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Chat Log - 2023 02 10 - Searching for Alexandria - Formatted - Story

Chat log with automatic formatting applied

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'Lisa' connected

BOB Hey there Lisa

'Lorie' connected

BOB And Lorie

Lorie: Evening all - long log in time tonight (almost 4 1/2 minutes)

Lisa: Hi Lorie! :)

'Carissa' connected

BOB Carissa is here now

Lorie: It was almost 70 yesterday and tomorrow it's going to be 20...

Lorie: Evening Carissa

Lisa: Hi Carissa :)

Lisa: Ouch Lorie!

Carissa: Hi all!

Lisa: We're going from 78 to 68 with a chance of rain and everyone here is whining ...

BOB smiles

Lorie: How will you survive ;)

Branwyn: I don't know! lol

BOB Lisa you have Branwyn to update

Lorie: I miss that weather when I lived in South Florida

Branwyn: I'm checking her sheet as you type

BOB Carissa has Rae

Branwyn: hence the IC chat :)

Lorie: I miss the friends, food and weather from South Florida

Branwyn: I'm sorry for that :(

Carissa: Yup but gotta get myself settled first

Lorie: Nah, it's a trade off, my kids got a great education here in PA and experiences they can't trade. FL schools aren't quite as strong...

Lorie: Okay, so this is people updating Character sheets... for those of us who didn't level, should we wander off?

BOB I think you have good ideas to share Lorie,

BOB on what everyone should be looking at

Lorie: Hell is bad... negative plan protection would be good

Branwyn: lol

BOB Knowing that by the end of next week you need have a plan for traveling

BOB CLick off to where?

Branwyn: loosend?

BOB and a chance to plan for the future past including Hell and then beyond

Lorie: :: shrug :: I don't have a character that leveled or has training to do

Carissa: I liked Loosend

Lorie: I'd like to hear what Lisa has planned so far -- this is really her part of the show...

Branwyn: it's the place we lose the ship so unless we want more river travel that is where we should click to

Raelynn: Rae still says Level 6 even though the XP is over?

Branwyn: well ... plans are contingent on some things

Raelynn: Oh I can change that. Go figure.

BOB I can for you Carissa

BOB and it will autoupdate HP etc

N'laea: Loosend is good for the ship. It's good to catch up a few threads traveling back. And it's good to have more *minor* encounters until we hit Hell.

N'laea: I don't roll for HP now?

Lisa: Branwyn was supposed to be doing research. I don't have the results of that. We are also hopefully getting more info from the book she is going to steal and then hopefully from TMO's new character, Fives

BOB You can drop N'laea

Lisa: We saw the Hell Book but after it marked Branwyn it got shut and packed up in a crate

Carissa: Ugh I don't have a nice way to add new spells in FG like I did for kLoOge

Carissa: Dropped both until you say otherwise

Lisa: so hopefully there is more info in there

Lorie: Okies... I'll sit tight

'Michael' connected

BOB Hello Michael

'Spring' connected

Lisa: There are 2 guardians - one that is chasing after Branwyn and one that sits waiting for the book - I am hoping if we can just get to the hell guardian, hand him the book, tell him to get this mark off her, we can say thank you and leave

Carissa: We go to Hell, we return the book, badaboom badabing done.

BOB and Hello Spring

Lisa: simple, right?

Carissa: Yup. Will definitely be that simple!

Lisa: :D

Lorie: Evening Spring

Lisa: Hi Michael and Spring :)

Carissa: Hi Spring and Michael!

BOB for Carissa, I can update Rae now, then we can reroll the HP if you want to

Lorie: What's the plan for all the evil that will be oozing about? I know my plan ... but curious for those of you without natural immunity

=== Advancing Cleric to level 8 ===

Gained weapon a proficiency slot for leveling.

Turning improves by 8

Divine spellcasting level is now 8

Updated Divine spell level 3 slots by 1

Updated Divine spell level 4 slots by 1

'Raelynn' gained level 8 in Cleric. Gained 3 additional HP.

One level of class 'Cleric' added to 'Raelynn'.

Feature 'Believers' added to 'Raelynn'.

___ COMPLETED Cleric to level 8 ___

Lorie: Evening Michael

Carissa: Yes please to Rae

Lorie: Unless you're all taking an alignment change :: laughs ::

BOB So Rae is now 8th Level and gained 3 HP plus the other things

Spring: hi everybody!

Branwyn: Hi hi :)

Branwyn: Use Jennevive as an evil shield/sponge?

Carissa: Approved

Carissa: No no

Carissa: Rae is 7

Carissa: I was able to change it from 6 to 7

Carissa: I mean not that I wuldn't say no to a free level, but not sure that's fair :P

Carissa: And only 3 HP??

Spring: sounds lawful good to me

BOB chuckles changing the level number did not actually change things

Carissa: [d10 = 7]

Carissa: Oh wait it was d 8,....

Carissa: [d8 = 3]

Carissa: ....yeah okay 3

BOB So if you changed then I will have to deal with goign back, it might have given more things

BOB sorry

Carissa: I didn't change anything

Branwyn: Bob - not all of Bran's 2 slot nwp are showing here

Carissa: Just that single level and it didn't look like it did anything

Branwyn: spirit lore takes 2 slots

Carissa: But Rae should gain 4th level spells which I'm guessing I have to add, plus HP, and maybe new saves.

BOB Yes to Lisa

Branwyn: alchemy takes 2

Branwyn: these might be the extra ones you were seeing

Branwyn: only herbalism is sowing as 2 on my sheet

Branwyn: showing

Branwyn: so I think I'm correct

Branwyn: lower plane knowledge is also a 2 slot nwp

Michael: Hey Everyone!!!!

Branwyn: I pick expensive nwps it seems

Spring: hi!

Branwyn: Hi Michael

Michael: Hm, must be doing a load because I have some slight lag. I'll say hi when I can see everyone :)

BOB Ok, so going with Lisa knowing her slots and is complete

BOB for Carissa, check on Rae and make sure what happened when I did her level increase

BOB and if you have new wrong things

BOB before I start changing other characters

Lisa: so moving on to Indigo

BOB Before you do LIsa

Raelynn: It still says 8 lvl and she gained believers which is a 8 level thing.

Lisa: yes?

Raelynn: Checking spells real quick before I release

BOB trying to keep this organized

BOB Branwyn, is done?

Lisa: as far as I can see

Lisa: I went through the leveling list

BOB Carissa is checking n what training Rae needs correct?

Carissa: No change to spells.

Carissa: Rae just needs access to 4th level spells for training. Easy to do on sheet on my side, but will need to add that to time here, yes.

Carissa: So she'll visit her old templer :P

Carissa: *Temple. Maybe she has an old templer ex too, who knows.

BOB Do not add it to her sheet yet

Michael: Ah, I loaded. hi everyone! And I'll be quiet for now :)

Carissa: Not adding anything until you say so

BOB I am trying to organize what everyone needs so we know the time line

Carissa: Hi Michael! Where you can see it!

Lisa: lol

Michael: Er, this chat instead of discord? Sorry if I misunderstood :(

Spring: hahaha hi Michael visibly!

Michael: :)

Lisa: Hi Michael

Michael: Hello! Have you guys raked in the XP?

BOB All the XP was awarded over the week

BOB We are now on Indigo

Michael: Sigh. On the site? I can pop in and look?

Michael: My bad

=== Advancing Fighter to level 9 ===

THACO updated to new value of 12

Gained weapon a proficiency slot for leveling.

Gained non-weapon a proficiency slot for leveling.

Save for petrification improved to 9

Save for polymorph improved to 9

Save for breath improved to 9

'Indigo' gained level 9 in Fighter. Gained 9 additional HP.

One level of class 'Fighter' added to 'Indigo'.

Feature 'Men at Arms' added to 'Indigo'.

___ COMPLETED Fighter to level 9 ___

BOB There you go Lisa

BOB I am guessing 9 HP is what you want to keep

Lisa: is wp and nwp is going to take some time but I wil check the rest

BOB nods

Lisa: FG rolled me a 9 out of 10 hp?

BOB Yeap

Lisa: how nice of it

Lisa: Yes I'll take that

BOB Now for N'laea

=== Advancing Ranger to level 10 ===

THACO updated to new value of 11

Divine spellcasting level is now 3

Updated Divine spell level 2 slots by 1

Updated Skill: Ranger: Move Silently base_check to new value of 75

Updated Skill: Ranger: Hide in Shadows base_check to new value of 66

'N'laea' gained level 10 in Ranger. Gained 3 additional HP.

One level of class 'Ranger' added to 'N'laea'.

Feature 'Followers' added to 'N'laea'.

___ COMPLETED Ranger to level 10 ___

Lisa: since he will never level again :)

BOB So now that is N'laea

Michael: Oh we say that every time Lisa :)

Carissa: One sec

Indigo: it took him years as a henchman to get to 9

Carissa: I'm putting it all on site for you to figure out timeline.

BOB So 3 HP? or re-roll and keep it

Michael: Let's just kill about 50 Arch Liches and we'll level him up no time. We gotta pump those stats!

Indigo: much slower for him than the main PCs

Carissa: 3 for who?

BOB N'laea

Carissa: [d8 = 5]

Carissa: 5 is better :P

BOB Ok will add that

Indigo: better

Carissa: It is d8 for her yeah?

BOB Updated for you

Carissa: Thanks!

Carissa: So both good for me to check now?

BOB so Lisa and Carissa are good to go

Carissa: (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

BOB Next up is Spring with Lanek

Carissa: For timeline for mine. Plus request for Bran and request for Bixi

BOB Then Lemon has both of her's

Lisa: am looking at proficiencies now but the rest should be good

BOB and so Spring you are ready?

=== Advancing Thief to level 8 ===

Gained weapon a proficiency slot for leveling.

Gained non-weapon a proficiency slot for leveling.

'Lanek' gained level 8 in Thief. Gained 6 additional HP.

One level of class 'Thief' added to 'Lanek'.

___ COMPLETED Thief to level 8 ___

Spring: uh yeah i guess

BOB So there you go 1 more thief level to train for, plus a new WP and a new NWP and you got 6 HP

Spring: yay

Spring: i guess training is at Iler's guild

Spring: Ilero even

Michael: Don't forget that you can also use a WP as a NWP (although depends on what you want to do, just helpful because I forget sometimes)

Spring: thanks!

BOB You can train here while Talwin is doing his training

Michael: Just not the otherway around

Michael: :)

Lisa: This is what the site says and why I thought going for high mastery wouldn't get Indigo anything with a sword - am I missing something?

BOB that is what I am plotting out

Spring: oh well okay then

Lisa: By spending a second slot on Mastery, a character can become a High Master. By this time, the character has spent four slots on a single weapon and is at least 8th level. High masters increase the speed factor of their chosen weapon by one category; for example, a slow weapon in the hands of a high master is automatically considered to be of average speed. High masters who specialize in bows, crossbows or slings gain a new range category: extreme range. For all weapons, extreme range is 1/3 farther than long range. For example, if a weapon has a normal maximum range of 120, in the hands of a master it can shoot 160. Extreme range shots have a –10 penalty to hit before adjustments are made for the effects of mastery.

BOB So we are good except for Lemon

Michael: Do you get an extra attack with High Master lisa?

Lisa: doesn't say so

Michael: Ah

Lisa: just says he's faster

BOB Correct with Lisa not any real point for Indigo with short swords

Lisa: it looks like it would make a difference if he was a range weapon master

Lisa: ok

Michael: No damage increase either?

Michael: Huh

BOB Man Sized would be because it would bring their speeds down to Indigo's current level

Raelynn: Spells are missing.... again....

BOB What do you mean Carissa?

Lisa: cries for Carissa

Raelynn: I'm trying to add her new spells. Just looking at the All Sphere, and none of the 4th level ones are on that list.

Raelynn: Let me double check I have all the books loaded, but I think so...

Raelynn: I know I keep saying this, but it's a freakin' headache.

BOB It also might be somethign taht I have to add from my side for you

BOB is why I am walking through this slowly

Raelynn: Yes we've already had to side add some

Raelynn: But that means I need to sit down, write out what she SHOULD have, see what is missing, and all that. So... give me at least a few minutes to organize this crap

BOB ok

Raelynn: But until then, quick question: how do I add another WP for N'laea? Just add another +1 to bows for that?

BOB I am in voice also if anyone needs

BOB If you want to be better at Bows?

BOB She is a Ranger she cannot specialize

'Lemon' connected

Raelynn: Yes I know

BOB So cannot just add to Bows

Raelynn: But we were able to stack the WP in bow or something?

BOB That would be specializing

Raelynn: We did something that made sense, man.

Raelynn: So what can she do with a WP slot?

Lemon: hello everyone

Raelynn: Hi Lemon!

Michael: Hi Lemon!

BOB As a Ranger she can use it to learn a new weapon, she can use to to learn a new NWP

BOB those are the two choices

Spring: hi Lemon

Raelynn: Hmmm.... no I swear we did something else that WASN'T specializing but did make her better at bows when we created her...

BOB OR you can pick a Weapon of Choice


<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Raelynn: Oh maybe that's what it was

Raelynn: I bet you that's what it was and her weapon of choice was bows

BOB For a Ranger 1 slot to learn the weapon, 1 slot for Weapon of Choice, then that is the best they can get for To Hit

Raelynn: So the new WP cannot be used for it?

BOB If she has already spent a slot on it no,

BOB She can do Expertise in Bows

Raelynn: Damn it but I want her to be the goddess of bow use!

Raelynn: Go on...

BOB But that only allows an extra attack

BOB No bonuses to damage or to hit

Raelynn: She's already at 2/3 which I always wanted to double check but I can't find our old chat about it

Raelynn: So with bows she'd hit 3 times?

Lisa: Hi Lemon - sorry for delay. I was perusing nwps for Indigo

Lorie: How far into hell are we headed again? 3rd level or lower?

Lisa: That's the question - I don't know which level we need to go to

BOB For Rae she would gain a Quick Shot ability for Weapon Expertise, meaning she can shoot at the beginning of the round before Init

Raelynn: This is for Nlaea

Raelynn: Rae didn't gain any WP or NWP

BOB sorry

BOB N'laea

BOB Seeing the name you are using

Lorie: Trying to discern if we need heat or cold protection... thanks

Carissa: Oh well that sounds handy. I think... but it'd just be the before round hit?

Carissa: There released her since I'm doing spell listing anyways


Carissa: So choices so far are: NWP, new weapon, shoot before init starts

BOB Not an extra attack, just the ability to move 1 attack to the beginning of the round

BOB Yes to Carissa

BOB Each round she could shoot before anyone else goes

BOB BUT that uses one of her attacks

Carissa: Yeah but if we have a spellcaster that needs to be hit before he casts... :P

Carissa: I can also not do that, and have her shoot twice her turn, yes?

BOB Michael, Lorie, Sharif (Not here currently), TMO (not here currently) do not have new things to update for their characters

BOB Yes to Carissa

BOB Lisa, Carissa, Lemon, Spring have updates

Carissa: Okay I think I want to do that unless players with fighters have opinions on it they think I should consider

Lisa: Raelynn and Craigh have rope use nwp?

Carissa: No for Rae

Carissa: But Craigh does

BOB Licornah needs 22K more so quite possible at the end of the Era for her to level

Carissa: Rae just has a lasso and a lucky shot sometimes.

Carissa: Not sure how to add the bow thing to N'laea's sheet if you're able to mark that somehow

Lisa: considering that we get sent hellhounds and fire elementals I don't think it will be a cold day in hell for us Lorie

Lisa: but that is my guess

BOB 24K for Howard, so not as close

Lisa: sorry Carissa my head is only half here - if you think it is useful and want it - go for it :)

BOB Only 5k more for Craigh so very close

Lisa: I'm debating whether to do useful or non useful nwp

BOB 6K for Zayden

Carissa: Sounds like my earlier dilemma Lisa, lol

BOB So after everyone is home from Hell we will do this again for those two maybe three

Carissa: I think I settled on sometimes useful, but not as useful as one or two others could be

BOB Three maybe four

BOB so tonight and next week is why we are going through this with a fine tooth comb

Lorie: There are cold layers... depends on where we land

BOB Very much so to Lorie and Lisa for the various levels, and potential issues

BOB As Lisa pointed out Branwyn is doing some research but will know more once the book is in hand

BOB But Licornah will also have potential insights because she knows more about traveling the planes,

Lisa: back and forth between rope use or drinking :)

BOB Lemon are you ready?

Lisa: Bob - Indigo will go ahead and use his wp on the pick so he can actually use it without a penalty

Lemon: sure?

BOB Yes to Lisa

Lemon: I do have food on the way so I will need to stop an answer the door at some point, but otherwise, I'm here

BOB and so Lemon updating Daphene for you

=== Advancing Fighter to level 4 ===

THACO updated to new value of 17

'Daphene' gained level 4 in Fighter. Gained 10 additional HP.

One level of class 'Fighter' added to 'Daphene'.

___ COMPLETED Fighter to level 4 ___

Carissa: lol Lisa

Carissa: Doesn't Bran have drinking? Because then they could have a contest...

BOB Nice roll, 10 out of 10 for HP

Lemon: And you have... about 90% of my attention

Michael: I'll be right back :)

Spring: Looks like Lanek should do Knife for WP and Rope Use for NWP

Spring: those are more in character

Lisa: no changed her at the last minute to lower planes knowledge

BOB Thank you Spring, I will be asking for all the details in a moment

Spring: wait, he might already have knife. i didn't open up the sheet, didn't want to disrupt

Lisa: ok if Lanek gets rope use I won't do that for Indigo

BOB chuckles disrupt away

Spring: oh i think he has dagger

Spring: it wouldn'

Spring: t hurt to have 2 with rope use

Spring: it's been handy having 2 with boating

BOB So Lemon you saw the update in Thaco and HP automatically occurred

BOB so Daphene is up to date

Lemon: I did?

BOB and is 5K way from leveling again

BOB It is there in the chat, grins

Carissa: It doesn't show us in chat

Lemon: I don't know what that means, but I believe you


BOB Now for Bixi's updates

=== Advancing Cleric to level 8 ===

Turning improves by 8

Divine spellcasting level is now 8

Updated Divine spell level 3 slots by 1

Updated Divine spell level 4 slots by 1

'Bixi Fizzlebang' gained level 8 in Cleric. Gained 4 additional HP.

One level of class 'Cleric' added to 'Bixi Fizzlebang'.

Feature 'Believers' added to 'Bixi Fizzlebang'.

___ COMPLETED Cleric to level 8 ___

=== Advancing Illusionist to level 7 ===

Arcane spellcasting level is now 7

Updated Arcane spell level 2 slots by 1

Updated Arcane spell level 4 slots by 2

'Bixi Fizzlebang' gained level 7 in Illusionist. Gained 2 additional HP.

One level of class 'Illusionist' added to 'Bixi Fizzlebang'.

___ COMPLETED Illusionist to level 7 ___

BOB That updates Bixi on both Illusionist side and on the Priest side

BOB No new Weapon or Non-Weapon slots to consider

BOB But has more spells to cast of various levels

BOB and added her Hit Points

Lemon: ummm.... no thank you to more spells, gods

'Michael' disconnected

BOB So now Lemon can settle in with Bixi at this level

BOB will take an additional 182,000 XP to go up in level again

Spring (Lanek): oh i was wrong, it's hand axe that Lanek already has, as well as short sword. knife would be a good addition

BOB The reason this is all important is now we can work out how many weeks the group is in Dryads Lair for training

BOB Carissa what is Rae training for?

BOB Expertise only? or that and something?

Raelynn: Only her priest level. She did not gain any NWP or WP

BOB Sorry that was N'laea

BOB Rae is a Priest level

Raelynn: N'laea is training for the bow thing and veterinary healing.

BOB But is not here so can be off stage left

Raelynn: Yes

BOB So for Spring what is Lanek training for?

BOB I have 3 things

'Michael' connected

BOB One thief level,1 NWP and one WP

Lanek: one thief, rope use, knife


BOB So from Longest to Shortest training times

BOB Lanek is 21 weeks, Indigo is 14 weeks, Talwin is 7 weeks

BOB Rae is 3 weeks

Michael: Cool :)

Raelynn: Sweet. Rae can visit family and do a seance in her spare time...???

BOB Is everyone ok with skipping ahead by 21 weeks?

BOB 7 months of time

Spring (Lanek): i'm cool with it

Indigo: okay

Michael: Does that mean we are all missing adventures?

Raelynn: taking that long to add spells so sure

Michael: Or just for training

BOB That is just training Michael

Indigo: are you adding up the costs so I can take them out of the party pack funds?

Michael: Ok. Just verifying. TY

BOB I will do that next Lisa

BOB wanted to verify length first

Lemon: where are we going to stay for 7 months?

Lemon: Also why do the months only have three weeks

BOB Grins, I have ideas Lemon

BOB and that is the calendar

BOB three weeks of 9 days each

BOB 28 days in a month

Lemon: I will need TMO to check that math for me


<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Licornah: I'll use these 7 months to learn all I can about the area, make friends with the priests, furry creatures and figure out what is in the place where I live

Lemon: I will need TMO to check that spreadsheet for me

BOB Yes to Lorie

Lemon: And why no one has heard of Silvermoon

Lemon: ?

Lemon: Because I feel like that needs to be explored

BOB brb empty and refilling

Licornah: (Lorie knows...:( )

Lemon: Well the rest of us don't, and apparently Licornah doesn't

Lorie (Licornah): (BOB is evil and has cursed me... it's the only logical explanation)

Spring (Lanek): hahahah

Lisa: if it's in the city we can crash at the ambassador's house, right?

Michael: LOL

BOB back

BOB and Lisa should not be thinking ahead

BOB wink

BOB Spring I need you to roll a d100 please

BOB Lower is better

Lanek: [d100 = 69]

Lemon: I'm going to wait until I eat before saying more things, because I feel the hanger coming lol

Lanek: "dude, 69!"

Lisa: lol

Lemon: lol

Raelynn: noic

Raelynn: e

Spring (Lanek): and also hanger

BOB So for Lisa's ledger, 45,000 GP for total in training

Spring (Lanek): i have eaten several times already and still hungry and frustrated

Carissa (Raelynn): also so why is it NOW that Rae learns an AOE fire protection spell???

Spring (Lanek): trying to get the sugar monster off my back

BOB PLUS Lanek "had an issue" and owes someone in the city an adventure

Spring (Lanek): i the wha?

Spring (Lanek): Lanek's issues tend to be mishaps while drunk

Spring (Lanek): but sometimes mishaps while sober

Lisa: good for hell though?

BOB while training

BOB Yes we are leaving that to a future moment

Lisa: Lanek had an issue with someone? Say it isn't so!

Spring (Lanek): so does he have to take someone ON an adventure?

Spring (Lanek): oh future, okay

Lemon: Not Lanek the wise man, no way

Spring (Lanek): he's gonna be even grumpier than usual

BOB I will be determining that and giving Spring the details so that Lanek can spring it on everyone later on

Spring (Lanek): if at all possible

Spring (Lanek): roger roger

Lisa: spring springs the news

Lanek: it sounds like "boin-oi-oi-oi-oing!!!"

Spring (Lanek): well i still flubbed it, but you get it

Lisa: :D

Raelynn: OMG this spell puts someone in a giant hamster ball?!

Lemon: Wait, what!? Now I want to see my new spells

Raelynn: Sorry FG is lagging I'm trying to share it...

BOB And so now we test how quick people are on their feet

Otiliuke's Resilient Sphere

Spring (Lanek): i'm standing up already!

Spring (Lanek): i win

Jennevive: Branwyn, will you have enough... space? power? Grasp? To take all four of us to Dryads Lair?

Spring (Lanek): feeding doggies

Bixi Fizzlebang: I don't see any new spells

Carissa (Raelynn): Okay I think I got spells. I'll share on Discord the ones I copuldn't find

User has gone AFK. (Spring)

Carissa (Raelynn): (You have to add them yourself... if you are at a level to gain new ones)

Bixi Fizzlebang: whaaaaat howwwwww, that sounds terrible

Bixi Fizzlebang: How do I know what to add?

BOB I will remind everyone that so far EVERYTHING is Out of Character

BOB Up until that line I just typed

Bixi Fizzlebang: yeah that's why i i'm whining about spells and not bothering to hit ooc

Bixi Fizzlebang: and we are ignoring that line you just typed

BOB It just makes more work for people when editing chat later on

Lemon: fine but my questions remain

Carissa (Raelynn): I can help you later Lemon if you have new spells. I'm going from the spell data list on site, then looking on FG to see which ones I have and which are missing, but you have to load most the modules... it's work.

Branwyn: people? lol

Carissa (Raelynn): What spell is Bixi for Priest and for Mage? She leveled both, right?

Jennevive: Well if you just look at people then you could take a whole gaggle of gnomes

Lisa: don't worry about it, you need to be IC to edit your sheet

User is back. (Spring)

Branwyn: Jenn, I can teleport up to 700 pounds. I certainly hope that means I can take 4 people. Just not lots of luggage as well

Jennevive: What luggage do they need? They can shop

Lemon: Yeah, this is going to have to be a tomorrow thing, my brain is not ready for work tonight

Jennevive: Looks back at the group riding behind with the Queen

Branwyn: Well when we went we needed to go by ship.

Carissa (Raelynn): Fair, but at least tell me what Priest and Mage level Bixi is so I can see IF you need to worry about it :P

Jennevive: You were an emergency

Branwyn: Are they taking Ashcroft Manor

Branwyn: laughs

Branwyn: When are things around me not an emergency?

Jennevive: That is why you are so much fun

Jennevive: Certainly Ashcroft Manor

Branwyn: Even in my old age?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): priest 8, illusionist 7

Jennevive: LOL and in my crone years

Branwyn: I wish Mistress Finefur good luck

Jennevive: It will do her good to be whisked away and learn to balance again

Jennevive: She is a good child, young, but actually older than you were when you went

Jennevive: She will do well once she gets that cold water shock

Branwyn: I'm sure she will be fine

Carissa (Raelynn): Dang already??

Carissa (Raelynn): So she should already be able to cast level 4 spells as a priest. If you do not have level 4 spells as a priest, we'll need to add them

Jennevive: He on the other hand

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): i do not

BOB That will need training then Lemon/Carissa

Carissa (Raelynn): Okay I can look that up after I finish my characters.

BOB And we need to add that to the list

Lisa (Branwyn): the difference between the main PCs and the henchmen leveling

Carissa (Raelynn): And yes to that

Carissa (Raelynn): I don't know how mage level works except she can try ot relearn spells...?

Jennevive: He will be very interesting

Carissa (Raelynn): I'm surprised Bixi didn't train her priest level earlier actually... but we have 7 months so time wise it doesn't matter

Jennevive: He was in prison for a decent ammount of time after his rebellion

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Did I mean to but didn't realize I had to add all the spells? That's a thing that could have happened to me lol

Jennevive: I wonder what he will use this new freedom for

Branwyn: I am surprised that he was chosen until the Queen said his grand daughter was with her

Jennevive: to earn a spot to come back home?

Branwyn: That should keep him in line

Jennevive: Exactly

Carissa (Raelynn): lol yes it could have so we can check chat from last big level up

Jennevive: I wanted her to suceed because that was a better outcome than the boring rebels take over and bring back the old guard

Branwyn: He should enjoy himself in the city. Has to be better than the swamp and then the cell he came from

Jennevive: What will he get out of it?

Jennevive: True

Jennevive: and maybe his family will want to visit

Jennevive: The Queen has returned to a normal 5 year term for the Ambassadors

Jennevive: so these two will have time to adjust and learn

Branwyn: Good. Better them than us

Carissa (Raelynn): FG did not update Rae's THAC0 just FYI. I double checked it just now.

Raelynn: [SAVE] vs. Paralyzation [d20 = 13]

Save [13] [Target 9] -> [for Raelynn] [SUCCESS]

Carissa (Raelynn): And apparently I can only roll not change it.

Jennevive: I do want to visit the Celestry for some thoughts on our library in Hell

Carissa (Raelynn): Oooh wait I think I can change it...

Branwyn: Anything we can do to help will be much appreciated

Lisa (Branwyn): you can do

Raelynn: [SAVE] vs. Paralyzation [d20 = 1]

Save [1] [Target 7] -> [for Raelynn] [FAILURE]

Jennevive: So how fast can we get them there?

Carissa (Raelynn): yup apparently so thanks!

Branwyn: As soon as they are ready, we can go

Carissa (Raelynn): I ALMOST FORGOT HER CHA INCREASE! Whew. That would have been bad.

Raelynn: [CHECK] Charisma (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 8]

Raelynn: [CHECK] Charisma (vs. Target 17) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 13]

Jennevive: It is the 4th, we have at least 4 more days until we reach Jistille

Carissa (Raelynn): (sorry...want to check this but I know it might be annoying while you talk)

Jennevive: so say on the 10th?

Jennevive: From your own little bit of sunshine?

Jennevive: Or do you want to go farther away from Dragon Fen before taking them along on your magic carpet?

Branwyn: Yes we just need to get to the Inn. You will love it. It is amazing

Jennevive: Red likes it

Branwyn: The Inn is fine. I really don't want to travel with them all the way to Loose ...

Branwyn: Red?

Jennevive: You do have one of the most valuable spots in the Kingdom

Branwyn: He must not be causing trouble ... yet. Or I would have heard

Jennevive: The last I had heard he was in Loosend,

Jennevive: He was due at the Royal Estates with us but obviously did not make an appearance

Jennevive: so I take it something delayed him

Branwyn: I can't say I'm sorry to have missed him

Jennevive: Without Indigo here, it would not be quite as much fun

Jennevive: Smiles

Branwyn: Jenn, why don't you have Kenna and Shi take a look at you when we get back. They might be able to help you

Jennevive: Help with what?

Branwyn: With the acid burns

Jennevive: Chuckles

Jennevive: I do miss traveling with you


BOB Done

BOB Now back to Rae and Bixi character sheets

BOB and Lisa updating Indigo

BOB etc

Branwyn: why wouldn't she want to fix her face?

BOB smiles a chance to explore that later

Lisa: yes

-------------------------------------------------- Application Slash Commands [required] <optional> -------------------------------------------------- /action [message] /clear /closewindow [windowclass] <datapath> /console /debug [on|off] /dicevolume [0-100|on|off] /die [diceexpr] <message> /emote [message] /gc /imagequality [0-3] /info /kick [username] /mood ([mood]) <message> /mood [mood] <message> /ooc [message] /openwindow [windowclass] <datapath> /random [number] /reload /roll [diceexpr] <message> /save /scaledice <80-120> /scaleui <50-200> /story [message] /version /vote <message> /vsync [0-4]

-------------------------------------------------- Ruleset Slash Commands [required] <optional> -------------------------------------------------- /addalleffect /afk /author /buildeffect /effectbuilder /export /exportchar /exportnpc /ffal /FFAL /flushdb /gmid [name] /id [name] /importchar /importnpc /linkcheck /mod [number] <message> /option [option_name] <option_value> /options /or [query] /powerup /powerupman /preferences /r [message] /readycheck /rollon [table name] <-c [column name]> <-d dice> <-hide> /RR /RRclientsaves /RRconsole /RRdebug /RRrolls /RRstaged /settings /spokenby /spokenbyp /w [charactername] [message] /whospeaks

BOB ?here

-------------------------------------------------- Application Slash Commands [required] <optional> -------------------------------------------------- /action [message] /clear /closewindow [windowclass] <datapath> /console /debug [on|off] /dicevolume [0-100|on|off] /die [diceexpr] <message> /emote [message] /gc /imagequality [0-3] /info /kick [username] /mood ([mood]) <message> /mood [mood] <message> /ooc [message] /openwindow [windowclass] <datapath> /random [number] /reload /roll [diceexpr] <message> /save /scaledice <80-120> /scaleui <50-200> /story [message] /version /vote <message> /vsync [0-4]

-------------------------------------------------- Ruleset Slash Commands [required] <optional> -------------------------------------------------- /addalleffect /afk /author /buildeffect /effectbuilder /export /exportchar /exportnpc /ffal /FFAL /flushdb /gmid [name] /id [name] /importchar /importnpc /linkcheck /mod [number] <message> /option [option_name] <option_value> /options /or [query] /powerup /powerupman /preferences /r [message] /readycheck /rollon [table name] <-c [column name]> <-d dice> <-hide> /RR /RRclientsaves /RRconsole /RRdebug /RRrolls /RRstaged /settings /spokenby /spokenbyp /w [charactername] [message] /whospeaks

Carissa (N'laea): Rae should be done minus those missing spells

BOB so checking those spells now on the site for you Carissa

BOB on Rae correct?

Carissa (N'laea): Yes and those are on the spell data parts of the site but are NOT on FG.

Carissa (N'laea): Or I don't have the right module loaded, but I have most loaded so not sure how I missed it

BOB Abjure added

Carissa (N'laea): Ty

BOB The others we need to create for FG

Carissa (N'laea): TMO put the others in Bran's Oddball List, I think. So we just can ask him nicely :)

Carissa (N'laea): Not the first time Rae had spells added

Carissa (N'laea): And I think N'laea is good to go now, too. Checked THAC0 and fixed it as well.

Carissa (Raelynn): I can put together a list for Priest Spells Bixi should know now, too, if I'm not needed IC atm.

Carissa (Raelynn): Since my characters *should* be good now.

'TMO' connected



Carissa (Raelynn): Someone else will have to help Lemon with whatever new level for mage might mean (looks at Lisa...?)

Carissa (Raelynn): Hi TMO!

BOB I am researchign where those spells are for Rae now

Michael: HeyTMO!

Spring (Lanek): hi TMO!

TMO: ah, comments coming in, so looks like I might be Live

Lisa: Hi TMO :)

TMO: greetings friends! What deviltry shall we beget tonight?

Licornah: (Evening TMO)

Spring: math


BOB Back

TMO: As Craigh is not one of those beset by the ills of level advancement, how and whom can I assist?

BOB Updated on the Discord for the details on which Spells that Rae would like to have added

TMO: Oh posh... sounds like *work*

TMO: This is supposed to be FUN

Lorie (Licornah): (BOB, any ETA on when you'll be done with character stuff?)

Bixi Fizzlebang: TMO can you confirm that 21 weeks in this game's calendar is 7 months?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ooc

BOB By the end of tonight I want to have it all tidied up

BOB Question for you Lorie, click back to Loosend to return the ship? or click back even closer to home?

Lorie (Licornah): (Home = where the fog makes me sick for a week, no thanks. I planned to spend the 7 months in and out of town ... not necessarily in a lodge.)

TMO: roughly speaking it is. His months are 3x10 day-long weeks, plus a day

BOB For Lemon, Everyone month starts with a 1 day holiday, followed by three weeks of 9 days each to make every month equal 28 days

TMO: whoops, miscounted. 9 day weeks

TMO: Egyptians used 10 day

BOB OH for that part yes Lorie you have LOTS of options during these 7 months to explore safely, spend time comuning and learning

Bixi Fizzlebang: I just need a yes or no, not an explanation, all of this goes over my head because numbers. Story problems man.

BOB Yes then for Lemon

BOB When we resume it will be roughly the 12th day of the 8th month

Lorie (Licornah): (Return the ship where we get our deposit :: cough :: back and keep a decent reputation)

TMO: except when the left moon is green, and the upper quadrangle is in retrograde...

'Michael' disconnected

BOB Currently it was the 6th day of the 1st month when you encountered the dragon

BOB Agreed with Lorie on the ship, grins

Lorie (Licornah): (and make nice-nice with the harbor folks... so that when the next group of Dragonslayers visits, it won't be them spitting on the ground)

BOB Also TMO you day that Craigh did not level up but is very close

BOB saw

Image: Dryads Lair City

BOB For Lorie

Image: Dryads Lair Residence Renovated First Floor

BOB And the Ashcroft Palace first floor, the residence of the Drillian Ambassador

Craigh: hadn't, actually, but I see that now. To the midget mud wrasslin to pick up the rest of the XP!

Lisa: long time no see

Image: Dryads Lair Residence Renovated Second Floor

Lisa: lol TMO

Licornah: (BOB, can you verify the image you sent me? Because that's an X with a ? -- not sure that's what Dryad's Lair looks like)

BOB Yeap sent the wrong one

Image: Dryads Lair Full City Map

BOB I will make sure all the links are correct as needed

Bixi Fizzlebang: I need a yes or no from TMO, I already know what BOB's math says and I do not trust it

BOB For Lorie and Lemon (and Sharif when he is here) that map of the City of Dryads lair shows the scale of how large the city is.

Licornah: (I'll try and make nice with any farmers too... since I have agriculture)

BOB Definately lots of farmers out in the Principality

Craigh: Lemon: 7 months = 21 weeks. That is what you asked, correct?

Lorie (Licornah): (I can get a job for the season... make some side coppers)

BOB Ashcroft Manor is the large palace just west of the actual Palace/Hightowers that is on the river

BOB It is the second largest building in the city, after Hightowers, and only slightly larger footprint than the Grand Celestry

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Also hadn't we already discussed what our return route was going to be? Possibly on the OOC page?

Craigh: We call it "home away from home"

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): correct, TMO

TMO (Craigh): whoops. ooc

BOB and Branwn picked that to be the new Ambassadors residence when they were here for a year of Branwyn being the Ambassador

User has gone AFK. (TMO)

TMO: wrong switch

BOB Yes for Lorie, and there are woods just north of the wall, but dangerous to visit

Lisa: because we had an army of people - I am glad we did pick that one over the other choices

Lisa: It was nice

BOB Yes to Lisa it was a good choice

Lorie (Licornah): (Meh, I survived a red dragon... fear is for the weak LOL )

TMO: how many of the PCs currently here were involved in that? I was Ilero and Shur then, not Craigh. Indigo was there.

BOB Indigo, Howard

BOB That is it

Lisa: Tiberius

BOB Not here, grins

Lisa: well yes

BOB Even adding Tiberius and Branwyn

BOB Snee was from here, Kenna was on that trip

Carissa: You picked up Shi and Kel at the end othe trip

BOB Johan

Carissa: Middle of it?

BOB End of the trip yes

Carissa: Somewhere

BOB Last few weeks

BOB In any case only Howard and Indigo of the current group have been in the city before as active characters

BOB Rae has history here though

Lisa: her human half?

BOB At this point it feels like things went much smoother and quicker than I thought. Just Bixi and Rae to tweak and wrap up. Lisa are you good with Indigo?

BOB OH Spring I am sorry

TMO: Craigh will spend his time enjoying city life again for a while, listening for good rumors, always with an eye toward any fun magic that might be obtained, preferably by legal means.

BOB You need to add the extra percentages to Lanek's thief skills

BOB He has 15 points to sped

Lisa: I don't know how to fix his weapon. Should I had his nwp or wait until after the training?

BOB spend

Lisa: add

BOB I can do both for you now

BOB Drinking?

Lisa: thank you!

Spring: oh okay

Lisa: yes please

BOB and done for Indigo

Carissa: (sorry had to pay a bill -yes Rae's human mother)

Indigo: [INIT] [MOD:Pick, Military +2] [d10+5 = 14]

Indigo: [ATTACK (M)] Pick, Military +2 [THACO(12)] [AC: 2 ] [d20+3 = 10]

Indigo: [DAMAGE (M)] Pick, Military +2 [TYPE: piercing (1d4+4=8)] [d4+4 = 8]


Indigo: [ATTACK (R)] Dagger [THACO(12)] [AC: 2 ] [d20+2 = 10]

TMO: I found where the game thinks Craigh gets 3 1st level spells at first level. It isn't how I understand the rules, myself. :P

Indigo: [SKILL] Drinking [MOD:CON] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 2]

TMO: Congrats! You can drink MORE!

Indigo: yay!

Carissa: lol

BOB Indigo is all fixed

BOB checking for you now TMO

Lisa: thank you!

'Michael' connected

TMO: if I'm reading the Class features in the game here right, they have the Specialist: Bonus Spells, which gives him 1 extra Illusionist spell. And then Gaining Extra Spells might be giving him a 3rd one I don't think he should have.

TMO: I mean, I'd be *HAPPY* have have a 3rd spell... ;)

BOB Correct he gets two spells, 1 as a first level magic user (Illusionist) and 1 bonus spell per level from the school of Illusion for being an Illusionist

BOB so you can take 1 Illusion spell and one of any other spell you know

BOB Each day

Craigh: yeh, that's what I've been doing. His character sheet says he's allowed 3 1st level spells

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Can I just abandon Bixi? I legitimately do not want to do this spell stuff

BOB and Yes Michael I see you dropping in and out

Craigh: any way I can help Lemon?

BOB taking a deep breath with you Lemon

BOB Certainly I want everyone to play a character they want to play

Michael: It's not on purpose. Weather keeps inturrping our internet

Bixi Fizzlebang: It's not a matter of being overwhelmed, it's a matter of being lazy

Michael: I'm on a decent hotspot now

Lisa: you have weather?

TMO (Craigh): I have just the cattleprod for you then!

Michael: Iceicles falling on the dish

Michael: I call that weather

Michael: lol

Licornah: (Just don't level up, it's working great for me...)

Lisa: that is weather

BOB Laughs with Lorie

Michael: I know its' frustrating Lemon, but we are happy to help. And it's only furstrating for about one sesson, then it's awesome.

BOB This will be the last time that Bixi levels up like this for likely a year or two of real time

Lemon: I'm not frustrated

BOB She just hit level

Lemon: I just don't want to do it lol

BOB chuckles

Lorie (Licornah): (pay someone to be a scribe... )

Michael: I mean, if you don't want to, I don't think Bob will make you

BOB What would you want to play if you gave up Bixi

Michael: I guess lol :)

Lorie (Licornah): (BOB, there isn't an easy way to facilitate this spell addition process, seems a bit short-sighted by FGU if so?)

'Shislif' connected

Michael: (You could always be a fighter like Talwin. It does simplify things alot)

Lemon: Oh man, I would legit pay someone to do this for me. Carissa, I will bribe you with a giftcard to your choice of store

Carissa: Sure

Michael: Or, we could just have Carissa do it LOL

Carissa: But you have to have Bob release her so I can edit her sheet for you

BOB FG can add spells easily, it is just we have a larger list of potential spells available than have been converted by people for FG

Carissa: And you said you'd clean my house when you visit so that counts, lo


Lemon: Not clean! Organize.

BOB cleared


Lemon: I'm cleaning zero things

Lemon: I will organize and buy you two books

Carissa: Oh damn, you know my weakness

Carissa: We can go to BN this time

BOB So Lorie, That is our spell database project that TMO was heading up

Michael: Negotiating Stage. Lol

Sharif: hi everyone :)

BOB Hello Sharif!

Michael: Hey!

Michael: Good to see you :)

Lisa: Hi Sharif! :)

Sharif: thx same!

BOB We have some of them entered, and will continue to build on that module

TMO (Craigh): putting the spells into FG is easy. Figuring out how to do the mechanics is not so much so

Lemon: They can even be new release hardcovers!

Licornah: (Evening Sharif)

Lemon: Also I will bring you the rest of my fabric stash

Spring (Lanek Olenak): so i happen to notice Lanek is broke. do i roll for money? lol

Sharif: Evening :)

Spring (Lanek Olenak): hi sharif!

Sharif: are we in character?

Lisa: Lanek got a last name!

TMO (Craigh): not really

Spring (Lanek Olenak): not currently. doing chores at the moment

Carissa (Bixi Fizzlebang): Hi Sharif!

Spring (Lanek Olenak): yeah i got tired of him having no last name

Sharif: cool cool hey hey :)

Carissa (Bixi Fizzlebang): Whoops FG lag I stole other characters. You can fix that later Bob

Lisa: Spring - Lanek shoul d have 10 gp, 20 sp and 30 cp on his inventory sheet

Lisa: It's a nice name

TMO (Craigh): used to work with a guy with the last name of Oleniciak. ... that's not quite spelled right, it's been a long time.

Spring (Lanek Olenak): thanks and cool

Carissa (Bixi Fizzlebang): oh man I forgot you organized your spells, Lemon - jealous

BOB So Sharif, one thing you have to think about what would Zayden do in the big city for 7 months

Sharif: which big city?

BOB spend time at court? singing in bars?

TMO (Craigh): and how many jails will we have to bail him out of?

BOB Dryads Lair

Spring (Lanek Olenak): at some point, Lanek needs to go buy a knife :-)

Image: Dryads Lair Full City Map

Sharif: oh cool

Sharif: ayight i'll think about it!

Carissa (Bixi Fizzlebang): might cost a third book if I'm putting spells in AND organizing them....

BOB Bixi, Rae, Indigo, Lanek, Talwin are all training, in the end we worked out that it takes 21 weeks, or 7 months for all the training to do

Lisa: and get knife amount from Bob and we can take that from the party pack

Sharif: training seems like a good idea to me

Lisa: coin on your sheet is for fun stuff not needed stuff

Spring (Lanek Olenak): oooo weapon allowance!

BOB Sharif, Zayden does not need training

Lemon: Nah, I can organize them

Sharif: are you saying he's perfect the way he is?

Lemon: But I'm happy to throw a third book in just for adding them, because I can NOT lol

Carissa (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol

TMO (Craigh): "untrainable"

Sharif: lol

TMO (Craigh): I mean, he still isn't potty trained

Sharif: Zayden can change!

TMO (Craigh): diapers?

Spring (Lanek Olenak): hahahaha

Sharif: lol

Lemon: I disagree that we "worked that out" but I'm going with it for now, because I've had food and Carissa is adding my spells, I feel much less argumentative

Lemon: lol Zayden IS perfect

BOB 10 Sp for Lanek to have two knives on his belt

Lemon: But I am curious if he has things he can do... I keep seeing these jokes on the internet about "inspiration" and I can't tell if that's like, a spell, or a skill, or a different edition, or just a joke

Carissa (Bixi Fizzlebang): well apparently they mostly organize themself so kind of jealous that Bixi isn't broken like Rae

Lisa: ok - party pack funds Spring

BOB and updated Lanek's sheet for the training in knives

BOB what was the other skill Spring?

TMO (Craigh): Do we have the ability to do Identify on Craigh's rope while we're here for a while?

Sharif: Zayden could probably use training in knives or some kinda fighting stuff

BOB Zayden does not have any open slots to learn new things

Sharif: oh ok

Lisa: you would need to pay a mage to do it

Lemon: They organize themselves NOW, because I moved all the old ones into new lists, so the new ones can't get mixed up in there lol

Lemon: It took an entire session

Lisa: we know how that went last time ... lol

Lemon: lol

TMO (Craigh): ok, Craigh will try to find someone capable of doing Identify then, Bob, and find out how much it will cost. Then we'll see if it's worth doing, or waiting.

BOB Spring? what other skill did Lanek learn?

Lisa: I'm really surprised we didn't do it. we usually have a big identify session when we get back from trips

Spring (Lanek Olenak): sorry, still at work

BOB yes to TMO I will look that up, it is in the hundreds of gold at least

TMO (Craigh): no doubt

Lisa: Ohhh and Branwyn can try and crack the spells from the dead time travel mage's ring now that she leveled

Spring (Lanek Olenak): i already updated his sheet for knife and rope use


Spring (Lanek Olenak): but he hadn't bought the knife yet

Spring (Lanek Olenak): but i guess he has now because there it is

BOB and then the extra 15 points to scatter along your thief skills

Lisa: yup I already paid for them

Spring (Lanek Olenak): did that

BOB you can add that as you want

BOB excellent

BOB you are all set then

Lisa: you have 2 knives. One to throw and one to backstab :)

BOB hah

Spring (Lanek Olenak): awright!

BOB Rae and Bixi are the only two sheets left to tidy up

Carissa (Bixi Fizzlebang): Rae has those spells to add, Bixi has at least one. Still working on it.

Craigh: One thing Craigh can always try, Bob, is paying the Identify fee off in favors.

TMO (Craigh): One thing Craigh can always try, Bob, is paying the Identify fee off in favors.

BOB We know that Bixi is doing a botany search for her special Alexandria plant

BOB and Rae is spending time with the parents

BOB Speaking of which

Michael: Oh good :)

BOB Youtargim is still in town with you do not forget :)

Michael: Family is important :)

Michael: Er, I suppose if you like them, otherwise I'll be your family LOL

Lemon: I am often surprised by how close other people are to their family members

BOB Also Howard took your ranger friend to the Grand Celestry (along with Indigo and Zayden, and whoever) to help him get healed

Craigh: were we friends?

TMO (Craigh): were we friends?

Carissa (Bixi Fizzlebang): I put on the site that it is open invitation for whoever wants to meet Rae's mom can meet her. Might do some stuff IC on site. I know Yout was one of those who wanted to meet her

BOB chuckles

Sharif: is there any way Zayden can spend those 7 months so that some of his stats increase?

BOB Yes to Carissa

BOB No to Sharif

Sharif: well how come?

Michael: Good try though!

Michael: lol

Michael: :)

TMO: Bob don't do stat increases that I know of

Sharif: He could take a class or something lol

BOB Zayden is 5K away from going up in level

Michael: You can find special weapons though that buff you sometimes.

Michael: Right bob?

Michael: We have some of those now I think

Sharif: oh that sounds cool

BOB When he earns those experience points he will do the same trainign that Lanek just did

Sharif: maybe special sunglasses?

Michael: Aviators :)

BOB So by the time the group returns from Hell Zayden will have earned enough XP to go up in level and get more skills

Sharif: Ohhh, he'll search for special sunglasses! And also hang out at the The Tea House, where he gathers information on sunglasse

TMO: or... dead.

Sharif: oh that's cool

Sharif: and drinks tea

BOB We can do some of the carousing rolls to start next session

BOB for those who spent time in the City

Michael: I remember a dress....

BOB and shopping trips, and local visits, etc

Sharif: ah ok

BOB The goal is for everyone to have updated characters sheets tonight, next week is lots of short Roleplay bits

BOB and by the end of the night next week you will be in Loosend again

BOB returning the Buttercup, selling it back to its owner

Sharif: nice

Lorie (Licornah): (so there isn't really anything else happening this evening BOB?)

BOB So that the week after you are traveling down the road towards Dragon Fen and home

BOB I think we are done with most things Lorie, there will be some things on the site during the week

Sharif: yes I 2nd this question, is there any for Zay to do tonight?

BOB I think Zay is done too

Sharif: cool cool

Sharif: what's the webpage we should check in on for updates again?

BOB Just check the site Sharif, over the weekend, etc. so that next session everyone can roleplay their questions


<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Sharif: sounds good thanks!

BOB There is a link for the pages that are recently changed

Lisa: you'll let me know how much all the training is?

BOB Have a great night Lorie and Sharif when you leave

Licornah: What are you planing on the site?

Lorie (Licornah): So I can prioritize...

Sharif: Thx you too and everyone :)

Lisa: are we done?

TMO: Bob - did you try out the Mod file I sent you? Been so long since the last one I don't remember if I sent you the right thing

BOB Carissa has a bit with family, you can do what you wish for Licornah traveling along

BOB and Lisa for training it was 45 K plus one favor for Lanek

TMO: I'm around for any shenanigans or hooliganism people need me for

Lisa: 45000 gp???

BOB Yes to Lisa

Lorie: I already declared what I was doing for the duration... I'm not sure what you mean by "traveling along"

Lisa: that is more than a lighthouse

Carissa (Bixi Fizzlebang): (almost done with Bixi)

TMO: lol

Lisa: we don't have that kind of cash

TMO: "Americans will measure in anything other than metric"

BOB There were 8 training slots

BOB and LOL Tmo

Spring (Lanek Olenak): uh, hm

Lisa: slots are usually 1400 gp with no discount

Spring (Lanek Olenak): i didn't expect to have the most expensive character

Lorie: Okay... :: shrug :: bye

'Lorie' disconnected

Carissa (Bixi Fizzlebang): doesn't Rae get a "you were ordained at this temple" discount?

Lisa: that's 11,200 gp

BOB DOH I am sorry Lisa, I skipped a decimal

TMO: is he going straight to triple master?

BOB 4,500

BOB not 45,000

Spring (Lanek Olenak): hehehehe

Lisa: was thinking - holy crap!

Carissa (Bixi Fizzlebang): this is why Lemon didn't trust your math...


Lisa: 4500 I can work with :D

Spring: "that's more than a lighthouse" is the quote of the night i think

Carissa: Okay Bixi can be given back to Lemon for her to peruse

Carissa: All new priest spells have been added

BOB Bixi is free

Lisa: great

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): but not free enough... oh there she goes

BOB not free to train, Bixi is free for Lemon to take over

Carissa: Wow FG did not want me to give her back. It froze for longer than normal.

Carissa: But she can now turn trees into steeds!

'Shislif' disconnected

Carissa: (quick test)

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oooh, I can summon animals to help me fight!

TMO: yep, it just got quiet

Carissa: Si!

Carissa: That's fine. Figure part of was switching to Discord. Wanted to make sure it didn't freeze on me again :)

Carissa: Also Lemon you were missing a Wildwanderer Spell so I added it. It's... Tree Nap? i think? Level 2.

BOB I am just hanging out

BOB Tonight is about making sure the training stuff is all set

Carissa: Once I check once last thing for Lemon, I should be done. Any minor RP for tonight?

TMO: wife is sending me out for DQ, and I am *reluctantly* going out to get some. Back in 10. ;)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): circle of privacy! I love this for watches

BOB next week RP and CLICK then travel back to Dragon Fen

BOB have fun TMO

Lisa: Okay think I will call it a night

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Thank you Carissa <3

Carissa: I didn't read all the descriptions, but I don't have that sphere, but title sounds nice!

Carissa: Night Lisa!

Lisa: I will post on IC for the new ambassadors

BOB night Lisa

BOB great thank you

Lisa: Goodnight all!

Spring: i'm out too. good night!

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): It discourages predators from the area!

'Lisa' disconnected

BOB Night

'Spring' disconnected

Carissa: And np! It wasn't as bad to do second time around. Still a big pain comparatively, but at least I had a system down now.

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Group's chance of encounter is reduced by 50%

BOB Carissa I will release Licornah so you can double check her too please

BOB If not right now later on

Carissa: Oooh dang it. I forgot some spells... Hmm... Let me see where they're loaded so I can tell you Lemon. Or you can see if you have them first:

Carissa: Yup give me a few minutes

Carissa: Notes for Lemon: your priest CANNOT be entangled. You should note that. That could be important.

TMO: when I get back, if nothing else's going on, I can hop into Branwyn's Spellbook and stream adding the spells. Don't know if anyone wants to see how that's done or not, but it's an option if someone's bored or interested.

Bixi Fizzlebang: I thought Lorie knew all this stuff? I thought it was just me and Sharif who were the noobs lol

BOB Yes to TMO

BOB That is a good thing

BOB Lorie knows a lot of stuff

Carissa: So you should also have: Messenger and Tree

BOB which is why she gets frustrated sitting back sometimes

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I don't know about streaming but if you save it to a youtube or something, that's a thing I will defintely watch every time I have to add stuff

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I still need to add the stuff that didn't carry over from Klooge. Add another book? ;)


BOB I am just asking that Carissa double check the sheet for Licornah for spells, etc. to make sure everything is set right

Carissa: Fastpaws can cast find familiar (as the 1st-level wizard spell) once per year. If the spellcasting is successful, the type of familiar acquired is always a raccoon (80%) or giant raccoon (20%), with all the attendant benefits and restrictions normally associated with the spell. Such creatures receive an extra +1 hp per Hit Die.


Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Well I've tried to tell her not to sit back lol

BOB Yes to Lemon, but I think sometimes it gets lost in the moment,

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ONCE PER YEAR! I need to do that before we spend the 7 months in the city

Carissa: So I can check to a degree, but Lurue isn't in the database and I don't know what Spheres she'd have access to beside some of the obvious ones from what she used

Carissa: And she isn't in the Demihuman Deity Book either

BOB It is a 2nd edition book that has not been converted yet,

Carissa: I might have to give you notes, Lemon. You have a few spells you can cast "for free" that you already own.

Carissa: As a Wildwanderer priest

Carissa: Do you have a pdf file of it?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): yes please

Carissa: But main thing Lemon is to see if you have the spells Messenger and Tree rigfht now

Carissa: Before I get sidetracked

Carissa: don't

Carissa: Nevermind. Because they aren't in FG, lol

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): sorry, i'm still browsing my new abilities

BOB good

BOB that was for Lemon browsing

Carissa: You're fine. I think I'm done with Bixi help. I'll send you the added notes in a bit probably a screen cap.

BOB not missing spells

Carissa: Can you add Thieves Cant to her NWP Bob? I'll post the snippet. Her priest should be able to understand and use it.

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ok don't tell anyone this but I'm absolutely going to be using Hallucinatory Forest for pranks

Carissa: So Shi has used it in her forest if Bixi ever wants to see what it looks like :)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oooh, also I need more info on this "inbue with spell ability" because sure, that might be regular useful, but that DEFINITELY will be prank useful

BOB There is no thieves cant

BOB Not a language in this game

BOB is an older thing

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I could have been creating whirlpools to drown other boats

BOB Imbue with Spell Ability allows Bixi to give up one of her spell slots to someone so they can cast a specific healing spell she gives them

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): man, I am SO MUCH MORE USEFUL NOW, HOLY CRAP

BOB then she loses that spell slot until that other character actually casts the spell

Carissa: That one looked fun

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ok but does it have to be a healing spell?


BOB It is very limited

Carissa: Yeah you start getting the good spells at 4th cast, lol

BOB but more importantly you do not get the spell back until they use it

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): it says "informational or defensive nature" for the spells

BOB so cast it on .... Thistle, and she goes off with her new family. Until she casts that spell at some point maybe years from now Bixi has "lost" that spell slot for herself

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): yeah yeah yeah, whatever. That doesn't matter if Zayden is plotting pranks with me in town for 7 months.

BOB We can check on the specific spells allowed

BOB the giving up the spell slot is what tripped up players before

Bixi Fizzlebang: Zayden will not hoard it, I know Zayden

Carissa: lol

BOB smiles

Carissa: Ok let's see if FG will let me select a new character

BOB Once a player cast it on another Players Character, that player took a year off

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): SPEAK WITH PLANTS

BOB they bitched about it for a long time

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ok, but I'm not going to use it unless we're going to use it that session, and if I specifically lay out that plan and then you derail it, I will only be mad at you

Carissa (Ilero Sauscha): Ooof FG always gives me errors when I grab a new character

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I have tree nap?

Carissa (Ilero Sauscha): OOooops and I stole another wrong one

BOB What type of errors?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Did you ask about that?

Carissa (Ilero Sauscha): Tree Nap is Wildwanderer specific

Carissa (Ilero Sauscha): Dunno, I closed the warning because I'm tired and didn't care enough, sorry.

BOB ok

Carissa (Ilero Sauscha): I can probably grab the file later

BOB just curious might be because they are not on the CT

Carissa (Licornah): Ahh could be. It happened when I accidentally grabbed Illero and Akilah

Carissa (Licornah): The problem is FG lags so I don't know if it registered the character I did want to grab, and when it loads, suddenlyt I have two

BOB The details and links for everything on the sheets are 'quiet/not used' until someone controls them

BOB Then it activates every node that it could interact with

BOB BIG update coming in the next week or three that is supposed to streamline that

BOB Which is also why to get the character sheets right

BOB so we know we are good before anything new messes things up

Carissa (Licornah): Gross

TMO: back

Carissa (Licornah): Don't worry. We were just talking smack about you.

TMO: I'm sure

Licornah: dang her and her organized spells, too

Licornah: dang you people with organized spells!

Licornah: definitely NOT jealous

TMO: it took her quite a bit of work to do that

Carissa (Licornah): So not fully that. The thing is both her and Lemon have character sheets that didn't break. This is how they're SUPPOSED to be. But when we added those sideloaded spells to Rae, she "broke".

Carissa (Licornah): I know Lemon found a way to kind of fix it when Bixi "broke" but Rae is just... I don't have the patience. I have more patience to complain every other session ;)

BOB chuckles

Bixi Fizzlebang: I can organize her spells

Carissa (Licornah): So at glance I think she has at least most the correct spells. I know most the 4th level are correct since I just did this multiple times

Carissa (Licornah): Organize Rae's spells? Will it cost one of those books you'll buy me?

TMO: when we say Carissa is bitchin', we mean it as an adjective and a verb.

Carissa (Licornah): Might be worth it....

Carissa (Licornah): LOL TMO

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I mean, I might rescind the offer of the third, but the first two remain on the table

BOB Rae is clear for you Lemon

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): That was agreed to, no taksies backsies

Lemon (Raelynn): Dang, my new computer went into overdrive when I clicked Rae

Carissa (Licornah): Yay!

Carissa (Licornah): Hmm, is that why I lagged, too? I'm not downloading anything or doing the normal things that lag for me.

Lemon (Raelynn): Probably. afk a minute to get more drink while the lag figures itself out

Carissa: So I think Licornah is mostly good. Without knowing the exact spheres, I can't fully check, but the ones I do know she seems to have if that makes sense.

BOB thank you

BOB There might be something on the site from an old chat when Lorie created her

Carissa: Ok so I feel like if Lemon is going to organize Rae's spells, I should hang around. Let's play: name Rae's mom because I haven't decided on a name yet :P

BOB Elven mom?

Carissa: Human

Varsha Gaignory

Carissa: I'm thinking she's going to be very similar to Rae. Chatty, friendly, obviously pretty, probably a tad full of herself since she founf herself an elven usband

Carissa: Hmm no

BOB Richendar Whildwhirl

Elizabeth Wildwhirl

Isabella Montarac

Ishana Bougaitelet

Aurora Gairil

Karola Streng

Carissa: Oooh Aurora might work. It's already Princess-y

Bianka Häring

Carina Marburger

Carissa: ...did I never give Rae a last name?

Missy Brownell

Nicolette Wooldridge

Genevieve Fulcher

Gnaalsia Smalleye

Carissa: Some of these can be her cousins and aunts.

Loihx Bignose

Carissa: ...and insults for her cousins

Pogtish Manychild

BOB Just spinning through the random female names for various species

Delshandra Larethian

Esta Calaudra

Ahrendue Nlossae

Carissa: Fair enough. I can steal some for later.

Araushnee Ruina

Carissa: Toss in some male names so I can fill out Rae's family tree. Human side.

Pelleas Pellelles

Gemedern Amberflayer

Stewart Masterjumper

Ayrie Lamogre

Jürgen Wahl

Ägidius Denzinger

Silvester Prenzler

Jens Lasker

Abo Rusakov

Agapit Kozhukhov

Carissa: Some... odder names, but again places to start.

Yevgeny Lobov

BOB mixing in German, Scandanavian, Russian, Modern,

BOB Orc, Goblin, Elven


Carissa: Just saying, I haven't met an Amberflayer before.







Carissa: What are these names?

BOB "Monster" names

BOB It is a nice extension

TMO: Carissa - in the spell list, you have Abjure. That's available in the Players Handbook. Still need me to add that to Branwyn's Oddball Spells?

Carissa: I like Silvanus, though. That doesn't seem monsterous.

Carissa: Is it? Did I miss it? One second.

BOB 16 categories, then you can randomly create limitless in each category it seems

Carissa: Ooops I missed it. You can skip that.

BOB Already added TMO

TMO: okie doke

Lemon (Raelynn): Rae's spells are all priest though, right?

BOB Yes to Lemon

Carissa: If you regret your offer to organize, let me know. You're allowed to back out.

Lemon (Raelynn): nope, I love organizing!

Carissa: My apartment is going to look AMAZING next month.

Lemon (Raelynn): But I now understand why you were so frustrated

BOB Smiles

Carissa: lol thank you for that validation

Carissa: any other fun extensions to try out while Lemon keeps being awesome?

BOB Not really

Carissa: boo

BOB I disabled some in anticipation of the update

Carissa: did they give a date for the update?

BOB Like the card deck

Carissa: so we can test it before Friday if needed?

Lemon (Raelynn): you could do some random fun carousing that doesn't stick in-game

BOB they never give exact dates, but updates always come out on Tuesdays

Carissa: oooh any carousing I can rope into the IC with mom story?

<font color="#000000">Zayden: [Carouse Roll] Carousing Result [26] Your night did not go as planned, unfortunately you gain [0 XP] and there is a consequence from your devilish behaviour. [CONSEQUENCE] [d100+8 = 34]

<font color="#000000">Zayden: [Consequence Roll] Carousing Result [28] You wake up in a bed. You are 1d20 gp richer and cradling a trophy with a lamb frie on top. You have never felt more sick to your stomach. [3d10+8 = 28]

BOB That was the negative outcome

<font color="#000000">Zayden: [Boon Roll] Carousing Result [23] You wake up on the floor of a seedy club. Looks like it was amateur night. Your clothing is in a pile in the corner and you don't know where the g-string came from, but you have an extra 1d10 gp and an invitation to attend a private, VIPs only gathering at an influential NPCs estate. A leather animal mask is attached to the letter. [3d10+8 = 23]

BOB That is the positive one

Lemon (Raelynn): what's a lamb frie?

Carissa: no clue

Michael: a leather animal mask? Oh dear

Carissa: ohm michael is still here! hi michael!

BOB [Carouse Roll] Carousing Result [1] Your night did not go as planned, unfortunately you gain [0 XP] and there is a consequence from your devilish behaviour. [CONSEQUENCE] [d100 = 1]

Michael: Hi lol. Jus watching :)

BOB [Consequence Roll] Carousing Result [30] You wake up in your bed. Everything seems normal. Soon a paladin arrives and tells you how glad he is that you helped him break all those vows last night. When asked which vows, he just winks and says, 'Oh, you know. [3d10 = 30]

Carissa: ....I Google it for you, Lemon. Lamb frie is... lamb rocky mountain oysters.

Michael: Getting my entertinment for tonight haha :)

BOB [Boon Roll] Carousing Result [11] You wake up and feel rejuvinated. You gain an inspiration and all your dexterity based rolls are at [+4] for the rest of the day. [3d10 = 11]

Lemon (Raelynn): aww, shoot. I wouldn't have said about the pranks if I had known Michael was still here...

Lemon (Raelynn): yuck

Carissa: LOL I like the paladin one for her

Michael: haha. I look forward to them :)

BOB [Carouse Roll] Carousing Result [43] [Neutral] You managed to let off some steam in your night of drunken debauchery. You gained [2 XP] but have no memory of what occurred. You did have however find a pair of man's underpants in your back pocket. [d100+12 = 55]

BOB [Carouse Roll] Carousing Result [2] Your night did not go as planned, unfortunately you gain [0 XP] and there is a consequence from your devilish behaviour. [CONSEQUENCE] [d100+48 = 50]

BOB [Consequence Roll] Carousing Result [109] [FIRE] You manage to start a fire in your drunken idiocy. Roll 1d6: 1-2) burn down your favorite inn or tavern; 3-4) you burn down some other den off ill-repute; 5-6) you burn down a large portion of the town. If they player, due to their high Charisma, gets this result and did not 'Make it Rain' then it was a small fire but it caused considerable damage 2d20* 100 gp. If they do not have enough to cover repairs they are now in debt [d100+48 = 109]

Carissa: Rae has 7 months minus what a couple weeks or so of being in town. She canprobably get lots of stories going.

Carissa: ...she already started one fire :(

BOB [Boon Roll] Carousing Result [97] [Cats] You awaken in the alley with a dozen stray cats (1d3 1 cats, 2 rats or 3 dogs) covering you. You remember drinking. You remember gambling. You remember winning a ring. You do not remember where all these cats came from or why you are in the alley. They are all awake and staring at you as if you promised them something. The ring you are wearing has a druidic symbol on it and is a ring of controlling animals. [d100+48 = 97]

BOB [Carouse Roll] Carousing Result [60] [Neutral] You managed to let off some steam in your night of drunken debauchery. You gained [10000 XP] but have no memory of what occurred. You did have however find a pair of man's underpants in your back pocket. [d100+48 = 108]

Carissa: And that is how N'laea got her ring.

BOB [Carouse Roll] Carousing Result [31] Your night did not go as planned, unfortunately you gain [0 XP] and there is a consequence from your devilish behaviour. [CONSEQUENCE] [d100+12 = 43]

BOB [Carouse Roll] Carousing Result [7] Your night did not go as planned, unfortunately you gain [0 XP] and there is a consequence from your devilish behaviour. [CONSEQUENCE] [d100+24 = 31]

BOB [Consequence Roll] [5d10+24 = 53]

<font color="#000000">Consequence Result [53] You wake naked in a bed. Roll a 1d4. On a roll of one (1), all your items are neatly folded under your bed. On a roll of two (2), all your jewelry and money are missing (including magical). On a roll of three (3), you are missing your main hand weapon. One a roll of four (4) you are missing your armor or shield [DMs choice]

Carissa: The night was clearly uneventful.

Carissa: Or not memorable.

TMO: Craigh just wound up ordering 260 meat pies

BOB Consequence Result [53] You wake naked in a bed. Roll a 1d4. On a roll of one (1), all your items are neatly folded under your bed. On a roll of two (2), all your jewelry and money are missing (including magical). On a roll of three (3), you are missing your main hand weapon. One a roll of four (4) you are missing your armor or shield [DMs choice]

Carissa: lol

Carissa: Oh there you go. Missing hand. That's Craigh.

BOB [Carouse Roll] Carousing Result [29] Your night did not go as planned, unfortunately you gain [0 XP] and there is a consequence from your devilish behaviour. [CONSEQUENCE] [d100+36 = 65]

BOB [Consequence Roll] Carousing Result [70] Gain a reputation as a lecherous lush. Social interactions in this town are awkward and to your disadvantage [-6 reaction rolls]. You decide how you gained your infamy. [4d20+36 = 70]

Carissa: Rae? Never.

BOB [Carouse Roll] Carousing Result [77] You were the life of the party, although you drank to much and have no memory of what occurred the people around can't remember having a better evening. You gained [100000 XP]. [POSTIVE OUTCOME] [d100+48 = 125]

BOB [Boon Roll] Carousing Result [130] You have won the deed to an estate located in the countryside from a well known gentleman of ill-repute. You have the deed, a map, and a large key. At the top of the deed it states under description of property 'Wixon Valley Manor' [d100+48 = 130]

BOB [Boon Roll] Carousing Result [66] [New Best Friend] The town mayor, constable or other important official was struck by an errant dart from an inebriated bar customer. The dart pierced a major vein in her neck but due to your quick thinking [Tell a Story] DM or Players decide. Terrible story: The players night is on the house. He/she receives their carousing wager back. Good story with some detail: Player is presented the 'Key' to the city/town next morning. EPIC story: Players gets the 'Key' plus town official is so grateful they gift a medium size villa as a base of operations in or just outside of town! [d100+48 = 66]

Michael: 100000XP???

Carissa: We can't have two Storytellers.

Michael: Holy Shit!

Lemon (Raelynn): you have a few doubles in here, Carissa. I'm leaving those for you to delete at your own leisure

BOB for spending 100,000 gp on the night

Carissa: LOL that is a very positive outcome

Carissa: Darn I thought I removed the doubles. Will do that later. Thanks!

Lemon (Raelynn): Mostly because I don't remember how and don't want to stop doing this and lose the groove lol

Carissa: Huh so gold spent relates to XP? That's why we got barely any before? Because we aren't Richie Rich? :P

<font color="#000000">Lanek Olenak: [Carouse Roll] Carousing Result [96] You were the life of the party, although you drank to much and have no memory of what occurred the people around can't remember having a better evening. You gained [100000 XP]. [POSTIVE OUTCOME] [d100 = 96]

Michael: You are going to bankrupt us

Carissa: lol

<font color="#000000">Lanek Olenak: [Carouse Roll] Carousing Result [1] Your night did not go as planned, unfortunately you gain [0 XP] and there is a consequence from your devilish behaviour. [CONSEQUENCE] [d100 = 1]

Carissa: They're all sales of her glitter potion. It's a hit, very sought after expensive item

<font color="#000000">Lanek Olenak: [Boon Roll] Carousing Result [29] You wake up in a room on the floor clutching a bulging pouch. Inside the pouch are several uncut gems worth 2d10 x20 gp. [5d10 = 29]

<font color="#000000">Lanek Olenak: [Consequence Roll] Carousing Result [26] You wake up in a bed. You are 1d20 gp richer and cradling a trophy with a lamb frie on top. You have never felt more sick to your stomach. [5d10 = 26]

BOB so some variations

BOB I am guessing we can go into the file and add to those tables

Carissa: Might give me some ideas for short story tidbits of Rae at home

Carissa: Appreciate it!

BOB For the story chat for Lisa is just that Jennevive portion

Lemon (Raelynn): I'm sorry but you have a spell called "frisky chest"

Carissa: lol yes

BOB It is fun

Carissa: It runs from others. I was almost going to suggest it for gems if needed.

TMO: I will make no comments about that spell. I might get in trouble

BOB Lemon beat you to it

Lemon (Raelynn): ngl tmo, my brain went where yours did

Michael: I'm afraid I'm fading, so I'm off to bed :)

Michael: Have a lovely night :)

BOB have a great night

Lemon (Raelynn): goodnight!

Michael: This was fun haha

'Michael' disconnected

BOB I am just here judging science projects

BOB until the sheets are done

Carissa: night Michael!

BOB then I will restart this

Carissa: And I'm distracting myself until Lemon finishes her magic

Lemon (Raelynn): I'm on the Ss, so getting close

Carissa: Wooo!

Lemon (Raelynn): squeaking floors!

Lemon (Raelynn): Bixi is going to have to try an enlist Rae in some pranks

Carissa: Well she wants Bixi's help to refine her glitter potion and go glitter shopping so they can trade help

Lemon (Raelynn): Ok well you still have about 12 million spells too many for me, but it's done

Raelynn: I don't know how helpful it will be with 12 million spells

Lemon (Raelynn): how to release so Carissa can look?

Carissa: Yay!

Carissa: If you right click her portrait and select erasure icon

BOB Free Rae Free Rae

Carissa: then Bob will free her

BOB grins

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Hopefully it sticks

Carissa: and then maybe FG will let me select her....

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I no longer have the eraser icon

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Just lock and unlock the portraits

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oh, nevermind, it's back

Raelynn: Yeah just lag

Raelynn: No error messages though

BOB good

Raelynn: It's beautifulllllllllllll

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yay!

Raelynn: Dang she has a lot of spells, lol. It's more obvious now. And it's lagging trying to see them all.

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, it was lagging while I edited them lol

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): It doesn't even do that on mine, so you must have more

Raelynn: I see some of the doubles. I'll clean that up later. To tired to do that now

Raelynn: [CAST] Reflecting Pool

Raelynn: [CAST] Reflecting Pool

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, I just wanted to make sure it stuck before I left, but I'm about to abandon y'all now

Raelynn: [CAST] Rainbow Pattern

Raelynn: [SAVE VS] Rainbow Pattern

TMO: I've got about half the spells done

Raelynn: It's more work to open and cast, but I like that it's organized. THANK YOU.

Raelynn: [CAST] Rainbow Pattern [at Bixi Fizzlebang]

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SAVE] vs. Spell [CON +3] [d20+3 = 16]

Save [16] [Target 10] -> [for Bixi Fizzlebang] [vs Raelynn] [TARGET-SAVED]

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Possibly if you change the grouping you won't have to open and cast?

Raelynn: Rae wanted to make her rainbow-y and beautiful in return...

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): or the whatever the other thing is

Raelynn: Maybe but I'm afraid to touch it after all that

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I know that feeling!

BOB Chuckles

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): But I am done for the night. Goodnight friends!

BOB Good night

Raelynn: Yeah same

BOB I will shut this down

BOB and restart as always

BOB have a wonderful weekend

Carissa: Night!

'Lemon' disconnected

'Carissa' disconnected

---------------------------------------- Connected users ---------------------------------------- TMO

The user (Master) is not currently connected.

---------------------------------------- Connected users ---------------------------------------- TMO

Kicking user (TMO).

'TMO' disconnected