Bob I'd like to stay because I forgot that, but if it's too late, I will accept that choice
Michael (Talwin): Sigh. Then yes. I did that somewhat without thought. Bob I'd like to stay because I forgot that, but if it's too late, I will accept that choice
Lisa (Howard Plum): I always think my characters can handle things :) do what you think best
Carissa (Raelynn): lol we probably can but yes do what you tihnk is best
Michael (Talwin): Hm.
Michael (Talwin): Actually you know what, I don't give you guys enough credit.
Michael (Talwin): I'm out
Michael (Talwin): Love you!
Carissa (Raelynn): LOL
Talwin: Talwin leaves
BOB and Talwin is out
BOB Adios!
Carissa (Raelynn): If we can get Howard and Zayden to move faster, we can all be out probably this round
Michael (Talwin): I can still stay though and naw at my finernails in real life though right?
User is back. (Shislif)
BOB smile
User has gone AFK. (Shislif)
Lemon (Daphene): I mean he's got three, so if we HAVE to abandon the rest then we're still successful
Michael (Talwin): True enough. But they are glorious. Lisa will know what to do. She's a true veteran, LOL
Michael (Talwin): Just like most of you
BOB Talwin shows up in Drakeshead, Here are your three gems, I do not know what happened to the rest of my group
Michael (Talwin): :)
Michael (Talwin): LOL
Lisa (Howard Plum): LOL
[TURN] Indigo - [Grabbing; BSTR: 0 | Heat Metal; [D: 7] | RESIST: fire; [D: 6]]
Carissa (Raelynn): lol
Michael (Talwin): Laughing so hard I scared my dog. Thanks bob LOL
Lemon (Daphene): lol, I didn't mean abandon the people, I meant abandon the other two relics
Michael (Talwin): I didn't have to outrun the bloodthirsty newts....
Lisa (Howard Plum): Indigo will make sure Howard and Zayden make it
Lisa (Howard Plum): Zayden hopefully will be able to see soon!
TMO (Craigh): 6 months later, Craigh is found living as a hermit on the fringes of the Fire Swamp, having gone completely native
Michael (Talwin): Well, in the Spirit of Zayden (need to go pee. BRB)
Michael (Talwin): LOL
Lisa (Howard Plum): LOL
Carissa (Raelynn): LOL
Lisa (Howard Plum): to both
Lemon (Daphene): I'm going to think of Zayden every time I pee for the rest of my life.
Shislif (Zayden): hey sorry I got stuff in the oven I gotta check on
BOB happy smile
BOB is a good thing
Shislif (Zayden): Zayden takes that as quite the compliment!
Carissa (Raelynn): it's fine, we figured you were peeing again
BOB But Indigo does what?
Shislif (Zayden): lol
Lemon (Daphene): wets his britches
Shislif (Zayden): I got these pasty feta caramelized onion thingies from Trader Joe's, so good
Howard Plum: Indigo holds for the group to catch up
Shislif (Zayden): pastry
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Withered left knee) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Zayden - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Blinded; [D: 1]]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Insulting frown) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Fluttering beard) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Elite Warrior 2 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Lisa (Howard Plum): still????
[TURN] Firenewt, Elite Warrior (Everyday top hat) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Rotten head) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Noticeable peewee) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Zayden: Howard?! Howard are you there?!
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Infected left leg) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Withered left shoulder) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold) | DMGX: 3; [ACTION]]
Zayden: Can we talk now?
Howard Plum: I'm still here. Not to worry
Howard Plum: squeezes Zayden's hand again
Zayden: oh thank the heavens
Lemon (Daphene): No, that bridge is broken
Zayden: So what are we doing?
BOB He is not using the bridge, he just goes through the water
Daphene: Wait let me rephrase that
Lemon (Daphene): ooc
Lemon (Daphene): No to BOB, that bridge is broken
Zayden: I feel like this is some nice bonding time for you and me Howard
Carissa (Raelynn): With that current???
Lemon (Daphene): No way can firenewts just hang out in the water nbd
Howard Plum: We're winding our way back the path avoiding the hot streams
Carissa (Raelynn): You know what they say: TURN AROUND DON'T DROWN
Howard Plum: smiles
[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Supple chaps) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Vengeful frown) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Puckering codpiece) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Zayden: Oh I've avoided some hot streams in my day I tell you what
[TURN] Daphene - [(ATK:3,ranged) | (ROD:3; STAFF:3; WAND:3; POISON:3; SPELL:3)]
Carissa (Raelynn): A foot of water can carry off a CAR Bob!
Lemon (Daphene): He should be extinguished firenewt at the very least
Zayden: It's a funny story actually
Howard Plum: Tell me
Zayden: I knew this chap, his name was Phillip
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal 1 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Zayden: he really liked to ethnic foods, which was fine for the most part
Lemon (Daphene): so close
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Delicate suspenders) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal 3 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Zayden: to eat, excuse me
Howard Plum: Yes. That is good
Raelynn: I'm still calling shennanigins. WHERE IS OUR PHYSICIST FOR OUR ARGUMENT?
Carissa (Raelynn): (ooc)
Michael (Talwin): Maybe it passed it's check
Zayden: But then he "developed a relationship" with the maitre de
Lisa (Howard Plum): shouldn't he be sucked in by current?
Michael (Talwin): We were able to pass one
Zayden: if you catch my drift
Michael (Talwin): Not sure if we see those
Firenewt, Normal 3: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 7]
Zayden: and this was largely frowned upon by the purveyors
Zayden: if you catch my drift
Carissa (Raelynn): And his swimming check? And his con check??
Howard Plum: That is sad for him
Firenewt, Normal 3: [CAST] Breath Weapon [at Daphene]
Daphene: [SAVE] vs. Breath [d20 = 7]
Save [7] [Target 16] -> [for Daphene] [vs Firenewt, Normal 3] [TARGET-FAILED]
Lemon (Daphene): And strength against the current
Zayden: Oh it was, but they checked me to see if I had anything to do with it!
Firenewt, Normal 3: [CAST] Breath Weapon [at Bixi Fizzlebang]
Bixi Fizzlebang: [SAVE] vs. Breath [d20 = 16]
Save [16] [Target 13] -> [for Bixi Fizzlebang] [vs Firenewt, Normal 3] [TARGET-SAVED]
Firenewt, Normal 3: [CAST] Breath Weapon [at Licornah]
Licornah: [SAVE] vs. Breath [d20 = 1]
Save [1] [Target 13] -> [for Licornah] [vs Firenewt, Normal 3] [TARGET-FAILED]
Zayden: Like I'm some kind of pimp or something, the nerve
Firenewt, Normal 3: [DAMAGE] Breath Weapon [TYPE: fire (1d6=1)] [d6 = 1]
[1] -> [to Licornah] [STATUS: Light]
Firenewt, Normal 3: [DAMAGE] Breath Weapon [TYPE: fire (1d6=4)] [d6 = 4]
[2] -> [to Bixi Fizzlebang] [HALF] [STATUS: Light]
Shislif (Zayden): ohhh gotta check the oven brb
Howard Plum: Ohhh. What happened?
Firenewt, Normal 3: [DAMAGE] Breath Weapon [TYPE: fire (1d6=2)] [d6 = 2]
[2] -> [to Daphene] [STATUS: Light]
User has gone AFK. (Shislif)
Lisa (Howard Plum): cliffhanger!
Carissa (Raelynn): lol
Michael (Talwin): lol
BOB So the one Firenewt claws across the stream gets up to the group but does not have the chance to use any weapons so he just BREATHES out onto the three of them there
BOB Fire spurts out of his mouth
BOB causing damage
[TURN] Youtargim
Lemon (Daphene): Just a flesh wound, keep running
Michael (Talwin): NOW I call shenanigans for action breach
Carissa (Raelynn): lol
Michael (Talwin): Breath weapons are a casting
Youtargim: [ATTACK (M)] Scimitar +1 [THACO(17)] [d20+1 = 21]
Attack [21] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Firenewt, Normal 3] [Hit-AC: -4 vs. 5 ] [AC: -4 ] [CRITICAL HIT]
Youtargim: [ATTACK (M)] Scimitar +1 [THACO(17)] [d20+1 = 13]
Attack [13] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Firenewt, Normal 3] [Hit-AC: 4 vs. 5 ] [AC: 4 ] [HIT]
Carissa (Raelynn): Oooooooh niceeee
Youtargim: [DAMAGE (M)] Scimitar +1 [TYPE: slashing, magic (1d8+1=5)] [d8+1 = 5]
[5] -> [to Firenewt, Normal 3] [STATUS: Heavy]
Youtargim: [DAMAGE (M)] Scimitar +1 [TYPE: slashing, magic (1d8+1=8)] [d8+1 = 8]
[8] -> [to Firenewt, Normal 3] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 5] [STATUS: Dying (0)]
Raelynn: is impressed.
[TURN] Craigh - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
Michael (Talwin): Talwin feels a disturbacne in the force....roughly two miles away
Lemon (Daphene): You know, I give Yout neverending crap becuase he's literally the worst forever... and then he does one thing that doesn't suck and I briefly reconsider
Michael (Talwin): lol
BOB No to Michael, breath weapon is inate ability
TMO (Craigh): movement modifier for going thru brush?
Carissa (Raelynn): lol lemon
Zayden: I did nothing! I said it was all him and I had nothing to do with it, and they believed me!
BOB Yes to Criagh, is a 1/3 penalty
Michael (Talwin): Okay, so for now on, Innate abilities are action free. Is this what I am being told?
Michael (Talwin): This is going in a record...
Zayden: Then they tarred and feathered phillip... we're not friendy anymore
BOB No to Michael, they go on your attack number
Michael (Talwin): But I thought you said he couldn't attack
BOB They are not spells, they act like weapons, unless someone attacks them first and stops them from using them
Talwin: So it was theoretically an attack roll, which he couldn't use?
BOB I said he spit fire at them
Michael (Talwin): Sigh
Howard Plum: Thats a horrible story. I hope your friend recovered
Michael (Talwin): Does Yout get a save breath at least?
Zayden: haha it is
BOB OH he could have also used his attacks AND breathweapon if he had the chance
Lemon (Daphene): No to Michael, that is only true when it's convenient for NPCs
Howard Plum: And found a new place to eat!
Carissa (Raelynn): note for other newts then
Lemon (Daphene): I'm taking up my new job as the BOB TRANSLATOR
[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Fluffed burnsides) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Carissa (Raelynn): lol
Zayden: We must make space for all people, that's the lesson I learned, both the good and the bad, the rational and the irrational
BOB Youtargim got there after the breathweapon was over
Shislif (Zayden): ohhh gotta check oven brb
User has gone AFK. (Shislif)
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal 4 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Elite Warrior (Crestfallen reverent stride) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Michael (Talwin): ?????????
Howard Plum: That is a good philosophy
Lemon (Daphene): Um, unlikely anyone will get this reference but... "OH MY GOD IT'S BURNING"
Michael (Talwin): Just run guys lol. I got nothign
Firenewt, Elite Warrior (Crestfallen reverent stride): [CAST] Breath Weapon [at Licornah]
Licornah: [SAVE] vs. Breath [d20 = 1]
Save [1] [Target 13] -> [for Licornah] [vs Firenewt, Elite Warrior (Crestfallen reverent stride)] [TARGET-FAILED]
Lisa (Howard Plum): yes people should follow Talwin
Firenewt, Elite Warrior (Crestfallen reverent stride): [DAMAGE] Breath Weapon [TYPE: fire (1d6=4)] [d6 = 4]
[4] -> [to Licornah]
Firenewt, Elite Warrior (Crestfallen reverent stride): [ATTACK (M)] UNKNOWN [THACO(19)] [d20 = 3]
Attack [3] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Licornah] [Hit-AC: 16 vs. 5 ] [AC: 16 ] [MISS]
Lisa (Howard Plum): ride off into the sunset
[TURN] Firenewt, Elite Warrior (Clean right knee) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Raelynn - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
Raelynn: Howard, Zayden, stop chitchatting and MOVE FASTER!
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal 2 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Howard Plum: Miss Raelynn can be impatient at times
Carissa (Raelynn): she hesitates to run into the sunset
BOB Like that one did against Licornah, he did not have to go through brush, or through the river, so he was able to hit with is axe and breathe in the same round
Lemon (Daphene): Translation: It was convenient for the NPCs
BOB You could do that too
Carissa (Raelynn): spit fire at the NPCS?
BOB for example TMO's paladin did the turn undead
Lemon (Daphene): BOB. I can barely keep myself from throwing my hands into fire, apparently. I don't see how I could do all that.
Carissa (Raelynn): LOL
BOB then if anything was still standing in front of him he would wack at it
Lemon (Daphene): brb, need to Zayden
[TURN] Howard Plum - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
Howard Plum: Time to go again Zayden
BOB laughs with Lemon
[TURN] Talwin - [Giant-kin, 2-handed sword; DMGX:2 | Punching; BSTR: 0]
[TURN] Bixi Fizzlebang - [IFT: TYPE(kobold,goblin); ATK: 1 | IFT:TYPE(gnoll,bugbear,ogre,troll,giant,titan); AC: 4 | Punching; BSTR: 0]
[TURN] Licornah - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
BOB Licornah is up, then when Lemon gets back Bixi can go
Lisa (Howard Plum): Indigo will move up at the end of the round
Lisa (Howard Plum): he was holding
Michael (Talwin): Talwin gifts you the Innate Blessing : Flee. When activated (in addition to normal attacks and hurdles) the user gains a windfall speed of hastening, that speeds them by 15 meters per second, as they become weightless. Once per year cast
Lorie (Licornah): (BOB, did I get aOO before my turn?)
BOB You can get an attack, but everything that came close to you attacked you or is dead
Licornah: :: nod :: okay...
Lemon (Daphene): back
BOB Bixi is up
Licornah: I'm going as far as I can this round ...
Carissa (Raelynn): Elite Warrior is alive?
TMO (Craigh): yes, it just arrived
BOB yes to Lorie Licornah follows Talwin off the map
Michael (Talwin): (You can go fruther and be "out" Lorie I think)
BOB and so does Bixi
Michael (Talwin): NM
[TURN] Indigo - [Grabbing; BSTR: 0 | Heat Metal; [D: 7] | RESIST: fire; [D: 6]]
Lemon (Daphene): I clicked end and it didn't go
BOB I had held it
Lorie (Licornah): (the map stopped me...)
Lisa (Howard Plum): dropping the gems and grabbing his swords gives him how many attacks this round?
BOB Normal attacks
Michael (Talwin): Can Zayden/Howard make it to the circle in one go?
Howard Plum: drops the gems to the ground takes his swords and attacks the newt
Lisa (Howard Plum): not unless Zayden gets unblinded
TMO (Craigh): Howard goes Conan?
Indigo: [ATTACK (M)] Shortsword [THACO(13)] [d20+4 = 7]
Attack [7] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Firenewt, Elite Warrior (Crestfallen reverent stride)] [Hit-AC: 6 vs. 3 ] [AC: 6 ] [MISS]
Indigo: [ATTACK (M)] Shortsword [THACO(13)] [d20+4 = 23]
Attack [23] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Firenewt, Elite Warrior (Crestfallen reverent stride)] [Hit-AC: -10 vs. 3 ] [AC: -10 ] [HIT]
Indigo: [DAMAGE (M)] Shortsword [TYPE: piercing (1d6+4=10)] [d6+4 = 10]
[10] -> [to Firenewt, Elite Warrior (Crestfallen reverent stride)] [STATUS: Heavy]
Indigo: [ATTACK (M)] Shortsword [THACO(13)] [d20+4 = 24]
Attack [24] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Firenewt, Elite Warrior (Crestfallen reverent stride)] [Hit-AC: -11 vs. 3 ] [AC: -11 ] [CRITICAL HIT]
Indigo: [DAMAGE (M)] Shortsword [TYPE: piercing (1d6+4=6)] [d6+4 = 6]
[6] -> [to Firenewt, Elite Warrior (Crestfallen reverent stride)] [STATUS: Critical]
Indigo: [ATTACK (M)] Shortsword [THACO(13)] [d20+4 = 10]
Attack [10] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Firenewt, Elite Warrior (Crestfallen reverent stride)] [Hit-AC: 3 vs. 3 ] [AC: 3 ] [HIT]
Michael (Talwin): At start of next round, I have a legitmate question. But will wait until then
Indigo: [DAMAGE (M)] Shortsword [TYPE: piercing (1d6+4=5)] [d6+4 = 5]
[5] -> [to Firenewt, Elite Warrior (Crestfallen reverent stride)] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 4] [STATUS: Dying (0)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Withered left knee) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Zayden - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Blinded; [D: 1]]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Insulting frown) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Fluttering beard) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Elite Warrior 2 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Elite Warrior (Everyday top hat) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Rotten head) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Noticeable peewee) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Infected left leg) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Carissa (Raelynn): ....soooo actually why IS Zayden still blind?
Carissa (Raelynn): Speaking of blindness, Bob did not roll the duration in chat. I’m assuming he knows how long it will last. The spell says it lasts 1d4+1 rounds and was cast on Round 1. So blindness could be lifted as soon as the beginning of Round 4 and as late as Round 6.
Lemon (Daphene): to Carissa: The time isn't right yet
Michael (Talwin): That's my ask Carissa. I've looked it up, and I'm all for dramatics, but I wouldn't mind a legitimate ask on that
Carissa (Raelynn): We're on round 8....
Firenewt, Normal (Infected left leg): [CAST] Breath Weapon [at Youtargim]
Michael (Talwin): Exactly
Youtargim: [SAVE] vs. Breath [d20 = 15]
Save [15] [Target 15] -> [for Youtargim] [vs Firenewt, Normal (Infected left leg)] [TARGET-SAVED]
Lemon (Daphene): The magic 8 ball says ask again later
Firenewt, Normal (Infected left leg): [DAMAGE] Breath Weapon [TYPE: fire (1d6=2)] [d6 = 2]
[1] -> [to Youtargim] [HALF] [STATUS: Light]
Firenewt, Normal (Infected left leg): [ATTACK (M)] Polearm, Awl pike [THACO(19)] [d20 = 4]
Attack [4] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Youtargim] [Hit-AC: 15 vs. 10 ] [AC: 15 ] [MISS]
Carissa (Raelynn): I was thinking Round 8 would be the end round which is why I looked and apparently I'm off. So yes, a good question.
[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Withered left shoulder) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold) | DMGX: 3; [ACTION]]
Michael (Talwin): But waiting until next reound to ask
[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Supple chaps) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Vengeful frown) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Puckering codpiece) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Daphene - [(ATK:3,ranged) | (ROD:3; STAFF:3; WAND:3; POISON:3; SPELL:3)]
Carissa (Raelynn): I'm asking before Howard and Zayden go :)
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal 1 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
BOB For the blindness, the effect shoudl wear off automatically like it did for Howard
BOB As we go step by step through the rounds
Talwin: NO
Talwin: Enough
Talwin: I'm done
Lisa (Indigo): it said d1 sonext round it wears off?
Talwin: STOP
Raelynn: It says Dlinded; [D: 1] so it should have only been one round apparently
Carissa (Raelynn): ..*blinded
BOB I think that means 1 more round
Carissa (Raelynn): No
Carissa (Raelynn): Because Indigo has Heat Metal and REsistance at their proper level
BOB It shoudl decrement each round from D4 to D3 etc
Michael (Talwin): Look. When I fuck up a roll. I understand and accept the consequences. Please. When the game follows clearly defined rules that I understand, I am fine. NOT knowing in any shape or form, despite my searchign through rule core books (with respect to you bob) I cannot accept "When it wears off it will wear off.) I just want to know what the rule is at this point> That's all I'm asking.
Carissa (Raelynn): It isn't. Indigo still has 6 for Resist Fire which is how many rounds total he gets for it. It hasn't changed.
Michael (Talwin): I'm saying it respectfully, but with intent this time
Carissa (Raelynn): I've been keeping an eye on it in case he needs a recast
Michael (Talwin): I want to know what this rule is?
Talwin: Please
BOB The rule is what the spell effect says
BOB BLind for X number of rounds
BOB I did not do anything different for any of the characters
Michael (Talwin): But none of us know what that is. Are we no INTENDED to know what the round limit was?
Raelynn: I believe that, but I don't believe FG is applying it properly.
BOB Howard's wore off after two rounds
Michael (Talwin): I am unfamiliar with any spells that hide that
BOB you do not know how long it will last that is right
BOB It is a random number
Michael (Talwin): Fine.
TMO (Craigh): I'm afraid I hadn't been paying attention to all that
BOB Howard was blind for 3 rounds
Michael (Talwin): Trusting the program to know that does not at all make me comforatblex
BOB It has been three more rounds after that
Lisa (Indigo): Zayden and Howard are doing fine and bonding
Michael (Talwin): Becasue I don't know the limit. For all we know, Zayden is perm blinded
Lemon (Daphene): And that's fine that we don't know, but do YOU know when it's going to wear off
BOB the max is can last is 9 rounds
Michael (Talwin): That is what I was asking. Thank you. I get uncomfortable when the rules are not understandbale to me. It makes me feel like there is potential to be screwed over, and I don't like to play games like that. Thank you for clarifying
BOB and yes to Micael for all Talwin knows he could be permantly blind
BOB would need a priest not a fighter to look at him take the time to make a check adn see
Lemon (Daphene): We just want to make sure FG is using it properly
BOB So Talwin might think he is just blind for life
Lemon (Daphene): Wouldn't be the first time FG was wrong
Michael (Talwin): Bob, I'm not asking from Talwin's perspective. I"M asking
BOB At this point it looks to me that it is doing this right, it did for Howard, why not for Zayden?
Carissa (Raelynn): Because it is not reading the same in CT
Michael (Talwin): Because I don't like non-transparency when I don't know what is going on behind the curtain
Shislif (Zayden): hey sorry i'm back
Michael (Talwin): I'll drop it
Lisa (Indigo): no worries
Michael (Talwin): Everyone, pretend I didn't say anythign
Michael (Talwin): Sorry for holding up the game
Shislif (Zayden): ohhh sounds like drama :)
Carissa (Raelynn): Again: CT says Duration 1 Round. Based on the effects on Indigo, that means total duration. We can keep going and find out if that's true, but I think FG might have messed up.
BOB It is ok Michael
Daphene: Because FG doesn't always correctly apply things to every character equally
Lemon (Daphene): ooc
Lisa (Indigo): we're not being severely ambushed, we'll get there ... slowly but we will get there
Carissa (Raelynn): And you know what they say about making assumptions :P
BOB Yes to Lemon, because it is not equal
Lemon (Daphene): It might be user error but it happens
BOB varies on class, level, etc
TMO (Craigh): perfectly valid to have concerns. I would watch to see what happens next round, now that we've been alerted to pay attention.
Lemon (Daphene): Yes
Lemon (Daphene): So sometimes it makes a mistake
Michael (Talwin): If it lasts longer then 9 rounds, we'll know
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Delicate suspenders) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal 3 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Carissa (Raelynn): It said D: 1 on Roud 7, too. I have been watching which is why my money is on FG mess-up. But again, we're getting there so we can see what happens on Round 9
[TURN] Youtargim
Lemon (Daphene): If YOU know when blindness is running out, that's enough for me to continue. If we're ALL just waiting for a miracle, I think we need to take a closer look after this is over
Raelynn: (LINK)
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
Youtargim: [ATTACK (M)] Scimitar +1 [THACO(17)] [d20+1 = 5]
Attack [5] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Firenewt, Normal (Infected left leg)] [Hit-AC: 12 vs. 5 ] [AC: 12 ] [MISS]
[TURN] Craigh - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Fluffed burnsides) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Shislif (Zayden): miracles!
TMO (Craigh): when in doubt, don't add yourself to the body count
Raelynn: (LINK)
<a href="">(LINK)</a>
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal 4 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Elite Warrior (Crestfallen reverent stride) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Elite Warrior (Clean right knee) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Raelynn - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
Raelynn: Come on, come onnnn.
Carissa (Raelynn): (holding)
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal 2 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Firenewt, Normal 2: [ATTACK (M)] Polearm, Awl pike [THACO(19)] [d20 = 6]
Attack [6] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Indigo] [Hit-AC: 13 vs. 6 ] [AC: 13 ] [MISS]
Firenewt, Normal 2: [CAST] Breath Weapon [at Indigo]
Indigo: [SAVE] vs. Breath [d20 = 4]
Save [4] [Target 12] -> [for Indigo] [vs Firenewt, Normal 2] [TARGET-FAILED]
Firenewt, Normal 2: [DAMAGE] Breath Weapon [TYPE: fire (1d6=5)] [d6 = 5]
[2] -> [to Indigo] [PARTIALLY RESISTED]
Indigo: [SAVE] vs. Breath [d20 = 14]
Save [14] [Target 12] -> [for Indigo] [SUCCESS]
[TURN] Howard Plum - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
Indigo: Zayden, we're moving again
Howard Plum: Zayden, we're moving again
Zayden: Howard?!
[TURN] Talwin - [Giant-kin, 2-handed sword; DMGX:2 | Punching; BSTR: 0]
Zayden: Howard is that you?!
[TURN] Bixi Fizzlebang - [IFT: TYPE(kobold,goblin); ATK: 1 | IFT:TYPE(gnoll,bugbear,ogre,troll,giant,titan); AC: 4 | Punching; BSTR: 0]
[TURN] Licornah - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
[TURN] Indigo - [Grabbing; BSTR: 0 | Heat Metal; [D: 7] | RESIST: fire; [D: 6]]
Howard Plum: Yes. We're safe but there are some newts near by
Zayden: oh good
Indigo: [ATTACK (M)] Shortsword [THACO(13)] [d20+4 = 24]
Attack [24] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Firenewt, Normal 2] [Hit-AC: -11 vs. 5 ] [AC: -11 ] [CRITICAL HIT]
Indigo: [ATTACK (M)] Shortsword [THACO(13)] [d20+4 = 13]
Attack [13] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Firenewt, Normal 2] [Hit-AC: 0 vs. 5 ] [AC: 0 ] [HIT]
Zayden: I love you Howard
Indigo: [DAMAGE (M)] Shortsword [TYPE: piercing (1d6+4=10)] [d6+4 = 10]
[10] -> [to Firenewt, Normal 2] [STATUS: Critical]
Indigo: [DAMAGE (M)] Shortsword [TYPE: piercing (1d6+4=10)] [d6+4 = 10]
[10] -> [to Firenewt, Normal 2] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 9] [STATUS: Dying (0)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Withered left knee) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Zayden - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Blinded; [D: 1]]
Michael (Talwin): (Yeah, I need to chillax when Indigo is on the map. lol Lisa.)
Zayden: hands so soft
Howard Plum: smiles
Michael (Talwin): (Sorry I even questioned it)
Shislif (Zayden): lol
Howard Plum: Can you see yet?
Zayden: Are we still running?
Zayden: I think maybe?
Zayden: Oh Yes!
Howard Plum: Very good news!
Howard Plum: They are all running south
Zayden: Yes! The Greens! The yellows!
Howard Plum: I'll catch up to you
Zayden: South?
Carissa (Raelynn): Good now RUN FASTER.
Raelynn: Good now RUN FASTER.
Zayden: I just got my sight back can i take a moment?
Zayden: sing a song?
Raelynn: NO!
Zayden: ugh
Lisa (Howard Plum): lol
Michael (Talwin): Unless it's to pick up the FireGems, get your ass in gear! lol
Zayden: fine let run!
Zayden runs
Michael (Talwin): :)
Shislif (Zayden): should I move my icon?
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Insulting frown) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Fluttering beard) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Elite Warrior 2 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Elite Warrior (Everyday top hat) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Rotten head) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Noticeable peewee) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Lisa (Howard Plum): to the pink circle
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Infected left leg) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Withered left shoulder) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold) | DMGX: 3; [ACTION]]
Lisa (Howard Plum): yay!
Shislif (Zayden): my icon disappeared?
Michael (Talwin): LOL jeeze. We're silly
[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Supple chaps) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Vengeful frown) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Puckering codpiece) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Daphene - [(ATK:3,ranged) | (ROD:3; STAFF:3; WAND:3; POISON:3; SPELL:3)]
Carissa (Raelynn): lol
Michael (Talwin): Yep, you are in the "safe" zone
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal 1 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Delicate suspenders) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal 3 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Shislif (Zayden): oh lol ok cool
Firenewt, Normal (Infected left leg): [ATTACK (M)] Polearm, Awl pike [THACO(19)] [d20 = 6]
Attack [6] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Youtargim] [Hit-AC: 13 vs. 10 ] [AC: 13 ] [MISS]
Firenewt, Normal (Infected left leg): [CAST] Breath Weapon [at Youtargim]
Youtargim: [SAVE] vs. Breath [d20 = 10]
Save [10] [Target 15] -> [for Youtargim] [vs Firenewt, Normal (Infected left leg)] [TARGET-FAILED]
Firenewt, Normal (Infected left leg): [DAMAGE] Breath Weapon [TYPE: fire (1d6=3)] [d6 = 3]
[3] -> [to Youtargim]
[TURN] Youtargim
Youtargim: I will run with Indigo, you all go now
Youtargim: [ATTACK (M)] Scimitar +1 [THACO(17)] [d20+1 = 17]
Attack [17] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Firenewt, Normal (Infected left leg)] [Hit-AC: 0 vs. 5 ] [AC: 0 ] [HIT]
Youtargim: [DAMAGE (M)] Scimitar +1 [TYPE: slashing, magic (1d8+1=2)] [d8+1 = 2]
[2] -> [to Firenewt, Normal (Infected left leg)] [STATUS: Light]
Raelynn: rolls her eyes
[TURN] Craigh - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
[TURN] Firenewt, Priest (Fluffed burnsides) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal 4 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Elite Warrior (Crestfallen reverent stride) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Elite Warrior (Clean right knee) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Raelynn - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
Raelynn: [ATTACK (R)] Sling (Bullet) [THACO(18)] [ENC: Moderate] [d20-1 = 15]
Attack [15] ->[ATTACK (R)] [at Firenewt, Normal (Infected left leg)] [Hit-AC: 3 vs. 5 ] [AC: 3 ] [HIT]
Raelynn: [DAMAGE (R)] Sling (Bullet) [TYPE: bludgeoning (1d6+1=4)] [d6+1 = 4]
[4] -> [to Firenewt, Normal (Infected left leg)] [STATUS: Moderate]
Carissa (Raelynn): reminder for self: check to see which is the right attack for slings?
User has gone AFK. (Shislif)
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal 2 - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
[TURN] Howard Plum - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
[TURN] Talwin - [Giant-kin, 2-handed sword; DMGX:2 | Punching; BSTR: 0]
[TURN] Bixi Fizzlebang - [IFT: TYPE(kobold,goblin); ATK: 1 | IFT:TYPE(gnoll,bugbear,ogre,troll,giant,titan); AC: 4 | Punching; BSTR: 0]
[TURN] Licornah - [Punching; BSTR: 0]
The time is 2:11 PM
[ROUND 10]
Howard Plum: runs after the others
[TURN] Indigo - [Grabbing; BSTR: 0 | Heat Metal; [D: 7] | RESIST: fire; [D: 6]]
Indigo: [ATTACK (M)] Shortsword [THACO(13)] [d20+4 = 15]
Attack [15] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Firenewt, Normal (Infected left leg)] [Hit-AC: -2 vs. 5 ] [AC: -2 ] [HIT]
Indigo: [ATTACK (M)] Shortsword [THACO(13)] [d20+4 = 23]
Attack [23] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Firenewt, Normal (Infected left leg)] [Hit-AC: -10 vs. 5 ] [AC: -10 ] [HIT]
Indigo: [DAMAGE (M)] Shortsword [TYPE: piercing (1d6+4=6)] [d6+4 = 6]
[6] -> [to Firenewt, Normal (Infected left leg)] [STATUS: Critical]
Indigo: [DAMAGE (M)] Shortsword [TYPE: piercing (1d6+4=6)] [d6+4 = 6]
[6] -> [to Firenewt, Normal (Infected left leg)] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 2] [STATUS: Dying (0)]
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Withered left knee) - [(DDR: 1 fire; DDR: -1 cold)]
Michael (Talwin): Yay!
Youtargim: So how long does that resist last on Indigo?
Carissa (Raelynn): can Indigo move after attacking?
Carissa (Raelynn): (because exactly that - which is why Rae is still here)
Youtargim: To be able to pick up the gems and carry them?
Lisa (Indigo): thought is said rds/lvl of caster
Carissa (Raelynn): 6 rounds
Michael (Talwin): Good thinking Carissa :)
Carissa (Raelynn): But she's ready to cast on him again
Youtargim: and so at this point Talwin is dropping his gems too
Carissa (Raelynn): (Bixi is with him to stone shape)
Lisa (Indigo): Casting Time 5 Save None AoE 1 creature Duration 1 rd./level
Carissa (Raelynn): (Or she can cast on Yout to make it one round less)
Carissa (Raelynn): (Him run to her, she cast this round, we all pick up and go next round?)
BOB That works
Lisa (Indigo): she cast on rd 3 so it would last til rd11?
Michael (Talwin): Talwin is waiting for everyone before we seal them up proper
BOB You are not casting Stone Shape yet
Carissa (Raelynn): (Can he pick up and run off this map in that time?)
Michael (Talwin): Exactly
Carissa (Raelynn): (but if we can do that in safety she can recast "off map")
BOB Off map is different
Michael (Talwin): So, if Indigo can pick them up and keep going....
BOB right now we have round 10 with Indigo, Youtargim and Rae
Carissa (Raelynn): (your Talwin comment made me confused :P)
Michael (Talwin): Sorry Carissa.
Michael (Talwin): Trying to help lol
Raelynn: Yout, come here so I can cast on you and you can grab the gems so we can run!
BOB was pointing out when Indigo needs to drop the gems, so will Talwin
Lisa (Indigo): is my spell description wrong?
Carissa (Raelynn): (lol you're fine, it was that comment by bob exactly)
Carissa (Raelynn): (Okay hold on math)
Carissa (Raelynn): (She's level 6. So if she casted on Round 3, it'd last until, now?)
Lisa (Indigo): but yes if you can cast it again Indigo would happy to have Yout carry them
Carissa (Raelynn): But next question is if Indigo needs the casting instead because of sword status?
Lisa (Indigo): they are 2 ft and Indigo is barely 4 ft being the tall halfling that he is
Lisa (Indigo): heat metal lasted 7 rds so should be done
Michael (Talwin): (Once you are off the map, I think you are safe)
Lisa (Indigo): unless FG is doing its own mystery duration
Michael (Talwin): (For at least a little)
Carissa (Raelynn): Ok good. I thought it was exact timing.
Carissa (Raelynn): I think FG is, lol
Michael (Talwin): LOL Lisa :)
BOB It lasts 7 rounds for heat metal
Carissa (Raelynn): So Yout plan should be fine to get this round gems, next round run.
Lisa (Indigo): so that is done
Carissa (Raelynn): Yes it was cast the round before resist fire
Raelynn: so both ended same time
BOB On Indigo is shows the Resist lasts until round 13
BOB and that the heat metal is off
Michael (Talwin): Then jus tpick up and run
BOB and no sorry
Carissa (Raelynn): Maybe I calculated wrong? Because if he still has resist, let's keep it and he can grab and go....nevermind?
BOB the Init is on 13
Carissa (Raelynn): Darn got my hopes up
BOB The duration was 6 rounds
Carissa (Raelynn): Told you FG isn't doing this correctly :P
BOB and I think I see where the error was
BOB Rae did not target him, just did the effect, I think that might matter
BOB but I also could be wrong we would have to test more
Carissa (Raelynn): No, I rolled directly on him.
Carissa (Raelynn): And then dragged the effect on him.
BOB but the heat metal is over
Lisa (Indigo): but we're good now?
Carissa (Raelynn): How should I have done it differently?
BOB Not sure right now Carissa
Carissa (Raelynn): Oh wait
BOB but if you have one more spell
Lisa (Indigo): she can test by targeting Yout and casting
Carissa (Raelynn): Thought for later: I did it on his icon. Maybe should have done it on CT? It seems finicky with that.
BOB OH yes
Carissa (Raelynn): For later testing, agree.
BOB on the CT shoudl work, on the map needs targeting
BOB But that is next week
BOB Rae has a spell to use
Carissa (Raelynn): And it did still cast on him from map, you'll see it in chat, but forgot FG doesn't like that.
BOB you can cast that on Youtargim
Lisa (Indigo): can we get the gems and off this map tonight pls
BOB and get off of the map
Michael (Talwin): Lol Lisa. Channeling me
Raelynn: [CAST] Endure Cold/Endure Heat [at Youtargim]
Raelynn: [EFFECT] Endure Cold [UNITS MIN] [ = 54]
Effect ['Endure Heat'] -> [to Youtargim] [by Raelynn]
Carissa (Raelynn): ......uhhh yeah it doesn't last 540 round but no worries!
Carissa (Raelynn): THAT is definitely FG confusion, lol
Lisa (Indigo): says min for minutes?
BOB chcukles but that does prove it changes based on how you cast it
Carissa (Raelynn): For cold but I undragged and thought it'd unclick it. And then dragged heat to his icon and now CT says 540 rounds
Effect ['Endure Cold'] -> [to Youtargim] [by Raelynn]
Carissa (Raelynn): Nope
BOB in the end the group gets away
BOB with 5 fire gems
Lisa (Indigo): and we only killed 7 newts
Carissa (Raelynn): I dragged Heat to CT and it gave him 540 rounds. I dragged Cold to Map Icon and it still gave him 540 rounds....
TMO (Craigh): almost one-for-one ratio
Lisa (Indigo): no more newts is good newts
Carissa (Raelynn): lmao
Carissa (Raelynn): quote
TMO (Craigh): indeed!
Michael (Talwin): 3 for the Task, 1 for the group, and 1 for our Patron.
Michael (Talwin): Thanks guys for this event. I mean, the adventure isn't over, but I feel just....relief it's over I guess for this part
Michael (Talwin): Thought I would be more excited lol
Michael (Talwin): just relieved
Lisa (Indigo): we are on the home stretch
BOB Next week at the start is the secure the gems for travel
Lemon (Daphene): Don't feel relieved yet, we still have to get out of the swamp
BOB then travel to the salamander pool
Zayden: nice :)
Lemon (Daphene): And do whatever your centaur lady wants you to do
BOB then back to the fishing village
Zayden: OOC
TMO (Craigh): dangle them in the river to cool them off
Michael (Talwin): Thanks everyone :) I realyl couldn't have done it witohout you. And yes. You are correct. I just....ugh
Michael (Talwin): lol
Shislif (Zayden): OOC
Carissa: So close I can taste it
Craigh: pats Michael on the back. "There, there..."
Michael (Talwin): Honestly, I just want to be done and have no more adventures
Michael (Talwin): lol
Lemon (Daphene): Ok Bilbo
Michael (Talwin): Not with the game, not what I meant, just no more of this
Carissa: So back to the fighting ring???
Lemon (Daphene): That's not how this game works
Michael (Talwin): lol
BOB two to four more sessions and then we will be at skipp ahead in time to do training for Talwin and anyone else who might be able to
TMO (Craigh): D&D, Afternoons at Home Edition
Lemon (Daphene): lol TMO
Daphene: D&
Lemon (Daphene): ooc
Carissa: Next story arc: Comforts of Home
Lorie: have a great week all... night
Michael (Talwin): Right now, it's D&D I'm losing my hair from nerves, and frsutration edition. LOL
Lemon (Daphene): D&D Office Simulator
'Lorie' disconnected
BOB have a great weekend
Carissa: First one: Can Talwin brew a perfect cup of tea?
Lisa: Goodnight!
Michael (Talwin): I like Carissa's "Comforts of Home" lol
Shislif (Zayden): have a great weekend thanks everyond!
Michael (Talwin): Night ALL!
Carissa: lol
Carissa: We might need it after Hell
TMO: g'nite!
Shislif (Zayden): night :)
Carissa: Or before...
'Michael' disconnected
Carissa: Night all!
'Lisa' disconnected
Lemon (Daphene): goodnight everyone
'Carissa' disconnected
'Shislif' disconnected
'Lemon' disconnected
'TMO' disconnected
[TURN] Zayden
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Fluttering beard)
[TURN] Firenewt, Normal (Rotten head)