Main / SaintCligProdint

Clig Prodint - Kayugan - Priests - Gods

Clig Prodint was a warrior who served in the army of Chandler Cowles during the First Drillian Civil War. He fought bravely throughout several battles against human and humanoid forces. When the battle of the Crystal River was over he was one of the few survivors. While the group was waiting for reinforcements Clig was on watch and was killed by an undead attacker during the night. Clig did not let this stop him from performing his duties of waking and warning the rest of the group of the attack. None of his fellow soldiers suspected that Clig was dead until after the battle when they found his body cut apart. They buried him next to the hill along the river. Several weeks later Clig was credited with awakening the cooks of the campsite from their beds before a fire spread to catch the commanders tent.

From that time on soldiers and guardsmen said a prayer of thanks to Saint Clig for watching over them in the night. Several times over the course of the next few years he was credited with bringing a watchman's attention to something happening that averted a disaster from happening in what became Citadel for the Vilmar Estates

Role-playing Notes:

Saint Clig Prodint has appeared directly to devout worshipers to warn them of immediate life threatening dangers over the past couple of hundred years.

Gods Information

Alignment: Lawful Good
Worshiper's Alignment: any, almost all are guards or soldiers
Area of Control: Alertness and Guards
Symbol: an eye

Avatar Information

Saint Clig Prodint does not have an avatar.

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: Wis 9+ Str 10+ Con 10+
Alignment: any
Turning: turn
Armor: any
Weapons: any
Level Limit: none, limited to minor access for spells
Hit Die: D10

Major: none
Minor: Combat, Guardian, War, Wards

1st lvl priest spheres as above

Duties of the Priesthood

There are few actual Priests of Saint Clig Prodint but those warriors who do pray to him devoutly are granted minor access to four spheres. Service to Saint Clig consists of fanatical attention to watch duties and attention to details of the people around them. "Blessed be your watch by Saint Clig" and "May Saint Clig watch over you" is the common prayer and response that worshipers give. Many in organized watches use these phrases also as a sign of respect even if they are not devout worshipers.

There are only a couple of priests of Saint Clig who travel outside of southeast Drillian.

Known Worshipers

descriptions and or links to characters