Main / Alchemist

Schools - Mage - Chapter 2


The Alchemist is a specialist in the school of Alchemy. The alchemist’s whole work is based on the four classical elements of air, earth, fire, and water. In other words, the alchemist considers gold (for example) to be a combination of earth and fire.

The alchemist must maintain a large, well equipped laboratory. The character is assumed to begin play with a suitable facility in his home town or base of operations, but building and equipping a new laboratory costs at least 1,000 gp per character level, and existing laboratories cost 50 gp per level each month to maintain. An alchemist without a laboratory loses access to the bonus spell provided by specialization and can’t conduct research, make potions, or add new spells to his spell book.

Allowed Races: Only humans can be Alchemists

Ability Requirements: In order to be an alchemist, a wizard must have an excellent education in the sciences Knowledge of 15 and a steady hand for experimentation Aim of 14.

Saving Throw Modifiers: Alchemists enjoy the normal benefits of specialization, but have no saving throw modifiers for their own saves or their targets’ saves.

Bonus Spells and Acquired Powers: At 6th level, the alchemist gains the ability to create potions. This is a special chemical process that doesn’t involve magical materials or processes, but it tends to be longer and more tedious than normal potion brewing. First, the character must research the potion’s formula, just like conducting spell research; consider the potion’s level to be equal to its experience point (XP) value divided by 100. For example, a potion of clairaudience (250 XP) is treated as a 3rd‑level spell for this purpose, while a potion of longevity (500 XP) is equivalent to a 5th‑level spell. It takes two weeks per potion level to research the formula, at a cost of 500 gp per potion level. The alchemist must roll learn spells to find out if he learned the spell before he can be considered successful in his research. The maximum number of potion formulae he can know is limited by the maximum number of spells per level score that is determined by his Intelligence (see Table 4: Intelligence in the PHB). A character with an Intelligence of 15, for example, can know up to 11 potion formulae.

Once a character has successfully researched a potion’s formula, he can produce one dose by investing 3d6 x 100 gp in materials and spending one uninterrupted week in his laboratory. Again, he must pass the learn spells check to see if he followed the directions correctly, with a +1% bonus per character level. While the alchemist doesn’t have to adventure to acquire rare or unusual materials for potions, he may still have to take time to make arrangements for special requirements, such as the delivery of unusual chemicals or glassware.

Note that the spells of the school of alchemy are considered to have no verbal component when cast by an alchemist, since they consist of combinations of reagents prepared by the wizard—an alchemist has little to fear from a silence 15’ radius spell.

Oppositional Schools: The school of alchemy is opposed by the schools of illusion and necromancy.

Ethos: Alchemists are the most scientifically minded wizards, and they experiment constantly in search of knowledge. In order to continue their research they need access to their lab so it is very rare to find an Alchemist as part of any adventuring group. Most Alchemists pursue knowledge for knowledge sake and because of their careful formulaic thinking are always lawful in their dealings.