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Cloak Check - In Character Discussions

Some Plane Information {3-8-351 SKR}

Before heading back into the forest, N'laea stopped by the manor. She did not know how soon Branwyn would want to start her research, but she figured she'd pass on what she knew sooner rather than later. Besides, she was curious to know how the leopard was settling in. As she waited for someone to answer the door, she glanced over at the panther and elven cat, greedily eating their breakfast of free meats and cheese bits.

Branwyn opened the door herself and smiled at N’laea. “Hello! Come …” she started and then saw the two cats feasting on her porch. “Perhaps we can walk over to Tiberius’ practice yard and talk on the way. I’d invite you in and I can, it’s just there’s a bit of a crisis in the salon and Nevin and Jilly are trying to repair the sofa and chairs. Spotty, what the children have renamed our cat, decided she wished to sharpen her claws on the furniture. There are big gashes in the fabric, and it has put Nevin in quite the tizzy. I don’t think it’s a good idea to bring more cats into the house at the moment. Besides, I am little worried about Treble, our otter. I have her enclosed upstairs for the time being.”

Branwyn let out a small sigh. “Dahlia and Demi are thrilled with a new pet, but I’m not quite sure it was the best idea.” The two turned the corner around the house towards the practice yard to find Tiberius running up and down the field with a long rope trailing behind him and the cat chasing him and pouncing on the rope. Dahlia and Demi were sitting with the Nanny off to the side cheering and laughing. “Oh … there is a chance that will not end well.”

"I had tried similar at the inn while you were gone. Spotty seemed fine. It is the panther who plays rough, although we can't discount Spotty being intimidated at the time," said N'laea in thought. "He... is aware of how this may end?"

She shook her head. It was not her problem. The panther was too busy eating and would soon lounge, too full to become part of the problem. She wondered if she should rename them as well, confused as she kept getting their other brief names, but that could wait.

"I spoke with Shi'Nynze a bit yesterday and today. She did say she would stop by at some point to see how Spotty was settling, if you needed help with her. Perhaps your furniture does." She smiled briefly, before she continued, "We talked some of where to go to return the cloak. She has... more knowledge than me regarding that. I thought to pass along what we can for now for whenever you wish to start your research."

"Arvandor, the high forest. Arborea. You may have heard it refer to it as Arvanaith. That is the easy part. As for where... most the deities roam. Raelynn says Hanali is known to have a crystal palace, but I believe that is the minority. Sehanine Moonbow is the Goddess of Mysteries, Moonlight, and Long Journeys, including those on their journey to the next life. She is incredibly important, and it is a guess she may have a palace, but in truth, neither of us know."

"It may be that she finds us herself, that we must journey to find her which is..." N'laea paused, trying to find the more acceptable words to use. Fully facing Branwyn, she said, "We have a guess as to a potential obstacle. Non-elves do not do well with many aspects of Elven culture. They get overwhelmed by feywine, lost in our music, keen at our cities. It is not in the same category as trying to find a solution to deafening winds and darkness, but... I do not know how you all will react to Arvanaith. We simply do not let non-elves drink feywine or visit our grandest cities, but that is not a solution here."

"If Sehanine has a palace, Shi'Nynze does not suggest we arrive there, but at a distance. Not simply due to how the deities may react to such a sudden intrusion, but more to let us have time to adjust. I believe it may be a good suggestion."

Tiberius glanced over at Branwyn with a slight worried smile, "When did you get here?" Dahlia chimes in, "She did not see Dah". Tiberius shakes his head, "You don't help us when you let her know." as he pokes her in the shoulder tipping her over into the grass.

"I was thinking that it would be good to take the kids out on an adventure one of these days" he holds up a hand, "No no not with us going to where ever the Elves are going. But we really should take them out after we get back. Maybe there are some goblins we could go find?" Dahlia and Demi cheer, "MOM MOM Can we go get goblins with you?"

Branwyn sighed, wanting her children to stay children for as long as possible before exposing them to combat. “We shall see when we get back. We shall see.”

Turning back to N’laea, she said, “Thank you for the information. I think it will help me calibrate the amulet. As far as this trip goes, any of us that go with you will be there only to assist and support if we are able. None of us have spent time in elven communities so we will be relying on you, Licornah, and Raelynn for your direction and advice. It would be good to explain this to all of us when we ready ourselves for the trip.”

A Catty Conversation

Sometime before they leave...

"I cannot keep calling you 'Elven Cat' and 'Panther'," said N'laea as she, once again, gave them a slice of cheese.

This was not setting a good precedent nor was it good for them based on the less than formed pile she found near the bottom of the tree that morning. She already warned them she was almost out, and she didn't know when she'd get more, especially if they were going to travel with her. They needed a better diet than cheese, anyways. And names. It was be shameful to travel without one. Preferably one they told her, but she was not against given them one for now.

"And I am still unsure which is which of the brief names you were given in Pandemonium or if those are your true names," continued N'laea, frowning. "So this is your chance. You can tell me what you want me to refer to you as, if those are truly your names, or I will give you a name myself for you to wear in our time together."

"Puuuuurrrrrrr, you are a different one I will give you that, perhaps you can call me Kaala for now. Maybe I will tell you a different name if you bring me some nice pig or a capybara or two." streeeetching At least the trees here are closer to normal sized"

The Elven cat flicked its tail at ... Kaala... "You always have to be difficult. It took you three months to decide you wanted to try squirrel and I know you know what they are."

Stepping over lightly and nudging her head against N'laea's leg. 'Cheese is a nice touch but you know that a touch of sausage would be better with it. I prefer roasted figs but there is always the chance for a ladle of cream when you act cute. " Looking up into N'laea's eyes and blinking slowly.

"Kaala? So you do have a different name, or at least a preference," murmured N'laea, more to herself. Not a surprise with any feline, really. Some animals were fine given names, but others, well...

"Kaala it is, then. There are no... capybaras?... in this area, but we may be able to find you a wild boar. You will have to do your part in hunting, though," replied N'laea, shaking her head.

She turned towards the Elven cat, saying, "And you, Cath'Sha, clearly have had plenty of practice acting cute. You ate more sausage than I expected and brought, and while I agree roasted figs sounds like a wonderful addition, I have not had luck finding such around here, either. I will consider grabbing cream next time."

"But you are truly... Nightshade, was it? I have met a few Elven cats in my time. I know you have an easier time communicating. Is that the name you wish for me to use?"

"Nightshade is as good as any name. The other elf that was with us was happy with it. She is different than you are. Her memories do not compare with yours. It will be nice to explore this space now. When are we leaving for you to take back the cloak?"

"I learned long ago to listen to both sides, especially concerning any that come under my care. I wanted to make sure you were fine with that name," said N'laea, simply. "Unless either of you can shift planes, we'll be leaving as soon as the amulet is recalibrated. What do you know about the cloak and where we're going?"

Consulting {4-8-351 SKR}

Elven reflections on a journey ahead ''{6-8-351 SKR}'

Licornah had been thinking about their journey ahead to the Elven deities. Initially, she had been leery of having the non-elves accompany the group, for fear of problems; however, she'd been pondering things in Silvermoon. There were in fact non-elven followers of Sehanine that she recalled -- humans, half-elves, and maybe even a halfling or two. She began feeling less unease at the prospect of the group. As long as they had an offering and showed the proper respect, it would be a successful encounter.

She was, on the other hand, a bit more apprehensive at the explanation of why they had the cloak and why it had taken some time to return. She hadn't heard the tale (and given that she was still newer, may not be her story to know) of how they came into possession of the item or when. So she did hope it would be a good story. She was looking forward to hearing it. She knew that the others might look to her for knowledge or insight, but given that she had limited knowledge of Sehaine outside Silvermoon, she was unsure how much value her insight could provide.

Licornah turned and reflected on things and said a silent word of hope and thanks to Lurue.

Hey You
(probably at some point before leaving??)

"So Youtargim, does your name mean anything? I've never heard a name like yours before, and I've lived in two big cities," asked Raelynn, curious.

He paused his fencing with Tiberius and smiled at Raelynn, "It is what my mother called me as I was growing up. It means tongues." His smile broadened, "So I know how to use my tongue very well," he said with a wink.

"My mother gave me a different name at birth of course, but I starting talking early and have not been quiet to this day. All my life I have tried to do as much as I could to speak with everyone I met. I grew up in the Pearl Cities, I sailed with a Kozakuran captain before I could speak his language. I ventured into the northern deserts and learned the difference between Nathoud and Semphari. I spent six months with a village elder in Kapirimtiya before stealing a ship from an amazon captain in the Island Kingdoms and sailed it home." Raising his scimitar in salute to Raelynn, "I have always found that if a good hard thrust will not do the trick, then my tongue will work wonders." A deep exaggerated bow to Raelynn with a smile.

"NOW" he shouted and ducked to roll under Tiberius' guard. Tiberius laughed, dropped his sword and grabbed Youtargim's ankle twisting and pulling up.

Raelynn rolled her eyes for many reasons best summed up as: men.

Still, she sat there, now with her head resting in her hand, watching them wrestle. N'laea had taken Youtargim's word at his ability to fight (or more likely, she simply didn't care), but Raelynn needed to know if he was going to be with them for awhile. The sooner, the better. She didn't need someone else attempting to continually die on her. At the least, she wanted to know ahead of time if that might happen and where to focus her support.

"Well that's wonderful to know," said Raelynn with a sweet smile when she could get a word in as they tumbled around. "The rate this is going, you'll need it to lick your wounds."

Her smile was gone as the wrestling continued, as did Raelynn, "From what little I've learned so far, you sound like you might have much in common with gypsies. I'm not sure Thistle has a different name, but apparently she gained hers by... well, that's her story, not mine, if it's even true."

"I only know Dryads Lair and Loosend. And now here, I suppose. None of those places you spoke are familiar to me at all. I'm sure you have some good stories, though. Maybe you should work that angle to start? At least it'd be new to me. Mmm, although I suppose the salute is, too. It's a nice touch."

Raelynn only gave it a few minutes before giving up. She stood up and dusted herself off. Maybe N'laea had the right of it after all.

"Well this was...," said Raelynn before trailing off and shaking her head, the wrestling still going. There were many things it was, but none of her current thoughts would be polite to say outloud. Still, she didn't want it to be a complete and utter waste of time.

"Oh, and Youtargim?" prompted Raelynn, unsure if he even heard her, but continuing nonetheless, "If you want that kind of attention and respect from me, perhaps you should spend less time with Tiberius and more time with Howard. He could teach you a thing or two."

She gave a little wave with her fingers, skirting the thin line between enticing and condescending, gave a flip of her hair, and left.

My what a big sword you have 24-10-351 SKR

{for information about the type and size of weapons in general:Weapon Size Restrictions}

{for specific information about this giant slayer sword - 2022 02 18s An intelligent one that speaks the common tongue plus that of hill, stone, and frost giant. It is +2 in general, but a nice +4 against any giant.}

Bixi's eyes widened more than anyone thought possible as she turned to the group and announced... "This isn't just a GIANT sword... It's an INTELLIGENT giant sword!"

She turned back to the GIANT SWORD, "Hello, I have SO many questions for you? What is your name? How did you end up in a sword? Are you a ghost? How long have you been here? Who did you belong to? Do you belong to me now? I can't carry you, will you let someone else carry you? Do you know your way around here? Where did you come from? We are looking for a black chain or some sort so that a goddess doesn't.... um, honestly I don't know what she will do to us but probably something very bad, have you seen a black chain anywhere? Is a spirit different than a ghost? Are you a half-ghost? Are there ghost giants? What are your interests? I can't WAIT to get to know you better later!"

The words form in Bixi's mind {telepathic speech to someone touching the sword, so in FGU a whisper chat entry} "You are a new voice attempts to overcome her, fails You have a towering will. I do hope that you will put me to better use. That noctilucent wavering fool never used me to my potential."

"My you do have a lots of questions, why do you care about ghosts so much? Are you a ghost hunter? Is that what you are called to do? That will be a wondrous thing then if we do find a ghost giant and we both fulfill our destiny by obliterating it. For both our sakes I do hope there are ghost giants. I am not a spiritual man to know the difference in a spirit or a ghost. I can say that if there are spirit giants or ghost giants we will destroy them. We will drain them and ensure they never move against our people again."

Images flash through Bixi's mind of a snowy village of humans going about their days. What seems to be a holiday gathering with families sharing about the square. Suddenly boulders come crashing in flattening houses, large figures loom out of the trees blasting arcs of freezing cold into the groups of fleeing villagers. Within minutes three twenty foot tall Frost Giants scoop up several women and children into sacks and carry them away. Abruptly blocking the point of view is the looming body of a hill giant sixteen feet tall. It turns to you and takes the boulder in its hand and SLAMS it into you. Pinning your arm to the ground. As it lifts another rock to drop on your head the hill giant crumbles to the ground from a long spear stuck in its back. The scene goes black.

"Tell me where are we, there must be giants nearby for Skara to bring me here, or is he dead now?"

"Hmmmm..." Bixi paused for a moment to collect her thoughts. "I guess I am a ghost hunter! I never thought of it that way! I haven't met any full ghosts yet, so I haven't tried to destroy any, but based on what we found in the chests in the other rooms, these giants are pretty bad and if there's a ghost giant, and you want to destroy it, I'll be glad to help if I can! And I don't who Skara is, but if I had experienced what you had, I wouldn't like giants either. Who is Skara? How long have you been here? There are definitely giants nearby, and if we can find your Skara and you want to return to them, we can try. But I am too small to take you there..."

She glances at the rest of the people in the room, "However one of my friends might be able to. Would you like to come with us? It's very likely that we'll have to kill some giants in order to get the chain thing. What is your name? If you don't have one, can I give you a name? It would be weird to just call you the big sword."

She quickly turned to the others, clearly full of a new sense self-confidence now that she knows she is a ghost hunter, "When we have more time, I'll tell you about what the sword showed me. Definitely seems like giants are not good people."

As she turned back to the sword to await any answers, she thought to herself, "Talwin and Tiberius will probably be pleased to hear that... strange, strange men."

"Skara is my owner. He is the one that gave me this body so that I could have my revenge. He does not allow me to use my full potential often. You and I can go after those ghost giants and eliminate them totally."

Bixi gets another image of waking with a fever and sweating, tugging at his shirt shifting it around plucking at the binding over his non-exisitant arm, patting it and itching. Heaving himself up with a groan and moving to a water barrel to ladle up a couple of mouthfuls before being yelled at in Hill Giant to get moving, there are pigs to feed and chickens to pluck. He moved through the forested village slowly, always hunched over trying to avoid being noticed. The chanting from the forge area had been going on for at least a week with no signs of stopping. He paused to take in a handful of snow to quench his thirst when a cold hand grabbed the back of his neck and lifted him up.

"What is this chain that you keep thinking about? Why is it important to you? I have not heard Skara talk of any chain when I was around, at least that I understood. He does not always speak in a language I can understand."

"If you will release me, I will do my best to bend them to my will so that we can go defeat the giants."

{Much more conversation in the 2022 02 25c session}

The Whispered Conversation
during 20220408s

"Talk to me Raelynn," prompted N'laea in whispered Elvish.

"What?" asked Raelynn, turning back to face N'laea.

"Talk to me," repeated N'laea, simply.

"What? Why? Is this really a good time for a conversation?" asked Raelynn, slightly annoyed and still on edge. Youtargim was talking to a giant, there were dwarves chained up, and yet again someone was nearly dead. Having a conversation wasn't on her priority list. Even if she almost always had something to say.

"The giant does not like Elvish. He may be more compliant if we keep reminding him of our presence," replied N'laea with the slightest shrug. "So talk to me. I'm sure you have something on your mind to fill the brief time."

Raelynn thought for a moment, before she smiled, and nodded, saying, "I did hear a funny joke recently. Why can't a leopard hide?"

"What do you mean? They're excellent at hiding," said N'laea, frowning in confusion.

"It's a joke, N'laea. For the sake of the joke, pretend they can't hide."

"Oh. Why?"

"Because they're always spotted," replied Raelynn, grinning widely, barely containing a laugh. N'laea still stared at her, either unamused or still confused, Raelynn wasn't sure. "Get it? Because leopards have spots?"

"Yes, but I do not get why that is funny?" said N'laea, still frowning.

Raelynn tossed her hands up, saying, "Well Dahlia and Demi thought it was funny. I'm pretty sure Spotty did, too."

"I suppose it was better than Craigh's joke," replied N'laea, giving her the most miniscule approvement of the joke.

"Ugh, whatever," replied Raelynn, giving up, turning back towards the chained dwarves.