Main / IntoTheWoods-SUM

Island Time

Into the Woods - Session Summaries List

Session: 20230901c - 20230901s

The End.

Quotes of the Night
Vee Barlett: I'll put a few in my pocket for Melange. I didn't think he'd sleep in knowing there was breakfast...
Levi Reed: I heard he was having some... er... digestion problems
Jericho: Shakes head
Jericho: Yeah, that's what we'll call it
BOB and pausing here just for a moment
BOB I forgot to go over the Morning resets
BOB I did the healing on my side
BOB but Carissa can you please help Angelica and Michael with resetting spells for the morning
Lemon (Levi Reed): Oh, ok. I thought you were about to stop because of the digestion issues, and I was like, nope, that's cannon
Jericho: hehe
Michael (Jericho): hehe
BOB and Laughs, yes it is.... Melange has digestive issues like a cannon

Vee Barlett: Too bad Levi isn't steady. He could sperlunk the shit out of this place.

Lemon (Levi Reed): My only problem was Lady Markin's anxiety lol. But yeah, lack of gossip was surprising. And it feels like we've reached a dead end, but I'm not sure if that's intended or not
BOB For Lemon was it a bad dead end?
Lemon (Levi Reed): I don't have feelings about whether it was bad or good, it just was
Carissa: it felt drawn out
Carissa: just... beating a dead horse dead end
Carissa: it'd be nicer to know when to stop beating the horse
Rothuss Carder: when it says Neigh More!

Session: 20230825c - 20230825s

Quotes of the Night:

Lorie: What is the source of the Zombies?
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Mommy zombies and daddy zombies kiss, and 9 months later, a baby zombie is brought in by a zombie stork
Carissa: Chupacabra drains their blood, like a vampire, but since it's a mythical beast, it instead creates zombies
BOB You will want some more details from the farmer once he recovers
BOB But normally how do you think Zombies happen?
Carissa: A T-Virus released by an evil corporation
BOB Equally a good explination
Carissa: and/or a necromancer
BOB for the purposes of this adventure
Carissa: Reanimation magic gone wrong. Or right, depending.

BOB Not that 1st level characters are going to go fight off great Necromancers......
Dru5232321: Well, we can try. And then we can find out how zombies are made first-hand
TMO (Rothuss Carder): but maybe sucky necromancers
Carissa: I bet the guy wears a cloak of some yet to be determined color...

Session: 20230818c - 20230818s

Quotes of the Night
BOB Hello Ryan!
BOB Beating both Carissa and Lemon
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I did not lay a hand on either of them
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I am outraged by the accusation

MeLange: Give the man a torch!
MeLange whisper shouted
Levi Reed: Give the man a torch and he sees for a day. TEACH a man to torch...
Matthias Crowtooth: Light a man with torch... and he sees for his entire life.

(Ok, this is verbatim, however the final line in this quote was actually a reply to something unrelated. But it's hilarious out of context so I kept it that way.)
Lemon (Levi Reed): So anyways, this cave...
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): which Matthias can see into suddenly
Shislif (MeLange): yea let's get some action, listen to Lemon
Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol maybe one day

Goblin (Tidy eyebrows) : [Translation] Hello, My name is Tidy Eyebrows, you killed father, prepare to die

MeLange: Hold up, this goblin seems different, perhaps we could talk to him
MeLange: anybody speak goblin?
Matthias Crowtooth: My sword does

Vee Barlett (to the goblins): Ho! Any of you speak Common?
Matthias Crowtooth: I do!
Vee Barlett: sighs
Vee Barlett: This whole time? And you didn't tell me??

Michael (Jericho): The problem is I think I'm witty, but as soon as it leaves my bubble and enters yours, I'm not very witty LOL
Michael (Jericho): :)
Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Could be worse. Could be a Ryan and just be obnoxious all the time
Michael (Jericho): You do it very well tho :)

BOB What skill were you going to do?
Michael (Jericho): Diagnostics/Herbalism. One at least
BOB That is a touch so you are going to cross the stream and go over next to them?
Michael (Jericho): Descriptions for Herbalism does not say touch?
BOB It is about checking over someone for poisoning
BOB hard to do that from 18 =feet away
TMO (Rothuss Carder): Nah, Herbalism is Taste. Diagnostics is by Touch. :)
Michael (Jericho): Wait wait wait
Michael (Jericho): One second
TMO (Rothuss Carder): Go lick the goblins

Session: 20230811c - 20230811s

Quotes of the Night
Lemon (Levi Reed): You're good! TL;DR, we came looking for the chupacabra, but we found a girl hiding in the bushes who is crying because she tried to save a "shape" that took her dad but she couldn't. Ratbone is singing and talking to her now.
Lemon (Levi Reed): nope. Tried to save her dad who was taken by a "dark shape"
Shislif (MeLange): cool thx Lemon
Lemon (Levi Reed): She didn't save the shape.
Shislif (MeLange): hey some shapes can't be saved

MeLange: I love taking down monsters, the bigger the better
Levi Reed: And I love that about you, Mel
MeLange: Thanks Levi, I love that about me too

Jericho: Can you come here sweetheart? I can't see you in the bushes. My eyesight isn't the best
Lemon (Levi Reed): You're 15!
Lemon (Levi Reed): Your eyesight is fine!
Spring (Ratbone Carder): hey, my eyesight sucked at 15
Michael (Jericho): It's dark!
Carissa (Vee Barlett): At 15?? My eyesight was shot at 7, man
Michael (Jericho): And I wore glasses at 16 LOL
Lemon (Levi Reed): I only have glasses for screentime, which I don't use. But I do have vision insurance starting this year, so maybe I'll go get a check just to see where they're at.
Carissa (Vee Barlett): Got mine checked today! They still suck. Both eyes. A few points from legally blind rate I'm at
Lemon (Levi Reed): that explains your driving

Carissa (Vee Barlett): it's fine, at this point I just wanna get going
Carissa (Vee Barlett): Jericho maybe move your icon on that center circle
Michael (Jericho): I know carisaa and I'm sorry, but I'm trying to understand how the grid works
Carissa (Vee Barlett): Sorry sorry let me channel TMO for you
Carissa (Vee Barlett): TMO: MATHHHHHHHH