Main / CampaignContinuance

Chapter 1 - Chapter 5

Campaign Continuance

Characters sometimes die from their actions and the death of a character can be final. Because this campaign is an ongoing one Players take this opportunity to create new characters to replace Player Characters that have died and start a new story. With the goal of continuing adventures for all players, the following rules are designed to allow players who have lost a character to introduce new characters into the game without starting back at first level. New players are also incorporated this way into the current level of the campaign.

When a character is thought to be lost for good or needs to be retired for issues beyond the party's ability to rectify the Player can create a new character with one half of the experience points of the previous Player Character. This represents the time and work the Player has put in during the campaign. There is also the choice to spend some of these Experience points to purchase an additional D6 when rolling for abilities. The cost is 6,000 experience points per extra die, which must be assigned to an ability before being rolled.


New players entering the game are assigned a level to help them be compatible with the existing characters. These new Players are not given any Experience points, they have to earn those to continue to build their character's levels. When Players are creating a new character prior to the point where they have caught up they are given one half of their existing experience points and the DM will decide the appropriate level to assign them similar to how they started out. Players creating a new character after they have acquired the required experience points to advance create their new character with one half of the experience points that they earned. Purchasing extra dice for abilities as above is done after the experience points are halved.

Other Options

Because some Players will be creating a new character with large numbers of Experience Points after a high level character dies they might wish to have other options. With this larger number of points there is an additional option for them. If the Player wishes to bring in a Henchman or is high enough level to come in with Followers some of the experience points can be used to create these characters so they enter the game at higher than level one.

In previous rules for this campaign Players were allowed to purchase magic items with experience points. That option is no longer provided. The DM will distribute magic items to new characters entering the game on a case by case basis.