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Long live the King - In Character Discussions - Preparing

12/29 entry 1 Miranda hears about the dual quests and tries to find Indigo. "Hey Indigo, I figure I would go with you as Brawynn probably needs to handle the church thing. I know I cannot replace her, but I do want to do my part and help be prepared. Do you want me to make suggestions to you or just work out the details with Brawynn direct? I am really interested in trying out that room on a scroll."

12/29 As Indigo starts to speak, Branwyn calls out from the doorway, “Feel free to play with the scroll as much as you want. You will have a much longer journey than I will and so you should have more free time to discover its secrets. I’ll be in the middle of a mad priest war in no time at all, unfortunately. And of course I would hope that you will help Indigo all that you can. This is his mission, not mine, so there is no need to consult with me, especially since we are all leaving first thing in the morning.

If you have ideas for Tristan’s task, you’ll have to speak to him about that. The most help I will probably be in that foray will be to keep my mouth shut. I will tell you though, that I sincerely hope that they can resolve this without bloodshed.”

Indigo nods and grins at Miranda. “I want everyone’s help. And after the way you went after that sea witch, we should be fine on our end for battle at least.”

Branwyn smiled and walked into the room with a couple small jars of paint and brushes. “I stopped by actually because I want you to take these with you for when you find the shield.” Indigo looked at the jars with a bit of confusion.

“When you recover the shield, I know you will be very proud. As you will have every right to be. But as the Queen said,” she continued, “many are searching for this thing. There will be time for celebrating when you present it to Queen Wilamina. You must hide the shield on the way home, and sometimes the easiest way to hide something is to keep it in the open. You can paint the shield with something simple and perhaps even Leatherus can carry it. Your enemies will expect it to be hidden. You do what you think is best, but I wanted to leave you with this option. Even if you do try to hide the shield, I do recommend covering the Cowles crest.”

Looking down at the jars of paint, he spends a little time thinking about his upcoming task. Suddenly, Indigo looked up and cried, “Shovels!”


“Well, yes. If we are looking in temple ruins, we could need shovels, couldn’t we?”

Branwyn smiled down at Indigo. “Yes, you certainly could. And so shovels you may have. I’ll tell Jilly to pick some up and put them in the wagon for you. Now, I have to give a book to Medoro for the Queen. I will see you again before you leave.” On that note, Branwyn went off to find Medoro.



Later, Qui Fon and Miranda come to Indigo, and Miranda begins to speak.

"We thought we would discuss a little planning before we leave. I am sure you know you have our, especially my complete trust. I feel like you can find the shield yourself, but you like Toben, you feel responsible for all of us." Qui Fon interrupts on cue "But as a team, it is important to know who has your back, and how we can support each other. This particular group has never traveled together before and that can make your task all that more difficult."

Miranda steps up to defend herself. "I know my place, I will not be hesitant, I will do what I can and to that point, I want to make sure you know what I can do. I have learned the Manyjasw spells for offense but I also will have a Fly spell if need arises." Qui asserts himself. "I am better at finding traps so in those situations, I may need to take the lead instead of Ilero. I am prepared to locate the shield when we get close and a nifty spell that may help with the night watches a spell called Nap, which will give anyone a full night sleep in just one hour. Miranda will be able to take two watches and still be rested enough to remember her spells."

Miranda smirks "Gee thanks. Any questions Indigo?"

Medero stops by the orchard house with Jilly.

Sir Indigo, I brought you three of your tabards to wear. I instructed Jilly here on which are the everyday wear and which is for formal occasions. You never know who you might come across even if you are traveling who knows where. They all have your new blazon on them. Mistress Branwyn informed me that Jilly was traveling with you someplace south. I would guess there are some royal complications as the Missus gave me this to give to you. Medero hands over a scroll to Indigo sealed with the royal insignia.

I know you leave in the morning, if there is anything you need please send Jilly along to ask.

Medoro gave a short bow, turned on his heels and hurried out to return to the Keep. As he turned the corner, he ran straight into Leatherus and Shurkural. “I beg your pardon. If you will excuse me,” he exclaimed and continued out quickly, in the hopes of making his escape before the Widow Washburn discovered his presence and tried to feed him.

Indigo’s head started to hurt a little. “Thank you both for wanting to help and coming with me. I’m sure everything will work out just fine. I don’t think we will need anyone to stay up most of the night. That’s not really fair. Besides, don’t forget that Shurkural and Leatherus are coming with us too,” he said, waving to pair that he just noticed were standing in the doorway. Foto, who was sitting in a corner, looked up from his book on mining as he noticed quite a group was forming in the room.

Indigo looked down at the scroll in his hands and turned it over a couple times nervously. “Miranda, can you please read this to me? We should make sure we know what it says before we leave.” He takes out his dagger and breaks the seal opening the scroll for her.

As the scroll case opened up a handful of pages dropped out of the case and onto the floor. First was a map that Indigo bent down to pick up. As Miranda bent to pick up one of the small pieces of scroll a voice suddenly started speaking in the room:

Temple Entrance.

As everyone listened another voice started to speak from another bit of scroll

Countryside near Temple.

Then a different voice started to speak from the litter on the floor

A room in the Temple.

The voice continued

A room in the Temple.

Just when everyone thought the surprises were over one final message floated up

A room in the Temple.

Overall Map
Map from Scroll.

Everyone stared at each other for a moment absorbing what had just happened.

Leatherus nods to Indigo and in an almost begrudged tone says, "Sir Indigo, Patron Tristan in all his wisdom, has instructed me to accompany you on your quest. I must admit, he has high regard for you, or perhaps he sees you as a valuable covert, either way, here I stand. My sword is yours." He awkwardly does a form of a bow. As a brother in Cahus, we shall destroy our enemies together."

Please forgive my reservation, I just heard from Tristan I was not to accompany him on his quest. I hoped to prove my worth to Cahus. I am not a Son of Cahus so I will do as I am told. I do not kinow this group but I will regain my honor and do as I am told. I am learned in mountaineering if that helps."

You can find me at the church when you decide to leave. I shall be praying for your success."

Dumbfounded, Indigo raised his head from the talking scrolls scattered on the floor, startled to hear the sound of a real voice from the far side of the room. “Ummm …okay Leatherus. We will be leaving at first light,” he said trying to gather himself. “I’m sorry if you don’t want to come with us. From what I learned about Cahus at the temple in Vilmar and from Tristan, he is a god of warriors and as I figure it, if we fight bravely and with honour, Cahus will be pleased no matter where we are.”

Indigo’s eyes returned to the scrolls on the floor, thoughts of gardens and pools and dragons floating through his head.

Leatherus nods to Indigo. "It is not that I do not want to come little one. I just wanted to join Tristan in his holy quest." Smiling he says "We shall destroy our enemies together!"

Looking around "Who was that voice I heard before I came in?"

Qui Fon quickly and quietly cast Orison to help everyone better remember the ghostly voices in case they don't repete.

Miranda smiles as she considers the power of recorded voices and looks arround at the group assembled for such a historic quest.

Brother Foto stands up and speaks "when were you going to ask me to join you? I am not a simple bottle of Healing. You have the fellow Cahus, the Brawynn wana be, the second comming of Hoffman and the cute ranger, you would think a servant of Flandal Steelskin would get a little respect, even if I sit back quietly and do my studies. There may not be any other gnomes arround here, but that does not make my God any less involved with what is going on arround here."

Shurkural leans back against the wall and crosses her arms across her chest. "I'm sure it wasn't intentional, sugar. He's just having to juggle a bunch of things he's not used to having to do, and all on short notice. I'm sure we'll all do just fine once we get going." She looks over at Indigo holding the stack of scrolls. "Anything you need me to do before we head out in the morning, honey? Any special gear or anything?"

“Well, of course! I mean … I assumed … I don’t think that! I’m sorry! Errr – Brother Foto, would you please come with us?” Indigo spluttered, his face turning a deep shade of red.

He paused for a moment and looked out at the group. “I’m afraid I’m not going to be very good at leading the group on this adventure. I run ahead in battle but that’s usually all the running ahead I do. Brother Foto, this temple sounds pretty on the scrolls, but I think it is all in ruins now. We are all really, really grateful for your healing powers, but I am also counting on your knowledge of underground places to keep us safe and help us navigate in case the rooms are all buried. You will be very important to this mission. Everyone will be! So, do you want to come?”

Indigo looked over at Shurkural gratefully. “Ummm … I don’t know. Branwyn said I could take the spyglass. I was hoping you could help me out with the map. I’m not very good at that and it sounded like we need to look for hills that look like rabbits and snakes! Can you bring your ranger tracking gear?” Indigo’s voice started to fade, as he clearly wasn’t sure what he was talking about. He held out the map imploringly. “I packed ropes and shovels.”

Shurkural moves away from the wall. "A spyglass? Oh, wow! Those are really expensive! Can I see it?" She stops suddenly and looks at the other people in the room. "I mean, sure, no problem, sugar. We'll get those rabbit and, uh, snake hills spied right out."

Brother Foto smiles. "Indigo, I would follow you anywhere. If we really get the chance to go underground, even better. I was really giving these two a hard time. I am at your service.

1/7 Miranda tries to chuckle."ok, now that the fat is cut off and the meat is basting, we need to find the right finishing touch. We cannot let anyone know we are on a mission for the Queen, certainly not that we are looking for the shie D at the forgotten temple or what have you. Can anyone tell me what's beyond that so we can come up with a good story. And do any of you have an issue lying for the Queen?

Shurkural looks at the group, with Indigo, Leatherus and herself, plus Miranda, Brother Foto and Qui-Fon (ooc: apologies if I missed anyone! It's early). "How 'bout a hunting party? We've got the people for it, don'tcha think?"

As Leatherus sat there listening to the others discuss their plans he couldn't help but reflect on the conversation he just had with his trusted friend Patron Tristan...

Entering the small chapel dedicated to Cahus in the church, Leatherus stood silently while observing Tristan deep in prayer. After waiting almost an hour he finally spoke up. "You summoned me Patron?"

Nodding Tristan stood up and said a few final prayers. "Thank you for coming so quickly Leatherus. The Church has requested I leave tomorrow morning on a holy quest to eliminate a blight on our blessed landscape, and I wanted to discuss some things with you before I leave."

Blinking Leatherus said "You leave? Don't you mean We leave Patron?"

Smiling Tristan said, "No brother, I did not misspeak. You will not be accompanying me on this task. I have another mission that needs your skills."

"But Patron... a holy quest! I am here to serve you and Cahus! You can't leave me behind!" Leatherus protested.

His smile turned to a stern frown, "You forget your place brother. You say you are here to serve Cahus, and I speak for him. Until you carry his symbol as my equal, it is not your place to question my authority in this matter. Cahus demands obedience from not only his priests, but also his warrior followers. You say you have come to me to seek redemption and you shall find it. But not today, and not on my holy mission. I need you to go with Indigo. He has been given a secret mission which I do not know the details. You will accompany him, watch over him, and make sure he succeeds. I wish for him to be a fully committed follower of Cahus, as you are, so he must succeed and know that you carry Cahus' blessing."

Smiling and softening his tone, Tristan said "He does not wear his piety as armor like you do my brother. He means well and is a fierce fighter but sometimes he gets himself into trouble. Ensure his success, fight with courage when needed, and you will honor Cahus in this task."

Though it hurt that Tristan would not be taking him, Leatherus nodded and bowed his head, "As you say Patron. I shall help Sir Indigo in his quest, or die trying."

Nodding Tristan said "See that you return to me. Your work here on this plane is not yet complete." Smiling Tristan put his hand on Leatherus' shoulder and said a few blessings.

"Now go brother, I believe you can find Indigo at the orchard house. I have been told he too is to leave immediately."

Clasping his fist to his chest in a form of salute, Leatherus turned and left the church in search of Sir Indigo.

Snapping back to the current conversations at hand

"I'm not good at reading maps but if those are mountains and not hills, I'm trained in leading parties through mountainous terrain. Like I said Indigo, I'm at your service, however I can help."

“Hunting is good. I wish it wasn’t called the Temple of the Shield. It makes it hard to ask about it, doesn’t it?” Indigo thought for a moment. “And I don’t think it’s really lying when you are on a secret mission. It’s all part of the secret otherwise it wouldn’t be secret. I don’t like the idea of people plotting to hurt Queen Wilamina. She and the Mosskins have helped us so much, it’s just not right.”

Indigo scrunched up his face trying to remember what the scrolls actually said. “I’m not sure whether or not we will have to cross any mountains or we will just see mountains. The lady said peaks that looked like a snake head on one side and then a … a formation that looked like rabbit ears looking at the snake? That would be a hill or a big boulder or something? And passing a lake to the north. But is it our north or her north? It is hard to say where the lake would be if we don’t know where the bird watching lady was coming from. Then, “ Indigo smiled happily as his memory started getting better. “There is a cave! The entrance had rocks around it that looked like eggs, and the opening looked like a bird’s beak. So we will be going underground!”

"Is one of these a map of the area?", Shurkural asks, looking at the pile of scrolls. "If I remember, she said .. um.. lake to the north. Snake head emerging to the west. And.. Rocks like bunny ears to the left. To the left?" She snorts. "Typical. North, West and left. I hope she left a sign showing which way was left at the time she recorded that."

Leatherus approaches Indigo and offers a very awkward bow, "Sir Indigo, I'm afraid Patron Tristan was consumed with his own mission and will not have time to wish you well but he did personally bless your endeavor and wished you luck. He didn't have many details to share because he said this mission was secret. Can you share any details with me so I can be sure I am prepared?"

“Thank you. I think we are going to need all the blessings we can get. I wish Tristan was coming with us, but I suppose he has important business too, I forget that you all weren’t there with the Queen. Only Ilero and Branwyn were there. It’s funny I guess that they aren’t going either.”

“We are looking for the shield of the great King Chandler Cowles. Enemies of the Queen are looking for it so they can try to use it against her and stop her from being Queen any more. So we need to find it before they do. And it’s supposed to be in these ruins the scrolls were talking about. Branwyn thinks that maybe you should help carry it back if we can disguise it. It could be a really big shield. She gave me paints and brushes.”