Main / Heraldry-Beasts

Chapter 5 - Rules of Heraldry - Charges


Bear-ferocity when protecting family
Beaver-perseverance and industriousness
Boar-fierce combatant who fights to the death
Bull, Buffalo or Ox-valor and nobility
Camel-indefatigable perseverance, patience
Cat-liberty, vigilance
Dolphin, Fish & Whales-charity, a notable deed on the water
Fish, Naiant-horizontal
Fish, Hauriant-vertical as if leaping
Fish, Urinant-vertical as if diving
Fish, Embowed-bent
Fish, Springing-when placed on a bend
Fox-uses wit or wisdom to defend himself
Frog-evil, a devil
Goat-martial man who achieves victory by policy rather than by arms
Hedgehog-provident provider
Horse-readiness for all tasks for King and Country
Horse, Barded-in harness or armor
Horse, Enranged-like salient
Horse, Free-on the field
Horse, Furnished-bridled, saddled and equipped
Horse, Prancing-rearing
Horse, Laird-a grey horse
Horse, Bayard-a bay horse
Horse, Reined-reins of a different tincture
Hound-vigilance and loyal fidelity
Hound, Ravissant-jumping or salient
Lamb-gentleness, patience under suffering
Leopard, Jaguar-a stealthy warrior
Lion (with mane)-a distant warrior
Lion (without mane)-a powerful warrior, deathless courage
Lynx-keen eyesight
Rabbit-one who enjoys a retired life of peace
Ram & Sheep-authority
Rhinoceros-great ferocity when aroused
Snake, Declinant-tail pointing straight down
Snake, Nowed-knotted
Snake, Retorted-two or more wreathed together intertwined
Snake, Enveloped-referring to the prey the snake has entwined
Snake, Glissant-gliding
Snake, Erect-raised to strike
Squirrel-sylvan retirement being an ideal
Squirrel, Saltant-springing forward
Squirrel, Sejant-holding a nut in this position
Stag, Buck, Deer or Hart-policy, peace, harmony
Tiger-mysterious danger
Tortoise-invulnerability to attack
Tortoise, Gradient-walking
Wolf-one who is dangerous to attack, a commander who achieves his goal after long sieges and constant effort