Main / Addmere

Addmere - Keldorian - Priests - Gods

Addmere is the second leading female in the Keldorian pantheon. She was raised from her natural human state by Locrin to become his wife. They had two boys, Bran and Gorby but there was strife in between those births. The god Trask, Lord of Deceit and Trickery who is Locrin's brother seduced Addmere. She gave birth to a daughter Retaw out of this union. Trask took Retaw away as a child after he had revealed his deceit.

Addmere is known as the Goddess of Chance and the Goddess of Skill. This comes from her chance meeting with Locrin that changed her life, and the many skills she displayed in being able to become one of the gods herself. One side effect of her interactions with Trask is that Addmere has the ability to do anything, but not the knowledge of how to use her skills wisely.

Role-playing Notes:

Notes on the God's interactions with their followers.

Gods Information

Alignment: LG
Worshiper's Alignment: the alignment any Worshiper of the god must meet, often different than the Alignment requirements for Priests
Area of Control: what aspects of life the God controls
Symbol: common symbols used by the followers and priests of the Goddess

Avatar Information

Notes and descriptions of how the God's Avatar appears.

Str Dex Con
Int Wis Cha

Special Att/Def: description of the special attacks, defenses, and abilities of the Avatar

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: Wisdom of # or higher, and any other special requirements to qualify as a priest Alignment: which alignments the priests of a God are allowed to be, ordinary worshipers can be any alignment.
Turning: if the priest can turn undead creatures, sometimes at a weakened power, some have command over undead
Armor: what armor types are allowed to priests
Weapons: what weapons the priest can choose to learn
Level Limit: if there is a limit to how high in level a priest can rise
Hit Die: hit die for the priest, D8 if not otherwise noted

Shamans: if there are Shamans for this Diety and the requirements they follow
wisdom of
permitted alignments
Level Limit:
level limit the Shaman can obtain
Hit Die:
hit die for the Shaman''

Major: spheres the priest has full access to (1st - 7th level)
Minor: spheres the priest has limited access to (1st - 3rd level only)

what abilities the priest gets as a natural power at which particular level

Duties of the Priesthood

Description of what the Priesthood's overall goals and activities are centered around.

Known Worshipers

descriptions and or links to characters