Main / SaintRhinmos

Saint Rhinmos - Kayugan - Priests - Gods

To be finalized

Role-playing Notes:

Rhinmos is the saint of Mind and Body, Inner Peace, and Self-Realization.

More to Come

God's Information

Alignment: Neutral Good
Worshiper's Alignment: Any non-Evil
Area of Control: Mind and Body, Inner Peace, Self-Realization
Symbol: to be determined

Avatar Information

Saint Rhinmos rarely, if ever, manifests as an Avatar. When he elects to communicate with a follower, he does so telepathically, in the enlightened mind of his disciple.

Worshipers Requirements

Alignment: any non-Evil, majority are Lawful Good or Neutral Good
Turning: No Turning Abilities
Armor: None, nor any magical AC reduction items (bracers, rings, helms, etc)
Weapons: Quarterstaff, Open Hand Combat (pummeling, wrestling, martial arts)
Level Limit: None
Hit Die: d8
Non Weapon Proficiencies: Free: Tumbling, Alertness. May learn any Rogue NWP at normal cost.

Major: All, Healing
Minor: Creation
*Rhinmos Spell Data List


Level 1:-1 to AC every level up to AC0 (lvl 10)
 Surprised only on a roll of 1
Level 2:+5% Knockout chance per every 2 levels vs. Humanoid creatures only (Pummeling only)
 (+5% at lvl 2, +10% at lvl 4; up to +25% at lvl 10)
 Damage can be real damage or superficial damage, as determined by PC
Level 3:Orison spell, once per day, for Self-Heal only
Level 5:Spells require no material components (except Holy Symbol), nor outward verbal or somatic gestures (except Chant)
Level 7:+1 number of attacks per round (no extra bonuses to THAC0 or damage)
Level 9:Save vs. Dragon Breath to avoid all missile or thrown attacks. Failure results in half damage
 +2 to success roll if attack can be seen

Cannot wear protective magical items (rings, helms, cloaks, etc) that reduce AC
Must meditate for one hour each day to use any granted powers; must also still sleep 8 hours per evening for spells; each is independent of one another
Vegetarian, Chaste, Celibate, Teetotaler; violation causes loss of powers for one week
All treasure earned must be donated to the temple. May never have more than 5 gp for personal use.
Must return to home temple for training to gain new powers, no cost to train.

Duties of the Priesthood

Followers of St Rhinmos are called disciples. They follow his teachings which state that a disciple's life goal is to fulfill by oneself the possibilities of one's character and personality; to be the most complete person one can be. The core of Rhinmos teachings revolve around the tenet that each and every person has a font of power deep within themselves waiting to be tapped. This power stream, called Life Energy, guides one's life by removing obstructions, like doubt, indecision, and ambiguity, and paving a clear path to what one considers is moral, right, or just, so as to remain true to one's self. The force is not judgmental; it does not discern right or wrong by any moral compass. It simply helps a disciple to make the right decision based on one's own beliefs and stay true to one's own morals. While most disciples of Rhinmos are considered Good, there can be disciples with alternative views of right or wrong. As long as the disciple uses the Life Energy to stay the course that one believes to be true, then one is considered be faithful and true to the teachings of Rhinmos.

Meditation, introspection, denial, and discipline are all required just to begin to understand the Life Energy. St Rhinmos stresses that material goods only hinder the path to self-realization; when one focuses on the material, one loses the importance of one's own self. One should only obtain what one needs to survive. Disciples must vow to remain chaste and celibate, as matters of the flesh are distractions. The sole purpose of alcohol is to cloud the mind, so it is also forbidden. Lastly, so as to keep the outer form in prime physical condition, disciples should not feast on the flesh of any other living animal.

All answers are reached through meditation, and the disciple is expected to meditate at least daily, and when one needs to seek guidance of the Life Energy. During this time of introspection, one can better connect with one's energy, which could provide sought-after guidance and inner peace. Also daily, one is expected to perform physical feats of balance and strength to keep the outer form limber and strong.

Disciples strive to perfect the three major Aspects of Life: Body, Character, and Personality

  • Aspect of Body: Maintaining the outer self in top physical form. Allow no impurity to enter. Gain control of all aspects, from movement to desires and pleasures of the flesh.
  • Aspect of Character: The inner aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing. Fulfilling the Truth of one's thoughts: Hatred. Jealousy. Malice. Revenge. Compassion. Humility.
  • Aspect of Personality: The visible aspect of one's character as it impresses others, the embodiment of a collection of qualities, the physical manifestation of one's character: Words. Behavior. Actions. The treatment of others.

The path to Self-Realization is not an easy one by any standard. Those who can vow to follow the strict disciplinary requirements can seek out a temple devoted to St Rhinmos' teachings. This is a test in itself, as there are only three established temples, with only one being commonly familiar to the local folk. Each is secluded within a day's travel by foot to a town or village. The number of temples is not kept limited; there have simply been so few disciples who have progressed to a sufficiently enlightened level capable of being a superior leader, or Exalted One, of a temple to St Rhinmos. The disciples are generally looked upon in a positive light for the services they provide and for the wares they peddle. Most disciples of these temples render healing services to those in need for a nominal fee or reciprocal service. Disciples use their crafting skills to produce goods that can be sold, like wood carvings, artwork, woven baskets, and such. Some may also make cheese or harvest grapes for sale.

The meager funds raised help to finance the needs of the temple. The temples are spartan spaces, rendering just enough amenities to keep the disciples safe and healthy. The disciples live in communal huts that sleep twelve to fifteen on straw mats on raised platforms. The majority of the temple grounds are open spaces for physical training, with quiet locations for meditation and introspection. areas are devoted to the creation of the crafts and wares sold in town. One hut, close to the well and hosting the cooking fire, acts as the dining hall, where meals are usually eaten together. Leaders and students all live in the same conditions.

Paragon7-82 Max
Exemplar5-76 Max
Brother/Sister3-5As space allows
Anchorite1-3As space allows
Initiate0As space allows

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Known Worshipers

Rhibosi Sanhjhasi