Main / NWP-MedicinalCooking

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Medicinal Cooking Non-weapon Proficiency

Must be a Halfling and have Healthy Cooking. Medicinal Cooking cannot be learned at the same time as Healthy Cooking.

When a successful proficiency check is made the cook is able to create a meal that bring curative powers more powerful than what is achieved by Healthy Cooking and at higher levels can provide a cure for various diseases.

When a halfling priest first learns Medicinal Cooking they may brew a stew in one hour that adds +2 to the healing provided by rest overnight. A successful proficiency check is needed for the benefit to be achieved. Failure of the check simply means the stew is wholesome and good but lacks the special healing powers.

When the halfling priest gains an additional level or one year's time passes for non-adventuring priests soups can be created that are infused with the special herbs and cheeses of Gold Hills and can cure any normal disease.

When the halfling priest gains an one more additional level or one more year's time passes for non-adventuring priests soups can be created that are infused with the special herbs and cheeses of Gold Hills and can cure any magical disease such as those caused by a harm spell or cause disease.

Medicinal Cooking is known only to halfling priests and they would never reveal its secrets to even other halflings.