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Chat Log - 2023 02 24 - Searching for Alexandria - Formatted - Story

Chat log with automatic formatting applied

<a name="2023-02-24" /><b>Session started at 2023-02-24 / 18:13</b>

'Thistle' is at 'Normal' encumbrance. Movebase now 12.

No extension updates detected

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition (c) Wizards of the Coast

2E v2023.01.08 For Fantasy Grounds --by Celestian 2017-2023

Core RPG ruleset (2023-02-23) for Fantasy Grounds Copyright 2023 Smiteworks USA, LLC

Weather Generator v1.3


Babyl Support Channel (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>


<font color="#000000">Extension (Bayne's Fantasy Eats) loaded.

<font color="#000000">Extension (Carouse! OSR Edition) loaded.

Chatlog Explorer v1.3

Colorful Language v1.0.2 for 5E by MeAndUnique.

Conversion Checker v1.6.0 for FG V.3.x Copyright 2017 Smiteworks USA, LLC. \rAuthor: James (Lokiare) Holloway (Inspired by Aki Heikkinen's Savage Worlds Enhanced Library extension). Look in module Developer Tools for instructions.

COP - Auras v1.3 by mattekure

CoreRPG Combat Highlighter v1.7.3\r by OgreManDude 2021

CSV Table Importer v1.11 by mattekure

Debugger v0.2

Debugger Support Channel (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="#000000">Dice Games for those sessions at the Tavern\rPlayers can challenge each other or other patrons of the Tavern to Goblin Kings Dice, Trader Joes, Drunken Unicorn, Pig Dice and Last Man Standing\rv0.97

<font color="#000000">Dice Jail (Version: Magnanimous Ambition [1/24/2022]) Loaded Successfully!

(LINK)\rClock Adjuster v3.9:\rProvides an interface for easy time tracking and management.\nThis extension is a combined effort of PR6I6E6ST (Troy Monteith), bmos, PokeyCA, MeAndUnique, Corun-Kail, and JustinFreitas.

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

(LINK)\rCoins Weight v2.2:\rCalculates coin weight by leveraging the existing inventory weight process.

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

(LINK)\rExtraplanar Containers v1.13-hotfix.1:\rThis extension provides support for extraplanar containers by ignoring the weight of carried (but not equipped) items in supported contaners.

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

(LINK)\nMoon Tracker v2.5\r--created by DMFirmy and updated by Andraax and bmos.

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

(LINK)\rParty Item Weight v1.7\nFor Fantasy Grounds v4.2+\nBy bmos

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="#000000">Extension (Fonts - Extended Languages) loaded.

Sign Language Fonts

Halt! Player Safety / X Card \r\nThis fan made extension created by DIE Hard Gaming. (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="#000000">Extension (Martial Arts) loaded.

MNM Bigger Drop Downs v3

<font color="#000000">MNM Module UI v3

<font color="#000000">Extension (Name Maker) loaded.

Natural Selection v1.7.3 by Saagael.

Optical Referendum v1.1.1

Portals REVAMPED - v2.28

Temporal Fixation v1.0.5 by MeAndUnique.

Toll the Dead v1.1.0

Universal Module extension. This will allow you to open (with varying degrees of success) modules from other rulesets. \r\nExtension Created by DIE Hard Gaming. More great resources at (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

<font color="#000000">URL Links Extension Created by GM Frostbyte. Thank you for your support.\rBuilt using RulesetWizard & templateTemplate v1.1 \r*************************************** \rWarning! \r**************************************\rThis campain has URL Links Extension turned on. If you are not confortable with the GM sending you links to external sources, please ask the GM to turn off this extension. \rOtherwise, if you get Rick Rolled, please do not blame us.

Who Speaks v1.7

Common Core v0.1a\r\n

(LINK) \r Effect Builder v1.8.0 \r GUI utility to help with building effects

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Requested Rolls version 2.11 by mccartysr, 2023\rFor slash commands type /RR

(LINK)\rPower Up v1.6 by Ryan Hagelstrom\rContribution: bmos 2022-2023\rtype: /powerup /powerupman

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

SmiteWorks Wizard's Desk Theme for Fantasy Grounds\rCopyright 2019 Smiteworks USA, LLC.

Party Weight\rCriado por BRUNO SALVADIO

RefManual Resize by JHarp

Allows smaller resize of RefManuals

(LINK) \nTooltips - v1.4 by Zarestia

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Author - CoreRPG version 6.0.\rby Celestian, 2017-2021\r---\r/author help for options.

<font color="#000000">Extension (Bayne's Bag of Holding) loaded.

CT Open on Turn v5

Merriweather Font Extension v1.0

Has Initiative Indicator v1.7 - CoreRPG+ version.\rBy Celestian, 2018-2021

Unshare Image v6

<font color="#000000">Calendar Plus v1.8 for FGII v4.1.12. Copyright 2021 Smiteworks. By darrenan.

<font color="#000000">NPC flavors v1.11 (Pleasantly slouched)\n- by Tideturner

Loaded Stage Whisper v1.0.0

Spell Tokens v7.6\r\n

Better Combat Effects v4.6\rby Ryan Hagelstrom\rContribution MeAndUnique,bmos 2021-2023

Effective Initiative v1.2\rby Ryan Hagelstrom 2021-2023

(LINK) \n2E/3.5E/PFRPG/5E/SFRPG Spell Action Info - v5.0-hotfix1 \rby Zarestia, contributions by MeAndUnique, Rhagelstrom

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Misc Annotations 1.0.0 by MostTornBrain.

<font color="#000000">Dice Jail - Smelter Upgrade Loaded Successfully!

Trigger Me Timbers v0.2.1 by MeAndUnique.

Theme Add-On: \rSir Motte's GM Icon Replacer\rVersion: 1.0\rAnstett Edition

Zuilin's Whisper Windows v1.10\r\nfor FGU

'TMO' connected

GM: Hello there young man

GM: Sigh

GM: So we will have some pauses tonight then, the NPC speaks is still broken

TMO: aww

TMO: did you ever try loading the Hell module I sent you?

TMO: a week or two ago?

GM: I do not remember getting it

GM: But I can do that, I have an actual weekend this time

TMO: Honestly, I'm not certain I sent you the right file

TMO: yeah, by all means, ping me when you do test it. if it's nto right I'll try again

TMO: once we get it in the system right, we'll need to rebuild Fives using it for proper configs

GM: nods

TMO: I submitted him into a HeroForge contest. Doubt I'll win, but if he gets picked one of the expert Minifig builders will do a pretty miniature of him.

TMO: I've tried a few times, like I have the other PCs, but couldn't come up with a good design.

'Lorie' connected

GM: Hello Lorie

'Lemon' connected

GM: Hey there Lemon

Lorie: Evening all

Lemon: hello

GM: Welcome to the weekend

TMO: hola

Lorie: Ahhh-men

Lorie: It's been a week

TMO: was that an 'Amen' or “Ahhhh - MEN!”

Lorie: I'll leave that to you :)

GM: grins

Lorie: BOB - did you end up joining that 2e game? The timing wasn't great for me this week due to Paul's surgery

GM: no, I have a Traveller Game on every other Sunday to play in right now,

Lorie: Gotcha...

GM: Doing that so I can run a Traveller Game later this fall

'Lisa' connected

Lorie: :: nod ::

GM: Hello Lisa

Lorie: Evening Lisa

Branwyn: Hello! :)

TMO: ello!

GM: So the NPC chat is broken in this new update

GM: Meaning it will not show any names except Characters

Branwyn: really?

Branwyn: so PCs win!

GM: so some of this will be me creating Characters to chat


TMO: or we just talk amongst ourselves

TMO: just make 3 and rename them as needed

GM: Exactly

Branwyn: so to fix bran's spell prep I have to uncheck all the spells and flood the chat?

Lorie: Eanie Minie Moe?

TMO: flood away

GM: you can if you wish Lisa

Branwyn: well it wouldn't let me memorize the right amount of spells

Branwyn: and the link you posted said to uncheck everything

GM: Nods, I am just saying do what you wish

Lorie: I'm going to read about a Chilean Bear -- let me know when I need to do something

GM: Chilly Bears?

Lorie: Ben, the Chilean bear (who is probably cold due to living in St. Louis) keeps escaping his habitat

Branwyn: Branwyn cast a spell NOT memorized.

Branwyn: something is stuck on my sheet

GM: How so?

Branwyn: everything says 0 but there are still 2 checks in 5th level and 1 in 3rd and I can't uncheck them

GM: go on and cast them

Branwyn: don't know what to cast as they all say 0

GM: ok I will open the sheet and check

Branwyn: icons at the top are really big - this was a weird update

GM: Icons look the same to me

GM: and unchecked everything for you Lisa

'Michael' connected

GM: On Branwyn at least

GM: how is Howard?

Branwyn: he has been fine

Branwyn: thanks

Michael: Again, I'm here tonight, but very much not able to contribure all that much. Hugs and stuff

GM: Glad to have you here Michael

Branwyn: grrr

Michael: I'm glad too. Just dizzy lol

Branwyn: something's wrong

GM: That covers so many things Lisa, wry grin

Branwyn: thanks

GM: That is weird

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, the icons are big for me too

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): And Branwyn just had Bixi's photo?

Branwyn: I did not say thanks ...

GM: Ghosts in the machine

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): And Reven's picture is... um... invisible? Like I can see the sword, but the background does not exist. Which is pretty cool, but I'm just not sure if that's new or intentional

GM: It is new not intentional but I like it

Michael: Reven ascended beyond the planes of pictures....

Lorie: :: checking back in :: Hey Michael - hope you're feeling better

GM: grins

Branwyn: 4 5th spell slots. I memorized 2 teleport, 1 telekinesis and 1 monster summoning. Went to combat view. All 4 spots checked. Went back to preparation and its says 1 teleport and 1 telekinesis and can't memorize any more

Branwyn: for the record - 2 teleport, 1 telekinesis and 1 monster summoning because you never know if you need monsters

Michael: Thank you Lorie. If anyone tells you Covid isn't so bad, let me have words with them. I'm so pissed and angry it istn' even funny. Now, I'm just mostly dizzy from medicine though so, I'm kind of chill at the moment, but in a few days I'm sure I'll be angry again

Lisa: I'm sorry Michael

Lisa: Are you on the anti-covid meds?

Michael: Why are you guys sorry lol

Michael: No. More like Niquill brand stuff, times 100

Lorie: I work in healthcare... I know two other folks who are struggling with what could be “long COVID” symptoms and am disappointed that they want to end the PHE

Lorie: where MILLIONS will lose coverage

Michael: I got the Migraine symptims from Severe Covid

Michael: On Wednesday they had to give me a drug cocktail to knock me out because my head was about to explode (my personal feeling was that it was anyways)

Michael: (i'm getting better, but if I get my hands on a certain family member in the next few days, I can't be held liable for my actions, no matter how much I love them)


Michael: Anyway, enough of my whining. Games to play.And I'm kinda mentally here so :) I'll do what I can

Michael: But your well wishes are most appreciated :)

GM: I am ready to RP things at the library when people want to go there

GM: Library

Bixi Fizzlebang: People say sorry because they're offering sympathy, not apologizing :P I, too, am sorry that you are feeling so bad. I got really lucky when I had it... no symptoms except a little tired.

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ooc

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): However, every cold I've gotten in the past year has absolutely decimated me in a way colds never used to before

Lisa: should we do the Identify now or after the library?

GM: TMO are you here?

GM: I think that makes sense

GM: Prior to the library

Lisa: I saw TMO has the command word but I can give it a couple rolls

Lisa: I brought the mage ring too

Branwyn: sitting in the salon with the group for breakfast

Branwyn: looks at the items laid out and puts on the monocle

Branwyn: [CAST] Identify

Branwyn: looks at Craigh's magic rope first

Branwyn: [d100 = 66]

Branwyn: [d100 = 4]

Branwyn: [d100 = 68]

GM: Very nice

GM: Rope of Entanglement, +1

GM: and the full command word to have it knott and un-knott on command

Lisa (Branwyn): all the good stuff?

Branwyn: looks at N'laea's elven quiver

Branwyn: [d100 = 19]

Branwyn: [d100 = 31]

Branwyn: [d100 = 60]

TMO: I'm here - sorry, dinner arrived, and I was fixing up wife's plate

GM: grins

GM: and for N'aea's quiver, it is a magical quiver of “never ending arrows” when in use during combat, but then needs to be replenished with actual real arrows afterwards for every arrow used before it will work again

TMO: she had her septum undeviated this morning, so she's just a tad immobilized while her body recovers

GM: and bonus she can pull a plus 1 arrow once per refill

Lisa (Branwyn): nice

Lisa (Branwyn): ouch TMO! Hope she feels better soon

GM: To be clear for that quiver... she shoots 50 arrows, until she reloads with 50 arrows it does not work

Licornah: Wishing her speedy recovery

Michael: To be clear, that is only when you declare a combat encounter “over” correct bob? Then they need to be refilled?

Michael: Send her my best wishes TMO :)

Michael: We're all in misery this week it seems! We should go get Ice Cream :)

TMO: will do! You get better soon too!

Michael: :D

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I have ice cream, but my cough does not want it lol

TMO: the folks who brought dinner also brought cookies! :)

Lisa (Branwyn): yum!

Branwyn: looks at the dead mage's spell ring as to how to unlock and use it

Michael: I'm doing rootbeer floats becasue it's soothing on my throat LOL

Branwyn: [d100 = 45]

TMO: Bob - on the quiver - can she choose to refill it before it hits 50, or does she have to exhaust it before she can refill it?

Branwyn: [d100 = 73]

Branwyn: [d100 = 54]

GM: She has to refill how ever many arrows she shoots out before it will work again

TMO: ah, gotcha

TMO: so she could shoot 345 arrows, but then have to replentish it that much

GM: so shoot 2? refill 2 and it is good to go. shoot 100? until you go buy 100 arrows you cannot use it again

Lorie (Licornah): (it always has to have a total of 50?)

GM: The number of arrows shot out of it is the reset point

Lisa (Branwyn): so if she had 6 in it to start combat and needed 12 she could shoot 12 arrows but it won't work again until she puts a dozen in

Michael: So could be 1, could be 500

GM: Exactly for Lisa


TMO: the annoying part is if she shoots 2 in an encounter, but only has 1 on hand to fill it up, can't use it again until we reach a town

Michael: ah

GM: Yes to Michael

GM: It is magical (hah) for big combats, when her life depends on it... but for every day normal things? Still needs a supply of arrows

Lisa (Branwyn): just have to go around after combat yanking the arrows out of the dead things

Michael: Machine gun ballistae anyone?

TMO: so she has to always carry a quiver *and* a spare quiver, just to make sure she's got the refills to keep it active.

Michael: Or just keep the “Big One” on hand for shit hits the fan scenarios, and use the normal one until then

Michael: I honestly cannot remember the last tiem any of us ran out fo ammo

Michael: i'm not saying it hasnt' happened, I just don't remember

GM: Most combats do not last that long

Lisa (Branwyn): spell ring rolls?

Michael: Can we call it “Quiver of Credit?”

GM: Chuckles with Michael

GM: Ask Carissa when she is in

Michael: Interest free too

GM: and go for it Lisa

Lisa (Branwyn): lol Michael

Lisa (Branwyn): already rolled above

GM: Sorry what are we rolling for Lisa?

Lisa (Branwyn): the dead mage's spell ring

Lisa (Branwyn): time mage

GM: Ahh

Craigh: Bob - did I see right that the Rope is +1, so my Lasso attacks using it would be at +1, if I don't for some reason use the command words?

GM: Failure to understand and a plus 1 against creatures born after you

GM: Yes to TMO

TMO (Craigh): Just for everyone's personal enjoyment, when we rolled up Fives' gear, like the second item was a Rope of Entanglement. :P We said “Nahhhh!” and got something else.

Michael: is that a hindsight is 20/20 TMO?

Michael: Not sure if good or bad lol

TMO (Craigh): no, we've known since it was given to him what the Rope was. Only Craigh didn't know

Michael: Ah.gotcha :)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): So if she has like 15 arrows in the quiver, and uses 16 in combat, does she have to refill one to get it going again?

GM: 16

TMO (Craigh): 16, I think. The 15 would have been to refill after the last use

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): So it's stupid for her to keep more than one arrow in the quiver, because it uses extra?

TMO (Craigh): so, technically, the quiver always has 0 in it. You can use imaginary arrows, say 16, which takes it down to -16, then you have to fill it back up to 0

GM: Yes to TMO but think of it starting at 12

TMO (Craigh): that works better. Starts at 12, but you can take it to negative numbers, but then have to fill it back up to 12

Bixi Fizzlebang: Idk, that sounds like it eats the extra

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ooc

Bixi Fizzlebang: So if the start is 12, and she uses 13, she has to refill 13. What happens if the start is 12 and she uses 9? Who determines the starting number?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ooc again, sorry

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): math

Lisa: so you don't have to do the ring now if you weren't ready for it but I wanted the rolls on the record in case there were any spells on there that could be useful for hell

Lisa: speaking of math - your shadow monster spell description was making my head spin with the math! lol

GM: The two things about the ring I put there Lisa, “Something” that she did not understand, and a +1 ring against any creature born after the user

Lisa: oh I thought you were talking about the rope

GM: no worries

Lisa: she rolled 3 times on it - should she roll more? she's got 3 more rolls

Lisa: no use in having a ring she does not understand and an Identify spell that doesn't help her unmderstand ...

GM: No more on the ring, but if there are other things to check

Lisa: might as well just sell it then. it is of no use at all

GM: The thing she KNOWS is that there is something that she knows she does not know... similar to the idea of the crystal ball was magical but had no idea how it worked until she took it out of the Mists

Lisa: of jeeze - we are out of the mist

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): how is she supposed to figure out what the thing she doesn't know is?

TMO (Craigh): Interrogate the dead man. Seance time! :)

Michael: Expermient maybe

Michael: Or another mage might know

Lisa: that's what I was thinking - maybe a seance when we get back to the Inn

TMO (Craigh): knowing they don't know something is like a drug forwizards!

Lisa: she can put it on and start waving her hand around

Michael: +1 to Dopamine Levels when worn

Lisa: too bad this isn't her house any more

GM: Yes to Lisa, so going on that idea... this ring has something that is weird and she cannot understand..... so where does she need to take it to get that access

TMO (Craigh): Gonna go Back in Time!

GM: grins

Lisa: Back to ... the future?

GM: Huey Lewis and the News

Branwyn: Branwyn is disappointed after all thsi time not to get any useful information.

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I support the seance

Branwyn: It's not even a very attractive ring.

TMO (Craigh): of course you do, Ghost Writer

Branwyn: puts it on her hand to see how it feels through the day

TMO (Craigh): Bam! Cursed!

Michael: Begins the first cycle of Groundhogs Day

Lisa: ok that's done

Lisa: who wants to go to the library?

GM: Lorie?

TMO (Craigh): available, if deemed worth the weight

Lisa: 5 traveled here okay so 4 people can go with Bran

GM: Jenn is off at the Celestry for three days, she will (WOW how did that happen?) be back at the time that Branwyn is back at the Residence and ready to leave

Lisa: how did what happen?

Lorie (Licornah): Sorry - did you need me?

Lisa: want to go to the library?

Lorie (Licornah): Oh, if there is space... if not, I'm okay to hang back

Lisa: there's room :)

Lorie (Licornah): Then I'm in

Lisa: so Craigh, Licornah, Bixi? and one of Carissa's characters?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh, I wasn't planning on going, but I definitely will

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ooc

'Carissa' connected

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): But works both I guess

GM: Hello Carissa

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Great, now you can explain the math to Carissa, because I'm still unsure of who decides the starting point for that quiver and if it just eats arrows

GM: Carissa, your quiver has 12 arrows in it, you can shoot (in a combat) how ever many arrows you want, (500) but after the combat you have to refill the arrows back up to 12 to be able to use the quiver again

Lisa: Hi Carissa :)

GM: Also once per combat you can pull out a +1 arrow

Carissa: Hi all!

Michael: So,512 arrows Carissa :)

Craigh: even if you shoot just 1 arrow (in a combat), it won't work again until you put 1 arrow back in

Michael: Also Hi!

GM: Yes to TMO

Carissa: Okay cool.

Michael: Why do I feel this is one of those logic number puzzles....

Carissa: So she'll just carry around normal arrows in her other quiver - one on the hip, one on the back, and switch them as she needs?

GM: That is an option

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): That is such a more understandable explanation than the first time lol

GM: and so Branwyn, Bixi, Criagh, Licornah, and (Rae or N'alea) are going to the library

Lorie (Licornah): Evening Carissa

TMO (Craigh): woohoohoo! Look at her! Ms Strong Woman over here! Able to carry TWO whole quivers, while we're carrying .... not'ing! No quivers at all! They're TOO heavy! (read in Miracle Max's voice)

Carissa: LOL

Michael: I just placed the voice lol

TMO (Craigh): Bob - quick question about the Rope: if he entangles more than one target, can he unentangle selected ones, or does he have to unentangle all of them at once?

GM: Yes he now has the full control

GM: BUT it is very hard to entangle more than one and then unentangle only one

TMO (Craigh): Also, if he currently has fewer then the max amount entangled, can he add new ones if they're in range? Or is it busy until those caught are released?

GM: as in most times it it two creatures bound together

TMO (Craigh): up to 8 man-sized creatures

GM: no, without letting everyone go, cannot then add

TMO (Craigh): unless you modify it

GM: smiles

TMO (Craigh): just planning tactics is all. Don't grab just one scout, go for whole warbands. ;)

GM: Branwyn gathers everyone together and ????

TMO (Craigh): Entangle Attack!

Carissa: (sorry forgot I had to do one last thing for work - full attention in a minute or two)

Craigh: Craigh puts on his traveling hat.

Branwyn: Howard, we're going to go get the book from the library. If we're not back by dinner time you might want to check if we've been tossed in prison

Howard Plum: Please do not get “tossed” in prison

Craigh: Thanks for checking this thing out for me, Branwyn. It's been bugging me what it was. I was getting ready to give it a try myself, even though I probably couldn't have gotten anything.

Branwyn: Glad to have helped and I am sorry I did not do it sooner

Craigh: shrugs. “Priorities.”

Branwyn: Howard, prison is never the goal. Likely we shall be back with the book and be no worse for wear

Branwyn: smiles

Howard Plum: sighs

Gerald Whitwatcher: “Ambassador's attche” I hope you are not locked up but if you give me time I can get you out”

Craigh: pretends to make a note in his notebook. “Prison.... Bad. Got it!”

GM: NPC names do not work in chat right now

Branwyn: Thank you Gerald. Again, I do hope it will not be necessary

Branwyn: Is everyone ready?

Lisa (Branwyn): was stalling for Carissa ...

Michael: Off, that's bad bob.

Carissa: (go for it - I'm reading almost done!)

Michael: I know not your fault, just might become confusing fast

GM: I created Illporn as a character to be able to talk as him

Michael: come again?

Branwyn: takes hold of everyone and concentrates on the library reading room

Branwyn: [CAST] Teleport

GM: Lisa cna speak to the pun in his name

Branwyn: [d100 = 17]

Michael: Nope, still firmly in Lemon's camp on that one

Lorie (Licornah): (ready here)

GM: The group arrives in the lobby of the Royal Library without an appointment and past all the guards

Lisa (Branwyn): I know of no puns unless you want to ILL porn and there are definitely easier ways to get porn

GM: There you go Lisa

Carissa: LOL

GM: Thank you

TMO (Craigh): my best guess is *InterLibrary Loan*

Lisa (Branwyn): yes

Carissa: but why porn

Michael: I threw up a bit

Lisa (Branwyn): lol

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yep. It's just as bad as I expected.

GM: grins

Carissa: shutting down work computer but maybe regretting you getting my full attention now

Michael: Well Lemon, congrats! You were right :)

Branwyn: Here we are. Step one completed successfully

Lorie (Licornah): Of all the topics... this ithis is where we land? Pr0n?

GM: BUT ILL (inter library loan) Porn (as in getting something you want but do not want anyone to know you want it) works so well for this

GM: and I did that 8 years ago!!!!

Michael: pick another verb. Like, questionables

Lisa (Branwyn): why don't I want people to know I want porn?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Strongly disagree about everything here

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ooc

Michael: LOLOLOL Lisa

GM: LOL Lisa

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): But also... it's ok to say porn, lol, we are all adults here... I hope

Michael: We are, it's that we are the bad kind of adultsto see those words and not be childish about it :)

Carissa: oh no I forgot about another work deadline I missed got to go guys....

Lisa (Branwyn): no!

GM: Sucks Carissa

Lisa (Branwyn): we'll hide the porn

Bixi Fizzlebang: Why not like “Illselfhelp”

Carissa: (LOL)

Michael: LOL

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ooc again

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): or like, “ILLAnyForDummiesBook”

Carissa: (sorry should have tacked a /s on there for some of you)

GM: grins

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Or like “IllReiki” (sorry if I offend anyone with that one, just not my personal belief wheelhouse)

GM: so the group is there

Carissa: (was it just Nae?)

GM: You pick Carissa

GM: which one

Carissa: (any preference Lisa? your heist here)

Lisa (Branwyn): whoever you want

Carissa: (although of the names listed Nae is the least squishy so we'll go with that)

Carissa: (...just in case....)

Carissa (N'laea): (and if she doesn't have a dagger, she can stab someone with neverending arrows now!)

TMO (Craigh): is supremely squishy

Branwyn: Let's hope Illporn still works here

GM: As you arrive you startle some clerk who “SQUEEEKS' and runs away

Branwyn: walks into the reading room

Branwyn: That was odd

Craigh: follows and looks around very curiously.

Branwyn: approaches the desk

N'laea: Running away in surprise?

Branwyn: Hello?

Librarian Illporn: Limps into the room with his cane

Librarian Illporn: Hello can I help....

Licornah: :: takes in the library from their vantage point ::

Branwyn: Librarian Illporn?

GM: (Sigh, this is Illporn sorry from now on presume it is he that is speaking)

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 8]

N'laea: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 14]

Librarian Illporn: I know you

Librarian Illporn: How do I know you?

Branwyn: I'm Branwyn the Mysterious

Branwyn: Former Ambassador from Drillian?

Librarian Illporn: Hmmm looks at your companions, I do not recognize any of these people

Librarian Illporn: Your face looks familiar but

Branwyn: They are new friends

Librarian Illporn: Did you sign in at the front desk?

Branwyn: I transcribed many magic books for you. Invited you to Ashcroft Manor for seances.

Librarian Illporn: The Prince, she is very insistant that we keep good records

Branwyn: Froze an apprentice here?

Librarian Illporn: OH OH OH

Librarian Illporn: YOU

Lisa (Branwyn): lol

Librarian Illporn: Shuffles forward....

Michael: (froze an apprentice here? Yep, that's the one)

Michael: LOL

Librarian Illporn: Bows a bit

Librarian Illporn: Thank you!

Librarian Illporn: It has been .... years, maybe decades....

Branwyn: Thank me?

Librarian Illporn: you were in my youth

Branwyn: I hope it hasn't been that long

Branwyn: It doesn't feel that way to me

Librarian Illporn: You helped me establish so many rules about stopping people from using the library

Branwyn: laughs

Librarian Illporn: What brings you back ?

Branwyn: I'm glad I could be of service

Librarian Illporn: Who are these people with you?

Branwyn: Well ... one of the things that happened here I haven't been able to shake

Librarian Illporn: Elves all around, is that why you have been gone so long?

Branwyn: This is Licornah

Branwyn: And N'laea

Licornah: :: nods ::

Librarian Illporn: Greetings Fair Elven Lady

Librarian Illporn: I hope our lands are bright for you

Branwyn: And this is Craigh, a book binder and archivist, and Bixi, a great story teller

Librarian Illporn: Book Binders are a very honorable craft, welcome

Librarian Illporn: and a story teller, that is a great boon to any library

Branwyn: Everyone, this is Illporn the Royal Librarian

Librarian Illporn: Warm smiles

Bixi Fizzlebang: does her usual awkward curtsey thing

Librarian Illporn: Welcome to the Royal Library of Dryads Lair

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I hate his name so much.

Librarian Illporn: How can we help you

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Where is Zayden to give him a nickname?

GM: (Bixi will have to assist)

Craigh: offers a bow.

Craigh: Master Librarian, I'm honored.

Librarian Illporn: Looks at Craigh, How are your rates Sir?

N'laea: is quiet

TMO (Craigh): (sorry, was bringing meds to sicko)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ouch, TMO, ouch

Librarian Illporn: I can pay you 100 GP a month if you stay and assist with repairing book bindings

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): No need to talk about Illporn that way

Craigh: That depends on the task, Sir, but I think I deliver for my fees.

GM: (LOL Lemon)

Lorie (Licornah): (Sounds like we all need the medical ward, Paul is recovering from his knee surgery this week )

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Just because he loans out porn doesn't mean he's a sicko

GM: (he still has one good knee Lorie, grins)

Michael: 100GP a MONTH? holy shit! Bookbinding is a lucartative trade. Bob, did you base that off of our actualy history? Like, how Archivists in Rome and Egypt were basically right hands of royalty?

Lorie (Licornah): (LOL - he's had a week)

GM: (grins with Michael.... are you sure you want to learn Two Handed Sword mastery? wink)

Lisa (Branwyn): yes Craigh decides not to leave now

Michael: In real life, I love my Archival degree, in D&D I like swinging a sword :)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Lol, good thing we've got Fives coming in for TMO. Bye Craigh, I'll miss you

Craigh: I'd have to discuss it with the Countess, as she'd have to come back to pick me up, or I can arrange an alternate passage home.

Michael: And just so you know bob, I get a contact high when stiching a bookbinding

Branwyn: Hmmm

Branwyn: Interesting

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Nice! I briefly made my own journals out of whatever that stuff is they use to frame pictures with. But then I lost my supply of that. Also I wanted to make my own paper from scraps but that seemed like so much work.

Branwyn: I was hoping you could bring up a book I looked at when I was here last

Librarian Illporn: Sighs, you want THAT book don't you?

Craigh: chuckles.

Branwyn: Yes. Fiendomicon of Iggwilv

Librarian Illporn: Why? It was so much trouble the last time you were here

Librarian Illporn: and then others heard about it and wanted to try it

Branwyn: It still has its curse upon me

Michael: lol

Librarian Illporn: and we spend five eight years dealing with it

Branwyn: Did you let them?

Michael: Let's all open the cused book!

Librarian Illporn: GOOD

Branwyn: Good?

Librarian Illporn: If you are cursed then that explains why none of the other people could open the book

Branwyn: They couldn't even open it?

Librarian Illporn: That means I do not have to worry anymore

Librarian Illporn: it will just stay locked away

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Lol, Michael trying to be the voice of reason about a cursed book after making friends with a cursed sword?

Branwyn: No no no.

Librarian Illporn: no one will need to bother it again

Branwyn: I need that book

Librarian Illporn: Why?

Librarian Illporn: It is cursed

Michael: Books are my friends long before weapons were :)

Branwyn: Because it cursed me! I need to remove it

Librarian Illporn: Go talk with the Celstry

Librarian Illporn: that is what they do

Branwyn: And the only way to do that is to return it

Michael: You could say....”I'ts overdue!”

Librarian Illporn: It is here, it is returned? still here? how can you say.... it never left?

Branwyn: They cannot remove this. I am marked by a guardian from hell

Librarian Illporn: I am sorry

Librarian Illporn: Was that the thing that happened when you were here?

Branwyn: You're sorry! This curse turns my correspondence into hellhounds

Librarian Illporn: Then I came to the ambassadors residence and there were those things that appeared

Branwyn: Yes when the mark of the hunt left the book and centered on me

Librarian Illporn: You are an ambassador you have other people to read things for you

Branwyn: You do not understand. It changes before it touches me. No one can read it

Branwyn: But that is beside the point

Librarian Illporn: Looks at Bixi, Storyteller, can you read?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Ah, only in Gnomish, but yes!

Librarian Illporn: Good so you can read for the Ambassador

Branwyn: This book is not Princess Dassani's. It is not the Royal Family's

Librarian Illporn: and have any hellhounds sprung out of your books?

GM: (say it Lisa.... say it .... grins)

Bixi Fizzlebang: whisper to Craigh “Do you get the feeling this guy only hears what he wants to hear?”

Michael: (It belongs in a Museaum?)

Branwyn: slams her hand on the desk

Branwyn: Illporn. That book is here on Inter Library Loan from Hell and the originating library wants their damned book back

Craigh: throws a quickl smile at Bixi and goes back to studying the librarian.

Michael: LOL

Michael: Coughing becase I am laughing in pain

Craigh: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 14] [d20 = 1]

Librarian Illporn: Well then that is important

Michael: Goddamn that was good

Michael: lisa

Branwyn: Yes it is

Michael: Please save this quote

Michael: please

Carissa (N'laea): (yup)

N'laea: is impressed.

Librarian Illporn: So you have the ticket?

Branwyn: No I don't have the ticket.

Branwyn: pulls out a red scroll from her pouch

Librarian Illporn: Well how can I give you a book for another library if you do not have the ticket for the book

Librarian Illporn: Ahhhh

Branwyn: I do have a message from them though

Librarian Illporn: There we go

Librarian Illporn: Takes the scroll

Branwyn: I would not advise opening it

Michael: But it will spawn a hellhound, so have fun!

Librarian Illporn: Are you certain this is from that library?

Branwyn: You don't know what will come out

Craigh: I think we can guess what it says from the outside.

Branwyn: I am certain that it contains hellish creatures of fire that will cause destruction if you open it here

Michael: in the library

Michael: full of flamable material

Branwyn: I do not recommend opening it but know that this is how I know it needs to be returned

Librarian Illporn: Certainly, overdue fines are often calculated based on the ability to pay, you have the ability to deal with a large cost

Branwyn: the book

TMO (Craigh): (I assume there's nothing of interest in this room besides the librarian Bob?)

Branwyn: And I am sure I will have to pay a cost to the Librarian from Hell

Branwyn: I will assume that debt for the Royal Library who kept it too long

Librarian Illporn: You do have the weight and purse of a Kingdom at your disposal

Craigh: Pardon, Countess? Out of curiosity, are you the one who 'borrowed' this book in the first place? I don't think I've ever heard the full story.

Michael: Nice Lisa.

Michael: I think they forget that you can redirect hells wrath back here for “holding” the book

Michael: “when you are actively attempting to return it”

Librarian Illporn: Looks at Licornah, are you here because of the Pact?

Branwyn: I did not. The book is in the possession of the Royal Library. I was only called in to assist in the reading and transcribing of it

Licornah: Me? Oh, I'm not from around these parts, I'm here to see the library

Lisa (Branwyn): yes with a 1 on your obs roll Craigh should be able to see something good!

Licornah: It's quite nice, reminds me of one of the nicer ones in Silverymoon

Michael: (Were you ever compensated for your pain sufferign and job well done Lisa?)

Michael: (Because it seem slike they are blood sucking leaches)

Lisa (Branwyn): lol - not at all Michael

Licornah: Any chance you have a book on unicorn hunting?

Craigh: So as a result of doing the Library a favor, you've been cursed, and are now volunteering to pay whatever overdue fee the Library has accrued for holding the book in the first place? That seems a trifle unbalanced to me, Sir Librarian. Are you willing to let this imbalance stand?

Librarian Illporn: The previous Librarians took possession of the book after the wizards fell during the construction of the Wall. When they failed to account for the cost of what they had borrowed it fell to the Royal Library to keep all the research items until they could be returned

Craigh: [TOWER] [SKILL] Persuasion [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 11) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 3]

Craigh: And the Countess is volunteering to do that job, in your stead.

Michael: history i'll need to lookup

Michael: that sounds cool

Librarian Illporn: It is not that I wish the Ambassador harm, but she did take it upon herself to explore the book when it was locked away to keep everyone safe from it

Michael: Uh, it sounds like they specifically asked her to do so????

Michael: what the fudge?

Branwyn: You brought it out and put it on the table for me to open! I didn't ask for it

Librarian Illporn: Which I am very happy to have her take this tome and return it

Branwyn: shakes her head

Librarian Illporn: I did specifically tell you not to unlock it

Bixi Fizzlebang: Great, sounds like it's settled!

Branwyn: Yes please bring the book

Lorie (Licornah): (Ye olde gaslighting is weird...)

Librarian Illporn: I just need the ticket from the owning library so that I can release it

Michael: Ye Olde? Nah, just plain gaslighting :)

Librarian Illporn: Or at least a suitable assurance

N'laea: We can take you with us to get it.

Michael: This seem s like textbook

Librarian Illporn: The Prince will want to know, she is most insistant

Librarian Illporn: She sees herself as a new guiding light for enlightenment

Librarian Illporn: Full of the warm glow of knowledge

Bixi Fizzlebang: So send her a message

Librarian Illporn: She is very into radient images

Lorie (Licornah): Oh, what priestess does she follow? Mielikki? Mystara?

N'laea: There will be plenty of warmth when we get the ticket if she wishes to come.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oooh, I know someone who makes a radiant lotion! I'm sure she'd be glad to make some for your prince!

Librarian Illporn: She might be appreciative of your gifts

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Licornah should ask that IC, that might be useful info

Michael: I think my problem is that I feel that bureaucrats in this world have a lack of self preservation for common sense that makes me wonder if it's me, or just the actual world of politics that grew independently of our own and that is where I am disconnecting what I think something should be, versus what this worlds version of common sense is.

Craigh: Well (gestures at the scroll), we could let the owning Library make their own case right here and now.

Carissa (N'laea): (how many other ways can I say go to Hell here...)

Lorie (Licornah): (Whoops, thought it was IC)

Michael: And that is my medicine speaking> I'm going to stop typing for awhile

Lorie (Licornah): What priestess does she follow? Mielikki? Mystara? Lurue?

Licornah: (ugh OOC again..)

Licornah: What priestess does she follow? Mielikki? Mystara? Lurue?

Librarian Illporn: I am not certain who those are, at least Mielikke sounds very .... Suomi... and not spoken of in pleasent company

Branwyn: The Prince is most likely of the Kayugan faith

Librarian Illporn: I am most certain that the Prince believes in a good strong Kaugan faith as it expected from someone like her

GM: (note, female pronoun, male title)

GM: ( I think that was obvious)

Branwyn: What do you want for the book Illporn?

Carissa (N'laea): (noted earlier but care more about getting the book soooo...)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Same, but cared more about the glitter lotion

Licornah: Mielikki is the patron goddess of Silverymoon with Lurue... Kaugan, I'm not not familiar with

Lisa (Branwyn): lol

Carissa (N'laea): (Rae has been getting more glitter while you all browse the library)

Librarian Illporn: I need something from you Ambassador to ensure that once you take this from here I can prove you had the right to keep it

Lorie (Licornah): (BOB, to be clear SHE is a Prince or a Princess? You've used both to refer to her... want to ensure I'm following)

Librarian Illporn: I understand your desire

Branwyn: Bring me the book and I will open it and you will know that the book is mine to take

Lisa (Branwyn): Illporn has no comprehension of her desire

GM: (It is a woman, female, but the role/posistion she is in is the Prince of Dryads Lair... so it does not matter male or female, it is a Prince)

Craigh: looks around the room to see if there's anything for him to climb up in case something goes very wrong

Lorie (Licornah): (Got it... thanks for clarifying)

Licornah: :: wanders over to a shelf of books to start looking for something on unicorns ::

Librarian Illporn: I believe you Branwyn the Mysterious

Librarian Illporn: I truely do

Librarian Illporn: I know you have been touched by this book, I saw it

Librarian Illporn: and I saw the results

Librarian Illporn: Yet I need something for my Prince before I can let such an artifact leave the Library

Branwyn: What do you want?

Michael: (How about an invitation to visit Drillian sometime?)

Branwyn: It is an artifact that no one can open or use

Librarian Illporn: Idealy I would like a ticket that shows ownship of this book to the library where ever it is

Branwyn: It does not provide knowledge

Craigh: So, if it was your wizards who borrowed the book, they must have had the ticket. Which means, if you have their stuff, you have the ticket.

Librarian Illporn: That wizard that borrowed the book has died long ago

Librarian Illporn: Or however they aquired it

Branwyn: It is not your book to quibble over

Librarian Illporn: Ambassador I know that this book contains extremely valuable knowledge to those who understand spells such as those

Librarian Illporn: Calm stern look at Branwyn

Branwyn: It doesn't if I am the only one on this plane that can open it

Librarian Illporn: It is a book in the Royal Library, it is my book to protect

Michael: Wait, in all seriousness, can you just give your stamp of authenticity as Countess Branwny the Myserious of Drillian? You aren' an ambassador anymore, you are a real political person. She isn't asking for much, just a “Ticket”. You, serving as an expert witness with a seal of authenticity will satisify her need right?

Librarian Illporn: Anyone can open this book

Librarian Illporn: Only you apparently can be cursed by this book

Librarian Illporn: and so you are the only one who can understand this book

Librarian Illporn: I have heard of at least one wizard who has gone in search of you to kill you

Branwyn: So it is useless to anyone but me and hell

Librarian Illporn: so that they might have a chance at the book

Branwyn: laughs

Michael: wow

Michael: Words failme

Librarian Illporn: I am glad they did not succed

Michael: We can kill these effers now

Craigh: Would a permission slip from the Prince be acceptable? Since the Head Librarian doesn't seem to have the authority?

Branwyn: I will transcribe and bind you a new copy of the book before I return it

Lorie (Licornah): (Can't we just take him and the book? Isn't her blood to open the book more proof than a ticket that could be forged or replicated?)

Branwyn: You will lose no knowledge

Librarian Illporn: Thinks

Bixi Fizzlebang: Wait, when we first got here, you said no one else has been able to open the book

Lisa (Branwyn): yes ...


GM: (considers with the rolls that Craigh made earlier to convince him about his skills also)

TMO (Craigh): (I threw a secret Persuasion roll in - no idea what the result was)

Michael: Man, we have to find a way to balance the karmic scales when all of this is said and done. People treat Branwny like she's their own personal valet service for cool shit

Lisa (Branwyn): I forgot to cast mine - so used to not using it

Librarian Illporn: Can any of you cast a binding curse?

Craigh: Binding Books only, sorry.

Branwyn: I do not curse people or things. I get cursed! Apparently.

TMO (Craigh): (Craigh's is the skill of Persuasion, not a spell)

Librarian Illporn: If you have a way of binding yourself to the promise of returning the knowledge of this book back to the Royal Library, I can take that as your reciept for this tome

Branwyn: looks at Licornah and Bixi

Branwyn: Anyone have a geas spell?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): No?

Michael: And now you have met every Administrator from the National Archvies and Records Administration :)

Michael: Congrats guys!

Michael: (In all seriousness, they are cool, but remind me of this dude)

Carissa (N'laea): lol

TMO (Craigh): given recent discoveries, this guy actually seems better able to keep track of his books


Lisa (Branwyn): most NARA people are really nice - just not the ones in College Park

Lorie (Licornah): (I can bestow a curse :) )

Michael: No comment on TMO

Michael: Because my heart hurt

Branwyn: [CAST] Otto’s Silver Tongue

Branwyn: [SAVE VS] Otto’s Silver Tongue

N'laea: Must it be a magical binding?

GM: (If you can curse Licornah then you can accomplish that, just have to word it correctly)

Lisa (Branwyn): he gets to roll a save

Michael: Ah, sorry Lisa. Forgot you deal with NARA :)

Illporn: [d20 = 2]

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I can turn your arms into branches though

GM: (That is a save)

Carissa (N'laea): (that one was interesting, wasn't it?)

Lorie (Licornah): (Wording suggestions taken... trying to share spell, but not having luck)

Bixi Fizzlebang: I would think your Prince would be willing to accept the word of a Countess as ticket enough.

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Persuasion [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 11) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 7]

TMO (Craigh): (and I got nothing against the NARA people, never dealt with them. And they also have to deal with people making copies. they may *have* kept track of all the originals, but copies are much harder to handle)

Bestow Curse

: Bestow Curse

Lisa (Branwyn): something like if Branwyn doesn't give them a copy of the book then she gets cursed in some weird way of your choosing

Michael: Unauthorized Disposotion in the fed government is no joke. It's a real serious issue

Michael: I mean, not like saying that solumly, just is a real challenge

Michael: ayway, ignore me

Michael: lol

Michael: sorry

Lisa (Branwyn): no woorries

Librarian Illporn: Young gnome story teller, you are not imaginative enough to see why a simple country Countess does not matter to the Prince of Dyrads Lair, only one step away from the Royal Crown of Terraguard

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm imaginative enough to see why she WOULD matter!

Librarian Illporn: Why our very King was here in Dryads Lair with the Ambassador

N'laea: Are you not a Princess as well, Branwyn?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Branwyn the Mysterious cleared the mist!

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): at the inn

Librarian Illporn: What is the Mist?

Bixi Fizzlebang: And fends off hellhounds!

Bixi Fizzlebang: And bested a time-wielding mage!

Branwyn: Thank you but the Librarian is correct that I am not significant in comparison to the leaders of Terraguard. I recognize that

Carissa (N'laea): (maybe time to whip out all those titles?)

Bixi Fizzlebang: He just doesn't know how powerful you really are

Michael: yeah, gotta be useful for something amirite?

Bixi Fizzlebang: You are really selling yourself short here

Branwyn: smiles

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Coming from the shortest person in the room, that should mean something

GM: (quote)

Carissa (N'laea): (I can't remember them all, but she's at least a princess - come onnn)

Branwyn: Drillian is very small in comparison

Carissa (N'laea): (and lol to Lemon)

Michael: we gotta start climbing the empire charts Lisa, just pull the rest of us up there with you :)

Michael: One day we can walk in and slide our Amex Black and say, I want one of every color please

Carissa (N'laea): (and blessed by a goddess! got that gem things to prove it?)

Carissa (N'laea): (maybe that'll be impressive)

Branwyn: However. I am a mage to be reckoned with and I have a friend that is willing to curse me if I do not deliver to you what I have promised

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'll be honest, I don't really like this idea

Librarian Illporn: We have several young priests here, they will be glad to witness you being cursed so you can take this tome

Michael: WITNESS

Bixi Fizzlebang: We barely even know Licornah... I mean, no offense, Licornah, you're PROBABLY great, but you're so quiet, I just don't know that yet

Branwyn: If I promise you a bound copy of the book then that is what I will give you.

Branwyn: That is fine

Licornah: :: Shrugs ::

Librarian Illporn: I will be happy with a bound copy of this book and you returning it to the library where it belongs

Librarian Illporn: That is all I ask

Bixi Fizzlebang: Wait... how long does it take to copy a book?

Branwyn: Then we have a deal

Bixi Fizzlebang: Can you just like, copy it here and then we'll take it when we're done?

Michael: (I think wemight actually have something that can help with that, but it's a fuzzy memory)

Librarian Illporn: I do need that promise assured by priestly magic

Branwyn: It is not the first time I have had curses and geas placed upon me and I am still standing

Michael: Rolls eyes

TMO (Craigh): (cue song lyrics)

N'laea: It cannot be worse than a curse from Hell.

TMO (Craigh): (yes, there is a spell Howard has that can make it much faster)

Librarian Illporn: You may speak of that to the Prince of which is worse, I will not speak to that

Bixi Fizzlebang: I mean maybe, but why risk it if we don't absolutely have to?

Michael: If we just don't have the promise spell necessary, just have one of the library priests cast it?

Branwyn: It takes a while to copy a whole book and she does not have a copy spell. If she's the only one that can read it, Howard can't help

Michael: Hm. You can't read aloud and have soemone transcribe?

TMO (Craigh): (we can make a scroll of Copy for Branwyn to use)

Lisa (Branwyn): oops - need to fix that for IC

Michael: Shoot

Bixi Fizzlebang: is visibly frustrated with the options

Michael: Okay TMO

Michael: Sorry, was panicking on Lisa's behalf

GM: (if you can do it “in house” you can solve this yourselves, or get someon other priest to cast the curse for you

Branwyn: So Illporn bring your priest and watch me get cursed

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I mean I'm sure it's fine, ooc, but IC, Bixi is worried

Carissa (N'laea): (again)

TMO (Craigh): (nah, we got options Michael - including nuking the site from orbit and sifting through the rubble)

Lisa (Branwyn): lol Carissa

Lorie (Licornah): (Sorry, I'm ready to cast the curse when ready... I thought it wasn't needed?)

GM: (He does not have one, would have to send to the Celestry)

Michael: lol TMO. Fun fact, you can visit the National Archives in the video game Fallout 3! For a reference no one here will understand lol

Lisa (Branwyn): ok - so Licornah is best

GM: (Lorie go for it)

Bixi Fizzlebang: makes a note in her notebook “pornman is super creepy and into curses. no thank you.”

Lisa (Branwyn): she needs to set conditions?

Michael: LOL to bixi

Carissa (N'laea): Not sure I played 3 it's been years

Michael: As always

Lorie (Licornah): :: makes curse wording with Branwyn's suggestions -- pronny gets a copy of the book for his library else curse ::

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): What is the reference that no one will get? I know what both the national archives are AND what fallout 3 is.

Michael: Of the many things I no longer love, I count my blessings that books, video games, and well, this game I guess? is still one of the things I do love lol

Michael: LOL.Oh sorry Lemon

-> Licornah: Thank you

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): It's a bunch of nerds here, we know stuff

Lisa (Branwyn): lol

GM: and did anyone see anything else about that whisper>?

Carissa (N'laea): Ooooh it tells us when your whispering now

Michael: I never really got the impression most of us play video games. TMO said one of our options was to Nuke the site from Orbit, which brought to my mind the destroyed “nuked” national archives in Washington DC in Fallout 3 lol

Licornah: :: nod ::

N'laea -> Bixi Fizzlebang: testing testing 1 2 3

GM: grins, thank you Carissa

Carissa (N'laea): but does it show whispers between players?

Bixi Fizzlebang -> N'laea: I'm not sure how I feel about this. My rock opera lyrics will go back to being annoying

GM: It has always done that for me

Lisa (Branwyn): no just that you're doing it

Lorie (Licornah): (I play lots of video games... but first person shooters and war games aren't really my thing)

TMO (Craigh): surprisingly, I don't play hardly any games. too many hobbies already, not enough hours in the day

N'laea -> Bixi Fizzlebang: maybe it's just initiation whisper

Carissa (N'laea): for each whisper?

GM: Smiles

Lisa (Branwyn): yes

Carissa (N'laea): there's been three between Lemon and me now

TMO (Craigh): although I have watched quite a few videos talking about games to make up for it

Michael: LOL :)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I also play lots of video games. Not tons of RPGs, but I do know about a lot of them, and have watched other people play bits of various Fallouts

Bixi Fizzlebang -> N'laea: How will we find out?

'Shislif' connected

N'laea -> Bixi Fizzlebang: lisa says yes

Michael: So Lorie, you more into like Civ? Baldurs Gate? Lisa has great taste in Isometric games I do know that

Carissa (N'laea): Hmm that can actually be annoying if it says that for each whisper and not the convo as a whole

GM: I added that Extension so that people would know there was whispering going on, not what was being said

GM: to make sure people did not think nothing was happening

Bixi Fizzlebang -> N'laea: yeah, this seems like a bad choice. Sorry, BOB.

GM: chuckles with Lemon

TMO (Craigh): it's nice because we're not just sitting here in apparently dead silence

Lorie (Licornah): (I used to play Baldurs Gate, but I play WoW, Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, Dreamlight Valley, Slime Ranchers... )

Carissa (N'laea): So you've seen five whispers now from Lemon/me, correct?

Carissa (N'laea): (asking people who are not BOB)

Michael: The more you know! Whta's your poison Lemon?)

Lorie (Licornah): (lots of whipering a foot...good thing I'm not paranoid j/k)

Carissa (N'laea): Ok yes then this might not be a good extension if it's for every single whisper.

Carissa (N'laea): It's nice knowing it's happening, but not for every single convo...

Sharif: hey everybody happy friday :)

TMO (Craigh): GM - Licornah; Licornah - GM; N'laea - Bixi; Bixi - N'laea; N'laea - Bixi; Bixi - N'laea; N'laea - Bixi; Bixi - N'laea;

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I tend toward sandboxy things, but... this would be a long conversation and I don't want to keep distracting lol

GM: Hey there Sharif! Sorry to miss your entrance

Lisa (Branwyn): Hi Sharif! :)

Carissa (N'laea): Yup that'll be a distraction

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yay, Zayden!

Carissa (N'laea): (Hi Sharif!)

Lorie (Licornah): (Evening Sharif!!!)

Sharif: No worries seems like a hot debate going on :)

TMO (Craigh): Gonna get even hotter if that scroll gets unrolled

Carissa (N'laea): sorry got distracted by an extension when we were in the middle of cursing

Michael: Hi Sharif :) hey quick ask, what video games if any do you like? I've been properly reminded this is a group of nerds and am getting everyone's preferences....

Lorie (Licornah): (Nah, just a chat about whipering and an add-on that might be more of a distraction than help :) )

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, I like the idea of it saying it once, but not every time. The reason I do the whispering in the first place is usually so I'm not distracting from the main story going on with whatever silliness I happen to be getting into at the time

Sharif: Oh I've played a bunch of game, but as of now and what's holding most of my attention is Valheim

Michael: Ah, good to know thanks :)

GM: so Licornah is cursing Branwyn

Sharif: But I played Stardew Valley too, a lil slime rancher

TMO (Craigh): (I don't find the whispers distracting - I actually like it, because then I know the others are here and participating)

Sharif: the action games

Michael: Damn! Lots of slime ranching going on. I need to check this game out

Lorie (Licornah): (:: high fives Sharif :: Welcome to the Club -- as long as you're anti Shane, we're good :) )

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Ok, but are you aware of how much Reven and Talwin, and Bixi and Zayden talk when other important shit is happening?

Sharif: Well I tried slime rancher but didn't get much into it tbh

TMO (Craigh): Not yet, but I'm willing to be

Lorie (Licornah): (Slime Rancher has a 1 and 2, we're playing mostly 1)

Carissa (N'laea): we can wait and find out lol

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Wow, you just gonna judge Shane like that? Ouch

Sharif: I tend to pjlay a lot of games but not finish them, adhd style :)


Carissa (N'laea): but with the knowledge that once we DO find out we might say no to the extension

Michael: lol

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): We all have our demons. Some of us more literally than others (cough Branwyn)

GM: yes Lemon says Whispers will be distracting

Michael: LOL

GM: go for it Licornah

GM: winks at Lemon

Sharif: Oh Witcher 3 that was a top notch game

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I mean... I don't know that they will be. Because if this stays in place, I will most likely cut WAY BACK on my whispering

Sharif: I played Overwatch for a while, but then stopped at some point

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Because I will be too worried about Bixi being even MORE annoying than she already is

Licornah: :: makes sure Branwyn is okay with curse wording before casting -- in essence they refine wording together ::

GM: That cannot be

Licornah: Licornah cast a spell NOT memorized.

Licornah: [CAST] Bestow Curse

Licornah: [SAVE VS] Bestow Curse

Michael: Thank god for Witcher 3 to remind people what storytelling is

Sharif: Been rewatching Fringe for the 2nd time, haven't seen it since it was on actual network tv, feels like a lifetime ago

GM: Lorie can propose the wording, I will give Lisa a chance to counter, then Licornah will cast the final

Michael: Gaunter O'Dimm will go down as one of my all time favorite villains. Ever

Sharif: well actually rewatching the first time, but 2nd time I've seen it

GM: and branwyn will forgo the save as she wants this to happen

GM: so that will make the curse go into effect

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, you have to be specific so BOB can hold it against us later

Lisa (Branwyn): yes curse me! curse me!

Michael: “Wants” a cusre lol

Michael: Lol Lisa beat me to it

Licornah: Proposed wording: Branwyn will provide the library with a bound copy of the <book name that I missed> or be cursed

Lisa (Branwyn): no clue what cursed entails but that's what she will do

TMO (Craigh): one wart, on the end of her nose.

Lisa (Branwyn): level loss? appendage loss?

Sharif: ouch

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Don't give him ideas

Lisa (Branwyn): she had a level loss geas for the Macbeth story

Carissa (N'laea): appendectomy! no more worries about appendicities!

Carissa (N'laea): oof spelling

Lisa (Branwyn): lol

Lorie (Licornah): (I was thinking her curse would be her hair would curl, but I'm not a mean curse kinda priestesss)

GM: Things like Deafness, etc

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I like my curly hair :(

Carissa (N'laea): same...

Sharif: curly hair is awesome

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): And I like the idea of cities made out of appendixes. Very creepy

Carissa (N'laea): as in I like your curly hair and mine

Lisa (Branwyn): lol

GM: the deletion of appendixes is a good library curse

Sharif: Sounds like Scorn

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oh, I need Zayden to be in here so he can give this guy a nickname. Dude's name is “Illporn”

Sharif: Lol, I think Illporn is already a nickname

Lisa (Branwyn): she might need to make it good if it's for the librarian. I'm going to get it done so not really worried about consequences

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I mean, I know it's technically too late for Zayden to join, but he needs to think of one for when we get back to talk about it

Sharif: join what?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): the group in the library. We teleported in

Carissa (N'laea): so what's the final curse from Licornah?

Sharif: oh ok cool

Sharif: will we be going back to in character stuff tonight?

Carissa (N'laea): after this curse gets done hopefully

GM: They are IC

Sharif: oh ok

GM: at least Lisa nd Lorie are

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, we just got a little distracted with the video game chat while Licornah fixes up her curse

Sharif: Glad you guys are thinking of Zayden!

Carissa (N'laea): yeah remember this is supposed to be a quick thing :P

Lisa (Branwyn): just waiting for consequences

Lisa (Branwyn): you can make her lose her voice so no casting verbal spells

Sharif: What games do you guys play?

GM: Licornah will cast a curse on Branwyn that says.......

Lisa (Branwyn): I play games that no one here plays :)

Carissa (N'laea): lose a finger so weird touch spells

Michael: You name it, I've probably played least onece

Sharif: Valheim is so good I love it

Michael: I play your games lisa. You recommend good ones

Michael: I still remember the Space Horror one...

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I've been obsessed with Plate Up! lately, which is not even my normal genre so I don't know what's going on with that

Sharif: Yea I played Fallout 4 :)

Carissa (N'laea): dragons and cake!! it's on my backlog list

Michael: Stasis. That's it

Lisa (Branwyn): I'm more of an indie adventure, puzzle game person

Sharif: lol sounds like fun, that's a restaurant simulator type game right?

Lorie (Licornah): She'll return a bound copy of <book name that I still don't know> or be cursed to lose her left pointer finger (second pass)

Lisa (Branwyn): sounds good Lorie

Lisa (Branwyn): I'll take it :)

Licornah: She'll return a bound copy of <book name that I still don't know> or be cursed to lose her left pointer finger

Sharif: Oh I haven't played the new Monkey Island game yet, I wanted to replayed the older games first

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, but I guess the difference is that you can automate all the cooking, if you get far enough? And it's a rogue-lite, so when it gets too hard, you just start over.

Lisa (Branwyn): new one is very good!

GM: Librarian Illporn speaking

Sharif: Grim Fandango is one of my favorites, as you may have discerned from discord

Michael: loved that game

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Someone gifted me that awhile ago but I have yet to play it. No spoilers

Lisa (Branwyn): yes

Librarian Illporn: I will accept that, I do expect that you will accomplish this quicker than your last visit here

Sharif: Of course Full Throttle too

Sharif: it's so cool worth a playthrough

Michael: Just checked Steam Library. I have over one thousand hours into Civilization 5 so, I probably like Strategy Games

Branwyn: Of course. Hell is my next stop and so I'll get to work on making that copy right away

Sharif: the friend that gifted you that is a good friend :)

Bixi Fizzlebang: Well as long as we don't get sucked into elflands for six years again

Sharif: Oh yea I played a bunch of civilization too

Lorie (Licornah): (I would love a better version of SimCity... I miss that game)

Librarian Illporn: Thank you, I am certain you will try but I do not trust that you will return from Hell to return this book or its copy after your trip

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I just spent too much time on Tropico 4 before going to Plate Up

Michael: They killed a beutiful game with Sim City :(

Sharif: I believe it's called Cities Skylines, but so many DLCs

Michael: That studio is EVIL now

GM: and back OOC now

GM: Waiting for Branwyn's last comment

Branwyn: There is no place I have ever gone that I have not returned from and I don't intend to start now

Michael: Tropico is a lot of fun, haven't played 4 yet though

GM: that is a good last line

Lisa (Branwyn): take that

GM: a nice quote

Sharif: Never played Tropico but always seemed fun

GM: and NOW decision time


Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Carissa thought I was crazy for enjoying being a dictator. You can tell her how wrong she is lol

Michael: Oh boy, you are in the clear in my book. Being a benevolent and kind autocrat in Civ 5 is a quick way to a tech victory....

Sharif: It's good to be the king

GM: Lorie are you having Licornah teleporting to Rivers Bend with Branwyn, then back to the Inn at Hourglass to avoid the Mist.

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): decision time, come on grab your friends we'll go to very distant lands

Sharif: History of the World

GM: Knowing that the rest of the group of players is clicking back to Loosend then doing maybe encounter or maybe clicking back to Dragon Fen

Lorie (Licornah): Can I teleport myself somewhere safe?

Sharif: Mel Brooks

Lisa: You avoid the Mist but it strands you at the Inn while the other PCs are in the Mist

Lorie (Licornah): Somewhere that isn't that mist

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oh I was thinking Tom Petty

GM: Dragon Fen and two thirds of Drillian is in The Mist

Sharif: Probably that too, I doubt Mel invented that line

GM: Except for Hourglass and the Inn

Michael: BRB. Need a refil and ice...

Sharif: me too!

Sharif: brb

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): And it leaves your character away from the group, so you will have nothing to do IC until they get back. Yes? Do I have that correct?

N'laea: But all our characters are in and interact in the Mist

GM: Yes to Lemon

Carissa (N'laea): (depends where they are - dinner with Jilly? That's in the Mist)

GM: which is why I want Lorie to have the first choise

GM: choice

Lorie (Licornah): (My choice is be sick and useless for a week or be alone but not sick?)

Lisa: if you teleport back you do get to do the first Fives interaction

GM: Yes to Lisa

Lisa: you can roll a save on sickness

Carissa (N'laea): (not always a week and we often skip that time)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): We will most likely time skip over most of the sickness time though, no?

Carissa (N'laea): (all the characters risk that)

GM: We know there will be two groups

TMO (Craigh): she says that like it's going to be some grand event. :P

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, and you're stuck at the inn if you go that route, because everywhere surrounding the inn is mist

GM: Branwyn plus that goes to Rivers Bend then to the Inn

Lisa: it will be a granbd event

Carissa (N'laea): With you TMO, it will be.

GM: the rest go to Loosend and then ???? encounters and or click to Dragon Fen

TMO (Craigh): developing performance anxiety over here.... :P

Carissa (N'laea): (I need at least some watches going back - Rae has gossip to gather)

Carissa (N'laea): (just imagine us all in our underwear or something apparently?)

GM: with Branwyn, N'laea Branwyn and (Fives) as a group and the others as a group

Lisa: and Jenn

GM: Yes sorry

Lorie (Licornah): I teleport myself ?

Lisa: you don't have to

Carissa (N'laea): We don't want to leave Jenn to make new friends? I suppose we should be nice...

GM: Branwyn teleports LIcornah

Lorie (Licornah): (It's a daily ability... it doesn't use a spell slot)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): You're taking the stuck at the inn option, eh? Maybe Licornah and Gerry will start a romance

GM: Jenn is a senior member of the Church, she has lots of friends and lots of people who want to get to know her......

Carissa (N'laea): (but isn't it distance restricted?)

Lorie (Licornah): (teleport without error...)

GM: Licornah has been at the Inn before

GM: so that would work

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): You DO understand that you'll be separated from the group for a good chunk of time here, if you take the teleport route, right?

Carissa (N'laea): (I thought it was similar ot Dimension Door)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Just want to make sure you know what you're getting into, because I personally would not like my characters getting stuck alone somewhere, I would get bored

GM: Lemon has a good point

Lorie (Licornah): (That I'd be bored?)

Lorie (Licornah): (... I'll be alone? )

Licornah: FIne, I'll go

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): You, IC, would not be with the group. Your character wouldn't be interacting with us at all on the trip back

GM: grins,that there are two options, go Home quickly with Branwyn or go home slowly with the rest of the group

Michael: I support you either way, just don't want you bored :(

Lorie (Licornah): (:: laughs ::)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Most of the action will be with the group on the trip back

GM: Lorie shoudl choose what is best for Lorie, and Licornah will have things to do in either way just not always here in live chat

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Agreed, you can do whatever you want, I just want to make sure you understand what you're choosing

Licornah: Let's just go and move it along... no need to spend more time on this. When I'm useless... I'm useless :: shrug ::

Lisa: after the fives chat - Branwyn and N'laea go back in the background until the group returns

TMO (Craigh): no, Howard is useless

Bixi Fizzlebang: That's a choice YOU make, if you are “useless” or not

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ooc

Lisa: yes Howard is useless!

GM: smiles with TMO

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): No one is actually useless unless they decide to be

Michael: howard is useless, but a paragon of usefullness when it counts

Lisa: and Licornah just cursed Branwyn. that was very useful!

Carissa (N'laea): (Rae would beat Howard over the head for calling himself useless)

GM: For Sharif, and Lemon, that was his first name Useless, when he was introduced to Branwyn, then she learned his real name was Howard.

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Even Howard does his glitter, and Zayden is comic relief and Daph... ok, I don't know what she does, but she's not useless

Lisa: Branwyn gave Howard the name useless along with that guild mage

TMO (Craigh): I like Howard, actually. :)

Michael: Ido too :)

Michael: He's remarkably steady and mostly sane

Lisa: He's a good guy. Just oh so mediocre :)

Carissa (N'laea): Agree. He has really grown on me. Actually him saving Ithil was when he grew on me, lol

Sharif: lol I rather be useless that howard :)

Michael: Talwin used him to prop up his mental stability

Sharif: kidding of course :)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): If you don't want to be “useless” you have to make a choice to do stuff. Even if it FEELS useless, it's not. It adds to the story

TMO (Craigh): he's grown on us... like mold, or a fungus

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): No matter what it is

Lisa: lol

Carissa (N'laea): lol

Sharif: lol

Lisa: yes to what Lemon is saying

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): No one here is useless

GM: ok so the rest of the group goes CLICK and makes it back to Loosend

Lisa: just jump on in

Sharif: click!

GM: to sell the Buttercup

Sharif: you gotta go click guys come on

Carissa (N'laea): So just wrapped up Dryads Lair like that?

TMO (Craigh): fine... click

Sharif: yea!

Michael: click

TMO (Craigh): I would imagine we can still tell stories

TMO (Craigh): about all the derring do

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Did Licornah decide for sure where she was going?

TMO (Craigh): that we did

Michael: I would image I can give Bran her damn present now?

Michael: lol

GM: Yes to Carissa, for live roleplay, of course things cna happen on the site for the time that occured while you were there, it was 7 months and we only roleplayed out 4 days of it

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): It's fine either way, I just want to make sure you're not skipping ahead before she can decide

Carissa: That's fine. That means we DEFINITELY need watches. But also Rae needed a seance at some point???

Carissa: Yeah but not everyone goes on site and replies so I like some of that in game.

Indigo: yes

GM: I thought she would like to do that near Loosend and Elven temples

Carissa: I'm fine skipping it now if we get those watches

Sharif: ...

Carissa: Oooh sure!

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, I admit, I have a hard time keeping up with the site

Sharif: 2nd lemon!

Carissa: I'm going to start putting in comments about Lemon on site that she'll never find...

Sharif: maybe we should make a podcast with updates?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): But DID we decide? Because sometimes I feel like BOB kind of steamrolls the story along and I don't want anyone to feel like they didn't get to make their decision before things moved ahead

Sharif: well I feel like Zayden still doesn't have a cool pair of magical sunglasses, he's bummed about that

GM: That is why we are paused Lemon

Sharif: Also that he can't dance

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): by “we” I mean Lorie, lol. Not sure why I said we. I think the rest of us have been clear about sticking with the group, who were already traveling, right?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I could be wrong on that

GM: We KNOW that Rae, Indigo, Howard, Zayden, Bixi, Daph, Youtarim, Talwin are all here in Loosend

Lorie (Licornah): (let's just move along... I'll deal with the consequences of being sick)

Carissa: he can get a normal pair and maybe find a way to enchant them later, Zayden. Or ask Rae to glitter glue decorations on them

GM: we know that Branwyn and N'laea are in Rivers Bend

Sharif: real life sick?

Lisa: no

Lisa: Mist sick

Sharif: Ohh that's a good idea

Lorie (Licornah): (Oh no, in real life, I'm fine...)

Sharif: cool

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): the mist sickness. Has Zayden experienced the mist? I can't remember where all we've been

GM: We have Craigh and Licornah that can be with either group

Carissa: Yes

TMO (Craigh): Where is this library at, btw?

Sharif: Yea I think Zay was with you during the mist?

TMO (Craigh): what city?

Carissa: When we came back from Elflands. Licornah and Nlaea were out for a week. Rae was out for almost a week. Everyone else was mostly fine.

Lisa: Royal Library?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): It's ok, we'll all be rolling for mist sickness. You might not even get it, who knows

TMO (Craigh): yes

Sharif: maybe Zay got vaccinated for it already

Lisa: Dryads Lair

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): lol

TMO (Craigh): OH... then why did we have to Teleport to it???

GM: Choices are Rivers Bend, meeting with Fives after gathering all the info you could at Dryads Lair and then after leaving Rivers Bend CLICK to Hourglass and the Inn

Michael: yeah, well vaccines don't always work lemme tell you....

Lisa: from left to right: Dragon Fen, Loosend, RiversBend, Dryads Lair

Lisa: How I think of it

Sharif: But we have to click yall

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Michael, can that be something that Talwin, in his ever-growing businesses, start to research? A mist vaccine?

GM: OR the other choice is to accompany the rest of the group and CLICK to Loosend and then a (quicker) trip back to Dragon Fen

Michael: Talwin will gladly start hustling some vaccine research......

Shislif: lol

Michael: Because he's trying to expand the commercial and educational appeal of the land

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I hear it's very lucrative

Shislif: operation teleport speed!

TMO (Craigh): Okay, if it's in Rivers Bend, Craigh can work at the Library to kill time. Gold is Gold is Gold, and the chance for picking up some knowledge, xp, or skill points

Carissa: I mean we can always travel to the Heart of the Mist and kill what's-his-face.

Lisa: no Library is in Drayds Lair

Lisa: Fives is in RiversBend

Michael: No library YET~

Lisa: Group is in Loosend

Lisa: Home is Dragon Fen


GM: DRyads Lair

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Need nickname asap


Lisa: shout TMO

Sharif: Orzo!

TMO (Craigh): then why did you say No Library is in Dryads Lair??? I'm confused!!!

Carissa: lol

GM: The library is in Dryads Lair

Sharif: Orzo would be a cool nickname

TMO (Craigh): *whimper*

Michael: My god,i need another doze of Niquill to help cope

Lisa: No comma library is in Drayds Lair in response to it being in RiversBend

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Once I gave a friend the nickname “iceberg” and I told him it was “because he's so cool.” he hated it. But that's legit a great nickname

GM: TMO said to kill time to work in the library, but Criagh, will be in Rivers Bend

Sharif: it's really raining here yall

TMO (Craigh): LOL! Okay, I got it now, sorry

Lisa: my apologies for not including the comma :)

TMO (Craigh): I was right in the middle of a thought and all of a sudden I started getting contradictions, and my whole brain deerailed

Lisa: yes Sharif! insane rain

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): But yes, I do like Orzo. That would also be a good name for a dog.

Carissa: Craigh is going with Bran Nae party not other party?

Sharif: Yea it's kinda fun though! Thankfully got a nice warm home to shelter in :)

Carissa: Please don't name dogs or creepy librarians after food.

GM: That is a TMO option, he has the same choice that Lorie has

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Craigh is getting a job

Sharif: Hmm Orzo would be a good dog name actually

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Heck no, food is great names for animals

Carissa: Sorry I'm probably adding confusion. I'll be quiet.

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Muffin

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Biscuit

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Noodle

TMO (Craigh): Sorry for the overreaction there. Unless it's a problem, Craigh is willing to work at the Royal Library for the rest of the 7 months, then travel back with the rest of the group

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Cookie

GM: Chocloate Chip Cookie Dough was our dog

Sharif: true I'm pro food name animals

Lisa: After Spring's commentary for Talwin's arena fight, Fluffy Muffin is an added nickname for my cats

GM: Cook for short

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): See?

GM: travel back with which group TMO?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): It's perfect

TMO (Craigh): whichever group is leaving in 7 months, I guess?

GM: OK so the Buttercup group

Lisa: good

GM: That leave Lorie

Carissa: *Buttercup - Moc Group

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Oreo. Pretty sure that's a super common pet name

GM: So at this point we click the group back to Loosend, and Indigo et all can try to sell the Buttercup

TMO (Craigh): psst.. Howard - you wanna teach me that Copy spell, and I can start copying interesting books in the Library???

GM: sadly all my NPCs are gone

Lorie (Licornah): (How does this leave me, I've already said what I'm doing...)

TMO (Craigh): Librational Espionage

Carissa: Even Yout??

Sharif: click!

Lisa: Craigh can try to learn it from Howard's book. It is 1st level I believe

Howard Plum: yup

GM: Lorie you want to go to Rivers Bend with Branwyn, then back to Dragon Fen with them to avoid the Mist Sickness the best she can

Lorie (Licornah): (Sure...whatever is going to move things along for the rest of the group best...)

Sharif: Thx such a trooper

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Nope, I refuse to accept that. Choose what YOU want

TMO (Craigh): it might be one of Craigh's last spells he can learn. I have to pick and choose those carefully, although does fit in with his espionage skills

GM: OK so next week early in the session we will be roleplaying Licornah, N'laea, Branwyn and Jenn in Rivers Bend interacting with Fives

Licornah: (See, I can't win... I say I want to X and it's ARE YOU SURE? I say I want to do Y and it's ARE YOU SURE? ... so you all tell me what you want me to so we can move things along? )

Lisa: copy spell works on any book or document. not just magic ones

TMO (Craigh): ooh, Jenn too?

GM: I understand Lorie

Bixi Fizzlebang: I wasn't trying to make you second guess your decision, I was trying to make sure you had all the facts before deciding

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): ooc

TMO (Craigh): Schroedinger's Licornah, be in both places until someone opens the box

GM: so we know who will be needed next session to accomplish that

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I didn't want you to teleport and then be disappointed that you didn't get to do whatever encounters with the bigger group

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): If that's what you want to do, that's totally fine

Sharif: Sorry if we weren't being supportive, I say you do you!

GM: Now we can go to Loosend with the others

Lorie (Licornah): (This feels like a no win decision... so I no longer care)

TMO (Craigh): and tie up the Loose Ends!

Lisa: to be honest Lorie you've been reading up on hell so if I got to pick for you I'd want you with Bran and Fives in RiversBend

Sharif: sometimes I just leave my loose ends

Lisa: if that helps muddle things more :)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Maybe you don't care, but Licornah probably should lol

GM: and that is what will happen Lisa and Lorie

Carissa: And I wanted to make sure you weren't bored because Bob does not time things well and it might be a session or two without Licornah in game

GM: so let it be written so let it be done

Lisa: lol Sharif :)

Sharif: :)

Lorie (Licornah): (I have a farm to mind, ginger island is calling, Leo needs a house...)

Lorie (Licornah): (LOL)

GM: smiles

Lorie (Licornah): (I have 8 characters that need to get 70)

GM: so now back to Indigo, Youtargim, etc at Loosend

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I just know there have been times when you (Lorie) haven't been thrilled about what's going on because you didn't feel like you had much to do. So I just want to make sure that if you choose that, you know you're choosing it. It's 100% fine whatever you decide, I'm just trying to make sure that you can find a way to enjoy your time here

Carissa: So did Yout survive the NPC purge???

Lisa: and we can always push bob to have a dragon fen hour if the travelling group is taking a while - we used to do that when we were in Dryads Lair

Lisa: do a little at the manor and most with the adventurers

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, whatever you decide, let's figure it out so that everyone gets something to do, so no one is totally left out

Carissa: well it's be at the inn if she doesn't want to enter the Mist

Shislif: brb bio break

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): It wounds me when you say you feel “useless”

Michael: Hey guys, I'm starting to have trouble keeping awake. I probably need to head in for tonight. I'm hoping that by next Friday I'll be back to my same Caustic self :)

Lisa: we will make it work

GM: Night Michael

TMO (Craigh): take care

Carissa: lol night Michael

Sharif: night michael

Lisa: We'll be looking forward to it :) Feel better Michael!

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): goodnight Michael! feel better!

Michael: Night :) Love you all. You are never useless to us Lorie :)

'Michael' disconnected

Lorie (Licornah): (TO BE CLEAR: When I say she's useless, if I get sickness = no spells / abilities so minus chit chat, pretty useless. My intiative is among the slowest, so often not able to contribute in combat)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): That's the same for any of us, though

Lorie (Licornah): (We have a LARGE group, so often there are only so many actions to go around...)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Mist sickness is mist sickness is mist sickness

Carissa: Shi wasn't able to cast a single spell when they visited a vampire. She founds things to do. It sucked, but we worked through it.

Lisa: sucked, hah!

Carissa: LOL

GM: grins

Carissa: I didn't even notice. I must be tired.

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): And with such a large group, some of us are bound to still be able to do SOMETHING. We will make it work, even if your character gets sick. IF YOU WANT TO. If you DON'T want to put her in the mist, that's fine too

TMO (Craigh): Craigh is pretty useless in combat, Mist sickness or no. It's annoying, but I built him this way. Not sure I could have done better, but I probably could have done worse. ;)

Carissa: coulda built him on rock and roll

GM: There is a challenge ;)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): And anyone who's not with the group is just as useless to the group as they would be if they were sick :P

Sharif: back!

Sharif: so what's up?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I think I scared everyone away by insisting that everyone get to play how they want lol

Lisa: not sure - think we are going to do squishy timey whimey thing

GM: Also to Carissa's NPC purge thought, they are still on the site, but we lost the ability to speak as an NPC so there is no way to differentiate between the husband and wife for example, when you are at the inn to sell the Buttercup

Sharif: that's cool I think that's under the You be You umrella

GM: Not at all Lemon, I appreciate everyone wanting everyone to participate

Sharif: umbrella

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): brella brella brella brella

Lisa: thought we got the ship from Jolain

Sharif: Like the song

GM: grins with Lisa

GM: see

Sharif: Jolene

Carissa: (oooh got it, thought they disappeared completely)

Carissa: clarity is important Lemon!

Sharif: well the way Zay wants to play is with cool magical sunglasses and dance

Sharif: in addition to playing instruments and singing

GM: I am hoping that when we do the chat the portion with the librarian is highlighted as in character

Carissa: Rae can start teaching him to “dance” like she did Howard until he can invest in an NWP

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): And I love that about Zayden! His personality is a great add

GM: or it will not be fun to do a story chat

Sharif: i have fun with story chats

Carissa: Well it says GM so it it's in Word should be a find and replace... annoying but doable?

Lisa: its Jorlaine officially

Sharif: lol annoying but doable

GM: not sure, there is an HTML code that automatically works for IC verus OCC when I type

GM: and thank you Lisa for that

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Hey, that's what they used to call me in high school!

Sharif: lol

GM: There has to be a story there Lemon for that

Carissa: yeah don't know Lisa's process anymore ot know how much of a pain it'll be but will cross my fingers for her since I'm getting off easy on summaries lately, lol

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): That was a joke, but I'd be happy to make one up if it makes you feel better

Lisa: I will fix story chat for Illporn So you want me to do tchat chat chat too?

GM: cuckles

Lisa: too many chats

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): no such thing!

Carissa: lol

Lorie: So then we're done for the evening?

GM: I want to pick up next week at Loosend and Rivers Bend

GM: yes to Lorie

GM: I would like to organize a bit


GM: there is the new dice game for people to try

Sharif: I like bit Buts

Sharif: big

Lorie: Okay night...everyone who is ill or treating a family member, feel better. Otherwise, have a good night

Lisa: lol

'Lorie' disconnected

Carissa: Is Indigo going gambling before we finish up??

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): goodnight Lorie!

Lisa: Goodnight Lorie!

GM: that is what I wanted to test

Carissa: night

Sharif: night!

Carissa: so seance will also be next week?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I know I'm like, the queen of off-topic tonight, and I'm sorry for that (a little) but I just need you to know, Sharif, that I have a giant coffee mug that says “I like big mugs and I can not lie”

Sharif: lol that's awesome!

Sharif: Also no need to apologize for you being you :)

Lisa: will also have to do a seance at the Inn now that the ring is not forthcoming

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I know I don't need to apologize to YOU, but I can read the room lol. I know not everyone loves it

Carissa: what ring?

Lisa: and hope that the mage you killed will be nice and tell us how the ring works

Sharif: Well there's no accounting for good taste :)

GM: and do you see the Drunken Unicorn game?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Bixi is SO in for a seance

Sharif: Zay will provide background music

Carissa: oh also at the inn - missed the also

Carissa: We can try. Rae stopped being involved after he grabbed her so not sure how he feel about her

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I don't know how y'all remember the specifics

Lisa: bran has nwp too - just not the greatest chance of success

Carissa: But it'll probably be all, “you could have prevented this too, elf!!”

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I just remember hating him

Lisa: he doesn't know Bran since no one would let her talk to him so maybe he will respect the mage

GM: So Bixi roll a d6

Raelynn: I was really wanting us to use that cool charm ring on him... oh well

GM: want to see how this works

Bixi Fizzlebang: [d6 = 6]

GM: that did not work

Carissa (Raelynn): (and can't remember why I wanted this NWP for Rae so not sure her success, lol_)

Bixi Fizzlebang Drunken Unicorn Round 1 [9d6 = 36]

Craigh Drunken Unicorn Round 1 [9d6 = 32]

Daphene Drunken Unicorn Round 1 [9d6 = 39]

Howard Plum Drunken Unicorn Round 1 [9d6 = 31]

Indigo Drunken Unicorn Round 1 [9d6 = 31]

Raelynn Drunken Unicorn Round 1 [9d6 = 28]

Zayden Drunken Unicorn Round 1 [9d6 = 32]

Sharif: Trippy

Carissa (Raelynn): that's a lie - I DO remember but I'm not sure why I was convinced it was a good choice

Raelynn: [SKILL] Spirit Lore [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 18]

Carissa: so only somewhat of a decent chance but that's fine as long as she can use it a few times

Branwyn: [SKILL] Spirit Lore [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 6) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 1]

Branwyn: low chance good roll you never know

Carissa: And Bran gets to talk to the mage!

GM: Ok so it seems you cannot see anything?

Carissa: Well okay, Rae does have a better chance than Bran, lol. Maybe if they combine their powers they'll be... Super Seance!

GM: Menu -> Dicegames

Branwyn: all I can see is the 9 d6 rolls

Branwyn: oh ok

Carissa: (sorry I was distracted by planning out seances)

Lisa: yes have it open

GM: can you roll for Indigo and Howard?

Howard Plum Drunken Unicorn Round 1 [9d6 = 27]

GM: you can see the instructions?

GM: there we go

Indigo Drunken Unicorn Round 1 [9d6 = 29]

GM: adn the rest?

Lisa: just click on the dice on the panel

Raelynn Drunken Unicorn Round 1 [9d6 = 33]

Bixi Fizzlebang Drunken Unicorn Round 1 [9d6 = 31]

Carissa: dang she did good? I think?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Kind of like yahtzee

Carissa: wait that's round one so she did bad

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): but different

TMO (Craigh): meme joke for you Carissa. :P

GM: Can you choose a different game? or are you stuck on this one?

TMO (Craigh): brb

Carissa: did I ever tell you about being chased by a emu with a crooked jaw? that was not fun

User has gone AFK. (TMO)

Lisa: the other games are blank

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): It says “drop PCs here to add party members”

Lisa: maybe you have to set it up?

Carissa (Raelynn): yeah I can't drop myself

GM: ok

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, I did try to add myself, no dice

GM: But you can see the rules for the various games

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): pun INTENDED, FOR ONCE

Lisa: lol

GM: and nice pun Lm=emon

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I'm on a roll tonight


Raelynn: lol

Lisa: brb

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): but yes, I can see the rules

GM: Ok, so Zayen Daph and Craigh did not roll

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Hey, so can we get Daph's portrait up here at some point? She looks too much like an elf now

Craigh Drunken Unicorn Round 2 [9d6 = 33]

Zayden Drunken Unicorn Round 2 [9d6 = 33]

GM: Roll for Daph please

GM: just testing

Daphene Drunken Unicorn Round 1 [9d6 = 35]

GM: Ok so in this case that is round one

Bixi Fizzlebang: unicorn!

Daphene Drunken Unicorn Round 3 [9d6 = 36]

Carissa (Raelynn): only three platers left

Bixi Fizzlebang Drunken Unicorn Round 3 [9d6 = 32]

Carissa (Raelynn): Howard vs Indigo...

Raelynn Drunken Unicorn Round 3 [9d6 = 34]

Carissa (Raelynn): Lisa needs to come back to tell us their bet

GM: So this will be interesting maybe

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I want to play this IRL

Carissa (Raelynn): So she's out. I can't roll meaning you are able to force it as a GM.

Carissa (Raelynn): Birthday Game... Game?

Howard Plum Drunken Unicorn Round 2 [9d6 = 30]

Indigo Drunken Unicorn Round 2 [9d6 = 20]

Carissa (Raelynn): Indigo wins!

Raelynn: ...actually they're both out

GM: That is sort of crazy

Carissa: It's a quick game

GM: and now that I have closed it do you still see it?

GM: and can you interact with it?

Carissa: Yes and no

Bixi Fizzlebang: [1 = 1]

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I can't roll

Carissa: Because it still has it as the same game so I'm still out

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I can click stuff

GM: Ok

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Pig Dice seems like something Indigo would like

Carissa: lol

GM: so I set up Pig Dice for you

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): “the highest roll eats first”

GM: added the Characters

GM: can you do anything with it now?

Bixi Fizzlebang: no

Lisa: b

Carissa: [d6 = 5]

Bixi Fizzlebang: [d6 = 1]

Carissa (Raelynn): you briefly had indigo in

Carissa (Raelynn): whateer you did

Raelynn banks points!

Carissa (Raelynn): thjere

Raelynn Pig Dice [4] Add to the total and roll again or pass! [1d6 = 4]

Raelynn Pig Dice [1] Oink! Oink! Get your snout out of the trough! No Score - pass the dice on! [1d6 = 1]

Raelynn Pig Dice [5] Add to the total and roll again or pass! [1d6 = 5]

Carissa (Raelynn): but doesn't let me decide to bank or not

Raelynn Pig Dice [6] Add to the total and roll again or pass! [1d6 = 6]

Sharif: oh hey gang think I'm kinda checking out for the evening but I'll stay logged on n check in every now n then

Sharif: I mean like mentally checking out

GM: Have a great night Sharif, see you next week

Raelynn: night Sharif!

Sharif: thx you too!

GM: we are done and just messing around with stuff

Sharif: Sorry I'm gonna be showing up late for a while

Lisa: Think I'm going to head out to and listen to the rain

GM: Fully understand

GM: have a great night all

Sharif: heart thx

Lisa: Just glad you can make it Sharif

Carissa (Raelynn): Yeah testing things gets boring :)

GM: Carissa and Lemon I will shut this down

Carissa: oh darn

'Lisa' disconnected

GM: get the chat and bring it back up if you want to messa round with things

'Shislif' disconnected

GM: will just take a moment

Carissa: Night Lisa!

Carissa: Ok

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): goodnight Lisa and Sharif!