Main / CRC1

Crossroads Campaign 1

By John Anstett

Player Intro

In the Ja'Tar Woods there are two distinct clans of Centars, They are in fact. two separate races. An outsider may not notice but one groups is the traditional half horse an half human while the others are actually half horse and half elf. What might be more surprising is the Elf Centars are actually more boisterous and out going where the Human Centars tend to be more serene while both are very protective of nature.
But this misunderstanding by outsiders, particularly humans,does not bother the Centars much as most consider this more of a clan misunderstanding than one of race. What they take more personally is the assumption that their sexual identity is based on the Human or Elf portion, or as the refer to it their Vertical portion. While it is true the most common combinations are Male / Male and Female /Female , the strong minority are well accepted by both clans but have issues with those unfamiliar. It is when they are viewed by outsiders that it comes into question. After a few generations, the younger of their kind are often warned of the how they will be viewed and often wear bras or other chest pieces when traveling to avoid such discussions. Only the very confident or very defiant openly travel outside the inner sanctuary of their woods without some sort of clothing.