Main / Gorby

Gorby - Keldorian - Priests - Gods

Gorby is the God of Death in the Keldorian pantheon. He is the second son of Locrin and Addmere, younger than Retaw his half sister.

Gorby is viewed as a necessary part of life, sometimes peaceful, sometimes violent; too often cruel and unjust.

Role-playing Notes:

Notes on the God's interactions with their followers.

Gods Information

Alignment: NE
Worshiper's Alignment: the alignment any Worshiper of the god must meet, often different than the Alignment requirements for Priests
Area of Control: what aspects of life the God controls
Symbol: common symbols used by the followers and priests of the Goddess

Avatar Information

Notes and descriptions of how the God's Avatar appears.

Str Dex Con
Int Wis Cha

Special Att/Def: description of the special attacks, defenses, and abilities of the Avatar

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: Wisdom of 9+ Constitution of 12+ Alignment: Any Non-Good
Turning: Command
Armor: None
Weapons: Scythe (required choice), Sickle, Trident, Net, Poison
Level Limit: if there is a limit to how high in level a priest can rise
Hit Die: hit die for the priest, D8 if not otherwise noted

Major: All, Astral, Divination, Necromantic, Summoning, Sun (reversed)
Minor: Combat, Creation, Elemental Water, Healing
1st level - Speak with Dead as per spell
10th level - Raise Dead once per day

Duties of the Priesthood

Description of what the Priesthood's overall goals and activities are centered around.