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Chandler Cowles

Chandler Cowles was a brash adventurer who happened to be born into the Drillian royal family. When he was a young child he burned to explore more of the new lands that his grandfathers had founded. When he reached an age when no one could stop him he set off with his band of friends and vowed to explore ever square mile of Drillian. His logic lead him to start at the far side and work his way homeward. To do so he would need to trace the Green River.

He started his quest at Lake Peipus where two other mighty rivers, the Velikaya River and the Rumbling River flowed into. Chandler and his group of friends started at the mouth of the Green River where it entered the lake to start sailing and rowing his way upstream. The first 100 miles were mostly known territory and the halfling communities on the north bank of the river were pleasant to visit with. Then Chandler discovered why most other adventurers had not traced the path of the river. Encountering two separate family groups of Blue dragons he lost half of his friends in battles on the water and on the shore. Pushing past this area he eventually came upon a small enclave of druids who had retreated to the far west to leave the rest of the Celtic World. They had founded a temple on an island in the river to live in religious peace and harmony. While Chandler was there he helped defeat a foolish young female Red dragon that had tried to evict the druids.

Continuing in his quest to find the source of the river Chandler traveled westward finding that shortly upstream from the druid enclave the river became much more vigorous and dangerous. With some of his companions disheartened to find that after being on board their river rafts for almost 400 miles of traveling upstream they would have to abandon them and continue on foot.

Hiking along the banks of the river through trackless forests Chandler's band encountered many Humanoids and sometimes Elves fishing or boating on the river. Taking the time to learn the tricks of the Elve's small canoes they were able continue upstream. The canoes would help them avoid several attacks by Trolls during the next part of their journey. Finally after 300 more grueling miles the group came upon an island just off the southern shore of the river. They took refuge there and refilled their supplies. Chandler made friends with a local Centaur herd and introduced them to pipeweed with the last of his supplies. This turned out to be a stroke of luck because two days later the Centaurs warned Chandler and his companions of a large tribe of Hobgoblins that was converging upon the island.

After a quick war council it was decided that they must not be that far away from the source of the river and they should continue westward rather than retreat downstream. Pushing rapidly through the night the group managed to avoid capture and proceeded upriver. Scrag attacks weakened the group along their journey but pushing past danger after danger they arrived at a magnificent course of waterfalls. As the group stood on the banks of the small lake at the base of the falls a unicorn appeared to a young woman who was one of the last members of the group. Naming the falls for the unicorn Chandler declared that the Dettifose waterfalls were the official headwaters of the river.

Chandler, the young woman Tonmar, his best friend Jostin and the Paladin Ismere left the Dettifose waterfalls to journey home after spending a month recovering from their outbound journey. It was not until months later when they arrived at home that Chandler found out that Jostin who was in charge of all of the surveying had renamed the river in his notes as the Chandler Cowles River.

The Expedition lasted from the summer of -253 SKR until the group arrived back in Drillian proper in the middle of the First Drillian Civil War in -249 SKR

The group was rewarded richly for all of the discoveries they had made. Tonmar and Jostin married and raised a large family in southeastern Drillian. Chandler inherited the throne of Drillian when his grandfather died in -247 SKR.