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Royal Estates

The Royal Estates of Drillian are also the Cowles family Estates. The Cowles family has ruled this area from the time that Chandler Cowles settled here after winning the First Drillian Civil War. Later with the advent of Matriarchal Male Primogeniture the Royal Estates became the center of Drillian. Queen Elizabeth Cowles established the Grand Hall as the place for the Queen to rule from that was separate from her own family buildings.

The Grand Hall was built upon an area to the east of a Cathedral to the Suomi church which had been in existence for several decades. Later the Kayugan church built a large Cathedral next to the Grand Hall to encourage future Queens to be crowned there. This set of buildings came to be known as The Royal Estates during the time of Queen Elina Quellcon as she was clear that both the Suomi and Kayugan faiths would remain equal in her eyes.

Over the course of several decades and different families taking the throne the Royal Estates became dependent on the Cowles family Estates for support and upkeep. The Cowles Estates traditionally provides a feast in the Great Hall for the Queen's Day annual celebration of her coronation.