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Travels of the Ironweed Clan

Ironweed Clan - Out of Character story planning

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Traveling Notes

Cultural Notes

Traveling Notes Leaving Rivers Bend

Thistle's initial plan is to head north from Rivers Bend to cross the Chandler Cowles River into Gold Hills. That is a 4 day trip by barge. The rafts for each wagon combined and tied together to create the equivalent of a barge.

The clan would arrive at Budgeford On The Water and disassemble the barge reassembling the wagons. That would take a half day.

So the evening of 13-12-357 SKR to arriving on 17-12-357 SKR is talking on the barge(s) and then assembling.

First Trip through Gold Hills

Spend a short bit in Budgeford On The Water then travel to Stock. Leaving on 23-12-357 SKR as appropriate for the story.

The Timeline has been updated through to arriving in The Mist. There are two incidents on the timeline that I am leaving to the players to create stories around.

There is the 01-01-358 SKR - The 'New Years Day Incident' - This happens in Stock in the Gold Hills and delays the caravan from leaving for two days. Then they quickly move along the road south rather than making their normal stops to the north farther into Gold Hills

Then there is a mention of 10-02-358 SKR - Caravan enters The Mist, and 21-02-358 SKR - Caravan completes repairs, with the next day continuing on towards the Mosskin Estates.

Anyone can create any stories and interactions at any point from 17-12-357 SKR to 22-02-358 SKR as the caravan travels from Rivers Bend all the way through to Drillian and where they are now heading towards the Mosskin Estates.

Cultural Notes

Traditionally so far in the naming for the Gypsies I have tried to go with the Gypsies Dieties for the female names

Then for male names sometimes follow this pattern, sometimes just make something up randomly.

So when Carissa named the young boy "Alexandrite" I was not sure if you meant that he was born part of the different clan? I was guessing so. Did you think about the male/female aspect? Curious how everyone feels about the potential ways to go.