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Chat Log - 2023 02 24 - Searching for Alexandria - Formatted - Chat

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The next morning, Branwyn uses the monocle and casts Identify on some magic items.

Branwyn: sitting in the salon with the group for breakfast

Branwyn: looks at the items laid out and puts on the monocle

Branwyn: [CAST] Identify

Branwyn: looks at Craigh's magic rope first

She sees it is a Rope of Entanglement, +1 and knows the full command word to have it knot and un-knot on command

Branwyn: looks at N'laea's elven quiver

She sees that N'aea's quiver is a magical quiver of “never ending arrows” when in use during combat, but then needs to be replenished with actual real arrows afterwards for every arrow used before it will work again

As a bonus she can pull a +1 arrow once per refill

Branwyn: Lastly, looks at the dead mage's spell ring as to how to unlock and use it

Branwyn senses a failure to understand and a +1 against creatures born after her

The thing she KNOWS is that there is something that she knows she does not know... similar to the idea of the crystal ball was magical but had no idea how it worked until she took it out of the Mists

Branwyn: Branwyn is disappointed after all this time not to get any useful information.

Branwyn: It's not even a very attractive ring.

Branwyn: puts it on her hand to see how it feels through the day

GM: Jenn is off at the Celestry for three days, she will be back at the time that Branwyn is back at the Residence and ready to leave

GM: Branwyn gathers everyone together to teleport to the Royal Library

Craigh: Craigh puts on his traveling hat.

Craigh: Thanks for checking this thing out for me, Branwyn. It's been bugging me what it was. I was getting ready to give it a try myself, even though I probably couldn't have gotten anything.

Branwyn: Glad to have helped and I am sorry I did not do it sooner

Craigh: shrugs. “Priorities.”

Branwyn: Howard, we're going to go get the book from the library. If we're not back by dinner time you might want to check if we've been tossed in prison

Howard Plum: Please do not get “tossed” in prison

Branwyn: Howard, prison is never the goal. Likely we shall be back with the book and be no worse for wear

Branwyn: smiles

Howard Plum: sighs

Gerald Whitwatcher: I hope you are not locked up but if you give me time I can get you out”

Craigh: pretends to make a note in his notebook. “Prison.... Bad. Got it!”

Branwyn: Thank you Gerald. Again, I do hope it will not be necessary

Branwyn: Is everyone ready?

Branwyn: takes hold of everyone and concentrates on the library reading room

Branwyn: [CAST] Teleport

GM: The group arrives in the lobby of the Royal Library without an appointment and past all the guards

Branwyn: Here we are. Step one completed successfully

Branwyn: Let's hope Illporn still works here

Branwyn: walks into the reading room

As you arrive you startle some clerk who “SQUEEEKS' and runs away

Branwyn: That was odd

Craigh: follows and looks around very curiously.

Branwyn: approaches the desk

N'laea: Running away in surprise?

Branwyn: Hello?

Librarian Illporn: Limps into the room with his cane

Librarian Illporn: Hello can I help....

Licornah: :: takes in the library from their vantage point ::

Branwyn: Librarian Illporn?

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 8]

N'laea: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 14]

Librarian Illporn: I know you

Librarian Illporn: How do I know you?

Branwyn: I'm Branwyn the Mysterious

Branwyn: Former Ambassador from Drillian?

Librarian Illporn: Hmmm looks at your companions, I do not recognize any of these people

Librarian Illporn: Your face looks familiar but

Branwyn: They are new friends

Librarian Illporn: Did you sign in at the front desk?

Branwyn: I transcribed many magic books for you. Invited you to Ashcroft Manor for seances.

Librarian Illporn: The Prince, she is very insistent that we keep good records

Branwyn: Froze an apprentice here?

Librarian Illporn: OH OH OH

Librarian Illporn: YOU

Librarian Illporn: Shuffles forward....

Librarian Illporn: Bows a bit

Librarian Illporn: Thank you!

Librarian Illporn: It has been .... years, maybe decades....

Branwyn: Thank me?

Librarian Illporn: you were in my youth

Branwyn: I hope it hasn't been that long

Branwyn: It doesn't feel that way to me

Librarian Illporn: You helped me establish so many rules about stopping people from using the library

Branwyn: laughs

Librarian Illporn: What brings you back ?

Branwyn: I'm glad I could be of service

Librarian Illporn: Who are these people with you?

Branwyn: Well ... one of the things that happened here I haven't been able to shake

Librarian Illporn: Elves all around, is that why you have been gone so long?

Branwyn: This is Licornah

Branwyn: And N'laea

Licornah: :: nods ::

Librarian Illporn: Greetings Fair Elven Lady

Librarian Illporn: I hope our lands are bright for you

Branwyn: And this is Craigh, a book binder and archivist, and Bixi, a great story teller

Librarian Illporn: Book Binders are a very honorable craft, welcome

Librarian Illporn: and a story teller, that is a great boon to any library

Branwyn: Everyone, this is Illporn the Royal Librarian

Librarian Illporn: Warm smiles

Bixi Fizzlebang: does her usual awkward curtsey thing

Librarian Illporn: Welcome to the Royal Library of Dryads Lair

Librarian Illporn: How can we help you

Craigh: offers a bow.

Craigh: Master Librarian, I'm honored.

Librarian Illporn: Looks at Craigh, How are your rates Sir?

N'laea: is quiet

Librarian Illporn: I can pay you 100 GP a month if you stay and assist with repairing book bindings

Craigh: That depends on the task, Sir, but I think I deliver for my fees.

Craigh: I'd have to discuss it with the Countess, as she'd have to come back to pick me up, or I can arrange an alternate passage home.

Branwyn: Hmmm

Branwyn: Interesting

Branwyn: I was hoping you could bring up a book I looked at when I was here last

Librarian Illporn: Sighs, you want THAT book don't you?

Craigh: chuckles.

Branwyn: Yes. Fiendomicon of Iggwilv

Librarian Illporn: Why? It was so much trouble the last time you were here

Librarian Illporn: and then others heard about it and wanted to try it

Branwyn: It still has its curse upon me

Librarian Illporn: and we spend five eight years dealing with it

Branwyn: Did you let them?

Librarian Illporn: GOOD

Branwyn: Good?

Librarian Illporn: If you are cursed then that explains why none of the other people could open the book

Branwyn: They couldn't even open it?

Librarian Illporn: That means I do not have to worry anymore

Librarian Illporn: it will just stay locked away

Branwyn: No no no.

Librarian Illporn: no one will need to bother it again

Branwyn: I need that book

Librarian Illporn: Why?

Librarian Illporn: It is cursed

Branwyn: Because it cursed me! I need to remove it

Librarian Illporn: Go talk with the Celestry

Librarian Illporn: that is what they do

Branwyn: And the only way to do that is to return it

Librarian Illporn: It is here, it is returned? still here? how can you say.... it never left?

Branwyn: They cannot remove this. I am marked by a guardian from hell

Librarian Illporn: I am sorry

Librarian Illporn: Was that the thing that happened when you were here?

Branwyn: You're sorry! This curse turns my correspondence into hellhounds

Librarian Illporn: Then I came to the ambassadors residence and there were those things that appeared

Branwyn: Yes when the mark of the hunt left the book and centered on me

Librarian Illporn: You are an ambassador you have other people to read things for you

Branwyn: You do not understand. It changes before it touches me. No one can read it

Branwyn: But that is beside the point

Librarian Illporn: Looks at Bixi, Storyteller, can you read?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Ah, only in Gnomish, but yes!

Librarian Illporn: Good so you can read for the Ambassador

Branwyn: This book is not Princess Dassani's. It is not the Royal Family's

Librarian Illporn: and have any hellhounds sprung out of your books?

Bixi Fizzlebang: whisper to Craigh “Do you get the feeling this guy only hears what he wants to hear?”

Branwyn: slams her hand on the desk

Branwyn: Illporn. That book is here on Inter Library Loan from Hell and the originating library wants their damned book back

Craigh: throws a quick smile at Bixi and goes back to studying the librarian.

Craigh: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 14] [d20 = 1]

Librarian Illporn: Well then that is important

Branwyn: Yes it is

N'laea: is impressed.

Librarian Illporn: So you have the ticket?

Branwyn: No I don't have the ticket.

Branwyn: pulls out a red scroll from her pouch

Librarian Illporn: Well how can I give you a book for another library if you do not have the ticket for the book

Librarian Illporn: Ahhhh

Branwyn: I do have a message from them though

Librarian Illporn: There we go

Librarian Illporn: Takes the scroll

Branwyn: I would not advise opening it

Librarian Illporn: Are you certain this is from that library?

Branwyn: You don't know what will come out

Craigh: I think we can guess what it says from the outside.

Branwyn: I am certain that it contains hellish creatures of fire that will cause destruction if you open it here

Branwyn: I do not recommend opening it but know that this is how I know the book needs to be returned

Librarian Illporn: Certainly, overdue fines are often calculated based on the ability to pay, you have the ability to deal with a large cost

Branwyn: And I am sure I will have to pay a cost to the Librarian from Hell

Branwyn: I will assume that debt for the Royal Library who kept it too long

Librarian Illporn: You do have the weight and purse of a Kingdom at your disposal

Craigh: Pardon, Countess? Out of curiosity, are you the one who 'borrowed' this book in the first place? I don't think I've ever heard the full story.

Branwyn: I did not. The book is in the possession of the Royal Library. I was only called in to assist in the reading and transcribing of it

Librarian Illporn: Looks at Licornah, are you here because of the Pact?

Licornah: Me? Oh, I'm not from around these parts, I'm here to see the library

Licornah: It's quite nice, reminds me of one of the nicer ones in Silverymoon

Licornah: Any chance you have a book on unicorn hunting?

Craigh: So as a result of doing the Library a favor, you've been cursed, and are now volunteering to pay whatever overdue fee the Library has accrued for holding the book in the first place? That seems a trifle unbalanced to me, Sir Librarian. Are you willing to let this imbalance stand?

Librarian Illporn: The previous Librarians took possession of the book after the wizards fell during the construction of the Wall. When they failed to account for the cost of what they had borrowed it fell to the Royal Library to keep all the research items until they could be returned

Craigh: [TOWER] [SKILL] Persuasion [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 11) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 3]

Craigh: And the Countess is volunteering to do that job, in your stead.

Librarian Illporn: It is not that I wish the Ambassador harm, but she did take it upon herself to explore the book when it was locked away to keep everyone safe from it

Branwyn: You brought it out and put it on the table for me to open! I didn't ask for it

Librarian Illporn: Which I am very happy to have her take this tome and return it

Branwyn: shakes her head

Librarian Illporn: I did specifically tell you not to unlock it

Bixi Fizzlebang: Great, sounds like it's settled!

Branwyn: Yes please bring the book

Librarian Illporn: I just need the ticket from the owning library so that I can release it

Librarian Illporn: Or at least a suitable assurance

N'laea: We can take you with us to get it.

Librarian Illporn: The Prince will want to know, she is most insistent

Librarian Illporn: She sees herself as a new guiding light for enlightenment

Librarian Illporn: Full of the warm glow of knowledge

Bixi Fizzlebang: So send her a message

Librarian Illporn: She is very into radiant images

N'laea: There will be plenty of warmth when we get the ticket if she wishes to come.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oooh, I know someone who makes a radiant lotion! I'm sure she'd be glad to make some for your prince!

Librarian Illporn: She might be appreciative of your gifts

Craigh: Well (gestures at the scroll), we could let the owning Library make their own case right here and now.

Licornah: What priestess does she follow? Mielikki? Mystara? Lurue?

Librarian Illporn: I am not certain who those are, at least Mielikke sounds very .... Suomi... and not spoken of in pleasant company

Branwyn: The Prince is most likely of the Kayugan faith

Librarian Illporn: I am most certain that the Prince believes in a good strong Kayugan faith as it expected from someone like her

Branwyn: What do you want for the book Illporn?

Licornah: Mielikki is the patron goddess of Silverymoon with Lurue... Kayugan, I'm not not familiar with

Librarian Illporn: I need something from you Ambassador to ensure that once you take this from here I can prove you had the right to keep it

Librarian Illporn: I understand your desire

Branwyn: Bring me the book and I will open it and you will know that the book is mine to take

Craigh: looks around the room to see if there's anything for him to climb up in case something goes very wrong

Licornah: :: wanders over to a shelf of books to start looking for something on unicorns ::

Librarian Illporn: I believe you Branwyn the Mysterious

Librarian Illporn: I truly do

Librarian Illporn: I know you have been touched by this book, I saw it

Librarian Illporn: and I saw the results

Librarian Illporn: Yet I need something for my Prince before I can let such an artifact leave the Library

Branwyn: What do you want?

Branwyn: It is an artifact that no one can open or use

Librarian Illporn: Ideally I would like a ticket that shows ownership of this book to the library where ever it is

Branwyn: It does not provide knowledge

Craigh: So, if it was your wizards who borrowed the book, they must have had the ticket. Which means, if you have their stuff, you have the ticket.

Librarian Illporn: That wizard that borrowed the book has died long ago

Librarian Illporn: Or however they acquired it

Branwyn: It is not your book to quibble over

Librarian Illporn: Ambassador I know that this book contains extremely valuable knowledge to those who understand spells such as those

Librarian Illporn: Calm stern look at Branwyn

Branwyn: It doesn't if I am the only one on this plane that can open it

Librarian Illporn: It is a book in the Royal Library, it is my book to protect

Librarian Illporn: Anyone can open this book

Librarian Illporn: Only you apparently can be cursed by this book

Librarian Illporn: and so you are the only one who can understand this book

Librarian Illporn: I have heard of at least one wizard who has gone in search of you to kill you

Branwyn: So it is useless to anyone but me and hell

Librarian Illporn: so that they might have a chance at the book

Branwyn: laughs

Librarian Illporn: I am glad they did not succeed

Craigh: Would a permission slip from the Prince be acceptable? Since the Head Librarian doesn't seem to have the authority?

Branwyn: I will transcribe and bind you a new copy of the book before I return it

Branwyn: You will lose no knowledge

Librarian Illporn: Thinks

Bixi Fizzlebang: Wait, when we first got here, you said no one else has been able to open the book


Librarian Illporn: Can any of you cast a binding curse?

Craigh: Binding Books only, sorry.

Branwyn: I do not curse people or things. I get cursed! Apparently.

Librarian Illporn: If you have a way of binding yourself to the promise of returning the knowledge of this book back to the Royal Library, I can take that as your receipt for this tome

Branwyn: looks at Licornah and Bixi

Branwyn: Anyone have a geas spell?

Branwyn tries to cast Otto’s Silver Tongue on the Librarian but he is able to resist the spell

N'laea: Must it be a magical binding?

Bixi Fizzlebang: I would think your Prince would be willing to accept the word of a Countess as ticket enough.

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Persuasion [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 11) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 7]

Librarian Illporn: Young gnome story teller, you are not imaginative enough to see why a simple country Countess does not matter to the Prince of Dryads Lair, only one step away from the Royal Crown of Terraguard

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm imaginative enough to see why she WOULD matter!

Librarian Illporn: Why our very King was here in Dryads Lair with the Ambassador

N'laea: Are you not a Princess as well, Branwyn?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Branwyn the Mysterious cleared the mist!

Librarian Illporn: What is the Mist?

Bixi Fizzlebang: And fends off hellhounds!

Bixi Fizzlebang: And bested a time-wielding mage!

Branwyn: Thank you but the Librarian is correct that I am not significant in comparison to the leaders of Terraguard. I recognize that

Bixi Fizzlebang: He just doesn't know how powerful you really are

Bixi Fizzlebang: You are really selling yourself short here

Branwyn: smiles

Branwyn: Drillian is very small in comparison

Branwyn: However. I am a mage to be reckoned with and I have a friend that is willing to curse me if I do not deliver to you what I have promised

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'll be honest, I don't really like this idea

Librarian Illporn: We have several young priests here, they will be glad to witness you being cursed so you can take this tome

Bixi Fizzlebang: We barely even know Licornah... I mean, no offense, Licornah, you're PROBABLY great, but you're so quiet, I just don't know that yet

Branwyn: If I promise you a bound copy of the book then that is what I will give you.

Branwyn: That is fine

Licornah: :: Shrugs ::

Librarian Illporn: I will be happy with a bound copy of this book and you returning it to the library where it belongs

Librarian Illporn: That is all I ask

Bixi Fizzlebang: Wait... how long does it take to copy a book?

Branwyn: Then we have a deal

Bixi Fizzlebang: Can you just like, copy it here and then we'll take it when we're done?

Librarian Illporn: I do need that promise assured by priestly magic

Branwyn: It is not the first time I have had curses and geas placed upon me and I am still standing

N'laea: It cannot be worse than a curse from Hell.

Librarian Illporn: You may speak of that to the Prince of which is worse, I will not speak to that

Bixi Fizzlebang: I mean maybe, but why risk it if we don't absolutely have to?

Branwyn: It takes a while to copy a whole book and I do not have a copy spell. If I'm the only one that can read it, Howard can't help

Bixi Fizzlebang: is visibly frustrated with the options

Branwyn: So Illporn bring your priest and watch me get cursed

Bixi Fizzlebang: makes a note in her notebook “pornman is super creepy and into curses. no thank you.”

Licornah: :: makes sure Branwyn is okay with curse wording before casting -- in essence they refine wording together ::

Licornah: [CAST] Bestow Curse on Branwyn

Licornah: Proposed wording: Branwyn will provide the library with a bound copy of the Fiendomicon of Iggwilv or be cursed to lose her left pointer finger

Librarian Illporn: I will accept that, I do expect that you will accomplish this quicker than your last visit here

Branwyn: Of course. Hell is my next stop and so I'll get to work on making that copy right away

Bixi Fizzlebang: Well as long as we don't get sucked into elflands for six years again

Librarian Illporn: Thank you, I am certain you will try but I do not trust that you will return from Hell to return this book or its copy after your trip

Branwyn: There is no place I have ever gone that I have not returned from and I don't intend to start now

Craigh will work at the Library for the rest of the group’s stay in Dryads Lair.

After Jennevive finished her research at the Celestry, she, Branwyn, Licornah and N’laea teleport to RiversBend to meet Fives.

The rest of the group finishes their training and sail to Loosend to return their ship.