Main / Heraldry-Attributes

Chapter 5 - Rules of Heraldry - Charges


Accolle-having a crown on its head or a collar around its neck
Allumee-having red or sparkling eyes
Anime-being of a different tincture than natural; when animals are breathing fire out their mouths
Armed-teeth and claws of a different tincture than the body
Bitted-When a horse's bit is colored different than the body, it is said to be bitted of that tincture
Corned-horns of a different tincture than the body
Crined-with hair of a different tincture than natural
Crowned-wearing a crown (A lion may be crowned ducally, wearing a duke's crown; or crowned royally, wearing a king's crown)
Cuppa-fur of any color and metal (potent-counter-poteni)
Disarmed-without claws, teeth, or beak
Eared-ears of a different tincture than the body
Embrued-with a bloody mouth
Enarmed-with horns and hoofs of a different tincture than the body
Incensed-fire shooting out of the eyes
Gorged-with a crown or collar about its neck (emblazoned gorged with a crown or gorged with a collar)
Homed-with horns of a different tincture than the body
Langued-having the tongue visible and of a different tincture than the body
Marined-having the lower body of a fish
Marne-without a tongue, teeth, or claws
Muzzled-wearing a muzzle
Reflected-a chain or line from the collar thrown over the back (also reflexed)
Transfixed-pierced by an arrow (also transpierced)
Tusked-tusks of a different tincture than the body
Unglued-hooves of a different tincture than the body
Vulning-the act of wounding

Attributes of Birds

Aquilate-to adorn with eagles' heads
Aspectant-two birds facing one another
Armed-claws of a different tincture than the body
Beaked-when the beak is a different color than the body (also called beque)
Belled-when a hawk or falcon has bells allached to its legs
Bicapitated-having two heads
Decked-when the edge of the feathers are a different tincture than the body
Disarmed-without claws, and beak
Dismembered-not having legs or feet
Enalurion-eight birds serving as a bordure
Hooded-a bird of prey with a hood on
Langued-having the tongue visible and of a different tincture than the body
legged-legs of a different tincture than the body (also membered)
Pride-displaying the tail in a circular shape
Vulning-the act of wounding
Winged-wings a different tincture than the body

Attributes of Flora

Averdant-covered with green herbage
Bladed-when the staik of a grain is tincured differently than the ear
Blasted-a leafless tree
Blighted-a leafless tree
Enveloped-referring to an object vegetation has entwined
Eradicated-an uprooted tree
Fructed-bearing fruit
Hurst-a small group of trees
Jessant-springing or shooting up
Slashed-tom from the stalk or trunk