Main / Drows

Drows - Keldorian - Priests - Gods

Drows is the third son and third oldest child of Wheen and Klindon. As a way of attempting to impress his parents he honed his sword craft to an extreme degree. He promoted the learning of forging and weapon making throughout the lands as a way of keeping idle hands busy, and out of trouble.

Role-playing Notes:

Every priest of Drows feels that they themselves are the best swordsman they know, and will never turn down a chance for a duel to show their prowess.

Gods Information

Alignment: N
Worshiper's Alignment: Any
Area of Control: weaponsmithing and sword use
Symbol: long sword

Avatar Information

Notes and descriptions of how the God's Avatar appears.

Str Dex Con
Int Wis Cha

Special Att/Def: description of the special attacks, defenses, and abilities of the Avatar

Worshipers Requirements

Requirements: Wis 9 and a Str of 13 or a Con of 13 Alignment: Any Neutral
Turning: Turn level -2
Armor: Any, only those made by priest
Weapons: Any, only those made by the priest
Level Limit: none
Hit Die: D8

Major: All, Combat, Guardian, Protection, War
Minor: Divination, Healing

All priests get the Weaponsmithing and Armorer proficiencies for free

1st - an additional slot for Weaponsmithing and Armorer
3rd - an additional slot for each
6th - an additional slot for each, and weapon specialization as a warrior of similar level

Duties of the Priesthood

Description of what the Priesthood's overall goals and activities are centered around.

Known Worshipers

descriptions and or links to characters