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Chat Log List - 2023 10 20 - Rum Runner - Formatted - Story

BOB Bards College on Mizzen, in the Cohn Hall

BOB Vee is attempting to flirt and distract DeOrange

BOB Levi Melange and Rothuss are attempting to deal with the bags that Ruffus left behind

BOB while Jericho is sitting in the audience bemused at all the music

Levi Reed: [TOWER] [SKILL] Ranger: Move Silently [PERCENT:Ranger: Move Silently] (vs. Target 6) [FAILURE by 80] [d100 = 86]

Levi Reed: [TOWER] [SKILL] Ranger: Hide in Shadows [PERCENT:Ranger: Hide in Shadows] (vs. Target 5) [FAILURE by 22] [d100 = 27]

Levi Reed: [TOWER] [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 20]

BOB Ruffus is with Vee right now

BOB She is trying to distract him

-> Adiro Barone: You can just come over and start talking with them

-> Adiro Barone: Technically not with them yet, but you are not happy in your current employment here so..... you are just there to keep order but they make you do stupid chores

Niclas Sehlman: Lord DeOrange! Lord DeOrange! May I have a word please

Ruffus DeOrange: Well hello,

Ruffus DeOrange: You are?

Ruffus DeOrange: Places a hand on Vee's arm, keeping her near

Vee Barlett: doesn't make an attempt to move anyways

Niclas Sehlman: Niclas Sehlman Lord

Niclas Sehlman: I wanted to ask if you have time to hear my new play

Niclas Sehlman: I am looking for a small funding source

Niclas Sehlman: I am certain it will be

Ruffus DeOrange: Glances at Vee

Ruffus DeOrange: My good man,

Ruffus DeOrange: I am prediposed to listen to a different type of music right now

Ruffus DeOrange: Do come back tomorrow

Vee Barlett: Oh, come. We can take a moment to listen, yeah?

Niclas Sehlman: bobs, Certainly, Thank you Lord

smiles at Vee

Niclas Sehlman: Thank you Mi Lady

Adiro Barone comes around the corner

Ruffus DeOrange: So you would not make a liar out of me would you ? (to Vee)

Ruffus DeOrange: You will keep me distracted from .....

Vee Barlett: Hmm?

Vee Barlett: I came to listen to songs.

Ruffus DeOrange: I can sing for you if you like

Adiro Barone: stops when he sees Vee

Ruffus DeOrange: Or I can do my best to make you sing

Vee Barlett: Nah, I don't have the voice for it.

Ruffus DeOrange: I would be happy to teach you to sing

Ruffus DeOrange: To help you learn to let lose

Vee Barlett: Ah, and how do you plan to do that?

Vee Barlett: gives him a smile

Ruffus DeOrange: I want to learn more about you

Ruffus DeOrange: Your name would be a nice start

Vee Barlett: Violet works, yeah?

Ruffus DeOrange: warm chuckle, there is more to you than a simple flower, where is your family from?

Vee Barlett: Mm, a bit of here, a bit of there. All over, really. Borinquen for the ones that matter.

Ruffus DeOrange: Your accent gives you away for that

Vee Barlett: You try to smooth over yours too much.

Ruffus DeOrange: Only the best schools as my father would say

Ruffus DeOrange: You seem to think you know who I am

Ruffus DeOrange: Do you really?

BOB and pause there

Adiro Barone: "No one fights like Gaston Douses lights like Gaston In a wrestling match nobody bites like Gaston For there's no one as burly and brawny As you see I've got biceps to spare Not a bit of him's scraggly or scrawny That's right And every last inch of me's covered with hair"

BOB jumping back over to the rest of the group still in the lecture hall

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (so lecture hall hears Adiro sing?)

BOB Yes of course everyone can hear him bellowing

BOB With Vee and Ruffus out of sight out of mind

BOB what are the rest of you doing?

Lirtimya: is still busy distracting what's her name

Adiro Barone: 'No one's slick as Gaston ('cept me!) No one's quick as Gaston (you'll see) No one's neck's as incredibly thick as Gaston ('cept mine!) For there's no man in town half as manly (cuz i'm fine!) Perfect, a pure paragon You can ask any Tom, Dick or Stanley And they'll tell you whose team they prefer to be on"

BOB your group is trying to figure out what to do, what you can get away with and then do it

BOB Your group and one other woman still cleaning up that Lirtimya is talking with

Adiro Barone pretends not to see Vee or Ruffus or Niclas

Adiro Barone partly whistling, partly singing

Adiro Barone: "No one hits like... Matches wits like... In a spitting match nobody spits like... I'm especially good at expectorating (Ptooey) Ten points for Adiro!"

BOB I am sorry TMO I think the cross purposeses here. Several people made rolls to distract and try to take the bags, you will not know if you were sucessfull until you actually try to walk away with them, or do something with them,

BOB I am waiting for someone to do that

MeLange: casually approaches the bags, double checks to make sure everyone is distracted, and picks up the bags

Adiro Barone stops a turns away from Vee et al, adjusts his staff -- both of them

MeLange: approaches the door to exit, bags in hand

BOB So Melange is walking to the door

BOB Everyone is in this room except Vee

BOB Where we stand in this room: Rothuss and Levi both made checks on distracting, slight of hand, take the bags,

BOB as everyone was standing around waiting to see if anyone noticed,

BOB Melange also stepped up to pick up the bags,

BOB Rothuss let him take the fall

BOB Melange starts to walk towards the door

BOB everyone is just standing around still

BOB that is where we are at

BOB The room is frozen because no one is actually doing anything

BOB Sharif is the only one who actually said an action

MeLange: checks the doorknob

BOB Doors are open

Jericho: Jericho carelessly drops his flagon spilling drink all over the floor and tripping

MeLange: exits the door

Jericho: Robe caught underneath him as he profusely apologizes

MeLange: whispers to self: where the hell is that darn Levi?

Levi Reed: tries to walk with MeLange, in a way that blocks the bag from view

MeLange: relieved at seeing Levi

MeLange: to Levi "Let's get behind the door then we can check out he bags eh?"

Jericho: Tries to mop up as best he can

Jericho: My sincere apologies

Jericho: Blushes red

BOB There is no one else there to clean Jericho or distract Lirtimya is talking with the only other person from the college

BOB Vee left with DeOrnage

BOB They are not around

BOB Right now Melange and Rothuss and Levi have the two bags

BOB They are in the doorway

BOB leaving with them

Rothuss Carder: Bust 'em open. What've we got, man?

MeLange: better be good

MeLange: gives one bag to Rothuss, and open the other

MeLange: opens

Rothuss Carder: does the same.

BOB Melange feels a needle stab him in his hand

MeLange: ouchies!

BOB I will give Rothus a detect traps to avoid that if he has it

MeLange: careful Roth, they boobytrapped

MeLange: mine was at least

MeLange: hopefully no poison

BOB So I will give Rothuss a dex check based on Melange opening first and saying ouch

Rothuss Carder: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 8]

MeLange: who would boobytrap a bag anyway? people are so untrusting these days

BOB So one more Dex check for Rothus

Rothuss Carder: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 4]

BOB Melange opens his bag and feels the needle STAB into his hand, he pulls it out shaking

BOB As he yelled, Rothus yanked his hand back out from the bag dropping it, then grabbing it in mid air to stop it from hitting the ground

BOB Melange pulls his hand back and looks to see a large red circle on the back of his hand

MeLange: uh oh

MeLange: shows Rothuss his red circle

MeLange: any idea what that means?

Rothuss Carder: Dang, man. That's not good. Better go see Jericho quick, man. Give me your bag.

Jericho: Hearing a yell from MeLange, sprints to see where they are

MeLange: ugh really?

MeLange: maybe we just pee on it? That works for the ocean stings

Rothuss Carder: Don't look at me man, that's your fetish, not mine.

MeLange: don't make it weird

Jericho: I heard a yell from the main room. What's wrong!

Jericho: Trying to keep his voice quiet, but urgent

MeLange: ugh

MeLange: turns to Jericho

MeLange: oh hey Jericho, I had a little ouchie

Jericho: Winces at the red welt.

MeLange: shows Jericho his hand

Jericho: Please tell me you didn't just stick your hand in an unknown bag?

Jericho: Why not empty it out on the ground?

Jericho: Let me see that

MeLange: well where were you two minutes ago?

MeLange: with all these grand ideas

Jericho: Having a stroke in anger

Jericho: One second

Jericho: Don't move that

MeLange: hey ouch

Jericho: Inspects Hand. Gently sniffs the entry wound

Jericho: [SKILL] Healing [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 17) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 19]

Jericho: [SKILL] Herbalism [2] [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 9]

MeLange: ugh, and I'm the weird one

Jericho: Shut up I'm concentrating

MeLange: fine fine

MeLange squirms in place

Jericho: Inspects the blood welling out from the wound for colors

MeLange: lemme guess, pee?

Rothuss Carder: pulls his dagger and looks at his bag to see if there's a seam that might have "accidentally" ripped.

BOB Jericho does not see any infection, he can tell that it is something from a mullusk perhaps? that is causing the discoloration

Jericho: What the hell?

Jericho: Just one last thing MeLange

MeLange: what?

Jericho: Can we empty out the bag without being stabbed? I'd like to see what stabbed you

BOB For Rothuss, these are very nicely made bags, high quality leather

BOB A place they could be locked closed but are not

Jericho: Just carefully dump it on this ground. Gently roll the bag from one side to the opening so we don't break anything glass

Jericho: Empty the bag

Jericho: Both of you

Jericho: please

MeLange: ugh fine

MeLange: does it the way Jericho likes

Jericho: Let's be quick and get out of here

Jericho: Inspects the contents of the bags

Jericho: Looks for the sharp jabby jabby

MeLange: Looks at the contents

BOB What sort of skill would you use for that Michael?

Jericho: For a syringe or Mollusk?....what skill do you want for that?

Jericho: [SKILL] Diagnostics [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 10]

BOB You have to open the bag to spill it out onto the floor

BOB He put his hand into the bag to open it and got stabbed

Rothuss Carder: will see if he can use his dagger to open his bag.

MeLange: want me to open it?

Jericho: I'm afraid I don't know about the bag, but I think you were stung by a mullusk

Jericho: But won't know for sure until the bag is opened

BOB You put your hand into the bag to open it, you reach in and STAB so you yank your hand back. No where in there is "your hand going inside of the bag and it is open now"

Rothuss Carder: I'm working on it. Lemme see if this works. *pry* *poke*

Jericho: Right now I have no fucking idea MeLange because I'm so confused and don't know what the bag is, the concept of an open vs closed bag, and if I'm going to live until the end of the month

MeLange: hey

MeLange: give it a go!

BOB and yes to Rothuss, he can cut the bag open

Rothuss Carder: Hey, that works. I guess.

Rothuss Carder: peeks inside without reaching in.

BOB Looks like a change of clothes, a flute, and a bottle of rum

MeLange: ok well

Rothuss Carder: Maybe I've got one of them.

MeLange: if he didn't put a trap in that one maybe it's not as important?

Rothuss Carder: carefully slides the contents of the bag onto the floor.

MeLange: nice flute though

Jericho: See if the stamp is in the bottle Rothuss. We'll work on this one now

BOB Rothuss cut the bag open from the side, did not "open" it

BOB The bag is still closed

MeLange: figuring most traps only work once, uses his good hand to open the bag

MeLange: on the bag that stung him

BOB Trying to be cautious I will give Melange a dex check

BOB You can pull things out of the gash in the side of the bag

MeLange: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 11]

BOB and Melange starts in and then feels just the hint of the needle and yanks his hand back out before getting stabbed again

Jericho: Melange, cut the bag open

MeLange: ack

MeLange: fine

Rothuss Carder: tries to grab the bottle.

MeLange: uses his axe to cut the bag on the bottom side

BOB Easy to cut open the bag with the axe

Jericho: Now let's see what stabbed you

BOB Rothuss can make a dex check to slide the bottle out

Rothuss Carder: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 13]

BOB Comes right out in his hands

MeLange: spreads open the wound and dumps the contents onto the ground

BOB like birthing a baby

BOB on Melange on the other hand, more like a bad night at the tavern all over the floor

Levi Reed: Great, now someone stow those away and let's get out of here

Levi Reed: Wait, are they still sealed?

Jericho: First check for the seal. We only care about the seal!

Jericho: Hisses

BOB In that bag is a bottle of rum, a dagger and another set of clothes

Jericho: What stabbed you?

Jericho: Looks over the contents of the bag

Jericho: What the fuck stabbed you

BOB Yes both bags are still closed you just created new opening/holes for things to come out

Jericho: Frantic

Rothuss Carder: inspects his bottle.

BOB Int check

MeLange: there's a seal in there?

BOB Rothuss needs an Inteligence check

Rothuss Carder: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 3]

-> Rothuss Carder: This bottle of rum is 5 years old

Jericho: melange, slit the bag with your axe lengthwise along it so we can peel the opening open without your hand being involved

Jericho: In essense, flay the bag open without your hand being involved please

MeLange: ugh again?

Jericho: Yes please. Last time I promise

MeLange: fine

Jericho: I think the needle might be sewn into the opening of the bag

MeLange: flays the bag way Jericho says

MeLange: like a big fish

Jericho: Now please use the hilt of your axe to flatten the bag

Jericho: The bag has been split and slit into a flattened piece of leather if this worked properly. Before I ask him to flip the bag with the axe handle, does Jericho see what stabbed MeLange

Rothuss Carder: Well, this is a false alarm. Looks tasty though.

MeLange: uses the hilt and flattens the bag

MeLange: it did feel like a mollusk

BOB And when Jericho learns how to detect which seam contains a needle and which ones do not and how to tell which seams are part of the bag and which ones are added afterwards.,.... etc etc etc

Jericho: I'm sorry MeLange, I can't find a trap

Jericho: Not my Talent

MeLange: no worries bud you did your best

Jericho: Pretty sure it was a Mollusk. We can pick up some anti-venom

Rothuss Carder: Here, man. You do know rum.

Rothuss Carder: hands Jericho the flask of 5 year old rum

MeLange: ummm, i mean i'm the one stung on both hands hear, but give him the rum sure

BOB Rothuss has his finds

Rothuss Carder: checks other bag as well.

BOB Looks to be the same

Levi Reed: Are the bottles still sealed?

Rothuss Carder: Yep, and nearly brand new too.

Levi Reed: Ok, then let's gooooo, why are we still here

Levi Reed: We can get that hand checked out at the church if we need to

BOB Rothuss wanted Jericho to look at the bottle

BOB Rothus can point out what he knows

Jericho: Looks at bottle

Levi Reed: Can't we look at the bottle when we're safe?

Jericho: Just rattle it. We only care about the stamp

Jericho: This bottle is supposed to be old

BOB Glass bottle but in a metal mesh

Rothuss Carder: holds it up to the light to see if there's anything inside it.

-> Rothuss Carder: You do not see anything.... you did see the number of years?

Rothuss Carder: yes. mentioned it to the others, but it may have been overlooked.

Rothuss Carder: This bottle's apparently only 5 years old. Can you check that, Jericho, my main Rum Man?

Jericho: [SKILL] Brewing [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 16]

Jericho: No idea

Rothuss Carder: What about that one? How old is it?

BOB Jericho can see that the bottle is still sealed

Levi Reed: maybe he switched the stamp to a different bottle or something

Rothuss Carder: That's what I was looking for. Didn't see anything though.

Jericho: Looks at the next one

Levi Reed: or had an illusion put on it or something?

Jericho: [SKILL] Brewing [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 13]

Levi Reed: Or already sold it

Jericho: Honestly, I'm to the point where we could break them all to find the damn stamp. We can just do that elsewhere, I'm not sure what else to do

Jericho: What do you think Levi?

BOB Same thing, bottle is sealed, the markings indicate it was distiled in 581 in Osterhold

MeLange: that's a good year

Levi Reed: I think we should just take it an go, find an inn or something, and figure it out there. Or at the church maybe

Rothuss Carder: Well, if these are a bust, let me look at this flute. Maybe something can be saved from this thing.

Jericho: Agreed. MeLange needs his hand looked at quick

MeLange: fine by me, but someone else is gonna have to carry em, i got injuries

Levi Reed: Like we already trashed his shit

MeLange: there is a dagger, that's kind of cool

Jericho: Uh, yes we did. Pretty specatcualry. Can we shove these scraps somewhere less noticable? Like a shrub or something?

Levi Reed: It's not like if we leave it here he's not going to notice

Rothuss Carder: Alright, pack it all up and let's get.

Levi Reed: so let's just grab them and go

MeLange: they're all sliced open

Jericho: Nods

MeLange: gonna have to carry it like a baby

-> Adiro Barone: This is where you can interrupt if you like

Rothuss Carder: Here, just give it all to me,

Rothuss Carder: shoves as much of it into his bag as he can and carries the rest.

Adiro Barone: notice the hubbaloo

Adiro Barone: you there! what is it that you have there?

Adiro Barone: speaking to Rothuss

MeLange: nudges the stuff over to Rothuss

Rothuss Carder: My sister's stuff. She left it behinid earlier.

Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Fast-Talking [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 14] [d20 = 2]

Adiro Barone: your sister's, you say?

Rothuss Carder: Yep. We're travelling entertainers from Achild. I was watching the guy doing cards earlier. Renee was over here, left her bags behind when she left.

Rothuss Carder: Sorry, my sister and I are entertainers, not these guys.

Adiro Barone: shows interest in 'Renee'

MeLange: I'm clearly a male

MeLange: smiles

Adiro Barone: gives MeLange a once-over

Rothuss Carder: Anyways, just came by to pick 'em up for her. Anything we can do for you?

Adiro Barone: what kinda entertainer are ya?

-> Adiro Barone: You would definately believe Rothuss

Adiro Barone: i'm a singer, dontcha know

Rothuss Carder: Stories, jokes, music. Renee's the singer.

Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Fast-Talking [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 14] [2 = 2]

Adiro Barone: aye. i could stand to hear a good story fella. this job yech isna so intrestin

Rothuss Carder: You a guard here?

Adiro Barone: aye

Rothuss Carder: Oof. I bet that's no fun. Lot's of these folks are probably pranksters and jokers.

Adiro Barone: bin here almoss four years. ner seen nuttin much of anyding

Rothuss Carder: Really? Huh, man, this place doesn't sound like much fun at all..

Adiro Barone: surely that. tell me a good story then wontcha?

Adiro Barone: eyeballing 'stuff'

Lirtimya: Walks around, seeing them talking to someone she stays a bit away, but is watching

Rothuss Carder: Sure thing. Mind if we go someplace and sit for it? Standing in the hall ain't much fun.

Rothuss Carder: Here, you guys take Renee's stuff to her.

Rothuss Carder: *hands the stuff over to the rest of the group*

Adiro Barone: me, myself...i canna sing...maybe tell yer sista i say hello?

Levi Reed: Why don't you join us for a drink after you're off duty?

MeLange: oh sure thing Rothuss

MeLange: good idea Levi

Adiro Barone: 'fraid it gotsa stay in sight ya know...can't be sittin' 'round

Levi Reed: Maybe Renee will be back around and you can hear her sing

Adiro Barone: ricks on his heels, considering their offer

Adiro Barone: nods slowly

Adiro Barone: thatsa mighta nice offer der

Adiro Barone: furrows his brow

Adiro Barone: yer name Rothuss?

MeLange suddenly feels a whisp of guilt

Levi Reed: Obviously we wouldn't want ot distract you from work. What time are you done?

Rothuss Carder: Right. Ready? Let's see what you think of this one. This is from a village out past mine, farther inland.

Adiro Barone: stops rocking and eyes Rothuss suspiciously

Rothuss Carder: Is that a problem?

Adiro Barone: looks over at Levi

MeLange nonchalant

Adiro Barone: letsus hear about the village farther inland den

Adiro Barone: waits patiently cuz got nothing else to do

MeLange: ALright sooo, come on guy, lets get this stuff over to his sister before she gets mad

Rothuss Carder: The villagers whispered of the creatures that roamed the forests at night. No one dared to venture out after dark, for fear of encountering the malevolent beings that lurked in the shadows. They were small, with sharp teeth and glowing eyes that seemed to follow you wherever you went. Some called them "night walkers," others referred to them as "forest fiends."

Adiro Barone: suddenly takes an interest in MeLange

Adiro Barone: then immediately starts listening to Rothuss

Adiro Barone: whass m-ilalephant?

Rothuss Carder: Evil. Cruel. Hurtful.

Adiro Barone: leans in, listening to Rothuss

Rothuss Carder: hands it over.

Adiro Barone: aye, evil

Rothuss Carder: Legend had it that they were the vengeful spirits of those who had been wronged by the living. They would steal away children in the dead of night, leaving behind only their laughter as a macabre reminder of their presence. The villagers tried to appease them with offerings of food and drink, but it was never enough. The fiends hungered for something more sinister, something that the villagers could never provide.

Adiro Barone: nods knowingly

Adiro Barone: whass ma' cob?

Rothuss Carder: Scary, spooky.

Levi Reed: Rothuss, give me your sister's stuff, we'll get it to her while you're here hanging out

Adiro Barone: aye

Adiro Barone: nods knowingly

Rothuss Carder: hands it over.

Rothuss Carder: One night, a young girl named Maria dared to venture into the forest alone. She had heard the stories of the goblins, but she was brave and curious, and she wanted to see for herself if they were real. As she wandered deeper into the trees, she felt a chill run down her spine. The darkness seemed to grow thicker, and the trees loomed over her like menacing giants. She heard the rustle of leaves and the crack of twigs beneath her feet, but she couldn't see anything in the shadows.

Adiro Barone: glances at the bag but stays fixed on Rothuss

Levi Reed: leaves

Adiro Barone: leans forward, listening carefully

Rothuss Carder: Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her leg, and she stumbled to the ground. She looked down to see a small, gnarled hand clasping her ankle, with a pair of glowing eyes staring back at her. The fiend cackled wickedly as Maria screamed in terror. She tried to pull away, but the creature was too strong. It dragged her deeper into the forest, where the other fiends waited eagerly.

MeLange left already

MeLange: waiting outside for Levi

Levi Reed: catches up with MeLange

Adiro Barone: mutters...

Adiro Barone: serves her right for being in the woods

Rothuss Carder: Maria was never seen again, but the villagers could hear her laughter echoing through the night, a haunting reminder of the walkers' insatiable hunger. From that day on, no one dared to venture into the forest alone, for fear of becoming the next victim of the night walkers.

Levi Reed: Should we go back to the ship or to the temple?

Adiro Barone: dats smart of dem, dey know whass bestus

Rothuss Carder: Indeed. I don't know if these fiends are real, but there are real dangers out there that children should avoid.

Adiro Barone: people always sneekin where dey shouldna

Adiro Barone: ya know, dat story remines me of anudder one...sumtim about nighter walkers

Rothuss Carder: Tell me, if you want. I'm always open for learning new stories.

Levi Reed: Ok, let's go to the temple

Adiro Barone: hmmm. i'm nossa great at dem stories. i can singit da?

Levi Reed: goes to the temple

Adiro Barone: watches Levi leave

Levi Reed: Heading to the temple to get some praying in, man! See you later, then we can come back around when y'all are done for a drink

Adiro Barone starts to sing

Adiro Barone: "Once upon a time, in a far-off Kingdom There lay a small village at the edge of the woods I wish (And in this village) More than anything (Lived a young maiden) More than life, more than jewels"

Rothuss Carder: listens intently.

Adiro Barone: starts mumbling, forgettingt the words

Adiro Barone: "What's the good of being good if everyone is blind Always leaving you behind?"

Adiro Barone furrows his brow

Adiro Barone: forget it...lessus go hav dat drink, ya know?

Rothuss Carder: Lead on! Where's your favorite place for drinks?

Rothuss Carder: It was a good song.

BOB so Lirt, Mel, and Levi head to the church

Adiro Barone: smiles and rocks on his heels

Adiro Barone: lemme fiink...

Adiro Barone: takes a long pause

BOB and Rothuss and Adiro will continue to chat on the way to the bar

Rothuss Carder -> Adiro Barone: A 'capital' idea. Let's go.

Adiro Barone: offers handshake to Rothuss

BOB Lirt, Melange and Levi are up

BOB Mizzen is the name of the island, the "capital" is Plithoth

Adiro Barone: hmmm...i says we head to da Capital Bar...good eats

Adiro Barone: i'm 'Adiro' new friend

Rothuss Carder -> Adiro Barone: Pleasure to meet you, Adiro. Rothuss. Let me buy the first round.

Adiro Barone -> Rothuss Carder: well thank yer kind sir!

Adiro Barone -> Rothuss Carder: tell me how you happened upon enterteraining in our fine city

Rothuss Carder -> Adiro Barone: Oh, nothing too much. I'm with the rest of this group, following them around for a few laughs and seeing new things. Getting away from home for a while, shall we say?

Adiro Barone -> Rothuss Carder: dats zounds mighta fine. me, i ne'er travlled too much. bin here all me life. betcha bin really neat places...

Rothuss Carder -> Adiro Barone: Eh, not too many yet. Anyways, tell me about this "Adiro" fellow. What does he want out of life?

Adiro Barone -> Rothuss Carder: (smiles that someone shows an interest)

Adiro Barone -> Rothuss Carder: ne'er really dought too much 'bout it. me pa were a guard, me brudder, and me udder brudder bowff guards

Rothuss Carder -> Adiro Barone: That works for some people. Are you happy with it? My family shears goats. Deadly boring.

Adiro Barone -> Rothuss Carder: happy? (furrows brow)

Adiro Barone -> Rothuss Carder: wer youse not happy with family and shearing da goats?

Rothuss Carder -> Adiro Barone: Happy? Absolutely not! It was so boring. Small town, small people, small minds. And they absolutely hated anyone who tried to inject a little fun or excitement into the place.

Adiro Barone -> Rothuss Carder: {thinks about this and nods slowly in agreement}

Adiro Barone -> Rothuss Carder: i fink excitement woulda be a happy thing for me

Adiro Barone -> Rothuss Carder: i train and train and ne'er get to fight at all. seems a bit..what's the word...?

Adiro Barone -> Rothuss Carder: few-tile?

Rothuss Carder -> Adiro Barone: That's the word, alright. Since I've tagged along with this group, I've fought goblins and nearly got shipwrecked.

Adiro Barone -> Rothuss Carder: [eyebrows shoot up] goblins ya say...?!

Adiro Barone -> Rothuss Carder: are dey as ugly as i fink?

Rothuss Carder -> Adiro Barone: Uglier. And they smell. Now we're traipsing around trying to recover something for the Church.

Adiro Barone -> Rothuss Carder: sound grand

Rothuss Carder -> Adiro Barone: Several of this group have got sticks shoved *all* the way up their backsides, but they're sometimes entertaining anyways.

Adiro Barone -> Rothuss Carder: what's trayp-sin?

Rothuss Carder -> Adiro Barone: Sorry, the curse of the story teller, using odd words to evoke flavor. "traveling"

Adiro Barone -> Rothuss Carder: ah! [roars laughing, claps his heavy hand on Rothuss's back)

Adiro Barone -> Rothuss Carder: yessir, i know 'bout sticks up der arses

Adiro Barone -> Rothuss Carder: me pa sumtymes is dat way

Rothuss Carder -> Adiro Barone: Dad's can be like that, can't they?

Adiro Barone -> Rothuss Carder: aye

Rothuss Carder -> Adiro Barone: What's it like at the Bar'd College there? Are they stuffy and boring, or do they let loose sometimes and actually have fun?

Adiro Barone -> Rothuss Carder: no fun (furrows brow)

Adiro Barone -> Rothuss Carder: no fun at dall

Rothuss Carder -> Adiro Barone: Damn, that's too bad. I was hoping I might learn something there, but I might just get in too much trouble.

Adiro Barone -> Rothuss Carder: issa a big College dough...its possible

Adiro Barone -> Rothuss Carder: fun and excitement are in udder places there at Bard

Rothuss Carder -> Adiro Barone: Well, maybe there's hope for it after all.

Adiro Barone -> Rothuss Carder: [smiles goofy grin and looks ahead] we's not too far from da bar now

Rothuss Carder -> Adiro Barone: Good! What's your opinion of good old bar brawls?

Adiro Barone -> Rothuss Carder: i like 'em [smiles proudly and poofs out chest]

Rothuss Carder -> Adiro Barone: Excellent! Perhaps we can pound down a few drinks and round the evening out by pounding down a few drinkers.

Adiro Barone -> Rothuss Carder: [roars with laughter again] you bring fun and excitement new friend. yes! then maybe we can...

Rothuss Carder -> Adiro Barone: How much further to this place?

Adiro Barone -> Rothuss Carder: da bar isn't too far more

Levi Reed: Lirt, Mel, you guys got any way to check this to see what the deal is?

MeLange: check what?

Levi Reed: The rum, man

MeLange: ohh rum in church good idea

MeLange: yea check it out, bout time we figured this thing out

MeLange: sorry too many outs

MeLange: i'm stung in both hands

MeLange: Jericho looked at it but it's still pretty sore

MeLange: no more high fives for me

Levi Reed: Ah, yeah, wonder if that priest lady we talked to last time is still around? She seemed nice

Jalini Marblemaw: Greetings travelers

MeLange: Oh hello there

Jalini Marblemaw: Fortune telling for you today?

Levi Reed: Hello, what's your name?

Levi Reed: Oooh, yes, I could go for a fortune telling

MeLange: fortune teller? how much?

Levi Reed: Lirt, Mel?

Jalini Marblemaw: I am Jalini Marblemaw, I have the cleanest soul on the island

MeLange: it shows

Levi Reed: How much is a fortune telling?

Jalini Marblemaw: It depends on if you like your fotune

Levi Reed: Is it just like a donation basis?

Jalini Marblemaw: I request you give me a payment equal to the worth you hope to get

MeLange: Oh well I didn't mean to be rude maam, i just like to know these things

Jalini Marblemaw: then if I will provide that worth or more

Jalini Marblemaw: If you like your fortune you can always give more

Levi Reed: gives Jalini 4 silver

<font color="#000000">Levi Reed spent 4 SP on fortune

Jalini Marblemaw: Takes them with a smile

Jalini Marblemaw: What would you like to know?

MeLange: also gives Jalini 4 silver

Jalini Marblemaw: Holds out her hand to stop Melange,

<font color="#000000">MeLange spent 4 SP on ....

Levi Reed: If I will find what I seek today

Jalini Marblemaw: Not yet, we have a pact here to complete

MeLange: oh i'm sorry

Jalini Marblemaw: Turns to Levi

Jalini Marblemaw: Takes him by the hand and sits him down in a chair

Jalini Marblemaw: lays his palm out facing up on top of a blue velvet cloth

Jalini Marblemaw: traces her fingernail from his wrist up and over his palm to the base of his index finger

Jalini Marblemaw: Looks up into his eyes

Levi Reed: giggles

Levi Reed: that tickled

Jalini Marblemaw: Hands back two silver

Jalini Marblemaw: You will not find what you are looking for but you will be happy

Levi Reed: Fair enough. But please, keep the silver as a donation to the church

Jalini Marblemaw: Thank you

Levi Reed: And maybe if you wouldn't mind, take a look at my buddy's hand. He may need healing

Jalini Marblemaw: Looks up at Melange

Levi Reed: Lirt, you want a fortune?

MeLange: yes i'm sorry my hands were recently stung

Lirtimya: Mm.. sure, I may as well join in on getting one

MeLange: they're still tender, but ok

Jalini Marblemaw: Takes Mel's hands and looks them over

Jalini Marblemaw: You were stung here I can see

Jalini Marblemaw: how many days ago?

MeLange: oh it was today

MeLange: very recent

Jalini Marblemaw: OH they look much worse than they should

Jalini Marblemaw: I am afraid you might lose them......

MeLange: well Jericho did look them over

MeLange: sheesh that guy

Jalini Marblemaw: and she SLAMS her hand down on his wrist

MeLange: ouches!

Jalini Marblemaw: Then she laughs

Jalini Marblemaw: This is simple ink,

MeLange: oh...

Jalini Marblemaw: Why did someone stab you with a quill? did you interupt their writing?

MeLange: no i was trying to break into their luggage

Jalini Marblemaw: Well at least we know your soul is not quite as clean

Jalini Marblemaw: And why

MeLange: that's correct maam

MeLange: but at least i'm not a liar

Jalini Marblemaw: That is also an admirable trait

MeLange: perhaps there's some hope for me left

Jalini Marblemaw: I would say the ink will wear off in a week or two if you do not undertake any strenous effort to remove it faster

MeLange: will it heal my hands?

Jalini Marblemaw: You will be fine

MeLange: oh that's wonderful, thank you so much

Jalini Marblemaw: Just do not let the person whose bag you tried to steal see your hands

Levi Reed: Could we buy an... what was it that Jericho used to clean the forecastle? an orison? or something?

Levi Reed: To clean his hands?

Jalini Marblemaw: Or they will likely cause you more trouble

MeLange: ok

Levi Reed: Yeah, we're in enough trouble already

MeLange: I'm actually not sure who they belong to

MeLange: good point Levi

Jalini Marblemaw: You could donate to the Church for such a spell yes young man, however I will not remove that

MeLange: oh man I gotta stop saying people's names all the time, learned that lesson tonight

Jalini Marblemaw: It is a sign of your misdeed

Levi Reed: Can you point us toward someone who would?

MeLange: the ink?

Jalini Marblemaw: Soft smile, no I would like my soul to remain as clean as possible

Levi Reed: If it helps, we're doing the misdeed trying to help our temple back home, and trying to save our friend's life who was put under a geas to help the cathedral

Levi Reed: It's not selfish misdeeds

Jalini Marblemaw: A geas is a very serious task

<font color="#000000">MeLange spent 4 SP on

Jalini Marblemaw: I would not interfeer in such a thing

MeLange: gives the silver to Jalini

Jalini Marblemaw: Thank you

Jalini Marblemaw: I do hope that you feel you have learned a lesson

MeLange: Oh I have your majesty

MeLange: bows his head

Jalini Marblemaw: Looks up at Lirtimya

Jalini Marblemaw: What can I do for you young lady?

Jalini Marblemaw: What can I tell you that your own magic cannot?

Lirtimya: I don't know, that's why I'm asking you

Jalini Marblemaw: What is your question then?

Jalini Marblemaw: Smiles up at her

Lirtimya: Can you tell me anything about our journey going forward?

Jalini Marblemaw: Reaches out to take her palm

Jalini Marblemaw: holds it out up open to the sky

Jalini Marblemaw: SPITS into Lirts palm

Jalini Marblemaw: traces it with her finger tip

Jalini Marblemaw: You will see your home again soon if you can avoid being washed overboard

Lirtimya: nods "I've avoided it up to this point, let's hope it stays that way"

Jalini Marblemaw: We have all survived our worst days so far

Jalini Marblemaw: I wish you good luck on your journey

Levi Reed: Thank you

Lirtimya: Thank you, I wish you luck on your journey as well, whatever that is

Levi Reed: Alright comrades, where to next?

Jalini Marblemaw: Warm smile thank you, until we meet again

Levi Reed: Lirt, any ideas?

Lirtimya: None, I am not very familiar with such big cities

Levi Reed: Anything you can think of, they probably have it

Levi Reed: What do you most want to do right now?

BOB Note also that Plithoth IS larger than Achild and the places you have spent but is tiny compared to Osterhold

BOB But yes with a Bard College you can expect there are some good libraries

Lirtimya: Well, it's been a long day, just spending some time at a library would be nice, but that's an activity for me, I have a feeling you two may not enjoy that as much

Levi Reed: Hey, who knows, we can at least go check it out

Levi Reed: Maybe I'll find something interesting there

Levi Reed: Let's go!

Levi Reed: heads to the library

BOB so the three head to the library they spotted outside of the college

BOB it turns out to be a private library like most of the ones that Lirt knows of

BOB You go up to the door and knock

Adiro Barone -> Rothuss Carder: OOC > ---you want to see them on the way to the library---

Adiro Barone eyes up ahead the library

Rothuss Carder: notices Lirtimya on the street and heads that way

Rothuss Carder: I think this is part of my group up here. Let me see what's up.

BOB So Rothus and Adiro are walking up the street and you spot Mel Levi and Lirt walking up the steps of a library

Adiro Barone follows Rothuss towards the people at the library

Adiro Barone recognizes Levi as the person who went to pray

Rothuss Carder: whistles to catch their attention.

Levi Reed: Hello there!

Rothuss Carder: What's up?

Levi Reed: Care to join us for a library visit?

Adiro Barone furrows brow

Rothuss Carder: looks briefly surprised.

Adiro Barone: wants to go to the bar and glances at Rothuss

Rothuss Carder: That sounds... fun? Any cute librarians in there? What do you think, Adiro? Books, or beers?

Levi Reed: Oh, by the way, we couldn't find your sister. Here's her stuff back.

Levi Reed: gives to Rothuss

Levi Reed -> Rothuss Carder: It's not the rum we were looking for

Levi Reed: Oh we can get beers after

Adiro Barone stalls

Rothuss Carder: awkwardly takes the bundle of stuff in his arms.

Levi Reed: I'm thinking Lirt might get her nose stuck in a book and we might have to give her a little time alone anyway

Adiro Barone looks at Levi.

Levi Reed: But I thought we might as well check it out

Levi Reed: I don't think I've been in a library before

Rothuss Carder: They had one in Achild, I think. Never went in it.

Adiro Barone looks at Levi weirdly.

Levi Reed: See? Might be something interesting in there

Adiro Barone looks at both of them weirdly.

Levi Reed: If not, we duck out for the nearest drinks and come back to collect Lirt when she's done

Rothuss Carder: Maybe. I get twitch sitting still for that long.

Levi Reed: knocks on the door again

Rothuss Carder: nods in acknowlegment of Levi's whisper.

alyssaquinn: rocks on

Adiro Barone rocks on his heels.

Viviana Larmagnory: Hello?

Viviana Larmagnory: Can I ..... no I suppose not

Viviana Larmagnory: and closes the door

BOB So you have the closed door in front of you again

Adiro Barone looks at the bag that belongs to Rothuss' sister.

Lirtimya: Sighs

Levi Reed: knocks again

Levi Reed: We can pay for your time!

Viviana Larmagnory: Opens the door

Viviana Larmagnory: Hell... Oh you again

Levi Reed: Hello!

Viviana Larmagnory: We do not have picture books here

Levi Reed: My friend here is interested in browsing your books. And I'm interested in seeing what the inside of a library is

Viviana Larmagnory: Looks over at Lirt

Viviana Larmagnory: (pauses)

Adiro Barone glances at Viviana as best he can.

Viviana Larmagnory: You are a young lady

Viviana Larmagnory: Why would you be with such.... scallywags

Adiro Barone really notices Lirt for the first time.

Rothuss Carder: grins.

Rothuss Carder: I like her.

Adiro Barone furrows his brow at the insult.

Adiro Barone cocks his head in confusion at Rothuss and think 'da sallywags are fightin words, da?'

Levi Reed: Yeah, that's a fair assessment

Levi Reed: Lirt, why DO you hang out with us?

Adiro Barone listening to prayer guy.

Lirtimya: Because I wanted to, I like to sail the sea and this is a nice group, so I follow my friend on her adventures now as I learn more, I can't learn by staying stagnant

Viviana Larmagnory: Learning is a very admirable trait

Viviana Larmagnory: I suppose I can admit you

Viviana Larmagnory: and two of your guests

Viviana Larmagnory: 2 silver for each person

Adiro Barone takes interest in Lirt's comment about sailing the sea.

Lirtimya: It's late, how long do you stay open? I'm assuming you don't stay here over night

Viviana Larmagnory: I live here

Viviana Larmagnory: This was my father'

Viviana Larmagnory: Father's and Grandfather's home

Viviana Larmagnory: I have people stay late sometimes

Levi Reed: Rothuss, you want to check the library out or have the drink you promised your new friend?

Lirtimya: I see, then which two of you four want to come in with me?

Rothuss Carder: Either is fine by me. Whatever Adiro here wants.

Levi Reed: Ok, I'll go in with Mel. You kids have fun out here

Adiro Barone: i don't mind if yer in the books. i can wait ousside. ne'er in a hurry here.

MeLange: sounds good to me

Rothuss Carder: steps up the stairs to the door and gives the librarian a short bow.

Rothuss Carder: Madame, it sounds like I'll be deprived of your company this evening, but perhaps later on you can tell me all the gossip about the scallywags from the college.

Viviana Larmagnory: Smiles at Rothus

BOB So Lirt, Levi and Mel enter the library

MeLange: books!

MeLange: i like libraries you know

Viviana Larmagnory: Welcome to the Larmagnory Collection

Viviana Larmagnory: This is our family treasure, we have lived here in Plithoth for over 60 years

MeLange: that's a long time

Viviana Larmagnory: As the three of you enter the main room Viviana gestures to the corner near the door, Please do not disturb Oleb

Levi Reed: What's an Oleb?

BOB As you look over at Oleb you see a very large.... gorilla

Lirtimya: I will make sure not to do that

Viviana Larmagnory: Please do, he can get very angry when people mistreat things

<font color="#000000">Levi Reed spent 60 CP on library admittance

Levi Reed: gives to Viv

Viviana Larmagnory: My Grandfather left a very extensive collection on fish and the sea

Viviana Larmagnory: They are here in the east room

Levi Reed: Too bad Violet isn't here, I bet she'd love that

Lirtimya: You two know where to find me now

Viviana Larmagnory: 20 volumes of writing and over 200 paintings

Viviana Larmagnory: Upstairs is my Father's collection

Levi Reed: Oh, I'd love to look at the paintings

Viviana Larmagnory: My father collected palm fronds, coconuts

Viviana Larmagnory: My mother said it was from climbing the palm trees looking out over the sea waiting for his father to return

Viviana Larmagnory: and he just started writing about them

Viviana Larmagnory: and drawing

Viviana Larmagnory: collecting

Levi Reed: Hey, Mel likes climbing trees!

MeLange: trees?

MeLange: trees in a church?

Levi Reed: You have any books that would be of interest to a sea mage like Larissa here?

Viviana Larmagnory: Looks over at Lirt, I think she is very involved in those volumes there.

Viviana Larmagnory: Perhaps she can glean some new knowledge from those

Levi Reed: Cool, I'm going to go check out the paintings while she gleans

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Artistic Ability [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 19]

Lirtimya: Is making her way to the section about the sea

BOB There are 20 books there

BOB Several thick ones with lots of notes on weather, etc. many smaller ones with various notes on types of fish, etc lots of information about the seas around this area.

BOB And yes if you are researching a new sea mage spell this is the sort of place you would come to read and learn

MeLange: looks at the books about the seas around this area

Lirtimya: Picks out one of the larger books and looks at it's first couple pages to get an idea of what it's about

MeLange: Keeps an eye out for any areas worth noting

BOB The one Lirt picks up starts with notes on depths around the local islands,

BOB you can read them at your liesure

BOB and when you take time for training to learn a new spell you can visit again to take more extensive notes

BOB Only need the reading check on obscure wording or something I will tell you if needed

Lirtimya: reads the one she picked up, deciding it will be a good topic to read about

BOB for Levi he can spot several fish he learned about from the family business

BOB Melange can make a reading check

MeLange: [SKILL] Reading/Writing (W Comm) [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 14]

-> MeLange: Melange is reading a chart on sailing and it seems to say that there is an underwater river but that does not make sense, maybe Lirt would undertand

MeLange: Hey Lirt, it says something here about an "underwater river" <points>, what in the hell is an "underground" river?

-> Lirtimya: Lirt knows there are underwater currents, they form and flow around trenches and deep water

Lirtimya: They're made by currents, that flow deep under water around trenches made probably by other currents or different creatures

MeLange: currents, they get around

Levi Reed: So are they underwater or underground?

The time is 6:00 PM

Lirtimya: I'm sure they can be both

MeLange: could ride along one?

Levi Reed: Could you take a boat down and underground river?

MeLange: like an underground river? sounds pretty fun

Levi Reed: Or is it like, too close to the rocks and stuff

MeLange: come in handy if you're on the run

Lirtimya: I wouldn't suggest riding a boat in an underwater river that is underground

Levi Reed: What about swimming?

MeLange: not a boat but like a raft?

MeLange: or a canoe?

MeLange: kayak?

Lirtimya: If you're underwater I don't think it's a boat anymore

MeLange: oh it's all underwater? oh well then, nice dream though

Levi Reed: Is it like, caves?

Levi Reed: I'm pretty good at caves

MeLange: so I guess there are underwater rivers around here, big whoop

Lirtimya: There are underwater caves

Levi Reed: Does it say where to find any, Mel?

Levi Reed: That sounds like fun

MeLange: well there's a navigational chart so yea

Levi Reed: Cool!

Levi Reed: Remember where it is so we can check it out if we get time

BOB Yes to remembering where this library is, and that the knowledge is here

BOB no to automatically knowing which page something is on

BOB Without the charts would be guessing

BOB You could come back with supplies to make a copy of the chart

BOB Overall the idea is that yes this is a place that Lirt would want to come back to when researching for spells in the future

BOB or like Mel just found interesting bits of information about the waters around the local islands

BOB and of course fish and trees and other things