Main / Heraldry-HumanFigure

Chapter 5 - Rules of Heraldry - Charges

Human Figure

Arm-a laborious and industrial person
Cubit-an arm cut off at the elbow
Elbowed-whole arm, bent at the elbow, fist upward
Eye-destiny in government
Heart-charity, sincerity
Flaming Heart-ardent affection
Foot-strength, stablity and expedition
Hand-faith, sincerity and justice (a red hand on a canton, escutcheon or quarter is the mark of a baronet)
Apaume aversant-hand showing the palm
Apaume dorsed-hand turned away showing only the back
Poing-hand in a fist
Head-often the head of a particular adversary, is used to commemorate a specific event or battle, or honor
Leg-strength, stablilty, expedition
Man Habited-wearing clothes
Man Savage-naked
Man Armored-dressed in armor
Thigh Bones crossed-mortality