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Chat Log - 2023 01 20 - Searching for Alexandria - Formatted - Chat

Chat log with automatic formatting applied

The group has just finished killing the three priests that seemingly appeared out of nowhere near the fires outside of the temple.

The group looks around at the three dead priests.... apparently they were guarding a pile of gold that was assembled for worshipers to take up into the temple as offerings, over 6,000 GP worth of stuff, no magic items or gems, etc. but they were guarding that pile,

Craigh: Craigh is going to sneak while under Disawareness, so he can watch the village and temple for reinforcements

That puts Craigh on the ridge to see the village and the temple at the same time

Craigh successfully hides in the shadows as he goes but does not quite move as silently as he would have liked. He looks out into the distance but doesn’t see much.

Raelynn: Hold on, Indigo! I'm coming! Did you hurt yourself?

Raelynn: You tossed your swords so fast...

Howard blindly stays in one place and whistles nervously

Talwin: Trying to view the flames for Gems in the large and hottest fire trench but isn’t finding anything and has no thoughts as to why not.

Bixi Fizzlebang: If someone wants to take me to some stone when we find the gems, I can shape it and we can carry them in there. If they aren't too big

Lanek can see that Howard is blinded

Lanek: hey, Howard, didn't that flash blind ya? I’m not gonna touch ya until yer ready for me to, but I can be yer eyes

Howard Plum: Thank you Lanek!

Licornah: Bixi, let's move over this way, I think I see a few stones over here - okay?

Licornah: :: scoops up several stones for Bixi and places them in her hand ::

Bixi Fizzlebang: Thanks... when I figure out how big the container needs to be, I'll be able to make these useful

Zayden: Find the big stones Bixi!

Indigo: Raelynn, one of the priests cast something on my swords. They are getting all hot and I can't hold them any more!

Raelynn: Oh, hold on I might have something for that.

Indigo: Thanks Raelynn

Daphene: Zayden, come with me, we'll go... away from the fire

Zayden: what right now?

Zayden: I'm blind!

Daphene: I'm going to lead you somewhere safe, nitwit

Zayden: Well I don't think name calling is necessary, we're still establishing rapport here Daphne

Daphene: Unless you WANT to stand here blind

Zayden: But fine, will you hold my hand please?

Zayden: I could reach out for your hand?

And Zayden skillfully sings a song

Zayden: Hey Daphene not sure we've formally met

Daphene: grabs Zayden’s hand. Not particularly gently.

Zayden: Hey that wasn't very gentle

Zayden: is this what our relationship is going to be like?

Zayden: I require a soft touch, also fyi

Youtargim tries to search one of the fire boxes, but unsuccessfully.

Youtargim: NOTHING OVER HERE he yells loudly from the fire pit

Craigh can see movement by the huts, nothing clear yet on advancing to your location but there are “people” moving around and getting moving

Craigh: motions with his arms for everyone to QUIET DOWN, but actually does it from behind the ridge where only friendly people can see him and not EVERYONE IN THE VILLAGE

Raelynn: Hmm, okay maybe this'll help?

Raelynn casts Resist Fire/Resist Cold on Indigo so he can pick up his swords

Raelynn: That should take care of the worse of it, and maybe you can help Talwin search? He seems... lost.

Zayden: My hearing is incredible!

Indigo: Thank you!

Raelynn: That should last a bit, but toss them again if they get too hot! Maybe we can toss them in water or something to cool them later... and don't burn your scabbards!

Indigo: picks up his swords now that he has resist fire spell on him

Licornah: Bixi, hold still going to try and remove blindness /uses daily ability to remove blindness

Zayden: Hey Bixi... are you close? I can't see...

Bixi Fizzlebang: Yes

Zayden: Hey nice how are you doing?

Talwin tries to view the flames for Gems in the medium hot fire pool, which strangely enough looks like an amoeba from above, but he isn’t finding anything and has no thoughts as to why not.

Howard Plum: Lanek, is everything all right? I should get better soon. I hope.

Lanek: yeah, everything's okay, but let's skooch over a little bit so I can look in here

Lanek looks in the cooler fire box but does not see any gems.

Lanek: I dunno, maybe it's just me. but I’m thinkin that the hotter areas are the hatchin' areas, so prolly we wanna check the cooler areas like this one for gems we can carry

Howard Plum: Ohhh, it's warm!

Talwin: That we need to check the firebox next. It seems to flow from coldest to hottest flame

Talwin: Nods at Lanek

Talwin: Good idea

Lanek: the hot ones, it's gonner be too late

Indigo: waits to see what is happening

Craigh spots movement of a Fire newt advancing from the village over towards the temple

Zayden: Daphene are you there?

Daphene: rolls eyes

Zayden: Daffolini are you there?

Daphene: I'm holding your hand still

Craigh: holds up one hand to get attention, then holds up a single finger.

Zayden: Ok I wasn't sure we never talk

Zayden: you may want to work on your communication skills in the future, just as a note

Daphene: Shhh, Craigh is signaling to be quiet

Zayden: fine

Zayden stays quiet

Daphene: hisses very quietly “It's not my fault you've been so busy oiling your rods and peeing that we haven't had a chance to talk”

Zayden whispers back: It's not about faults, just an observation

Zayden whispers back: And I won't apologize for self care

Craigh: holds up both hands with all 10 fingers spread and waves them to get attention

Talwin: Nods grimly.

Daphene: Zayden, stay with me. We're going to go look in this box, because I have a feeling we need to get out of here fast

Zayden: whoa did she leave us?

Zayden: Bixi?

Lemon (Daphene): Still holding your hand, settle down

Zayden: oh phew ok

Daphene spots a fire gem in the fire pit, but reaches in and attempts to pull it out in her excitement.... without the correct protections

and she avoids taking any damage but does not get any gem either

Daphene: Talwin, they're here!

Youtargim: Here they come!

Youtargim: Youtargim moves back to the bottom of the ridge to protect the front of the party with Talwin

Craigh: finds a place of concealment where he can keep an eye on the path. Maybe as they pass he can try to backstab the last one in line.

Raelynn: Umm, if you're good Indigo, I'm just gonna go... away from the potential fight.

Talwin: Jumps into the fire, frantically looking for gems. Where Daph?

So Talwin scoops and tosses 5 fire gems up and out

Talwin: Then let's get the fuck out of here

Each one is oblong, about 2 foot long, more of a smooth opal type of gem rather than a facet cut gem,

a dark red

Talwin: Nods thanks at Indigo

Talwin: Time to go?

Indigo: grabs a couple fire gems that Talwin tossed out

Talwin: Stuffs the rest into his own arms

Talwin: Lanek! We are Leaving!

Zayden: Still blind guys

Howard Plum: Zayden I will lead you in a moment!

Raelynn: Just hold on!

Zayden: I like it when Daphene leads me

Howard Plum: I go farther than she does.

Raelynn: You can makeup at watch. You need someone with longer legs!

Daphene: No offense Zayden, but you need to go with Howard right now

Zayden: Fine Howard

Daphene: Or we're probably both going to die

Zayden: at least it's not Lanek

Daphene: How dare you speak like that about our wise man?

Raelynn: silently agrees with Zayden

Zayden: His hands feel all waxy!

Zayden: Not my fault, wisdom is great and all, but beauty is nice too

Raelynn: Well if he'd just use the lotion I got him instead of it calling it “too girly”...

Raelynn: I agree with that, Zayden!

Zayden: Hey Tell, tell him if he doesn't use the lotion then he'll get the hose again

Zayden: So Howard, what's this about “going further?”

Youtargim: Rae are you coming?

Craigh: runs, not sprints, following the group

Raelynn: Yes, go go! I'll catch up!

Youtargim: Youtargim waits to protect Rae and run with her

Raelynn: Come on! I know you can all run farther than that!

Raelynn runs to a fork in the path where Rae can see that there is a drop off to the west there, and the path you took to get in here is off to the east

Firenewt, Normal 2 [Yuan-ti]: [Translation] LOOK THERE THEY ARE!!!!! GET THEM

Howard Plum: takes Zayden's hand and leads him away from the fire camp

Talwin runs up ahead

Licornah runs forward to join the people ahead.

Indigo moves forward.

Zayden: I'm still blind you guys!

Zayden: can you hear me!

Raelynn: Shhhh!

Zayden: I need verbal reassurance!

Howard Plum: I'll keep guiding you

Zayden: squeeze my hand please

Howard Plum: squeezes Zayden's hand

Zayden: ah that's nice, thank you Howard, you have lovely hands

Howard Plum: Thank you!

Zayden: want me to sing a song?

Zayden: of course you do

Howard Plum: Ummm ... maybe after we have escaped the newt village?

Zayden begins skillfully singing a nice tune.

Zayden: oh seriously?

Raelynn: Zayden! Be QUIET!

Zayden: ugh fine

Zayden hushes up

Howard Plum: It won't be long now

Daphene runs forward to catch up with Raelynn.

Youtargim tries unsuccessfully to break/trap the the bridge over the stream so the fire newts could not come over them

Craigh: running

Raelynn casts Warp Wood on the bridge over the stream the fire newts are close to that makes the bridge shake and crack and fall into the river

Howard Plum: Okay Zayden, let's go

Talwin runs and leaves the dangerous area of the fire newts

Indigo holds for the group to catch up

Fire newt, Normal 3 ignores the lost bridge and just goes through the water to cross the stream with a good deal of dexterity.

Zayden: Howard?! Howard are you there?!

Zayden: Can we talk now?

Howard Plum: I'm still here. Not to worry

Howard Plum: squeezes Zayden's hand again

Zayden: oh thank the heavens

Zayden: So what are we doing?

Zayden: I feel like this is some nice bonding time for you and me Howard

Howard Plum: We're winding our way back the path avoiding the hot streams

Howard Plum: smiles

Zayden: Oh I've avoided some hot streams in my day I tell you what

Zayden: It's a funny story actually

Howard Plum: Tell me

Zayden: I knew this chap, his name was Phillip

Zayden: he really liked to ethnic foods, which was fine for the most part

Zayden: to eat, excuse me

Howard Plum: Yes. That is good

Zayden: But then he “developed a relationship” with the maître de

Zayden: if you catch my drift

Zayden: and this was largely frowned upon by the purveyors

Zayden: if you catch my drift

Howard Plum: That is sad for him

Zayden: Oh it was, but they checked me to see if I had anything to do with it!

Zayden: Like I'm some kind of pimp or something, the nerve

Howard Plum: Ohhh. What happened?

Fire newt, Normal 3 claws across the stream and gets up to the group. He turned to Daphene, Bixi, and Licornah and using its innate fire newt ability, fire spurts out of his mouth upon them. All three became lightly wounded by the fire breath.

Youtargim attacks Fire newt, Normal 3 with his Scimitar, killing him.

Raelynn: is impressed.

Zayden: I did nothing! I said it was all him and I had nothing to do with it, and they believed me!

Zayden: Then they tarred and feathered Phillip... we're not friendly anymore

Howard Plum: That’s a horrible story. I hope your friend recovered

Zayden: haha it is

Howard Plum: And found a new place to eat!

Zayden: We must make space for all people, that's the lesson I learned, both the good and the bad, the rational and the irrational

Howard Plum: That is a good philosophy

Craigh continues to run forward through the brush.

Fire newt, Elite Warrior (Crestfallen reverent stride) tries to attack Licornah with an axe and misses and so breathes fire upon her, further wounding her.

Raelynn: Howard, Zayden, stop chitchatting and MOVE FASTER!

Howard Plum: Miss Raelynn can be impatient at times

Howard Plum: Time to go again Zayden

Licornah and Bixi flee the fire newt section of the swamp and follow Talwin to safety.

Indigo: drops the gems to the ground takes his swords and attacks the newt

Indigo attacks Fire newt, Elite Warrior (Crestfallen reverent stride) with his Short swords, killing him.

Fire newt, Normal (Infected left leg) tries to hit Youtargim with his Polearm, Awl pike but misses and so he breathes fire upon him, lightly wounding Youtargim.

Youtargim tries to attack Fire newt, Normal (Infected left leg) with his Scimitar, but misses.

Craigh runs and follows the others to safety.

Raelynn: Come on, come onnnn.

Fire newt, Normal 2 tries to attack Indigo with his Polearm, Awl pike, but misses. He then tries to breathe fire on him but because of the Resist Fire spell upon him, Indigo resists the flames.

Howard Plum: Zayden, we're moving again

Zayden: Howard?!

Zayden: Howard is that you?!

Howard Plum: Yes. We're safe but there are some newts near by

Zayden: oh good

Zayden: I love you Howard

Indigo attacks Fire newt, Normal 2 with his Short swords, killing him.

Zayden: hands so soft

Howard Plum: smiles

Howard Plum: Can you see yet?

Zayden: Are we still running?

Zayden: I think maybe?

Zayden: Oh Yes!

Howard Plum: Very good news!

Howard Plum: They are all running south

Zayden: Yes! The Greens! The yellows!

Howard Plum: I'll catch up to you

Zayden: South?

Raelynn: Good now RUN FASTER.

Zayden: I just got my sight back can I take a moment?

Zayden: sing a song?

Raelynn: NO!

Zayden: ugh

Zayden: fine let run!

Zayden runs

[TURN] Youtargim

Youtargim: I will run with Indigo, you all go now

Youtargim attacks Fire newt, Normal (Infected left leg) with his Scimitar, lightly wounding him.

Raelynn: rolls her eyes

Raelynn hits Fire newt, Normal (Infected left leg) with a bullet from her sling, moderately wounding him.

The time is 2:11 PM

Howard Plum: runs after the others

Indigo attacks Fire newt, Normal (Infected left leg) with his Short swords, killing him.

Raelynn: Yout, come here so I can cast on you and you can grab the gems so we can run!

Raelynn casts Endure Cold/Endure Heat on Youtargim so that he can pick up the gems Indigo dropped and carry them to safety.

Raelynn, Youtargim and Indigo run to catch up with Talwin and the others.