Main / Runes


Runes are used by Runecasters to invoke the power of magic.

Runes are gained through insight, instruction, and reward. The character who is taught how to form a magical rune most probably learned it from one who already knows, who in turn learned it from another, and another before him, and so on until the beginning of time. Sometimes a character, after much contemplation, suddenly "sees" the pattern needed to create a specific rune.The rarest of all is to acquire a rune as a gift from the gods. A bird may whisper the secret of the rune to the character or he may even hear it in the voice of a waterfall.

Although runes have magical powers, they are not like standard spells. Runes are not memorized daily, to be cast and then lost. There is no limit to the number of times runes can be used in a single day. They do not have varying verbal, material, and somatic components.

First-level runecasters start the campaign knowing two runes. It is assumed the character successfully learned these runes and no check is necessary. The initial runes are assigned by the DM.

Using Runes

Once the character learns how to fashion a magical rune, he can attempt to use it. Of course, since the character is manipulating magic, this is neither a simple nor easy task. Even though the character "knows" how to use a given rune, it must be recreated with each use. What the character knows are the principles and steps for creating the desired rune, but each time he uses the rune, it takes a different form affected by the factors of the moment. It could be the time, place, motives, or people involved that alter the rune.

Perhaps the most important part in using a rune is to deduce the correct form needed.

This slow process is known as shaping, and is divided into three steps: planning, carving, and activating.

Each attempt to shape a rune Like spells, runes must be learned before they can be used. After a rune has been found whatever means), the character must check to see if he can learn it. This check uses the Chance to Learn Spell percentage given for the character's Knowledge score. If the check successful, the character can add that rune to the list of those he already knows. If the check is failed, the character cannot learn that rune. Increasing in level does not allow another check; however, if the character's Knowledge improves, he can make another attempt provided he still has access to the rune (through an instructor or other method).

Although runes are a written type of magic, a character cannot learn how to use a rune just by studying one. There is much more to creating runes than writing them. The character must have a living example of the rune either in sight, instructor, or inte begins with a-full turn of contemplation during which the character must remain undisturbed. At the end of that time, the character can proceed to the second step.

Carving a rune requires only three things: the rune as planned out in the character's mind, something to carve it with, and something to carve it on. Magical runes must be carved to be effective; written with paper and inks they have no power. The carving tool and surface can be whatever is at hand (although some runes may have restrictions), but must be known during the planning stage. A character cannot plan a rune and then look around for the materials to carve it. There must be no delay between the planning and the carving of a rune. Typical surfaces for carving runes include boards, blades, drinking horns, and stones. The most common carving implement is a knife, although any other hard, pointed tool can be used.

The third step in shaping a rune is activating it. This must be done within two rounds of the carving for the rune to be effective. The activation can be either a poem spoken over the runes (to charge them with power) or anointing the runes with beer or spit. The exact method varies from rune to rune.

All told, the process of shaping a rune takes 15 + ld20 minutes. Upon completing the last step, either the player or the DM makes a Willpower check for the character. If the Willpower check is successful, the rune works as intended. The player makes checks for those runes where the outcome is obvious. The DM makes checks for situations where the success of the rune cannot be determined immediately, such as a rune against poison carved into a drinking horn. After the rune has served its purpose, it is merely a carved pattern. Runes cannot be reused.

Rune Descriptions

Unlike spells magical runes do not have levels. Most can be learned by any runecaster, no matter what his level. However, Some runes can only be attempted after mastering simpler ones. In these cases the rune or runes that must be known are discussed in the description of the rune.

This is a list of commonly known runes: