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Chat Log - 2023 03 17 - Book Return - Searching for Alexandria - Formatted - Chat

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This story starts just as Branwyn, N’laea, Licornah, Fives and Jennevive arrive back at the Inn of the Lost Eagle.

Jennevive: Stretches

Jennevive: Ahhh

Jennevive: Looks at the wall of Mist just outside the gates

Jennevive: It is good to be home

N'laea: Or at least out of the city.

Licornah: :: looks at Jennevive ::

Fives: Huh. That was a pip. Y'all travel like that a lot?

Branwyn: When we can

Branwyn: I think I will stay here a while before heading back to Dragon Fen. I have got to try to figure out how this ring works

Licornah: I think I'll stay here as well :: looks at the Mist ::

Licornah: :: gets out her weaving ::

N'laea: To weave?

N'laea: The sun is nice, but you cannot go far here.

Jennevive: Looks at Branwyn

Jennevive: So are you ready to go to Hell?

Branwyn: We need to talk about what you learned first but I think we are making progress

Jennevive: I mean now

Jennevive: Let's go

Jennevive: why wait?

Jennevive: you and me, let's go

Jennevive: NOW

Jennevive: You have the book

Jennevive: Before you let anyone at home know you are back

Jennevive: let's go

Branwyn: You haven't told us anything about the trip. And I don't have the medallion or the scroll to get there

Branwyn: So no

Jennevive: AHHH so you want to plan

Branwyn: I don't want to go and lose years of my children's lives again

Jennevive: I do understand that

Branwyn: if planning means making sure we have the means to get there AND back then yes I suppose I do

Branwyn: smiles

Jennevive: So we know now we will wait and do this on your terms

Fives: I bet you hate that, don't you?

Jennevive: Smiles and nods to Branwyn

Jennevive: Hate? Branwyn? Never, I love having her in my life

Jennevive: She has brought so much joy

Licornah: I'd rather weave than be sick again...

N'laea: If you cannot handle the discomfort of the Mist, how will you handle Hell?

Jennevive: Looks over at Licornah

Licornah: Depends on where we land... I'm better suited for heat / cold than whatever that mist is

Jennevive: You need to come to the Manor House so we can talk

Jennevive: It is not safe to talk here

Jennevive: anymore than it was in Dryads Lair

Branwyn: Perhaps you have acclimated so you won't be as sick this time

N'laea: And yet Mist Sickness does not last long.

Fives: Hey, so... What's this Mist Sickness thing?

Gerry: Brings over a basket

Gerry: Welcome back Countess

Branwyn: Hello Gerry!

N'laea: You will find out.

Fives: Lovely

N'laea: It is not as big a deal as it sounds. Only briefly unpleasant sometimes.

Gerry: Your daughter said to have a basket of fruits ready for you, that you would need it

Licornah: :: smiles at Gerry :: how have you been?

Branwyn: That was sweet of her. And you. Thank you.

Branwyn: Licornah, look at this nice fruit. This should help

Gerry: I was told by the Countess that other sweet things are off the menu

Gerry: and if I may ask who is our new... visitor? wherever you found him? it?

Gerry: He looks to be from someplace where the sun burns your skin

Branwyn: This is Fives. He's from Rivers Bend

Branwyn: He's going to help us with our trip to Hell

Gerry: and I am sorry for that

Gerry: and I am sorry you still are planning that trip Countess

Fives: What the hell, man?

Fives: You look like you come from someplace with too much food and not enough work.

Gerry: Thank you!

Branwyn: laughs

Gerry: We do have excellent food here

Gerry: and I do plan on not working

Fives: Great. Congratulations on meeting your life's goals.

Gerry: Ummm (glances over at Branwyn) I mean working just what I need to

Branwyn: Of course!

Gerry: I am very appreciative that she has not required me to leave here

N'laea: She does not want you dead.

N'laea: (to Five) Not from Mist Sickness. Different complications.

Fives: 'Work or die' kind of boss, eh?

Branwyn: I would never ask you to leave Gerry.

Fives: Fives wanders away a few steps and looks out at the Mist.

Branwyn: looks at the ring on her finger and tries to see if she senses anything different now they are at the Inn

Branwyn: gives her hand a slight shake in frustration

Branwyn: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 9]

and Branwyn understands now that the ring must have something that can be done either A - at a higher level or B - someplace other than this plane

Lorie (Licornah): :: Pray away the mist ::

Fives: I screwed up a bit when we made our deal, just want to see if it'll be a problem for you if we fix it.

Branwyn: raises an eyebrow

Branwyn: Yes?

Fives: On the second book, I didn't specify that it had to have something to do with devils. Also, when you're done with me, you get to put me back in a city of some sort, not just dump me in the wilderness or anything like that.

Branwyn: laughs

Fives: I got carried away in the moment and forgot to add those caveats to the deal.

Branwyn: That can be arranged

N'laea: Wilderness would be nicer than a city.

Fives: Nope, not even close.

Licornah: :: nods in agreement with N'laea ::

N'laea: Perhaps not for you.

N'laea: You may burn more.

Fives: So, I get why skirts here is following Her Highness. Why are you other two going along with this? What's in it for you?

N'laea: Returning a favor.

Licornah: In it? Visiting new lands? Meeting new creatures?

Branwyn: Shall we be off then?

Fives: I think you already are, but let's go.

N'laea: No reason to stay.

Branwyn: All right then.

Branwyn: passes through the gate of the inn

Licornah: :: puts away her weaving and stands :: Thank you Gerry, for the hospitality

Gerry: Thank you Licornah

Gerry: I hope you have nice trip

Gerry: Waves to the group as they leave

Branwyn: waves

This time everyone passes into the Mist healthy, except for Fives, who has never been in the Mist before and has an unusually adverse reaction.

Branwyn and N’laea both think on the matter and N’laea wisely comes to some conclusions.

N'laea: (to Fives) You act like Namsut

N'laea: That is not normal.

Fives: *choking* This Mist ain't normal. What the hell is this stuff?

N'laea: Your sickness is worse even than elves.

So as the conversation goes on everyone is heading back at the Manor House

N'laea: What are you?

Licornah: :: continues trying to hold her breath ::

Licornah: :: and exhales ::

N'laea: Hopefully whatever you are is capable in Hell.

Branwyn: Are you saying he is not human?

N'laea: His sickness is worse than mine after Aravainth. It is hard to imagine anyone being as sick as that.

N'laea: It is not normal.

Branwyn: Licornah, do you have any identify creature spells for this one?

Branwyn: gestures at Fives

N'laea: No.

N'laea: You should let him chose to tell you.

Fives: *gasp* Fine. whatever. If you care.

Licornah: :: looks between them ::

Branwyn: If we're going to let him live with us we should at least know what we're dealing with

N'laea: Then he can give reasons for secrets for now.

Fives: You just made the deal to send me back to the city if you decide to dump me though.

N'laea: If he does not wish to tell.

Branwyn: That will not be a problem

Fives: Fives takes off his horned helmet, but the horns don't come off,. They're part of his forehead.

Fives: Happy now?

Branwyn: Not especially

Licornah: :: glances :: Oh...

Licornah: :: shrugs ::

N'laea: So you speak your own language.

Fives: No.

Fives: I studied and learned the language on my own.

N'laea: What is the proper name for your kind?

Fives: Who gives a damn? I'm an abomination, just ask anyone. But I'm going to make damn sure there they don't have as many chances to make more like me.

Fives: puts his helmet back on

Licornah: You're only an abomination if you believe you are.... lots of different folks from lots of different places

N'laea: And other elves call my kind savages. But it is your actions that matter. You'll have time to prove yourself.

Fives: Great. Wonderful. Thanks for the words of kindness and cheer. At least you ain't tried to throw holy water on me yet.

N'laea: You do need a bath.

Licornah: :: nods in agreement :: It wouldn't hurt... travelers don't get those as often as you'd like.. especially with bubbles

Fives: Yeah yeah yeah... not a lot of opportunities. Only so many manors get left untenanted that have baths in 'em.

N'laea: And no lakes or rivers in cities.

Fives: Not so's you'd notice, no.

Fives: Is this damn Mist ever gonna let up?

N'laea: I try to avoid cities when I can.

N'laea: In a week, perhaps.

N'laea: Well, the sickness.

Fives: A WEEK?

Licornah: :: shakes head sadly :: I don't think so

N'laea: Not The Mist.

N'laea: Although... I do not know for you. It was a week for me and I was not as sick.

Fives: Y'all are crazy.

Licornah: :: whispers :: it was awful... no prayer strong enough to help

N'laea: We do as we must.

N'laea: And by your recent actions, you would know crazy.

Fives: There's crazy, and then there's Crazy.

Fives: So, do I still got a job, or are you sending me back?

Branwyn: Once you get used to it, you'll be fine

Fives: That's what they say about the plague too.

Licornah: I could do something if it were a plague... this is not

Branwyn: I don't see a reason to send you back yet. However, if you change your mind, I can take you somewhere else

Fives: I already knew what I was, I'm still in.

Branwyn: You still haven't really explained it. You can't be a devil or you would be more proficient in settling your contract for work

Branwyn: smiles

Fives: scowls

Fives: Human. Momma was pure human through and through.

Branwyn: Good

Fives: You know it.

Branwyn: Are you still in contact with her? We can take you to her when this is over if you wish

Fives: Dead. Few years ago.

Branwyn: I am sorry for that.

Demitrius Branadarus: So are those horns good for anything?

Branwyn: Demi!

Licornah: :: looks at Demitrius ::

Fives: Who the hell is this now?

Branwyn: Fives, this is my son Demitrius

Branwyn: Demi, this is Fives, our new friend

Fives: They're a pain in the ass, kid.

Demitrius Branadarus: Hmmm Is he a goat?

Branwyn: No he is not a goat

Branwyn: Be polite

Demitrius Branadarus: Mom, you say that but he does not

Demitrius Branadarus: I read all about Nyads and Satyrs

Demitrius Branadarus: They are natural things

N'laea: Because his helmet has horns on it?

Demitrius Branadarus: Because he has horns,

Demitrius Branadarus: Points

Demitrius Branadarus: see that seam there? that is only because there is something under that

Demitrius Branadarus: Da taught me that

Demitrius Branadarus: attack the seams

Fives: mutters, “Great. Now I gotta deal with Wizkid junior too.”

Demitrius Branadarus: If there is no seam then there is nothing to protect

N'laea: Well he has yet to prove he has a brain there to protect.

Demitrius Branadarus: Laughs

Demitrius Branadarus: Brains inside his horns?!?!?!

Demitrius Branadarus: COOOL

N'laea: shrugs

Fives: Mouthing off at a guy you just met ain't real indicative of smarts neither, you know.

Branwyn: sighs

N'laea: There are odder things in this world.

Demitrius Branadarus: Goats do not do that

Demitrius Branadarus: Ahhh anyone Ma brings home is mostly safe

N'laea: Perhaps he is smarter than a goat.

Demitrius Branadarus: and Jilly will make sure too

Fives: 'Mostly'?

Demitrius Branadarus: There was an otter

Demitrius Branadarus: Winks at his mother

Branwyn: Treble was very safe

Demitrius Branadarus: Ma, can we keep this one?

Demitrius Branadarus: I do not think Da will stab him tonight

Fives: sighs

Demitrius Branadarus: Turns to wink at Branwyn again

Branwyn: Your father will not be stabbing anyone tonight

Fives: Between the Mist and this conversation, I think I'd welcome it.

Demitrius Branadarus: So what is your name?

N'laea: I am happy to help if you need.

Fives: I just bet you would. You can call me Fives.

Demitrius Branadarus: Fives

Demitrius Branadarus: Looks at his hands, yeap fingers

Fives: And I'd appreciate it if y'all wouldn't go about blabbing to *everyone* you meet about my little problem, eh? There's a damn good reason I hide 'em.

Demitrius Branadarus: It is ok no one can hear us

Fives: YOU heard us.

Demitrius Branadarus: Do you have five toes too?

Branwyn: I'm afraid our household will know, but we will not be spreading it outside our home

Fives: What the hell is it with everyone wanting me to take off my clothes today?

Demitrius Branadarus: I listen to everything or Dal would use it against me

N'laea: Please do not.

Fives: I don't want to!

Demitrius Branadarus: If you are Fives, that means five fingers, five toes, five.... hmmmm

Fives: Yes, yes, you're very smart.

Demitrius Branadarus: Whispers to Licornah Da told me a joke about five holes but I am not sure about that

Licornah: :: blinks and looks at him wide eyed :: ears, nose and mouth?

Fives: Should I be staggering in a particular direction, or just standing here in this crap?

Demitrius Branadarus: Blushes realizing he is talking with a woman

Demitrius Branadarus: I am sorry

Demitrius Branadarus: RUNS ahead on the road back to the manor

Licornah: :: nods slowly ::

Branwyn: We're going in the right direction

Fives: *coughs* A week.... dammit.

N'laea: At least a week.

Jennevive: I have to admit I do like Tiberius' style of raising a family

Branwyn: Demi is just curious ...

Fives: Thanks for the cheerful outlook, Ears.

N'laea: Happy to help, Fingers.

Jennevive: So Fives, do you know where your father is from?

Fives: Not really, no. These points didn't come in until I was 10 or so. I never met the bastard that I know of.

Jennevive: Too bad

Fives: I'd like to though.

Jennevive: It would be nice to pin you down and make you answer

Jennevive: Put a boot on your chest and make you squirm

Jennevive: But that can wait until you are healthier and can enjoy that

Fives: Does she ever shut up? Or is like this all the time?

Licornah: :: shrugs :: Don't ask me...

Branwyn: This is pretty much her normal state.

Fives: And you keep her around why?

Branwyn: If you liked that sort of thing, it would be an invitation

Fives: Not interested.

So jumping ahead to a time in the future when everyone is at the Manor House and is able to interact normally without restrictions, all spells back, etc. The group is gathered in the salon for morning business and visitors.

Ancelot Roqueze: Countess, I have to ask why did it take so long for the approval for a new farmstead?

Branwyn: looks at Nevin

Ancelot Roqueze: I have people who want to move to Qui Fen and I need your permission every time

Ancelot Roqueze: It is not fair

Ancelot Roqueze: Prince Ilero does not need to get these permissions

Branwyn: I am sorry Master Roqueze, perhaps we can make some arrangement.

Nevin: I have told you Ancelot, you need the Countess' permission if you want to expand your holdings

Branwyn: How many farmsteads do you wish to set up?

Nevin: Your taxes are well received, but Countess Branwyn values more than gold

Ancelot Roqueze: I want to establish at least 10 new farmsteads

Branwyn: The reason we must know is to make sure we have the resources to support that much growth.

Branwyn: I believe we can approve the ten you propose, but if you wish to expand further I would appreciate you coming back to us

Jilly: Are you serious Ancelot!!! Let Branwyn be, if Nevin tells you something then it is law

Ancelot Roqueze: Beams at Branwyn, thank you Countess

Nevin: Frowns

Branwyn: You are welcome

The room clears except for Branwyn, the group and her staff

Jilly: That was not well done Branwyn

Branwyn: I'm sorry, but I don't want him popping in here as much as he doesn't.

Jilly: He keeps waiting to ambush you when you come back

Jilly: To get you to agree to things

Jilly: We can make it work

Nevin: I will make it work, playfully SMACKS Jilly with his quill

Branwyn: But 10 farmsteads means more food and taxes and expands the estate. I don't see that as a bad thing

Nevin: They will pay taxes to him first then to you,

Nevin: We can make it work

Nevin: Winks at Jilly

Branwyn: Thank you

Branwyn: Now Jennevive are you finally ready to deliver your report on Hell?

Branwyn: No one is listening

Jilly: So when are we going to Hell?

Branwyn: Jilly ...

Jennevive: Exactly LAUGHS

Jilly: Do you really think you can make it there and back without me?

Jennevive: Have I told you how much I love your staff Branwyn?

Jennevive: And I wish I meant that in other ways

Branwyn: Yes I do. Besides I don't want to take you from your family for this

Jilly: The kids are doing well

Jilly: OH

Jilly: I could bring Kelly with me

Jilly: She would be great

Nevin: NO

Branwyn: We should really have you move in Jenn since you like it here so much

Branwyn: grins

Branwyn: No children are going to Hell

Nevin: Good

Jilly: Good

Jilly: So it is agreed, that I am going

Nevin: NO

Nevin: Jenn, Can I get you to teach me some of those knots?

Branwyn: laughs

Jennevive: I thought you would never ask

Jennevive: Go Jilly, you do not want to be here where we can see you listening in

N'laea: Can we hear about Hell first?

Jennevive: N’laea, Licornah, Fives,

Jennevive: We need to talk

Fives: And you do. A lot I've noticed.

Jennevive: The best time to go was yesterday

Licornah: why?

Jennevive: the next best time is tomorrow

Jennevive: Good

Jennevive: I have been told that I have one of the best tongues around

Jennevive: If you would like a demonstration

Fives: Had all I can take already thanks.

N'laea: Focus.

Branwyn: Jenn ... focus.

Jennevive: First

Jennevive: You asked about time dilation in Hell

Jennevive: Any guesses?

Jennevive: Mister half devil?

Jennevive: Licornah, how long did you think you were in the Elf Lands?

Fives: [TOWER] [SKILL] Devil Lore [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 13]

Licornah: Elf lands - home?

N'laea: Home not home.

Fives: Depends on where ya go.

Jennevive: You were with Branwyn when she returned that cloak

Licornah: Oh, you mean the Elven plane. :: nods :: It felt like a few days...

Jennevive: Looks at Fives

Jennevive: Looks at Licornah

Jennevive: Exactly

Jennevive: Looks over at Branwyn, that is your answer for Hell

Branwyn: Can you just be direct? Will I lose years here if we spend a few days in Hell?

Jennevive: I mean exactly what they said,

Jennevive: It will take as long as you think you are there

Jennevive: Licornah thought it was days, so it will be days

Jennevive: You might think it was moments, so it will be moments

Jennevive: Everyone has a different perception and so

Branwyn: I thought it was days and it turned into years

Jennevive: And seconds turn into minutes or less

Jennevive: or earlier

Jennevive: with the weirdness you have at the Inn

Jennevive: You could come back earlier than you left

Jennevive: It is how long each person FEELS they have been gone

Branwyn: That is complete nonsense

Jennevive: Infernal nonsense

N'laea: Collectively if we go as a group?

Fives: Time flies when you're having fun. If we're all absolutely damn *miserable* the whole time, it won't be that bad, huh?

N'laea: I do not feel time as most.

Branwyn: I felt I had been gone a couple of days and I returned it was years. My FEELINGS had nothing to do with it

Jennevive: Points to both Fives and N'laea

N'laea: It is a different plane, yes? So it operates time differently.

Jennevive: Hell is all about how you FEEL

Jennevive: Do you feel like you are being punished?

Jennevive: Eternal Damnation

Fives: visibly restrains himself from making a comment.

N'laea: Only by a teacher who loves pop quizzes.

Fives: visibly restrains himself from making a comment.

Jennevive: Fives here might come back in 2 seconds, Talwin feeling the pulse of combat and the desire to defeat his enemy might take minutes, Indigo might agonize over not being able to help for weeks

Jennevive: Branwyn, you need to come up with an idea to keep everyone you take with you in sync

Jennevive: I offered to go with you just the two of us a couple of weeks ago

Jennevive: that would have solved it

Branwyn: That makes no sense. When we returned from the Eleven plane the same number of years had passed for all of us

Jennevive: Laughs

N'laea: I doubt Hell is near Aravaith.

Jennevive: You think the contracts in Hell will apply to everyone equally?

Jennevive: I did find something you WILL like

Branwyn: I have no intention of entering into any contracts

Jennevive: the Library in Hell can be access from any of the nine levels of hell

Branwyn: Is the library where these guardians are?

Jennevive: That is who you need to return the book to

Jennevive: Yes

Jennevive: Which brings us to the final idea

Branwyn: So which level is the nicest?

Jennevive: The Inn of the Lost Eagle

N'laea: It's in Hell?

Jennevive: Smiles with N'laea not quite

Fives: I knew I didn't like that guy at the Inn.

Jennevive: We bring Hell to us

Fives: visibly restrains himself from making another comment.

N'laea: We were just there.

Licornah: How do we do that?

Jennevive: The Mist will restrict the .... visitors... from leaving the immediate vicinity

Jennevive: We bring the library to the Inn

Branwyn: Why would we do that?

Jennevive: Can you protect how many people from magical heat of Hell?

Jennevive: or cold?

Jennevive: It is an insane idea to do.......

Jennevive: anywhere other than your own special bubble

Jennevive: I do not know how to make it fully work yet

Jennevive: BUT it seems to me the best of the other crazy options

N'laea: He did call us crazy.

N'laea: nods to Fives

Branwyn: And once we bring the library here, how hard will it be to send it back? I don't want hell to take up permanent residence here

Jennevive: I think you would be in charge of that

Jennevive: You create the portal and you can dismiss the portal

Jennevive: I think

Jennevive: Wizard magical that does not always make good Deity sense

N'laea: And if not, they are still stuck at the inn.

Jennevive: That is my thought

N'laea: And not a threat unless someone ventures inside?

Jennevive: At the worst we lose the Inn

Jennevive: A fair trade?

N'laea: It would be unfortunate, but it was not here when I got here. Things change.

Fives: I won't lose any sleep over it.

N'laea: Gerry may feel differently, but Branwyn can work on it with him.

Fives: So long as you're sure none of them can enter the Mist.

Jennevive: I am not sure

Jennevive: I know what I do not know

Fives: Then it's stupid to take the risk.

N'laea: It is better than pretending to know what you do not.

Jennevive: You were not able to enter and be whole

Jennevive: I would guess more pure blood would do even worse

Fives: I got better eventually. And they're immortal

Jennevive: We can do experiments

N'laea: A good observation.

N'laea: Experiments?

Jennevive: I like experimenting

Licornah: How safe will those be?

N'laea: What do you have in mind?

Fives: Seriously. Stoo-PID.

Licornah: Do we need to relocate the Inn and surrounding area residents?

Jennevive: I have two scrolls of Gate

Jennevive: We use one to bring in a test subject

N'laea: A summoning.

N'laea: Could you not use those scrolls Branwyn has?

Jennevive: We know we have a restricted area,

Jennevive: She has more?

Jennevive: That is good to know

N'laea: Yes. From Dryads Lair.

N'laea: Only one I am aware of.

Jennevive: We open a gate, summon the appropriate devil to return the book to

Jennevive: and we are done

Jennevive: It might only take a few moment

N'laea: It is a more plausible idea than protecting those who go to Hell unless Branwyn only goes with one other. And it would still be difficult. Most spells do not last.

N'laea: How do you find the appropriate devil?

Jennevive: Points to Fives

Jennevive: I did find the Library

Jennevive: at least the entrance to the library

Jennevive: We might want to have someone who can control Devils

Jennevive: Looks at Fives

Fives: I prefer stabbing them.

Jennevive: and someone who can control various forms of undead

N'laea: Why not both?

Jennevive: So Branwyn, do you want to go to Hell with me?

Jennevive: Or do you want to bring Hell home to you?


The story now switches back to the group coming home from Loosend. They have just finished killing the ghoul horde and lone badger and assessing their situation.

Talwin: What the hell happened!

Indigo: We killed about half a dozen ghouls is all

Indigo: And a badger

Talwin: Ghouls huh?

Talwin: Do those regenerate?

Indigo: No one even got paralyzed

Talwin: Or are we good

Indigo: We should probably still burn them

Talwin: Nods

Talwin: Agreed

Talwin: Do you want me to start doing that?

Talwin: I'll gather the corpses

Indigo: Maybe in the morning so we don't call attention to ourselves at night here? I dunno.

Talwin: Hesitates

Talwin: Weighing the dangers

Talwin: Alright

Talwin: Just as long as we keep an eye on them throughout the night

Indigo: So should we just sleep here?

Talwin: I mean....

Talwin: If we aren't burning them right away, I'd at least like to somewhat keep an eye on them.

Talwin: Shrugs

Talwin: honestly I'm kind of torn. I don't mind one way or the other

Talwin: Smiles

Raelynn: We have to sleep here so we can protect Norlene.

Talwin: Camping. I'll at least stack the ghouls in a corner. We'll burn them in the morning

Talwin: Good point Raelynn

Talwin: This shouldn't take long.

Raelynn: Maybe the other badger will return to eat them. Which we should let it so it doesn't bite us again.

Talwin: Chuckles

Talwin: Smiles

Raelynn: `Not sure we found where Norlene rests, though...

Raelynn: resumes checking the graves near her while they pile up ghouls.

Craigh: Question number one is: did we get lured into a trap, or was the old lady legit?

Talwin: Craigh

Talwin: It' sus

Talwin: Who the hell knows

Talwin: hehe

Talwin: Get it?

Talwin: Hell

Talwin: Sorry

Talwin: Chagrined

Raelynn: Well I haven't found Norlene's grave yet... has anyone else?

Lanek Olenak: snorts

Talwin: Er, Right. I'll help look Rae, sorry.

Craigh: Nothing wrong with a little levity. Let me know when we find some.

Craigh: grins

Talwin: Proceeds to help examine the graves

Talwin: Smiles

Talwin: Proceeds to help examine the graves

Talwin is moving in a circular pattern around the yard, trying to make out headstones

Craigh: Craigh keeps an eye out on the night to make sure no one else tries to sneak up and eat them.

Youtargim : [Translation] We should burn the whole lot of them

Raelynn: Um, what?

Youtargim: Ahh sorry

Youtargim: Was muttering that we should burn everything

Raelynn: Oh, I think the guys were discussing that.

Lanek Olenak: helps look for grave

Raelynn: I'm still looking for Norlene.

Youtargim: Are you sure she is here?

Lanek Olenak: and we know for sure the stone is marked in our language?

Raelynn: Maybe Craigh is right and this is a trap?

Raelynn: OHHH! Should we ask the ghosts??

Lanek Olenak: cuz I ain’t got some of them other tongues

Youtargim: Craigh has been right many times

Craigh: One of my more sterling attributes.

Craigh: Wake up Lanek!

Lanek Olenak: wake up, yerself

Raelynn: Find it?

Indigo: Maybe you should see if you can ask her yourself Raelynn. You did it on the docks and almost got Jorlaine

Raelynn: I can do that. I think I lost the guys again anyways...

Raelynn: makes herself comfortable, gets out her candles again, still fluffs her hair to look nice.

Raelynn: Let's see who is here and what they know...

Raelynn tries to hold a séance but fails to connect to any spirits.

Indigo: Maybe there's too many spirits to get one to pull through

Raelynn: Or maybe I needed different candles....

Raelynn: watches them flicker and die

Indigo: It's okay

Raelynn: Darn.

Talwin: Slightly disappointed

Talwin: No worries Rae, you got it next time

Talwin: Smiles

Raelynn: I was hoping to meet someone else like Lilly. I could try in the morning, but not sure it'll help...

Craigh: Maybe the ghouls scared the spirits off?

Raelynn: Do ghouls eat spirits?

Indigo: Don't think so.

Indigo: Guess we just need to make it through the night. What's left of it anyway

Raelynn: Well, do we just assume Norlene is real and take watches then for the rest of the night?

Talwin: I'll take first watch if it helps?

Talwin: You guys must be exhausted

Raelynn: Oh, I'm fine. I haven't used any spells yet today.

Talwin, Craigh and Indigo let the others sleep and keep watch the rest of the night.

Indigo: So I think this is Red Cloak

Indigo: Just outside of Loosend before the Mist starts?

Indigo: We saw him close by here when we came this way to start

Craigh: Who is Red Cloak?

Indigo: Oh he's a necromancer

Talwin: Shudders

Indigo: He'd be at Skull Church if he could I think

Talwin: Ask Jenn

Indigo: I wish someone would show up and check on the ghouls or we'll never know

Talwin: What exactly do you want me to look for? I'm happy to do so

Talwin: Confused

Talwin: But wanting to be helpful

Indigo: Some crazy magic user in a cloak?

Talwin: With the...ghouls?

Indigo: They made them. Well one of them at least.

Talwin: Begins looking for a red cloak mark on the Ghoul Bodies

Talwin: Begins looking for a red cloak mark on the Ghoul Bodies

Indigo: One ghoul could have made more

Talwin: Signs that Red Cloak maybe influenced the creation of these ghouls

Talwin: Signs that Red Cloak maybe influenced the creation of these ghouls

Talwin: Searching the bodies

Talwin can see that there are not any signs for people controlling the ghouls but can see that there are no signs of more of them out there

Talwin: Hm.Looks like there are no controllers, but I don't think there are any more

Indigo: That is a good thing then

Indigo: You happy we're almost home?

Talwin: Hm

Talwin: An interesting question

Talwin: I am glad that we have had such an adventure

Indigo: We've been gone a long time now

Talwin: Smiles to himself

Talwin: And that my sword has...found peace

Talwin: I still am not used to such quiet

Talwin: Nods

Indigo: That is a very good thing

Talwin: You are correct

Talwin: I just

Talwin: It's kind of odd for me? You know

Talwin: Struggles to find words

Talwin: Shakes his hands in frustration

Talwin: When something is a part of you for so long

Talwin: you....

Craigh: Not hearing voices in your head is usually a Good Thing

Talwin: When it's not there the absence is striking

Talwin: I guess I should say

Talwin: But yes

Talwin: I am excited to be heading home

Indigo: Yeah. I get it. But you will find other people to talk to

Talwin: Smiles mischievously

Talwin: I plan on growing the protectorate

Talwin: And....

Talwin: well

Indigo: More mining?

Talwin: Shakes head

Talwin: No, I'm afraid

Talwin: That one day we'll run out

Talwin: We need to find other ways to generate revenue...just to be safe

Talwin: I would

Talwin: Well...if Branwyn is fine

Talwin: I think with her caliber, people would be interested in a mage university of sorts

Talwin: With a public library

Talwin: Where maybe she doesn't teach herself

Talwin: But is a patron of the arts

Talwin: Smiles

Talwin: But

Talwin: That's in the future

Talwin: I also want to do some investing outside of the protectorate...for safety

Talwin: Stammers

Talwin: for the group!

Talwin: Not just me

Talwin: Shrugs

Talwin: Anything is possible

Talwin: A growing medical, a university, the protectorate will attract talent, money, and we can use the Mining as funds to seed the enterprises

Talwin: Gets visibly more excited

Talwin: Sorry

Talwin: Just so many plans, and we haven't even been to hell yet

Talwin: Shrugs

Talwin: We may not even be alive, so for now, the money I’m holding out of the protectorate for investments into business will have to do

And the rest of the night passes uneventfully.

The date is Trall____, 1st Ohm (Early Winter), 358 SKR

Young Moon's phase is Full Moon

Old Moon's phase is Full Moon

The time is 7:51 AM

Raelynn: Ok! I've gotten some beauty rest. Who wants to try talking to ghosts again to figure out what's going on?

Craigh: Oh please, lets!

Indigo: Sure

Raelynn: I like your enthusiasm Craigh!

Indigo: grabs an apple out of his pack and sits down to eat it

Raelynn: gets out candles again, fluffs AND puffs hair, sits and looks pretty.

Craigh: Oh. I thought that was sarcasm. But, sure, why not?

Craigh: sits down.

Talwin: I uh, don't have much experience in this area, but I can uh, search the Graves again in the Daylight?

Youtargim: I am certain that Rae can do better

Talwin: Shrugs

Talwin: See!

Talwin: Rae you seem to be doing much better this morning!

And Raelynn summons a spirit.

Selena Larmalart: Hello, who are you

Talwin: Jumps!

Talwin: Keeps quiet

Craigh: mutters, oh boy, here we go again.

Raelynn: Hello! I'm Raelynn. I was told to watch the grave of a little Norlene but I never found her grave. We've noticed some empty ones and wanted to see what was going on here. Who are you?

Talwin: Side-eyes Craigh

Selena Larmalart: I am Selena Larmalart, I was the best milker in the Kingdom, even the Prince said so

Raelynn: Do you know of any recent nefarious activity happening in this graveyard such as an evil mage digging up bodies or preventing spirits from getting rest? I wish I could ask you more about your Prince, but we only have so long to talk.

Selena Larmalart: The Dead never truly rest if they are still here, they only rest when they go home

Indigo: Gee I’d a just asked where all the ghouls came from

and she fades away from your senses

Raelynn: Oh. Maybe I should have.... oh well.

Talwin: So...does this mean her spirit is at her home?

Talwin: Where she can truly rest?

Raelynn: shrugs

Talwin: Shrugs back

Talwin: Smiles

Raelynn: smiles back

Raelynn: blows out her candles, says some rites, and stands up.

Raelynn: Well that was fun either way.

Talwin: It was....adrenaline inducing

Talwin: Shudders

Raelynn: If the woman comes back, we can ask her questions but others I don't know if we have reason to stay.

Indigo: I'll get the wagon ready

Raelynn: It's a new way to make more friends! I love making friends.

Indigo: goes to feed and water the horses for the trip

Craigh: Sorry, they give me the heebie-jeebies. Happy to help out with the seances, but .. *shudder*

Talwin: Frowns, thinking over the words

and Rae does have the realization that this is something that The Mist prevents, it blocks those from communicating.... or being released

Talwin: It was like a riddle darn it

Raelynn: Maybe we need to do more to get you used to it? Although it is harder to do in the Mist.

Talwin: Pauses

Talwin: Wait

Talwin: You said the Mist

Talwin: ....

Talwin: Do you think

Raelynn: Yes?

Talwin: The Mist is blocking somehow?

Talwin: Or influencing?

Raelynn: Oh, yes. It blocks many things. Branwyn has said that before. But it must block more than spells. Maybe influence from other planes? Or traps them on this plane?

Talwin: oh gods

Raelynn: shivers

Talwin: thinks through being trapped in the Mist forever after death

Raelynn: If I die there, take me out back into the sunshine.

Talwin: Nods

Talwin: I promise

Talwin: if you do the same

Raelynn: Absolutely!

Raelynn: BUT

Craigh: You're implying all the dead aren't going to the afterlife because they're trapped by the Mist?

Talwin: Nods slowly

Raelynn: If you linger, you have to talk to me at least once before you move on.

Talwin: Not necessarily all of them

Talwin: but

Talwin: What if it is Craigh?

Talwin: Would we know?

Talwin: Can we ask a priest?

Talwin: nods at Rae

Raelynn: Hmm...

Talwin: As long as you repeat the favor

Talwin: Chuckles

Craigh: I'd hope some of the priests know. That's sort of exactly what they're for.

Raelynn: Well we can't talk to the dead that do not have bodies but it allows the dead with bodies to survive....

Indigo: I don't think so. I thought Shi said she was heading to Avarainth when Branwyn had Jenn bring her back

Raelynn: Oh! That's true. Maybe we won't be trapped?

Raelynn: Not that I plan to die anytime soon to find out.

Indigo: Yeah. Let's not do that!

Indigo: laughs

Raelynn: Good! Problem solved for now!

Indigo: Yup!

Indigo: Everyone ready to go?

Talwin: Nods

Raelynn: I suppose. I hope I can sleep better tonight.

Talwin: I've had enough existential crisis for one day

Raelynn: Let's hope it's a short day, then.

Indigo: We're going in the Mist today

Indigo: Speaking of Mist

Raelynn: Oh and I was having such a good morning....

Indigo: Sorry

Indigo: Want an apple?

Raelynn: It's okay. I knew we'd return eventually.

Raelynn: Yes, please!

Indigo: digs around in his pack

Indigo: Here you go!

Raelynn: takes apple happily

Raelynn: Thank you!

Indigo: Think Bixi's too tired to make breakfast. But I have stuff in my pack

Raelynn: At least it isn't fish.

Indigo: No more fish!

so it is morning and you are about to move along the road