Main / Heraldry-Birds

Chapter 5 - Rules of Heraldry - Charges


Crow-a settled habitation and a quiet life
Dove-love, constancy, peace
Duck or Goose-man of many resources
Duck or Goose, Cannet-without feet or bills
Eagle-man of action, one of lofty spirit, occupied in weighty affairs
Eagle, Displayed-wings fully extended
Eagle, Majesty-crowned and wielding a scepter
Eagle, Recursant-displayed with the back to observer
Eagle, Recursant volant in pale-flying upward with its back to the observer
Eagle, Allerion (without beak or feet)-a vanquished foe, one who has been maimed in battle
Eagle, Osprey-a white eagle
Falcon or Hawk-eager or hot pursuit of an object
Falcon or Hawk, Jessed Hooded and Belled-wearing jesses (leather thongs) a hood and bells
Martlet-nobilty aquired through accomplishments
Owl-vigilant and acute of wit
Peacock-beauty and pride of carriage
Peacock, Eyed-referring to the tail feathers raised
Peacock, Pride-with tail in full circular shape
Pelican-devoted, charity
Raven-one who is the architect of their own fortunes
Rooster or Cock-always read for battle
Rooster or Cock, beaked, wattled and armed-the beak wattle and spur are of a different tincture than the body
Stork-filial duty, emblem of a grateful man
Swallow-one who is prompt in his business
Swan-lover of poetry and harmony