Main / RillifaneRallathil

Rillifane Rallathil - Elven - Priests - Gods

Rillifane Rallathil is the patron god of wood elves, revered also by a few voadkyn. He is a complex figure, considered by his followers to be simultaneously a huge oak tree and a green skinned elf clad in bark armor. As an oak, Rillifane stands in Arvandor (the High forest of Olympus) with his roots spanning the planes into the countless worlds occupied by wood elves. The great tree draws into itself all the ebb and flow of seasons and lives within the woodlands of the wood elves. At the same time, it defends and sustains those lands against disease, predation, and assaults of all kinds.

Rillifane's major concern is that all living things within his woodlands should have the opportunity to live and act out their roles in nature without abusing it. This brings him close to Corellon, the great creator and protector of the elves. It also brings him into opposition with Solonor Thelandira, the elven god of hunting and archery. Solonor does not permit his priests and followers to hunt within woods where Rillifane's brooding, forbidding presence cautions against this, unless their need is great. Rillifane will permit hunting for food by hungry folk; hunting for sport he detests. Rillifane is closely allied with Emmantiensien?, god of treants, and their conversations are many (and seemingly endless to others, as neither god is given to hasty thought or expression). Many of the sylvan deities know and respect the great Leaflord of the elves (Skerrit of the centaurs being the friendliest), and he is always a respected guest at Titania's Seelie Court.

For himself, Rillifane is quiet, reflective, and enduring over aeons unchanged. He is the least flighty of all elven gods, the least likely to act on a whim, often grave and self-absorbed

Role-playing Notes:

Rillifane rarely sends an avatar to the Prime Material plane, disliking direct action and preferring that his priests carry out his wishes. Rillifane’s avatar appears only when major destruction of a wood-elf habitat is threatened. The appearance of such an avatar is heralded by sudden gusts of wind shaking leaves from the trees, a sign unmistakable to his priests.

Gods Information

Alignment: CG
Worshiper's Alignment: CG (Wood Elves)
Area of Control: Woodlands, Nature
Symbol: oak tree

Avatar Information

Rillifane’s avatar appears as a greenskinned male elf clad in armor of living bark, armed with a great greenwood longbow. He makes no sound as he moves, speaks very rarely, and fires his bow in silence. The avatar uses spells from the druidic, Sun, Thought, and Time spheres.

Str 17 Dex 18 Con 19
Int 17 Wis 20 Cha 16
MV 18 SZ M (6') MR 40%
AC -3 HD 17 HP 136
#AT 3/2 THAC0 8 Dmg by weapon +1

Special Att/Def: The avatar cannot be harmed by caused wounds, diseases, poisons, gas attacks, or energy drains. He may summon up to 200 HD of sylvan or natural woodland creatures to do his bidding each day. With a wave of his hand, the avatar can cast each of the following effects three times per day: charm person or mammal fire quench, turn wood, wall of thorns, warp wood. At will, he may cast tree (oak) or employ transport via plants in woodlands, and speak with plants. Magicuse is at 16th level. The avatar’s movements in woodlands are 99% likely to be absolutely silent. The avatar usually carries a staff of the woodlands +2 and a simple quarterstaff +4 for melee purposes, but his most fearsome magical weapon is his longbow. This has triple normal range, and all arrows fired from it are treated as +4 magical weapons for purpose of attack rolls and damage determination. Any creature struck by an arrow fired from this bow by the avatar must make a saving throw vs. spells; if this is failed, the creature is instantly slain. Otherwise, flight arrow damage is sustained. The avatar usually carries 1d3 other miscellaneous magical items of suitable kind (e.g., ring of elemental (earth) command, staff of swarming insects, wand of flame extinguishing, Quaal’s feather token, etc.).

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: Wis 15+ Alignment: CG
Turning: -1
Armor: Leather or Magical Elven Chain
Weapons: Club, Longbow, Quarterstaff, sling, staff-sling
Level Limit: 16
Hit Die: D8

Major: All, Animal, Elemental (all), Healing, Plant, Sun, Time, Weather
Minor: Divination

1st - Gain one additional Plant sphere spell of each spell level usable 3rd - move silently as per spell, 5%/level in the woodlands 5th - speak with plants as per spell 7th - wall of thorns as per spell 11th - changestaff as per spell

Duties of the Priesthood

Rillifane’s priests are druidic priests. Their duties include preserving woodlands, maintaining harmonious relationships with sylvan creatures, keeping watch over huntsmen and woodsmen within or close by their lands, and officiating at births, rites of passage, and other key events in wood-elf life (death rites are the province of the gods Sehanine or Labelas, however).

While rangers are not included in the church hierarchy of Rillifane, many such elven warriors do serve in loose fellowships affiliated with individual druid circles as the militant arm of the faith. Each such band of rangers has its own name, but collectively they are known as the Order of the Oakstaff.

Known Worshipers

descriptions and or links to characters