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Building Dragon Fen - In Character Discussions

Table of Contents:

Group Meeting

Once everyone is gathered for a meal together, Miranda takes the floor and has Hoffman hold a piece of parchment against a smooth part of the wall so Miranda can write on it and most everyone can see.

"We all know Branwyn both wants us all to be happy and wants to be happy, there is a lot to discuss but I have some pretty good ideas to lay out so we have a starting point of what we need to do."

While pointing to the parchment, "This is just for demonstrating, sorry Hoffman, showing the basic conc.. idea (smiling at Hoffman) of what we need, Ilerro (gesteruring in his direction can make it more official when finalize the pla.. Details.

While the Orhard house is lovely, it is simply too small and Branwyn and her Lord are not going to enjoy the tower for long.

We all need to clear out this area just north of the woods here, maybe not the whole 10 miles on the letter, maybe more but lets be honest, how are we goona measure how long. We need to be farth enough north so any critters don't come from the woods.

Oh that reminds me, we will want Kel and Shi to talk with V.a.l.o..r..s so you see if you will be comfortable in the woods for the realitive short time your here." she quietly says to Hoffman "the elves live such long lives that they may be here for years, but that does not mean as much to them"

"Anyway (turning back to the group) we all are gonna want more room and not everyone has decided, but if we look at this logical, we are gonna want to bring in a lot of people to farmer and such and before long with this many people, we are gonna have our own town, so we start this thinking towards that"

She draws a rectangle in the middle of the parchment and puts a small square on either side (close) and a 'x' above and below (some distance)

"So what I am sugesting, asking as a starting list, is four main buildings, an inn (pointing to rectangle) that we be the starting dwelling For most of us, a carpentry and blacksmith shop (pointing to squares) and a proper manner house for the Lord and Lady, either between the inn and the woods or between the inn and the rest of the word. Then of course we have to make a lot of homes for the farmers, but those are scattered all arround. Simple, not finished but at this point we are all more comfortable and better able to pla... Move forward from there.

Any questions, thoughts or suggestions?" she stands happy with herself, trying to look open to the group.

Shi nodded to the plans, but honestly, her mind stopped listen after mention of the Treant.

"It is only proper to talk with the treant of these woods. I met one of the ones in the Wildlands years ago, when my grandmother brought me, although I barely remember it. I was still so young," said Shi with a slight shake of her head. "I would be happy to meet the one here, but I must get my training in first. I believe we'd have much more of an interesting discussion after Solonor shows me more of his wisdom."

Miranda thinks for a second. "Well if enough people left for training, it would not be such an issue with living arrangements. And Loosend is not as far, we should be able to find some one to train you. It just has been a while for me and then we have to worry abut reentering the Mist. I am for it. Who else would have business outside the Mist? "

Hoffman looks at parchment with a puzzled look

"Shouldn't the manner be the center point?"

Miranda looks over and steps back towards Hoffman and speaks quietly. "Not necessarily, I understand your thinking tactics, like if you or High wanted a secure location to defend against the wilds and build town arround, but this is just a residence. If we wanted to do that we would move a lot farther from the woods so we would be in the complete center of the area under our protection." She trails off, thinking she said too much already.

Hoffman eyes stare deep into Miranda

"You have thought a lot about this, is that what you want?"

Miranda steps even closer and speaks quiet.

"I know you have a restless spirit, I would never ask you to settle down, I know how hard the city was on you."

Not worrying about speaking quietly "THAT WAS A CITY." Hoffman catches himself and speak calmly. " There is not a city for miles around here. As long as you don't build a wall around me, I will be ok. What do you want? "

Miranda smiles and gives him a pack on the cheek.

"Let's see what we can do, but first we really should get married"

She turns back to the group, so any other questions?

“Thank you, Miranda and Hoffman, for all of your hard work on this. I do appreciate everything you are doing to help develop Dragon Fen. As you well know, I do not have the proper knowledge or temperament for the detailed task work,” Branwyn said, rising. “The only thing I can think of at the moment that is important is that I do need my manor house to be situated closer to Jistille Estates and we shall need a road or proper path so that we can easily reach Orchard House, my tower, and the Jistille Keep when we are summoned or just wish to visit.”

She then pulled out her own parchment where she had been crudely sketching her ideas for Dragon Fen Manor. “Tiberius, can you please look at this and tell me what I am missing that you shall want in our home? Ever since we met, we have either been staying in places that were not ours or travelling. You must tell me what you would like to see in our new home.”

Tiberius smiled. "You"

"As long as there is a room to store our treasures and a place to store our gear I will be happy. I am used to training out in the yard in the elements."

He pauses, then asks, "Can I use part of your library? For maps?"

Hoffman and Miranda slip away as the parchment calls for the floor. Hoffman holds her as they walk and asks her quietly.

"So, in this possible future, after we get married, is there anything more I should be prepared for?You know it might take me some time to adjust."

Miranda looked up to see his eyes and to reassure him

"I know you are not as dumb as you pretend to be at times. I know you think about all things in a tactical manner. Just consider this the same way, how would you run a settlement, what ever form it might take and if you need to learn more ask. What you really should be thinking about is how to convince the church you are worthy of me. " she ends with a smile and a wink.

"Oh, that's easy" Hoffman says with a kiss on her forehead as he looks forward with a straight face.

"I plan on staying I was the one that got you back in touch with Idun and your true calling. They are gonna love me as much as you do."

They kept walking is silence, lost in their thoughts and contentment.

Shi'Nynze's Many Messages

(Outside): To be delivered to Keerla Naim, Divaekah, Lorien Woods, The Wildlands

(Inside - main message):

Warning: if you are not Keerla Naim of Haathkash, who is currently residing in Divaekah, stop reading now. This is a private correspondence and she will find out if you read it. You do not want that to happen. Just ask Jhaeros Audark. You have been warned.

Dear Keerla,

It is difficult to write to you when I do not know if you received my other letter nor if my parents received theirs, and updated you, too. Still, I would be surprised if you did not. If there was one spell I had the best grasp of, it was the one to send messages. But, for once, I am trying a new means to send a letter to you. I admit I have less faith with so many hands touching it yet I cannot resist sending you some gifts.

If whoever finally gives you this message does not tell you, I am currently in the city called Loosend for some much needed training. I cannot tell what a relief it is to be out of The Mist! It sounded so exciting, but it made me so sick. Do you even need be told how depressing it is not to see the sun? I pity those I met in there who never saw real, glorious sunlight. Sadly, I will be returning to it, but with good reason I will get to soon.

With some downtime, I decided to better my art skills. To my surprise, I met the kindest elf in Loosend to teach me, and to further my surprise, some of Solonor's followers, too! You remember that trick Tira’allara showed us when we were younger where she walked into a tree? Not as simple as it looked, but I have finally mastered it! It will be fun to show you one day. Still, it feels so odd to be taught from someone not of the clan and so far from home. I do not know if I wish to do it again. It just doesn't quite feel right. I had briefly considered trying to improve my singing, but imagine how insulted my mother would be if I were to learn from someone other than herself! We will not even speak of trying to learn an instrument.

Perhaps I will look into dancing one day? We met up with some gypsies while staying at a vampire's castle, and they are so good at dancing! The granddaughter of the wisewoman has decided to tag along. I might be partially responsible for that, but how could I deny her curiosity of the world around her? At least she is easy to entertain. If it is not teaching her about the flora and the fauna I know, it is simply enjoying some dancing and music. A friend pointed out how similar gypsies and elves are, and truth be told, he is not wrong.

Okay, yes, you did read that correctly, and I was purposely avoiding it. I stayed at a vampire's castle, and yes, it was as bad as you can guess, if not worse, and no, you really shouldn't tell my parents these details, either. If being nearly killed by scrags isn't bad enough, can you imagine how my mother would react to finding out I stayed at a castle belonging to a vampire? Thank goodness he was gone most of the time we were there, but Kel did almost lose his hands in the process for accused theft.

Okay, yes, I am definitely also trying to avoid that topic, too. If you did get my previous message, how can I tell you with simple written words what happened since then? It is quite interesting what near-death can do to a relationship. After witnessing the death of a friend to the party, and some talk of what happened on that knarr, Kel convinced me it was worth exploring a new level to our relationship. In truth, it wasn't until he died that I was completely convinced. He was not yet to Arvanaith, but the idiot did delay his return to it. He even claimed I was worth giving up Arvanaith for! And if Teb is to be believed, he did mean it.

It has been good, truly it has (well, except that incident with the gypsies, but that is for another day), but I am certain we are on different pages. I've resolved to take this one day at a time. I am certain Kel is thinking far beyond that, but I cannot for many reasons. As it is, it feels as though those around us keep on getting married. I do not understand the rush, nor the desire, but I am neither human nor my parents. Although, to be fair to my parents, they had to put much more thought into their union than a human. The human idea of marriage is nothing like ara dir'vhen'an, as my mother prefers to call it.

I still think Uncle has the right of it, and even Grandmother wasn't quite so easily tied down, although, and thankfully you agree if others do not, I do believe that is related to the riff she had with Iefyr. Anyways, my point being, I did try to talk to Kel about Nieven. He brushed it off. Perhaps it is my fault for downplaying our relationship, but I do not believe Kel understands the close relationship I have with Nieven. I feel guilt he does not understand, and I do have guilt I have not yet written to Nieven, but that is what you are for, right?

And, well, I do not have to worry about that until I come home, and who knows when that will be, yes? Anyways, I hope you appreciate the gifts I send. They are not my best work, but they are such an improvement over my other works of art. I tried to recreate some of the places I have been as best as I can from memory. Yes, I did send quite a few sketches and paintings, and yes, I do expect you to give some of them to another mentioned earlier. If not a letter, he can have some art, at least. I did not write your name on all of them, Keerla.

Perhaps it is good I am not sending this by a bird this time. It is quite the letter! But there was so much to tell you, and still much to tell you. I will be staying in Dragon Fen for a time if you have means to send a reply. A friend, Branwyn, was given land by the Queen here to develop as her own (how you give land or own it, though, I do not understand), and it is quite an interesting project to be involved in. Very soon I will be going into the nearby Valoris Wood to speak with the treant there! I have not spoken to one since I was only a decade or two old when grandmother took me to meet one in our woods, and I barely remember it, so this is very exciting! Please wish me luck. There are many reasons beyond this event where I will need it.

I still miss you terribly. Will you be joining me soon?
Sweet water and light laughter, most treasured friend.
And may Solonor watch over you, always.

12-4-1268 TGR

P.S. And you were giving Arnn another hug from me, weren't you? I miss him, too!

(Outside): To be delivered to Yinris Zaurahel, Divaekah, Lorien Woods, The Wildlands

(Inside - main message):

Hello Papa and Mama,

I hope this letter finds you well. I'm sending along gifts so while I have slightly more faith my messages from the birds reached you, I do hope this letter reaches you, too. I doubt I could convince a bird to carry these gifts back to you, otherwise.

There is much to tell you, but hopefully Keerla has also kept you updated. I am currently in Loosend as I have finally had time to slow down for a bit and better my craft. I doubt it is any surprise to either of you that there are elves in Loosend, but it was certainly a surprise to me. One was even so kind as to help me improve my art skills, and yes, I have kept up with my priestess training, too. We traveled for some time in The Mist as I earlier let you know I would be. It was admittedly not as exciting as I hoped, but it was different and new, and I appreciate that fact alone. We had a chance to meet up with some gypsies, too, and I must say, they are such wonderful company! It is nothing against those I am traveling with, for they have wonderful qualities too, but gypsies know such beautiful dance and music, how to dine under the stars, and simply how to have fun.

Of course, the clan we met were unusual in that they have not left their spot in seven years. I believe that is why the granddaughter of the wisewoman decided to travel with us, instead. She is just a sprite of a girl, but I admit I see much of myself in her, and it is fun to have someone to teach me some new dance moves, and to teach her about nature in return.

While I will soon be leaving Loosend, I will be spending much time in the new city called Dragon Fen in Drillian. It is new territory the human queen granted Branwyn to develop. You remember mention of Branwyn from my earlier letter, yes? Anyhow, it is an interesting project to be involved in, to see how humans remake the land. I have faith they will go about it with much more care than those humans from your youth, mama. I will make sure of it.

Soon I will be venturing into Valoris Wood to talk with the treant there in part to make sure we treat its woods with respect. I hope I do well. I am not a diplomat like you, papa, but I do better understand the flora and fauna around us thanks to Solonor's wisdom. Perhaps it speaks regularly with one of the ones at home? I know it is harder for you to send me replies with all my travels, but it would be nice to hear how things are at home.

I will keep sending you messages as I can. Until then, I hope you stay well, and while not my best work, I do hope you appreciate the gifts I send. I believe these sketches and painting to be an improvement from all my other attempts. The painting is of the wolves. Sadly, Tinu has since departed this world, as you can see, but he is still here in memory, and this way you can still meet all four of them. The rest of the sketches are simply beautiful bits of nature I have seen. There is such inspiration out here! I can only imagine I will see more of it, and I will do what I can to document it, as Grandma did, but with paint, not words.

I love you dearly.
Sweet water and light laughter,
May Solonor watch over you both.

Your daughter,

A Gift for Thistle

While there were more people around, and plenty of activity, fun was not to be had. Whenever Thistle tried to help with the construction, Hoffman gave her the most boring of tasks. She was beginning to suspect his talent was boredom. As she took her time collecting fallen screws and nails from the ground, a bright red and blue dot shot by. Dropping what she held, Thistle ran after the tiny bird best as she could until she could see it no more. Task forgotten, Thistle ran off to try to find out where Shi was to ask her about the bird. And the butterfly earlier. And then there was that fish...

"Thistle, aren't you supposed to be helping Hoffman?" said a voice behind her. It seemed Shi had found her first.

"There was a bird! And then there was that butterfly and that fish and that beetle!" exclaimed Thistle, excitedly. Ignoring the question completely, she continued, "The butterfly was this really pretty black and blue one, and the fish was HUGE and green, and the black beetle had fur trim and was on a log and squeaked when I pinched it, and the bird was SO pretty! It was red and blue and yellow and green and tiny!"

Shi let out a small sigh, but there was no talking to Thistle until she answered her questions. With a short pause, she said, thoughtfully, "The butterfly was likely some type of swallowtail. A huge, green fish? Er, maybe a bass? The beetle is easier, if only because I've done the same to it, and we see them all the time: leather beetle. As for the bird," Shi paused again, confused. "I have not a clue. It doesn't sound like any I've seen before."

"Oh," said Thistle before thinking of more things she saw earlier. "Well what about-,"

"I have a gift for you, Thistle," interrupted Shi, patiently. That alone got the little girl to shop talking with wonder. "I am still working on it, but this is for you. While I do not mind you asking me about what you've seen, I, er, actually do appreciate my sleep. Here."

Without any flourish, Shi handed Thistle a small book full of sketches:

Thistle's eyes lite up with wonder as she flipped through the book. She stopped on a page with a familiar butterfly and beetle. Pointing to the unknown mushroom, she asked, "What's that one?"

"Pumpkin mushroom," replied Shi, showing the text underneath. "Those orange glowing ones you asked about earlier. I had to double check it at the library, and ask someone to translate, but I'm certain that's what it is."

Thistle squinted at the squiggle text, confused. "That's what that says?"

"Yes, it -," replied Shi before stopping and smacking her forehead. "You...don't read Elvish, do you."

"No, but I'm getting better at speaking it!" said Thistle, excitedly. "(E) HUA!"

"(E) Hello," corrected Shi, grimacing slightly. She reached over to take the thin sketchbook back. "Sorry, Thistle. I don't write Common. I guess this isn't as useful-"

"NO!" exclaimed Thistle, hugging it close. "You gave it to me. It's mine, right?" As Shi nodded, slowly, Thistle opened it back up and pointed to a blue and black butterfly. "This was the butterfly. What's it say?"

"Black swallowtail," replied Shi with a slight smile.

"And this one?" asked Thistle, showing a different page.

Still smiling, Shi shook her head, saying, "You're supposed to be working, aren't you? This ...didn't work out exactly as I thought it would, but how about I make you a deal? You work hard, and rather than run to me any time you see something interesting, you just remember where in the book it was, and then, at dinner, I'll tell you. Deal?"

"I can just ask someone else," replied Thistle, frowning at the thought of working.

"No one here reads Elvish, and they've not been useful so far telling you what you've seen, have they?" said Shi, suddenly seeing good use from her mistake. Thistle kicked her boots in thought as Shi continued, "And you can keep that book. It's all yours. A gift. BUT you have to keep helping."

"Okay," mumbled Thistle, knowing her curiosity was greater than her desire to not work. She carefully tucked the thin sketchbook away before looking at Shi and purposefully picking up a nail on the ground. With slightly narrowed eyes, she looked back at Shi. "Aren't you suppose to be working, too?"

With a grin and a wink, Shi replied, "I am."

Near the end of training when Hoffman runs into Branwayn

"Oh, Hey do you have a moment. I was wondering if you had a chance to identify that ring we had gotten from that guy with the Hill Giants on the road. I'm a.. kinda looking for a ring for Miranda and I thought that might be... well appropriate, depending on what it does. I can always wait until we find something else but I was hopping to get this whole marriage ceremony out of the way so we can get if off the to do list, if you know what I mean.

Branwyn listened to Hoffman and couldn’t disguise her surprise at the request. “I have no objections at you giving Miranda the ring from the Hill Giants. I just hope that you were thinking of it as a gift and were definitely not thinking that this would serve as a wedding band. If I recall, you and Miranda were not there when Indigo experimented with the ring. When he put it on during our battle with the Hill Giants, he magically began speaking the Jotun language. So, no one could understand what he was saying with the exception of himself, Hugh, and the Hill Giants. It is not a ring one wears on a consistent basis. I would indeed like to include it in a group of items to examine during an Identify spell. The only delay has been me not getting eight hours of uninterrupted concentration time in order to prepare to cast the spell. I do hope to do it soon. After we learn more, all you need to do is let me know, if after this additional knowledge, you still wish to have it.”

Hoffman shakes his head disappointed. "That is not one she could wear all the time, but will be, or may be useful in the party pack Thanks anyway"