Main / NWP-VeterinaryHealing

Chapter 1 - Non-weapon Proficiencies

Veterinary Healing Non-weapon Proficiency

The character can attempt to heal all types of normal animals, following the same procedures described in the description of the healing proficiency (returns 1-3 hit points if done within one round of wounding, once per creature per day; continued care can restore 1 hit point per day during non-strenuous traveling for up to 6 creatures; gives a +2 to save vs. poison if treated for 5 rounds within a round after poisoning; diagnose disease, magical origins identified, natural diseases take mildest form and shortest duration). Supernatural creatures (such as skeletons or ghouls) or creatures from another plane (such as aerial servants or xorn) cannot be treated with this proficiency.

This proficiency is not cumulative with the healing proficiency--the first used will take precedence. The veterinary proficiency can be used on humans, demi humans, and humanoids at half the normal chance for success.