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Intermediate Era Summaries

Session: 20230714c - 20230714s

Quotes of the Night
Ritic Pellerelli: You went into the belly of the Beast and came out on the other side
Ritic Pellerelli: You are a hero!
Lanek Olenak: snorts
Lanek Olenak: he didnt come out the aft end
Talwin: And thank gods not through that end
Ritic Pellerelli: Like being born again
Craigh: Hmm... Do mimics poop?
Talwin: I don't want to know Craigh

BOB and now you see how legends grow
BOB and then fade into Mist
TMO (Craigh): St Talwin the Just (Annoyed)

Bixi Fizzlebang: (whispering) There's a kelpie in the ale
Spring (Lanek Olenak): that sounds like an irish song

Lanek Olenak: kelpies like men for friends or kelpies like men for breakfast?
Lorie (Licornah): (men are useful tools and then an evening snack)
Bixi Fizzlebang: Not sure, but I would guess both
Raelynn: Both?
Raelynn: But it's almost lunchtime so you might be okay!
Bixi Fizzlebang: Yeah like... they could equally be friends or breakfast
Bixi Fizzlebang: Like your chickens, Rae!
Raelynn: My chickens?
Carissa (Raelynn): (MY CHICKENS?!)
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): hahahaha
Lorie (Licornah): Poor Gerry, he deserves better than this... Talwin, go snuggle with nice Kelpie...
Carissa (Raelynn): (I'm insulted)

Lanek Olenak: whatcha got there, Craigh?
Craigh: Well, if anyone wants to have the experience of a lifetime... this is a potion of water breathing.
Craigh: It only lasts an hour or so, I think.
Lanek Olenak: eyebrows go up
Lanek Olenak: oh
Lanek Olenak: not as great
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Dang, Lanek's got some lasting power.
Spring (Lanek Olenak): you gotta leave room for romance

Amlaruil Aire: It will be interesting to see how long Lanek can last
Raelynn: Underwater? Not sure. In bed? Er, I rather not think about that.
Bixi Fizzlebang: He is kind of old...
Bixi Fizzlebang: Have you met Zayden?

...Is it normal for the quote section to be longer than the summary?...

Session: 20230707c - 20230707s All quotes not specifically in the quote section are paraphrased by Lemon.

The end.

Quotes of the Night
Michael: Who has administration as a skill? Or politics? Or legal? Anything like that?
TMO: Just natural sneakiness and wordsmithery

Michael (Talwin): Because it's inefficient. You would be deadhauling two ways. You can dead haul once, but it's better to make a circle so your Freightliner always has goods on board. Otherwise, you are literally burning money at 4.50 per gallon for Diesel. The tax wouldn't be worth that. Now, I know wagons aren't diesel....
BOB: Oxen eat something
Michael (Talwin): Indeed. I could be full of crap for that
BOB: Oxen often are Michael

BOB: A very encountery (hah) way of doing things, just join up with a random caravan heading south ... Heh fellow teens... and talk about what is happening cool cats

TMO (Craigh): sadly, Craigh is no longer applicable to the casual chit-chat with strangers role. Unless you like your strangers screaming and sobbing with fear. Which, tbf, is usually what we use Talwin for. :D

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Too bad we lost Fives. I'd be interested to hear his take on this situation
BOB: Seance and Speak with Dead
Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Lol, we could do a seance while we wait for a wagon to pass by
TMO (Craigh): I don't think he's intelligent in his current form?
Michael (Talwin): Currently, I think he's preoccupied with his own situation, no offence to you TMO
TMO (Craigh): he was fun. that was the goal.
TMO (Craigh): but what do you do with a devil hunter when you're done dealing with devils?
Michael (Talwin): You never know though, he was a slippery one if you ever want to explore that....
Michael (Talwin): Oh that's easy
Michael (Talwin): You find more devils to hunt, whether or not they are actual devils is semantics
TMO (Craigh): allow me to introduce you this slippery slope called "The Inquisition."
Michael (Talwin): YOU READ MY MIND!!!!

TMO (Craigh): question: was a trip to Quellcon being planned? Because we could certainly still do that.
Michael (Talwin): I am for that option. I am not ruling out Visiting Quellcon if needed later
BOB: Nothing is ruled out for the future including declaring war on anyone you wish

TMO (Craigh): casual conversational interrogation, following by investigative journalism, and finally - confronting the evildoers in their lair!
Carissa (Raelynn): another good TMO summary
Spring (Springity Thingity): preceded by loitering. i like that
Just a note from Lemon here... TMO is VERY good at summary... just agreeing with Carissa pointing that out... cough...

BOB and then there is a new group of wagons heading south
BOB there are four of them one full of ore and three empty wagons
Spring (Springity Thingity): wow already. we hardly got to loiter
Spring (Springity Thingity): maybe we should wait for the next ones

Michael (Talwin): (I just had an idea)
TMO (Craigh): oh dear
TMO (Craigh): TMO ducks under his desk.

Talwin: But I'm going to have you find something so heinous it would make even the teamsters shit themselves if they knew it was in their wagon
Talwin: Sigh
Lanek Olenak: disbelieving glare
Talwin: Rae is going to hate me so much
Zayden: alright get in the wagon Lanny
Zayden smiles
Lanek Olenak: i'll make them shit themselves for sure
Lanek Olenak: but they won't believe i've been here the whole time

Efar Deepwing: If I was smuggling somethign that I just had to get past your town of Hourglass here, I would feed it to the oxen and then they would shit it out a day later
Talwin: Blinks
Talwin: Holy shit, that's how you do that?
Talwin: I need to remember that
TMO (Craigh): no, cow shit
Talwin: Lanek, let's hold the Oxen for a few days
TMO (Craigh): unless it's a holy cow
Efar Deepwing: I do not do it, I am an honest merchat just moving things south
Zayden: sounds like something that comes from experience
Talwin: Let everything pass and we can expect the feces
TMO (Craigh): moving 'what' south?
Talwin: I think he just gave us a new way to find drugs
Zayden: nice
Zayden: lemme know if you find any good ones Tal

Talwin: Did you meet anyone suspicious in Quellcon or in our Lands that gave you pause, or scared you?
Talwin: Besides us of course

Session: 20230630c - 20230630s

The end.

Zayden and Ulrik were not there, so the quotes lack. Come on, the rest of us! We can do better! (Actually I just didn't really pay attention as I was summarizing. There's probably great stuff in there. Someone else can add it if they want.)

Session: 20230623c - 20230623s

Hey, the last time I tried to link this it either worked, or Carissa fixed it, so I'm feeling pretty good about my chances with this one!

The end.

Quotes of the Night
Ulrik Ekenberg: Ulrik is going up with a scroll of poetry and is about to roll to seduce the dracolich
Ulrik Ekenberg: [d20 = 1]
Ryan: Uh... success?
Spring: the dracolich is now madly in love
Spring: the in-laws insist on an immediate ceremony
Lemon: What's the d&d equivalent of a shotgun wedding? Crossbow wedding?
Spring: fireball wedding
Carissa: We do have a crossbow of speed. We can wrap it all up here and now.
BOB Wand of Magic Missle wedding
Ulrik Ekenberg: Forget the rest of you. I've EARNED my happily ever after.
Carissa: Happily married, just got liched.
Ryan: We'll have the bones of paladins dangle behind our carriage as we drive off.
Carissa: did bob disappear?
Ryan: I haven't seen him in a while. Actually, I can't remember the last time I saw him....
Lemon: BOB or your lich husband?
Ryan: dracolich, please. Let's not resort to overgeneralizing, please. He's proud of his draconic heritage.
Ryan: Wears green and goes to the local Draconic bar every St. Smaug's Day to celebrate with all the other Draco-Americans
Carissa: How's your family taking the sudden eloping?
Ryan: Uh... I'll tell you in a few months once they find out
Carissa: Oh crap, do I need to take down my social media post congratulationg you two??
Ryan: Too late :( My phone's already lighting up with texts
Carissa: Sorry :(
Dru5232321 (Ulrik Ekenberg): Nah, they should know that I love the dead.... dragon that I married

Apparently it was a very relationship centered evening
Bixi Fizzlebang: Maybe it's time to think about a third wife, another baby... that kind of thing. Keep the family line moving
Leo Pölzl: I will think about that, I would need more goats for a third wife
Raelynn: You know, I do matchmaking if you decide you want help with that as well.
Leo Pölzl: OH?
Leo Pölzl: I have never thought about a Elf wife
Leo Pölzl: You are pretty
Ulrik Ekenberg: sputters
Raelynn: I don't think Youtargim would agree, but I do know some elves back home.
Raelynn: Not sure which are the farming type... but I can see what connections I have.
Leo Pölzl: I guess I would need more trees for that too
Bixi Fizzlebang: They don't all sleep in trees
Raelynn: You never know. N'laea is probably up in one now, but the elves I know, like myself, prefer a comfy bed.
Raelynn: Bixi has heard me complain enough about it.
Leo Pölzl: Nuts and berries are easy to find for the most part
Ulrik Ekenberg: Maybe plant a tree just in case... Handier to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

Bixi Fizzlebang: I mean, if you could get the treant to show up that would probably be a big hit
Zayden: Oh that would be cool actually
Ulrik Ekenberg: Oh, those are real?
Zayden: You can't ask that of the ladies Ulrik...

Session: 20230602c - 20230602s

Maybe! Who knows if I did that right! Maybe it links to nothing! Maybe I'm supposed to put this at the bottom so it stays in chronological order? But also I feel like reverse chronological is most helpful so when you go to the page you see the most recent thing at the top? Idk, Carissa can change everything if she hates it.

Quotes of the Night

BOB: Did you see the AI compilation that said Youtargrim was comforting and kind?
Carissa: LOL no not yet but he has been very good to her
Lemon: Look, AI still has flaws, we all know this

Raelynn: Why wouldn't you expect friends? Every stranger is just a friend you haven't made yet!
Craigh: You wouldn't last long in the Guild.

Michael: Talwin still wanted to build a university. Let's do tuition for free if they agree to work in an industry. Might as well go Full Red Scare while we are at it. Free Healthcare on the Table? Too much progress too soon?
Carissa: I don't know if our coffers can handle that. It's a TMO question.
TMO: TMO has no idea what the coffers are like, sorry
Carissa: Worst treasurer ever.

Ok, so generally I try not to quote myself, even though I think I'm incredibly clever, but BOB said quote for that first one, and I forgot about this one until right now and I don't feel like it got the appropriate appreciation so I'm putting it here again.
Sundown: Sir Talwin, not to be ungrateful, we do need people, but if you are back, why do we need an unsung farmer?
Bixi: I'm sure Zayden will sing him, don't worry.

Michael: WAIT! Sharif? How old are YOU?
Carissa: Are you younger or older than 31, Sharif?
Sharif: Oh I'm older than 31
Ryan: I'm sure your mother was a very lovely biscuit, Sharif. Pay Michael no mind.

There was also a very good, very LONG series of quotes about aging, but I do NOT have the patience to do all that copypasta, so go read it.

Session: 20230526s - 20230526c

Oh hey, here's the session link! That's a thing I totally know how to do! Just click! I promise!

Quotes of the Night

Here's some formatting for the quotes! Next week I can just copy and paste all the formatting stuff! Thanks, Carissa!

Lorie: (Well you are near Treants, so estemmed is possible :) )
Note in Italics or something: unintended pun, but SO GOOD

Lemon: Are treants matchmaking customers?
More notes in Italics or whatever: ALSO A PUN I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE UNTIL RIGHT NOW! Good job me. Match-making. Matches. Get it?

Zayden: Yes the pants are just a loaner Craigh, I would like them back at some point
Zayden: You may cheat death but not Zayden

Raelynn: Er, do not react badly.
Raelynn: He'll be a bit of a shock, but, he's nice! Really! It's just Craigh!
Zayden: Can't spell Crazy without Craigh

Bixi Fizzlebang: I know you're processing now, but I'm excited for when you're up to seeing what your new body can do. I bet it will impress you
Bixi Fizzlebang: I mean like swimming and stuff
Bixi Fizzlebang: Not anything... weird...
N'laea: And you do still have an apprentice it seems.
Craigh: smiles at Bixi. it stretches a bit wider than a normal human smile.
Zayden: I say try the weird stuff too
Zayden: just in case
N'laea: The weird stuff? Do I want to know?
Craigh: I don't know that I want to.

Raelynn: gulps and walks over, bends down, and grabs one of his hands.
TMO (Craigh): which one? ;)
Carissa (Raelynn): (choices!!!)

Session: c? - s?

comment if you want like how those lines become horizontal lines to split up summaries.

Quotes of the Night

quoted sentence with page break
you really need a page break
it's the slashes you'll see in editing