Main / YinrisZaurahel

Carissa Braun

Yinris Zaurahel

Family Tree

Male High Elf of Divaekah - Born 984 TGR
Son of Ruavain and Ievos Zaurahel
Brother and Twin of Aolis Zaurahel
Husband of Lorahana Uladi
Father of Ellidor and Shi'Nynze Zaurahel

Yinris Zaurahel was a surprise to the clan, not only for being a twin, but for being far more levelheaded (and normal) than his parents. While his brother Aolis quickly took to the life of a Shadowguard, Yinris attempted to follow in the footsteps of his mother. His plans changed when a fateful accident left him with the inexplicable ability to speak an untold number of languages.

Rather than devote himself solely to magic, Yinris found himself on the path of a diplomat. Almost every negotiation, mediation, or policy has some hint of his influence. He traveled quite extensively in his younger years, especially as other clan members brought him into the realm of politics and with them on their missions. It was during one of these trips he met Lorahana Uladi, a lovely elf of the Bindbole Wood.

It was yet another surprise to the clan when Yinris declared his devotion to Lorahana. They expected a dalliance of a few decades at most, something Aolis specializes in. They did not expect the resulting family and undoubtedly strong marriage to an elf of a different region and with almost contrasting viewpoints. Whereas Yinris is regarded as one of the most open-minded of the clan, Lorahana is known for her preference for the traditional ways and animosity towards any non-elf. Still, none can doubt their love, especially when they play their duets, with Lorahana singing and Yinris playing one of his instruments from his small collection.

Current talk within the clan is speculation for when Yinris will join the Lorien Council as an Elder, the highest position and the ones who make final decisions. It is regarded as inevitable, especially with his vast experiences as well as his participation in the Lorien Council where allowed, but he is considered too young to be an Elder. Still, there is no age limit, and although rare, there were younger Elders than him long in the past. It is a question of if Yinris believes himself ready, and if can make a good case to be elected to the position. No one doubts the latter. They simply wait for the former.

Yinris is generally fair and courteous to everyone he meets and well-liked by the clan.