Main / Heraldry-Objects

Chapter 5 - Rules of Heraldry - Charges


Anchor-great help when needed most, Keldorian symbol of hope
Annulet or Finger Ring-fidelity
Antlers-strength and fortitude
Antlers, Attires-antlers of a stag
Antlers, Massacre-when attached to a skull cap
Arrows & Arrow heads-martial readiness
Arrows, Feathered-when the feathers are a different tincture than the shaft
Axe-execution of military duty
Beacons or Cressets-one who defends the kingdom or who gave the signal in time of danger
Bridge-a governor or magistrate
Book-one who is educated
Book, Edged-the page edges showing
Book, Bound-the cover and binding showing
Book, Clasped-having a lock or clasp
Buckles-victorious loyalty in authority
Catherine Wheel, Pinwheel-prepared to undergo great trials for their faith
Chains-reward for acceptable or weighty service
Crown-royal or seigniorial authority
Cubes, Squares or Dice-constancy, wisdom, verity, probity and equity
Escallop Shell-one who has made long journeys, one who has had command of a vessel
Feathers-willing obedience and serenity
Feathers, Quilled-when the quill of the feathers is a different tincture the rest
Fusil or Spindle of Yarn-negotiation
Gauntlet-a man armed and ready to fight
Horns-strength and fortitude
Horseshoe-good luck
Hunting Horn-one who is fond of lofty pursuits
Inkhorn-the art of writing and learned activities
Lightning and Thunderbolt-carrying out import business with great clarity and force
Lyre-contemplation, musical ability
Millstone-mutual interaction of society
Moon, Full-tranquil power over mundane actions
Moon, Crescent-one who has been enlightened
Moon, Crescent-horns pointing to the chief
Moon, Increscent-horns pointing to the dexter
Moon, Decrescent-horns pointing to the sinister
Moon, Double (any)-royal power
Pen-art of writing and learned activities
Pillar or Column-fortitude and constancy
Portcullis-effectual protection in emergencies
Purse-frank and liberal steward
Rocks-refuge and protection
Saddles, Stirrups and Spurs-preparedness for active service
Scaling Ladder-one who is fearless in an assault
Scythe and Sickle-hope for a bountiful harvest, or things hoped for
Shells-protection of divine intervention
Shield-a defender
Ship-a notable expedition by sea
Spear Heads-agile comprehension of important matters
Spear or Lance-knightly service
Spur, Gold-a Knight
Spur, Silver-an Esquire
Sun, Radient (giving light)-glory
Sun, Splendor (with a human face)-glory and splendor
Sword-pursuit of honor and virtue
Tower or Castle-grandeur and solidity, also granted to someone who has captured one
Trident-maritime dominion
Trumpet-ready for battle
Wings-celerity or protection