Main / Barbarian

Races - Warrior

Some would count the Barbarian as a separate warrior specialty but Barbarians are a cultural identity rather than a class one. Any race can be a Barbarian but it is more closely associated with Humans than any other.

Barbarians are any cultural group that by choice or happenstance does not follow most of the nearby civilization's normal activities. In the Western World the tribes of Carnak are considered barbarians by most. Across the Northern Wastes other barbarian tribes roam. To the Oriental Lands way of thinking anyone living West of Semphar is a Barbarian.

When a game mechanic indicates a Barbarian that means the person is from a cultural background that does not live in cities or towns, has few if any permanent dwellings (Gypsy Caravans would be considered a normal permanent dwelling) and the culture's craftsmen work with materials found in nature rather than delving underground for metals or minerals.

The two areas that are home to most Barbarians are the Northern Wastes and Carnak, with the tribes of Everreach being the third large society that outsiders consider to be Barbarians.