Main / HoarbritePass

Hoarbrite Pass

The Hoarbrite Pass is one of the key passages through the Central Mountains from Blackwater to Gold Hills. This area is not claimed by either country and is inhabited by a variety of races living in small communities. The pass lies at the foot of a three way intersection of passes leading from the East, West and to the North. Mount Gordrin, Mount Jant and Mount Krendrugpin form a small bowl called the Hoarbrite pass for the castle built on the slope of Mount Krendrugpin.

One of these spots is the Castle Hoarbrite where the Grand Conclave for mercenary unit leaders meets. The small town of North Hoarbrite lies at the foot of a cliff on the slope of Mount Krendrugpin that Castle Hoarbrite perches on. North Hoarbrite is where the Treaty of North Hoarbrite was signed that created the alliance between the countries of the Small Kingdoms.

The path from Gold Hills begins in the town of Scary along the Old Forest Way. There is a rough track that leads up through the hills that dwarves watch over.