Main / IevosZaurahel

Carissa Braun

Ievos (Iydril) Zaurahel

Family Tree

Male High Elf of Divaekah - Born 813 TGR
Husband of Ruavain Zaurahel
Father of Aolis and Yinris Zaurahel
Grandfather of Ellidor and Shi'Nynze Zaurahel

Ievos Iydril has always been the clan member for whom no one knows what to think about him. He is known as an inventor, but many of his inventions do not use magic to the confusion of others. In addition to his inventions, Ievos makes a hobby out of trying to craft fake limbs. It is rumored that he is quite adept, but as no elf will admit to such battle wounds which would require a new limb, and often take great pains to hide a false limb, none will vouch for his work.

While many elves are known to sequester themselves away when they are working on big projects, Ievos takes it to an extreme. Half the time the clan forgets of his existence, and yet, somehow, none were surprised when Ruavain took a fancy to Ievos. If any elves were made for each other, it was Ruavain and Ievos, the eccentric geniuses of the clan.

For any other couple, the notable age difference might have caused more than a little talk, but it was taken in stride when Ruavain and Ievos got together. Although they never officially married, Ievos took on the name of Zaurahel. Many Elven couples do not change their name, but Ievos was not going to lose his chance to be part of the illustrious Zaurahel family.

Currently, Ievos resides in the home he shares with Shi'Nynze, his granddaughter. As is common for many elves, when they leave their parents home, they often first move in with a relative for a few years to a few decades before getting their own home. It is an arrangement that worked out very well for Shi'Nynze, and Ellidor when he was alive, since Ievos very rarely leaves his workshop. In addition, someone is still there to check on him and make sure he does still exist. And to make sure he doesn't forget to eat. This task has fallen to Yinris while his daughter is gone on her quest.

While his family does think he'd forget to tell them, they believe it is unlikely Ievos will leave for Arvanaith any time soon. He is often far too consumed with his work to consider anything else. There are times he forgets Ruavain has left, and when he remembers, he simply shrugs and remarks how glad he is that she is adventuring again, but that it isn't quite his desire yet to join her on her new adventure.

With hope, Ievos is working on a new limb for Arnn by request of Shi'Nynze. She knows he could not back down from such a challenge. It is simply a question on if he registered and remembered her request among his various other project ideas. Unlike most elves, Ievos seems to have an inability to focus for long periods of time. As he tells others, he simply has too many ideas to focus on a single one. Age has only improved his ability to focus a little.

Ievos rarely notices the presences of strangers (and sometimes even family and friends). When he does, his reactions range from asking them to fetch him something random (as he assumes they are bothering him because they want to assist him), greeting them with a riddle (one of his favorites involves a raven and a writing desk), or, on the rare occasion where he has gathered his wits, talks to them like a normal individual.