Main / Abbathor

Abbathor - Dwarven - Priests - Gods

Abbathor embodies the principle of greed which is the major weakness of the dwarven race. He has an insatiable lust for treasure, especially gold. He is tolerated by the other gods because he has sided with them in epic battles of the past, but none trust him. Berronar loathes his deceitfulness, and Dumathoin shields treaures from him, to his fury. He broods in his gold-lined cave in Hades, ever watchful for more treasures to consume.

Role-playing Notes:

Abbathor sends avatars to take treasures, just as Vergadain may-but unlike Vergadain, Abbathor uses any means, no matter how evil, to further his ends. He will kill for treasure alone, and may be overwhelmed by lust for gold. His omens to priests and evil thieves are typically malevolent, such as the splitting apart of gems, the tearing of a sack of gold, or the despoiling of treasure ("gone to Abbathor" is a dwarven expression for lost treasures).

Gods Information

Alignment: NE
Worshiper's Alignment: evil dwarves
Area of Control: Greed
Symbol: Jeweled Dagger

Avatar Information

Abbathor's Avatar (Wizard 12, Thief 16) Abbathor's avatar always appears as a very large dwarf clad in leather and furs, fat and piggy-eyed with a sallow skin. He casts spells from any wizard school save illusion/phantasm.

Str 18/00 Dex 15 Con 19
Int 17 Wis 16 Cha 8
MV 12 SZ L(8') MR 40%
AC 0 HD 16 HP 128
#AT 1 THAC0 5 Dmg 1D4+4 (dagger) +6

Special Att/Def: The avatar can create treasure lust in sentient beings within 30', l/day for one turn; all affected creatures must save versus spells or try to obtain by force the most valuable object they can see (and protect their own valuables). Abbathor's avatar has a jewelled dagger +4 which detects precious metals within 20'. His armor is leather +4 and his shield can cast blindness at one creature per round within 30' (save versus spells at -6 to negate, -3 if looking away).

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: Wis 9+ Alignment: Any Evil
Turning: Command at -4 levels
Armor: Any
Weapons: as thieves
Level Limit: 14
Hit Die: D6

Shamans: Requirements: Wis 9+
Alignment: any evil, N
Level Limit: 5
Hit Die: D4

Major: All, Charm, Combat, Guardian, Summoning, Sun (reversed)
Minor: Creation, Divination

3) detect hidden gems within 10', 1 turn duration
5) darkness 15'
9) create treasure lust within 10' (as avatar above)

Duties of the Priesthood

Abbathor's priesthood secretly opposes those of Dumathoin and, to a lesser extent, Berronar. They must amass treasures and sacrifice these to Abbathor. A minority are priest/thieves, but they very rarely steal from other dwarves unless certain they cannot be observed.

Known Worshipers

descriptions and or links to characters