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Chat Log List - 2023 06 02 - Intermediate Era - Formatted - Story

A handful of days later, after Craigh's reincarnation...

Talwin: Craigh?

Talwin: I know it's not really a question that can be answered, but are you...ok? Is there angthing I can do?

Talwin: Hestitantly on hand

Talwin: Gently holds our a water gourd

Talwin: Thirsty?

Craigh: Am I okay? I don't know. Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

Craigh: sighs.

Talwin: Is there anything I can do?

Talwin: Worried

Talwin: But hiding it

Raelynn: It's only been a few days. You don't need to be anything.

Craigh: I mean, I'm alive when I shouldn't be. Second time, but I actually died this time. I'm happy I'm back, but ... scared, maybe, at the same time?

Raelynn: nods

Craigh: And, I'm just going to say this, talking about all this is *hard*. You guys don't make it easy to just shrug things off.

Craigh: Thieves Guild people only get touchy-feely when they're trying to pick your pockets

Raelynn: Well you know I love talking! But if you want quiet, I can do that too. Maybe.

Craigh: *descending whistle*

Raelynn: But I know I find talking about things helpful. N'laea disagrees, but I think it's good for people.

Youtargim: Ummm I try to not be touchy feeling'

Craigh: No, it's okay. But, how do you stand looking at this?

Youtargim: except some people

Raelynn: It's okay to be touchy feely!

Raelynn: shrugs

Warm smile looking at Rae

Raelynn: Because I see your beautiful blue eyes and it reminds me you're still Craigh.

Raelynn: And I'm sure in a few more days, I won't even need that reminder. You're you.

Craigh: Yeah, sure. Pull the other one.

Raelynn: is confused

Craigh: I've still got my old spellbook at least, and one of them in there is Change Self. It can give me about 15 minutes of normal, at least.

Raelynn: Not sure what you mean BUT just remember you can be whatever you need to be. Even if I get used to you, and you don't get used to you, it's okay. We'll find a way for you to be... okay with it. I can't guarantee love here, but at least acceptance.

Raelynn: And if you want, I can find you a fabulous outfit to make you feel better!

Craigh: chuckles dryly.

Talwin: We can find anything you need to make you feel better buddy

Craigh: I still have no clue what this hand and foot thing is all about.

Craigh: holds up his merfolk left hand

Raelynn: Maybe the goddess thought you needed to be better at swimming.

Raelynn: And eating.

Talwin: Tries to hold back a Snort

Raelynn: I mean you WERE a little bit thin.

Talwin: Craigh, it doesnt' matter what you look like

Talwin: Your one of us

Craigh: Does your spine do this?

Craigh: sways side to side and stretches up and down about a foot in length.

Talwin: Sigh. Craigh, do you still have your dry as desert wit and humor?

Talwin: Also that's kind of cool

Youtargim: Can you swim like that? Like a Dolphin?

Craigh: Heh. I'm not to 'cool with it' yet. Sorry.

Talwin: Solumnly

Talwin: I know

Talwin: But on my end, it's pretty badass

Raelynn: Huh, that's find of... hmm, could be handy.

Talwin: Snaps Fingers!

Talwin: I know!

Talwin: I don't know if you would be willing to try

Talwin: But we could build you a dipping pool near your chambers!

Talwin: Shrugs

Raelynn: Is that one of the weird things Zayden said you should try?

Talwin: Then if you have a new affinity for water, you don't have to go far

Craigh: There are good things about this time around. No nightmares or amputation pain. But I still can't sleep well, and everything just feels 'weird'.

Raelynn: Well it's only been a few days, silly! Who accepts such a radical change in such a short amount of time? Give yourself a little grace.

Talwin: Sleeping well? Well, there was good couple of years I didn't sleep well because I had a sword constantly badgering me to go kill stuff

Talwin: I have some techniquest that will help

Talwin: Promise

Talwin: The best one is getting hammered with fine brandy, but I only did that sparingly

Licornah: Ehn, you're an adventurer, sleeping in a comfy bed is probably weird... have you tried sleeping outside on the ground? It might help

Raelynn: Or you could have some nice lavendar tea to calm your mind. A bit healither, too.

Talwin: Shudder

Licornah: I bet the squirrels would help make you a nice bed of sticks and straw...

Talwin: I don't know about him, but I sure got used to a comfortable bed...

Craigh: ... The squirrels?

Talwin: Cuts hand across the air

Talwin: Regardless of method, there is a method

Licornah: :: nods :: The squirrels here are quite helpful

Youtargim: Hey there Lemon

Raelynn: Or fluff and feathers. Maybe your bed is too hard and uncomfortable and dry?

Talwin: If we go right up to Kenna and ask for sleeping potions, I'm sure we could come up with at least a pharmacuetical solution for you

Craigh: wiggles a finger around inside his ear.

Craigh: Maybe these ears aren't hearing well.

Raelynn: You know, those are good ears for piercing...

Youtargim: Looks around, Oops that is an Apple

Youtargim: Sorry,

Talwin: See, look Craigh! We are are putting out suggestions. They are different levels of acceptable in nature, but otherwise suggestions. We love you buddy!

Youtargim: I guess Lemons are not in this area

Raelynn: What?

Youtargim: I really need to look for those for you

Talwin: Hell, try sleeping in water!

Youtargim: Lemons make really tart but good juice

Youtargim: and then you can shave them and use the skins

Talwin: Mutter under his breath, Twigs and sticks in my bed roll

Craigh: feels at his neck.

N'laea: Ah, like sumac?

Talwin: Shudders again

Youtargim: LOTS of uses

Craigh: I've .. never checked. Do I have gills?

Youtargim: I guess that apple there looked yellow to me, and reminded me of a lemon

Talwin: Inspects Craigh for Gills

Raelynn: Sweetie, did you sleep well?

Warm smile with Rae

N'laea: Gills? You are breathing air.

Talwin: Listen to it a few hundred times and "7 foot frame, rats along his back, when he calls your name, it all turns to black" starts to get really old really fast Lemon

Craigh: They can't do both?

N'laea: It would be odd.

N'laea: I do not believe there are things that breath both. Nothing natural, at least.

Craigh: Oh. Well, maybe that would have been nice. Maybe. I never learned how to swim.

Raelynn: Now's the time!

Raelynn: Is there anything you do want to do or are you just wanting to adjust in peace for now?

Talwin: Yeah bud, what can we do? What do YOU want us to do?

Raelynn: There's a lot of building about to happen, Zayden wants to do concerts, you could swim in the moat... so much!

Raelynn: Maybe learn some magic?

Craigh: perks up a bit.

Licornah: You could come hang out with me...there is fieldwork and animals to chat with

Craigh: Magic seems to be easier than I remember it being, at least.

Talwin: Yeah bud, what can we do? What do YOU want us to do?

Licornah: Enjoy the moonlight...

Raelynn: That's what you said you wanted to do, right? And you have a big library here to learn from!

Raelynn: And it isn't in Hell!

Licornah: Hope for a Unicorn sighting...

Raelynn: But a NORMAL place!

Licornah: There's a death fog around us... not exactly normal.

Raelynn: Death fog? It hasn't caused any death. It's just a little misty.

Craigh: looks at his hands.

Craigh: If Sehanine made me like this, do you think it's a challenge I'm supposed to overcome, learn to live with, or is it just a prank?

Raelynn: Hmm...

Bixi Fizzlebang: She doesn't seem like a prankster to me

Raelynn: Well, she's never come across as a prankster to me. That's not really her thing? And I still don't think she is after meeting her.

Raelynn: Mysterious, yes.

N'laea: And motherly. Take that as you will.

Bixi Fizzlebang: I don't think it's a challenge, either. I think you're legitimately physically way more impressive and interesting now

Raelynn: Well MY mother is fabulous.

N'laea: [SKILL] Veterinary Healing [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 11]

N'laea: checks Craigh for mange as per earlier request

N'laea: And healthy if different.

Bixi Fizzlebang: He's a rainbow merman

Raelynn: Oh! I do love rainbows!

Talwin: Hm. Well, we can get Bixi to make your skin liook glittery I guess

Bixi Fizzlebang: That's Rae's expertise

Talwin: Shrugs

Bixi Fizzlebang: I AM hoping to find some ways to make my own glitter, though. As a supplier to Rae

Talwin: You guys are in cahoots enough it makes no difference to me

Raelynn: And I'd be happy to! No one will think about the rest of you if all they see is glitter!

Raelynn: grins at Talwin

Craigh: chuckles and shakes his head.

Raelynn: Remember, it's a lotion loved by dragons. So you'll look as fabulous as an ancient red dragon.

Craigh: Sure. I guess we can give it a try.

Raelynn: is clearly very, VERY excited.

Raelynn: I'll get right on it!

Raelynn: A glittering, rainbow merman. How lovely.

Craigh: *scared whistle*

Raelynn: Hmm, I wonder if we could incorporate your new whistling into some singing, too...

Youtargim: Cautiously looks around Craigh.... Do you have a tail now?

Raelynn: I'll have to consult with Zayden.

Craigh: No tail. Fortunately. I'm glad I don't have to relearn how to sit.

Youtargim: It would make it easy to know if you are happy I suppose

Raelynn: He can still smile.

Raelynn: That's usually a good indicator.

Youtargim: Talk Less, Smile More...

Youtargim: I have heard that somewhere

Raelynn: Whoever said that must hate noise.

Raelynn: And if you try telling N'laea to smile, she might punch you.

Raelynn: rubs her shoulder slightly

Youtargim: Fools that run their mouth wind up dead

Craigh: nods

Youtargim: Very glad I can be here with friends

Craigh: I didn't expect that when I came here. It's weird.

Raelynn: Didn't expect what?

Craigh: Friends.

Youtargim: No one expects... ahh Craigh, everyone knows your name

Raelynn: Why wouldn't you expect friends?

Raelynn: Every stranger is just a friend you haven't made yet!

Craigh: You wouldn't last long in the Guild.

Raelynn: smiles

Licornah: Or a portion of a lich's soul...but yes, sure

Raelynn: And that is why I'm in a temple.

Youtargim: So it hasn't been your day, your month.....

Raelynn: Not thinking you can make friends is how you get eaten by a dragon.


Talwin: Sides Eyes Rae, but chooses not to go down that road again

Craigh: Thinking the people around you are friends is how you get duped and backstabbed when you live on the streets.

Youtargim: We need to get back to work Bixi

Craigh: Just pointing out the differences.

Raelynn: shrugs

Raelynn: Everyone is allowed their own world view, but I prefer mine.

Youtargim: You wanted that stable built by tomorrow's rains

Craigh: So do I.

Raelynn: Otherwise you'd be a lot more lonely.

Craigh: But I wasn't living in yours.

Raelynn: smiles

Raelynn: But you are now! I'm glad we're friends no matter what you look like.,

Talwin: Nods vehemently

Talwin: And any time you forget that, we'll remind you

Raelynn: With glitter!

BOB 8 months go by of work on building new places

BOB Rae and Bixi have their new place up and running

BOB 1-7-359 SKR is the current date

BOB The opening of... the name?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Matchmaking to a Tea

BOB Talwin has been at the mines and Skull Church working with Sundown

BOB and Snee

BOB and now comes back after a two week absence

BOB Rae and Bixi have built up the new buildings here in Hourglass

BOB all the furnishings are in place

Raelynn: Talwin! Isn't it beautiful?!

Michael (Talwin): It's spectacular!

Talwin: Smiles Warmly

Raelynn: Thank you! I think so, too!

Raelynn: I'm so excited. Do you think people will really want to visit?

Talwin: Absoultely!

N'laea: You dragged us out. That alone is a success.

Talwin: People need a place to unwind, relax, and I know I'll be a regular

Raelynn: smiles and claps happily

Sundown: This looks very nice

Talwin: Besides, if they don't want the loudness of the inn, they can quietly gather and chat, read, and socialize here

Talwin: Smiles

Talwin: A nice private corner of the Protectorate

Raelynn: It better. We worked really hard on it!

Talwin: We should build a garden nearby so you can do tea garden events

Raelynn: Oh, that'd be fun! What do you think, Bixi?

Licornah: :: nods :: it does look inviting

Sundown: I do not like the Inn

Sundown: Too much sun

Bixi Fizzlebang: That's a great idea! I mean, I have a huge garden, but it's just for growing, definitely not a meeting place

Ulrik Ekenberg: knocks on the door

Raelynn: Still not used to it? Your nose has been in the books too long Sundown.

Raelynn: It's like you haven't existed for years!

Sundown: It just feels un-natural

Raelynn: Hmph, as I expect.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Come in?

Raelynn: Hello?

Sundown: Snee has done a nice job of keeping the Protectorate in line

Sundown: Looks around what?

Raelynn: Yes, yes and I suppose you've help.

Ulrik Ekenberg: pushes open the door, chest puffed up as he scans the room

Youtargim: What?

Raelynn: raises a brow before remembering he might be a customer then puts on a smile.

Youtargim: Stands up

Youtargim: Hello?

Raelynn: Hello! Welcome to the grand opening!

Ulrik Ekenberg: :: obviously faking a deeper voice :: Greetings. Is this the tea shop and fortune telling.... :: higher voice, uncertain :: place...?

Youtargim: Yes it is.... Looks at Rae

Raelynn: Yes! Hello! Welcome! How can I help you?

Ulrik Ekenberg: :: back to deeper voice :: Excellent, excellent. I would have your finest vintage... and a fortune, please.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Vintage... tea?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Wait, sorry, this is Rae's shop

Sundown: Vintage

Raelynn: Well, I suppose that would be the black tea?

Ulrik Ekenberg: :: normal voice :: Uh... yes...?

Ulrik Ekenberg: Of course, that's obviously what I meant.

Youtargim: Looks at Bixi, are you doing your magic?

Youtargim: OH is that Craigh?

Raelynn: Of course!

Raelynn: Sit down, we'll brew it up.

Ulrik Ekenberg: Nervously looks around, practically thows himself into a chiar

Raelynn: And my fortune telling is of the astrological kind so you'll need patience while I do your star chart.

Ulrik Ekenberg: Uh... oh, of course. Certainly, I knew that, and would expect nothing less.

Raelynn: I hope it's comfy! Get cozy.

Raelynn: Yout, dear, can you get all his birth information for me? Like we went over before?

Youtargim: definately

Youtargim: So ummm, Who are you?

Ulrik Ekenberg: fidgets, before forcing his hands into his lap

Pulls out a paper an a quill

Raelynn: goes to brew tea while listening

Licornah: :: squints at him... ::

Ulrik Ekenberg: Ulrik... Ulrik Ekenberg... of the Stormblanket Society

Raelynn: Name, birthdate, birth place! Those are important if you want a fortune! AND a question!

Youtargim: Nice Nice

Youtargim: Your mother's name?

Ulrik Ekenberg: Babette

Youtargim: Interesting

Ulrik Ekenberg: Uh... is that bad? Maybe if her name was Delphine?

Raelynn: We don't know yet. Milk and sugar?

Youtargim: Where you born here in Drillian

Raelynn: comes and sets down a mug

Youtargim: Where Did you grow up?

Ulrik Ekenberg: Uh... ye-..... I mean, no... Of course, an experienced adventurer like myself has no need of milk or sugar. I will take it black

Youtargim: Did you have a good childhood?

Ulrik Ekenberg: Do... do you need to know where I was born?

Raelynn: shrugs and pushes it towards him, takes away the tray with milk and sugar.

Raelynn: If you want an accurate forunate, yes.

Youtargim: You will not get as lucky as I did but you can hope

Raelynn: Oh and timing! The more information you have, the more accurate I can be.

Ulrik Ekenberg: I'm from Likainen maatila

Ulrik Ekenberg: deflates at the admission

Youtargim: I bet he made that up

Raelynn: Well that's a mouthful.

Youtargim: Trying to confuse you

Youtargim: Testing your skills

Raelynn: Hmm, maybe. We can see what the stars say.

Ulrik Ekenberg: puffs up indignantly

Raelynn: The stars don't lie.

Ulrik Ekenberg: I would not lie about such a thing

Raelynn: Good! I would hope not. Bad way to start a fortune!

Bixi Fizzlebang: Is it near... where are you from again, Licornah? Silverloon?

Ulrik Ekenberg: Squints in confusion at the names

Ulrik Ekenberg: Uh... no, a bit further out than that.

Raelynn: Wow, that's far. How did you end up here?

Licornah: No

Licornah: Silverymoon

Ulrik Ekenberg: Oh, you know, life of an adventurer. You travel far in pursuit of glory

Raelynn: nods

Raelynn: What glory are you pursuing?

Ulrik Ekenberg: Oh, the normal kind. Killing dragons, saving maidens... I've done it all in my time.

Raelynn: Oh you have?!

Raelynn: sits down across from him

Ulrik Ekenberg: nervous

Raelynn: What dragons? Where? Which maidens?

Ulrik Ekenberg: Uh... yes....?

Raelynn: How many??

Ulrik Ekenberg: Dan...gerous dragons...? And... pure maidens...?

Ulrik Ekenberg: 3.... no, 5!!

Raelynn: Mmhmm, go on. What kind of dragons? Did you marry the maidens? What were their names?

Sundown: 5 Maidens is impressive

Raelynn: I just love fairytales!

Ulrik Ekenberg: pulling at his collar and looking around nervously

Bixi Fizzlebang: I would have concernes if you married 5 "pure maidens"

Raelynn: Oh! Drink your tea before it gets cold! Although it's still good cold. Oh, I suppose I should have asked if you wanted it iced? Sorry, first day jitters!

Sundown: You do not marry a pure maiden

Ulrik Ekenberg: Ones with very sharp teeth.... And their names..? Firebiter.... Fire...eater..., Fire....sugar...., Fire....milk...?

Raelynn: Sundown doesn't marry at all.

Raelynn: Firesugar? Was that the dragon or maiden?

Ulrik Ekenberg: ...yes

BOB Month 7 is mid fall by the way for you Carissa

Ulrik Ekenberg: It was a dragon in disguise.... Very common, actually

Raelynn: nods

Raelynn: Did you fall in love with her?

Youtargim: Everyone falls in love with you

Raelynn: WAIT! Was she a dragon AND one of the maidens you mentioned??

Bixi Fizzlebang: get a room

Raelynn: smiles and winks at Yout

Ulrik Ekenberg: Yes, sad story... One I.. uh... don't like to talk about, unfortunately.

Ulrik Ekenberg: But one that definitely happened!!

Raelynn: Oh, yes. Sorry. Sometimes I pry too much.

N'laea: Yes.

Sundown: I imagine you used your tremendous spear to slay the maiden

Raelynn: sends a small glare to N'laea

Ulrik Ekenberg: No, no... you are fine... just.... memories, you know..?

Raelynn: Memories? OH! How old are you? Need it for my charts, you know.

Ulrik Ekenberg: 17... I mean, 23

Youtargim: HEH,

Raelynn: Mmhmm, okay. Hard to remember sometimes, I understand.

Youtargim: wait what does that mean for Craigh?

Youtargim: How old is he?

Youtargim: Craigh are you now 1?

Raelynn: Hmm, I don't know....?

Raelynn: Okay! So what exactly are you looking for in your fortune, Ulrik?

Raelynn: Gets up, goes to grab some star charts, and comes back and sets them on the table.

Youtargim: Is fascinated by this idea, Craigh, are you 1? 20? how old are you now that you are newly alive again

Ulrik Ekenberg: glances around conspiratively

Ulrik Ekenberg: in a near-whisper

Youtargim: muttering to himself

Raelynn: Now if you want just a quick look, I can help, but if you want something more in-depth it'll take time.

Ulrik Ekenberg: Will I become famous?

Raelynn: nods to that.

Licornah: :: listening, not wanting to interrupt ::

Raelynn: It's very possible. But I can only look so far out. Let's see.

Raelynn: [SKILL] Astrology [2] [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 1]

Raelynn: OH! Wow, hmm, okay....

Raelynn: Well it's a bit hard with the timeline here, but it definitely looks very possible. You have the perfect sign and star-alignment for it!

Ulrik Ekenberg: pounds his fist onto the table, spilling half of his tea

Sundown: Why are you here in Dragon Fen?

Ulrik Ekenberg: Excellent! Grand news!

Raelynn: Oops! Yout, a towel please!

Raelynn: pulls her charts away quickly

Youtargim: On my way

Ulrik Ekenberg: Oh, oh! I'm so sorry, let me help

Raelynn: It's okay! It good to be excited by a future like that!

Ulrik Ekenberg: Helps to mop up the spilled tea

Raelynn: This must be good fortunte for such a grand opening reading!

Raelynn: Thank you for sharing it!

Youtargim: Where are you going to?

Youtargim: If you are this lucky maybe we want to go with you

Ulrik Ekenberg: No, no. Thank you. Truly, I truly appreciate you taking my fortune

Raelynn: Of course! I'm happy to help!

Ulrik Ekenberg: Oh, I'm going to catch a fish in the Redfern Lake

Ulrik Ekenberg: I MEAN

Youtargim: Coughs lightly, we have discussed what this will cost

Ulrik Ekenberg: I... am killing a fish... monster in the Redfern Lake

Raelynn: Oh! If you're around when Zayden shows up he'd be happy to go fishing with you!

Raelynn: Monster or normal!

Raelynn: He both fished AND killed a giant monster catfish once!

Ulrik Ekenberg: Oh, uh.... normal.... Actually...

Raelynn: Um, with a little help, but that's okay! It's good to ask for help!

Ulrik Ekenberg: I... may... have been mistakenly called it a monster

Raelynn: nods

Youtargim: Now that Craigh is a merman, does that mean you are going to take his voice?

Raelynn: Fish can look pretty monstrous. But I'm not a fisherman.

Raelynn: What?

Youtargim: You need to pay, glancing over at Ulrik

Ulrik Ekenberg: bolts up in alarm at the guy with a spear in him

Youtargim: When the last person did not pay... he was turned into a merman

Raelynn: Where are you heading to after this?

Licornah: :: ponders :: Fishing...

Raelynn: glances over confused.

Youtargim pushes over the tip jar to Rae

Ulrik Ekenberg: blinks, looks around

Raelynn: Ooh, sorry. That might be Bixi playing with her magic. You're a little jumpy, Ulrik. Maybe you need more tea?

Ulrik Ekenberg: I could have sworn...

Raelynn: I have a calming brew...

Ulrik Ekenberg: Yes, more caffeinated tea is what I need to settle my nerves. Thank you.

Raelynn: is excited to be serving more tea.

Raelynn: One second! Let me go brew another cup up.

Ulrik Ekenberg: sits back down

N'laea: How did you hear about this place?

N'laea: You are a bit ...jumpy to have faced one dragon let alone multiple.

N'laea: You just do not seem like one who has faced a dragon.

Ulrik Ekenberg: Uh.... how.. :: cough, deeper voice :: Exactly how many dragonslayers have you met, exactly?

N'laea: This group calls themselves such so many.

N'laea: Although Raelynn prefers to befriend them.

Talwin: Talwin stands in a corner, tea cup forgotten in horrified fascination at this wagon-wreck in slow motion

Ulrik Ekenberg: Wait, what? Dragon...slayers...? You're the Dragonsl..... Oh, oh dear....

Talwin: Looks back and forth between Ulrik and N'laea, as if watching a ball match

N'laea: Yes?

Ulrik Ekenberg: sits with his head between his knees for a few minutes, then sits up as if nothing happened

Talwin: Leans in slightly

Ulrik Ekenberg: Excellent. Always good to meet fellow dragonslayers

N'laea: A slayer of dragons yourself should be in good company. If your stories are true.

N'laea: nods slowly

Ulrik Ekenberg: O-of course.... Excellent company... Assuming YOU have slain dragons

N'laea: And what do you slay with?

Ulrik Ekenberg: My wit, usually

Talwin: Two that we know of, one that I don't

Ulrik Ekenberg: Sometimes my cutting remarks

N'laea: Ah. That explains much.

Ulrik Ekenberg: O-oh.... Yes, haha.... almost as many... as... me....

Ulrik Ekenberg: wilts under the scrutiny

Ulrik Ekenberg: Stuff.... a bunch of monsters...

Ulrik Ekenberg: sullen

N'laea: Ranger? Paladin? Farmer's boy?

Ulrik Ekenberg: ....

Ulrik Ekenberg: ...

Ulrik Ekenberg: ...

Raelynn: returns with a calming tea blend and sets it down.

Raelynn: N'laea! Be nice!

Ulrik Ekenberg: ...Fine, listen, maybe I am not as experienced as you...

Ulrik Ekenberg: But I will be! The fortune said so!

N'laea: holds up a hand to Raelynn to listen.

N'laea: That you will be experienced?

Ulrik Ekenberg: And someday, everyone is going to know the name of Ulrik Ekenburg of the Stormblanket Society

N'laea: You do not need a fortune for that.

Youtargim: Looks at Rae, As you wish

Raelynn: To be famous! And he will be!

Raelynn: I know my star charts!

Talwin: I did though N'laea. If he wants a job, the Protectorate is hiring

Talwin: Turns

N'laea: shrugs

Talwin: Give honest skill set

Talwin: No bullshit

Talwin: We'll get you with us in no time

Ulrik Ekenberg: gives a mulish look, then sighs

N'laea: Hire who you want. If it is only a fortune he wanted, he has it. If he wants more, though, he must be blunt.

Talwin: Grins

Ulrik Ekenberg: I've fought off a few wolves. Handy with a spear, and have my great-grandpa's trident that's magic.

Talwin: I take your fortunes seriously

Talwin: Great!

Talwin: Welcome aboard. Although don't flash the Trident at Craigh for awhile

Raelynn: A trident! Like a mermaid??

Ulrik Ekenberg: Merman.... I think

Raelynn: Oh that's so exciting!

Raelynn: That's definitely fame ready material!

Talwin: We all start somewhere Ulrik. I think you might be more experienced then you give yourself credit

Raelynn: Are you staying in town? Wandering? Trying to find a place?

Ulrik Ekenberg: nods, but gives a stinkeye to N'laea

N'laea: is unmoved.

Raelynn: You know we just built this place up. We've done lots of adventuring, faced real dragons, and all!

Ulrik Ekenberg: I'm trying to find a place.... Was laid up for a while from... mist sickness...? And burned through most of my money. If there is work, I'd be grateful

Raelynn: Are you really from... where you said? The Mist takes some getting used to.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Is it really farther than silverynoon?

Talwin: Well frankly Ulrik, we all have our day jobs, but our money comes from all the weird crap we do when odd problems pop up here and there.

Raelynn: hears the bells at the door

Ulrik Ekenberg: I have no idea where Silverynoon is...

Raelynn: OH! Zayden is that you?

Zayden: Hey Rae! I certainly hope so

Raelynn: Are you here for the grand opening of the tea shop?

Raelynn: Perfect timing! Zayden, this is Ulrik. He also likes to fish!

Zayden: Of course I wouldn't miss an opening, especially a grand one

N'laea: And lie.

Talwin: I recommend the Black tea Zayden

Talwin: Highly

Ulrik Ekenberg: waves, then freezes at N'laea's comment

Raelynn: glares at N'laea

Bixi Fizzlebang: Who among us hasn't lied?

Talwin: Raises fine china glass in salute, pinky finger in the air

Zayden: Hey Ulrik nice to meet you, always a pleasure to meet another fisherman

Raelynn: Fanciful stories. Not really lying. Just... embellishing.

Raelynn: Let me go grab you some tea, Zayden.

Ulrik Ekenberg: A pleasure

Zayden: ohhh thank you Rae, what kind of tea?

Raelynn: sets down a mug

Raelynn: Very dark black tea. Yout says it reminds him the most of... coffee? Or something?

Zayden coughs

Raelynn: Oh! I forgot...

Raelynn: goes to the back room so Bob's scene setting makes sense

BOB Rae leaves the room and everyone goes quiet starting at each other until

Zayden: Ohhh thank you that sounds Delightful

Youtargim: Good strong coffee

BOB See Rae leaves the room and everyone goes quiet staring at each other until..... a mysterious cloaked stranger enters the room

BOB Who turns out to be very quiet

Talwin: Mutters

N'laea: That is a look.

Ulrik Ekenberg: eyes the menu speculatively

Ulrik Ekenberg: Mouth on Fire...?

N'laea: It is good.

Sundown: Bixi are you going to make the scones?

Talwin: N'laea, could I pay for a pound of this? And another pound of honey for sweetener? I think you've outdone yourself

N'laea: What?

Talwin: Picks up a glass and a small bowl of honey and brings it over to Craigh

Talwin: Gently sits next to him

Talwin: You'll like it promise!

Talwin: Whispers

Talwin: Needs lots of honey though

Sundown: Sundown walks over with Talwin

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm sorry, who are you again, Sunny?

Sundown: Glances back at Bixi, I am the Guardian of the Protectorate, I serve Governor Snee

Bixi Fizzlebang: And why do you think I make scones?

Sundown: I work with Talwin to protect the Estate

Craigh: leans his stick against the table and takes the cup, and raises it up under his cloak to sniff it.

N'laea: He is.... was.... with Brer Necholas.

Craigh: Ahh... Thanks. Smells good.

Sundown: Because you are here, you have not seemed to do anything, and Jilly typically makes the food to go along with the drinks

Sundown: you are like Jilly aren't you?

Bixi Fizzlebang: No one is like Jilly except Jilly

Sundown: So that means you are not a good cook then?

Talwin: Explains to Craigh in hushed voices the latest member to come to the group.

Talwin: She's a glitter cook

Talwin: Calls out

Bixi Fizzlebang: I am a great cook. I am not a baker.

Sundown: So if you are a great cook, then what are you serving?

Talwin: Whispers to Craigh

Talwin: I think I remember why I like being away on Protectorate business so much

N'laea: goes to see what Rae is up to and returns with some tea, sets it down for Ulrik.

N'laea: I told her you wanted to try the Mouth On Fire. She is busy trying to get your charts lined up nicer.

N'laea: An adventurer like you can handle it I am certain.

Ulrik Ekenberg: Thank you

Ulrik Ekenberg: takes a sip, spits it out

Bixi Fizzlebang: This isn't my shop, why would I be cooking?

N'laea: quietly goes to grab the milk and sets it on the table for him

N'laea: clearly judging him

Ulrik Ekenberg: coughs violently

Sundown: Then what are you doing here? you are not drinking, you are not helping customers, you are not being nice to people

Ulrik Ekenberg: Uru..... Ugu....

N'laea: The same as you, Sundown.

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm here at Rae's request

Ulrik Ekenberg: T-tastes.... good....

Licornah: :: listens and wonders if Sundown should be hired as a bouncer ::

Craigh: chuckles dryly as he watches Ulrik at the other table.

Sundown: I am here to report to Talwin, this is the first time he has been free from helping assist you all in building your new homes

N'laea: I can let her know you want a refill?

Ulrik Ekenberg: M-maybe... could use... some milk... in it..?

N'laea: pushes the milk closer to him silently

Ulrik Ekenberg: dumps the tea in the milk and starts drinking it... slowly

Sundown: Looks over at N'laea what tea is that ?

N'laea: Mouth on Fire. It has a nice bite to it.

Sundown: Nods, May I have some?

Craigh: carefully sips his own tea under his cowl.

N'laea: tsks and goes to grab him some, wondering how she got stuck as server.

N'laea: Perhaps you can tell the new guest about this area.

N'laea: We do not kill wolves, but perhaps you can help with the goblins. They are easier.

Ulrik Ekenberg: I'm sure that the goblins will fall just as easily to my trident as any wolf

N'laea: I look forward to seeing you in action.

Craigh: Why did you enter the Mist, if you're not used to it?

Ulrik Ekenberg: shifts uncomfortably

Craigh: *short upward whistle*

Sundown: Sir Talwin, Not to be ungrateful we do need people but if you are back why do we need an unsung farmer?

Ulrik Ekenberg: My town's name literally means Dirt Farm, and I wasn't mean to be a farmer.

Raelynn: pushes door open with charts in her hand

Raelynn: Because we always need new FRIENDS, Sundown.

Ulrik Ekenberg: I wanted something more for myself.

Talwin: If we never gave anyone chances Sundown, none of us would have ever made a difference in the world

Talwin: Quietly

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm sure Zayden will sing him, don't worry

Raelynn: puts the charts down and sits to listen

Talwin: Don't worry Sundown

Talwin: We'll put him to good work. We always need a helping hand that is actually willing to help

Licornah: Farmers are important...

Youtargim: Clears the table for Rae

Raelynn: Oh! Do you sing? Zayden does. He's very good at it.

Licornah: My family are farmers

Raelynn: nods a thank you to Yout

Raelynn: And I was looking at my charts, and I think he's supposed to be here.

Ulrik Ekenberg: Give me a chance, and I will show you that I can match anyone. I may lack experience, but you won't find anymore more willing to pull their weight.

Talwin: Nods

Sundown: I am confident that Talwin is worth a dozen of ..... Ulik?

Licornah: Do you have a favorite Dragon?

Ulrik Ekenberg: wilts

Talwin: Gazes meaninfully at Sundown

Zayden: Oh thanks Rae

N'laea: does not disagree with Sundown, but at least knows to not say it outloud

Zayden: smiles

Ulrik Ekenberg: UlRIK....

Talwin: While I appreciate that, Ulrik will have his day of fame.

Craigh: That's probably why he's working for Talwin, instead of the other way around.

Talwin: Winks at Craigh. Told you. Same person

Raelynn: The charts, Sundown! They don't lie. He should join us. It'll help him best on this path.

Talwin: Love that Dry Wit

Talwin: Shrugs

Sundown: I am not disagreeing Miss Raelynn

Sundown: I am just questioning the why now

Talwin: The Protectorate is growing. A few men at arms came looking for me. Should I turn them down as well?

Raelynn: Why now? When would be better?

Sundown: Last year when Sir Talwin was out of the Estate for months on end

Sundown: Now that he is back

Raelynn: I don't recall asking you why you showed up when YOU did.

Talwin: We don't know the future

Sundown: I do not want him to feel he is able to be replaced

Talwin: Raising his hands to signal peace

Talwin: No one is being replaced

Raelynn: rolls eyes

Talwin: Gently

Bixi Fizzlebang: Rae does

Talwin: Everyone gets a chance.

Talwin: Besides

Talwin: As I was saying the protectorate is growing

Talwin: Until the Multitude of different threats in the mist are gone, which, will never happen in my lifetime

Raelynn: And as I was telling Craigh before, every stranger is just a friend waiting to be made. And now we've made one!

Talwin: I would rather keep the experience men who know the protectorate HERE at the protectorate

Ulrik Ekenberg: preens

Ulrik Ekenberg: Thank you, I would be honored to be considered your friend

Talwin: Ulrik can learn the ropes where if he makes a mistake he won't immedietly die

Sundown: Brother Brer was around a few months ago when the Countess was conducting her magical energies

Talwin: You know how unforgiving the mist is Sundown

Talwin: Nods

Talwin: He was

Raelynn: And I'm glad you're happy to be my friend, too! I'll help make sure you're famous!

Zayden cough cough

Talwin: Sighs

Raelynn: nods and points towards Zayden

Sundown: I was told by Snee that we needed to make sure all the seat in the theater were full when Zayden opens next month

Raelynn: Like we're doing for Zayden! Getting him a stage to grow his fanbase!

Zayden: what me? famous? Sure I guess that sounds good

Talwin: Snorts

Raelynn: With your voice? You're just waiting to be discovered. It'll be soon, I know it!

Talwin: The man who could sneak while singing. Now that was impressive and a sight I will never forget

Talwin: Er, that and peeing on the fish

Zayden: Appreciate that Rae, of course what matters most is that everybody has a good time, fame can be a tricky mistress

Raelynn: The famous don't want to be forgotten. He's on the right step.

Bixi Fizzlebang: He's a really great fisherman too

Sundown: Peeing on Fish

Craigh: You don't want to know

Talwin: Long story, let's not discuss

Zayden: laughs

Ulrik Ekenberg: stares in bemusement

Zayden: I find sneaking much more enjoyable while singing

Raelynn: Yes! Ulrik should see his new fishing shake. It's quite, er, nice, for what it is.

Talwin: Cough

Ulrik Ekenberg: I would imagine the shake has... fish in it?

Ulrik Ekenberg: Maybe some milk...?

Raelynn: ....shack. Sorry, shouldn't have taken a sip of tea while I was talking!

Zayden: fish shake?

Sundown: I do not think even Jilly can make a good fish shake

Zayden laughs

Raelynn: A fish shake sounds....

Raelynn: grimaces

Ulrik Ekenberg: hurk

Craigh: Rae, can I try one of those spicier teas? Not all the way to mouthburn or whatever it was. I'm curious if everything still tastes the same.

Raelynn: It will not be on the menu.

Zayden: A fish shake sounds properly horrible, unless you're a cat I suppose

Raelynn: Oh, yes! Um, N'laea could you...?

Raelynn: gestures that she's busy with her charts

Bixi Fizzlebang: Are you telling me you haven't had anything spicy in 8 months!?

Youtargim: If you chop up fish into smaller parts and scatter it on the waves you can attrack larger fish and sharks

N'laea: grumbles but goes to get the tea for Craigh, sets it on the table for him after it has brewed

Craigh: Not that I've noticed.

N'laea: Here.

Craigh: Thanks.

Raelynn: Do we want sharks?

Ulrik Ekenberg: nods at Youtargrim

Youtargim: I have heard that certain diseases can make you lose your sense of smell and taste

Craigh: smells his tea.

Raelynn: nods

Raelynn: Some do, yes. I don't think he has... a disease?

Youtargim: We do not have sharks here, we have to go to the sea


Zayden sips his tea

Raelynn: Oh, with the dolphins?

Youtargim: Yes

Youtargim: Dolphins too

Craigh: *clicks twice*

Quirks his head towards Craigh

Craigh: Smells good.

Ulrik Ekenberg: Oh, are dolphin shakes going to be on the menu?

Raelynn: No! No shakes, and certainly not meat ones!

Raelynn: This is a TEA shop, not a Shake Shack!

Craigh: carefully sips from the cup.

Sundown: We did find that griffon pig

Sundown: Sir Talwin

N'laea: Griffon pig?

Ulrik Ekenberg: :: in an undertone to Zayden :: When this shack's a shaking...

Bixi Fizzlebang: Don't count it out yet, Rae. Maybe dolphins are delicious? We've never tried them

Ulrik Ekenberg: coughs, then looks guiltily to Raelynn

Zayden: Oh I'll come a knockin Ulrik, don't you worry

Sundown: There was a magically transformed pig

Ulrik Ekenberg: grins despite himself

Craigh: shakes his head.

N'laea: Previously a griffon? Branwyn?

Sundown: It terrorized the area for a while

Licornah: Who did the pig make angry?

Licornah: Or who did the Griffon make mad?

Sundown: Yes, well it was a lot of people when we were clearing out Skull Church

Sundown: That was a decade ago though

Sundown: It took us over 7 years to finally track it down

N'laea: And it is still a pig? That is strong magic.

Ulrik Ekenberg: squints at Raelynn, then at N'laea

Ulrik Ekenberg: A decade...?

Sundown: The Countess is not to be triffiled with

Raelynn: Hmm? Oh we were gone for some of that time.

Sundown: You were gone for all of that time

Sundown: Looks at Rae

Raelynn: Elflands. I mean it only FELT like a day or two, but it was longer, apparently.

Craigh: nods

Raelynn: Yes, I can tell time, Sundown.

Sundown: Sips his very strong firey tea

N'laea: Is the pig still a concern?

Sundown: It is dead

N'laea: Ah. That is unfortunate. Ulrik could have assisted.

Sundown: When we killed it it transformed back so we knew we had the right one

Craigh: *short query whistle*

Craigh: Did anyone try making bacon out of it?

N'laea: Griffon bacon....?

Sundown: I do not think you can make bacon from a Griffon

Zayden: Better not let Bix hear that

Craigh: Oh, well, not if it transformed back. I was thinking as a pig.

Raelynn: Bixi is not serving that here.

Ulrik Ekenberg: I could make an attempt to make bacon. You can make bacon from a number of .... I mean, I'll take your word for it given I have no knowledge of how to make bacon.

Raelynn: So how is the tea, Craigh? Can you taste it?

N'laea: You hunt?

Sundown: It was three years ago so that is a no

Craigh: Yes and no. I can taste the tea, but not any spice.

Raelynn: Fascinating.... I wonder if we just need to up it a notch until you can taste it?

Sundown: Hands his cup to N'laea, that was very nice, thank you

Craigh: shrugs.

N'laea: does not take the cup

Sundown: Say hello to Shi when you see her again

N'laea: Certainly.

Sundown: Sets the cup down in front of her

Craigh: We can try it out, I guess.

Sundown: Sir Talwin I will go make my report to the Govenor

Sundown: Let me know when you want me to fill up the theater for Zayden

Sundown: Nods to the room and leaves

Raelynn: On his grand opening night! Which is soon I hope!

Zayden: Thanks Sunny!

Ulrik Ekenberg: continues shipping his milk that has a little bit of tea in it